Uploaded by Elle (elle)


Road Position
Overseas Employable
Friendly community
Hi Rozina,
Unfortunately I have decided I won’t be continuing tutoring for Kumon. I have been given
a slot for university and I’ve decided to do full-time study and focus on getting into my
specialization. It’s quite difficult to sort out the schedules.
In view of these premises, I decided to end my service until February 22nd. Thank you so
much. Hoping for your kind understanding, Kind regards.
t’s too far from my home. I also enrolled in Uni. It’s quite difficult to sort out the
schedules. I’m sorry. I wanted to give it a try but with the distance from my house, uni,
and my other job it’s all difficult to manage.
*need to add choices
Before making a lane change to your left,
you must signal for at least 3 seconds. What
else must you do?
Check your blind spot before
moving left
Page 53
Page 76
You must check that there is space for your
vehicle on the other side of the line before
going over a railway level crossing. True or
Page 86
When driving into bright sunlight, you should
use sunglasses and your vehicle sun visors
for safety. What else are you advised to do?
Pull over and if necessary wait for
your eyes to adjust
Page 104
If you are the driver and you hurt somebody
in a crash, who must you report it to?
A Police Officer within 24 hours
Page 143
What is the best way to check for hazards
before reversing your vehicle?
Walking around the vehicle before
Page 68
What is the recommended distance you
should allow when driving past a cyclist?
1.5 metres min
Page 164
You must turn your vehicle headlights on
when visibility is less than:
100 metres
Page 99
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Page 72
When a flock of sheep are coming towards
you on a country road, what should you do?
Slow down or pull over
Page 137
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
What is the meaning of a yellow broken line
painted on the road near the kerb?
No vehicles may stop here
Page 90
If anybody is hurt in a crash, the driver must
tell a police officer as soon as possible but
24 hours
Page 143
What does it mean if yellow traffic signals
are flashing?
Traffic signals are not working prepare to give way
Page 77
You wish to make a right turn on a narrow
country road. There is a vehicle coming
towards you and traffic behind you. What is
the safest option?
Move to the left side of the road
and turn when the road is clear
Page 48
When you have a learner licence do you
have to have it with you when you drive?
Yes, you must have your licence
with you whenever you are driving
Page 8
If you have a restricted licence when can
you carry passengers?
When a supervisor, who holds the
appropriate licence, is in the front
seat next to you
Page 19
What should you do when you come up to a
one-lane bridge?
Slow down and check for vehicles
Page 87
Your vehicle has a current warrant of fitness
but a rear red stop light is not working. What
should you do?
Fix it quickly, you could get a fine
Page 150
When coming up to a one-lane bridge, what
does this sign indicate?
You have the right of way
Page 87
What does a warrant of fitness show?
The vehicle was inspected by a
WoF inspector and was
roadworthy when inspected
Page 150
Passengers in your vehicle are 15 years or
over. Who is responsible for making sure
they wear a safety belt?
The passengers
Page 141
You have a restricted licence. A condition for 10.00pm to 5.00am
driving at night without a supervisor is that
you MUST NOT drive between what hours?
Page 19
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Page 81
You can drive a moped on a car licence.
True or False?
Page 174
You are waiting at a railway level crossing
Stay stopped until the lights stop
Page 85
and the red lights continue to flash after the
train has passed. What should you do?
What must be displayed on the back of a
trailer being towed at night?
A red light
Page 154
What must you do if glass falls on to the
road from your vehicle?
Sweep it up straight away if you
can do so safely
Page 137
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Page 72
If you tow another vehicle, what is the
maximum distance allowed between the two
4 metres
Page 156
When passing a horse and rider, what should you
A. Sound your horn on approach
B. Slow down and give plenty of room
C. Increase speed to pass quickly
D. Cross the centerline to pass
Slow down and give plenty of room
What is the safest way to carry goods inside a
A. On the passenger seat
B. On the floor
C. C. on the backseat
D. Somewhere secure
Somewhere secure
If you are driving at night with your vehicle
headlights on high beam, when MUST you dip
A. At all intersections
B. In shopping area
C. For a police officer directing traffic
D. In a township
When a police officer directing traffic
When traffic is merging, what is a good rule to
A. Slow down to 40 km/h
B. Speed up to make room behind
C. Let a vehicle from the other lane go first and
then go
D. Let 2 vehicles in and go
Let a vehicle from the other lane go first and
then go
When must you dip the headlights on your vehicle?
A. When coming up to an intersection
B. When driving in city shopping arrears
C. When driving on a winding road
D. When you are following others
When you are following others
When traffic is merging, what is a good rule to
A. Slow down to 40 km/h
B. Speed up to make room behind
C. Let a vehicle from the other lane go first and
then go
D. Let 2 vehicles in and go
Let a vehicle from the other lane go first and
then go
When driving into bright sunlight, you should use
sunglasses and your vehicle sun visors for safety.
What else are you advised to do?
A. Turn the hazard lights of your vehicle on
B. Drive close to the left of the road
C. Drive close to the center of the road
Pull over and if necessary wait for your eyes
to adjust
D. Pull over and if necessary wait for your eyes
to adjust
You wish to move your vehicle out of a parking
space into the traffic flow. What must you do before
you move?
A. Use your vehicle indicators for 1 second
B. Signal with your indicators for at least 3
C. Turn on your vehicle parking lights
D. Use your vehicle headlights
Signal with your indication for at least 3
Alcohol slows down your reactions when driving.
You see a pedestrian carrying a white cane crossing Take extra care and allow them to cross the
the road what should you do?
road without hurrying
A. Sound the horn to let them know that you
are waiting
B. Take extra care and allow them to cross the
road without hurrying
C. Turn the radio up load
D. Pass in front of them
What should you do when another vehicle is
following you very closely?
A. Speed up so they can’t pass
B. Use your hazard lights to warn them
C. Turn your indicators on and off
D. Slow down, move to the left and allow the
vehicle to pass
Slow down, move to the left and allow the
vehicle to pass
In addition to checking if it is safe to move out from
the curb into the traffic flow, what must you do?
A. Accelerate quickly into the traffic flow
B. Move slowly into a space in the traffic flow
C. Signal for 3 seconds or more
D. Reverse away from the curb
Signal for 3 seconds or more
You are driving downhill on a steep, narrow road
and a vehicle is coming up the hill. What should you
A. Pull over and give way to the other vehicle
B. Flash your headlights at the vehicle
C. Sound the horn of your vehicle
D. Do nothing, the vehicle should give way
Pull over and give way to the other vehicle
If you are driving and you want to use a cell phone,
what should you do?
A. Stop in the flush media to answer calls when
it is safe
Pull over and stop to use the cell phone when
it is safe
B. Answer the call at the next set of traffic
C. Slow down to answer the call when it is safe
D. Pull over and stop to use the cell phone
when it is safe
What is the best way to check for hazards before
reversing your vehicle
A. Relying on the outside mirrors
B. Turning to look over your shoulders
C. Relying only on the inside mirrors
D. Walking around the vehicle before reversing
Walking around the vehicle before reversing
You wish to move your vehicle out of a parking
space into the traffic flow. What must you do before
you move?
A. Use your vehicle indicators for 1 second or
B. Signal with your indicators for at least 3
C. Turn on your vehicle parking lights
D. Use your vehicle headlights
Signal with your indicators for at least 3
You look in the mirror and see a cyclist. What
should you do when opening the car door?
A. Check you won’t cause a hazard to the
B. Wait for the cyclist to move before opening
the door
C. Warn the cyclist by signaling right
D. Expect the cyclist to slow for you
Check you won’t cause a hazard to the
You are the driver of the blue car. Of the four
hazards marked, which one is most likely to require
you to take urgent action?
A. The car parked on the left
B. The reversing car
C. The oncoming car
D. The car parked on the right
The car parked on the left
Before making a lane change to your left you must
signal for at least 3 seconds. What else must you
A. Slow down to 40 km/h
B. Flash your headlights
C. Check your blindspot before moving left
D. Check only in your mirrors
Check your blindspot before moving left
You must NOT open the door of your motor vehicle
A. When you are parked in a bus stop
B. When you are likely to scratch the paint of
your vehicle
C. When the car radio in vehicle is playing loud
D. When you are likely to hurt any person
What are you NOT allowed to do when driving on
the motorway?
A. Indicate before changing lanes
B. Pass using the left-hand lane
C. Pass other vehicles
D. Drop off or pick up passengers
Drop off or pick up passengers
Are you allowed to drive a vehicle with a load that is
not tied on properly?
A. Yes, as long as you drive slowly
B. Yes, if you put two reflectorized flags on the
C. Yes, if you think it will not come off
D. no
You are the driver of the blue car. Of the four
hazards marked, which one is most likely to require
you to take urgent action
A. The adult pedestrian
B. The child pedestrian
C. The grey parked car
The child pedestrian
D. The red parked car
What should you do if you meet animals coming
towards you on the road?
A. Sound your vehicle horn loudly until the
animals move
B. Slow down and pull over
C. Get a passenger to clear a path
D. Tell the farmer to move the animals quickly
Slow down and pull over
What must you do if glass falls on the road
from your vehicle
A. Sweep it up within 2 hours
B. Sweep it up straight away if you can
do so safely
C. Sweep it up within 24 hours
D. Tell a police officer
Sweep it up straight away if you can do so
You are driving on a country road at night
when your vehicle headlights suddenly go
out. What is the safest thing to do?
A. Carry on driving with your park lights
B. Carry on driving but keep to the far
C. Carry on driving with your vehicle’s
interior lights on
D. Slow down and move off the road to
stop. Then turn your hazard lights
Slow down and move off the road to stop.
Then turn your hazard lights
If you are the driver and you hurt somebody
in a crash, who must you report it to?
A. A police officer within 2 hours
B. A police officer within 6 hours
C. A police officer within 24 hours
A Police Officer within 24 hours
What does this sign mean?
A. Slow down to 20 km/h until you have
passed the crash
B. Others have crashed here in the
C. There has been a crash - slow to 30
D. There has been a crash - stop
You are driving in a 1000 km/h speed area
and you see an accident sign. What speed
must you slow down to?
A. 75 km/h
B. 50 km/h
C. 35 km/h
D. 20 km/h
What does this marking mean?
A. Free parking
B. Fire hydrant
C. Mobility parking
D. Bus stop
Broken yellow line painted close to the edge
of the road means you may stop or park
your vehicle there at any time. True or
What does a white diamond painted on the
road mean?
A. Pedestrian crossing ahead
B. Traffic signals ahead
C. A roundabout ahead
D. A playground ahead
You’re coming up to a school crossing and
both signs are held out. When can you drive
A. When both the signs have been
pulled in
B. When the sign on the le
20 km/h
How close may you park your vehicle to an
intersection where no broken yellow lines
have been marked?
A. 1 meter
B. 2 meters
C. 4 meters
D. 6 meters
6 meters
When parking downhill on a steep road, what
does the ‘road rode’ suggest you do
A. Make sure your park lights are on
B. Turn the front wheels of your vehicle
towards the curb and leave it in
reverse gear or Park
C. Turn the front wheels of your vehicle
towards the kerb and leave it in
reverse gear or Park
D. Lock your vehicle
Turn the front wheels of your vehicle towards
the curb and leave it in reverse gear or Park
When may you park your vehicle over a fire
A. When you have a mobility card
B. When it is not left unattended for long
C. When there is someone with the
vehicle who can move it
D. If your vehicle breaks down
When there is someone with the vehicle who
can move it
When parking downhill on a steep road, what
does the ‘Road code’ suggest that you should
A. Make sure your park lights are on
B. Turn the front wheels of your vehicle
towards the curb and leave it in first
gear of Park
C. Turn the front wheels of your vehicle
towards the curb and leave it in
reverse gear or Park
D. Lock your vehicle
Turn the front wheels of your vehicle towards
the curb and leave it in reverse gear or Park
What does this sign mean?
A. You may park your vehicle within the
next 40 meters of the sign
B. You may park your vehicle for no
longer than 40 minutes
C. You may park your vehicle for longer
than 40 minutes if someone stays in it
D. You may not park your vehicle within
the next 40 meters of the sign
You may park your vehicle for no longer than
40 minutes
Can you stop at a bus stop in a private motor
A. Only on weekends
B. Under no circumstances
C. If there is no bus already there
D. Only if it is between 10.00 pm and
5.00 am
Under no circumstances
What does the traffic signal mean?
A. Drive on before the signal
changes to red
B. Drive on because the signal will
turn green
C. Stop if you can do so safely
D. Stop only if traffic is in the way
Stop if you can do so safely
What does this sign mean?
A. Playground ahead
B. Railway station ahead
C. Railway crossing ahead
Railway crossing ahead
D. Railway bridge ahead
This sign tells you that you are coming up
to a railway level crossing. What should
you do?
A. Slow down so that you can look
both ways before crossing
B. Stop before driving over the
C. Slow down and sound your horn
before crossing
D. Look right for trains
Slow down so that you could look both ways
before crossing
What does this sign mean?
Slow down to 20 km/h until you have passed the
A. Slow down to 20 km/h until you
have passed the crash
B. Others have crashed here in the
C. There has been a crash - slow to
30 km/h
D. There has been a crash - stop
You are driving in a 100 km/h speed area
and you see an accident sign. What
speed must you slow down to?
20 km/h
A. 75 km/h
B. 50 km/h
C. 35 km/h
D. 20 km/h
What does this marking mean?
Fire Hydrant
A. Free Parking
B. Fire Hydrant
C. Mobility Parking
D. Bus Stop
A broken yellow line painted close to the
edge of the road means you may stop or
park your vehicle there at any time. True
or False?
What does a white diamond painted on
the road mean?
A. Pedestrian crossing ahead
B. Traffic signals ahead
C. A roundabout ahead
D. A playground ahead
Pedestrian crossing ahead
You’re coming up to a school crossing
and both signs are held out. When can
you drive on?
A. When both the signs have been
pulled in
B. When the sign on the left of the
crossing has been pulled in
C. When the sign on the right of the
crossing has been pulled in
D. When there are no more
pedestrians on the crossing
When both signs have been pulled in
What is the meaning of a yellow broken
line painted on the road near the kerb?
A. You may not pass
B. Only trucks may park here
C. You may stop for no more than 5
D. No vehicles may stop here
No vehicles may stop here
When can flush medians be used
A. When passing slow vehicles
B. When stopping to answer your
C. When waiting to turn right
D. When parking in a shopping area
When waiting to turn right
The 100 speed limit sign shown is the
minimum speed you are allowed to drive
in good conditions. True or False?
You may use a right turn bay to overtake
a vehicle traveling straight ahead. True or
You are in the left-hand lane at traffic
signals. You are waiting to turn left. At
which of these traffic signals may you
move on?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
This sign means the speed for safe and
comfortable driving around the curve is 35
What does a blue reflector (cat’s eye)
Fire Hydrant
placed on the road mean?
A. The left side of the road
B. The center of the road
C. The right side of the road
D. Fire hydrant
What must you do when you see two red
lights flashing outside a fire station?
A. Slow down and drive carefully
B. Slow down if any other vehicles
are coming
C. Slow down to 20 km/h
D. Stop until the lights stop flashing
Stop until the lights stop flashing
What does this sign mean?
Open Road Speed limit applies - maximum of
100 km/h
A. Drive at 80 km/h
B. Road works ahead
C. Open Road Speed limit applies maximum of 100 km/h
D. Accident area
For what purpose can a vehicle use the
flush median strip?
A. To move into traffic
B. To pass other vehicles
C. As an extra lane when it is busy
D. To drive slowly
To move into traffic
The 100 speed limit sign shown is the
minimum speed you are allowed to drive
in good conditions. True or False?
What does this sign mean?
Left-hand lane closed
A. Narrow Bridge
B. Keep left
C. Narrow road
D. Left-hand lane closed
What must you do at an intersection
controlled by a Give Way sign?
A. Give way to all vehicles, including
those on a stop sign
B. Come to a complete stop
C. Give way to all vehicles, except
those on a stop sign
D. Give way to all vehicles on your
Give way to all vehicles, except those on a stop
The sign means the speed limit for safe
and comfortable driving around the curve
is 35 km/h
You may use a right turn bay to overtake
a vehicle traveling straight ahead. True or
What does this sign mean?
Do not drive faster than 70 km/h
A. Do not drive slower than 70 km/h
B. Do not drive faster than 70 km/h
C. A rest area is 70 meters ahead
D. Do not stop for the next 70 meters
What does this road marking mean?
Drive straight over all road markings and wait to
turn right.
A. You should only enter the turning
lane at the arrow
B. No need to signal
C. All vehicles can make U-turn at
the road markings
D. Drive straight over all the road
markings and wait to turn right
Road Position
When driving on a unlaned road, your vehicle
should be positioned:
A. 1 meter from the center
B. 1 meter from the left kerb
C. Close to the center of the road
D. As close to the left side of the road as
As close to the left side of the road as
What must you do when turning right at a
A. Only signal right as you approach the
B. Signal right all through the roundabout
C. Signal right when you approach the
roundabout, then signal left as you
pass the excite before the one you
D. Don't signal, take the first gap
Signal right when you approach the
roundabout, then signal left as you pass the
excite before the one you want
What must you do if you intend to move your
vehicle from the right-hand lane to the
left-hand lane?
A. Move to the left as quickly as possible
B. Speed up and signal as you move to
Signal for at least 3 seconds before moving
the left
C. Signal for at least 3 seconds before
moving left
D. Slow down and signal as you move to
the left
What must you do when turning left into a
A. Move to the left as quickly as possible
B. Signal as you move into the driveway
C. Signal for 3 seconds or more and
when the driveway is clear, enter
D. Slow down to 20 km/h first
Signal for 3 seconds or more and when the
driveway is clear, enter
You wish to make a right turn on a narrow
country road. There is a vehicle coming
towards you and traffic behind you. What is
the safest option?
A. Wait in the center of the road and turn
when is is clear
B. Drive straight ahead and do a U-turn
so you can turn left instead
C. Stop half over the centerline and turn
when it is clear
D. Move to the left side of the road and
turn when the road is clear
Move to the left side of the road and turn
when the road is clear
When turning right from a two-laned road into
a one way street that has two lanes, which
lane must you turn into?
A. The right-hand lane
B. The left-hand lane
C. The lane that has the least vehicles
D. The lane that gives you the most direct
The right-hand lane
You have a restricted license. A condition for
driving at night without a supervisor is that
you MUST NOT drive between what hours?
A. 10pm to 7am
B. 11pm to 7am
C. 10pm to 5am
D. 11pm to 5am
10pm to 5am
Which parts of the car must be in good
condition to prevent too much noise and
gasses entering the car?
A. The engine and oil system
B. The engine, exhaust system and
C. The doors and windows
D. The silencer and engine
The engine, exhaust and silencer
If you have a restricted license, when can you
carry passengers?
A. If one of your passengers has their full
B. If it is an emergency
C. Between the hours of 10pm to 5am
D. When a supervisor, who holds and
appropriate license, is in the front seat
next to you
When a supervisor, who holds and
appropriate license, is in the front seat next to
What will happen if you have a front tire blow
A. The car will slowly come to a stop
B. The rear will sway from side to side
C. The car will always pull towards the
D. The car will pull towards the side of
the blowout
The car will pull towards the side of the
If you tow another vehicle, what is the
maximum distance allowed between the two
A. 2 meters
B. 4 meters
C. The length of the vehicle you are
D. The length of the vehicle being towed
4 meters
You can drive a moped on a car license. True
or False?
At night, what must a towed vehicle have at
the back of it?
A. A white flag
B. Reflective tape
C. A white light
D. A red light
A red light
What is the maximum legal speed for a car
towing a trailer on the open road?
A. 70 km/h
90 km/h
B. 80 km/h
C. 90 km/h
D. 100 km/h
What must be displayed on the back of a
trailer being towed at night?
A. A white flag
B. A red light
C. A reflective light
D. A white light
A red light
What should you do before any modification
is carried out on your vehicle?
A. Ask someone to check whether the
modifications are safe
B. If you can do it yourself you don't
need to do anything
C. Make sure a trained professional is
carrying out the modifications
D. Check with an approved WoF
inspector that the modifications are
Check with an approved WoF inspector that
the modifications are legal
What does a warrant of fitness show?
A. The vehicle inspected by a WoF
inspector and was roadworthy when
B. The vehicle was inspected by a WoF
inspector when new
C. Your commercial vehicle has been
inspected by a WoF inspector
D. The vehicle was inspected by a WoF
inspector but is no longer roadworthy
The vehicle inspected by a WoF inspector
and was roadworthy when inspected
What should you do if your vehicle breaks
down on a motorway?
A. Walk to get help
B. Wave down a passing vehicle
C. Lift up the bonnet of your vehicle
D. Push your vehicle to the nearest off
Lift up the bonnet of your vehicle
You wish to turn left at the intersection. What
should you do?
Wait until the cyclist has passed the
A. Speed to get ahead of the cyclist
B. Sound your horn as a warning
C. Wait until the cyclist has passed the
D. Continue as the cyclist will wait
Your vehicle has a current warrant of fitness
but a rear red stop light is not working. What
should you do?
A. Get it fixed with 60 days
B. Your vehicle still has a warrant of
fitness so you don't need to do
C. Fix it quickly, you could get a fine
D. Stop driving your vehicle immediately
Fix it quickly, you could get a fine
The bonnet of your vehicle lifts up while you
are driving and you cannot see. What should
you do?
A. Turn your vehicle hazard lights on and
look out of the side window
B. Brake smoothly, indicate and move
over to the side of the road
C. Stop as quickly as you can
D. Put your headlights on and move to
the left side of the vehicle
Brake smoothly, indicate and move over to
the side of the road
What is the maximum speed you may drive if
you have a space saver wheel fitted?
A. 100 km/h
B. 90 km/h
C. 80 km/h. If the space saver wheel
displays a lower speed, that speed
D. 70 km/h
80 km/h. If the space saver wheel displays a
lower speed, that speed applied
What is the maximum distance a load may
extend in front of a car?
3 meters forward of the front edge of the front
A. 2 meters forward of the front edge of
the front seat
B. 4 meters forward of the front edge of
the front seat
C. 3 meters forward of the front edge of
the front seat
D. 2.5 meters forward of the front edge of
the front seat
When you have a learner license do you have Yes, you must have you vehicle with you
to have it with you when you drive?
whenever you are driving
A. No, your supervisor will carry their
license because they’re responsible
for the car
B. Only when you’re driving at night
C. Yes, you must have you vehicle with
you whenever you are driving
D. Only when you are carrying
passengers as well as your supervisor
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
way? Yes or No
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
way? Yes or No
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
way? Yes or No
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
way? Yes or No
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
way? Yes or No
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
way? Yes or No
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
way? Yes or No
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
way? Yes or No
You are the driver of the blue car. Of the four
hazards marked, which one is most likely to
require you to take urgent action?
A. The red van turning left
B. The oncoming red car
C. The grey car ahead of you
D. The green car turning right
The green car turning right
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
You are the driver of the blue car what must
you do?
Give way to the other traffic
A. Drive on
B. Give way to other traffic
C. Stop first and then drive on
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
way? Yes or No
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
Does the driver of the car have to give way?
Does the driver of the blue car have to give
You are waiting at a railway level crossing and the red
lights continue to flash after the train has passed. What
should you do?
A. Drive carefully
B. Stay stopped until the lights stop flashing
C. Check both ways and then drive on quickly
D. Count to 15 and then drive
Stay stopped until the lights stop flashing
What is the speed limit for vehicles passing a school bus
that has stopped to let children on or off?
A. 20 km/h
B. 30 km/h
C. 40 km/h
20 km/h
D. 50 km/h
What rule should you use to judge a safe following
distance in wet or frosty conditions if driving a car
A. The 1-second rule
B. The 2-second rule
C. The 3-second rule
D. The 4-second rule
4-second rule
What must you do when you hear a siren or see red
flashing lights from an ambulance or fire engine
A. Speed up to get out of the way
B. Drive up over the footpath
C. Pull over and allow it to pass
D. Keep driving
Pull over and allow it to pass
You must turn your vehicle headlights on when visibility is
less than
A. 100 metres
B. 120 metres
C. 140 metres
D. 160 metres
100 metres
If you are under the 20 legal alcohol limit is zero. What
does this mean?
A. One drink is fine
B. You could face prison if your alochol level is less
than 150 micrograms
C. You could be fined $150 if your alcohol level is
higher than 150 micrograms
D. You could be disqualified from driving given
demerit points, fined, or imprisoned
You could be disqualified from driving given
demerit points, fined, or imprisoned
You are turning right at traffic signals showing a red arrow
pointing to the right. What should you do?
A. Give way to all vehicles before turning
B. Stop as you are traveling the way the arrow is
C. Drive on as it is safe
D. Wait until there is no traffic
Stop as you are traveling the way the arrow
is pointing
If you are turning left at an intersection, you must give
way to vehicles coming towards you that are turning right.
True or False?
If anybody is hurt in a crash, the driver must tell a police
officer as soon as possible but within:
A. 24 hours
B. 36 hours
24 hours
C. 52 hours
D. 60 hours
Directions from a police officer overrule traffic signals,
road signs, and give way rules at the intersection. TRUE
What is the purpose of the two-second rule?
A. To help reverse out of a driveway
B. To give a safe following distance
C. It is how long you wait at stop sign
D. To help using the indicators on your vehicle
To give a safe following distance
To help you from being blinded by the headlights of an
oncoming vehicle, what should you do?
A. Look to the left side of the road
B. Look to the right side of the road
C. Look to the centre of the road
D. Turn the headlights of your vehicle onto high
Look to the left side of the road
If you are turning left at an intersection, you must give
way to vehicles coming towards you that are turning right.
True or False
What must you do when you hear a siren or see red
flashing lights from an ambulance or fire engine?
A. Speed up to get out of the way
B. Drive up over the footpath
C. Pull over and allow it to pass
D. Keep driving
Pull over and allow it to pass
You must check that there is space for vehicles on the
other side of the line before going over a railway level
crossing. True or False?
What does one or more yellow lights flashing at traffic
signals mean?
A. Be careful and apply the give way rule
B. Breakdown ahead
C. Heavy traffic flows ahead
D. You may only make left turns
Be careful and apply the give way rule
You are turning right at traffic signals showing a red arrow
pointing to the right. What should you do?
A. Give way to all vehicles before turning
B. Stop as you are traveling the way the arrow is
C. Drive on as it is safe
D. Wait until there is no traffic
Stop as you are traveling the way the arrow
is pointing
When coming to a pedestrian crossing without a raised
traffic island what must you do
A. Stop and give way to the pedestrians on any
portion of the crossing
B. Stop and give way to the pedestrian only on your
C. Sound the horn to warn pedestrians
D. Drive at 30 km/h
Stop and give way to the pedestrians on any
portion of the crossing
You must turn your vehicle headlights on when visibility is
less than:
A. 100 meters
B. 120 meters
C. 140 meters
D. 160 meters
100 meters
Directions from a police officer overrule traffic signals,
road signs, and give way rules at an intersection. True or
What should you do when you come up to a one-lane
A. Sound your horn before driving slowly over the
B. Turn your headlights on and drive quickly over the
C. Slow down and check for vehicles
D. Drive on to make sure any vehicles reverse off the
Slow down and check for vehicles
When coming to a pedestrian crossing with a raised
traffic island, what must you do?
Stop so you give way to pedestrians on your
side of the road
A. Stop and give way to the pedestrians on any
portion of the crossing
B. Keep going because the pedestrian will stop on
the raised island
C. Stop so you give way to pedestrians on your side
of the road
D. Slow down until the pedestrian is on the raised
island then drive on
If you are going ‘straight’ through a roundabout, don’t
signal as you approach the roundabout, only signal left as
you pass the exit before the one you wish to wake. True
or false?
What should you do when you come up to a one-lane
Slow down and check for vehicles
A. Sound your horn before driving slowly over the
B. Turn your headlights on and drive quickly over the
C. Slow down and check for vehicles
D. Drive on to make sure any other vehicles reverse
off the bridge
Directions from a police office overrule traffic signals,
road signs, and give wish rules at an intersection. True or
You are waiting at a railway level crossing and the red
lights continue to flash after the train has passed. What
should you do?
A. Drive on carefully
B. Stay stopped until the lights stop flashing
C. Check both ways and then drive on quickly
D. Count to 15 and then drive on
Stay stopped until the lights stop flashing
What does one or more yellow lights flashing at traffic
signals mean?
A. Be careful and apply the give way rule
B. Breakdown ahead
C. Heavy traffic flows ahead
D. You may only make left turns
Be careful and apply the give way rule
When are you allowed to pass another vehicle?
When you can see at least 100 meters of
A. When you are coming up to a busy intersection
clear road once you have finished passing
B. When there are two lanes at a pedestrian crossing
C. When you can see at least 100 meters of clear
road once you have finished passing
D. When you are in the right lane
When may you pass on the left at an intersection, if you
can do so safely?
A. When you have the headlights of your vehicle
turned on
B. When the vehicle you are passing is signaling a
left turn
C. When the vehicle you are passing has signalled a
right turn
D. When the vehicle you are passing is exceeding
the speed limit
Directions from a police office overrule traffic signals,
road signs, and give way rules at an intersection. True or
To help you from being blinded by the headlights of an
oncoming vehicle what should you do?
A. Look to the left side of the road
B. Look to the right side of the road
C. Look to the center of the road
D. Turn the headlights of your vehicle onto high
When driving on a road with lanes, you must be able to
stop in half the length of the clear road you can see in
front of you. True or False?
Look to the left side of the road