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HEC Degree Attestation & Equivalence Web Portal User Manual

Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Eligibilities for DAS ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Eligibilities for DES ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Eligibilities for DESF ...................................................................................................................................... 4
FAQs .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Sign Up .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Sign In ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Forgot Password ......................................................................................................................................... 11
DAS Dashboard ........................................................................................................................................... 15
DES Dashboard ........................................................................................................................................... 18
DESF Dashboard ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Quick Panel ................................................................................................................................................. 25
Browser Help Library .............................................................................................................................. 26
Contact Info ............................................................................................................................................ 27
Download Resources .............................................................................................................................. 28
My Profile ................................................................................................................................................... 29
Change Password ................................................................................................................................... 30
Change Email .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Change Phone Number .......................................................................................................................... 32
Degree Attestation Application ................................................................................................................. 33
Instructions ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Personal Details ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Detail of Degree(s) ................................................................................................................................. 36
Add Education ..................................................................................................................................... 37
Attestation Details ................................................................................................................................. 41
Selecting Mode of Attestation ............................................................................................................ 41
Document Counts Which Needs to Be Attested ................................................................................. 43
Attestation of Duplicate Degree ......................................................................................................... 44
Legacy User (Degree Attested before 29 May 2017) .......................................................................... 45
New Attestation .................................................................................................................................. 46
Document Upload .................................................................................................................................. 47
Verify Details .......................................................................................................................................... 48
Cancel Application .................................................................................................................................. 49
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
FAQs (after submission) ......................................................................................................................... 50
User Tasks ............................................................................................................................................... 51
Revision Requested ............................................................................................................................. 51
Upload Courier Receipt ....................................................................................................................... 53
Application Scheduling/Re-scheduling ............................................................................................... 55
Upload Additional Documents ............................................................................................................ 60
Degree Equivalence Application ................................................................................................................ 61
Instructions ............................................................................................................................................. 61
Personal Details ...................................................................................................................................... 62
Detail of Degree(s) ................................................................................................................................. 64
Criteria for Adding Education.............................................................................................................. 65
Add Education ..................................................................................................................................... 66
Legacy User (Degree Attested before 29 May 2017) .......................................................................... 68
Equivalence Details ................................................................................................................................ 71
Equivalence Form................................................................................................................................ 71
Document Upload .................................................................................................................................. 72
Verify Details .......................................................................................................................................... 74
Cancel Application .................................................................................................................................. 75
FAQs (after submission) ......................................................................................................................... 77
User Tasks ............................................................................................................................................... 78
Revision Requested ............................................................................................................................. 78
Payment Confirmation ........................................................................................................................ 79
Foreign Degree Equivalence Application ................................................................................................... 83
Instructions ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Personal Details ...................................................................................................................................... 84
Detail of Degree(s) ................................................................................................................................. 85
Add Education ..................................................................................................................................... 86
Equivalence Details ................................................................................................................................ 88
Equivalence Form................................................................................................................................ 88
Document Upload .................................................................................................................................. 89
Verify Details .......................................................................................................................................... 91
Cancel Application .................................................................................................................................. 93
FAQs (after submission) ......................................................................................................................... 94
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
User Tasks ............................................................................................................................................... 95
Revision Requested ............................................................................................................................. 95
Payment Confirmation ........................................................................................................................ 97
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Eligibilities for DAS
1. Personal Details, Contact and Educational Details should be filled to access the DEGREE
2. Primary Nationality (Passport or CNIC) is mandatory for accessing the form.
3. Applicant cannot submit multiple DEGREE ATTESTATION SERVICE applications at a time.
4. Applicant can attest multiple educations at a time in a single DEGREE ATTESTATION SERVICE
5. Applicant cannot get following qualifications attested
Degrees awarded by foreign universities/Degree awarding institutes
Post Doctorate
Eligibilities for DES
1. Personal Details, Contact and Educational Details should be filled to access the DEGREE
2. Primary Nationality (Passport or CNIC) is mandatory for accessing the form.
3. Applicant cannot submit multiple DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE applications at a time.
4. Applicant can verified multiple educations at a time in a single DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE
5. Applicant cannot get following qualifications verified
i. Degrees awarded by foreign universities/Degree awarding institutes
ii. Post Doctorate
iii. SSC
iv. HSC
Eligibilities for DESF
1. Personal Details, Contact and Educational Details should be filled to access the FOREIGN DEGREE
2. Primary Nationality (Passport or CNIC) is mandatory for accessing the form.
3. Applicant cannot submit multiple FOREIGN DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE applications at a
4. Applicant can verified multiple educations at a time in a single FOREIGN DEGREE EQUIVALENCE
SERVICE application.
5. Applicant cannot get following qualifications verified
i. Degrees awarded by Pakistani universities/Degree awarding institutes
ii. Post Doctorate
iii. SSC
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iv. HSC
1. If you don’t get a message on your cell number, please do the following in the exact order.
a. Please make sure that promotional messages are not blocked for your cell carrier
b. Please wait for 5-7 minutes
c. If you are using an international number, please try to use a local number (only if you
face an issue on international number)
d. If, after following all the above mentioned steps, you are still not getting the verification
message, please register a complaint at https://onlinehelp.hec.gov.pk/
2. If you don’t get a verification email on your provided email address, please do the following in
the exact order.
a. Please make sure you are connected to the internet.
b. Please wait for 5-7 minutes.
c. Check the spam/junk folder of your email.
d. If, after following all the above mentioned steps, you are still not getting the verification
message, please register a complaint at https://onlinehelp.hec.gov.pk/
3. If you are getting Service Maintenance Page
a. This happens when a deployment is taking place on Eservices portal. If you are already
logged in you may experience an error. If you are continuously getting the maintenance
page message, please clear your browser cache or change your browser.
Sign Up
1. Access the Eservices portal through eservice.hec.gov.pk
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2. If you’re not registered on the portal with your CNIC/POC/Passport, click Sign Up to register
yourself first
3. In case you’re already registered, please enter your CNIC/POC/Passport and click Sign In button
to sign in to the portal
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4. Click on the Sign Up button to open the registration form.
a. Enter valid details according to the instructions given on the sign up form and click Submit
button after all fields have been filled
First Name
Last Name
Nationality - Overseas and dual national Pakistanis must select "Pakistan" as their
Country of Nationality, otherwise select any other country.
Passport Number - For those users only who entered country other than Pakistan as
their Nationality.
CNIC Type: CNIC/POC - Users who have entered Pakistan as their Nationality, must
enter this.
Password - Enter password of your choice but it should be at least 8 characters long,
alphanumeric and contain at least one capital.
Confirm Password – Same as password entered
Primary Cell Phone Number - Carefully enter this, as you will receive all updates and
alerts regarding your application on this number.
Primary Email - Carefully enter this, as you will receive all updates and alerts
regarding your application on this email.
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5. On successful submission of the
details, you will receive the
verification code on your primary
6. Enter verification code you
received, on Verify your Email
7. Check the captcha ‘I’m not
8. On checking the captcha, you
will be asked to check the correct
pictures according to the question.
9. Select the correct pictures and the click on the Verify button.
10. On successful verification of captcha, green tick will be appear on this field.
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11. Click on the Verify button and verify your email.
12. On successful verification of your email ID, your account will be registered.
13. Using the resend code button, you can also resend the code after 1 minute of time span, in case
you have not received it in the first attempt.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Sign In
1. In order to Sign in to the Eservices portal, enter your valid user ID i.e. your Passport Number or
CNIC/POC against which you have created your account through the registration process
2. Click on the Sign In button on Login page.
3. If account is valid and exists against the entered CNIC/POC or Passport, you will be asked to enter
password and login into the account.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Forgot Password
1. If you have forgotten your account password, click on Forgot Password button on the login
2. Choose one of the given options to recover your account password. Phone, CNIC or Email.
a. Phone
 On selecting Phone, you will be asked to enter your registered Mobile Number
 Click on Get Verification Code button to receive SMS/Email on your registered
mobile number/email address
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 Enter the received code and your new password and
click Update Password button to update your password.
 Using the Resend Code button, you can also resend the
code after 1 minute of time span, in case you have not
received it in the first attempt.
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 On selecting CNIC, you will be asked to enter your registered CNIC number
 Click on Get Verification Code button to receive SMS/Email on your registered
mobile number/email address
 Enter the received code and your new password and click Update Password button
to update your password
 Using the Resend Code button, you can also resend the code after 1 minute of time
span, in case you have not received it in the first attempt.
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 On selecting Email, you will be asked to enter your registered Email Address.
 Click on Get Verification Code button to receive SMS/Email on your registered
mobile number/email address
 Enter the received code and your new password and click Update Password button
to update your password
 Using the Resend Code button, you can also resend the code after 1 minute of time
span, in case you have not received it in the first attempt.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
DAS Dashboard
1. On successful login attempt, you will land on the dashboard.
a. Announcements: In this section, you will stay updated with the latest announcements
by HEC.
b. My Applications: From here you can view and edit your application. Also, you can check
the status of your applications and download the documents of your application
 View/Edit an application: To view/edit the submitted application, click on the
View/Edit button in the My Applications section on dashboard.
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Download an Application: To print the submitted application, click on the Download
button in the My Applications section on dashboard.
c. Tasks Assigned to You: Any tasks assigned to you will always appear in this section. You
can access these tasks from here. For your submitted DEGREE ATTESTATION SERVICE
application, you might receive any of the following below-mentioned tasks, depending
on the status of your application.
Revision Requested
ii. Application Scheduling/Application Re-scheduling
iii. Upload Courier
iv. Upload Additional Documents
v. Application Feedback
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d. Profile Strength: Here you can see the incomplete and complete sections of your
profile. Also, there is a button to update your profile, by clicking on it, you will be
redirected to your profile section.
e. Notifications: On clicking this icon, you will see the following sections.
 Alerts: This sections updates you regarding the progress of your DEGREE
 Tasks: This section will notify you regarding the tasks you have in ‘Assigned to
Me’ section.
 Logs: Any update made in your common profile section, will appear here
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DES Dashboard
2. On successful login attempt, you will land on the dashboard.
a. Announcements: In this section, you will stay updated with the latest announcements
by HEC.
b. My Applications: From here you can view and edit your application. Also, you can check
the status of your applications and download the documents of your application
 View/Edit an application: To view/edit the submitted application, click on the
View/Edit button in the My Applications section on dashboard.
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Download Challan: To print the Challan Form, click on the Download button in the
My Applications section on dashboard.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
c. Tasks Assigned to Me: Any tasks assigned to you will always appear in this section. You
can access these tasks from here. For your submitted DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE
application, you might receive any of the following below-mentioned tasks, depending
on the status of your application.
vi. Payment Verification
vii. Revision Requested
d. Profile Strength: Here you can see the incomplete and complete sections of your
profile. Also, there is a button to update your profile, by clicking on it, you will be
redirected to your profile section.
e. Notifications: On clicking this icon, you will see the following sections.
 Alerts: This sections updates you regarding the progress of your DEGREE
 Tasks: This section will notify you regarding the tasks you have in ‘Assigned to
Me’ section.
 Logs: Any update made in your common profile section, will appear here
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DESF Dashboard
3. On successful login attempt, you will land on the dashboard.
a. Announcements: In this section, you will stay updated with the latest announcements
by HEC.
b. My Applications: From here you can view and edit your application. Also, you can check
the status of your applications and download the documents of your application
 View/Edit an application: To view/edit the submitted application, click on the
View/Edit button in the My Applications section on dashboard.
 Download Challan: To print the Challan Form, click on the Download button in the
My Applications section on dashboard.
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c. Tasks Assigned to Me: Any tasks assigned to you will always appear in this section. You
can access these tasks from here. For your submitted FOREIGN DEGREE EQUIVALENCE
SERVICE application, you might receive any of the following below-mentioned tasks,
depending on the status of your application.
viii. Payment Verification
ix. Revision Requested
d. Profile Strength: Here you can see the incomplete and complete sections of your
profile. Also, there is a button to update your profile, by clicking on it, you will be
redirected to your profile section.
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e. Notifications: On clicking this icon, you will see the following sections.
 Alerts: This section updates you regarding the progress of your Foreign DEGREE
 Tasks: This section will notify you regarding the tasks you have in ‘Assigned to
Me’ section.
Logs: Any update made in your common profile section, will appear here
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Quick Panel
1. Click on Quick Panel icon to open up to quick panel
2. Quick Panel is used to provide you quick help guides for ease
3. Quick Panel consists of 3 sections:
a. Browser Help Library
b. Contact Info
c. Download Resources
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Browser Help Library
1. Browser Help Library consists of frequent applicant queries that most of the applicants come
across when they visit the Eservices Portal for submission of different applications
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Contact Info
1. Contact Info consists of Contact Info for 5 of HEC Regional Centers with their address, phone
and email details
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Download Resources
1. Download Resources consists of User Manuals for each individual section of Eservices Portal
2. You can download the section respective manuals to help you out
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
My Profile
1. When applicant signs in to the Eservices portal, dashboard is displayed
2. If the applicant wishes to fill up his profile section, he/she can click on their name on top right
3. A popup will appear where they will have two options, My Profile and Logout
4. To fill up your profile, click My Profile button
5. Profile page will be displayed to the applicant
6. The profile page consists of:
a. Personal Information
b. Address Information
c. Education Details
d. Change Password
e. Change Email
f. Change Phone Number
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Change Password
1. If you wish to change your password, select the Change Password option
2. Enter your Current Password and the New Password you wish to change to
3. Click on Change Password button to update your password
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Change Email
1. If you wish to change your current email address to a different one, select the Change Email
2. Enter the new email address and click Change Email button (the new email address should not
be registered previously on EServices Portal)
3. A verification code will be sent to your entered email address
4. Enter the verification code and click on Verify Code button to change your email address
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Change Phone Number
1. If you wish to change your mobile number to a different one, select the Change Phone Number
2. Enter the new phone number and click Change Phone button (the new phone number should
not be registered previously on EServices Portal)
3. A verification code will be sent to your entered phone number
4. Enter the verification code and click on Verify Code button to change your phone number
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Degree Attestation Application
To access the DEGREE ATTESTATION application, click on the Degree Attestation Application
form icon in the left panel.
On opening the Degree Attestation SERVICE application form, you will see the set of instructions
by HEC.
Read the instruction carefully,
Click on the undertaking below and click on the PROCEED button.
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Personal Details
This section includes mandatory personal information required to submit the DEGREE ATTESTATION
SERVICE application. Carefully enter the valid data in the following mandatory fields in the Personal Info
and Contact Info section.
Enter data for the following fields in Personal Info section
a. Profile Picture - Upload any formal picture if yours. It should not exceed the size limit of
15MB. Also, only PNG, JPG are allowed picture formats.
b. Title - Select the appropriate title from the given dropdown values.
c. First Name - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
d. Last Name - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
e. Gender
f. Marital Status
g. Date of Birth - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
h. Father Name
Contact Info
a. Enter relevant data for Mailing Address
i. Address
ii. Country
iii. City
iv. District
v. Postal Code
Nationality Info
a. If you have registered yourself with CNIC/Passport, then your CNIC/Passport will be
displayed here already in read-only form
Click Next Step button to proceed to Detail of Degree(s) tab
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Detail of Degree(s)
In order to add a degree you want to get attested, click on Add Details of Degree button
Education details section will open up where you can add details of your educational degree
The Education Details is divided in 3 sections:
a. Qualification Details
b. Degree/Certificate Awarding Institute Details
c. Degree/Certificate Details
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Add Education
Qualification Details
i. Select the Qualification Level of your Degree you want to get attested
ii. Choose if it’s Incomplete Education or if you are Currently Enrolled
iii. Select the Start Date and End Date of your degree
iv. Enter your Name on Degree that will be printed by your University
v. After adding all the data, click Next button to move to Degree/Certificate Awarding
Institute Details section
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Degree/Certificate Awarding Institute Details
i. In case of Pakistani Education, select the Country and Degree Awarding Institute
from the list
ii. Select your degree’s Program Title and University Name on Degree from the list
iii. Select the Campus and Department of your university
iv. Select the Degree Type and Session Type from the list
v. Enter Area of Research in case of Masters or PhD qualification
vi. After adding all the data, click Next button to move to Degree/Certificate Details
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Degree/Certificate Details
i. Enter your university Registration/Roll Number
ii. Click Add Education button to successfully add your education details and proceed
with Degree Attestation
After adding the education details, click on the Check Box besides the Degree you want to get
If you wish to view your Education Details, click on the View button
If you wish to edit your Education Details, click on the Edit button
If you wish to delete your Education Details, click on the Delete button
Click on the Next Step button to proceed to Attestation Details tab
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Before the Attestation Details tab is displayed, user will be displayed a questionnaire which he
needs to carefully answer in order to move to Attestation Details tab.
Following questions will be asked from the applicant which he needs to answer as YES otherwise
applicant will not be allowed to proceed:
a. Is your name, father’s name including date of birth on your CNIC and your educational
documents same?
b. Are all information including name, father’s name, degree title, registration number,
marks, etc. same on your degree and your transcripts?
c. In case your Transcript/Marks Sheet is not issued by the Examination office of
university/Degree Awarding Institute (DAI) rather it has been issued by any affiliated
college/institute/department, then whether your transcript has been countersigned by
Controller of Examination of the awarding University/DAI?
d. Please confirm there is no erasing /misprint or any unreadable alphabet/word on your
degrees or transcripts?
e. Do you have your valid original CNIC or Passport (for foreigner only) and original degrees
along with transcripts to be presented at time of attestation?
After answering the last question, click Submit button to move to Attestation Details tab
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Attestation Details
Selecting Mode of Attestation
1. Applicant will be asked first to select the Mode of Attestation of his application
2. There three types of modes of attestation which applicant can select from:
a. Attestation Through Courier
i. If you select ‘Attestation through Courier as the mode of attestation, you also
need to specify whether you are applying from Inside Pakistan or Outside
ii. If you are applying from Inside Pakistan, then select the district from where you
will be applying. On the basis of district selection, regional center will be
selected automatically by the system.
iii. If you are applying from outside the Pakistan then the regional center will only
be ‘Islamabad’.
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b. Normal
i. If you select Normal mode of attestation, you will be asked to select your
desired Regional Center from the dropdown Where You Want To Get
ii. You will have to visit the selected Regional Center to submit your hardcopies
and get the degree attested
iii. There is not extra fees for Normal Attestation except the fee for the documents
you need to get attested
c. Urgent
i. If you select Urgent mode of attestation, you will be asked to select your
desired Regional Center from the dropdown Where You Want To Get
ii. You will have to visit the selected Regional Center to submit your hardcopies
and get the degree attested
iii. Rupees 5000 are charged extra for Urgent Attestation apart from the fee for
the documents you need to get attested
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Document Counts Which Needs to Be Attested
1. You will see your selected educational details in Selected Documents Which You Want to Attest
2. Carefully select the document count against each document type that you want to get attested
3. Click on the arrow buttons in the document count fields to increase the document count.
4. For attestation of original document, fee is 1000 Rs.
5. For attestation of photocopy document, fee is 700 Rs.
6. You will need to pay the Total Amount mentioned below at the HEC regional center when you
visit for Degree Attestation.
a. In case of Normal Attestation, the total amount you have to pay would be 2700
b. In case of Urgent Attestation, the total amount you have to pay would be 7700 (5000
Rs. Urgent Attestation fee)
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Attestation of Duplicate Degree
If the original degree is already attested (after March 2009) then applicant can only select
original degree again in case of issuance of duplicate or revised degree. Applicant should put 1 in
the original degree document count
He must identify the case as duplicate attestation by selecting YES at the end of document count
section, otherwise he would not be able to re-attest the original degree.
If applicant do not select YES in the duplication attestation, he will not be able to proceed
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Legacy User (Degree Attested before 29 May 2017)
If candidate got his original degree attested from HEC between April 2009 to 29th May 2017’ he
can get his other documents attested through the online web portal by selecting YES in the
check Detail of Degree if Already Attested
Applicant should provide his original degree stamp number below and click Validate Stamp
If the stamp number is valid he can get any document attested except the original degree and if
it is invalid, then applicant would not be able to proceed. In this case applicant may register
complaint at onlinehelp.gov.pk by attaching copies of attested degree(s)
For attesting the original degree in the legacy case, applicant can follow the same procedure
written in Duplicate Degree case above.
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New Attestation
1. New Attestation (Degrees awarded by Pakistani Universities /DAIs)
 For the applicants who are submitting their DEGREE ATTESTATION SERVICE application for
the first time, following cases are applicable to them.
a. Complete Degree
i. Applicant cannot enter any photocopy count (greater than zero) if the relevant
original document count is zero.
ii. Applicant can enter the original equivalence count (greater than zero) only
when original degree count is greater than zero.
iii. Only original provisional certificate and original transcript can be attested with
zero original degree count. In both these case, the degree will be called as
partially attested
b. Incomplete or Currently Enrolled Degree
i. Applicant can only attest transcript in this case.
ii. Applicant cannot enter the photocopy count (greater than zero) if the relevant
original document count is zero.
2. New Attestation (For Foreign Education)
 Applicant cannot enter the photocopy count (greater than zero) if the equivalence original
document count is zero.
3. Already Attested Document
 If any original document is already attested then following cases will be followed.
a. If the original degree is already attested, applicant can get any other original or
photocopy document attested.
b. If degree is already partially attested then applicant can get the provisional certificate or
transcript photocopy/original attested.
c. If the applicant wishes to get his Equivalence Photocopy attested, he should have his
Original Degree Certificate attested
d. For foreign education case, applicant can get the photocopies of equivalence document
attested if the original is already attested.
e. If degree original document is already attested and applicant now wishes to get his
degree photocopy document attested, applicant will no longer have to undergo scrutiny
of his documents again and he can right away schedule an appointment for documents
attestation after submitting his applicaiton.
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Document Upload
1. You will have to upload mandatory documents in the Personal and Educational Documents
2. Documents marked with a red cross means they are not uploaded yet. After uploading the
documents, the red cross with turn into a green tick mark against the uploaded document
3. Carefully upload the correct documents as discrepancy in the original scanned documents can
cause rejection or revision of your application.
After uploading the documents successfully, the grid will look like below
To delete any document, click on the red Trash Bin icon
To view your uploaded document, click on Eye icon
After uploading all mandatory documents, click Next Step button to move to Verify Details tab
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Verify Details
1. Verify Details screen will allow you to verify the data you have entered in the previous tabs
which includes your selected Mode of Attestation, Regional Center, CNC, your Education and it
will also allow you to verify your Personal Profile data against the valid data of your CNIC
2. You need to verify the complete data shown on screen and check the undertaking statement
written in the end. After verifying the details completely, click Submit button to submit your
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Cancel Application
1. If you want to cancel your application after submission:
 Just go to the dashboard and open the application using the View/Edit button.
 Once the application is opened, you will see the Cancel Application button on the top
right of the screen.
 Click the button to cancel your application.
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FAQs (after submission)
1. Once the DEGREE ATTESTATION SERVICE application has been submitted/verified/partially
attested, the education is locked so that applicant cannot make any further changes in the
2. In this mode, applicant cannot delete the education for which he has requested the degree
3. Once the education is verified/partially attested, applicant cannot edit his first name, last name,
gender and the date of birth.
4. In case of submission through courier, applicant submits his document attestation total fees by
sending it along with the original documents through courier to HEC.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
User Tasks
Revision Requested
1. After submitting your DEGREE ATTESTATION SERVICE application, if any discrepancy is found by
HEC, your application will be sent back to you for revision.
2. Check ‘Tasks Assigned to You’ section for the revision requested task and click on the View Task
Details button.
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3. In this task, you will see Revision Requested tag and View Comments button at the top right.
You can see comments from the HEC by clicking on this button.
4. Update the data in the revision requested form similarly as you filled in the details in the
DEGREE ATTESTATION SERVICE application form while submitting the application.
5. After carefully updating the data according to the HEC comments, submit the revision requested
form similarly as you submitted the DEGREE ATTESTATION SERVICE application form.
6. Once this task is submitted successfully, it cannot be edited or resubmitted again.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Upload Courier Receipt
1. Upload Receipt Task will only be displayed when application is submitted with mode of
attestation as Attestation Through Courier
2. This task will appear in your Task Assigned to You section
3. Once the task appears, click on the Task Details button to open it.
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4. Once the task is opened, enter the courier number provided by the courier company, select the
courier company from dropdown and courier date.
5. Upload the courier receipt by clicking on Browse for File button. You can also drag and drop the
desired document/picture in this upload area.
6. Once the details are successfully entered, click on the Submit button to submit the task. Once
this task is submitted successfully, it cannot be edited or resubmitted again.
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Application Scheduling/Re-scheduling
1. Application Scheduling task will only appear when the application is submitted with Mode of
Attestation as Normal or Urgent
2. You will see the scheduling task in the Tasks Assigned to You section. Open this task by clicking
on the View Task Details button.
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3. In this task, first of all select the mode of attestation from the dropdown.
 On selecting Self Submission, you will have to visit the regional center along with your
 On selecting Apply Through Authorized Person option, any person of your choice will take
your documents to the regional center. You will be required to enter the following details of
that person.
Identification Type: CNIC/Passport
CNIC/Passport Number
Cell Phone
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4. To schedule the appointment, click on the desired date from the available choices of dates and
then click on the available timeslot of your choice.
 If a day is available, it will be shown as green on the calendar
 If a day is already booked, it will be shown as red on the calendar
 If a day is a holiday, it will be shown as yellow on the calendar
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5. After selecting the timeslot click on the Submit button to schedule your appointment on your
chosen date and timeslot
6. Once you have submitted your appointment, you can still change it before the actual
appointment date has arrived.
7. In this case, you just have to open the re-scheduling appointment task in the Tasks Assigned to
You section, right after submitting the appointment using the scheduling task.
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8. After opening the rescheduling task, click on the Edit Appointment button to edit it. Rest of the
procedure to submit the new appointment is same as the scheduling process mentioned above.
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Upload Additional Documents
1. Upload Additional Documents task will appear in Tasks Assigned To You section if you are
requested to upload some additional documents by HEC.
2. Open this task and see the comments written by HEC, right at the top of the screen and upload
the documents accordingly.
3. Click on the document type to select the documents requested then click on Browser for File
button to upload the document.
4. After completing the task, click on the Submit button. Once this task is submitted successfully, it
cannot be edited or resubmitted again.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Degree Equivalence Application
To access the DEGREE EQUIVALENCE application, click on the Degree Equivalence Application
form icon in the left panel.
On opening the Degree Equivalence SERVICE application form, you will see the set of
instructions by HEC.
Read the instruction carefully,
Click on the undertaking below and click on the PROCEED button.
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Personal Details
This section includes mandatory personal information required to submit the DEGREE EQUIVALENCE
SERVICE application. Carefully enter the valid data in the following mandatory fields in the Personal Info
and Contact Info section.
Enter data for the following fields in Personal Info section
a. Profile Picture - Upload any formal picture if yours. It should not exceed the size limit of
15MB. Also, only PNG, JPG are allowed picture formats.
b. Title - Select the appropriate title from the given dropdown values.
c. First Name - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
d. Last Name - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
e. Gender
f. Marital Status
g. Date of Birth - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
h. Father Name
Contact Info
a. Enter relevant data for Mailing Address
i. Address
ii. Country
iii. City
iv. District
v. Postal Code
Nationality Info
a. If you have registered yourself with CNIC/Passport, then your CNIC/Passport will be
displayed here already in read-only form
Click Next Step button to proceed to Detail of Degree(s) tab
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Detail of Degree(s)
In Detail of Degree(s), user will see all verified educations that are already attested via Degree
Attestation Service
After selecting Education which user wants to verify, user will see an Education history tab in
which user will add further Education correspondingly
If user wants to add an Education, it can also be added going through Common Profile
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Criteria for Adding Education
1. For PGD Degree, Bachelor (14 Years) Degree is required
2. For Doctorate Degree, M-Phil (18 Years) Degree or Master/ MS (18 Years) Degree is required
3. For MS leading to PhD Degree, Bachelor (16 Years) Degree or Master (16 Years) Degree is
4. For M-Phil (18 Years) Degree, Bachelor (16 Years) Degree or Master (16 Years) Degree is
5. For Master/ MS (18 Years) Degree, Bachelor (16 Years) Degree or Master (16 Years) Degree is
6. For Master/ MS (17 Years) Degree, Bachelor (16 Years) Degree or Bachelor (15 Years) Degree is
7. For Master/ MS (16 Years) Degree, Bachelor (14 Years) Degree or Bachelor (15 Years) Degree is
8. Whereas, Bachelor (14 Years), Bachelor (15 Years), Bachelor (16 Years) Degree does not required
any further Degree
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Add Education
Qualification Details
i. Select the Qualification Level of your Degree you want to get attested
ii. Choose if it’s Incomplete Education or if you are Currently Enrolled
iii. Select the Start Date and End Date of your degree
iv. Enter your Name on Degree that will be printed by your University
v. After adding all the data, click Next button to move to Degree/Certificate Awarding
Institute Details section
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Degree/Certificate Awarding Institute Details
i. In case of Pakistani Education, select the Country and Degree Awarding Institute
from the list
ii. Select your degree’s Program Title and University Name on Degree from the list
iii. Select the Campus and Department of your university
iv. Select the Degree Type and Session Type from the list
v. Enter Area of Research in case of Masters or PhD qualification
vi. Enter your university Registration/Roll Number
vii. Click Add Education button to successfully add your education details and proceed
with Degree Equivalence
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After adding the education details, click on the Check Box besides the Degree you want to get
Equivalence verified
If you wish to view your Education Details, click on the View button
If you wish to edit your Education Details, click on the Edit button
If you wish to delete your Education Details, click on the Delete button
Click on the Next Step button to proceed to Equivalence Details tab
Legacy User (Degree Attested before 29 May 2017)
If candidate got his original degree attested from HEC between April 2009 to 28th May 2017’ he
will click on the checkbox Attested Before May 28’2017 and the Legacy Attestation Details
section appears
Applicant should provide his original degree stamp number below and click Verify Button
If the stamp number is valid, he can get his document verified and if it is invalid, then applicant
would not be able to proceed. In this case applicant may register complaint at onlinehelp.gov.pk
by attaching copies of attested degree(s)
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Once Stamp Number entered, user will see the details of the person by whom a degree was
attested. User will click on the Verified Button to confirm the details
Before the Equivalence Details tab is displayed, user will be displayed a questionnaire which he
needs to carefully answer in order to move to Equivalence Details tab.
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Following questions will be asked from the applicant which he needs to answer as YES otherwise
applicant will not be allowed to proceed:
a. Have you attested your documents from Bachelor onwards including transcripts from
HEC Attestation Department?
b. Is your name, father’s name including date of birth on your CNIC and your educational
documents same?
c. Are all information including name, father’s name, degree title, registration number,
marks, etc. same on your degree and your transcripts?
d. In case your Transcript/Marks Sheet is not issued by the Examination office of
university/Degree Awarding Institute (DAI) rather it has been issued by any affiliated
college/institute/department, then whether your transcript has been countersigned by
Controller of Examination of the awarding University/DAI?
e. Please confirm there is no erasing /misprint or any unreadable alphabet/word on your
degrees or transcripts?
Below questions are not mandatory to answer, if selected NO, user will also be allowed to
proceed further
a. If you are applying for the equivalence of Bsc Nursing, Do you have matric and Fsc
b. If you are applying for the equivalence of B.Sc Home Economics, Do you have matric
c. Are you applying for equivalence on the basis of Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery or
any 1-year Specialty along with conditional subject passed at Bachelor (pass) level
After answering the last question, click Submit button to move to Equivalence Details tab
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Equivalence Details
Equivalence Form
1. Applicant will be asked first to select the Education System of his application
a. There are 2 types of Education System which applicant can select from;
i. Semester
ii. Annual
b. User will be asked to select Were credit hours transferred to complete this degree?
c. Enter Credit Hours
d. Enter Number of Regular Semester
e. Enter Number of Summer Semester in case of Semester
f. Enter Degree Name with which the equivalence is required
g. Tick on checkbox if you have done any Professional Degree
h. Select Professional Degree
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Click on the Next Step button to proceed to Document Upload tab or on to Next
Education if there are multiple educations
Document Upload
8. You will have to upload mandatory documents in the Personal and Educational Documents
9. Documents marked with a red cross means they are not uploaded yet. After uploading the
documents, the red cross will turn into a green tick mark against the uploaded document
10. Carefully upload the correct documents as discrepancy in the original scanned documents can
cause rejection or revision of your application.
11. To upload any document, click on the Add icon
12. To delete any document, click on the red Trash Bin icon
13. To view your uploaded document, click on Eye icon
14. After uploading all mandatory documents, click Next Step button to move to Verify Details tab
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Verify Details
3. Verify Details screen will allow you to verify the data you have entered in the previous tabs
which includes your selected CNIC, your Education Details and it will also allow you to verify
your Personal Profile data against the valid data of your CNIC Number.
4. You need to verify the complete data shown on screen and check the undertaking statement
written in the end. After verifying the details completely, click Submit button to submit your
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Cancel Application
2. If you want to cancel your application after submission:
 Just go to the dashboard and open the application using the View/Edit button.
 Once the application is opened, you will see the Cancel Application button on the top
right of the screen.
 User can cancel an application before Payment Verification
 Click the button to cancel your application.
Once user click on the Cancel Button, a prompt will pop up to ask a user if he is sure to cancel an
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FAQs (after submission)
5. Once the DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE application has been submitted/Pending, the
education is locked so that applicant cannot make any further changes in the application.
6. In this mode, applicant cannot delete the education for which he has requested the degree
7. Once the education is Equivalence verified, applicant cannot edit his first name, last name,
gender and the date of birth.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
User Tasks
Revision Requested
7. After submitting your DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE application, if any discrepancy is found by
HEC, your application will be sent back to you for revision.
8. Check ‘Tasks Assigned to Me’ section for the revision requested task, hover over and click on
the View Task Details button.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
9. In this task, you will see Revision Requested status and View Comments button at the top right.
You can see comments from the HEC by clicking on this button.
10. Update the data in the revision requested form similarly as you filled in the details in the
DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE application form while submitting the application.
11. After carefully updating the data according to the HEC comments, submit the revision requested
form similarly as you submitted the DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE application form.
12. Once this task is submitted successfully, it cannot be edited or resubmitted again.
Payment Confirmation
7. After Application Submission, the next step will be to Submit Application Fee
8. Payment Verification Task will only be displayed when application is submitted
9. This task will appear in your Task Assigned to Me section
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10. Once the task appears, click on the Task Details button to open it.
In Payment Confirmation Form, user will see his Application Details, the Education Details
that he added. Bank Details for Payment that include Bank Name, Account Number, IBAN
Fees for each degree is Rs. 2000
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
User can download Challan by clicking on the Download Challan Button
Clicking on the Verify Payment Button, a pop up will appear asking user to enter Bank Name,
Challan Submitted Date, Challan Number and upload challan receipt
After entering all details, click on the Submit Button
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1. Once this task is submitted successfully, it cannot be edited or resubmitted again.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Foreign Degree Equivalence Application
To access the FOREIGN DEGREE EQUIVALENCE application, click on the Foreign Degree
Recognition/Equivalence Application form icon in the left panel.
On opening the Foreign Degree Equivalence Service application form, you will see the set of
instructions by HEC.
Read the instruction carefully,
Click on the undertaking below and click on the PROCEED button.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Personal Details
This section includes mandatory personal information required to submit the FOREIGN DEGREE
EQUIVALENCE SERVICE application. Carefully enter the valid data in the following mandatory fields in
the Personal Info and Contact Info section.
Enter data for the following fields in Personal Info section
a. Profile Picture - Upload any formal picture if yours. It should not exceed the size limit of
15MB. Also, only PNG, JPG are allowed picture formats.
b. Title - Select the appropriate title from the given dropdown values.
c. First Name - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
d. Last Name - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
e. Gender
f. Marital Status
g. Date of Birth - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
h. Father Name
Contact Info
a. Enter relevant data for Mailing Address
i. Address
ii. Country
iii. City
iv. District
v. Postal Code
Nationality Info
a. If you have registered yourself with CNIC/Passport, then your CNIC/Passport will be
displayed here already in read-only form
Click Next Step button to proceed to Detail of Degree(s) tab
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Detail of Degree(s)
In Detail of Degree(s), user will enter Educational Details and can see all educations that are
User can click on the Add Education Button to create a new Education
After creating and selecting Education which user wants to verify, user will proceed to the
Equivalence Details Screen
Please note that the application for equivalence is processed on individual merit and provision
of incorrect information may lead to rejection of application.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Add Education
Qualification Details
i. Select the Qualification Level of your Degree you want to get attested
ii. Select the Start Date and End Date of your degree
iii. Enter your Name on Degree that will be printed by your university
iv. After adding all the data, click Next button to move to Degree/Certificate Awarding
Institute Details section
Degree/Certificate Awarding Institute Details
i. In case of Foreign Education, select the Country and Degree Awarding Institute
from the list
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
ii. Enter the Campus and Department of your university
iii. Select the Mode of Study from the list
1. In case of Distance Learning, Blended Learning and At approved
institution/Centre in Pakistan as Mode of Study then Passport Main Page Front and Visa(Study Duration) with Entry & Exit Stamp does not required to
2. If On Campus is selected as Mode of Study then Passport Main Page - Front
and Visa(Study Duration) with Entry & Exit Stamp is required to upload
iv. Enter your university Registration/Roll Number
v. Enter Degree/Diploma/Certificate of your university
vi. Enter Majors
vii. Select Discipline from the list
viii. Select the Session Type from the list
ix. Select the Degree Obtained By from the list
1. If Research is selected, then Copy of Transcript is not mandatory to upload on
the Document Upload tab
x. Enter Area of Research
xi. Click Add Education button to successfully add your education details and proceed
with Degree Equivalence
After adding the education details, click on the Check Box besides the Degree you want to get
Equivalence verified
If you wish to view your Education Details, click on the View button
If you wish to edit your Education Details, click on the Edit button
If you wish to delete your Education Details, click on the Delete button
Click on the Next Step button to proceed to Equivalence Details tab
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Equivalence Details
Equivalence Form
1. Applicant will be asked first to enter the Duration of Study in Months of his application
a. User will be asked to select Were credit hours transferred to complete this degree?
b. Enter University Email Id to Verify Genuineness of Degree
c. Tick on the Online Verification Link Checkbox and enter Online Verification Link
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d. Click on the INFO button to view the instructions
e. Select the Degree Certificate is in English checkbox
i. If an applicant disable Degree Certificate is in English then a Copy of Translated
Degree Certificate in English is required on Document Upload Screen
Click on the Next Step button to proceed to Document Upload tab or on to Next
Education if there are multiple educations
Document Upload
15. You will have to upload mandatory documents in the Personal and Educational Documents
16. Documents marked with a red cross means they are not uploaded yet. After uploading the
documents, the red cross will turn into a green tick mark against the uploaded document
17. Carefully upload the correct documents as discrepancy in the original scanned documents can
cause rejection or revision of your application.
18. To upload any document, click on the Add icon
19. To delete any document, click on the red Trash Bin icon
20. To view your uploaded document, click on Eye icon
21. In case of Distance Learning, Blended Learning and At approved institution/Centre in Pakistan
as Mode of Study then Passport Main Page - Front and Visa(Study Duration) with Entry & Exit
Stamp does not required to upload
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
22. If On Campus is selected as Mode of Study then Passport Main Page - Front and Visa(Study
Duration) with Entry & Exit Stamp is required to upload
23. After uploading all mandatory documents, click Next Step button to move to Verify Details tab
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Verify Details
5. Verify Details screen will allow you to verify the data you have entered in the previous tabs
which includes your selected CNIC, your Education Details and it will also allow you to verify
your Personal Profile data against the valid data of your CNIC Number.
6. You need to verify the complete data shown on screen and check the undertaking statement
written in the end. After verifying the details completely, click Submit button to submit your
7. After click on the Submit button, a pop up appears to verify documents checklist before
declaration stage and click on the Proceed button
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8. Last, Enter OTP that receives on the provided mobile number and verify Captcha and click on the
Submit Button
9. The next step is to submit Application Fee. A task has been assigned in My tasks section in
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Cancel Application
3. If you want to cancel your application after submission:
 Just go to the dashboard and open the application using the View/Edit button.
 Once the application is opened, you will see the Cancel Application button on the top
right of the screen.
 User can cancel an application before Payment Verification task Submitted
 Click the button to cancel your application.
Once user click on the Cancel Button, a prompt will pop up to ask a user if he is sure to cancel an
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
FAQs (after submission)
8. Once the FOREIGN DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE application has been submitted/Pending, the
education is locked so that applicant cannot make any further changes in the application.
9. In this mode, applicant cannot delete the education for which he has requested the degree
10. Once the education is Equivalence verified, applicant cannot edit his first name, last name,
gender and the date of birth.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
User Tasks
Revision Requested
13. After submitting your FOREIGN DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE application, if any discrepancy is
found by HEC, your application will be sent back to you for revision.
14. Check ‘Tasks Assigned to Me’ section for the revision requested task, hover over and click on
the View Task Details button.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
15. In this task, you will see Revision Requested Status and View Comments button at the top right.
You can see comments from the HEC by clicking on this button.
16. Update the data in the revision requested form similarly as you filled in the details in the
FOREIGN DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE application form while submitting the application.
17. After carefully updating the data according to the HEC comments, submit the revision requested
form similarly as you submitted the FOREIGN DEGREE EQUIVALENCE SERVICE application form.
18. Once this task is submitted successfully, it cannot be edited or resubmitted again.
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
Payment Confirmation
11. After Application Submission, the next step will be to Submit Application Fee
12. Payment Verification Task will only be displayed when application is submitted
13. This task will appear in your Task Assigned to Me section
14. Once the task appears, click on the Task Details button to open it.
In Payment Confirmation Form, user will see his Application Details, the Education Details
that he added. Bank Details for Payment that include Bank Name, Account Number, IBAN
Fees for each degree is Rs. 5000
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Degree Attestation Service (Web Portal)
User can download Challan by clicking on the Download Challan Button
Clicking on the Verify Payment Button, a pop up will appear asking user to enter Bank Name,
Challan Submitted Date, Challan Number/Transaction ID and upload challan receipt
After entering all details, click on the Submit Button
2. Once this task is submitted successfully, it cannot be edited or resubmitted again.
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