EVENT SEQUENCE 1. Electrical Power Up (Read & Do or from memory) 2. Preliminary Preflight Procedure (F/O or Capt.) 3. EFB Set (Both) 4.Obtain ATIS Information 5. RTOW Calculation and Trip Info Sheet preperation(F/O) 6. CDU Initial data set ( PF) 7. Preflight Procedure (F/O) 8. Preflight Procedure (Capt.) 9. ATC Clearance (If available) 10. Taxi&Takeoff Briefing (PF) (RTO brifing is always done by the Capt. others done by the PF) 11. Preflight Checklist 12. Load and Trim Sheet, CDU&EFB Performance data calculation and entry 13. Before Start Procedure & Takeoff Briefing Review (F/O) 14. Before Start Checklist 15. Push Back and Start Up 16. Engine Start 17. Before Taxi Procedure (Flaps 5; if performance does not require other flap options) 18. Before Taxi Checklist 19. Taxi Request 20. “Cabin Ready” Report 21. Before T/O Procedure & Checklist 22. Departure Clearance 23. Line Up 24. Takeoff 25. After Takeoff Procedure (After Flaps retraction is completed) 26. After Takeoff Checklist 27. 10000 ft (Lights Off) 28. Transition Altitude (set STD) 29. Cruise Briefing (After level off at cruise altitude) 30. Descent Preperations (obtain ATIS or landing information, Landing Performance calculation) 31. Descent & Approach Briefing 32. Descent Checklist 33. Approach Checklist (After Transition Level or QNH is set for arrival) 34. 10000 ft (Lights ON) 35. Landing Procedure 36. Landing Checklist (After planned Landing Flap is set) 37. Landing Roll Procedure 38. After Landing Procedure 39. After Landing Checklist (After Flaps are up) 40. Engine Out Taxi-In (if applicable) 41. Shutdown Procedure 42. Shutdown Checklist 43. Enter or verify ACARS flight log information and send (F/O) 44. Secure Procedure & Checklist 45. Electrical Power Down Procedures & Checklist PRELIMINARY PREFLIGHT PROCEDURE – CAPTAIN OR FIRST OFFICER 1. 2. 3. 4. Aircraft Maintenance Log (AML) ..............................Check C, F/O IRS mode selectors ................................................... OFF, then NAV VOICE RECORDER switch ...........................................ON Cockpit Voice Recorder System..................................TEST Verify that the following are sufficient for flight: • oxygen pressure • hydraulic quantity • engine oil quantity • fuel quantity 5. ACARS .........................................................................Initialize 6. Oxygen pressure drop ................................................Test 7. Crew oxygen pressure ……………………………………………..Check 8. Airplane documents ...................................................Check 9. FLIGHT DECK DOOR ACCESS SYSTEM .........................Test F/O 10. FLIGHT DECK ACCESS SYSTEM switch .........................Guard closed F/O 11. Emergency equipment ...............................................Check F/O 12. Gear pins ................................................................... Stowed C, F/O 13. ELT switch ...................................................................Guard closed 14. PSEU light ................................................................... Verify extinguished 15. GPS light ..................................................................... Verify extinguished 16. ILS light .................................................................... …Verify extinguished (if installed) 17. GLS light ...................................................................... Verify extinguished (if installed) 18. SERVICE INTERPHONE switch ......................................OFF 19. ENGINE panel...............................................................Set 20. Oxygen panel ...............................................................Set 21. Landing gear indicator lights ........................................Verify illuminated 22. FLIGHT RECORDER switch .............................................Guard closed 23. MACH AIRSPEED WARNING TEST switches ...................Push, one at a time 24. STALL WARNING TEST switches. ....................................Push and hold, one at a time 25. POSITION light switch ....................................................STEADY 26. Circuit breakers (P6 panel)..............................................Check 27. Manual gear extension access door ............................... Closed 28. Circuit breakers (control stand, P18 panel) .....................Check 29. Parking brake ...................................................................As needed PREFLIGHT PROCEDURE – FIRST OFFICER 1. Flight control panel .................................................................................Check Verify that the flight control LOW PRESSURE lights are illuminated. 2. Flight SPOILER switches – Guards closed 3. YAW DAMPER switch……………………………………………………………………………..ON Verify that the YAW DAMPER light is extinguished 4. Navigation Panel ……………………………………………………………………………………NORMAL 5. Displays Panel……………………………………………………………………………………… NORMAL, AUTO 6. Fuel panel ............................................................................................ ….Set 7. Electrical panel .........................................................................................Set 8. Overheat and fire protection panel ......................................................... Check OVERHEAT DETECTOR switches – NORMAL TEST switch – Hold to FAULT/INOP TEST switch – Hold to OVHT/FIRE EXTINGUISHER TEST switch – Check 9. APU switch (as needed) ...............................................................START (delay this action if APU is not required) 10. EQUIPMENT COOLING switches ..............................................................NORM 11. EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHTS switch .............................................................Guard closed 12. Passenger signs ........................................................................................ Set NO SMOKING switch - ON FASTEN BELTS switch – OFF 13. Windshield WIPER selectors ......................................................................PARK 14. WINDOW HEAT switches ................................................................ ………….ON 15. PROBE HEAT switches ................................................................ ……………….AUTO/OFF 16. WING ANTI–ICE switch..................................................................................OFF 17. ENGINE ANTI–ICE switches ...........................................................................OFF 18. Hydraulic panel ............................................................................................. Set Engine HYD Pumps-ON Electric HYD Pumps-OFF 19. Pressurization indicators ................................................................................ Check 20. Air conditioning panel .....................................................................................Set AIR TEMPERATURE source selector – As needed TRIM AIR switch – ON RECIRC FAN switches – AUTO Air conditioning PACK switches – AUTO or HIGH ISOLATION VALVE switch – OPEN Engine BLEED air switches – ON APU BLEED air switch – ON ( if APU is needed for airconditioning) 21. Cabin pressurization panel...............................................................................Set FLIGHT ALTITUDE indicator – Cruise altitude LANDING ALTITUDE indicator – Destination field elevation Pressurization mode selector – AUTO 22. Lighting panel ...................................................................................................Set 23. Ignition select switch ........................................................................................IGN L or R 24. ENGINE START switches .....................................................................................OFF/AUTO 25. Lighting panel ..................................................................................................... Set 26. Mode control panel ............................................................................. ……………..Set COURSE(S) – Set The pilot flying sets both courses. FLIGHT DIRECTOR switch – ON 27. EFIS control panel ................................................................................................. Set MINIMUMS reference selector – BARO MINIMUMS selector - Set engine out acceleration altitude Rounded up to next 100 feet. BAROMETRIC reference selector – IN or HPA BAROMETRIC selector – Set local altimeter setting VOR/ADF switches – As needed Mode selector – MAP Range selector – As needed TRAFFIC switch – As needed WEATHER RADAR – Off Map switches – As needed 28. Oxygen ...................................................................................................................Test and set Note: The oxygen test and set is not needed if the oxygen pressure drop test was done at this crewmember station during the Preliminary Preflight Procedure - Captain or First Officer 29. Clock ....................................................................................................................... Set 30. Display select panel................................................................................................ Set 31. TAKEOFF CONFIG light (if installed and operative) ........................................Verify extinguished 32. CABIN ALTITUDE light (if installed and operative) ........................................Verify extinguished 33. Disengage light TEST switch.......................................................................... Hold to 1. Set 34. Disengage light TEST switch.......................................................................... Hold to 2 35. Flight instruments .........................................................................................Check TCAS OFF NO VSPD until V–speeds are selected Autothrottle mode is blank Roll mode is blank AFDS status is FD 36. GROUND PROXIMITY panel .......................................................................... Check 37. Landing gear panel ........................................................................................Set 38. AUTO BRAKE select switch ............................................................................ RTO 39. ANTISKID INOP light ............................................. ……………………………………….Verify extinguished 40. Engine display control panel ...........................................................................Set N1 SET selector – AUTO SPEED REFERENCE selector – AUTO FUEL FLOW switch – RATE (Move switch to RESET, then RATE) 41. Engine instruments .......................................................................................... Check 42. MFD Cancel/Recall switch…………………………………………………………………………….. Push (if installed) 43. CARGO FIRE panel ............................................................................................Check TEST switch – Push Verify that the fire warning bell sounds. Verify that the master FIRE WARN lights are illuminated. Master FIRE WARN light – Push Verify that the master FIRE WARN lights are extinguished. Verify that the fire warning bell cancels. Verify that the green EXTINGUISHER test lights stay illuminated. Verify that the FWD and AFT cargo fire warning lights stay illuminated. Verify that the DETECTOR FAULT light stays extinguished 44. Radio tuning panel ............................................................................................. Set 45. VHF communication radios ................................................................................ Set VHF 1 radio - Set for ATC communication VHF 2 radio - Set for 121.500 or company communication or as required VHF 3 radio - Set for DATA communication 46. VHF NAVIGATION radios .....................................................................................Set for departure The pilot flying sets both navigation radios. 47. Audio control panel ............................................................................................Set 48. ADF radios ...........................................................................................................Set 49. WEATHER RADAR control panel ..........................................................................Set Do the weather radar test as required. 50. Transponder panel ...............................................................................................Set 51. STABILIZER TRIM override switch .........................................................................Guard closed 52. Seat ...................................................................................................................... Adjust 53. Rudder pedals ...................................................................................................... Adjust 54. Seat belt and shoulder harness ............................................................................ Adjust 55. Taxi and Takeoff briefings .....................................................................................Complete The pilot who will do the takeoff does the taxi and takeoff briefings PREFLIGHT PROCEDURE – CAPTAIN 1. Lights .................................................................................................Test 2. EFIS control panel ...............................................................................Set MINIMUMS reference selector – BARO MINIMUMS selector - Set engine out acceleration altitude Rounded up to next 100 feet. BAROMETRIC reference selector – IN or HPA BAROMETRIC selector – Set local altimeter setting VOR/ADF switches – As needed Mode selector – MAP Range selector – As needed TRAFFIC switch – As needed WEATHER RADAR – Off Map switches – As needed 3. Mode control panel ..............................................................................Set COURSE(S) – Set The pilot flying sets both courses. FLIGHT DIRECTOR switch – ON Move the switch for the pilot flying to ON first. Bank angle selector – 25 Autopilot DISENGAGE bar – UP 4. Oxygen .................................................................................................Test and set 5. Clock ................................................................................................... Set 6. NOSE WHEEL STEERING switch ...........................................................Guard closed 7. Display select panel............................................................................. Set MAIN PANEL DISPLAY UNITS selector – NORM LOWER DISPLAY UNIT selector – NORM 8. TAKEOFF CONFIG light (if installed and operative) ........................................Verify extinguished 9. CABIN ALTITUDE light (if installed and operative) .........................................Verify extinguished 10. Disengage light TEST switch ...........................................................................Hold to 1 11. Disengage light TEST switch ...........................................................................Hold to 2 12. STAB OUT OF TRIM light ................................................................................ Verify extinguished 13. Flight instruments ......................................................................................... Check TCAS OFF NO VSPD until V–speeds are selected Autothrottle mode is blank Roll mode is blank AFDS status is FD 14. Standby instruments ..................................................................................... Check OR Integrated standby flight display ................................................................... Set 15. Standby RMI ................................................................................................... Set 16. SPEED BRAKE lever .........................................................................................DOWN detent 17. Reverse thrust levers ..................................................................................... Down 18. Forward thrust levers...................................................................................... Closed 19. FLAP lever ...................................................... Set Set the flap lever to agree with the flap position. 20. Parking brake ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Set 21. Engine start levers ................................................................................................CUTOFF 22. STABILIZER TRIM cutout switches .........................................................................NORMAL 23. Radio tuning panel ................................................................................................ Set 24. VHF communications radios .................................................................................. Set 25. Audio control panel ................................................................................................Set 26. ADF Radios ..............................................................................................................Set 27. Seat ......................................................................................................................... Adjust 28. Rudder pedals ......................................................................................................... Adjust 29. Seat belt and shoulder harness ............................................................................... Adjust 30. Taxi and Takeoff briefings ........................................................................................ Complete 31. The pilot who will do the takeoff does the taxi and takeoff briefings CDU & EFB PREFLIGHT 1. Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) ............................................Set EFB power switch ............................................................ON EFB Application .............................................................. Initialize Confirm airplane registration. Download and load the Electronic Flight Folder (EFF) for the intended flight. Load the flight route and select terminal charts as needed. Verify that the charts are updated. Check OFP and EFF documents. OFP shall be signed digitally by both flight crew members Obtain ATIS or weather information EFB Onboard Performance Tool (OPT) ..........................Set Enter performance data as required and calculate RTOW Fill out the Load and Trim Sheet Information 2. CDU Initial Initial Data ........................................................................................... Set INIT REF key ................................................................. .......Push INDEX line select key.......................................................Push o IDENT line select key..................................................Push Verify that the MODEL is correct. Verify that the ENG RATING is correct. Verify that the navigation data base ACTIVE date range is current o POS INIT line select key ....................................................... Push POS INIT page 1/3: Verify that the time is correct. Enter the present position on the SET IRS POS line POS REF page 2/3: Select GPS L position if available otherwise use GPS R Position Return to POS INIT page 1/3 Enter GPS position or manually enter position from the chart o ROUTE line select key .......................................................... Push o Navigation Data ...................................................................................Set ROUTE page: Enter the ORIGIN and DEST Enter the FLIGHT NUMBER Enter the route DEPARTURES page: Select the runway and departure routing ARRIVALS page: Select the approach, STAR and/or arrival transition ROUTE Page 2: Enter flight plan route airways and/or waypoints PERF INIT line select key......................................................Push Performance Data ................................................................................Set PERF INIT page: Enter cruise index as 22 Enter the ZFW Enter RESERVES Enter COST INDEX. Enter CRZ ALT. Enter CRZ WIND. Enter T/C OAT. Enter or verify TRANS ALT Execute performance data. N1 LIMIT Page: Verify or enter Outside Ait Temperature TAKEOFF line select key ...............................................Push TAKEOFF REF page: Make data entries on page 2/2 Select or verify runway condition Verify or enter an engine out acceleration height Verify or enter a thrust reduction height LEGS page: Verify the correct RNP for the departure as needed. Check the LEGS pages as needed to ensure compliance with the OFP. RTE DATA line select key......................................................Push RTE DATA page WINDS REQUEST line select key.............................Push When an FMC cruise wind uplink message has been received: LOAD cruise wind and execute If data link is not available enter cruise winds manually from the OFP Enter the wind data by 30 knots 30 degrees rule CLIMB page: Set ECON speed or 280 knots whichever is higher Maximum250 knots at or below 10,000 ft AAL CRUISE page: Check optimum and maximum altitude Verify cruise altitude Check target speed and verify ECON speed is selected DESCENT page: Set ECON speed or 280 knots whichever is higher Maximum 250 knots at or below 10,000 ft AAL FORECAST line select key...............................................Push DESCENT FORECAST Page: An FMC descent forecasts uplink message has been received: LOAD descent forecast winds and execute An FMC descent forecast uplink message has not been received or data link is not available: Enter descent forecast winds from the OFP FIX page: Enter appropriate data as needed (EOSID) PROGRESS Page 1/4: Verify distance against OFP ground distance Verify remaining fuel against OFP BEFORE START PROCEDURE Start the Before Start Procedure after papers are on board Flight deck door ......................................Closed and locked F/O Validity of load sheet information ................... Check C, F/O Call "Zero Fuel Weight __._" C Enter ZFW into the PERF INIT Page F/O Verify that the FUEL on the CDU, the OFP, and the fuel quantity indicators agree and fuel is sufficient for the flight C, F/O Ensure that the CDU Gross Weight agrees with load sheet F/O Verify that the Zero Fuel Weight is entered correctly and the CDU Gross Weight agrees with the load sheet C Verify that the Cruise CG is 22% on the PERF INIT page C, F/O Call "EXECUTE." C Call "Takeoff CG __._" C Enter takeoff CG into the TAKE OFF REF Page F/O Verify that the takeoff CG is entered correctly C Enter CDU Gross Weight and Takeoff CG into the OPT C, F/O Read aloud OPT performance dataentries C Verify or enter performance data into the OPT F/O Calculate takeoff performance and evaluate OPT results C, F/O Enter OPT results into the CDU F/O N1 LIM Page: • Select Derate/Assumed Temperature as required. • Verify or select climb thrust. TAKEOFF REF page 1/2: • Enter FLAPS. • Enter V1, VR and V2 TAKEOFF REF page 2/2: • Verify or enter Engine Out Acceleration Height, Acceleration Height and Thrust Reduction Height (if applicable) Read aloud: F/O N1 LIM Page: • "TAKEOFF THRUST ___" • "ASSUMED TEMPERATURE ___" or "NO ASSUMED TEMPERATURE" • "TAKEOFF N1 ___.__" • "CLIMB SELECTED" or "CLIMB __ SELECTED." Verify Thrust, Assumed Temperature and N1 against OPT C Read aloud: F/O TAKEOFF REF 1/2 page: • "FLAPS___" • "V1___, VR ___, V2 ___" • "STABILIZER TRIM ___ UNITS" TAKEOFF REF 2/2 page: • "ENGINE OUT ACCELERATION HEIGHT ____ FEET" When all CDU entries are verified, call "TAKEOFF DATA CONFIRMED CDU display .................................................................... Set C, F/O Normally the PF selects the TAKEOFF REF page. Normally the PM selects the LEGS page N1 bugs ...................................................................... Check C, F/O MCP ................................................................................ Set C AUTOTHROTTLE ARM switch – ARM IAS/MACH selector – Set V2 Arm LNAV as needed Arm VNAV (if applicable) Initial heading – Set runway heading Initial altitude – Set the most restrictive altitude constraint in departure procedure Takeoff Briefing Review .......................................Complete F/O When entry and service doors are closed: Exterior doors ..................................................Verify closed F/O Flight deck windows................................Closed and locked C, F/O Seat belts and shoulder harnesses ...........................Fastened C, F/O Establish communication with ground handling personnel. C Obtain a clearance to pressurize the hydraulic systems Call "BEFORE START PROCEDURE." C DO ITEMS F/O o Fuel panel ........................................................................Set If the center tank fuel quantity exceeds 453 kilograms: LEFT and RIGHT CENTER FUEL PUMPS switches – ON AFT and FORWARD FUEL PUMPS switches – ON o FASTEN BELTS switch ................................... ....ON o Hydraulic panel................................................................Set System A HYDRAULIC PUMP switches – OFF System B electric HYDRAULIC PUMP switch – ON Verify that the system B electric pump LOW PRESSURE light is extinguished. Verify that the brake pressure is 2,800 psi minimum. Verify that the system B pressure is 2,800 psi minimum. o ANTI COLLISION light switch .....................................ON o Radio Tuning Panel ........................................................ Set VHF 2 radio .............................................................121.500 o Transponder mode selector ......................................TA/RA DO ITEMS CAPTAIN o Trim ................................................................................. Set Check each trim for freedom of movement Stabilizer trim – ___ UNITS Set the trim for takeoff Aileron trim – 0 units Rudder trim – 0 units o Call “BEFORE START CHECKLIST.” PUSHBACK OR TOWING PROCEDURE Establish communications with ground handling personnel. C “Ground-Cockpit confirm ready for pushback and start up” When ground personnel is ready: Obtain Push back clearance F/O Set or release the parking brake as directed by ground handling personnel. C ENGINE START PROCEDURE When cleared and ready to start: Start sequence ...............................................................Announce C Call "START SEQUENCE 2 AND 1" to advise the ground handling personnel Select the secondary engine indications. F/O Air conditioning PACK switches .................................. OFF F/O Call “START NUMBER ___ ENGINE” C ENGINE START switch ................................................GRD F/O Verify START VALVE OPEN alert illuminates and start clock chronograph. F/O Verify that the N2 RPM increases. C, F/O When N1 rotation is seen and N2 is at 25%, or (if 25% N2 is not possible), at maximum motoring and a minimum of 20% N2: Engine start lever ....................................IDLE detent C Call "CHECK TIME" Check time on chronograph. F/O Verify SPAR VALVE CLOSED light transitions from dim, to bright and then extinguishes. C Monitor fuel flow and EGT indications. C, F/O At 56% N2, verify that the ENGINE START switch moves to OFF/AUTO. If not, move the ENGINE START switch to OFF/AUTO F/O Verify that the START VALVE OPEN alert extinguishes when the ENGINE START switch moves to OFF/AUTO F/O Call “STARTER CUTOUT.” F/O Monitor N1, N2, EGT, fuel flow and oil pressure for normal indications while the engine accelerates to a stable idle. C, F/O After the engine is stable at idle, start the other engine BEFORE TAXI PROCEDURE Start the Before Taxi Procedure after the engines are stable at idle Call "BEFORE TAXI PROCEDURE." C GENERATOR 1 and 2 switches .................................... ON F/O PROBE HEAT switches ..................................................ON F/O WING ANTI–ICE switch.....................................As needed F/O ENGINE ANTI–ICE switches .............................As needed F/O PACK switches .......................................................... AUTO F/O ISOLATION VALVE switch ..................................... AUTO F/O APU BLEED air switch ................................................ OFF F/O APU switch ................................................................... OFF F/O ENGINE START switches .........................................CONT F/O Engine start levers .......................................................IDLE detent C Verify that the ground equipment is clear and ground handling personnel is disconnected. C, F/O Call “FLAPS ___” as needed for takeoff. C System A HYDRAULIC PUMPS switches - ON F/O Verify that the system A pump LOW PRESSURE lights are extinguished Verify that the system A pressure is 2800 psi minimum Flap lever................................................................... Set takeoff flaps F/O Call "FLAPS ___/___/___, GREEN LIGHT." F/O Flight controls ............................................................ Check C Call "FLIGHT CONTROLS CHECK." C After the check is completed Call "CONTROLS FREE." C Blank the lower display unit. F/O Recall ..........................................................................Check C, F/O EFB Airport chart/Moving Map ................................. Select C, F/O Update changes to the taxi briefing, as needed. C or PF Call “BEFORE TAXI CHECKLIST.” C Do the BEFORE TAXI checklist. F/O Obtain Taxi Clearance………………………………..F/O When clear to taxi: Check the area on the left of the airplane is clear. Call "LEFT SIDE CLEAR." C Check the area on the right of the airplane is clear. Call "RIGHT SIDE CLEAR." F/O Set RUNWAY TURNOFF and TAXI lights - ON F/O BEFORE TAKEOFF PROCEDURE Update the TAKEOFF BRIEFING REVIEW as needed F/O When cabin ready report is received, “CALL- YOU HAVE COMMUNICATION”, obtain cabin ready message and call "CABIN READY.” F/O Call "BEFORE TAKEOFF PROCEDURE.” C On the PA system, announce "CABIN CREW BE SEATED FOR TAKEOFF." F/O PF sets the weather radar display as needed and selects own ND range to 10 NM before takeoff. PM sets the terrain display as needed and selects own ND range to be able to monitor at least two waypoints or 20 NM. Call "BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECKLIST." C Do the BEFORE TAKEOFF checklist F/O TAKEOFF PROCEDURE Before entering the departure runway, verify that the runway and runway entry point are correct C, F/O Call "APPROACH SECTOR CLEAR, RUNWAY ___ IDENTIFIED." C When entering the departure runway, set the POSITION light switch to STROBE & STEADY Verify that the brakes are released. Align the airplane with the runway C When cleared for takeoff, set the RETRACTABLE and FIXED LANDING light switches to ON. F/O If First Officer is the PF, call "YOU HAVE CONTROL." C Call "I HAVE CONTROL" if PF F/O Advance the thrust levers to approximately 40% N1 Call "STABILIZED." C Push the TO/GA switch C The captain's hand must be on the thrust levers until V1 Verify N1 and TOGA engaged and call "N1, TOGA, SET TAKEOFF THRUST." PF Verify N1 and TOGA engaged. PM Call "THRUST SET" PM Call “80 KNOTS.” PM Verify 80 knots and call “CHECK.” PF At 84 knots verify THR HOLD engaged and call "THROTTLE HOLD." PF Verify THR HOLD engaged. PM Verify the automatic V1 callout or call "V1." PM Verify V1 speed. PF At VR, call “ROTATE.” PM At VR, rotate toward 15° pitch attitude. After liftoff, follow F/D commands PF Verify a positive rate of climb on the altimeter and call “POSITIVE RATE.” PM Verify a positive rate of climb on the altimeter and call “GEAR UP.” PF Set the landing gear lever to UP PM At 400 feet radio altitude, call "400." PM Above 400 feet radio altitude, call for a roll mode as needed PF Verify VNAV SPD engaged and call "VNAV SPEED." OR Engage VNAV if VNAV is not armed on the ground PF 800 feet above field elevation, verify A/T ARM mode engaged, call "ARM." PF Verify A/T ARM mode engaged PM At thrust reduction height, verify N1 engaged and call "N1." if VNAV is not engaged PUSH N1 PF Verify N1 engaged PF, PM At acceleration height, call "ACCELERATION HEIGHT." PM Verify acceleration, if VNAV is not engaged SET FLAPS UP Speed and verify acceleration PF Call "FLAPS ___" according to the flap retraction schedule PF Set the FLAP lever as directed PM After flap retraction is complete call "FLAPS UP NO LIGHTS." PM Call “AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST.” PF TAKEOFF FLAP RETRACTION SPEED SCHEDULE Takeoff Flaps At Speed (display) (when speed reaches) V2+15 “15” 25 “5” “1” V2+15 15 or 10 “5” “1” V2+15 5 “1” 1 “1” Limit bank angle to 15° until reaching V2 + 15 Select Flaps 15 5 1 UP 5 1 UP 1 UP UP CLIMB AND CRUISE PROCEDURE Complete the After Takeoff Checklist before starting the Climb and Cruise Procedure During climb and cruise, verify the RNP as needed PM When passing 5,000 feet AAL, call "5,000." PM When meteorological conditions and other factors that might affect flight safety are acceptable, call "CYCLE FASTEN BELTS." PF Turn FASTEN BELTS switch to OFF then ON to release cabin crew. PM When climbing to a flight level and approaching the transition altitude, call "TRANSITION ALTITUDE." PM Call "SET STANDARD." PF Set and crosscheck the altimeters to standard. PF,PM The PM sets the standby altimeter. Call "STANDARD SET." PM When passing 10,000 feet MSL or FL100, call "10,000/FL100." PM Verify engine bleeds, air conditioning packs are operating and pressurization is normal. PM Set the exterior lights as needed PM (All Landing Lights OFF, others as per Operational Manual) When climbing through FL200 but not later than FL280, call "RVSM CHECK, FL___NOW." PM Verify passing flight level and call "CHECKED." PF At or above FL200 and when flight conditions permit, call "FASTEN BELTS AUTO." PF Set FASTEN BELTS switch to AUTO PM Once cleared to the final cruise level, verify the cruise level is set on the: • PFD as target/selected altitude • FMC climb page • Overhead panel FLT Altitude window Call "FLIGHT LEVEL ___/ ___/ ___ SET." PF DESCENT PROCEDURE Start the Descent Procedure at least 10 minutes before the airplane descends below the cruise altitude for arrival at destination Complete the Descent Procedure by top of descent Review available airport weather information, including the latest ATIS Set or verify that pressurization is set to landing altitude PF Verify that pressurization is set to landing altitude. PM Recall and review the system annunciator lights PF Review the system annunciator lights. PM Check landing performance. PF, PM Modify the CDU as needed for the arrival and approach. PF ARRIVALS page: • Modify the arrival and approach as required. LEGS page: • Check the LEGS pages, verify or enter speed/altitude restrictions as required. DESCENT page: • Enter or verify ECON speed or 280 knots whichever is higher. • Enter or verify speed restriction. Maximum 250 knots at or below 10,000 feet AAL. DESCENT FORECAST page: • Enter or verify transition level. • Enter or verify other data as needed. Verify the CDU entries for the arrival and approach. PM Enter VREF on the APPROACH REF page. PF Verify VREF on the APPROACH REF page. PM Set the RADIO/BARO minimums as needed for the approach. PF,PM Preselect barometric setting. Set the navigation radios and courses for the approach. PF Set the AUTO BRAKE select switch to the needed brake setting. PF Do the approach briefing. PF Call "DESCENT CHECKLIST." PF Do the DESCENT checklist. PM During the descent, verify the RNP as needed PM When passing around 15,000 feet AAL at the latest, set FASTEN BELTS switch to ON. PM APPROACH PROCEDURE The Approach Procedure is normally started at transition level Complete the Approach Procedure before: • the initial approach fix, or • the start of radar vectors to the final approach course, or • the start of a visual approach During arrival and approach, verify the RNP as needed. PM At 10,000 feet AAL, call "10,000." PM Set the LANDING, RUNWAY TURNOFF and TAXI light switches to ON PM When passing transition level, call "TRANSITION LEVEL." PM Set and crosscheck the altimeters when: PF, PM • descending below the Transition Level, or • cleared for approach, and/or • cleared to an altitude unless further flight level crossing report/restriction is not required. The PM sets the standby altimeter. Update the arrival and approach, as needed. PF When altimeters are set, call “APPROACH CHECKLIST.” PF Do the APPROACH checklist PM Around 5,000 feet AAL On the PA system, announce "CABIN CREW BE SEATED FOR LANDING." PM Verify that the cabin is secure by receiving the cabin ready report by interphone. PM DELAYED FLAP APPROACH Do not use this technique for a non-precision approach. The general steps for the delayed flap approach: • Intercept the glide slope with FLAPS 5 at FLAPS 5 speed. • Approaching 2,000 feet AAL or 7 NM to runway threshold, extend landing gear, select FLAPS 15, and reduce the speed to the FLAPS 15 speed. • Approaching 1,500 feet AAL or 5 NM to runway threshold, select landing flaps, reduce the speed to the final approach speed, and then adjust thrust to maintain it. • Perform the Landing Checklist. LANDING PROCEDURE - ILS (SINGLE CHANNEL APPROACH) Initially • If on radar vectors • HDG SEL • Pitch mode (as needed) • If enroute to a fix • LNAV or other roll mode • VNAV or other pitch mode When descending below 2,500 feet AGL, verify the radio altimeter is displayed: Call "RADIO ALTIMETER ALIVE." PM Call "CHECKED." PF Call “FLAPS ___” according to the flap extension schedule. PF Set the flap lever as directed. Monitor flaps and slats extension. PM Call "FLAPS___" when the flaps have reached the commanded position.PM When on localizer intercept heading: • verify that the ILS is tuned and identified • verify that the LOC and G/S pointers are shown in the proper position Call "NAVAIDS IDENTIFIED." PF Call "CHECKED." PM Arm the APP mode when cleared for the approach. PF Observe the VOR/LOC and G/S armed annunciations on the displays PF, PM Call "VOR/LOC, GLIDESLOPE ARMED." PF Use LNAV or HDG SEL to intercept the final approach course as needed. PF At the first positive inward movement of the localizer pointer, call "LOCALIZER ALIVE." PM Verify that the localizer is captured and VOR/LOC engaged PF, PM Call "VOR/LOC." PF Set or verify the final approach course heading. Call "INBOUND COURSE HEADING SET." PF Verify the final approach course heading. Call "CHECKED." PM Call “GLIDESLOPE ALIVE.” PM Call "CHECKED." PF At glideslope alive, call: PF • “GEAR DOWN” • “FLAPS 15” Set the landing gear lever to DN. Verify that the green landing gear indicator lights are illuminated. Set the flap lever to 15. PM Set the engine start switches to CONT PM Set the speed brake lever to ARM. Verify that the SPEED BRAKE ARMED light is illuminated. PF Call "FLAPS 15" when the flaps have reached the commanded position PM At glideslope capture, call: PF • "GLIDESLOPE" • "FLAPS___" as needed for landing Set the missed approach altitude on the MCP. Call "MISSED APPROACH ALTITUDE SET." PF Call "CHECKED." PM Call "FLAPS___" when the flaps have reached the commanded position. PM Call “LANDING CHECKLIST.” PF Do the LANDING checklist. PM Callout the outer marker or its equivalent altitude from the instrument approach chart. "OUTER MARKER____FEET" or "_._DME, ____FEET." PM Verify the outer marker or its equivalent and crossing altitude. Call "CHECKED." PF At 1,000 feet AAL, call "1,000." PM If the approach is stable, call "STABILIZED." Otherwise, call "GO-AROUND" and execute a go-around. PF At 500 feet AAL, call "500." PM Call "CHECKED." PF At 100 feet above DA(H), call "PLUS HUNDRED." (Not required if proper GPWS voice callout and pilot flying response is observed) PM Call "CHECKED." Scan outside for visual reference. PF At DA(H), call "MINIMUMS." (Not required if proper GPWS voice callout and pilot flying response is observed) PM If suitable visual reference established, call "CONTINUE." If suitable visual reference not established, call "GOAROUND" and execute a go-around. PF Disengage the autopilot and autothrottle no later than the minimum use height for single autopilot operation. Before disengaging the autopilot and autothrottle, call "AUTOPILOT, AUTOTHROTTLE DISENGAGE." PF GO–AROUND AND MISSED APPROACH PROCEDURE Call "GO-AROUND." PF Push the TO/GA switch. PF Verify that the thrust increases. PF, PM Call "FLAPS 15" or "FLAPS ___" as needed. PF Set the flap lever as directed and monitor flap retraction. PM Call "FLAPS ___" when the flaps have reached the commanded position. PM Verify the rotation to go-around attitude. PF, PM Verify that the thrust is sufficient for the go-around or adjust as needed. PM Verify a positive rate of climb on the altimeter and call “POSITIVE RATE.” PM Verify a positive rate of climb on the altimeter and call “GEAR UP.” PF Set the landing gear lever to UP. PM Verify that the missed approach altitude is set. PM If the airspeed is within the amber band, limit bank angle to 15°. PF At 400 feet radio altitude, call "400." PM Above 400 feet radio altitude, select appropriate roll mode and verify proper mode annunciation. PF Verify that the missed approach route is tracked PF, PM At acceleration height (minimum at 1,000 feet AAL), call "ACCELERATION HEIGHT." PM At acceleration height, call “FLAPS ___” according to the flap retraction schedule. PF Set the FLAP lever as directed. Monitor flaps and slats retraction. Call "FLAPS___" when the flaps have reached the commanded position. PM After flaps are set to the planned flap setting and at or above the flap maneuvering speed, select LVL CHG or VNAV PF Verify that climb thrust is set. PF, PM Verify that the missed approach altitude is captured. PF, PM Call "AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST." PF Set the landing gear lever to OFF after landing gear retraction is complete. PM Set the engine start switches as needed. PM Do the AFTER TAKEOFF checklist. PM LANDING ROLL PROCEDURE Verify that the thrust levers are closed. PF Verify that the SPEED BRAKE lever is UP. PF, PM Call “SPEED BRAKES UP.” If the SPEED BRAKE lever is not UP, call “SPEED BRAKES NOT UP. PM Without delay, fly the nose wheel smoothly onto the runway. PF Monitor the rollout progress. PF, PM Verify correct autobrake operation PF, PM Without delay, move the reverse thrust levers to the interlocks and hold light pressure until the interlocks release. Apply reverse thrust as needed. PF Verify that the forward thrust levers are closed. PM When both REV indications are green, call "REVERSERS NORMAL". If there is no REV indication(s) or the indication(s) stays amber, call "NO REVERSER ENGINE NUMBER 1", or "NO REVERSER ENGINE NUMBER 2", or "NO REVERSERS PM Call “60 KNOTS.” PM By 60 knots, start movement of the reverse thrust levers to be at the reverse idle detent before taxi speed PF After the engines are at reverse idle, move the reverse thrust levers full down. PF Before taxi speed, call "MANUAL BRAKING" and disarm the autobrake. Use manual braking as needed PF Verify autobrakes disarmed and call "AUTOBRAKE DISARM." PM Before taxi speed, the captain calls "I HAVE CONTROL" if the first officer is the pilot flying. The first officer responds "YOU HAVE CONTROL." AFTER LANDING PROCEDURE Start the After Landing Procedure when: • clear of the active runway and, • reaching taxi speed and, • taxi instruction is received and acknowledged by both flight crew members. Call "AFTER LANDING PROCEDURE." C The captain moves or verifies that the SPEED BRAKE lever is DOWN. Start the APU, as needed. F/O Set the PROBE HEAT switches to AUTO/OFF F/O Set the exterior lights as needed. F/O Set the ENGINE START switches to OFF. F/O Set the weather radar/terrain display to OFF. C, F/O Set the AUTO BRAKE select switch to OFF. F/O Set the flap lever to UP. F/O After flaps retraction, call "AFTER LANDING CHECKLIST." C Do the "AFTER LANDING CHECKLIST." F/O When turning to the parking position, call "LIGHTS OFF." C Set RUNWAY TURNOFF and TAXI lights switches to OFF. F/O SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE Parking brake .................................................................. Set C Verify that the parking brake warning light is illuminated. Electrical power ............................................................... Set F/O APU or External Power ON BUS Engine start levers ............................................................ CUTOFF C If towing is not needed or when towing is complete: Call "SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE." C FUEL PUMP switches ...................................................OFF F/O FASTEN BELTS switch ................................................OFF F/O Hydraulic panel ............................................................... Set F/O ENGINE HYDRAULIC PUMPS switches - ON ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC PUMPS switches – OFF WING ANTI–ICE switch................................................. OFF F/O ENGINE ANTI–ICE switches ......................................... OFF F/O WINDOW HEAT switches ............................................... OFF F/O Air conditioning PACK switches ...................................... AUTO F/O ISOLATION VALVE switch ............................................ OPEN F/O Engine BLEED air switches................................................ON F/O APU BLEED air switch ......................................................ON F/O IRS mode selectors ............................................................ OFF F/O Anti-Collision Light ……………………………………….OFF when N2 is below 25 % FLIGHT DIRECTOR switches ............................................ OFF C, F/O Transponder code .................................................................. Set 2000 F/O Transponder mode selector .................................................... STBY F/O Call “SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST.” C Do the SHUTDOWN checklist. F/O SECURE PROCEDURE Start the Secure Procedure after all passengers are disembarked. IRS mode selectors ........................................................OFF F/O EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHTS switch ..........................OFF F/O Air conditioning PACK switches...................................OFF F/O Call “SECURE CHECKLIST.” C Do the SECURE checklist. F/O ELECTRICAL POWER DOWN This procedure assumes the Secure procedure is complete. APU switch and/or GRD POWER switch ........................................OFF If APU was operating: Delay approximately 2 minutes after the APU GEN OFF BUS light extinguishes before placing the BATTERY switch OFF. BATTERY switch..............................................................................OFF