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Eng. Gilden G Magande
Sub-enabling Outcomes
1. Describe Occupational Health and Safety as applied in Engineering
2. Describe principles and measures of First Aid as applied in
occupational health and safety.
3. Describe inspection procedures on biomedical equipment and related
Eng. Gilden G Magande
At the end of this lecture, the student will be able to:
• Define occupational health and safety.
• Explain the concept of health and safety hazards in the working place.
• Explain workers’ role in occupational health safety and hygiene
service Programs.
• Clearly identify workshop rules.
• Describe the concept of first aid and its principles.
• Apply best practice procedures for purchasing control of workshop
Eng. Gilden G Magande
1.Describe Occupational Health and Safety as applied
in Engineering workshop.
• Define occupational Health and safety (OHS).
• Identify engineering workshop rules.
• Explain the terms: health, safety and hygiene.
• Explain health and safety hazards in working places.
• Apply best practice procedures for purchasing control of workshop
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Define occupational Health and safety (OHS).
Occupational health is concerned with the control of occupational health
hazards that arise as a result of or during work activities.
Occupational health and safety (OHS) is a branch of public health
aimed at improving workplace health and safety standards. It studies
injury and illness trends in the worker population and offers suggestions
for mitigating the risks and hazards they encounter on the job.
Every occupation has health or safety risks associated with it, and it is
every employer’s responsibility to ensure that their employees can carry
out their work as safely as possible.
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Identify engineering workshop rules.
The workshop contains many potential safety hazards. However, with
proper control these hazards can be eliminated.
General Workshop Safety Tips & Rules
• Dress for The Occasion
• Vision Protection
• Keep Your Workshop Clean
• No Drugs, Alcohol Or Other Impairments Please!
• Please Read the Book(manual)
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Identify engineering workshop rules.
• Keep Tools and Equipment Sharp
• Avoid Unnecessary Distractions
• Use Safety Tools to Assist You
• Electrical Extension Cords
Always use the correct machine for the job that it was designed
for. Don’t try to make something do it wasn’t intended to do. Always
think about the workshop safety tips.
If you follow the rules above, you are well on your way to a safe work
shop environment and peace of mind. It is not totally inclusive,
meaning there are still some rules and guidelines that I didn’t list here or
even thought of.
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain the terms: health, safety and hygiene.
Health, according to the World Health Organization, is “a state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity”.
Safety is a concept that includes all measures and practices taken to
preserve the life, health, and bodily integrity of individuals. In the
workplace, safety is measured through a series of metrics that track the
rate of near misses, injuries, illnesses, and fatalities.
Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health
and prevent the spread of diseases.
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain health and safety hazards in working places
Safety hazards exist in every workplace, but how do you know which
ones have the most potential to harm workers?
By identifying hazards at your workplace, you will be better prepared to
control or eliminate them and prevent accidents, injuries, property
damage, and downtime.
What defines a hazard?
According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and
Safety (CCOHS), a hazard, within the context of workplace health and
safety, is “any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health
effects on something or someone.”
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain health and safety hazards in working places
There are general occupational safety hazards such as slips, trips, and
falls, however, as you’ll read further, it is up to the employer to conduct
regular hazards assessments to identify its own unique hazards and
Hazards and risks
So what’s the difference between safety hazards and safety risks?
What are hazards? A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm,
or adverse health effects on something or someone. The CCOHS says,
“risk is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or
experience an adverse health effect if exposed to a hazard.”
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain health and safety hazards in working places
What are risks? Risks are described as a “probability or likelihood of
developing a disease or getting injured, whereas hazard refers to the
agent responsible.”
Categories of hazards
Regardless of where you work or which industry you are in, workplace
hazards can be categorized into seven sections, making them easier to
mitigate and to stay organized when tackling them.
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain health and safety hazards in working places
The 7 common workplace hazards are:
1. Safety hazards
2. Biological hazards
3. Physical hazards
4. Ergonomic hazards
5. Chemical hazards
6. Work organization hazards
7. Environmental hazards
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain health and safety hazards in working places
1. Safety hazards
Safety hazards are number one on the list of types of workplace
hazards. These hazards play an effect on employees who work directly
with machinery or on construction sites. Safety hazards are unsafe
working conditions that can cause injury, illness, and death.
Safety hazards include:
• Anything that can cause falls, such as working from heights, including
ladders, scaffolds, roofs, or any elevated work area.
• Electrical hazards like frayed cords, missing ground pins, and
improper wiring
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain health and safety hazards in working places
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain health and safety hazards in working places
2. Biological hazards
The definition of biological hazards, commonly known as biohazards,
can be any biological substance that could cause harm to humans.
Biological hazards include exposure to harm or disease from working
with animals, people, or infectious plant materials.
3. Physical hazards
Of all the hazards in your workplace, physical hazards might be the least
obvious. Despite their name, physical hazards aren’t always something
that you can see or touch. Physical hazards affect workers in extreme
weather conditions or harmful working environments.
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain health and safety hazards in working places
Physical hazards include:
• Radiation: including ionizing and non-ionizing (EMF’s, microwaves,
radio waves, etc.) materials
• High exposure to sunlight/ultraviolet rays
• Gases under pressure
• Temperature extremes – hot and cold
• Constant loud noise
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain health and safety hazards in working places
4. Ergonomic hazards
Ergonomic safety hazards occur when the type of work, body positions, and
working conditions put a strain on your body. They are the hardest to spot
since you don’t always immediately notice the strain on your body or the
harm that these hazards pose.
Ergonomic Hazards include:
• Improperly adjusted workstations and chairs
• Frequent lifting ,Poor posture
• Awkward movements, especially if they are repetitive
• Having to use too much force, especially if you have to do it frequently
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain health and safety hazards in working places
5. Chemical hazards
Chemical hazards are present when a worker is exposed to any chemical
preparation in the workplace in any form (solid, liquid or gas). Some are
safer than others, but to some workers who are more sensitive to
chemicals, even common solutions can cause illness, skin irritation, or
breathing problems.
Eng. Gilden G Magande
Explain health and safety hazards in working places
6. Work organization hazards
Safety hazards or stressors that cause stress (short-term effects) and strain
(long-term effects). These are hazards associated with workplace issues such
as workload, lack of control and/or respect, etc.
Examples include:
 Workload demands
 Workplace violence
 High intensity and/or pace
 Respect (or lack thereof)
 Sexual harassment
Eng. Gilden G Magande