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Adobe AD0-E502 Certification Exam Syllabus and Exam Questions

Adobe AD0-E502
Certification Exam Syllabus
and Exam Questions
Adobe AD0-E502 Exam Guide
Get complete detail on AD0-E502 exam guide to crack Adobe Advertising DSP
Business Practitioner Professional. You can collect all information on AD0E502 tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and
syllabus. Firm your knowledge on Adobe Advertising DSP Business
Practitioner Professional and get ready to crack AD0-E502 certification.
Explore all information on AD0-E502 exam with number of questions, passing
percentage and time duration to complete test.
Introduction to AD0-E502 Adobe Advertising
DSP Business Practitioner Professional Exam
The Adobe AD0-E502 Exam is challenging and thorough preparation is essential for
success. This exam study guide is designed to help you prepare for the Advertising
DSP Business Practitioner certification exam. It contains a detailed list of the topics
covered on the Professional exam, as well as a detailed list of preparation resources.
This study guide for the Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner Professional will
help guide you through the study process for your certification.
AD0-E502 Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner
Professional Exam Summary
Exam Name: Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E502
Exam Price: $125 (USD)
Duration: 138 mins
Number of Questions: 69
Passing Score: 44/69
Schedule Exam:
AD0-E502: Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner Professional
○ Adobe
○ Pearson VUE
● Sample Questions: Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner Sample
● Recommended Practice: Adobe AD0-E502 Certification Practice Exam
Exam Syllabus: AD0-E502 Adobe Advertising DSP Business
Practitioner Professional
- Given the needs of a campaign, determine the
strategy for that campaign
- Given a scenario, create a new campaign
- Given a scenario, create a package
- Apply procedural concepts for creating and
applying targeting to placements
Setting up campaigns
- Apply procedural concepts for attaching ads to 42%
- Given a scenario, duplicate and edit a
- Apply procedural concepts required to set up
Private and On demand inventories for a
- Apply procedural concepts to ensure that
campaigns are running correctly
- Apply procedural concepts to optimize a
Running and optimizing
- Apply procedural concepts to troubleshoot a
- Given a scenario, manage integrations with inplatform solutions
- Given a scenario, read data within the platform
- Given a scenario, create and read custom
- Implement changes to a campaign
Reporting and analyzing
- Given a scenario, evaluate the performance of
a campaign
- Apply procedural concepts for attributing
performance to a campaign
- Given a scenario, provide updates to clients
Supplying recommendations based on a campaign
for campaigns
- Given a scenario, adjust campaign strategy
based on campaign performance
AD0-E502: Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner Professional
Adobe AD0-E502 Certification Sample Questions and
To make you familiar with Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner Professional
(AD0-E502) certification exam structure, we have prepared this sample question set.
We suggest you to try our Sample Questions for Advertising DSP Business Practitioner
AD0-E502 Certification to test your understanding of Adobe AD0-E502 process with real
Adobe certification exam environment.
AD0-E502 Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner Professional
Sample Questions:01. Which type of data visualization is most effective for presenting complex
interaction data in a campaign?
a) Pie charts
b) Bar graphs
c) Line charts
d) Heat maps
02. What are the key considerations when applying procedural concepts to
optimize a campaign?
(Choose Three)
a) Adjusting targeting based on performance analytics
b) Maintaining a consistent bid strategy regardless of results
c) Testing different ad formats
d) Revisiting the campaign objectives for alignment with business goals
e) Ignoring external market trends
03. Which factors should be considered to optimize a campaign effectively?
(Select two)
a) Audience engagement metrics
b) Time of the day
c) Personal preferences
d) Competitor campaign themes
AD0-E502: Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner Professional
04. After a client’s campaign has been adjusted for better targeting and is now
performing well, how should future communications be planned?
a) Continue regular detailed updates
b) Reduce the frequency of updates
c) Stop updates and only report at campaign end
d) Provide updates only if there is a decline in performance
05. Given a scenario where a digital campaign's CTR has significantly decreased
over the past week, what should be your initial recommendation to potentially
improve performance?
a) Increase the campaign budget
b) Modify the targeting criteria
c) Enhance the creative design
d) Ignore the drop as it is temporary
06. Given a scenario where a campaign's performance is faltering midway, what
are effective procedural concepts to troubleshoot and revive the campaign?
(Choose Two)
a) Doubling the existing budget without further analysis
b) Analyzing performance data to identify underperforming areas
c) Revising ad creatives and testing new messaging
d) Sticking to the original plan to maintain consistency
07. Which of the following are essential for ensuring a campaign is running
(Select two)
a) Regular monitoring of campaign metrics
b) Frequent changes to creative designs
c) Ensuring alignment with business objectives
d) Ignoring audience feedback
08. What is the first step in determining the strategy for a new marketing
campaign based on the needs of the campaign?
a) Set the budget
b) Identify the target audience
c) Choose the advertising platform
d) Define campaign objectives
AD0-E502: Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner Professional
09. In evaluating the performance of a campaign, what metric indicates the cost
effectiveness of the campaign targeting?
a) Click-through rate
b) Cost per click
c) Cost per acquisition
d) Impressions
10. ___________ is essential to link specific actions directly to campaign
a) Guesswork
b) Attribution
c) Assumption
d) Avoidance
Answers:Answer 01:- d
Answer 02:- a, c, d
Answer 03:- a, b
Answer 04:- a
Answer 05:- b
Answer 06:- b, c
Answer 07:- a, c
Answer 08:- d
Answer 09:- c
Answer 10:- b
AD0-E502: Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner Professional