ASIA PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ADVANCED STUDIES A.H. Banzon St., Ibayo, Balanga City, Bataan COLLEGE OF NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES PATHOPHYSIOLOGY (SPECIFIC) Modifiable Factors: • • Non-Modifiable Factors: Body Mass Index: 30.2 High intake of glycemic foods Causes/Etiology Mechanisms/Pathogenesis Types Signs and Symptoms Diagnostic Exam Nursing Diagnosis Medical Management Nursing Management Surgical Management • • Age: 24 yrs. Old Sex: Female • Reduces Resistance of mother to the pressor effects of Angiotensin and Norepinephrine Increased Thromboxane A2 (Vasoconstrictor) and Decreased Prostacyclin (Vasodilator) Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Unknown Etiology Insulin in blood Hyperinsulinemia Intake of salty and sugary foods, beverages (coffee) Increased blood Volume/Increased Cardiac Output More insulin triggered due to high intake of glycemic foods Injury to endothelial cells (Due to pooling of blood in the venous circulation) More calories stored as fat as a result Generalized vasospasms • Vasoconstriction Increased blood pressure Altered tissue perfusion related to vasoconstriction of blood vessels ASIA PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ADVANCED STUDIES A.H. Banzon St., Ibayo, Balanga City, Bataan COLLEGE OF NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Overnutrition of the fetus Weight Gain Interstitial effect Protein lost LGA Osmotic pressure of the circulating blood falls Decreased absorption Diffusion of fluid from blood stream into interstitial tissue Edema ASIA PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ADVANCED STUDIES A.H. Banzon St., Ibayo, Balanga City, Bataan COLLEGE OF NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Gestational Hypertension - Blood pressure is 140/90, no proteinuria; blood pressure returns to normal after birth. Signs and Symptoms: - Diagnostic Exams: ➢ • • • • Screening Test: January 11, 2024 HBSAG – NONREACTIVE Blood Type – “B” Rh: Positive HIV - NONREACTIVE SYPHILIS - NONREACTIVE ➢ Ultrasound: • FHR -147 Increased blood pressure Edema Weight Gain Diagnostic Exams: ➢ • • • • • • Urinalysis: February 16, 2024 Color - Yellow Transparency – Slightly Turbid Glucose – Negative Protein – Negative pH – 65 Specific Gravity – 1.010 Diagnostic Exams: ➢ • • • • • • CBC Test: February 16, 2024 Hemoglobin – 121g/L RBC – 4.02x10^12/L WBC – 10.30x10^9/L Platelet – 221x10^9/L Neutrophils – 0.750 Lymphocytes – 0.200 ASIA PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ADVANCED STUDIES A.H. Banzon St., Ibayo, Balanga City, Bataan COLLEGE OF NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Edema Increased blood pressure Weight Gain Nursing Diagnosis: Nursing Diagnosis: Nursing Diagnosis: Decreased cardiac output related to possibly evidence by variations in BP. Excess fluid volume related to decreased cardiac functioning. Imbalanced Nutrition: More than body requirements. Nursing Management: Nursing Management: Nursing Management: - - - - Monitor BP closely Limit client to do unnecessary physical activity Encourage restriction of sodium and fat, even beverages such as coffee Educate and advice patient to limit alcohol consumption and avoidance of tobacco Assist the patient to develop and adhere to an appropriate exercise regimen Monitor response to medication to control blood pressure - Pharmacological Management: • • • Magnesium Sulfate Anti-hypertensive drug (Methyldopa) Hydralazine - - Assess edema and degree of pitting edema Monitor intake and output Weigh the patient regularly Instruct patient, caregiver, and family members regarding fluid restrictions, as appropriate Limit sodium intake as prescribed Rest with legs elevated - - Monitor the patient’s intake and output Devise the patient a healthy diet and exercise plan. Advise the patient to eat protein-rich foods. Encourage the patient to eat small frequent meals to help the appetite Educate patients about the harms of obesity Avoid fast foods ASIA PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ADVANCED STUDIES A.H. Banzon St., Ibayo, Balanga City, Bataan COLLEGE OF NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Surgical Management: - Emergency Cesarean Section Pre-operative Management: - Monitor VS (BP closely) Monitor FHT Assess edema and degree of pitting edema NPO Insert a Foley Catheter Skin preparation Test for knee jerk reflex Post-operative Management: - Pharmacological Management: - Magnesium sulfate Anti-hypertensive drugs Fluid replacement Oxytocin General anesthesia Antiemetic Monitor VS especially BP q15 mins for 2 hours Assess for bleeding Patient flat on bed for 2 hours Monitor flatus and bowel movement NPO until flatus occur Assist client with movement if needed Educate client for proper wound care Pharmacological Management: - Antibiotics Anti-hypertensive Oxytocin Analgesic NSAID