Uploaded by Adham Mohamed


Eid al-Fitr is a celebration that marks the end of Ramadan, our holy month of fasting. The day begins
with a heartfelt prayer at the mosque, where we gather in our best clothes, Our home is filled with
colorful decorations and thef traditional sweets like kahk and fetter. Family and friends come together to
exchange gifts and stories, creating memories which fill our hearts with warmth.
My friend is someone who always brings energy and laughter wherever they go. They have a strong
desire to explore new places and trying new things. Their room is a reflection of their vibrant
personality, filled with posters of their favorite bands and colorful rock collection .
My family ,each member adds their own flavor to our daily lives. Mom is the heart of our home, her
warmth is showed in every dish she prepares, especially her signature koshari .Dad is our storyteller, he
always tells us stories about his life and adventures in live which is really fun. My younger siblings, are
excited to meet anyone they're full of energy and love making new friends
I'm someone who loves exploring new ideas and cultures. My friends see me as reliable and
always ready for new experiences. My room is where creativity meets organization. filled with books
and souvenirs from my travels. A cozy reading seat by the window , and my desk is where ideas come to