User Manual FI 1.1.1 Chart of Account 2017. 04. 25 KIIS Project Team Copyright ⓒ 2016 Samsung SDS Co., Ltd. All rights reserved | Document Revision History KIIS Project – User Manual(FI) Title Version Date 1.0 2017.04.24 Details FI User Manual Written by 김호영 I. Business Process Overview 1. Definition 2. Business Rules 3. Key Terminology 4. Additional Information II. Business Process Detail 1. Process Flow 2. Activity Description III. Operation Manual by Activities •Agenda Agenda Ⅰ. Business Process Overview 1. Definition • 회사에서 발생하는 모든 회계 정보를 G/L Account로 통합 관리합니다. • G/L Account는 10자리로 구성되어 있으며, Chart of Account와 Company Code 단위 View가 존재합니다. - Chart of Account : Account Group, P&L, Balance sheet 구분자, Text 구성 - Company Code : Account Control, Field status group, Tax category, Post Automatically 등 구성 Master Data Transaction Vendor Purchase Financial Statement General Ledger(G/L) Account • 재무제표를 구성하는 최소 단위이며 다양한 마스터 속성으로 정의됨 Chart of Accounts (COA) Customer Asset Bank Balance Sheet Production Sales Chart of Account (COA) • G/L Accounts의 구조화된 일련의 목록으로 재무제표 구성 요소 Balance sheet Statement (BS) Profit and Loss Plant/ Asset 기업의 재무상태를 측정 (=재무상태표) Profit and loss Statement (P&L) 경영성과를 측정 (= 손익계산서) Material Payment 3 / 22 Ⅰ. Business Process Overview 2. Business Rules □ 작업주기 : 수시 □ 주관부서 : 재무지원실 □ 관련부서 : 재무지원실/전산실 1) G/L Account 생성은 본사 재무지원실 담당자가 생성 여부를 결정하고 SAP 시스템에 반영은 전산실에서 수행한다. - G/L Account의 생성이 필요할 경우 본사 재무지원실 담당자에게 e-mail로 요청한다. - 본사 재무지원실 담당자는 요청사항을 검토하여 생성 여부를 결정한다. 2) 전산실 담당자는 신규 G/L Account를 SAP 시스템에 반영할 때 계정특성에 맞게 SAP 설정을 추가한다. - Bank 계정인 경우 · CoA 생성, House Bank, Foreign Currency Valuation Configuration 등 - 전도금 계정인 경우 · CoA 생성, House Bank, Expense Type 등 - Customer, Vendor 계정인 경우 · CoA 생성, Alternative reconciliation Account, Foreign Currency Valuation Configuration 등 - Asset 계정인 경우 · CoA 생성, Asset Class, Asset Determination, Assign G/L Account 등 4 / 22 Ⅰ. Business Process Overview 3. Key Terminology Istilah Definisi Chart of Account A classification scheme consisting of a group of general ledger (G/L) accounts. The G/L accounts it contains are used by one or more company codes. A chart of accounts must be assigned to each company code. G/L Account A structure that records value movements in a company code and represents the G/L account items in a chart of accounts. A G/L account has transaction figures that record changes to the account during a posting period. These figures are totals that are used for G/L reporting. Company Code The smallest organizational unit of Financial Accounting for which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting. This includes recording of all relevant transactions and generating all supporting documents required for financial statements. Recon. Account for acct type The reconciliation account ensures the integration of a subledger account into the general ledger. - Assets, Customers, Vendors Open Item Manage ment A setting in the master record for an account which requires each posting to the account to be offset by another posting to that account. Items must balance to zero before they can be cleared. The account balance is therefore always equal to the sum of the open items. 5 / 22 Keterangan Ⅰ. Business Process Overview 4. Additional Information □ Chart of Account (CoA) - G/L Account 는 두개의 Level (Chart of Accounts 와 Company Code) 정보로 구분하여 관리 됩니다. · Chart of Accounts : Account Group, P&L or BS account, Text · Company Code : Account currency, Recon. account for acct type, Open Item management, Field status group, House bank, Account ID, 등 - 계정과목표 를 의미하며, 각 company code마다 하나의 COA를 설정해야 한다. 여러 개의 Company code가 하나의 COA를 사용할 수 있다. □ Korindo 그룹 CoA 코드 체계 Digit 1 2 3 4 설명 FS 구분 유동 구분 재무 제표 대분류 재무 제표 상세 5 6 주석 7 8 세부 계정 6 / 22 Ⅰ. Business Process Overview 4. Additional Information □ Bank 계정 생성 방법 - Bank G/L Account 추가 할 경우 마스터 생성 및 Configuration Step • Bank G/L Account를 생성 한다. (T-code : FS00) Account Create House Bank / Bank determination • House Bank를 생성 한다. (T-code : OBVCU) • Bank determination을 생성 한다. (T-code : FI12) Account, Business Area Mapping • G/L Account에 Business Area를 설정 한다. (T-code : ZCMM0020) Account Update (House bank, Account ID) Foreign Currency Valuation Configuration 7 / 22 • 생성한 House bank, Account ID를 G/L Account에 업데이트 한다. • 외화 계정인 경우 외화평가를 설정 한다. (T-code : OBA1) Ⅰ. Business Process Overview 4. Additional Information □ SAP FI Table FAGLFLEXT 8 / 22 Ⅱ. Business Process Detail 1. Process Flow Input Process Flow HQ FI Dept LO FI Dept Start 1. output Permintaan COA membuat/merubah (e-mail) 2. Menerima permintaan COA membuat/perubahan LO CO PIC 4. Menerima penolakan dari pembuatan/perubahan COA (e-mail) N 3.Konfirmas i/ tidak Y IT Dept. 5. Menampilkan G/L Account COA master 6. Tersedia ? Y N IT Dept. IT Dept. 8. Perubahan G/L Account 7. Permbuatan/perubahan G/L Account PL 9. BS or PL 9 / 22 IT Dept. 10. Permintaan permbuatan/perubahan C/E 2.1.1 Master Data Beban – Biaya Ⅱ. Business Process Detail 2. Activity Description L5 ID Activity 1. Request COA creation/change Detailed Description • Permintaan Pembuatan/perubahan COA 2. Menerima pembuatan/ perubahan • Penerimaan Permintaan dari semua COA departemen 3. Cek COA terbuat/terubah atau tidak • Cek COA terbuat/terubah atau • Tidak 4. Menerima penolakan atas • Menerima penolakan atas pembuatan/perubahan Cost Element pe/perubahan Cost Element 5. Menampilkan COA • Menampilkan COA sebelum membuat/mengubah System/ T-code Cycle Responsibl e Team Saat menerima permintaan untuk E-mail LO FI PIC. membuat/mengu bah COA Saat menerima permintaan untuk E-mail HQ FI Dept. membuat/mengu bah COA Saat menerima permintaan untuk N/A HQ FI Dept. membuat/mengu bah COA Saat menerima permintaan untuk E-mail LO FI Dept. Proses selesai membuat/mengu bah COA Saat menerima SAP/ permintaan untuk ZFIR1010 IT Dept. membuat/mengu ZFIR1010A bah COA • Cek Account sudah pernah N/A 7. Membuatan Account • Membuat Account FS00 IT Dept. 8. Mengubah Account • Mengubah Account FS00 IT Dept. 6. Cek Account sudah pernah ada/belum ada/belum 9. Cek “BS / PL” • Cek apakah account ‘BS’ or ‘PL’ N/A 10.Permintaan 1st Membuat/merubah C/E • Jika account ‘PL’, minta untuk N/A membuat master data C/E Element 10 / 22 Considerations Saat menerima permintaan untuk membuat/mengu bah COA Saat menerima permintaan untuk membuat/mengu bah COA IT Dept. IT Dept. Jika account ‘BS’ , Process End Ⅲ. Operation Manual by Activities Menu Area FI Menu Path Menu FI T-Code ZFIT T-Code Text Writer Judi Date 2016. 11. 21 Masukan ZFIT di menu TCODE lalu tekan enter Menu area FI akan muncul 11 / 22 Menampilkan Susunan Kode Account Menu Path Master Data Account [GL] COA List display - FI(HQ) T-Code ZFIR1010 T-Code Text [GL] COA List display FI(HQ) Ⅲ. Operation Manual by Activities Writer Judi Date 2016. 11. 21 Masukan: Chart of Accounts: K100 Company Code: C033 (sesuai dengan perusahaan masing2) Tekan tombol execute 12 / 22 Menampilkan Susunan Kode Account Menu Path Master Data Account [GL] COA List display - FI(HQ) T-Code ZFIR1010 T-Code Text [GL] COA List display FI(HQ) Ⅲ. Operation Manual by Activities Writer Judi Date 2016. 11. 21 Muncul list gl account Keterangan simbol: gl account belum ada di company tsb gl account tsb ada di company tsb gl account tsb di lock (terkunci) di company tsb (tidak bisa digunakan untuk posting) Untuk melihat informasi lebih detail dapat diklik di nomor gl accountnya atau di kolom company code 13 / 22 Menampilkan Susunan Kode Account Menu Path Master Data Account [GL] COA List display - FI(HQ) T-Code ZFIR1010 T-Code Text [GL] COA List display FI(HQ) Ⅲ. Operation Manual by Activities Writer Judi Date 2016. 11. 21 Detail informasi yang ada dalam gl account tsb Tekan tab atau Untuk melihat informasi lainnya 14 / 22 Ⅲ. Operation Manual by Activities Membuat Kode Account Menu Path Master Data Account [GL] COA Master Writer Judi T-Code FS00 Date 2016. 11. 21 T-Code Text [GL] COA Master Masukkan: Kode gl account baru Lalu tekan Lalu isi : G/L Account Company Code Sebagai reference untuk mengcopy informasi account yang ada (pilih gl account yang mempunyai tipe yang sama Tekan enter 15 / 22 Ⅲ. Operation Manual by Activities Membuat Kode Account Menu Path Master Data Account [GL] COA Master Writer Judi T-Code FS00 Date 2016. 11. 21 T-Code Text [GL] COA Master Masukkan: Ubah short text Ubah G/L Long Text Sesuai dengan deskripsi gl account yang baru Lalu klik 16 / 22 Ⅲ. Operation Manual by Activities Membuat Kode Account Menu Path Master Data Account [GL] COA Master Writer Judi T-Code FS00 Date 2016. 11. 21 T-Code Text [GL] COA Master Masukkan: Ubah account currency sesuai dengan kebutuhan gl account baru Lalu klik 17 / 22 Ⅲ. Operation Manual by Activities Membuat Kode Account Menu Path Master Data Account [GL] COA Master Writer Judi T-Code FS00 Date 2016. 11. 21 T-Code Text [GL] COA Master Jika informasinya sudah lengkap klik save 18 / 22 Ⅲ. Operation Manual by Activities Mengubah Kode Account Menu Path Master Data Account [GL] COA Master Writer Judi T-Code FS00 Date 2016. 11. 21 T-Code Text [GL] COA Master Masukkan kode G/L Account Lalu tekan tombol change Masukkan informasi yang ingin diubah Jika sudah diubah tekan 19 / 22 Ⅲ. Operation Manual by Activities Menghapus Kode Account Menu Path Master Data Account [GL] COA Master Writer Judi T-Code FS00 Date 2016. 11. 21 T-Code Text [GL] COA Master Masukkan kode G/L Account Lalu tekan tombol Masukkan informasi yang ingin diubah Jika sudah diubah tekan 20 / 22 Ⅲ. Operation Manual by Activities Menghapus Kode Account Menu Path Master Data Account [GL] COA Master Writer Judi T-Code FS00 Date 2016. 11. 21 T-Code Text [GL] COA Master Masukkan kode G/L Account Lalu tekan tombol Centang kolom Mark for Deletion Lalu tekan tombol 21 / 22 Copyright © 2016 Samsung SDS Co., Ltd. All rights reserved |