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Calisthenics Training Principles for Endurance

2 - visualisation, projection,
3 - body Optimising body
4 - Period of strength - period
of form
5 - Balance your variats level
6 - The 3x (50% 80% 100%)
7 - Working with degressive
8 - Spam
9 - Partial reps
10 - EMOM
11 - Short combos (focus on
12 - Long combos (focus on
13 - 95% max to press / pushup
14 - THE xxx
14 - The xxxx
15 - rubber band weighted
Hi and welcome to this
ebook dedicated to skills
endurance growth.
In this content, I will
present to you various
training principles that
you can use at any level, to
get more
You can apply these
training principles to work
on your Planch as your
visualisation, projection,
All levels
Today everyone in Calisthenics talks
about visualization, but it is not the
adapted word, as if seeing something
would be enough to do it.
Visualizing means that you will see
something in your head before you do it.
If I visualize myself traveling from
France to Spain, I will just see it, there
is no feeling associated with this word.
The right word is PROJECTION, the goal is
to live, to feel, to identify the difficult
part of the movement and understand the
solution in advance, it is a great tool
to teach your body what he will have to
do, a necessary part of the process, to
do things you’ve never done.
visualisation, projection,
All levels
When it is about doing more of
something you already do, it is
different, even projecting yourself
doing it, could not be enough.
You need to relativize, what do I mean by
that ?
I mean that, to do something you need to
trust it to a point that you can feel that
you have it.
To feel it, it needs to be coherent, it has
to be possible, till your subconscious.
If a part of you can not trust it, you
have much less chances to achieve it.
visualisation, projection,
All levels
The best way to explain it to you is to
give you an example.
When I arrived at 121212, in my mind it was
impossible for the moment to go higher.
It was not coherent and i was not able
to trust that i can do more.
Adding more volume was impossible, it
was too hard, so I reduced the volume
and added intensity using the last
training principle of the document, the
rubber band weight.
I worked to get a 101010 with band
It was so hard that, after doing it, it
became much more coherent to reach a
131313 or a 141414 without weight, and I
began to feel able to.
Without surprise, I did my first 131313
visualisation, projection,
All levels
The way you will have to adapt will be
contextual, it will depend on the skills
you want to work, the reason that makes
you stuck, but to resume :
project yourself and try to live it in
If you can’t, find another way to make
your goal trustable, that will help you
to relativize, and tell yourself, if i can
do this, so i should be able to do this
too because somewhere, its relative and
pretty equivalent.
At the moment it will sound logical to
reach something, you will reach it.
Body optimisation
All levels
I should not have to mention this but in
calisthenics, too many people neglect
this essential aspect of being an athlete.
It can lead to incredible performance,
as to stagnation or even injuries /
You don’t realize how much it is
impacting your performance and even
your daily life.
To give you an example, in hoping that it
pushes you to take care of it, at 70 kg I
feel a lot heavy, and can produce 30%
less endurance than when I'm at 64/66
with a low body fat %.
An interesting fact is that, the last kgs
and % of body fat / water you can lose,
are the ones that are going to have the
biggest impact on your level.
Body optimisation
All levels
It is not a training principle, but it is
one of the most important things you
need to control if you want to be able to
express a maximum of strength and
you need to be as light as possible and
as healthy as possible.
To perform complex movements, you need
to feel good in your body.
You need to have a strong nervous
To do so, you should not care about
Macronutrients only, your organs,
nervous system, muscle functions, and
endocrine system depend much more on
Micronutrients that are vitamins and
Body optimisation
All levels
Eat your veggies, quality meat, eggs and
fish, it is better to eat less but higher
quality food with good nutrients, than a
lot of low quality food full of poisonous
You have to avoid processed & junk food,
avoid tap water that are full of toxic
substances, estrogen and/or endocrine
In the world of today it is much more about
: what to not eat than what to eat.
Intermittent fasting is a great way to
clean the body, in letting the digestive
system to clean himself and eliminate the
excess of fat/water we have in our body.
To learn everything you need about this
topic, here is a 50% discount code for my
Nutrition ebook. everything you have to
know is inside.
Period of strength - period of
All levels
The development of strength is a binary
process that requires you to get strength
and then learn to control this strength.
Beginners as professionals are following
the same process in a way that needs to be
adapted to their level.
For a beginners :
Let's take the example of someone able to
perform a bad form straddle for 3 seconds,
correcting the form with that little
amount of strength would not be a smart
move, he would be able to perform only 1
second of a form that would not be
Instead, strengthening this bad form
straddle to reach at least 7-8 seconds of
hold, and then taking a time to focus on
the clean form and reach 2-3 seconds of
clean form would be much smarter.
In this case, it will begin by a strength
period, 80% of the training will be
Period of strength - period of
All levels
At the same time, the beginner can work on
form with a rubber band at the end of the
training to learn the activation of planch,
but it will be a ‘background work’ (20% in
end of training).
At the moment this person reaches 7-8
seconds of bad form straddle planche,
then he will enter in a form period and will
do the opposite.
He will spend 80% of his training trying to
perform a better form straddle with
assistance mainly, and sometimes without.
During a form period, the strengthening
will become the background work: 20% of
strengthening after the form work to
maintain his level of strength.
Period of strength - period of
All levels
For advanced levels:
We will take as example a person with a 1-1-1
clean form in full planche.
At this point trying to go to 2-2-2 in
keeping the same form will be impossible
and could be dangerous because it is too
He will have to accept to lower the form to
make it easier and reach his first 2-2-2 or
even 3-2-2 in medium/bad form.
When he gets used to this new volume in
medium/bad form , he will be able to clean it
Remember this phrase : You can not perform
clean in feeling heavy.
Grow strength - get used - get clean
This principle applies to EVERY level till my
balance your variants level
All levels
We all have good and bad points, some
feel better in hold, others on pushups
, others on press.
Even after mastering every aspect of
planch, if you focus on a variant, it
can again create disbalances
between this variant and the others.
To get better and better you need to
switch your focus regularly and
logically from a variant to another.
Every time that you feel that a variant
becomes weaker than the others, it
means it's time to focus on it for a
balance your variants level
All levels
For a beginner : The first thing will be to
get a good hold, to get it you can work on
hold and press, both are a lot similar and
will impact each other.
At the same time you can work on the
planche pushup technique with a rubber
band to understand/assimilate the
position and the trajectory.
you should do it dynamically 50% time to
get brute strength, and in dead stop 50%
time to learn how to hold after a pushup
( generally pushup is the hardest in the
beginning ).
For intermediate and advanced levels, you
can do it in performing different combos,
each of them will focus on a variant and
include a little of the others, this way you
will be able to focus more on 1 variant in
keeping a background work on the others.
balance your variants level
All levels
One combo focusing on hold , example :
straddle hold - pushup to hold - press negative to hold - L sit - straddle hold.
One combo focusing on press , example :
straddle to press x 2 to hold - L sit - to
press - negative to pushup hold
One combo focusing on pushups, example :
straddle - push ups x 2 to hold - L sit - to
press - to negative to spam pushups - L sit try straddle hold
To conclude, if my press feels weak
compared to my push up and hold , I will do
more combos including presses.
It is pretty simple but people don’t do it.
Your bad point can become a good point if
you temporize intelligently.
In the beginning I was much better at press
than hold and pushups, today I'm pretty
balanced between all variants, and you can
the 3x (50% 80% 100%)
Beginner training principle
When you begin and have only a few
seconds of hold whatever is the form, you
can’t really reach the maximum effort in
only one planch try.
Instead, you can try to do 3 holds
The first time you will hold only 50% of
your maximum, then stop and breathe for 3
to 5 seconds.
The second you will stop to hold at 80%
before you feel you begin to fall, then
breathe for 5-7 seconds.
The third will be a real max holding at
This way, you have to take 3 times the
planche position and your body will
memorize it faster + you can reach your
real maximum effort.
Work with degressive form
medium to advanced training principle
Having a movement in clean form doesn’t
mean you should try to perform it perfectly
every time, it depends on the context.
In a context of demonstration, sure you
need to perform it clean, but, if you’re
training and aiming to progress that’s not
the solution.
In staying in good form, you’re staying at
maximum intensity, and you can’t reach
more volume at max intensity.
It would be similar to a powerlifter with a
1RM at 100 kg, trying directly to reach 2x
100kg, it's nonsense.
Work with degressive form
medium to advanced training principle
Instead he will reps multiple times a lower
weight, to finally reach 2x 100 kg. It is the
same for your bodyweight training.
If i have 1 press clean , trying to produce a
second press with the same quality of
execution would be too much, instead, you
should accept to produce a second and/or
even a third press, in lowering the quality
of execution along the ‘combo’, and then,
correct the second press , reach a third
bad form , to finally correct it again.
This principle applies to ‘variates’ combos
too, you will lower the quality of
execution along the combo to produce
more and more volume.
All levels
The only goal of spamming it is to grow
your brute strength.
Spam work is about one variant at a time
For a beginner, using legs to bounce
during your pushups, or using the jump
into planch to spam presses can help you
to produce a big amount of volume, and get
serious strength gains.
But be careful : don’t spam using the head,
don’t lose your shoulder position, and
don’t lose the engagement of shoulders,
neglect the form is not neglecting the
activation, you can spam but in engaging
the muscles the right way.
All levels
For more advanced levels, using legs
movements is not a good solution anymore.
It is better to simply work as much
dynamically as possible, because faster
you work, less you lose stamina, and more
you can produce volume.
( working fast make the control and the
good form much harder to maintain, but
allow you to save stamina , so don't try to
go super fast, and super clean at the same
time, or there is no benefice to do this.)
Let the body move as needed to reach the
max volume.
Be careful to not be doing too much spam,
do it only sometimes when you feel good ,
never do it on a tired day.
Partial reps
Beginner to advanced training
This way of training is efficient in two
situations : to get access to a new
movement, or to isolate the problematic
part of a movement, focus on it and get
Get access to a new movement : Let’s take
the negative full as example, you have the
negative straddle planche but can’t
perform a negative full for the moment.
In this situation you can simply focus on
the range of motion you can perform, then
repress before to fall, and do repetitions
of this range of motion to get
progressively more range.
Partial reps
Beginner to advanced training
It does apply to pushups and any other
movements, on push ups the problem is often
to hold after the pushup, so here the
solution will be to do short range
pushups, just to unblock the elbow, block
it again and hold shortly after.
To get endurance: You want to get better at
deep push ups but it is exhausting, you have
only 3 normal pushups and 1 deep that dont
Here the solution will be to get more
endurance with only half range (90
degrees), more you will get reps on this
range of motion, more it’s going to be easy
to reach more reps of deep pushups.
medium to advanced training
famous way of training meaning ‘Every
minute on the minute’.
Sometimes getting more reps in working on
combos, spam ( one shot effort ) is hard, so
this solution can be helpful.
you have to define the number of reps you
can do every minute during a chosen
number of minutes, it has to be your
maximum for this amount of time.
for example 3 straddle push ups to hold
every minute for 10 minutes.
Then, the game will be to become able to do
it for more minutes, here for example 15
At the moment you can finally do it for 15
minutes, you can begin to try 4 reps to hold
for 10 minutes, and then go again
progressively to 15 minutes.
If you want this training principle to be
efficient, it needs to go to failure.
Tips: don’t do it too many times in the week,
with complex body weight movement as
planch, it can be nervously exhausting.
The short combos
(focus technique)
Medium to advanced training
Transitions are an important part of
Calisthenics performance, they are often
harder than the movement itself.
Short combos are a great solution to work
on your transitions to make it smoother.
Smoother it will become, less you will have
to spend strength to do it, more you will
save stamina to perform the rest of the
Yes, with the same amount of brute
strength, you can express much or less
strength, depending on your level of
Saving strength is gaining strength.
Let’s take the pushup to press as example,
this transition is often a lot problematic,
so an example of short combo to assimilate
it faster would be:
Full hold - push up - press - negative
simply to focus on this transition and
make it smoother.
The long combos
(focus endurance)
Medium to advanced training
To make an efficient long combination, you
need to follow three logical points .
1st you will present the skill in a
degressive way ( full straddle adv tuck)
2nd you will switch the muscle group
along the combination to take time to
breath, rest and then make the combo
longer. ( with an L sit for example)
3rd: the form will be degressive too, if you
try to perform everything perfectly, so you
stay at max intensity, you can not get more
In following these 3 indications, you can
perform long combinations that will help
you to get big endurance gains.
The 95% max to press / pushup
Medium to advanced training
As the name of this training principle is
saying, here the game will be to do a max
hold, and execute a press + negative or a
pushup to hold, before to fall.
To do so, you will be obliged to keep the
right trajectory of work, and a maximum
of height.
To make this training principle efficient
you need to identify your max hold before
executing your push up or press, then each
training you will try to add a second to
your previous max to X.
the xxx
advanced to pro training principle
The xxx is the best training principle you
can use to get more endurance, it's
certainly the best training principle I
It is THE training principle i used mainly
for the past year to go from 555 in my
beginnings to 131313 / 101010 weighted with
band and 8888 (on xxxx).
This training principle will bring you to
the best level you can possibly reach for 3
First : This training principle will never
lead to stagnation due to bodily
habituation because, anytime the evolution
is slowing down, you can modify and adapt
it to your needs, to keep doing it in a
different and efficient way.
Second: you can work on every main
variant of the movement at the same time
and constantly balance your level between
these variants.
the xxx
advanced to pro training principle
Third : The xxx is a never ending game that
is so stimulating and challenging, you will
never get bored, I didn't find the end of the
game in many years, and it will be the same
for you if you apply the following
indications correctly.
To make it efficient you need to follow the
advice I gave you previously.
You need to get access to a certain amount
of volume before you clean it, and then go
one step higher in bad form to clean it
But this training principle goes much
deeper than volume form only volume form.
there is a lot of different sens to do
an xxx :
push press hold
push hold press
hold press push
hold push press
press push hold
press hold push
the xxx
advanced to pro training principle
Now, why would you do a version and not
another ? Why is the use of each version
contextual and answer to a special need ?
It is pretty logic but, if your xxx is
balanced : for example 444
The first 4 will be the easiest so it will be
the variant that is the hardest for you .
The second 4 will be harder so it will be the
variant that is feeling ~ ok.
The last 4 will be the hardest so it will be
the variant that feels easier than the
This way you can work equivalently on
each variant, even if there is the same
number of reps on each one because you do
it with a different level of tiredness.
the xxx
advanced to pro training principle
That’s not the only way to work on your
You can work on your xxx in an unbalanced
way to focus more on a variant and
increase its level in keeping a background
work on others.
Let’s take someone with a 555 with
difficulties on hold, this person can try to
do a 9/10 - 3 3 hold push press to focus on
hold and make his 555 easier or cleaner.
You can do it 1 to 3 time in the training,
with big rest in between ( 7- 10 min ).
the xxxx
advanced+ to pro+ training
The XXXX is complementary to the xxx and
follows exactly the same logic as the xxx.
It should be used after reaching minimum
555 to keep a sufficient amount of volume
after the first x reps.
The first x can be a handstand pushup, a
wide planche, a Maltese or even a one arm
The idea here is to introduce another
movement, relative to the xxx coming after.
This first movement will be here to create
tiredness, before trying to get your usual
To progress, you can manage the duration
of the pause between the first x and the xxx
For example , someone with a 555 feel stuck ,
he will begin with a 1 press maltese + 555
with 20 s pause between.
the xxxx
advanced+ to pro+ training
After he gets used to this, he will do a 1 555
with 10 second pause.
then he will try 2 press maltese + 555 with
20s pause again, and try to reduce the
pause to 10s pause again.
after reaching the 2 555 with 10 second
pause, this person should be able to go up
to 666 or even 777 bad form.
You can do it 1 to 3 time in the training,
with big rest in between (7- 10 min).
rubber band weighted
advanced to pro training principle
This way of training is as hard as helpful,
it will grow your endurance and your
control because of the rubber band,
making your movement harder and less
To get 100% of the benefits of this type of
training, you have to use the right band, to
make it more intensive IN KEEPING a
sufficient volume of work. ( at least 50% of
your normal max)
For an advanced level 5 kg will already be
a lot harder.
For a pro, 15 kg will be the maximum, a 25kg
band will be too heavy, it will not let you
express enough endurance, and could be
risky because of the too high intensity.
You can do it 1 to 3 time in the training,
with big rest in between (7- 10 min).
Follow the pictures to set it up right.