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ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Overview

ASME Section 01
This Section provides requirements for all methods of construction of power, electric, and miniature
boilers; high temperature water boilers, heat recovery steam generators, and certain fired pressure vessels
to be used in stationary service; and power boilers used in locomotive, portable, and traction service.
ASME Section 02
This section is divided into four parts covering the materials for the construction of piping and pressure
Part A (Ferrous material),
Part B (Non-ferrous material),
Part C (Welding rods and electrodes)
Part D (Material properties).
Note: - Part D is used to get allowable stress value to calculate pressure vessel wall thickness at different
design temperature.
ASME Section 03
This section provides requirements for new construction of nuclear power system considering mechanical
and thermal stresses due to cyclic operation. Deterioration, which may occur in service as result of
radiation effects, corrosion, or instability of the material, is typically not addressed.
Subsection NCA – General requirements for Division-01 / 02.
Subsection NB – Class-01 Components
Subsection NC – Class-02 Components
Subsection ND – Class-03 Components
Subsection NE – Class-MC Components
Subsection NF – Support
Subsection NG – Core Support Structures
Subsection NH – Class-01 Components Elevated Temperature Services
Division-02 - Code of Concrete Containments
Division-03 - Containments for Transportation and Storage Spent Nuclear Fuel and
High Level Radioactive Material and Waste.
Subsection WA – General Requirement for Division-03
Subsection WB – Class TP (Type-B) Containment
Subsection WC – Class SC Storage Containments
Division-04 – Reserved for Fusion Reactors (Not Active)
Division-05 – Construction Rules for High Temperature Reactors (Not Active)
Subsection HA – General Requirements
Subsection HB – Class-A Metallic Pressure Boundary Components
Subsection HC – Class-B Metallic Pressure Boundary Components
Subsection HF – Class A & B Metallic Supports
Subsection HG – Class-A Metallic Core Support Structure
Subsection HH – Class-A Non-Metallic Core Support Structure
ASME Section 04
Part HG rules are restricted to steam-heating boilers for operation at pressures not exceeding 15 psi
(Saturation temperature 250°F) (103 kPa) and to hot-water-heating and hot-water-supply boilers at
pressures not exceeding 160 psi (1100 kPa) and/or temperatures not exceeding 250°F (121°C).
ASME Section 05
This section is a reference code that deals with Non-destructive Examination (NDE) requirements, like
Personal Qualification, Procedures, Equipment, Calibration and Demonstration of Non-destructive
Examination (NDE) procedure.
ASME Section 06
This section covers the rules for the care and operation of steam-heating boilers, hot-water-heating boilers,
and hot-water-supply boilers.
ASME Section 07
This section shows, Recommended Guide-Lines for the Care of Power Boilers, falls within the purview of
the BPV Committee on Power Boilers (BPV I). The purpose of these Recommended Guidelines, as stated
in the “Organization of Section 7” is; The purpose is to promote safety in the use of power boilers.
ASME Section 08
This section benefits users, manufacturers, constructors, designers, and others, by providing highly
detailed requirements for fired or unfired pressure vessel design, fabrication, assembly, erection,
inspection, testing and certification.
Division-01: - Deals with regulations about the design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and
certification of pressure vessels of pressure vessels that operate under internal or external
pressures surpassing 15 pounds per square inch gauge (psig). These vessels could be either fired
or unfired.
Division-02: - The allowable stress is determined by considering various factors such as material
properties, design conditions and safety margins. Unlike Division 1, which provides fixed allowable
stress values, Division 2 allows for a more detailed and customized assessment of these factors.
Division-03: - This Division provides requirements applicable to the design, fabrication, inspection,
testing, and certification of pressure vessels operating at either internal or external pressures
generally above 10,000 psi. Such vessels may be fired or unfired.
ASME Section 09
This section specially addresses the qualification standard for welding and brazing procedures, as well as
the qualification of welders and brazers.
ASME Section 10
Fiber Re-enforced plastic pressure vessels
(Includes three Classes of vessel design; Class I and Class III - qualification through the destructive test of
a prototype and Class II - mandatory design rules and acceptance testing by nondestructive methods).
ASME Section 11
This section provides, standards for the examination, in-service testing and inspection, and repair and
replacement of Nuclear Power Plant components, pressure vessels and piping.
ASME Section 12
This section provides, rules that constitute requirements for construction and continued service of pressure
vessels for the transportation of dangerous goods via highway, rail, air or water.
ASME Section 13
This section contains rules that provide the requirements for the overpressure protection of pressurized
equipment such as boilers, pressure vessels, and piping systems. Overpressure protection methods
include: Releasing excess pressure by use of pressure relief devices.
02 Code Cases are available for BPVC as well.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, is made of 13 sections and contains over 15 divisions and