Basic Electronics Introduction Course Description - This course deals with the fundamental concepts of electricity and electronics. It covers topics on some passive (resistors, capacitors) and active (diodes, transistors) electronic components. It also includes circuit analysis and troubleshooting techniques. Course Description - Also it introduce the students to some of the frequently used instruments and equipment like the multitester and DC Power supply. Course Outline 1 . Introduction to Electrical Measurements 2 . Resistor Series and Parallel Circuit 3 . Series Circuit - Voltage and Current Measurement 4 . Parallel Circuit - Voltage and Current Measurement 5 . The Ohm’s Law 6 . The Voltage and Current Divider Principle 7 . Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws Course Outline 8 . Capacitor Charging and Discharging 9 . RC Time Constant (Charging and Discharging) I0 . Semiconductor Diode Characteristics 11 . Positive Diode Clippers - Non-linear Wave Shaping 12 . Negative Diode Clippers - Non-linear Wave Shaping 13 . Combination Clippers - Non-linear Wave Shaping Course Outline 14 . Positive Diode Clampers - Non-linear Wave Shaping 15. Negative Diode Clampers - Non-linear Wave Shaping 16 . Zener Diode Characteristics 17 . Zener Diode Clipping Circuits 18 . Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator Analog Multitester - are those that have a moving needle that stops on a number that is printed on the background behind the moving needle. The number that the needle stops on indicates the volts, ohms or amps the meter is measuring depending on how the control knob is set. Analog Multitester Pointer or Needle – indicates the values read from the scale Analog Multitester Scale – shows the value of what is being measured Analog Multitester Dial/Infinity Knob – points the needle to the 0 at the left side of the scale Analog Multitester Zero Ohm Adjuster – adjusts the needle to the right side of the scale Analog Multitester Range Selector Knob – allows changing the function and scale Analog Multitester Range – allows more accurate measurement for small values Analog Multitester Test Probes – Positive probe (red) and Negative Probe (black) are used to connect to the circuit or device under test. DC Power Supply - are those devices that deliver electric power to one or several loads. They generate the output power by converting an AC input signal into a DC output signal. DC Power Supply Current scale Voltage scale Control knob Probes Power indicator Switch DC Power Supply Breadboard/Protoboard - a rectangular plastic board with a bunch of tiny holes in it. These holes let you easily insert electronic components to prototype (meaning to build and test an early version of) an electronic circuit. Breadboard/Protoboard Connecting Wires Resistors Capacitors Diodes Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Potentiometer Transistors ACTIVITY 1: Electronic symbols and their description. END