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Political Theory Quiz: Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli

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I. Identify the following. Incorrect spelling shall not have any credit.
POLIS 1. This is known as a body of persons adequate in number for achieving selfsufficient existence.
AUXILLIARIES 2. They are known to the courage or spirit of the state in Plato’s The Republic.
LYCEUM 3. The school established by Aristotle.
OSTRACISM 4. The process where ancient Greeks ban a potential tyrant from the polis.
OBSERVATION 5. According to Aristotle, this is necessary to study phenomena and the way
they changed, in order to fine the real nature of anything.
FIFTY (50) 6. The number of years in which a person must be educated as a qualification
for being a guardian.
TEMPERANCE 7. This is defined as a kind of orderliness, a control of certain pleasures or
ARISTOTLE 8. He was the Greek philosopher who built the Lyceum.
ACADEMY 9. This is the school established by Plato.
SOCRATES 10. He is the main character in Plato’s The Republic.
OLIGARCHY 11. This is the perverted form of an aristocracy according to Aristotle.
A BEAST OR A GOD 12. A person who is isolated from a polis can be defined as:
REASON 13. Man is capable in distinguishing right from wrong or good and evil by using
GOOD LIFE 14. The ultimate purpose of the state’s existence according to Aristotle.
TYRANNY 15. This form of government ruled by a single person that is perverted according
to Aristotle.
II. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct; otherwise, you write FALSE.
FALSE 16. Although Plato advocates for the abolition of private property and wants communal
ownership, he regarded family as a sacred institution to be protected by an individual
preceding his duty to the state.
TRUE 17. The polis is prior in the order of nature to the family and the individual according to
TRUE 18. A type of slavery by convention exists when those vanquished in war are held to belong
to the victor.
FALSE 19. Aristotle a great Greek philosopher born in Athens who is known to be a student of Plato,
became the tutor of Alexander the Great.
TRUE 20. According to Plato, the multitude can never be philosophical. It is bound to disapprove of
all who pursue wisdom.
TRUE 21. When each order of persons in the state like the tradesman, Auxiliary and Guardians
keep to its own proper business in the commonwealth and does its own work, that is
justice and what makes a just society.
FALSE 22. The excellence of a good citizen cannot be identical with that of a good man in all cases.
FALSE 23. A philosopher-king is elected by the people according to Plato.
FALSE 24. In Aristotle’s classification of government, the perverted form of monarchy is oligarchy.
TRUE 25 Plato regards men and women as equals and advocates censorship in education.
Mr. Exzur Jay [Bautista] Arabia
08011 PS226 Introduction to Political Theory
Comprehensive Reviewer
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1. Aquinas incorporated the teachings of Aristotle to his philosophical lessons.
2. He is the model of Machiavelli’s The Prince
A. Lorenzo De Medici B. Rodrigo Borgia
T. True
C. Philip Borgia
D. Cesar Borgia
3. According to Augustine, this city represents lust and greed.
A. City of Injustice
B. Polis
C. Vatican City
D. City of Man
F. False
4. Augustine defines justice as:
A. Love serving God, and therefore ruling well all else
B. Transferring from the city of man to the city of God
C. Doing your part in the state
D. Service to the government and church
5. Machiavelli dedicated his book The Prince to the great Lorenzo De Medici.
6. Niccolo Machiavelli was born and raised in this city-state in Italy.
A. Rome
B. Sicily
C. Florence
T. True
F. False
D. Milan
7. Machiavelli prefers execution to be frequent to magnify fear among those who plan to overthrow the
T. True
F. False
8. Machiavelli’s amorality implies the denial of moral values in every situation for the prince for him to
retain power.
T. True
F. False
9. According to Machiavelli, this is the easiest principality to maintain.
A. New
B. Hereditary
C. Ecclesiastical
D. Mixed
10. He is known as the Philosopher who is the Bishop of Hippo.
A. Augustine
B. Machiavelli
C. Aquinas
D. Martin Luther
11. He is the Philosopher known as the Angelic Doctor
A. Augustine
B. Machiavelli
C. Aquinas
D. Martin
12. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Liberty
B. Property
C. Life
D. Reason
13. Thomas defines as “rational governance of everything on the part of God as ruler of the universe.”
This is identical to the mind of God.
A. Divine Law
B. Eternal Law
C. Civil Law
D. Natural Law
14. Augustine discussed the two types of cities in his work Summa Theologica.
T. True
F. False
15. The City of God according to Augustine represents virtue, holiness, and justice.
T. True
F. False
Mr. Exzur Jay [Bautista] Arabia
08011 PS226 Introduction to Political Theory
Comprehensive Reviewer
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1. For Machiavelli, which in the following statements is the most difficult and dangerous to handle?
A. To initiate new order of things
B. Maintaining a new principality out of military conquest
C. To defeat an ecclesiastical principality
D. To imitate the fox and lion
2. Which of the following DO NOT belong to the group?
A. Justice
B. Boldness
C. Discipline
D. Organization
3. Rodrigo Borgia is one of the most notorious popes in history is known as:
A. Pope Leo VI
B. Pope Alexander V
C. Pope Alexander VI D. Pope Leo III
4. He is known to be the Father of Modern Political Science.
A. Socrates
B. Machiavelli
C. Plato
D. Aristotle
5. He is popularly known to be the Bishop of Hippo and a moral philosopher.
A. Augustine
B. Aquinas
C. Medici
D. Borgia
6. He is a famous Catholic political philosopher known for his work Summa Theologica.
A. Borgia
B. Benedict
C. Aquinas
D. Augustine
7. The following words may describe Machiavelli except:
A. Fundamentalist
B. Consequentialist
C. Amoral
D. Cunning
8. This Political Philosopher is known for the Allegory of the Cave.
A. Augustine
B. Aquinas
C. Aristotle
D. Plato
9. The amorality of Machiavelli implies therefore, not the denial of moral values in all situations, but the
affirmation that in the specific situation of the statesman the rules of power have priority over ethics
and morality.
T. True
F. False
10. Machiavelli’s model in his work The Prince was:
A. Cesar Borgia
B. Lorenzo De Medici C. Rodrigo Borgia
D. Giovanni De Medici
11. It is a method wherein ancient Greeks practice draw lots in assigning government positions.
A. Sortition
B. Elections
C. Ostracism
D. Nomination
12. Which of the following is NOT a political philosophy of Machiavelli?
A. Lying at all times is necessary to attain power and control for the welfare of the state
B. Executions should be made in public to magnify fear, but not without basis
C. If a leader cannot be both feared and loved, it is better to be feared than to be loved
D. The end justifies the means
Mr. Exzur Jay [Bautista] Arabia
08011 PS226 Introduction to Political Theory
Comprehensive Reviewer
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13.Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. One of the dangers of democracy is to be ruled by those who are unfit to rule and morality or virtue
of the leader is compromised to retain power and popularity among the people
B. Aquinas argues that Justifiable resistance is a public act of a whole people, and the misuse of the right
is safeguarded by the moral condition that those who act as the agents of the people are responsible for
seeing that their action is less injurious to the general good than the abuse which they are trying to
C. Machiavelli is not immoral per se, but in specific situations, one must deny morality
D. According to Aristotle, when the constitution suffers a change in kind and becomes a different
constitution, the polis also will cease to be the same polis but without changing its identity
14. In Aristotle's Politics, it is defined as a man who shares in the administration of justice and in the
holding of office.
A. Citizen
B. Philosopher-King
C. Auxiliaries
D. Voter
15. For Plato, when each order of persons in the state like the tradesman, Auxiliary and Guardians keeps
to its own proper business in the commonwealth and does its own work, that is:
A. Justice
B. Temperance
C. Freedom
D. Democracy
16. Mixed principalities according to Machiavelli are those:
A. New territories added to existing one
B. Passed down through the ruling family
C. Created by warfare and civil acquisition
D. Under the religious orders
17. According to Plato, the multitude can never be philosophical. It is bound to disapprove of all who
pursue wisdom.
T. True
F. False
18. Machiavelli obliged the prince to know well and how to act as a beast. The leader must imitate the
fox and the lion, for the lion cannot defend himself from the wolves and the fox cannot defend himself
from traps.
T. True
F. False
19. According to Aristotle, the Deliberative branch of the government should be sovereign in the
following issues, except:
A. In the enactment of laws
B. In cases where the penalty of death, confiscation, and exile is involved
C. On the issues on war and peace
D. On the issues regarding the number of magistracies
20. Under Machiavelli’s philosophy, he combined the realm of politics from morality, ethics, religion and
metaphysics, thus he sets up the state as an autonomous system of values dependent from what is
T. True
F. False
21. According to Plato's philosophy, they are the ones who should manage the state and look for its
A. Artisans
B. Guardians
C. Slaves
D. Voters
Mr. Exzur Jay [Bautista] Arabia
08011 PS226 Introduction to Political Theory
Comprehensive Reviewer
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22. According to Aristotle, this is necessary to study phenomena and the way they changed, in order to
find the real nature of anything:
A. Virtue
B. Experimentation
C. Observation
D. Analysis
23. Paternal rule over the children is like that of a king over his subjects according to Aristotle.
T. True
F. False
24. The ultimate or end goal for the state according to Aristotle is for man to:
A. Exercise domination over other states
B. Be self-righteous through the exercise of virtue
C. Attain and preserve power
D. Live a “good life”
25. According to Machiavelli, these are principalities that are created through military or civil
A. Mixed principalities
B. New principalities
C. Hereditary principalities
D. Ecclesiastical principalities
26. Machiavelli was born in this part of Italy.
A. Venice
B. Milan
C. Sicily
D. Florence
27. According to Aquinas, this Law is God's ultimate will which is not fully known to man.
A. Eternal Law
B. Holy Law
C. Natural Law
D. Divine Law
28. He was the tutor of Alexander the Great.
A. Plato
B. Augustine
C. Aristotle
D. Socrates
29. This is defined as a kind of orderliness, a control of certain pleasures or appetites.
A. Courage
B. Faith
C. Wisdom
D. Temperance
30. This is the perverted form of aristocracy according to Aristotle:
A. Polity
B. Oligarchy
C. Democracy
D. Tyranny
Mr. Exzur Jay [Bautista] Arabia
08011 PS226 Introduction to Political Theory
Comprehensive Reviewer
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1. For Hobbes, the sovereign may determine what ideas are acceptable (he is the ultimate judge of
philosophical/scientific first principles) and may censor doctrines that are repugnant to peace (ideas that
may cause discord within the population).
T. True
F. False
2. Locke’s state of nature- the state prior to the social contract and the establishment of government-is
thus not a pre-political state of war. It is a state of self-government in which people already have natural
rights corresponding to the natural law provided by God and discoverable by reason.
T. True
F. False
3. Hobbes used the following description on the nature of man, except;
A. Peace-loving
B. Brutish
C. Selfish
D. Solitary
4. Locke share with Hobbes the idea that the only legitimate, basis of power is the consent of the people
T. True
F. False
5. In John Locke's social contract, the government is part of the contract and not merely an object of the
T. True
F. False
6. He is known as the Lord protector of England, Scotland and Ireland during the republican
A. John Locke
B. Thomas Hobbes
C. King Charles I
D. Oliver Cromwell
7. He is the French Monarch known for his line “I am the state!”
A. Charles I
B. Louis XIV
C. Queen Elizabeth I
D. Louis XVI
8. In 1689, the English Bill of Rights secures the rights of Parliament and elections free from royal
interference and also the Two Treatises of Government was published.
T. True
F. False
9. Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
A. Thomas Hobbes disagrees with Aristotle that man is by nature a political animal
B. Sovereign power cannot be forfeited according to Hobbes, unless the sovereign violated the social
C. According to Locke, as societies grew larger and become complex, there is a need for the creation of
the government
D. John Locke argues that people would never surrender their rights absolutely to the government
10. For Locke, this is the supreme function of the government:
A. Establishing good foreign relations
B. Maintaining the trust of the people
C. Lawmaking
D. Electing a sovereign that will protect the people
11. Locke also opposed absolutism. For him, he was able to describe what is an illegitimate government.
It followed that a government that necessarily constrained the people's liberty was not legitimate.
T. True
F. False
Mr. Exzur Jay [Bautista] Arabia
08011 PS226 Introduction to Political Theory
Comprehensive Reviewer
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12. The Glorious Revolution in England leads to the creation of this document in 1689 which limits the
powers of the monarch in law.
A. Two Treatise of the Government
B. Declaration of Independence
C. Magna Carta of the Commonwealth
D. Bill of Rights
13. John Locke is best known as the:
A. Conservatist Philosopher
C. Author of the Leviathan
B. Father of Liberalism
D. Lord Protector of England
14. In the social contract theory of Hobbes, the sovereign is at contract with the people in which he
would possess absolute powers to protect the people from harming each other and maintain peace and
stability of the commonwealth.
T. True
F. False
15. The sovereign who attained power by institution should have the consent of the people while if the
commonwealth is established through force or acquisition, then consent is not obtained at all.
T. True
F. False
Note: The exam type was pen and paper, and the Professor only dictated the questions. Thus, the
questions below are non-verbatim, personally made, and based only on the answers.
1. What country was Jean Jacques Rousseau born?
Correct Answer/s: Switzerland
2. For Rousseau, this was responsible for all divisions and inequalities that existed within the
Correct Answer/s: Private Property
3. Whose political philosopher said to be republicanism and focus on the general will?
Correct Answer/s: Jean-Jacques Rousseau
4. For him, the state of nature of man's life is nasty, brutish, and short.
Correct Answer/s: Thomas Hobbes
5. & 6. Other than the Private Will, give the other two Wills that Rousseau presented.
Correct Answer/s: Sovereign Will and Corporate Will
Correct Answer/s: (King Henry VIII)
8. & 9. What are the two types of inequality according to Rousseau?
Correct Answer/s: Natural Inequality and Moral Inequality
Correct Answer/s: (Government)
Mr. Exzur Jay [Bautista] Arabia
08011 PS226 Introduction to Political Theory
Comprehensive Reviewer
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Vox Populi Vox Dei
1. Tabula Rasa means:
A. A theory that man adheres to preserve authority and tradition but with reservations
B. A theory that at birth the (human) mind is a "blank slate" without rules for processing data, and that
data is added and rules for processing are formed solely by one's sensory experiences
C. A theory that a limited government is the best form of government for the people
D. A theory that the King's power is absolute because if man is left ungoverned, they will terrorize one
2. For Rousseau, the general will or sovereign will is indivisible.
T. True
F. False
3. He is the monarch known for the famous line "I am the state"
A. Louis XIV
B. Charles I
C. William II
D. Henry VIII
4. The following are the reasons to exercise the right to revolt according to Locke, except:
A. The election system or procedure is changed with the consent of the people
B. Government deprived the people of their rights
C. Foreign powers are bestowed with authority over people
D. Elected representatives of the people are prevented from assembly
5. Rousseau’s ideal society was based on social contract freely entered into by all the individuals within
it (defined as the sovereign) which would represent the general will. Citizens would give up some of
their rights in exchange for equality and freedom and the sovereign should have absolute authority over
T. True
F. False
6. For Locke, natural rights are provided by God and may discovered using
A. Civil Law
B. Experience
C. Reason
D. Passion
7. In Hobbes' social contract, people invest all power in a third party called "The sovereign", in exchange
for safety and rule of law.
T. True
F. False
8. Locke powerfully challenged Hobbes’ absolutism in Two Treatises of Government. He shares with
Hobbes the idea that the only legitimate, basis of power is the consent of the people.
T. True
F. False
9. In 1689, the English Bill of Rights secures the rights of Parliament and elections free from royal
interference and also the Two Treatises of Government was published.
T. True
F. False
10. According to Hobbes, every private man can be a judge to what is good and evil if it is in the
condition of mere nature where there are no civil laws and also in civil government when such cases are
not specified by the law.
T. True
F. False
Mr. Exzur Jay [Bautista] Arabia
08011 PS226 Introduction to Political Theory
Comprehensive Reviewer
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11. The following may be ascribed to John Locke except:
A. Tabula Rasa
B. General Will
C. Limited Government D. Liberalism
12. This will pertain to the interest of an individual.
A. Sovereign Will
B. Private Will
C. Corporate Will
D. Will of Majority
13. Which of the following is not associated with “liberalism.”
A. Consent
B. Freedom
C. Toleration
D. Tradition
14. The political philosopher who argues that laws could become an extension of our freedom, provided
that those subject to the law also prescribed the law. Freedom could be won within the state, rather
than against it.
A. Rousseau
B. Hobbes
C. Montesquieu
D. Burke
15. Which of the following ideas is not from Thomas Hobbes?
A. All governments established should be with the consent of the governed
B. If the people felt that the sovereign is not fulfilling his duties, it is their right to depose him
C. There is a natural hierarchy among human beings with some people inherently superior
D. People are forced together out of fear of one another and for self-preservation
16. The Reign of Terror (1793-1794) is directly associated with:
A. Bonaparte
B. Robespierre
C. Louis XIV
D. Cromwell
17. The existence and advent of this concept caused the inequality in the society according to Rousseau.
A. Private Property
B. Right to Assembly
C. Revolution
D. Free Speech
18. The Glorious Revolution in England leads to the creation of this document in 1689 which limits the
powers of the monarch in law.
A. Magna Carta of the Commonwealth
B. Declaration of Independence
C. Bill of Rights
D. Two Treatises of the Government
19. In John Locke's social contract, the government is part of the contract and not merely an object of
the contract.
T. True
F. False
20. In Locke's social contract, the government is part of the contract with the people, if the former did
not fulfill its duties, then the latter may retrieve the power they have given.
T. True
F. False
21. As one of the generals on the parliamentary side in the English Civil War against King Charles I, he
helped to bring about the overthrow of the Stuart monarchy, and, as lord protector, he raised his
country’s status once more to that of a leading European power.
A. Robespierre
B. Hobbes
C. Napoleon
D. Cromwell
Mr. Exzur Jay [Bautista] Arabia
08011 PS226 Introduction to Political Theory
Comprehensive Reviewer
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22. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. A social contract bestowing limited authority to a sovereign was a necessary evil to avoid the cruel
fate that awaited man if a strong power could not keep the destructive impulses of individuals in check
B. The sovereign is part of the social contract and must possess all the freedom of the people in
exchange for their security and preservation
C. Hobbes argued that humans had two principal choices in life—they could either live without
government (the state of nature) or with government
D. For Hobbes, establishing a commonwealth through force, means that a sovereign power takes control
of a group of people, who--if they resist the acquisition and depose the sovereign--must consent to his
23. Rousseau describes this as the true will of the people.
A. Will of Majority
B. General Will
C. Corporate Will
D. Private Will
24. Locke also opposed absolutism. For him, he was able to describe what is an illegitimate government.
It followed that a government that did not respect and protect people’s rights and constrained their
liberty was not legitimate.
T. True
F. False
25. For Hobbes, evil inflicted by public authority, without precedent public condemnation, is not to be
styled by the name of punishment; but of a hostile act; because the fact for which a man is punished,
ought first to be judged by public authority, to be a transgression of the law.
T. True
F. False
26. This is the year when the Leviathan of Thomas Hobbes was published.
A. 1671
B. 1661
C. 1641
D. 1651
27. For Rousseau, societies were formed not before our state of nature but were formed after we had
left the state of nature and, and property rights- with the resultant inequalities had been established.
T. True
F. False
28. Rousseau wants the abolition of private property because it caused the social divisions and
T. True
F. False
29. Which of the following statements of Hobbes is incorrect?
A. There are two ways to establish a commonwealth, one by force and other by institution
B. Laws and the government are restriction to man's freedom
C. A pernicious doctrine for the state is if men judge the goodness and wickedness of the
commonwealth's action by their passion
D. He agrees that man by nature is a political animal
30. For John Locke, this is the supreme function of the government.
A. Military Defense
B. law Enforcement
C. Decision of Cases in a Neutral Manner
D. Legislation
Mr. Exzur Jay [Bautista] Arabia
08011 PS226 Introduction to Political Theory
Comprehensive Reviewer
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31. Hobbes is in favor of censorship in education, in fact the sovereign may determine what ideas are
acceptable and may prohibit doctrines that are repugnant to peace.
T. True
F. False
32. The General Will can be confirmed by the following, except:
A. Feedback
B. Free Speech
C. Right to Assembly
D. Legislation
33. This event deposed King Charles I and later was executed
A. French Revolution
B. English Civil War
C. Return of the Medici’s to Power
D. American Revolution
34. In a perfect act of legislation, the individual or particular will should be at zero; the government’s
corporate will should be thoroughly subordinate; and the general or sovereign will, therefore, should
always predominate and should be the sole guide of all the rest.
T. True
F. False
35. In the social contract theory of Hobbes, the sovereign is at contract with the people in which he
would possess absolute powers to protect the people from harming each other and maintain peace and
stability of the commonwealth.
T. True
F. False
Mr. Exzur Jay [Bautista] Arabia
08011 PS226 Introduction to Political Theory
Comprehensive Reviewer