Academic year 2023-2024 Grade 7 Term 4 examination Subject PHYSICS 7A Candidate Name Grade Class index number Date of 28 June 2024,Fri exam _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Duration of exam 1 Class 7A hour 15 minutes Time 8:30 - 9:45 Instructions to candidate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Anwer all questions. Write your name, class and index number in the box above, Electronic calculators may be used Dictionaries are not allowed Any rough working should be done in this booklet. Write your answer to each questions in the space provied Information for the candidate 1. Take the weight of 1.0 kg to be 10 N (acceleration of free fall = 10 m / s2). 2. There are 20 questions in this paper listed in two sections. Section A : English, Section B: Chinese 3. The total mark for this paper is 54 4. The marks for each question is shown in the brackets For examiner use Examiner comment Section A 36 Section B 18 Total 54 This paper consists of 13 pages including this cover page. SECTION A 1 This list shows properties that different materials can have. A magnetic E good conductor of heat B can be compressed F poor conductor of heat C very high melting point G good conductor of electricity H non conductor of electricity D very low melting point Write down the letter of the property that answers each of these questions. (a) Which two properties from the list make aluminium suitable for cooking pans? 1. 2. (b) [2] Which property from the list explains why plastic makes a good material for the handle of a kettle? [1] (c) Which property from the list explains why rubber is used to cover electrical wiring? [1] 2 A student whistles three notes into a microphone connected to an oscilloscope. An oscilloscope shows the shape and size of a sound wave. (a ) The diagram shows the waves for whistle 1 and whistle 2 . whistle 1 whistle 2 Use words from the list below to complete these sentences. less than (i) the same as The amplitude of whistle 1 is whistle 2. (ii) The wavelength of whistle 1 is of whistle 2. greater than the amplitude of [1] the wavelength [1] (b) The diagram shows the waves ofm shows the waves for whistle 2 (left) and whistle 3 (right). Compare the loudness and pitch of whistle 2 and whistle 3. Loudness Pitch [2] 3. The diagram shows part of an electromagnet. A B (a) Write down the names of part A and part B on the diagram. (b) Write down the material used to make each part. [2] Choose words from the list. air copper glass iron paper part A material part B material 4 Jamila builds this electrical circuit. [2] switch 1 direction of current switch 2 X A switch 3 Y a) What type of electrical circuit is this? Circle the correct answer. electrostatic parallel magnetic series [1] (b) Jamila wants to turn lamp X on but leave lamp Y off. What must she do? [1] (c) Jamila wants to turn lamp Y on but leave lamp X off. What must she do? [1] (d) Jamila closes all the switches. What happens to the current at point A? [1] 5. The circuit diagram shows the circuit Priya makes using switches and identical lamps. (a) Priya connects a meter to measure the current at position M in the circuit. Draw the correct symbol for the meter she uses to measure the current. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1] (b) Priya opens and closes different switches. Complete the table by writing if the: switches are open or closed lamps are on or off. [3] (c) Describe how Priya connects a voltmeter to measure the voltage across lamp J. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1] 6. Carlos learns about the law of reflection in a lesson.He draws a diagram. Label his diagram. Use the following words. incident ray mirror angle of incidence normal angle of reflection reflected ray [3] 7、As shown in the figure, which one belongs to the convex lens( ) A.①②③ B.①②④⑤ C.①③⑤ 8、Which of the following is correct in descending order of spatial scale( D.②④⑥ [2] ) A. Milky Way, Solar System, Earth, Moon B. Solar system, Milky Way, Earth, Moon C. Solar system, Milky Way, Moon, Earth [2] D. Milky Way, Solar System, Moon, Earth 9、On February 10, 2021, the Tianwen-1 spacecraft carried out Mars capture, marking China's first successful Mars exploration mission to orbit Mars. Mars belongs to ( ) A. Stars. B. Planets. C. Satellites [2] D. Comets 10、In the optical path diagram shown in the figure, MM 'is a planar mirror, PO is the incident light, ON is the normal, where ∠POM is 30°. What is the reflection angle °。 [2] . 11、As shown in the figure, the magnetic field at point A is (stronger or weaker)than that at point B [1] . 12、What is the largest scale in the Milky Way, universe, and solar system [1] The proton, neutron, and electron that make up an atom. Who has the smallest mass among them? [1] Which substance has the smallest intermolecular interaction force in solid, liquid, and gas states. [1] SECTION B 1、古诗《春夜洛城闻笛》中有诗句“谁家玉笛暗飞声,散入东风满洛城”。诗人判断出演奏的乐器是笛子,是根据声音 的( ) [2] A.振幅 B.音调 C.响度 D.音色 ) 2、我国很多诗句蕴含着丰富的物理知识,下列解释正确的是( [2] A.“潭清疑水浅”,“水浅”是由于光的反射形成的 B.“雨霁彩虹卧”,“彩虹”是一种光的色散现象 C.“绿树阴浓夏日长”,绿树下的影子是由于光的折射形成的 D.“池水映明月”,池水中的明月是月亮的实像 3、声音在海水、空气、铁管中的传播速度,由小到大的顺序排列的是( A.海水、空气、铁管 B.空气、海水、铁管 C.铁管、空气、海水 D.海水、铁管、空气 4、物体能够发声,这是因为( ) [2] [2] A.物体能够振动 B.物体周围有介质 C.我们能听到声音 D.声能够被接收 5、关于条形磁铁,下列描述不正确的是( ) ) [2] A.条形磁铁的周围存在磁场 B.条形磁铁的两端磁性最弱 C.条形磁铁可以吸引含有金属镍制造的硬币 D.条形磁铁可以使原本无磁性的铁钉具有磁性 6、如图所示是光由空气斜射入玻璃时发生折射的光路图,一束光沿 AO 方向斜射到空气和玻璃交界面 PQ 上的 O 点, 并沿着 OB 方向射出,MN 是法线。下列说法正确的是( ) [2] A.∠AOP 是入射角 B.∠NOB 是折射角 C.若入射角增大,折射角会减小 D.若光沿着 BO 方向入射,不会沿着 OA 方向射出 7、如图所示,这是小明随父母一起去公园游玩时拍下的一幅图片,小桥在水中的“倒影”是光在平静的水面发生反 射形成的 面的距离为 (选填“实”或“虚”)像。若小桥的顶端到水面的距离为 4m,水深 6m,那么小桥的像的顶端到水 [2] m。 8、请阅读《郭守敬望远镜》并回答问题。 郭守敬望远镜 “星汉灿烂,若出其里”。漫天星光绝大多数都来自宇宙中的恒星。怎样知道这些遥远且炽热的恒星的成分呢?用 光谱!我们知道,阳光通过三棱镜后会发生色散,形成一条按照一定顺序排列的彩色光带,我们称之为光谱。太阳 是恒星,因此太阳的光谱是一种恒星光谱。恒星光谱包含了恒星的很多“户口”信息,比如化学成分、密度、温 度、恒星年龄等。恒星光谱除了包含恒星自身的信息之外,还能告诉我们恒星以及它所在的星系是在远离,还是在 靠近我们,甚至还能告诉我们远离或靠近的速度有多大。观测表明,恒星或星系远离我们的速度与它跟我们之间的 距离成正比。 光谱望远镜是获取恒星光谱的有力工具。目前世界上最好的光谱望远镜是由中国天文学家自主研制的,以元代著名 天文学家、数学家、水利工程专家郭守敬名字命名的“郭守敬望远镜”,如图所示。它可以将接收到的恒星的光会 聚后通过色散系统形成恒星光谱,进而获取恒星的信息。它能够同时观测 4000 个天体,是当今世界上光谱获取效 率最高的望远镜。在刚刚过去的七年巡天观测中(所谓“巡天观测”,就好比是“给天上的星星做‘人口’普 查”),郭守敬望远镜共获取 1125 万条光谱,成为世界上第一个获取恒星光谱数突破千万量级的天文望远镜。我 国科学家通过对这些恒星光谱的分析,绘制成了一个包含 636 万组恒星光谱参数的星表,重新确立了银河系晕(音 yùn)的内扁外圆的结构,并取得了其他一些令世界瞩目的重大发现,这在某种程度上增强了人类寻找另一个“地 球”和地外生命的信心! 目前,郭守敬望远镜已开启新一轮的“霸气”巡天观测征程。使用郭守敬望远镜可以“普查”银河系更多的恒星, 以它的观测能力,北半球天空仍然有约一亿颗恒星可观测,可以让“普查”资料更全面、更详细,更好地帮助我们 了解银河系的历史、现状和未来。 请根据上述材料,回答下列问题: (1)恒星发出的光经郭守敬望远镜的光学系统形成恒星光谱的现象属于光的 (2)我国科学家通过分析恒星光谱确立了 现象。 [1] 的内扁外圆新结构。 [1] (3)已知“长蛇Ⅱ星系团”距离我们约 33 亿光年,它远离我们的速度约为 6×104km/s。 ①你认为:光年是 单位(选填“时间”或“长度”)。 ②请根据文中信息,估算距离我们 22 亿光年的“牧夫座星系团”远离我们的速度约为 [1] km/s。 [1]