MWS-C02 C02 H40 32 2160 ?? Move the text for clarity. ?? MBH6, to include starter rebar QPS: Not acceptable. Please review. 1600 H40 QPS: SB12 needs need haunching. It may affect starter bars position. Pls review. C02 C02 SB12 25 QPS: Turntable slab rebar to be provided. 25 16H40 QPS: Turntable slab rebar to be provided. C02 H40 spacers QPS: Turntable slab rebar to be provided. C02 C02 C02 MBH6, to include starter rebar 1120 C02 Understand the pilecap detail is being submitted to BCA under ST302. To obtain NOA before work. 2000 QPS: Profile deviates from ST302. To comply with ST302 (or) seek RFA concurrence. QPS: Profile deviates from ST302. To comply with ST302 (or) seek RFA concurrence. MBH6 MBH6 225 for both link and legs? Understand the pilecap detail is being submitted to BCA under ST302. To obtain NOA before work. C02 C02 SBH1 SBH1 SBH1 SB10a C02 C02 ?? Side bar to be within 2/3H 1450 2/3H for side bar dimension to indicate 1335 2/3H for side bar dimension to indicate move Side bar to be within 2/3H ?? C02 C02 C02 C02 C02 C02 C02 C02 MBH6, to include starter rebar 1120 QPS: Not acceptable. Please review. C02 C02 25 QPS: Slab/Beam drop profile should be the same as GL-9. Pls review. 1450 C02 C02 QPS: 75mm drop is missing. Please review. (Refer GL-9) C02 QPS: Wrong TOB. C02 QPS: Wrong TOB. QPS: Wrong TOB. QPS: Wrong TOB. MBH6, to include starter rebar QPS: 75mm drop missing. Please reivew. QPS: 100mm drop missing. Please reivew. QPS: 50mm drop missing. Please reivew. 1450 SB10a ?? SB10 QPS: To provide one more section at this location. QPS: 75mm drop is missing. Please review. QPS: Wrong TOB. MBH6, to include starter rebar QPS: Not acceptable. Please review. QPS: 50mm drop missing. Please reivew. Understand the pilecap detail is being submitted to BCA under ST302. To obtain NOA before work. QPS: MBH6 beam's links should continue at this area. QPS: MBH6 beam's links should continue at this area. QPS: MBH6 beam's links should continue at this area. 1568 1225 QPS: MBV4C beam's links should continue at this area. 225 for both links and legs? QPS: Profile deviates from ST302. To comply with ST302 (or) seek RFA concurrence.