Contents 3 Welcome 5 About Me 6 How to Perform The Program 8 Frequently Asked Questions 10 Beginner/Without Boxing Coach or Training Partners: 11 Training Schedule for Beginners/Not Competing 12 Training Schedule for Intermediate to Advanced: Competing 13 Connect with me Welcome Welcome to Heavy Hitter! This was designed for boxers of anyone looking to train like an elite level fighter. In this program you will be working through several compound movements that will enhance your overall athleticism. The goal for the next 8 weeks is to improve on strength, power, agility, and overall conditioning. Training through what’s called step loading in 2 stages, where each week gets subjectively harder. After the 3 week we give your body and nervous system a break with a structured “deload” decrease in volume and intensity to allow for ultimate recovery. The first stage is predicated towards improving absolute strength and strength endurance. We will be working through compound lifts with mid to high intensity. You will also be improving your conditioning through a form of sequencing called the “High/Low” approach made famous by the world renowned track coach Charlie Frances.This will allow for the body to recover from other training sessions and still make the necessary adaptations needed to increase your endurance inside the ring…. 3 …In stage 2 we want to make sure we are taking the strength that we’ve gained and putting speed behind it increasing the power throughout your body. So now we move on to Contrast training where we work through a phenomenon called “Post Activation Potentiation” where you take a movement at a high force and then directly after move in the same pattern with high velocity. This will be produced by the motor unite and muscle fibers that were recruited during the high force movement then use that energy to produce maximal velocity. For instance have you ever picked up a heavy object then immediately without knowing so picked up the same looking object that’s much lighter?? What ends up happening is that the brain tells the body it needs to recruit as much as it did with the heavy weight and then when you go to pick it up you almost fall backwards since your body thought it needed more effort to pick up that object. Same is present when you do this method, we want to be able to recruit as much motor units and muscle fibers as possible to get a training effect to increase rate of force production.Going into the fight the goal is to be in the most peak physical condition this program was designed after I started working with Sullivan Barrera and Maureen Shay both WBA, WBO, IBF Contenders and former champs. I wanted something that was going to be easy to follow and produce the most results possible. So here it is HEAVY HITTER!!. 4 About me Hey guys, my name is Phil Daru and I'm the head strength and conditioning coach for the world famous American Top Team Gym In Coconut Creek, Florida. Early on in life, I earned two degrees in both Sports Medicine and Exercise Science while playing D1 college football at Alabama State University. I also fought in MMA professionally. Now, I train the top athletes and world champions from various sports. I deeply understand not only the training aspects of fight preparation but also the mind set of what fighters are going through from my years being a fighter and training athletes myself. I’ve devoted my life to performance training and making sure that I will always get an athlete the best results possible when training for a fight or any sport. I’m here to help you all in anyway that I can. Feel f ree to message me on Instagram @darustrong if you have any questions along the way. 5 Warm Up Sets Weight % How to Perform The Program It is important to follow the program correctly In order to make sure you are receiving the right stimulus to increase performance as an athlete. Here is a simple guide to make sure you are performing correctly. Super Sets Tempo When a series of movements has letter next to them i.e. 2a,2b,2c, these movements will be performed one after the other in order until complete. For instance: you will see 1A Zercher squat into pins, and 1B Med ball under hand toss. These will be done in order and right after each other. The tempo for each particular rep will be displayed similar to this: Front Squat - ([2|1|X]) - The first number is the Eccentric tempo or portion where you will lower the weight. So from the example you would lower yourself for 2 seconds. The next number is the Isometric pause, so you would pause for 1 second at the bottom of the squat and finally the Concentric (Moving the weight back up) is last. The letter X represents “explode” as in you will produce force as fast as possible in this phase of the lift. Then when the Med ball underhand toss is done the athlete will rest and start back over with until all the sets are complete. *There is a video in the login portal that explains this in more depth. 6 Warm Up Sets Weight % As a rule of thumb, if you're going to be doing a working set of 5 reps, you’re warm-up sets should consist of 10 reps at around 40% of the working weight that you will be using. The next set, you’d perform around 8 reps at 75% of your working weight. This will help you to activate your muscles and warm up properly. Throughout Heavy Hitter you will see things like “ Weight% - 80%” This means I want you to perform the exercises at 80% of your 1 rep max (1RM). To calculate your 1RM perform 5 reps of an exercises at 100% effort, then use this calculator to learn your 1RM. rep-max-calculator/ RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) Heart Rate % Is a scale utilized to measure the intensity of your exercise. Next to each resistance movement you will receive a number from 1 to 10, with 1 representing “extremely easy” and 10 representing “maximal effort”. Utilize this scale to aid in determining the load and overall intensity of each lift. You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. For example, if you're 45 years old, subtract 45 from 220 to get a maximum heart rate of 175. In Heavy Hitter you see things like “Heart Rate% - 80%”. This simply means that your target heart rate is 80% of your max. So if your max heart rate was 175, then you should be aiming for is 140 BPM 7 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 01 When is the best time to perform the conditioning in Heavy Hitter? I recommend performing your conditioning 4-6 hours before weight training or you can also perform it 4-6 hours after. This gives your body enough time for your body to recover. Along with allowing the best performance possible for each energy system. 02 How long can I follow this program for? 03 How do I schedule my skills training such as sparring and pad work? As long as this program is helping you progress you can continue to follow it. Make sure that you are recording your progress for every workout that you perform. When you are finished with the entire program, take 1-2 weeks off and start the program again. You should be able to increase all of your weight by 5% of what you did the last time you performed the entire program. On the next page I created a full calendar that you can follow based on your skill level. If you are just starting out and don’t train any form of boxing, then simply follow exact training lay out in the program in Heavy Hitter. 8 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 04 05 06 How many days per week do I need to follow the program? Try to follow the program schedule as written the best that you can. Now If you’re feeling very tired with a fight coming up or truly don’t have the time, then adjust the amount days you’re in the weight room to 1-2x per week. As a fighter looking to compete the most important thing you can do is practice your skills training. So make sure you have enough energy to spar, shadow box, and practice your drilling. How should I monitor my heart rate? If your just starting out or don’t want to invest in a heart rate monitor, there are many apps on your phone that you can use such as “Instant Heart Rate: HR Monitor” this is for both IOS and Androids. Now, if you’re training for a fight or want the most accurate monitor I would highly recommend using a chest strap such as the Polar h10 Heart Monitor. How do I perform the exercises? If click on any of the exercises on your PDF it will take you to a video from my Heavy Hitter exercise database. This is show you exactly how to perform the exercises with proper technique. 9 Training Schedule Beginner/Without Boxing Coach or Training Partners: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AM Mid Day AM Mid Day Conditioning (Heavy Hitter) Technical Shadow and Head Movement Drills Conditioning (Heavy Hitter) Technical Shadow Boxing Mid Day (Optional) Heavy Bag and - Shadow Box Late afternoon Heavy Hitter Program Day 1 Mid Day Late Afternoon (Optional) Recovery swimming or light jog (Optional) Heavy Bag or - Shadow Box Late afternoon SATURDAY Sunday AM Mid Day Off Conditioning (Heavy Hitter) Technical Shadow Boxing Mid Day Late afternoon (Optional) Heavy Bag (Optional) Aerobic conditioning Heavy Hitter Program Day 3 swimming or light jog Heavy Hitter Program Day 2 FRIDAY Late afternoon Late Afternoon (Optional) Recovery HELPFUL TIP Remember to be eating enough nutritious foods and protein to allow your body to recover. I often have my fighters take ZMA before bed to allow them to recover even easier from the high volume workouts. 10 Training Schedule Beginner/Not Competing: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AM Mid Day AM Mid Day Conditioning (Heavy Hitter) Sparring Conditioning (Heavy Hitter) Sparring Mid Day Late Afternoon Mid Day Late Afternoon Boxing Training Recovery swimming or light jog Late afternoon Boxing Training Recovery Swimming or Light Jog Late afternoon Heavy Hitter Program Day 1 Heavy Hitter Program Day 2 FRIDAY SATURDAY Sunday HELPFUL TIP AM Mid Day Off Conditioning (Heavy Hitter) Boxing drills Remember to be eating enough nutritious foods and protein to allow your body to recover. I often have my fighters take ZMA before bed to allow them to recover even easier from the high volume workouts. Mid Day Skills Training and Technique Late afternoon Heavy Hitter Program Day 3 Late afternoon aerobic conditioning 11 Training Schedule Intermediate-Advanced (Competing) MONDAY AM Aerobic conditioning TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AM AM AM Conditioning (Heavy Aerobic conditioning Conditioning (Heavy Hitter) Hitter) Mid Day Mid Day Mid Day Sparring Boxing Drills Late afternoon Late afternoon Massage (soft tissue work) Heavy Hitter (day 1) Massage (soft tissue work) FRIDAY SATURDAY Sunday AM AM Off Aerobic Conditioning (Heavy conditioning (Light) Hitter) Mid Day Mid Day Technical Sparring Drilling technique Late afternoon Late afternoon Off Heavy Hitter (day 3) Mid Day Sparring Boxing Drills Late afternoon Late afternoon Heavy Hitter (day 2) HELPFUL TIP Remember to be eating enough nutritious foods and protein to allow your body to recover. I often have my fighters take ZMA before bed to allow them to recover even easier from the high volume workouts. 12 Connect with Me Need Help? If you are looking for customer support please email my support team at For any training related question DM me on instagram @Darustrong 8 WEEK OUT - STAGE 1 8 Weeks Out: Active Prep: Slow/Low Dynamic: 10 minutes total Dynamic Warm Up Follow the Dynamic Warm Up Video Here: DYNAMIC WARM UP FULL VIDEO Or Click Each One to Watch Them Individually Ankle Circles x3 slow x3 fast each way Heel to Toe Walks x10 yards Heel Walks x10 yards Heel Toe Walks Dynamic x10 yards Toe Walks x10 yards Perfect Stretch x4 each side RDL Reach Out x5 each side Crossover Lunge Step x3 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge x5 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip x5 each leg Quadruped Fire Hydrant With Leg Extension x3 slow x3 fast each leg Quadruped Straight Leg Glute Activation x3 slow x3 fast each leg Prone Swimmers x10 Wall Slides x10 Side Monster Walks x10 yards each side Front Monster Walks x10 yards each side High Knees x15 yards Butt Kicks x15 yards Adduction side shuffle x10 yards each side Low step over Karaoke x10 yards each side High step over Karaoke x10 yards each side Quick Skips x15 yards Power Skips for Height x15 yards Tuck Jumps x10 yards Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg CLICK EACH EXERCISE TO WATCH HOW TO PERFORM THEM STRENGTH TRAINING (ACCUMULATION) - 8 WEEKS OUT DAY 1 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Trap Bar Deadlift 2 3 5 90 SEC 2.1.X 9 80% Close Grip Bench Press 2 4 4 120 SEC 2.1.X 9 80% Single Arm Dumbbell Rows 1 3 6 60 SEC 3.1.1 8 70% Glute Ham Raise Machine (GHD) 3 8 15 SEC TOE SWIPES EACH LEG 3.1.X 8 80% Band Pull Aparts 1 100 LITTLE AS POSSIBLE STEADY 7-8 1A. Hanging Leg Raises ⬇ 15 ⬇ 1B. Neck Flexion/Extension With Harness ⬇ 10 / Each Side ⬇ 3 Cluster 30 SEC 45 SEC between cluster 1C. Deadman Hangs HR% AEROBIC CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER WARMUP SETS 3 Min Prowler Marching 1 Minute Passive Recovery SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE HR% 6 Rounds 3 MIN 60 SEC STEADY 6-7 75-80% Max HR STRENGTH TRAINING (ACCUMULATION) - 8 WEEKS OUT DAY 2 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Floor Press 2 5 4 120 SEC 2.1.X 9 80% Barbell Bent Over Row 2 3 5 90 SEC 2.1.X 9 75% Dumbbell Side Lunge 1 70% 3 3 60 SEC 3.1.1 8 JM Press 3 8 PRONE SWIMMERS 3.1.X 8 Banded Hamstring Curls 1 100 LITTLE AS POSSIBLE STEADY 7-8 1A. Ab Roll Out ⬇ 15 ⬇ 1B. 4 Way Neck ⬇ 10 / Each Side ⬇ 1C. Farmers Carry 3 Cluster 90 SEC 45 SEC between cluster HR% ALACTIC CAPACITY - CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER WARMUP SETS SETS Sprints 6-10 seconds ALL OUT Rounds REST TEMPO RPE HR % 8 30 SEC SPEED 6-7 75-80% STRENGTH TRAINING (ACCUMULATION) - 8 WEEKS OUT DAY 3 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Front Squat 2 3 5 120 SEC 2.1.X 9 80% Barbell RDL 2 3 6 90 SEC 2.1.X 9 75% 3.1.X 8 70% STEADY 7-8 Incline Bench Press 3 6 60 SEC Front Foot Elevated Split Squat 3 8 Toe Swipes 15 seconds each leg Band Tricep Extension 1 100 Prone Swimmers 20 reps 1A. Decline Sit-Ups ⬇ 15 ⬇ 1B. Backwards Walking Neck Harness Sled Walks W/ Sandbag ⬇ 3 Cluster 1C. Plate Holds (Fingertips) 100 yards ⬇ Until Failure 30-45 SEC HR% 30LB Females / 50LB Men ALACTIC ANAEROBIC - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER WARMUP SETS Hard Combinations On Heavy Bag ALL OUT hit for 4 Sec ROUNDS ROUND TIME 4 3 MIN REST TEMPO Passive 20 seconds - 3 MIN Shadow EXPLOSIVE RPE 10 WEIGHT % HR% 90% HR 7 WEEKS OUT Active Prep: Slow/Low Dynamic: 10 minutes total Dynamic Warm Up Follow the Dynamic Warm Up Video Here: DYNAMIC WARM UP FULL VIDEO Or Click Each One to Watch Them Individually Ankle Circles x3 slow x3 fast each way Heel to Toe Walks x10 yards Heel Walks x10 yards Heel Toe Walks Dynamic x10 yards Toe Walks x10 yards Perfect Stretch x4 each side RDL Reach Out x5 each side Crossover Lunge Step x3 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge x5 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip x5 each leg Quadruped Fire Hydrant With Leg Extension x3 slow x3 fast each leg Quadruped Straight Leg Glute Activation x3 slow x3 fast each leg Prone Swimmers x10 Wall Slides x10 Side Monster Walks x10 yards each side Front Monster Walks x10 yards each side High Knees x15 yards Butt Kicks x15 yards Adduction side shuffle x10 yards each side Low step over Karaoke x10 yards each side High step over Karaoke x10 yards each side Quick Skips x15 yards Power Skips for Height x15 yards Tuck Jumps x10 yards Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg STRENGTH TRAINING (INTENSIFICATION) - 7 WEEKS OUT DAY 1 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Trap Bar Deadlift 2 3 3 90 SEC 1.1.X 9.5 90% Close Grip Bench Press 2 3 4 120 SEC 1.1.X 9.5 85% Single Arm Dumbbell Rows 1 3 5 60 SEC 2.1.1 8.5 75% 3 8 15 SEC TOE SWIPES 3.1.X 8 80% Band Pull Aparts 1 100 As little as possible STEADY 7-8 1. Hanging Leg Raises ⬇ 15 ⬇ ⬇ 10 / Each Side ⬇ 3 Cluster 30 SEC 45 SEC between cluster Glute Ham Raise Machine (GHD) 2. Neck Flexion/Extension With Harness 3. Deadman Hangs HR% AEROBIC POWER: CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER WARMUP SETS SETS REPS 6 4 Min Prowler March REST TEMPO RPE 120 SEC STEADY 6-7 WEIGHT % HR% 75%-80% STRENGTH TRAINING (INTENSIFICATION) - 7 WEEKS OUT DAY 2 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Floor Press 2 4 3 120 SEC 1.1.X 9.5 90% Barbell Bent Over Row 2 3 4 90 SEC 1.1.X 9.5 85% Dumbbell Side Lunge 1 75% 3 3 60 SEC 2.1.1 8.5 3 8 25 BAND PULLS 2.1.X 8 Valslide Hamstring Curls 1 100 LITTLE AS POSSIBLE STEADY 7-8 1A. Standing Cable Crunches ⬇ 15 ⬇ 1B. 4 Way Neck ⬇ 10 / Each Side ⬇ 1C. Farmers Carry 3 90 SEC 45 SEC JM Press HR% ALACTIC CAPACITY - CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER WARMUP SETS SETS Sprint 6-10 seconds ALL OUT Rounds REST TEMPO RPE 8 20 SEC SPEED 6-7 WEIGHT % HR% 85% HR STRENGTH TRAINING (INTENSIFICATION) - 7 WEEKS OUT DAY 3 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Front Squat 2 3 4 120 SEC 1.1.X 9.5 90% Barbell RDL 2 3 5 90 SEC 1.1.X 9.5 85% Incline Bench Press 3 5 60 SEC 1.1,X 8.5 80% Front Foot Elevated Split Squat 3 6 15 SEC TOE SWIPES 2.1.X 8.5 French Press 1 100 Active Wall Slides 20 reps Steady 7-8 1A. Decline Sit-Ups ⬇ 15 ⬇ 1B. Front Walking Neck Harness Sled Walks W/ Sandbag ⬇ 100 yards ⬇ 3 Cluster Until Failure 30-45 SEC 1C. Plate Holds (Fingertips) HR% 30LB Females / 50LB Men ALACTIC-ANAEROBIC - CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER WARMUP SETS Hard Combinations On Heavy Bag ALL OUT for 20 Seconds SETS REPS 4 3 MIN Passive Recovery for 20 SEC. Perform For 3 Min Round, Rest Then 3 Minutes (Shadow Boxing) REST TEMPO 3 MIN - Then 3 Min Shadow boxing EXPLOSIVE RPE 10 WEIGHT % HR% 90% HR 6 WEEKS OUT STRENGTH TRAINING (REALIZATION) Active Prep: Slow/Low Dynamic: 10 minutes total Dynamic Warm Up Follow the Dynamic Warm Up Video Here: DYNAMIC WARM UP FULL VIDEO Or Click Each One to Watch Them Individually Ankle Circles x3 slow x3 fast each way Heel to Toe Walks x10 yards Heel Walks x10 yards Heel Toe Walks Dynamic x10 yards Toe Walks x10 yards Perfect Stretch x4 each side RDL Reach Out x5 each side Crossover Lunge Step x3 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge x5 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip x5 each leg Quadruped Fire Hydrant With Leg Extension x3 slow x3 fast each leg Quadruped Straight Leg Glute Activation x3 slow x3 fast each leg Prone Swimmers x10 Wall Slides x10 Side Monster Walks x10 yards each side Front Monster Walks x10 yards each side High Knees x15 yards Butt Kicks x15 yards Adduction side shuffle x10 yards each side Low step over Karaoke x10 yards each side High step over Karaoke x10 yards each side Quick Skips x15 yards Power Skips for Height x15 yards Tuck Jumps x10 yards Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg STRENGTH TRAINING (REALIZATION) - 6 WEEKS OUT DAY 1 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Trap Bar Deadlift 2 3 1 120 SEC 1.1.X 10 95% Close Grip Bench Press 2 3 3 90 SEC 1.1.X 10 90% Single Arm Dumbbell Rows 1 3 4 60 SEC 2.1.1 9 85% Glute Ham Raise Machine (GHD) 2 8 15 SEC TOE SWIPES 3.1.X 8 Band Pull Aparts 1 100 30-45 SEC STEADY 7-8 1A. Hanging Leg Raises ⬇ 15 ⬇ ⬇ 10 / Each Side ⬇ 3 Cluster 30 SEC 45 SEC between cluster 1B. Neck Flexion/Extension With Harness 1C. Deadman Hangs HR% CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER -AEROBIC POWER WARMUP SETS 4 min Row Machine SETS Rounds REST TEMPO RPE 4 MIN 6 2 minute passive recovery STEADY 6-7 WEIGHT % HR% 75% - 80% HR STRENGTH TRAINING (REALIZATION) - 6 WEEKS OUT DAY 2 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Floor Press 2 4 1 120 SEC 1.1.X 10 95% Barbell Bent Over Row 2 3 3 90 SEC 1.1.X 10 90% Dumbbell Side Lunge 1 3 3 60 SEC 2.1.1 9 85% JM Press 2 10 PRONE SWIMMERS 3.1.X 8 Exercise Ball Hamstring Curls 1 100 LITTLE AS POSSIBLE STEADY 7-8 1A. Ab Roll Out ⬇ 15 ⬇ 1B. 4 Way Neck ⬇ 10 / Each Side ⬇ 1C. Farmers Carry 3 Cluster 90 SEC 45 SEC between cluster HR% CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER - ALACTIC CAPACITY WARMUP SETS SETS Sprints 6-10 seconds ALL OUT Rounds REST TEMPO RPE 8 20 SEC SPEED 10 WEIGHT % HR% 85% STRENGTH TRAINING (REALIZATION) - 6 WEEKS OUT DAY 3 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Front Squat 2 3 1 120 SEC 1.1.X 10 90% Barbell RDL 2 3 3 90 SEC 1.1.X 10 90% Incline Bench Press 3 4 60 SEC 1.1,X 10 85% Front Foot Elevated Split Squat 3 6 Toe Swipes 15 sec each leg 2.1.X 8.5 Band Tricep Extension 1 100 Prone Swimmers 20 reps STEADY 7-8 1A. Decline Sit-Ups ⬇ 15 ⬇ 1B. Front Walking Neck Harness Sled Walks W/ Sandbag 1C. Plate Holds (Fingertips) ⬇ 100 yards ⬇ 3 Cluster Until Failure 30-45 SEC HR% 30LB Females / 50LB Men CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER - ALACTIC ANEROBIC WARMUP SETS 1A. Hard Combinations On Heavy Bag ALL OUT - Hit for 6 Sec 2A. Passive Recovery for 40 SEC ROUNDS REPS REST TEMPO RPE 4 3 MIN 3 MIN (Shadow Boxing) EXPLOSIVE 10 WEIGHT % HR% 90% HR 5 WEEKS OUT - DELOAD STAGE 2 Active Prep: Slow/Low Dynamic: 10 minutes total Dynamic Warm Up Follow the Dynamic Warm Up Video Here: DYNAMIC WARM UP FULL VIDEO Or Click Each One to Watch Them Individually Ankle Circles x3 slow x3 fast each way Heel to Toe Walks x10 yards Heel Walks x10 yards Heel Toe Walks Dynamic x10 yards Toe Walks x10 yards Perfect Stretch x4 each side RDL Reach Out x5 each side Crossover Lunge Step x3 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge x5 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip x5 each leg Quadruped Fire Hydrant With Leg Extension x3 slow x3 fast each leg Quadruped Straight Leg Glute Activation x3 slow x3 fast each leg Prone Swimmers x10 Wall Slides x10 Side Monster Walks x10 yards each side Front Monster Walks x10 yards each side High Knees x15 yards Butt Kicks x15 yards Adduction side shuffle x10 yards each side Low step over Karaoke x10 yards each side High step over Karaoke x10 yards each side Quick Skips x15 yards Power Skips for Height x15 yards Tuck Jumps x10 yards Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg 5 WEEKS OUT STRENGTH TRAINING (DELOAD) DAY 1 SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE Goblet Squat WARMUP SETS 3 6 90 SEC 2.1.1 6 WEIGHT % HR% Dumbbell Incline Press 3 6 90 SEC 2.1.1 6 Pull-Ups 3 10 60 SEC 1.1.1 6 Banded Hamstring Curls 2 25 60 SEC STEADY 6 Band Pull Aparts 2 25 60 SEC STEADY 6 Planks 4 45 SEC 60 SEC TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % HR% FAST/SLOW 7 65% HR WEIGHT % HR% WEIGHT % HR% CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER -AEROBIC CAPACITY WARMUP SETS Tempo Runs - 7 Second Stride Out / 1 Min Jog SETS Duration 1 20 MIN REST STRENGTH TRAINING (DELOAD) - 5 WEEKS OUT DAY 2 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE Dumbbell RDL 3 6 60 SEC PASSIVE 1.1.1 6 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows 3 6 60 SEC 1.1.1 6 Machine Shoulder Press (Neutral Grip) 3 6 60 SEC 1.1.1 6 Mini Band Rows 3 10 45 SEC STEADY 7 1/2 Turkish Get Up 3 5 / Each Side 45 SEC STEADY 7 Palloff Press 3 10/ Each Side 45 SEC 2.2.2 6-7 TEMPO RPE STEADY 7 CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER - AEROBIC CAPACITY WARMUP SETS Airdyne Bike - Slow and Steady SETS Duration 1 20 MIN REST 65% HR STRENGTH TRAINING (DELOAD) - 5 WEEKS OUT DAY 3 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE Dumbbell Floor Press 3 8 60 SEC 2.1.1 7 Dumbbell Walking Lunges 3 6 60 SEC 2.1.1 7 Single Arm Cable Rows 3 6 60 SEC 2.1.1 7 Band Pull Aparts 3 20 30 SEC STEADY 6-7 Glute Bridge With Barbell 3 20 45 SEC 2.1.2 7 TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % HR% WEIGHT % HR% CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER - TEMPO RUNS 8 Second Stride Out/ 90 Second Jog SETS Duration 1 20 MIN REST Fast to Slow 65% 4-1 WEEKS OUT: STAGE 2 (FOCUS - SPEED STRENGTH, EXPLOSIVE POWER, MOBILITY, ALACTIC POWER) 4 WEEKS OUT - STAGE 2 Active Prep: Slow/Low Dynamic: 10 minutes total Dynamic Warm Up Follow the Dynamic Warm Up Video Here: DYNAMIC WARM UP FULL VIDEO Or Click Each One to Watch Them Individually Ankle Circles x3 slow x3 fast each way Heel to Toe Walks x10 yards Heel Walks x10 yards Heel Toe Walks Dynamic x10 yards Toe Walks x10 yards Perfect Stretch x4 each side RDL Reach Out x5 each side Crossover Lunge Step x3 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge x5 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip x5 each leg Quadruped Fire Hydrant With Leg Extension x3 slow x3 fast each leg Quadruped Straight Leg Glute Activation x3 slow x3 fast each leg Prone Swimmers x10 Wall Slides x10 Side Monster Walks x10 yards each side Front Monster Walks x10 yards each side High Knees x15 yards Butt Kicks x15 yards Adduction side shuffle x10 yards each side Low step over Karaoke x10 yards each side High step over Karaoke x10 yards each side Quick Skips x15 yards Power Skips for Height x15 yards Tuck Jumps x10 yards Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg STRENGTH/POWER (PAP) - 4 WEEKS OUT DAY 1 SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % 1A. Trap Bar Deadlift Into The Pins WARMUP SETS 3 1 15 sec rest ⬇ 1 10 95% 1B. Hurdle Hops 30" 3 3 5 40% Landmine Single Arm Push Press 4 3 60 SEC 1.0.X 6 65% Farmer's Carry 4 90 SEC 20 BAND PULLS FAST 8 85% Decline Sit-Up 1 100 AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE 1.1.1 8 TEMPO RPE 1 minute - then Repeat contrastREACTIVE HR% CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER - ALACTIC SPEED CAPACITY WARMUP SETS 1A. Bag Work: 6 seconds hard combinations ROUNDS REPS 1 10 MIN REST WEIGHT % EMOM 1B. Light Punch Shadow Boxing During Rest (repeat combos EMOM) HR% 85% HR EMOM STRENGTH/POWER (PAP) - 4 WEEKS OUT DAY 2 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE 1A - Floor Press Into The Pins (Mini Max) 3 1 15 sec rest ⬇ 1 8 1B - Medicine Ball Supine Chest Pass 3 3 1 min - then Repeat contrast X.0.X 6 Banded Trap Bar Deadlift 4 3 30 SEC X.1.X 7 Suitcase Carry 4 60 METERS 60 SEC FAST 10 Banded Pallof Press 3 10 / EACH SIDE 30-45 SEC 2.2.2 9 TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % HR% 65% Bar Weight W/ Heavy Bands (25%) CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER WARMUP SETS Bag Work 8 Seconds ALL OUT Combinations SETS Round Duration 3 3 MIN REST WEIGHT % Light Punch Shadow Boxing ALL OUT HR% 85% HR STRENGTH/POWER (PAP) - 4 WEEKS OUT DAY 3 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % 1A - Zercher Squat Into Pins (Mini Max) 3 1 15 sec rest ⬇ 1 9 85% 1B - Split Stance Jump 3 1 45 sec - then Repeat group X.0.X 6 85% DB Single Arm Snatch 4 3 45 SEC 0.1.X 8 6 trips 60 meters 1 MIN STEADY 9 3 5 45 SEC STEADY 8 Backwards Sled with Neck Harness 1/2 Turkish Get Ups HR% CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER - (AEROBIC EXPLOSIVE REPEAT) 1A. 10 Sec Hill Sprint or Incline Teadmill 1B. 60 Sec Downhill/Backwards Round Duration SETS REST TEMPO ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ 10 MIN 3 60 SEC - (50% REST HR) ALL OUT 85%-90% HR 3 WEEKS OUT - POST ACTIVATION POTENTIATION, CONTRAST SETS Active Prep: Slow/Low Dynamic: 10 minutes total Dynamic Warm Up Follow the Dynamic Warm Up Video Here: DYNAMIC WARM UP FULL VIDEO Or Click Each One to Watch Them Individually Ankle Circles x3 slow x3 fast each way Heel to Toe Walks x10 yards Heel Walks x10 yards Heel Toe Walks Dynamic x10 yards Toe Walks x10 yards Perfect Stretch x4 each side RDL Reach Out x5 each side Crossover Lunge Step x3 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge x5 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip x5 each leg Quadruped Fire Hydrant With Leg Extension x3 slow x3 fast each leg Quadruped Straight Leg Glute Activation x3 slow x3 fast each leg Prone Swimmers x10 Wall Slides x10 Side Monster Walks x10 yards each side Front Monster Walks x10 yards each side High Knees x15 yards Butt Kicks x15 yards Adduction side shuffle x10 yards each side Low step over Karaoke x10 yards each side High step over Karaoke x10 yards each side Quick Skips x15 yards Power Skips for Height x15 yards Tuck Jumps x10 yards Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg STRENGTH/POWER (Concentric dynamic Isometrics PAP) - 3 WEEKS OUT DAY 1 SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE 1A. Trap Bar Deadlift Into The Pins WARMUP SETS 3 5 SECONDS 15 sec rest ⬇ 1 10 1B - Box Jump 30" 3 1 1 min - then Repeat contrast X.0.X 5 Landmine Rotational Press With Band (Resistance) 4 2 / EACH ARM 60 SEC X.1.X 7 Sled Walk With Harness 6 60 METERS 60 SEC STEADY 9 Decline Single Arm Sit Up 3 10 / EACH ARM 30-45 SEC 2.1.X. 9 WEIGHT % HR% CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER - ALACTIC CAPACITY WARMUP SETS SETS Bag Work 8 Seconds ALL OUT Combinations Rounds REST TEMPO 6 1 MIN ALL OUT WEIGHT % HR% 85% HR *30 Sec Active - Light Punch Shadow Boxing During Rest STRENGTH/POWER (Concentric dynamic Isometrics PAP) - 3 WEEKS OUT DAY 2 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE 1A - Floor Press Into The Pins (Mini Max) 3 5 SEC 15 sec rest ⬇ 1 10 1B - Medicine Ball Chest Pass Standing 3 2 1 min - then Repeat contrast 0.1.X 6 DB Explosive Lunge Jumps 4 2 45 SEC X.0.X 7 Farmers Carry With Neck Harness (Use Band To Attach) 6 60 METERS 60 SEC FAST 9 AB Roll Out 3 15 45 SEC 2.1.2. 8 RPE WEIGHT % HR% WEIGHT % HR% CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER - ALACTIC SPEED ENDURANCE WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO Kettlebell Swings 10 10 ON THE MINUTE (EMOM) Jog 1 10 MIN 75%-85% MHR 50%-60% MHR STRENGTH/POWER (Concentric dynamic Isometrics PAP) - 3 WEEKS OUT DAY 3 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE 1A - Zercher Squat Into Pins (Mini Max) 3 5 SEC 15 sec rest ⬇ 0.5.X 10 1B - Medicine Ball Underhand Toss Overhead 3 1 45 seconds 0.1.X 7 Backwards Sled Walks with Neck Harness 6 60 METERS 60 SEC STEADY 9 Pallof Press WIth Band 3 10 / Each Side 30 SEC 2.2.2. 9 WEIGHT % HR% CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER (AEROBIC EXPLOSIVE REPEAT) - 3 WEEKS OUT 1A. 10 Sec Hill Sprint or Incline Teadmill 1B. 60 Sec Downhill/Backwards Round Duration SETS REST TEMPO WEIGHT % HR% ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ 10 MIN 3 60 SEC - (50% REST HR) ALL OUT 85%-90% HR 2 WEEKS OUT - TISSUE TEMPERATURE, NERVOUS SYSTEM ACTIVATION, COORDINATION/PROPRIOCEPTION, MOBILITY/STABILITY Active Prep: Slow/Low Dynamic: 10 minutes total Dynamic Warm Up Follow the Dynamic Warm Up Video Here: DYNAMIC WARM UP FULL VIDEO Or Click Each One to Watch Them Individually Ankle Circles x3 slow x3 fast each way Heel to Toe Walks x10 yards Heel Walks x10 yards Heel Toe Walks Dynamic x10 yards Toe Walks x10 yards Perfect Stretch x4 each side RDL Reach Out x5 each side Crossover Lunge Step x3 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge x5 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip x5 each leg Quadruped Fire Hydrant With Leg Extension x3 slow x3 fast each leg Quadruped Straight Leg Glute Activation x3 slow x3 fast each leg Prone Swimmers x10 Wall Slides x10 Side Monster Walks x10 yards each side Front Monster Walks x10 yards each side High Knees x15 yards Butt Kicks x15 yards Adduction side shuffle x10 yards each side Low step over Karaoke x10 yards each side High step over Karaoke x10 yards each side Quick Skips x15 yards Power Skips for Height x15 yards Tuck Jumps x10 yards Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg SPEED/POWER - 2 WEEKS OUT DAY 1 SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Weighted Box Jumps - Countermovement WARMUP SETS 1 5 60 SEC 0.0.X. 6 5-10lb ankle weights or 20lb weight vest Weighted Box Jumps (Same Weight) - Non Countermovement 1 5 60 SEC 0.3.X 6-7 5-10lb ankle weights or 20lb weight vest Medicine Ball Rotational Toss 1 5 / EACH SIDE 45 SEC x 6-7 6-8lb for females 10-12lbs for males Medicine Ball Underhand Toss Horizontal 1 5 / EACH SIDE 45 SEC x 6-7 6-8lb for females 10-12lbs for males Kettlebell Swings With Band Attached 4 6 30-45 seconds x 7 Medicine Ball Decline Russian Twist 3 20 / EACH SIDE 30 SEC x 8 HR% CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER - ALACTIC CAPICITY Rounds REST TEMPO 1A. Bag Work 8 Seconds ALL OUT Combinations For 20 Sec Round Duration ⬇ ⬇ ALL OUT 1B. Active Shadow Boxing. 3 Min Total 6 1 MIN HR % Target 85% - REST HR 50% STRENGTH/POWER - 2 WEEKS OUT DAY 2 SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Weighted Broad Jumps Countermovement WARMUP SETS 1 5 60 SEC 0.0.X. 6 (5-10lb Ankle Weights or 20lb Vest) HR% Weighted Broad Jumps Non-Countermovement 1 5 60 SEC 0.3.X. 6-7 (5-10lb Ankle Weights or 20lb Vest) Medicine Ball Overhead Throw (6-12lbs) 1 5 45 SEC x 6-7 Weight 6-8lb for females 10-12lbs for males Medicine Ball Underhand Toss Vertical (6-12lbs) 1 5 45 SEC x 6-7 weight 6-8lb for females 10-12lbs for males Landmine Single Arm Push Press 4 4 30-45 SEC x 7 High Plank Kettlebell Pull Through 3 6 / EACH 30 SEC x 8 RPE CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER - ALACTIC SPEED ENDURANCE SETS REPS REST TEMPO Battlerope Snap Down WARMUP SETS 10 10 Every Min EMOM EMOM Jog 1 10 MIN WEIGHT % HR% 75%-80% MHR 50%-60% MHR STRENGTH/POWER - 2 WEEKS OUT DAY 3 SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Weighted Squat Jumps - Counter Movement WARMUP SETS 1 5 60 SEC 0.0.X. 6 (5-10lb DB Weights or 20lb Vest) Weighted Squat Jumps (non counter Movement) 1 5 60 SEC 0.3.X. 6-7 (5-10lb DB Weights or 20lb Vest) Medicine Ball Step Back Rotational Toss 1 5 45 SEC EXPLOSIVE 6-7 Weight 6-8lb for females 10-12lbs for males Medicine Ball Rotational Throw - Punch Emphasis 1 5 45 SEC EXPLOSIVE 6-7 Weight 6-8lb for females 10-12lbs for males Dumbbell Hang Pulls 4 4 30 - 45 SEC EXPLOSIVE 7 Ab Roll Out 3 12 30 SEC EXPLOSIVE 8 HR% CONDITIONING - 4-6 HRs BEFORE OR AFTER WARMUP SETS 10 Second Airdyne or Versa Climber SETS Duration 3 10 MIN REST TEMPO 60 seconds Shadow Boxing EXPLOSIVE HR% 85%-90% - Rest 50% HR% 1 WEEK OUT - MOBILITY/STABILITY Active Prep: Slow/Low Dynamic: 10 minutes total Dynamic Warm Up Follow the Dynamic Warm Up Video Here: DYNAMIC WARM UP FULL VIDEO Or Click Each One to Watch Them Individually Ankle Circles x3 slow x3 fast each way Heel to Toe Walks x10 yards Heel Walks x10 yards Heel Toe Walks Dynamic x10 yards Toe Walks x10 yards Perfect Stretch x4 each side RDL Reach Out x5 each side Crossover Lunge Step x3 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge x5 each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip x5 each leg Quadruped Fire Hydrant With Leg Extension x3 slow x3 fast each leg Quadruped Straight Leg Glute Activation x3 slow x3 fast each leg Prone Swimmers x10 Wall Slides x10 Side Monster Walks x10 yards each side Front Monster Walks x10 yards each side High Knees x15 yards Butt Kicks x15 yards Adduction side shuffle x10 yards each side Low step over Karaoke x10 yards each side High step over Karaoke x10 yards each side Quick Skips x15 yards Power Skips for Height x15 yards Tuck Jumps x10 yards Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg Bounding Broad Jumps x5 Single Leg Oblique Bound x3 each leg SPEED/QUICKNESS - 1 WEEKS OUT DAY 1 SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % Sled Sprints WARMUP SETS 6 1 120 SEC EXPLOSIVE 7 (25lb plate for females 45lb for males Sled Sprints Crossover Run 6 3 / EACH 120 SEC EXPLOSIVE 7 (25lb plate for females 45lb for males Medicine Ball Reaction Wall Pass (4lb-8lbs) 3 6 SEC 60 SEC SPEED 6-7 Overhead Medicine Ball Reaction Wall Pass (4lb-8lbs) 3 6 SEC 60 SEC SPEED 6-7 Kettlebell Swings 3 6 60 SEC EXPLOSIVE 7 Plank 3 45 SEC 30 SEC HR% 8 CONDITIONING: AEROBIC CAPACITY WARMUP SETS Tempo Runs - 7 Second Stride Out/ 1 Minute Walk SETS REPS 1 20 MIN REST TEMPO RPE WEIGHT % HR% 50-65% MAX SPEED/AGILITY - 1 WEEK OUT DAY 2 WARMUP SETS SETS REPS REST TEMPO RPE Sprints 6 20 YARDS 120 SEC EXPLOSIVE 7 Reactive Low Box Jumps (12 Inches) 3 8 SEC 120 SEC EXPLOSIVE 7 Battlerope Thumbs Up 3 6 SEC 60 SEC SPEED 6-7 Battlerope Thumbs Down 3 6 SEC 60 SEC SPEED 6-7 Medicine Ball Slams 3 6 60 SEC SHADOWBOX EXPLOSIVE 7 Plank 3 45 SEC 30 SEC WEIGHT % HR% 8 CONDITIONING: AEROBIC POWER - 1 WEEK OUT WARMUP SETS Versaclimber: 2 Min Off Work SETS REPS 3 120 SEC REST 1 Min Active Recovery Shadowboxing WEIGHT % 50%-65% MAX HR HR%