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Microsoft MO-400 Certification Exam: Sample Questions and Answers

Microsoft MO-400
Certification Exam:
Sample Questions and
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MO-400 Exam Detail
Exam Code
Full Exam Name
Microsoft Office Specialist - Outlook Associate (Office 2019)
Number of Questions 40-60
Practice Exams
Microsoft MO-400 Certification Practice Exam
Passing Score
700 / 1000
Time Limit
60 mins
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MO-400 Syllabus
Manage Outlook settings and processes
Manage messages
Manage schedules
Manage contacts and tasks
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Preparation tips for Microsoft Outlook
Associate (Office 2019) Certification
• Perform enough practice with Microsoft system with
related Microsoft MO-400 certification subjects
• Identify the key configuration, workflow and data flow
• Understand the all Syllabus Topics of Exam.
• Identify your weak areas from practice test and do
more practice with system
• Repeat practice exams and try to score 100% on
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Microsoft MO-400
Sample Questions
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Q 1) When customizing reply settings in Outlook, what does enabling
the option "Prefix each line of the original message" do?
a) It prefixes each line with a character like ">" to
indicate quoted text.
b) It adds the original sender’s name at the start of
each line in the reply.
c) It changes the font color of the original message in
the reply.
d) It attaches the original message as a file to the reply.
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a) It prefixes each line with a character
like ">" to indicate quoted text.
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Q 2) What are the methods to insert an image into an Outlook email
(Choose Two)
a) Attach the image as a file to the email
b) Copy and paste the image directly into the email
c) Use the "Insert" tab and select "Pictures"
d) Use the "Draw" tab to insert an image
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b) Copy and paste the image directly into
the email body
c) Use the "Insert" tab and select "Pictures"
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Q 3) Which feature in Outlook allows a user to define specific actions
for messages from high-priority clients automatically as they arrive?
a) Conditional Formatting
b) Quick Steps
c) Rules and Alerts
d) Categories
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c) Rules and Alerts
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Q 4) For effective time management, how can one view multiple
calendars in overlay mode rather than in side-by-side mode?
a) Drag one calendar on top of another in the calendar
b) Select both calendars and choose 'View in Overlay
c) Right-click on a calendar and select 'Overlay'.
d) All of the above are correct ways to enable overlay
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d) All of the above are correct ways to
enable overlay mode.
Q 5) If a user needs to access emails and contacts from multiple devices,
which configuration should be ensured within Outlook settings?
a) Enable offline settings.
b) Configure the account as IMAP.
c) Use the POP3 protocol.
d) Set up forwarding to another email account.
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b) Configure the account as IMAP.
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Info on Microsoft Outlook Associate
(Office 2019) Certification
• For more information on MO-400 Certification
please refer to FAQs.
• The MO-400 certification is increasingly
becoming important for the career of employees.
• The fees information are for the informative
purposes and do not serve as an official offering
and are subject to change
• Focus on the guide for online registration and
you will find it out.
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More Info on Microsoft Certification
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