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Luke Belmars money plan 2024 b13bdc9c4283437980338b8d98f95c76

Luke Belmars money plan 2024.
Dear brother, understand that 2024 is about to be ruthless. It is gonna be great
opportunity to become extremely wealthy. But the same time, understand where
world is headed, that if you don’t take action and escape it, then you are fxcked.
Remember, they locked you for 2 years. There will come digital lock upon
everyone that exist in digital ecosystem, unless you have money you are fucked.
Luke Belmars money plan 2024.
Trust me, if this year US gets fucked, whole world gonna be fucked. Take some
time and understand sense of urgency. To survive this digital slavery, you have to
become valuable and useful, then you will become part of good network that will
save you. Wherever you’re my bro, I’m counting on you. Especially, your family.
Know that your parents in their mind, hoping that you will run in that race faster.
And that’s the truth.
Get into capital club, bend together to not get fucked. Bond others with other
people to save from digital slavery.
So, from down of the time, when revolutions, war, slavery happened:
who always survived?
1. Rich
2. Well-connected
3. Fuckin talented.
Brother, if you’re neither, get to work!
So, listen carefully and be attentive. There is short time that remain. Please, be
perspicacious understand what is narratives today. Understand the market. When
you getting into this whole crypto things, know that ones that runs market under
their 20s to early 40s, cause they have higher risk tolerance. Cause market itself
very risky. At that point, you understand who runs the market.
So, next 2-3 years is important. This years you can get incredibly rich, and
maybe it’s your last opportunity. If Trump become president maybe this
window will be opened for longer.
2024 is going to be predicted as year of Bitcoin ETF, that will definitely make
price of Bitcoin and Altcoin significantly fluctuate.
This April going to happen halving of Bitcoin. Be ready.
Money is not value but it is technological remittance of Commerce. DO YOU GET
IT? Money itself has 0 value.
4,000 years ago if I wanted to transact with you and let's say you had a plot of
land, I would come to you with something that was valuable to you. We would try
to barter and negotiate but let's say I had 10 different plots of land each of them a
Luke Belmars money plan 2024.
kilometer away from each other, also every individual that wanted to buy that plot
of land had a different bartering system. AKA they perceived or wanted a tradeoff
that was different than the prior individual, so each of them was sold for Indian
spices, gold, cows, pearls and etc. so you had all these exchanges of value that
the other person deemed important, now there was a financial technological
Revolution that took place which was the issuance of the mint, because the coin
standardized right to the process.
Continuing the topic of coin, once it became currency, people began to do what?
Dilute the money because they realize that by diluting the money you could
increase the supply and kind of lie to the people regarding the actual weight and
Luke Belmars money plan 2024.
value of your money. Because remember the issuance of that money was
weighed, so it the size the dimension was measured by weight so you would have
your measurement in Silver, Copper, Gold, what is interesting is that it wasn't only
a technological advancement for Commerce, but it was also a technological
advancement for the issuant of perceived dominance in power why because
every time you would see Caesar's face on the coin you knew who you belonged
to. You knew whose ecosystem you were under so the coin became a symbol of
power, the person that could issue money was the person in charge. So, clever
individuals came along and said let's create a system that allows us to have this
power without really having the assets to back this power AKA fiat.
Understand, currency is something that was building of society upon credits
and loans. This is what is meant power without assets.
Let’s say you want to get deposit, you think you getting fuck ton of money and
etc. You holding just liability on your behalf. And receive some 0.11%, but by
the money issued from you, there’re the loans that are created. Because loan
created upon signing right. Once you sign the money, it creates loan upon
your signature. People tend to assume that money sitting there, but it’s you
signing upon the creation of loans.
Do you know why really Caesar was killed?
Julius Caesar decided that he wanted to go back onto the gold standard, so can
get rid of the usery or the concept of debt because you realized that there was
individual oligarchs that were monetizing off of the fractionalization of the
currency. Definitely, you want to ask “how was it that these individuals
fractionalize the currency back”. Well they would dilute the purity of the coin. Back
in the day you would basically have to go and mine for gold or take over a village
or kingdom in order to bring coins. That's basically stealing from your own people
because you're debasing devaluing the purchasing power that you have why
because there's more circulating supply, therefore scarcity becomes less
abounding. So, the oligarchs didn't like it after he passed the law within 6 months
he was murdered. The same way as Abraham Lincoln, Kennedy and other
Luke Belmars money plan 2024.
coin of Caesar.
So, if you're holding a different currency let's say the Singaporean dollar, the
Swiss frank those are the two probably that could be exempt. But you're
holding any other currency against the dollar you're getting absolutely fxckin
blasted, except one. Bitcoin. It is better than holding some Fiat, that unlimited
amount of them could be in existence and are constantly being printed.
Anonymous individual approached the internet known as Satoshi Nakamoto, he
introduced this concept of a new currency that was backed by trust, transparency
and the power of the network. Unlike any other individual that I listed prior that
attempted to build something that would compete with the loyal dependence of
the dollar was introduced for the first time, it kind of became cool and it
represented freedom but there's nobody to murder there's no single source of
leadership right that can be directly killed. Yeah, they can get rid rid of F2 pool
and do some crazy shxt. Yeah, for sure but one Bitcoin is still one Bitcoin
-You need to understand that your 100000$ that you have, after 5 year is fuckin
So, brother. Don’t be fool that say knows everything. Be prepared for wave of
hardships that going to come. Once you understand how world working, you will
stop scrolling. And you will make fxckin serious plans. Because becomes it’s so
obvious where the world headed, and if you don’t put trust to God and won’t work,
you are gonna probably get in serious problems.
Luke Belmars money plan 2024.
1. Capitalize on the trends that happening in the world. Understand where the
world headed, understand where attention is going. Figure out where you can
make money and build around that ecosystem.
2. Your income needs to be AI proof. Today you’re fine and enjoying business, in
next 10 years you are fxcked. Do you not understand Moore’s law? See the
indicator of growth! GPT had just come out, and it already revolutionized
education and finances. What’s next? So, learn how to talk and work with AI.
Get especially in internet things, why da hell you are going to build physical
store as example, when you can build an e-commerce store and direct traffic
from all corners.
3. Collect the thing that is real. Relationship, Gold, network, real skills. Make the
choice that on 2024 you’re going to make more money. Because, you’re in
charge of your life. Get specific! In what areas. And just commit whole year to
it, then you will accomplish it. Walk with truth. Walk with power.
You need to have reality check. Please, don’t get fucked because you are lazy,
because you didn’t decide pick up that damn book, educate yourself on specific
No farmer ever plant today's seed and expected to eat the
fruit of that seed on that same day, it takes a long time to see
the rewards of your labor but make sure that where you're
laboring it's going to pay.
Luke Belmars money plan 2024.
1. Learn about team, their history and their ability to actually push through or to
build hype.
2. Narrative. Learn what this token or product offering currently in demand in the
marketplace, like is this something people want.
3. Risk and Reward ratio. Try to enter with low risk and high reward.
Thank you, brother for your attention. I hope you get something useful for you.
Keep grinding & trust to God. All best wishes from @bekmagambetd.
Luke Belmars money plan 2024.