Qualitative research Objectives General Objective At the end of this lecture each student should acquire knowledge and practice related to qualitative research design. 3 Specific Objectives At the end of this lecture each student should be able to: 1. Define quantitative& qualitative research. 2. Enumerate characteristics of qualitative research. 3-weakness&strength of qualitative research 5. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research. 4 Introduction Researchers working in the social sciences; psychology, sociology, علم االنسانanthropology, human behaviors so, it is difficulty in trying to explain human behaviors in quantifiable or measurable terms. In these conditions ,researcher apply qualitative research. 5 Quantitative research A research which ‘focuses on numbers or quantities’. A systematic approach used to quantify variables A systematic, structured and formal process that uses statistical approach in the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data we can apply statistical tests in making reports about the data. . A qualitative research describes the qualities or characteristics of something uses narrative or descriptive approach in the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data. which sets a hypothesis for a potential quantitative study a systematic but unstructured method provide you with details about human behavior, emotion, and personality characteristics Measurement instrument for qualitative research video camera, a tape recorder, hidden microphones Qualitative Research Qualitative research is an inquiry approach in which the researcher: -*Explores a central phenomenon -*Asks participants broad & general questions *Collects detailed views of participants in the form of words or images - * Analyzes and codes the data for description - * Interprets the meaning of the information 9 *Writes the final report Characteristics of qualitative research *concerned with developing explanations of social phenomena How people are affected by the events that go on around them? Why people behave the way they do? 10 How opinions and attitudes are formed? How and why cultures and practices have developed in the way they have? Qualitative research characteristic takes place in the natural setting. (home, office). View social phenomena holistically. 11 Small sample(data saturation) Eman Ahmed Fadel 1. Observation Individual or In-Depth Interviews 4.Group Interview • TYPES OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS TYPES OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS Ethnographical علم االنسان Case study Grounded theory Historical علمPhenomenological الظواهر Qualitative research design Definition &example Aim& field Phenom Examination of human It aims to provide -enology experience(live experiences) insight into how through the description by the people make people involved. sense of the world they live in. Example: exploring why patients seek homeopathic care Psychology field a phenomenological approach would reveal the individual’s experience of seeking homeopathic care. Example of Ground Theory • A brief introduction to gravity theory Qualitative research design Grounded theory Definition &example Aim& field Studies in which data is collected, Aim to analysed and then a theory is generate or developed discover a theory about a Example:a theory to be particular developed about what motivates experience patients to seek homeopathic care. sociology field Qualitative research design Definition &example Aim& field Ethnographic Involves studies the collection and Explore the analysis of data about cultural beliefs and group. practices of a -Learning from people particular -Researcher is living with the cultural group. people and become a part of their culture . anthropology field Example of Ethnographic Study the introduction of the nurse consultant role in different ethnographic groups Qualitative research design Definition &example Aim& field Case ** Case studies are -To explore the causes of underlying study based on an in-depth principles. investigation of a -When the approach is single individual, applied correctly, it becomes group or event valuable method for health science research to develop theory, evaluate programs, and develop interventions. Qualitative research design Definition &example Aim& field Case Example :one person or group of May be study people with diabetes could be considered as studied for a time to determine qualitative or their responses to the use of an quantitative insulin pump Research based on the aim Qualitative research design Definition &example Aim& field Historical Concern the identification, Seeks not only research. evaluation, and synthesis of data to discover the from the past. events of the past but to relate these nurse wishes to examine the past practices of nurse midwife during happenings to 1940. the present and to the future. Qualitative Research weakness&strength Strengths of Qualitative Research 1. Data are usually collected in naturalistic settings, so it is reliableموثوقة 2. Qualitative data in the words exploring how and why phenomena occur Strengths of Qualitative Research 3-Useful for describing complex phenomena 4-Provides description understanding of people’s experiences in depth and personal Weakness of Qualitative Research 1. It is more difficult to test hypotheses and theories with large participant groups. 2. Data analysis is often time consuming. 3. The results are more easily influenced by the researcher’s personal biases Weakness of Qualitative Research 4. Cost consuming 5. Not Generalizable as in quantitative Differences between Qualitative & Quantitative Research Qualitative Quantitative Answers Why? How? Data is in the form of words, Answers How many? When? Where? Data is in the form of numbers and statistics pictures or objects Rich in data but time consuming Data are more efficient البيانات أكثر كفاءة Inductive Deductive Developing generalizations from a limited number of observations or experiences specific Developing specific predictions from general principles, observations, or experiences Deductive approach: Developing specific predictions from general principles, observations, or experiences Inductive approaches: Developing generalizations from a limited number of specific observations or experiences Differences between Qualitative & Quantitative Research Qualitative Quantitative Not Generalizable as in quantitative Generalizable Researcher Is data gathering instrument Various tools, instruments to collect data Data collection are less or semi- structured Data collection are more structured 36 N.B • quantitative and qualitative designs complement each other Dimension of quantitative research Dimension Control of independent variable design Major features randomization--manipulationExperimental control group, -manipulation- no control -quasigroup\or Experimental Manipulation. -nonNo manipulation of Experimental independent variable Dimension of quantitative research Dimension design Major features Types of group -between -) Different group) subject sample comparison -within -) -same group) subject sample Dimension of quantitative research Dimension design Major features setting -Naturalistic Real Laboratorty- Artificial Dimension of quantitative research Dimension design Number of data Cross collection point section Major features One point in time longtudinal Multiple time point in Dimension of quantitative research design Major features Occurrence of Retrospective dependent and independent variable prospective -begin with dependent Dimension --begin with independent هذا اخر المحاضره Peace be upon you 43