Chapter 5 Relations and Functions relaof This chapteris a continuation Chapter 1. In this chapter, the concept of and a special class of relations called functions are discussed tion is introduced is on set-theoretic properties of functions and some depth. The emphasis in their immediate consequences. Product of Cartesian K1 Sets (a, b), where a e Aand b e B, is pairs ordered all of set the Then is Bbe two sets. Product Set of Aand B(in this order) and or Let Aand Product Cross Cartesian Product, or calledthe Thus. denoted by AxB. B= ((a, b) | aeAandbe B}. Ax It is to be noted that the AxB #BXA, ingeneral. as the product set same the not is B x A product set B XA; that is, Because, BXA = {(b, a) | be Band ae A) and (a, b) # (b, a) in general." and B = (2, 3}, then -1) {1,0, = A if example, For (0,3), (-1, 2), (-1,3)} 2), (0, 3), (1, {(1,2), AxB= (3,1), (3, 0), (3,-1)}. -1), (2, 0), (2, 1l), (2, and B xA = can have Evidently, AXB# BxA. A. Thus, we = B when even It should be noted that A x B can be defined dehned by Poduct of a set A with itself. and this product is and bE A). AxA = {(a, b)|aE A The product IAxAis also denotedIby42. "If (a,b) and(c, if and d) are ordered pairs, then (a, b) =(C, d) 193 d. onlyif a =c, b= the yield Example elements, non-empty ordered have 194 words: otherIn have (a, and 5x (i) A(a1, As Ax For idea Theof 8 8For For From () IfA b)with If IfA the canbe little = s e t a x and We (2x, with Bx example, example, example, k-tuples and 8 az, and following this then 8 x5 every has m ynote = thinking C sets A A' 1 x t h e B B = 64 = result, are chosen +y) Find l-x=-2. (2x, are = AxA = Aj Cartesian that Aj ordered {(1,2, elements. one of A1 , 40 if if if XAg (a1, finite fniteresult: elementsand = = x xwill A2, | B xA| (b1,bz,...,b) we elements has A A A inm (6, and = = = a2, 0), XXA, choices these X ...,A7, sets (1,1),(1, sets, note (1,0,-1) indicate pairs, (1,2, (1,0), x 1) y ..., productof 5 ways; X n + | A j in = with elements y) then |B| A| that each, ak), the each if -1), XA7={(a1, B X A7 |A| (aj1, = (1, (6,1) = we has that A) set aB 0), where ( 2 , of k-fold = ( 1 , =m if this (i) -2,0), (of A sets X. and if and njn2n3 a2,...,ak), the -2), -1), have ×A |A|B| =|A|B|. |Ax B| if has n and a; can A, following XA7l B means a), and (y-2, (0, E has only (1,-2,-1), C= a2, product = has will Aj , | B | be b elements, ... 1), ...n/ n only if A that can if(b1, = 2x extended = 8 {0, ,a7) (0, x have i= elements, |Aj|· elements, a, n, be B| , Aj -1}, 0), + elements. cases: = b2, (0,2, then A 2x 1) | 1,2, X chosen from 5 (0,-1),(1, a; x then b; =A2lAkl. then A2to >X and ...,k. has B = f o r (x-1,y+ ¬ X 0), A 6 XB 5=then any A A i Aj , and a (0, = exactly can 25 That has xA| IS i 2, 1,2,..., =1,2, That XA7 finiteelements, X+y= x be 1),(-1,0), A -1), jnute a X is, n are = in B 5. is 2) i s , chosen B |A|. number elements, k-tuples, (0, defined Relations, mn ...k}. and set n k. -2,0),(0, 1. elements.ways. with and BxAwihayel from (-1,-1)) These of as then and ..., the sets. BxB Accordngly, A AxBIo -2, in Functions A Thus,we s e t For m -1) r nas ways wil ofany = t º 5.1. Cartesian Product of Sets 195 (ii) (y -2, 2x + 1) ==(r- 1,y + 2) if aand only if y-2 =X-1 and 2x + 1 = y +2; that -y-1=0. These yield x =2, y =3. is, Example 2 Let A =(1,3,5), B= (2,3}, and C= (4,6}. Write down the following: X-y+l=0 and 2x (1)Ax B (2) B×A (3) Bx C (7) (Ax B) UC (5) (AUB) x C (4) Ax C (6) AU(B×C) (8) An (BxC) (9) (Ax B) U (Bx C) (10) (A XB)n (B x A) (11) (Ax B)n(B xC) By using the definition of the product of sets, we find that Ax B= ((1,2), (1,3), (3, 2), (3,3), (5, 2), (5,3), BxA = {(2, 1), (2,3), (2, 5), (3, 1), (3,3), (3, 5)}, BxC= ((2,4), (2, 6), (3,4), (3, 6)), AxC= ((1,4),(1,6), (3,4), (3, 6), (5,4), (5,6)), (AUB) xC= (1,2, 3,5,} x (4, 6) = ((1,4),(1,6), (2,4), (2,6),(3,4),(3,6), (5,4), (5, 6)) AU(BxC) =(1,3,5} U{(2,4), (2, 6),(3,4),(3, 6)) = {1,3,5, (2,4), (2, 6), (3,4), (3, 6)} (A xB)U C= {(1,2), (1,3), (3, 2), (3,3), (5, 2),(5,3), 4, 6} An(Bx C) = 0. (Ax B) U(Bx C) = {(1,2),(1, 3),(3, 2),(3, 3), (5, 2), (5, 3) (2,4), (2, 6),(3,4), (3, 6)), (Ax B) n (Bx A) = {(3,3)} (Ax B) n(Bx C) =0. Example 3 Suppose A, B, CsZxZ with A=((x, y) |y =5x- 1}, B=((x,y) | y=6x), C={(x,y) |3x -y =-1}. Find : (i) AnB, (i) BoC, (ii) ÄU, (iv) BUC. (i) We note that (x, y) E ANB (x, y) E A and (x, y)e B y=5x - landy = 6x 5x- l =y= 6x x= -l, y= -6. 5. Relations and Functions 196 Thus. ANB= ((-I,-6)). (i) We note that (x.y) E BnC (x, y) ¬ Band (x, y) EC y=6x, and 3I-y=-7 6x = 3x +7 3r =7 i.e., x=7/3. which is not possible, because xe Z. Thus, BOC= ). (ii) We note that U =AnCso that Now, (x, y) EAnCe (y) ¬Aand (x,y) e C y= 5x- 1and 3x- y= -7 5x 1=y=3x+7 x= 4, y = 19. Thus, AnC= ((4,19)). (iv) We note that B UC= BOC. It has been seen in (ii) above that Bn C= 0. Therefore, BU= BOC=ZxZ (universal set). Example 4 For any set A, prove that AxO= ×A= ). º Suppose A x ¢ # . Then, A x Õ has at least one element (a, b) in it such that a E A and b ¬ . Now, b ¬ means that is not the nullset. This is a contradiction. Therefore. Ax¢ = . Similarly, x A= 0. Example 5 Let A, B,C,D be non-empty sets. Prove that (Ax B) (C x D) if and only if AcC and BCD. What happens to this resuit if any of the sets is empty? º First, suppose that (A x B) C(C x D). Take any a e Aand any b e B, then (a, b) e (A x B). Since (A x B) C(Cx D), it follows that (a, b) e (C x D). Therefore, a e Cand b ¬D. This proves that A C and BCD. Conversely, suppose that ACCandBCD. Take any (x, y) e AxB. Then x¬ Aand ye B. Since ACCand BCD, it follows that x¬ C and y e D. Therefore, (x, y) E CxD. This proves that (A B) C(Cx D). The required result is thus proved. Next, suppOse Ais empty, and take B =(1,2), C = (2,4,5), D = (1,3). We find that AZB=B= . Also, ) cCxD. Therefore, here., AxBCCxD. But B D. Thus, it A empty, then (A x B) E (Cx D) does not imply that AC C and BCD. Chapter 6 Relations - II This chapter is a continuation of Chapter 5. In this chapter, the topic of re lations is discussed further. Special types of relations called equivalence re lations and partial orders are dealth-with in some detail. The matrix repre sentation of relations and the pictorial representation of relations (known as digraphs) are used toillustrate the concepts and results. 6.1 Zero-one Matrices and Directed graphs Consider the sets A = aj, a2, ., am)and B = (b1,b2,... , ba) of orders mand n respectively. Then Ax Bconsists of all ordered pairs of the form (a;, b;), 1 sism, 1 sjsn, which are mn in number. Let R be a relation from A to B so that R is a subset of A x B. Now, letus put m;; = (a;, bi) and assign the values 1or 0 to mjaccording to the following Rule: (a, b;) eR |0 if (a, b,) & R. 1 mij = if Xn matrix formed by these m;;'s is called the matrir of the relation R, or the relation matrix for R, and is denoted by Me or MR)." Since M(R) contains only 0 and 1as its elements, M(R) is also called the Zero-one matrix tor R. It is to be noted that the rows of Mp correspond to the elements of Aand the columns to those of B. When B = A, the matrix Me becomes an nxn matrix whose elements are mij = (a;,j) with mij |1 if (a, a) e R 0 if (a, a) & R. ,O example, consider the sets A = (0. 1.2 and B = (p, al and the relation R from Ato 5 defined by R= {(0, P), (1,9). (2, p). This matrix is used as a Lool for the cOnputer recognition and analysis of relations and is an exanple of a data Structre. 259 260 6. Here, A = (a1, a2, a3}) = {0, 1, 2) and B = (bË, b2) = (p, q). We note that m12 (aj, bj) =(0, p) = 1, because (0, p) eR (aj, b2) = (0, q) = 0, because (0, g) R m21 m22 (a2, bi) (1, p) = 0, (az,bz) = (1,q) = 1, m31 (a,, bË) = (2, p) = 1, m32 (as, ba) = (2, q) = 0. M11 Relations - I| Accordingly, the matrix of the relation R is |1 0 M(R) =MR =my=|0 As another Example, consider the set A = (1,2,3, 4) and a relation R defined on Aby R= ((1,2), (1,3), (2,4), (3, 2)}. Thus, here, A = {aj, az, a3, a4) = B where aj = 1, ag = 2, a3 = 3, a4 = 4. Accordingly, mËj = (aj, aj) = (i,), i= 1,2,3, 4; j= 1,2, 3,4, and we find that m1| = (1, 1) = 0, m12 = (1,2) = 1, m13 = (1,3) = 1, m21 = (2, 1) = 0, m31 = (3, 1) = 0, m41 = (4, 1) = 0, because (1,1) ¢R because (1,2)ER m14 = (1,4) = 0, m22 = (2, 2) = 0, m23 = (2, 3) = 0, m32 = (3, 2) = 1, m33 = 3, 3) = 0, m42 = (4,2) = 0, m43 = (4,3) = 0, m24 = (2,4) = 1, m34 = (3, 4) = 0, m44 = (4,4) = 0. Thus, the matrix of R is 0 M¡ =(my]= 0 1 1 0] 00 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Remarks For any relation Rfrom a finite set Ato afinite set B, thefollowing results are o0 (1) MR is the zero matrix if and only if R = . (2) Every element of MR is 1if and only if R= Ax B. Digraph ofa Relation Let Rbe a relation on afinite set A. Then Rcan be represented below: pictorially as described 61. Zero-one Matrices and Directed graphs Draw asmall circle or a bullet for each 261 element of Aand label the circle VRYPondingelement of A. These circles (bullets): are called (bullet) with the a vertex x to a from edge, or an vertices yif and called vertex nodes. only if (x, y) ¬R. The Draw an arrow, rpresentation of Ris called a directed graph or digraph of R. resulting pictorial ta relation is pictorially repreSented by a digraph, a vertex from which an edge leons acalled the origin or the SOurce for that edge, and a vertex where an edge ends is terminusfor that edge. Avertex which is a called the neither source nor a of any edge is isolated vertex. An edge for which the sourCe and terminus called terminus are one and the same vertex called aloop. The number of edges (arrows) is at a vertex is called the terminating hat vertex and the number of of edges (arrows) leaving a vertex is called the in-degree vertex. of out-degree that For example, consider the set A c, (c). (d. a), (d, c)} defined on A. The={a,b, d)ofand the relation R= {(a, b), (b, b), (b, d), (c, b), digraph this relation is as shown below: Figure 6.1I ODserve that, since (b. b) e R. there is a loop at the vertex b. We also see that the in degrees of the vertices a, b, c, d are 1,3, 1,2 respectively. Further, the out-degrees of a, b, c, d are 1,2,2,2 respectively. As another example, consider the set A ={(1,2, 3,4, 5} and the relation R= {(1, 1), (1, 2), (1,4), (3, 2)} defined on A. The digraph of this relation is as shown below: Figure 6.2 6. 262 We observe that the above digraph has a loop at the vertex 1. Relations - II Further, the vertex 5 is an isolated vertex; no edge leaves this vertex and no edge terminates at this vertex. We also note that the in-degrees of the vertices 1,2,3,4 are l,2,0,1 and their out-degrees are 2o respectively. Example 1 Let A = {1.2} and B= (p, q, r, s} and let the relation Rfrom Ato Bbe defined by R= {(1,q),. (1, r), (2, p), (2, q), (2, s). Write down the matrix ofR. We first consider all elementsof Ax Band make the following observation: (1,p) ¢ R, (1,q) ¬R, (1,) eR, (1, s) ¢ R (2, p) e R, (2.q) ¬ R, (2,r) ¢ R, (2, s) ¬ R In view of these and by using the definition of the matrix of a relation, we find that, for the given R, 1 1 MR 1 0 Example 2 Let A = {1,2,3,4} and let R be the relation on A defined by xRy if and only if y= 2x. (a) Write down R as a set ofordered pairs. (b) Draw the digraph of R. (c) Determine the in-degrees and out-degrees of the vertices in the digraph. º (a) We observe that for x, y ¬ A, (x, y) E R if and only ify = 2x. R= {(1,2), (2,4)). (b) The digraph of R is as shown below: 3 ligure 6.3 Thus, 6.1. Zero-one Matrices and Directed graphs (c) Fromthe above digraph, we note that 3is 2,4. the in-degrees and the 263 an isolated and that for the out-degrees are as shown invertex the following Table. vertices 1, Vertex 12 4 11 In-degree Out-degree Bxample 3 Let A = {1,2,3, 4} and let Rbe the relation on A defined by xRy if and only if "x divides y'", written xly. (a) Write down R as aset of ordered pairs. (b) Draw the digraph of R. (c) Determine the in-degrees and out-degrees of the vertices in the digraph. º (a) We observe that 1|1, 1|2, 1|3, 1|4, 2|2, 2|4,3|3,4|4 Hence R= {(1, 1), (1,2), (1, 3), (1,4), (2,2), (2, 4), (3,3), (4, 4)}. (b) The digraph of R is as shown below. Figure 6.4 (c) By examining the digraph we note that, for the vertices 1,2,3,4, the in-degrees andthe out-degrees are as shown inthe following Table. 4 Vertex In-degree Out-degree 4 2 6. 264 Relations - I ifand onty i. : Example 4 Let A = {1,2,3, 4, 6} andR be a relation on A defined by aRb matrix and draw its digraph. amultiple of b. Represent the relation R as a From the definition of the given R, we note that R={(1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2),(3, 1), (3, 3), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 4), (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 6)) the matrix of R is By examining the elements of R, we find that 1 0 0 0 0] |1 1 0 0 0 MR =|1 01 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 |1 1 1 0 1 The diagraph of R is as shown below: Figure 6.5 a set B as described by the following Example 5 Determine the relation R from aset A to matrix: 1 0. 1 1 MR = 1 0 1 |1 0 0| |A| = mnatrix. Therefore, JA| = 4 and |B = 3. If We note that the given MR is a 4 x3 observing the elements of MR, we find that by then b3}, {b1,b2, = B and a4} a3, {aj,az, (aj, bi) E R, (aj,b2) R, (aj, b3) E R (az, bË)E R,(ay, b2) E R, (a2, b3) R (a3, b) R, (a3, b) R, (a3, b3)E R (a4, bj) ER, (a4, b2) ¢ R, (a4, b3) ¢ R Thus, R = {(a,,b1), (aj, b3), (a2, b1),(ag, b2),(a3, b3), (a4,bi)}. 6.1. Zero-one Matrices and Directed graphs 265 Example 6 Let A ={u, v, x, y, z} and R be a relation on A whose matrix is as given below. Determine Rand also drawthe associated digraph. 0 1 1 0 0] 1 0 10 0 M(R) =|1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 01 10 By examining the elements of the given M(R), we find that* R= ((u, v), (u, x), (v, u), (", x), (*, u), (x, v), (x, z), (y, u), (y, z), (<, x), (z. y) The digraph of this relation is as shown below: Figure 6.6 Example7 Find the relation represented by the digraph given below. Also, write down its matrix. Figure 6.7 we note that the relation Rrepre vertices, four has which digraph yCKamining the given ented by it is defined on the set A = (1,2, 3,4) and is given by (4, ),(4, 4)). R= ((1,2), (1,4), (2, 2), (2, 3), ol ¤. a. enents of AInaybe desienated as 4), du, a for the purpose of writing the clements 6. 266 The matrix of R is Relations - I1 [0 1 0 0 MR = 1 1 00 0 o |1 0 0 Example 8 For A = (a, b,c, d, e, fl, the digraph in Figure below represents a relation P A. Determine R as well as its associated relation matrix. b Figure 6.8 º By examining the given digraph,we find that R= ((a, b), (b, e), (d, b),(d,c), (e, f). Also, the matrix ofR is given by [0 1 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 M(R)= 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 |0 0 0 0 0 0 Example 9 Let A = {a, b, c, d}and R be arelation on A that has the matrix MR = [1 0 0 |0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 |0 10 Construct the digraph of Rand list the in-degrees and out-degrees of all vertices. º By examining the entries in the given matrix, we find that the given relation Rhas ut following representation as a set of ordered pairs: R= ((a, a, (b, b),(c, a), (c, b), (c, c), (d, b), (d, d)}. 6.1. Zero-one. Matrices and Directed graphs 267 The digraph of this relation is as shown below: d a Figure 6.9 The in-degrees and out-degrees of the vertices are shown in the following Table. Vertex d In-degree Out-degree 3 1 1 1 3 2 Exercises I. Let A ={a, b, c} and B = {0, 1}, and R = ((a, 0), (b,0), (c, 1)} be a relation from A to B. Write down the matrix of this relation. d Let A ={1,2,3,4) andR be the relation on Adefined by (a, b) ¬ R if and only if a < b. Write own R as a set of ordered pairs. Also write down the matrix of this relation. Determine the relation Rfrom a set Ato a set Bas represented by the following matrix: |1 0 0 MR = 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1,2,3,4} and R = {(1, 1),(1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 4), (4, 1)} be arelation on A. Write down the digraph of R. 5. Let A ={a, b, c, d, e, f) and Rbe the relation on Adefined by R = ((a, b), (a, d), (6, c), (b, e), (d,b), (d, e), (e, c)), (e, f), (f, d)). Draw the digraph of R. 6. If R {x, y) | x > y} is a relation defined on the set A = (1,2, 3, 4), write downthe matrix and he digraph of R. 268 6. Relations -I 7. Find the relation Rdetermined by each of the digraphs given below. Also, write of the relation. () (ii) down the matrIK a 1 (a) (b) Figure 6.10 8. Let A= {2,4,5,7), and let R be the relation on A having the matrix |1 1 0 11 MR = 0 1 1 00 1 1 |1 0 0 0 Construct the digraph of R. 9. Find the relation R on the set A and write down its matrix of R is |1 digraph, given that A =(a, b, c, d,e) and the 1 0 0 0] 0 0 1 1 0 MR =0 0 0 1 1 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 Answers 1. Mp =1 2. R= {(0, 1), (1,2),(1,3), (1,4), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4),(3, 3), (3,4), (4,4)) || 1 1 Mp = 1 1 0 0 |0 0 0 1 1 1| 61. Zero-one. Matrices and Directed graphs 269 3. IfA =(aj, az, as), B =(b1,b2, b3, ba), then R= ((a,,b). (a2, b2),(a,, ba) ,(a,, b,)) 5. 4 Figure 6.12 Figure 6.11 0 6. M = |1 0 0 01 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Figure 6.13 7. () R= {(1,2), (2,3), (2,4), (3, 2), (3,3), (3,4), (4,4)} MR = |0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 (i) R= ((a, c), (a, e), (c,e), (c, d), (d, f), (e,b), (e, d)) fo 0 1 01 0) 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 MR = |0 0 0 00 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Jo 0 0 0 0 0 63.Properties of Relations 285 Answers 1 RoS = {(1,3), (1,4), (3, 1), (4, 1)}, SoR= ((2, 1),(2,3), (3,2). (3,4), (4, 1), (4, 3)} {(1, RoR= 1),(1,2), (1,3),(1,4),(3,2)}, SoS =(3,3),(3, 1), (3,4)} 2. R = ((1, 1),(1,2), (1,3), (2,3), (2,4), (3,4)} R = R= ((1,2), (1, 3), (1,4), (2,3), (2,4), (3,4)} 2 R2 (a) (b) Figure 6.28 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 3. M(Rosy = 0 0 0.5 In this |1 1 1 Properties of Relations Section we consider someimportant properties of relations defined on a set. Reflexive Relation A R on a set A is said to be reflexive (or said to have the reflexive relation property) if (a, a) e R. for allae A. In other words, a relation Ron a set Ais refiexive whenever every element a of Ais related to itself by R(i.e., aRa, for all a EA). It follows that Ris not reflexive if there iS Some a EAsuch that (a, a) R. For examnle. the relation "is less than or cqual to" is a reflexive relation on the set ta1 real numbers. Because, a = a for every real number a. It is obvious that the relations "is less than" and "is greater than" are not retlexive on the Set of all real numbers. 6. 286 Relations - II As another example, we observe that if A = (1,2, 3, 4), then the relation R= {(1,1). (2,2), 4) ¢ R. (3,3)} is not reflexive. Because, 4 E A but (4, The following results are easy to see: diagonal. (1) The matrix of areflexive relation must have 1's on its main cycle of lenoth 1 (2) Atevery vertex of the digraph of a reflexive relation there must be a (3) On a set A, the relation AA defined by A = {(a,a) |a e A} is reflexive.* Furthermore, AA is a subset of every reflexive relation on A. The matrix of AA contains 1's on the main diagonal and 0's in all other positions. Irreflexive Relation a relation A relation on aset A is said to be irreflexive if (a, a) R for any a ¬ A. That is, Ris irreflexive if no element of Ais related to itself by R. of all For example, the relations is less than" and is greater than'are irreflexive on the set real numbers. It is to be noted that an irreflexive relation is not the same as a non-reflexive relation. R= A relation can be neither reflexive nor ireflexive. For example, consider the relation R {(1, 1),(1,2)} defined on the set A = {1,2,3}. This relation is not reflexive because (2,2) and (3,3) ¢ R. The relation is not irreflexive because (1, 1) ¬ R. The following results are obvious: (1) The matrix of an irreflexive relation must have O's on its main diagonal. (2) The digraph of an irreflexive relation has no cycle of length 1at any vertex. Symmetric Relation A relation R on a set is said to be symmetric (or said to have the symmetric propery) if (b, a) e R whenever (a, b)¬R for all a, b e A. It follows that R isnot symmetric if there exist a, b e A such that (a, b) ER but (b, a) EK. A relation which is not symnmetric is called an asymmetric relation. For example, if A= {1,2, 3)and RË = ((1,1), (1, 2), (2, 1)) and R, = {(1,2),(2, 1), (1,5)} relations on A,then RË is symmetric but Rz is asymmetric; because (1, 3) e R, but (3, 1)* Jt is evident that for the matrix MR =[m;il of a symmetric relation the following property holds: If mËj = ] then mj = 1, and if mij = 0then mji = 0. "The relation A is called the equality relation on Aor the diagonal line of A XA. Properties of 63. Relations that Thismeans a 287 the matrix MR Of a symmetric rela ion R is such that the (i, jh element of th tothe (j, i)" element of equal Mpis * symmetriCmatriy MR. In other worc s, the matrix of a symmetric relation is symmetric relation, if there is ai edge from vertex ato a vertex b, then a Inthe digraph of vertic two S are connected by an edge, they must fronm bto a; this means that if thereisan edge in both directions. Because of this, in a digraph of asymmetric relation, alwaysbe connected without arrows the arrows are understood both ways. The digraph of the edges are shown symmetricrelation is called the graph of the relation and an edge connecting two vertices a nihis always a bidirected edge; it is denoted by {a, b}. Two vertices a and b of a graph which vertices. are connected by an edge are called adjacent For example, consider the relation R= {(1,2), (2, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1)} on the set A = {1,2, 3}. Evidently, this relation is a symmetric relation, and its graph is as shown below: Figure 6.29 vertices, 1 and 3 are dle above graph, 1and 2 are adjacent adjacent vertices , but 2 and 3 are not adjacent vertices. Antisymmetric Relation have the antisymmetric Arelation R on a set A is said to be antisymmetric (or said to property) if whenever (a, b) e Rand (6, a) ¬Rthena= b. R and Asuch that (a, b) E ¬ b a, exist there It that R is not antisymmetric if e 6,a) Rbut a # b. numbers is an of all real follows to" on the set the relation is less than or equal a = b). antisymmetric relations (because if a <b and b <a, then relation and symmetric) It asymmetric (i.e., not antisymmetric. Arelation can and are not one be emphasized that symmetric and the same. A relation can be both be For exampl e , antisymmetric should neiForther symmetric nor antisymmetric. = ((1,2),(2, 1), (2, 2)) and R2 ). (2, 3)}). example, let A =(1,2,3} and RË = {(1, of A. A',the transpose = A equivalently "A square sym1netric if ajj = dji or bec to said is Flaj] = matrixA 288 6. We check that R1 is both symmetric and antisymmetric, and Rz is neither SVMmetic. Relations - I| symmetric nor anti- The following resultsare obvious: (1) If MR =[m;]is the matrix of an antisymmetric relation, then, for i # i we mËj = 0 or m = 0. have either (2) In the digraph of an antisymmetric relation, for two different vertices a and h a cannot be a bidirectionaledge between aand b. Transitive Relation Arelation R on a set A is said to be transitive (or said to have the transitive pronert) i: whenever (a, b) e Rand (b, c) ¬ R then (a, c) ER, for all a, b, c e A. It follows that R is not transitive if there exist a, b, c¬ A such that (a, b) E R and (b, c) e R but (a, c) ¢ R. For example, the relations "is less than or equal to" and is greater than or equal to are transitive relations on the set of all real numbers. Because, if a s b and b s c then a s c. and if a> band b > c then a > c, for allreal numbers a, b, c. As another example, if we consider the set A= (1,2,3) and the relations R= (1, 1),(1,2), (2,3), (1,3), (3, 1), (3, 2)} and Ry = {(1,2), (2, 3), (1,3), (3, 1)} on A, then RË is transitive but&: is not transitive. The following result is easy to prove: A relation R on a set A istransitive if and only if its matrix M¹ = [ml has the following property: If mk = land mkj = 1, then m;;=1. Example1 Let A= {1, 2, 3). Determine the nature of the following relations on A: ) R ={1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1)) () Rz = ((1, 1), (2, 2), (3,3), (2, 3)) (iii) R3 = {(1, 1), (2, 2),(3,3)} (v) Rs = {(1,1), (2,3), (3, 3)} (iv) R4 = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3,3), (2,3),(3, 2)) (vi) R6 = (2,3), (3, 4), (2,4)} (vii) R, = {(1,3), (3, 2)}. º By examining all ordered pairs present in the relations given, we find that: k, is symmetricand irreflexive, but neither reflexive nor transitive. Ra is reflexive and transitive, but not symmetric. R, and R4 are both reflexive and sym1metric. Rs is neither rellexive nor symmetric. Ro is transitive and irreflexive, but not symmetric. Rq is irreflexive, but neither transitive nor symmetric. Propertiesof 63. Reclations 289 Examplè2 Let A =(1, 2, 3, 4). Determine the nature of the following relations on A. () ) R ={(1, 1),(1, 2),(2,,I1), (2,2), (3, 3), (3,4),(4,3), (4,4)) (2).R=((1, 2).(1,3).(3, 1),(1, 1),(3, 3),(3, 2),(1,4), (4,2), (3,4) (3) R, represented by the following digraph: Figure 6.30 By examining all ordered pairs present in Rand R2, we find that: (1) RË is reflexive, symmetric and transitive, and (2) R, is transitive. By examining the edges in the digraph in Figure 6.30, we find that the relation Rg is both asymmetric and antisymmetric. Eample 3 Find the nature of the relations represented by the following matrices: [0 1 1 01| (a) |1 1 0 0 |1 0 1 1 [1 (b) 0 1 0] 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 [0 0 1 1] |0 0 1 0 (c) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 (a) Here, the given matrix is symmetric (that is, aji = aij for i,j = 1,2,3). Therefore, the Corresponding relation is symmetric. Therefore, the (b) Here., the and is symmetric. diagonal matrix has 1's on its main given symmetric. ng matrix is not symmetric. Therefore, the correspondng relation is ot (cy cor Here,respondi the given relation is reflexive and . Further, isymmet ndicatesricthat the relation is not antisymmelric. and the presence of | in the (1,4)th (4, I)h positions of the matrix 64.EquivalenceRelations 299 5 Figure 6.33 20. Hint: Prove (i) and disprove (ii)-(iv) through counterexamples. 6.4 Equivalence Relations ArelationR on a set A is said to be an equivalence relation on A if (i) R is reflexive, (i) R is symmetric, and (11i) R is transitive, on A. Atrivial example of an equivalence relation is the relation is equal to on the set of all real numbers, R. An example of a relation which is not an equivalence relation is the relation is less than" on R. Example 1 Let A (1,2,3,4} and R= {(1,1), (1, 2),(2, 1), (2, 2), (3,4), (4,3), (3,3),(4,4)} be a relation on A. Verify that R is an equivalence relation. We have to show that R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. First, we note that all of (1,1),, (2, 2),(3,3),(4, 4) belong to R. That is, (a, a) e Rfor all a¬ A. Therefore.Ris a Next, we note the reflexive relation. following: (1,2), (2, 1) e R and (3,4), (4, 3) ¬ R. That is, if a, be A. Therefore, Ris a symmetric relation. (a, b) ¬ Rthen (b, a) ERfor e whenever Lastly, we note that (1,2), (2, 1), (1, 1) E R, (2, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2) ¬ R, (4,3),(3,4), (4, 4)e R. That is, if whenever (a, b) ERand (b, c) ER then (a, c) e R, for a, b, c¬ A. Therefore, Ris a transitive relation. Accordingly, Ris an equivalence relation. 300 6. Relations -I| Example 2 Let A= (1,2,3,4), and R= {(1,1), (1, 2), (2, ),(2, 2), (3, 1), (3, 3), (1, 3), (4, 1), (4,4)) be a relation on A. Is R an equivalence relation? Here, we have to check whether or not R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive, By examining the elements of R, we note the following: (i) (a,a) ER for every of ae R, Therefore R is reflexive. (ii) (4, 1) ¬R, but (1,4) ¢ R. Therefore, R is not symmetric. Since R is not symmetric, R is not an equivalence relation. (We need not check Riur transitivity). Example 3 Let A ={1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12}. On this set define the relation Rhy (x, y) ¬ Rif and only if x - yisa multiple of 5. Verify that R is an equivalence relation. º For any x ¬ A, we have x-x = 0 which is a multiple of 5(because 0 = 5 -0). Therefore (x, x) ER and soR is reflexive. For any x, y E A, if (x, y) ER then x-y=5k for some integer k. Consequently, y-X= 5(-4) so that (, x) ¬ R. Therefore, R is symmetric. For any x, y, z E A, if (x, y) E R and (y, z) ER then x-y= 5kË and y -z=5k, for some integers kË and k2. Consequently. x-2= (*-y) +(y-)=5kË + 5k2 =5(kj + k2) from which it follows that (x, z) R. Therefore, R is transitive. Thus, R is an equivalence relation. Example 4 IfA = Aj UAz U A3, where A = {1,2}, A, = (2,3,4} and A3 = {5}, defne Is Kan the relation R on Aby xRy if any only ifx and y are in the same set A,, i =1,2,3. equivalence relation? Therefore, K We note that xRx for every x in A; because x and x belong to the same A;. reflexive. Further, if x, y E A;then y, xE A;for all x, yinA. Therefore, R issymmetric. and(2,3)eR Lastly, we observethat (1, 2) ER (because 1 and 2 are in the same set, Aj) inthesame R(because 1 and 3 are not (because 2 and 3 are in the same set, A2) but (1,3) set). Hence R is not transitive. Accordingly, R is not an equivalence relation. Example 5 Arelation R on a set A =(a, b, c) is represented by the following matrix: |1 0 MR = 0 1 0 0 Determine wlhether R is an equivalence relation. 1 Relations 301 the clcmcnts of MR. We find that NCha(a,c)e)Rbut (c, a) R=((a, c). (a, (6, b), (c, c)).Ris not an R. Therefore, Ris not symmetric. c),Accordingly, aNake relation. symmetric can also be seen by the fact that the matrix MR 0S not not RIS That symmetric.) Aample6 7The.digraph ofa relation Ron the set A= {1,2, 3} is as given below. Determine Risanequivalence relation. Figure 6.34 ºBy examining the digraph, we note that the given relation is symmetric and transitive but not rtexive; observe that (3,3) R. Therefore, Ris not an equivalence relation. Example 7 Let S be the set ofall non-zero integers, and A = S xS. On A, define the relation Rby (a, b)R(c, d) if and only if ad= bc. Show that R is an equivalence relation. R is reflexive on FrIst, we note that (a, a)R(a, a), because aa = aa for any a eS. Therefore, A. d)R(a, b). Next, suppose (a, b)R(C.d), Then ad = bc and therefore cb =da. Hence (c, Accordingly, Ris symmetric on A. = de, which suppose that (a, b)R(c, d) and (C, d)R(e, f). Then ad = bc and cf Last l y . af =be. Hence (a, b)R(e,f). Accordingly, Ris transitive on A. yield Ihis proves the required result. Exampl & For afixed integer n > 1, prove that the relation "congruent nodulo n" is an tuivalence relation on the set of all integers, Z. ora.beZ, if a - bis a [written symbolically as some &¬Z. equivalently, a -b= knfor we say that "a is Congruentto b modulo n" of n, or , We have to a = b (mod n), laus denote this relationmultiple means aRb that by RsSo equjvalence relation. Iit, we note that -a = 0is for every a E Z, a lherclore, Ris reflexive. n; that is, a a muliple of prove that ¤ a(iod n), or 314 6.Relalions - Answers 5. No 7. [] = (4k +i| keZ} 8. {(1,4), (2,5), (3, 6), (4,7), (5, 8), (6,9)} 10. No 11. (a),(c): Yes; 13. (1,2), (3), (4}) (b), (d): No 14. R= ((1, 1), (1,2), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3,3), (3,4), (4,3), (4,4), (5, 5)}. 15. ((1, 1),(1,3), (1, 5),(3, 1), (3, 3), (3, 5), (5, 1), (5, 3), (5, 5), (2,2), (2, 6), (2,4), (4, 2), (4,4), (4, 6), (6,2), (6,4), (6, 6)}. 17. (ii) [(2, 14)] = {(2, 14)}, [(-3,-9)] = {(-3,-9), (-1, -3), (4, [(4,8)]= {(-2, -4), (1, 2), (3, 6). (4, 8)}. 12)), (i) A= [(-4,-20)] U[(-3, -9)]U[(-2,-4)] V[(-1,-11)] U[(2, 18. {(1,6, 11,16}, {2,7, 12, 17}, (3,8, 13, 18}, (4,9, 14, 19), (5, 14)]. 10, 15, 20}. 19. RoS need not be an equivalence relation. 23. 52. 6.5 24. A= ([1] U[4]U[2] Partial Orders A relation R on set A is said to be a partial ordering relation or a (i) Ris relexive, (i) Ris antisymmetric, and partial order on Aif (iii) Ris transitive, on A. A set A with a partial order R defined on it is called a partially ordered set or an ordereu set or aposet, and isdenoted by the pair (A, R). The most familiar partial order is the relation less than or equal to", denoted by s, on U set Z of all integers. (Because, this relation is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive). Thus, (2, s) is a poset. The relation is greater than or equal to", denoted by >, is also a partial order on Z;thatis (Z, >) is also a poset. a|b)torall The "divisibility relation" on the set Z+ divides b(denoted by defined a by a,be Z+ is a partial order on Z*; see Example 6, Section 6.3. The subset relation" defined on the power set of a set S is a partial order on S;se¢ Example 7, Section 6.3. Thus, for any set S, (P(S) S) is a poset. because,these The relations "is less than" and "is partial orders on Z; are not reflexiye. greater than" are not 65.PartialOrders 315 The relation "congruent modulo n" defined on the set of all integers Z is order; becausethis relation is not antisymmetric.* also not a partial Total Order ..phe apartial order on a set A. Then R is called a total order * on A if either xRy oryRx. In this case, the poset (A, R) is called atotally ordered set.* for all x. y¬ A. Eor example, the partial order relation "less than or equal to" is a total order on the set R. Docase. for any x,ye R, we have x <y or y < x. Thus, (R, s) is a totally ordered set. If we consider the divisibility relation on the setA = {1,2,4,8}, this relation is a total order am A. The same relation is not a total order on the set A = {1,2,4,6, 8} although it is a partial order on A. (Observe that neither 4 divides 6 nor 6 divides 4). The subset relation is also not a total order on the power set of an arbitrary set S although it is a partialorder; because for any two subsets S 1 and S2 of S, neither S1 S S2 nor S2 CS can be true. (For example, if S = {1,2,3), SË ={1,2) and S2 = {1,3), then S S S2 and S S but S1 S2 and S2 S). From the definition of a total order and the examples given above it is clear that every total order is a partial order, but not every partial order is a total order. Hasse Diagrams Since a partial order is a relation on a set, we can think of the digraph of a partial order if the set is finite. Since a partial order is reflexive, at every vertex in the digraph of a partial order there would be acycle of length 1.In view of this, while drawing the digraph of apartial order, we need not exhibit such cycles explicitly; they willbe automatically understood (by convention). Ii, in the digraph of apartial order, there is an edge from a vertex a toa vertex b and there 1S an edge from the vertex b to a vertexc. then there should be an edge from a toc (because of As such. we need not exhibit an edge from atoc explicitly; it will be automatically transitivity). (by convention). understood lo simplify the format of the digraph of a partial order, we represent the vertices by dots (bullets) and draw the digraph in such a way that all edges point upward. With this convention, We need not put arrowS in the edges. The digraph of a partial order drawn by adopting the conventions indicated in the above paragraphs is1 called aposet digram or the Hasse diagramfor the partial order. |Example Let A =(1,2,3,4), and R={(0,1),(1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 4), (I, 3), (3, 3), (3,4), (1,4), (4,4)} Verify that Riss apartial onder on A, Also, write down the Husse diagrm for R. b(nod n) a= 6.4. Note tlhat he definition of the relation COngruent modulo n lrom IExanple &, Section =2 (uodl 3) but 2 #8. "Recall 8 and b =u 2 8 (nod 3) and (mod ) do always imply thata= b, 'or example, "A totaly ordered set is also called alinewly ordered set or achain. "Iotal order is also notcalled alinear order.