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Boyfriend Questions

1. Are my partner and I a ‘good fit’?
What are some things you absolutely want to achieve during your lifetime?
What type of people do you get on with?
How important is personal development to you?
What are some of the main values you live your life by?
What do you want to be remembered for after your death?
What purpose do you want your life to have?
2. Do we have a strong basis of friendship?
a. How would you describe the sort of partner you were to your exes?
b. What would you do differently in future romantic relationships based on what
you’ve learnt from your past?
c. Would you say you’re someone your friends and family members can rely on or
would you like to be as you evolve through life?
3. Do we want the same things in our relationship and out of life?
How do you like to spend your spare time?
How do you see yourself spending time with a partner?
Do you want to be married by a certain age or is marriage not for you?
Do you see yourself settling down in a suburb or in a city centre?
Do you want to live your whole life here in this country or move abroad one day?
Would you like life to be one big party?
4. Are our expectations realistic?
a. Is it important to you how much your partner earns?
b. Would you expect your future wife to be a stay at home mum or would you rather
she went back to work after a year or so?
c. You mentioned you do want to get married, do you see yourself cohabiting first or
d. Do you have a goal for when you want to be married by and have children by?
5. Do we generally see the best in each other?
What emotions do you tend to feel when you are faced with challenges in life?
Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty type of person?
What’s my most annoying habit as far as you’re concerned?
What are my strengths as far as you can see right now?
6. Do we both work at keeping our relationship vibrant?
a. Do you think romance can be kept alive for a lifetime?
b. How do you think you keep a relationship fresh and exciting for life?
7. Do we both feel we can discuss things freely and raise issues with each other?
a. How do you navigate conversations where there is a difference of opinion?
b. If you don’t like something your partner’s doing, what do you tend to do about
8. Are we both committed to working through hard times?
a. What have you learnt about yourself and how you deal with relationship
challenges when you’ve dated in the past?
b. What do you think is the best way to deal with opposing ideas between romantic
9. When we face stressful circumstances would we pull together to get through it?
a. What sort of partner would bring out the best in you if you were in a stressful or
life or death situation?
10. Do we each have supportive others around us?
Who are you close to?
What do you love about your close relationships?
Have you ever been through really tough times that made you see who was truly
there for you and who wasn’t and if so, who proved they really had your back?
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