Uploaded by carlosestinos

GA Checklist

3D Model check list
Check Interface connection sizes (input flanges / Bulkheads) against Schematic.
Follow schematic and ensure components are in the correct sequence.
Check sizing of components against BOM and ensure tube size reducers are used
Check component dimensions against Data sheet, this maybe a case of ensuring overall dims
are correct and checking port sizing.
Ensure unit frame has a pair of Earth bosses.
Ensure drip tray has a slope to a common drain and no areas where a fluid can be trapped,
use mouseholes where needed to allow flow to drain point.
Valve handle swing needs to be considered, check ball valve locations in areas that could
possibly cause a “Handle clash”. Plot in using a 2D sketch the Diameter of the handle to
If applicable check the volume of the reservoir(s)
Check Motor / Pump dimensions.
Add model rep called ‘cad check’ followed by date. highlight components red, yellow green
Red= no data sheets at all
yellow = data sheet present, but still missing info (e.g, mount holes, weight)
Green = all is good
Run interference check in Inventor
Check tank volumes, measuring internal dims and total / useable volume with level gauge
Check junction box sizes
Cable entry to pts, sovs etc. Looks like about 228mm including cable gland and cable bend
Check bolted/added components can be physically installed, taking into consideration heat
shrinkage from welding and size increase from painting
Ensure floor grating has adequate support as to eliminate areas of excessive flex
Check design against client specification (if applicable). Read spec carefully and check against
points such as sizing, position of main components, colors for mimic etc.
Ensure all main components shown on 201 are present, and all components that require
mounting have been considered
Ensure all connection points shown on 201 are present
Has adequate thought been given to ease of manufacture? can large components be lifted
in, can bolts be accessed? Etc
Check to ensure there is no clash with doors in both open & closed positions
Grating – check unsupported areas. Greater than 1000mm will generate too much flexibility
and a support (e.g. PSC) will need to be added.
Gauge panels with doors. Doors with 3-point locking, will require striker plates for the lock
rollers to engage on. These may impede the fitting of the gauge panel. will the gauge panel
require notches?
Gauge panel sizes if engraved must not exceed TBC x TBC if greater, the panel will need to
be split
Label plate holes. Check all the label plates and decals on the 701 drawings are located on
the model and the holes match.