NEEDS ANALYSIS REPORT The needs analysis report is based on the needs analysis questionnaire administered to students of MD6 class of Bridgetown International University School of Medicine. The questionnaire and the analysis helps the institution to become proactive in dealing with the gaps( in knowledge, attitude, skills) existing among students as they get trained to become efficient doctors contributing to health of an individual, family, nation and world at large. The questionnaire had the following components A. B. C. D. E. F. Motivation Content areas Vark analysis Learning Strategies Student’s Personal attributes Trainer’s attributes A total of 5 students who attended IMMUNOLOGY course in MD4 and currently in MD6 were asked to fill the questionnaire and presented below is the analysis report In response to the needs questionnaire about immunology course as part of MD curriculum, the First question posed was to understand how motivated the students felt in attending the immunology session classes. 3 = Most Important, 2- Important, 1 = Least Important, 0- not important A1. Out of 5 students the most important motivation to attend seem to be for the following reasons with 60% marking rating 3 for the following statements(e,f.g) with 1 person(20%)giving a rating of 2 for e, and 1 person(20%) giving a rating of 2 for question f: e. It helps to understand in depth how the body's defense system functions and treat patients with immune system disorders f. To understand and educate patients on how globalization has impacted our immune system (pollutants, medications, nutrition, stress etc.) g. To understand emergence of epidemics/pandemics A2. Important for the following reasons -80% giving a rating 2 for the following statements with one(20%) person giving a rating of 0 for d. b. c. d. It is a part of the basic science curriculum In preparation for USMLE or other graduating exam I want to become an immunologist/oncologist/microbiologist A3. Least important for the following reasons- 40% giving a rating of 1 for the following statements (a and h) with 2( 40%) giving a rating of 2 for a. 1(20%) giving a rating of 3 for a. 2 (40%)giving a rating of 2 for h. 1(20%) giving a rating of 1 for h. a. It is one of my favorite courses h. Interested in research and developing the next immunotherapeutic intervention A4. Not important for the following reasons. 40% marking 0 for the following statement, 40% marking 2, and 20% marking 1 d. I want to become an immunologist/oncologist/microbiologist Overall the motivation seems to be high among the students to engage, learn and implement the knowledge in the immunology course. B. Content areas There was a brief outlay of the content in form of topics in Immunology course in which the students were asked to indicate- Not confident, somewhat confident, confident, highly confident. The content areas that students were not confident(NC), Somewhat confident(SC), Confident (C), Highly confident(HC) is analysed below NC SC 3(60%) 4(80%) 2(40%) 2(40%) 1(20%) 3(60%) 3(60%) 4(80%) 3(60%) 4(80%) 3(60%) 3(60%) 1(20%) 1(20%) 1(20%) Innate immunity Phagocytosis and its disorders Acute Inflammation Chronic inflammation Complement system NK cells Cytokines and Interferons Pathophysiology of fever MHC Molecules T cell maturation and T cell immunity Disorders of T cell Immunity B cell maturation and B cell immunity Disorders of B cell immunity Hypersensitivity reactions C 1(20%) 1 2(40%) 2(40%) HC 1(20%) 1(20%) 1(20%) 1(20%) 1(20%) 1(20%) 1(20%) 2(40%) 1(20%) 1(20%) 1(20%) 2(40%) 4(80%) 4(80%) 4(80%) C. Learning style preference( VARK analysis) A modified version of the original VARK questionnaire to understand the needs of training in a medical institution was administered and the following results were obtained Visual, Auditory, Read/write, Kinesthetic V A R K Student percentage 2(40%) 3(60%) 5(100%) D. Learning Strategies Method of studying showed the following results Learning strategies which helped the students the most were skewed with the following results 1 2 3 4 A. Do you like: a. Studying alone? 20% 80% b. Pair work? 40% 60% 20% 40% 40% 20% 60% 20% c. Group work? d. Whole class work? B. Which of the following learning strategies helped you in the course? a. Case based learning (CBL) b. Technology based learning (TBL- Amboss) c. Formative quizzes 100 % 80% 20% 40% 60% d. Presentation by peers 40% 60% e. In class solving mcqs 60% 40% f. Review class 100 % g. Do you follow the strategy of repetition (reading, writing, explaining to a peer) 100 % h. Do you have specific techniques for recall/retrieval of a concept (solving mcqs, using mnemonics, paste up notes) 20% 80% i. Do you have a technique to simplify concepts (flow diagrams, key word, writing summaries etc.) j. Do you think dual coding (verbal and visual) helps you to better understand a concept 100 % 20% 80% E. Personal attributes 1. Proficiency in English language is a dire necessity in order to have a clear understanding of the concepts explained/demonstrated in class sessions and also in a social settings where students have to work in a English speaking country. The following results were obtained Difficulty levels Very often Often Sometimes Reading Never 100% Writing 40% 60% Listening 40% 60% Speaking 20% Questions 2. Are you able to listen attentively for 1 hour 45 minutes of a session with a break of 10 minutes? 80% YES NO 100% 3. Did you frequently fail to speak up when you knew you should say something about a doubt that you had or any query regarding a topic/concept? 100% 4. Did you feel "I know what is being taught in Immunology, but given a chance I can't explain it"? 100% Regarding time management, prioritization and planning results of 5 students, the following results were obtained Questions YES NO 1. Did you have many days when you were attending all classes but felt relatively non-productive? 3 2 2. Are you able to name the differences between a goal - a plan a to do list - and an action plan? 5 3. Did you operate according to a written plan/schedule for passing the Immunology course? 2 4. Did you put things off in the particular semester, because you are “not in the mood”/personal issues/distractors in campus or residence? 5. Did you have the correct balance between study and rest during the semester? 3 5 2 3 F. Trainer attributes A comprehensive feedback by 5 students on the trainers attributes during the course period which lasted approximately 2 months is represented below Questions YES 1. Do you think the trainer is knowledgeable to teach this particular course (Physiology)? 100% 2. Do you think the trainer carried a positive attitude towards your learning of the course? 100% 3. Is the trainer patient in answering your queries about academics/ course/concepts? 100% NO 4. Was the trainer topics/concepts? organized in presentation of 100% 5. Were the learning objectives of the course pertaining to Physiology met? 100% 6. Do you think the topics were communicated effectively by the trainer? 100% 7. Was the trainer able to offer rich training/adequate knowledge of the topics/concepts? 100% 8. Did the trainer exhibit high standards of professionalism during the course in dealing with academic? 100% 9. or your personal issues during the course? 100% 10. Was the training effective and engaging enabling you to gain sufficient knowledge? 100% 11. Do you feel there was adequate time management in teaching and evaluating the course? 100% Conflict of Interest: Content areas- Since the students had attended the course between Jan-April 2023, the responses are based not on a questionnaire that was administered immediately after the course but after a considerable gap which could be a bias in ascertaining the level of understanding the content areas after a considerable gap.