Marks has reported the following symptoms: feelings of hopelessness. “why am I s ll here”, “what’s my purpose”, feeling very irritable and lack of sleep. Unable to sleep from thoughts of depression and anxious as whats to come next. He struggles with nding pleasure in doing things and going out feels there is no “purpose” which has resulted in excessive usage of alcohol and vaping. Alcohol usage has turned into daily usage, repor ng self-coping skills since the age of 18. Never a ended therapy or thought to seek any professional help mainly due to the lack of resources, access and s gma surrounding mental health. Has had some suicidal idea on without interven on. No actual plan in place and no history of any noted a empts. Mark reports smoking marijuana occasionally unsure of when it started. Currently not smoking marijuana but vaping and drinking daily. Mark reports drinking to numb the pain and to not have to face reality in a sense. Daily drinking started about 3 years ago a er the loss of a dear friend, unable to cope with the loss and struggling with mental health. The responsibili es and the task of everyday life pushed for the drinking. Reports feeling a sense of calmness and relaxa on when under the in uence also reports drinking consistently throughout the day and night. No reports of any hard drugs currently Mark is currently single as alcohol consump on and mental health status has taken a toll on many personal rela onships within his life. He is currently living back home with his mother and younger siblings. Mark is not really open to sharing more informa on about his family at this me. However, he is not sure if his family has dealt with the same thing as he o en feels alone and misunderstood. Overall the goal is to get back to his once happy outgoing self Mark dropped out of school in high school and has not yet entered the work force as he is unsure what he wants to do and unsure of what interests him anymore. Mark says before his mental health became a problem, he could not visualize his self-working a regular job as he would rather tap into his crea ve side and provide work for hisself. Mark reports no other health issues outside of mental health. ti ti ti ti ft ft tt ft fi ti ti ti fl ti ti ti ti tt No criminal history ti ti Mark, 25 year old single black male, main problem is depression and anxiety. O en men ons feelings of hopelessness and alone. Feels like the weight of the world falls upon his shoulders Treatment recommenda ons include: Psych evalua on, individual therapy and counesling substance abuse, as well as group therapy to gain a be er understanding of nding of self as well as educa on on self harm. Objec ves: This week Mark and I have collaborated to “iden fy what triggers me before I fall to deep”. Client will work on iden fying triggers that aid in his depression and anxiety and write them down. Client will also “start waking up at the same me every day to try and build more structure and rou nes” Client will wake up at 7am every morning star ng this week for one full week and note any changes he no ces. Goals: Client will exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes everyday. Client will have improved their mood by atleast 30% as evidenced by lowering their PHQ-9 score. Client will have improved their sleep quality by atleast 45% as evidenced by lowering their PHQ-9 score. Client will have improved their anxiety by atleast 20% as evidenced by lowering their PHQ-9 score. Interven ons: Life skill services Boost’s Mark’s quality of slumber. MDD pa ents frequently experience sleep di cul es, which can be treated with a combina on of behavioral therapy for sleep disorders and appropriate sleep hygiene habits. ti ffi fi tt ti ti ff ti ti tt ti ti ti ti ti tti ti ti ti ti ti Boost interpersonal interac on. People who su er from major depressive mood disorder tend to withdraw from others. Mark suggested a ending a support group for males who are depressed and ge ng in touch with some of his old football teammates as ways to deal with this. Discharge Planning Client will be comfortable terminating services when the client's sleep quality has improved by at least 40% and, their mood and anxiety have improved by at least 15%. : •