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Internet & WWW: Technologies, Protocols, & History

Learning Objectives
At the end of this topic a student should be
able to:
• Explain Internet Technologies
• Explain components of WWW
• Explain and discuss WEB 2.0
• Discuss DNS
Definitions: Network
• Connection of two or more devices, to
share resources or to send messages
• Devices may include everyday things such
as PCs, laptops, TV, Mobile (Think IoT),
Servers, Printers, Routers etc.
• Data is sent over communication media,
such as wireless, cabled network
Definitions: Internet
• Interconnection of computers
• Comes from the word INTERconnected
• Interconnection of connected networks
Definitions: WWW
• Stands for World Wide Web
• An information Sharing model built on top
of the Internet
• Uses HTTP protocol and browsers (give
examples) to access content
• Content is in form of web pages formatted
in HTML and linked via hyperlinks
Uses of the Internet
• Email
• WWW, hypertext, browsers
• FTP, P2P file distribution
• Mobile Internet
• IM, Skype, Duo
• Blogging, Microblogging
• Learning – eg. Massively Open Online Courses
(MOOCs) – Edx, Udemy…
• Remote Backup – Cloud Computing
• Software over the internet (cloud services eg
Office 365), IaaS, PaaS
• Streaming content – video and audio
How to Access Webpages
• In order to access webpages, we require
special types of software
• These software are called Browsers
• A browser is an application that provides a
way of looking at and interacting with the
information on the world wide web
• Browsers are used to retrieve, present and
traverse information resources
• These resources include web pages,
images, video etc
Web Browser vs Web Server
• Web Browser requests and parses
documents from web servers
¨Mozilla Firefox
¨Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)
¨Apple Safari
¨Google Chrome
• Web Server listens for web page
• ¨Apache
• ¨Microsoft Internet Information
• (IIS)
• ¨…
• DNS Stands for Domain Name
• Every web server has a specific IP Address
attached to it
• IP is a logical address
• However, given that the IP has four parts,
it would be hard to remember all of them
• Exercise: Can you identify which this
address the IP belongs to?
• Computers do not understand text, but
understand binary
• IP Address are binary in nature
• We have two versions, IPv4 and IPv6
• How do computers understand the web
address typed in by the user?
• IPv4 uses 32bits
• IPv6 uses 128bits
• The text typed in the browser needs to be
translated to a format that the computer
can understand
• The text is converted by use of DNS
• Earlier example, the IP can
be found by typing in Strathmore.edu
• DNS converts the name to the IP and seeks
the resource based on the IP
• Aids in memory of the various webpage
• How would you remember Facebook,
Twitter, Gmail, Reddit, Strathmore, Etc via
• Stands for Uniform Resource Locator
• Used to address a document on the Web
• The name used corresponds to an IP, and is listed
on the DNS
• Example is : http://www.mit.edu/sloan/index.html
• Nowadays, https has been used in place of http,
• URL follows the general syntax
• the format is:
Structure of a web address
• Hosts and Domain Names: domain name as the
name of the network you’re trying to connect to
and think of the host as the computer you’re
looking for on that network.
• Path Name and File Name: the path maps to a
folder location where the file is stored on the
server; the file is the name of the file you’re
looking for.
Internet: Brief History
Began as a US Department of Defense network called ARPANET( Advanced
Research Projects Agency Network) (1960s-70s)
Packet switching (in the 60s)
E-mail is born on 1971
TCP/IP beginning on 1974 (Vinton Cerf). Various computer networks did not
have a standard way to communicate with each other. A new
communications protocol was established called Transfer Control
Protocol/Internetwork Protocol .
By 1987: Internet includes nearly 30,000 hosts
Brief History
• WWW created in 1989-91 by Tim Berners-Lee
• Popular web browsers released:
– Netscape 1994
– IE 1995
• Amazon.com opens in 1995
• Google January 1996
Wikipedia launched in 2001
• MySpace opens in 2003
• Facebook February 2004
Read more..
• https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/brie
• https://webfoundation.org/about/vision/h
Key Aspects of the internet
• Computers can dynamically join and leave the network
• Built on open standards
• Lack of centralized control (mostly)
• Everyone can use it with simple, commonly available
People and Organizations
• Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): internet
protocol standards
• Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers (ICANN): decides top-level domain names
• World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): web standards
Internet Protocols
• A protocol is a set of rules governing the
exchange or transmission of data between
• Computer communication protocol: is the
detailed specification of how
communication between two computers
will be carried out in order to serve a
specific purpose
• Common Protocols are HTTP, FTP, SMTP
Internet Protocols
• E.g. https, or hypertext transfer protocol
secure , is widely used to protect the transfer
of sensitive information.
• FTP , or file transfer protocol, is used for file
• The server that holds your e mail uses SMTP ,
or simple mail transfer protocol, to exchange
mail with other e mail servers throughout the
• Devices and computers connected to the
Internet use a protocol suite called TCP/IP to
communicate with each other.
Functions of protocols
Note: Not all protocols perform all functions
This is because, we need to reduce the
duplication of effort
• Encapsulation – hiding information
• Fragmentation and reassembly
• Compressing data
• Ordered Delivery
• Flow Control – handling data to ensure that
data transfer is efficient
• Error Control
Is a combination of two protocols; the IP
(Internet Protocol) and the TCP (Transmission
Control Protocol)
TCP ensures that all the necessary packets are
present, and puts them together in the correct
order i.e. performs reassembly of the packets
IP is used to move the chunks of data (packets)
from one place to another. These places are
specified by IP Addresses
TCP/IP (transmission
control protocol/Internet
• The essential features of this protocol
– identifying sending and receiving devices
– breaking information into small parts, or
packets, for transmission across the Internet.
TCP/IP (transmission
control protocol/Internet
I. Identification:
• Every computer on the Internet has a unique numeric
address called an IP address (Internet protocol address).
• Similar to the way a postal service uses addresses to deliver
mail, the Internet uses IP addresses to deliver e-mail and to
locate websites.
• Because these numeric addresses are difficult for people to
remember and use, a system was developed to
automatically convert text-based addresses to numeric IP
addresses. This system uses a domain name server (DNS)
that converts text-based addresses to IP addresses. For
example, whenever you enter a URL, say www.mhhe.com,
a DNS converts this to an IP address before a connection
can be made.
Identification using Domain
Name Server
TCP/IP (transmission
control protocol/Internet
II. Packetization:
• Information sent or transmitted across the
Internet usually travels through numerous
interconnected networks. Before the message is
sent, it is reformatted or broken down into small
parts called packets.
• Each packet is then sent separately over the
Internet, possibly traveling different routes to
one common destination.
• At the receiving end, the packets are reassembled
into the correct order.
Internet Protocol
• Simple protocol for data exchange between computers
IP Addresses:
• 32-bit for IPv4
• 128-bit for IPv6
Protocol Interactions
Web Application
Protocol Interactions
• HTTP defines the content and formatting of the requests and
responses that are exchanged between the client and server.
• TCP divides the HTTP messages into smaller pieces, called segments.
These segments are sent between the web server and client
processes running at the destination host
Protocol Interactions
• IP - is responsible for taking the formatted segments from TCP,
encapsulating them into packets, assigning them the appropriate
addresses, and delivering them to the destination host.
• Ethernet - is a network access protocol that describes two primary
functions: communication over a data link and the physical
transmission of data on the network media.
Network access protocols are responsible for taking the packets from IP and
formatting them to be transmitted over the media.
Hypertext Transport Protocol
• Set of commands understood by a web server and sent
from a browser
• ¨ Some HTTP commands (your browser sends these
– GET filename: download
– POST filename: send a web form response
– PUT filename: upload
Uniform Resource Locator
• Example URL:
– http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~mashiyat/csc309/index.htm
• Upon entering this URL into the browser, it would:
– Ask the DNS server for the IP address of the URL
– Connect to that IP address at port 80
– Request the document from the server by sending
– GET mashiyat/csc309/index.htm
– Parse and display the resulting page on the screen
HTTP Error Codes
• When something goes wrong, the web server returns a
special "error code" number
• Common error codes:
Enabling Web Technologies
• Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
• Used for writing web pages
• Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
• Stylistic info for web pages
• JavaScript
• Interactive web pages (on the client)
• Server side Programming language
• (Python, Nodejs,etc.)
• Dynamic and data-driven pages (on the web
Web 2.0
Web 1.0
• Initially the web consisted of static pages.
• The visitors were limited to passive viewing
and whose content only the site owners can
• Web 1.0 was the first generation of the world
wide web, also referred to as the read-only
• Web 1.0 began as an information place for
businesses to broadcast their information and
only allowed users to search for information
and read it.
Web 2.0
• Web 2.0 is a term often applied to a perceived ongoing
transition of the World Wide Web from a collection of
websites to a full-fledged computing platform serving
web applications to end users.
• Web 2.0 describes the changing trends in the use of
WWW technology and Web design that aim to
enhance creativity, secure information sharing,
increase collaboration, and improve the functionality
of the Web as we know it (Web 1.0).
• These have led to the development and evolution of
Web-based communities and hosted services, such as
social-networking sites (i.e. Facebook, MySpace), video
sharing sites (i.e. YouTube), wikis, blogs, etc.
• This shift can be characterized as the evolution of Web
use from passive consumption of content to more
active participation, creation and sharing
• Web 2.0 Websites allow users to do more than just
retrieve information.
• Now users can build on the interactive facilities of Web
1.0 to provide "network as platform" computing,
allowing users to run software-applications entirely
through a browser
• Users are able to co-author the data on a Web 2.0 site
and exercise control over it. These sites have an
"architecture of participation" that encourages users
to add value to the application as they use it
Features/ Techniques
• Search: the ease of finding information through
keyword searching
• Links: guides to important pieces of information. The
best pages are the most frequently linked to
• Authoring: the ability to create constantly updating
content that is co-created by users. In wikis, the
content is iterative in the sense that the people undo
and redo each other’s work. In blogs, it is cumulative in
that posts and comments of individuals are
accumulated over time
• Tags: categorization of content by creating tags that
are simple, one-word descriptions to facilitate
searching and avoid having to fit into rigid, pre-made
Web 3.0
• Web 3.0 or Web3 is the third generation of
the World Wide Web.
• Currently a work in progress, it is a vision
of a decentralized and open Web with
greater utility for its users.
• Features: Artificial intelligence (AI) and
machine learning, Decentralization,
Trustless and permissionless etc.
Reading and Discussion
• What are your thoughts on Web 3.0?
• Are we already in the era of Web 3.0?
• What features/ Characteristics would Web
3.0 have?
Thank you!
Any Questions?