Practical Radiation OncologyÒ (2021) 11, 339−351 Practice Guideline Radiation Therapy for Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Adults: Executive Summary of an ASTRO Clinical Practice Guideline Kilian E. Salerno, MD,a,* Kaled M. Alektiar, MD,b Elizabeth H. Baldini, MD, MPH,c Manpreet Bedi, MD,d Andrew J. Bishop, MD,e Lisa Bradfield, BA,f Peter Chung, MBChB,g Thomas F. DeLaney, MD,h Andrew Folpe, MD,i John M. Kane, III, MD,j X. Allen Li, PhD,k Ivy Petersen, MD,l John Powell, MD,m Michael Stolten, MD,n Steven Thorpe, MD,o Jonathan C. Trent, MD, PhD,p Maria Voermans, BS,q and B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo, MD, MPHr a Radiation Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland; bDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York City, New York; cDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Dana-Farber/ Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center, Boston, Massachusetts; dDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; eDepartment of Radiation Oncology, UT—MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas; fAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology, Arlington, Virginia; gDepartment of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto, Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; hDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; iDepartment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; jDepartment of Surgical Oncology, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, Sources of support: This work was funded by the American Society for Radiation Oncology. Disclosures: All task force members’ disclosure statements were reviewed before being invited and were shared with other task force members throughout the guideline’s development. Those disclosures are published within this report. Where potential conflicts were detected, remedial measures to address them were taken. Elizabeth Baldini: UpToDate (royalty); Peter Chung: Boston Scientific (honoraria), Sanofi (research), Tersera and Verity Pharmaceuticals (advisory board); Thomas DeLaney: Chordoma Foundation (medical advisory board), Best Docs (honoraria), Elsevier, GlaxoSmithKline (consultant), Oakstone Medical Publishing, UpToDate, Wolters Kluwer Health (royalty); Andrew Folpe: Epizyme, Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical (consultant); B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo (chair): Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (research); John Kane, III (Society of Surgical Oncology representative): NCCN (Sarcoma Panel vice chair); X. Allen Li: Accuray, Elekta (research, honoraria), Manteia Medical, Siemens Healthineers (research); Ivy Petersen: NRG Oncology (committee co-chair); Kilian Salerno (vice chair and Guideline Subcommittee representative): American College of Radiology (TXIT examination committee chair, travel expenses), International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, and Physics (associate senior editor); Johnson & Johnson (stock-family member); Steven Thorpe (Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) representative): American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and MSTS (committee member); Jonathan Trent (American Society of Clinical Oncology representative): Blueprint Medicine, C4 therapeutics, Deciphera, Daichi Sankyo, Epizyme (all consultant). Kaled Alektiar, Manpreet Bedi, Andrew Bishop, Lisa Bradfield, John Powell, Michael Stolten, and Maria Voermans (patient representative) reported no disclosures. Disclaimer and Adherence: American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) guidelines present scientific, health, and safety information and may reflect scientific or medical opinion. They are available to ASTRO members and the public for educational and informational purposes only. Commercial use of any content in this guideline without the prior written consent of ASTRO is strictly prohibited. Adherence to this guideline does not ensure successful treatment in every situation. This guideline should not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care or exclusive of other methods reasonably directed to obtaining the same results. The physician must make the ultimate judgment regarding therapy considering all circumstances presented by the patient. ASTRO assumes no liability for the information, conclusions, and findings contained in its guidelines. This guideline cannot be assumed to apply to the use of these interventions performed in the context of clinical trials. This guideline is based on information available at the time the task force conducted its research and discussions on this topic. There may be new developments that are not reflected in this guideline and that may, over time, be a basis for ASTRO to revisit and update the guideline. * Corresponding author: Kilian E. Salerno, MD; E-mail: 1879-8500/Ó 2021 American Society for Radiation Oncology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 340 K.E. Salerno et al Practical Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 New York; kDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; lDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; mDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, New York; nDepartment of Radiation Oncology, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York; oDepartment of Orthopedic Surgery, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, California; p Division of Medical Oncology, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, The University of Miami Health System, Miami, Florida; qFroedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and rDepartment of Radiation Oncology, UT—MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas Received 23 March 2021; revised 29 April 2021; accepted 30 April 2021 Abstract Purpose: This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations addressing the indications for radiation therapy (RT), sequencing of local therapies, and appropriate dose and planning techniques for management of primary, operable, localized, soft tissue sarcoma (STS) in adults. Methods: The American Society for Radiation Oncology convened a task force to address 5 key questions focused on the use of RT for management of STS. These questions included indications for RT for STS of the extremity and superficial trunk; considerations for sequencing of RT with respect to surgery, dose of RT, appropriate treatment volumes and techniques; and the role of RT in management of retroperitoneal sarcoma. Recommendations were based on a systematic literature review and created using a predefined consensus-building methodology and system for grading evidence quality and recommendation strength. Results: Multidisciplinary evaluation and decision making are recommended for all cases of STS. RT is recommended for patients in whom there is increased risk of local recurrence of resected STS, particularly if close or microscopically positive margins are anticipated or have occurred. When RT is indicated, preoperative RT is strongly recommended over postoperative RT. Postoperative RT is conditionally recommended in specific clinical circumstances (eg, uncontrolled pain or bleeding) or when the risk of wound complications outweighs that of late toxicity from RT. Routine use of RT in addition to oncologic resection for retroperitoneal sarcoma is conditionally not recommended. When RT is used for retroperitoneal sarcoma, preoperative RT is recommended, whereas postoperative RT is not recommended. Conclusions: Based on currently published data, the American Society for Radiation Oncology task force has proposed evidence-based recommendations regarding the use of RT for STS in adults. Future studies will ascertain whether alterations in dosing and sequencing may optimize outcomes and quality of life. Ó 2021 American Society for Radiation Oncology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Preamble As the leading organization in radiation oncology, the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) is dedicated to improving quality of care and patient outcomes. A cornerstone of this goal is the development and dissemination of clinical practice guidelines based on systematic methods to evaluate and classify evidence, combined with a focus on patient-centric care and shared decision making. ASTRO develops and publishes guidelines without commercial support, and members volunteer their time. Disclosure Policy—ASTRO has detailed policies and procedures related to disclosure and management of industry relationships to avoid actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest. All task force members are required to disclose industry relationships and personal interests, beginning 12 months before initiation of the writing effort. Disclosures go through a review process with final approval by ASTRO’s Conflict of Interest Review Committee. For the purposes of full transparency, task force members’ comprehensive disclosure information is included in this publication. The complete disclosure policy for Formal Papers is online. Selection of Task Force Members—ASTRO strives to avoid bias by selecting a multidisciplinary group of experts with variation in geographic region, gender, ethnicity, race, practice setting, and areas of expertise. Representatives from organizations and professional societies with related interests and expertise are also invited to serve on the task force. Methodology—The task force uses evidence-based methodologies to develop guideline recommendations in accordance with the National Academy of Medicine standards.1,2 The evidence identified from key questions (KQs) is assessed using the Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome, Timing, Setting (PICOTS) framework. A systematic review of the KQs is completed, which includes creation of evidence tables that summarize the evidence base task force members use to formulate recommendations. Table 1 describes ASTRO’s recommendation grading system. Consensus Development—Consensus is evaluated using a modified Delphi approach. Task force members confidentially indicate their level of agreement on each recommendation based on a 5-point Likert scale, from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree.” A prespecified threshold of ≥75% (≥90% for expert Practical Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 opinion recommendations) of raters who select “strongly agree” or “agree” indicates consensus is achieved. Recommendation(s) that do not meet this threshold are removed or revised. Recommendations edited in response to task force or reviewer comments are resurveyed before submission of the document for approval. Annual Evaluation and Updates—Guidelines are evaluated annually beginning 2 years after publication Table 1 RT for adult soft tissue sarcoma 341 for new potentially practice-changing studies that could result in a guideline update. In addition, ASTRO’s Guideline Subcommittee will commission a replacement or reaffirmation within 5 years of publication. Full-Text Guideline—The reader is encouraged to consult the full-text guideline supplement for the supportive text, abbreviations list, and additional information on soft tissue sarcoma because the executive summary contains limited information. ASTRO recommendation grading classification system ASTRO’s recommendations are based on evaluation of multiple factors including the QoE, individual study quality, and panel consensus, all of which inform the strength of recommendation. QoE is based on the body of evidence available for a particular key question and includes consideration of number of studies, study design, adequacy of sample sizes, consistency of findings across studies, and generalizability of samples, settings, and treatments. Strength of Recommendation Strong Conditional Overall QoE Grade Definition Benefits clearly outweigh risks and burden, or risks and burden clearly outweigh benefits. All or almost all informed people would make the recommended choice. Benefits are finely balanced with risks and burden or appreciable uncertainty exists about the magnitude of benefits and risks. Most informed people would choose the recommended course of action, but a substantial number would not. A shared decision-making approach regarding patient values and preferences is particularly important. Type/Quality of Study Overall QoE Grade Recommendation Wording Any (usually high, moderate, or expert opinion) “Recommend/ Should” Any (usually moderate, low, or expert opinion) “Conditionally Recommend” Evidence Interpretation High 2 or more well-conducted and highly generalizable The true effect is very likely to lie close to the estimate RCTs or meta-analyses of such trials. of the effect based on the body of evidence. Moderate 1 well-conducted and highly generalizable RCT or a meta-analysis of such trials OR 2 or more RCTs with some weaknesses of procedure or generalizability OR 2 or more strong observational studies with consistent findings. Low Expert Opinion* The true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect based on the body of evidence, but it is possible that it is substantially different. 1 RCT with some weaknesses of procedure or The true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect. There is a risk that future generalizability OR 1 or more RCTs with serious deficiencies of research may significantly alter the estimate of the effect size or the interpretation of the results. procedure or generalizability or extremely small sample sizes OR 2 or more observational studies with inconsistent findings, small sample sizes, or other problems that potentially confound interpretation of data. Consensus of the panel based on clinical judgment and experience, due to absence of evidence or limitations in evidence. Strong consensus (≥90%) of the panel guides the recommendation despite insufficient evidence to discern the true magnitude and direction of the net effect. Further research may better inform the topic. Abbreviations: ASTRO = American Society for Radiation Oncology; QoE = quality of evidence; RCTs = randomized controlled trials. * A lower quality of evidence, including expert opinion, does not imply that the recommendation is conditional. Many important clinical questions addressed in guidelines do not lend themselves to clinical trials, but there still may be consensus that the benefits of a treatment or diagnostic test clearly outweigh its risks and burden. 342 K.E. Salerno et al Introduction Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are potentially lethal tumors that account for approximately 1% of adult malignancies.3 STS are comprised of many histopathologic subtypes.4,5 These tumors can present with considerable size and bulk and can arise anywhere in the body. Optimal patient management requires multidisciplinary input that considers clinical, pathologic, and treatment factors.6 The primary treatment for localized STS is oncologic resection with negative margins. Given their relatively rare occurrence, many STS present after an unplanned excision of a mass that is subsequently diagnosed as STS.7 These unplanned procedures complicate options for subsequent appropriate oncologic management.8-10 The addition of radiation therapy (RT) to surgery allows excellent local control with surgical approaches that preserve organs and function.11-16 Questions arise regarding when RT should be used in addition to oncologic resection and how best to sequence surgery and RT when both are used. When multimodality local therapy is indicated, the paradigm has evolved to favor preoperative RT over postoperative RT. Dosing and treatment volume considerations differ with respect to preoperative versus postoperative RT.17,18 Advances in external beam RT (EBRT) planning, techniques, and onboard imaging have expanded radiotherapeutic approaches. RT for treatment of retroperitoneal sarcoma (RPS) remains controversial, and updated recommendations are provided to address considerations for management of this rare presentation of STS. ASTRO commissioned this multidisciplinary task force to provide evidence-based recommendations for 5 clinically relevant KQs addressing the role of RT in the treatment of STS. Methods Task Force Composition The task force consisted of a multidisciplinary team of radiation, medical, orthopedic, and surgical oncologists, a radiation oncology resident, a pathologist, a medical physicist, and a patient representative. This guideline was developed in collaboration with the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, and the Society of Surgical Oncology, who provided representatives and peer reviewers. Document Review and Approval The guideline was reviewed by 18 official peer reviewers and revised accordingly. The modified guideline was posted on the ASTRO website for public Practical Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 comment from November 2020 to January 2021. The final guideline was approved by the ASTRO Board of Directors and endorsed by the Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology, European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists, and the Society of Surgical Oncology. Evidence Review A systematic search of human subject studies retrieved from the database Ovid MEDLINE was conducted. The inclusion criteria required studies to involve adults (age ≥18 years), with a diagnosis of primary, localized STS involving the extremity, superficial trunk (ie, abdominal wall, chest wall, paraspinal musculature) or retroperitoneum, treated with resection and RT, published in English, from January 1980 (for randomized controlled trials, meta-analyses, prospective studies) and January 1995 (for retrospective studies and dosimetric/contouring studies) through October 25, 2019. The search was updated through September 22, 2020, to ensure the most current evidence base, and 3 additional studies were incorporated into the evidence tables and evaluated by the task force. Given the rarity of STS and that different qualities of evidence were available for each KQ, the search inclusion criteria were further refined. See the full-text guideline for the search inclusion criteria, outcomes of interest, selected Medical Subject Heading terms and key search terms, and additional information on the search parameters. References published in this document are representative and not all-inclusive. All supplementary materials, including the full-text guideline and evidence tables (which summarize the data used to formulate recommendations), are available at ( The full-text guideline also includes the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) diagram showing the number of articles screened, excluded, and included in the evidence review, and Appendix E1 (peer reviewer’s disclosure information), Appendix E2 (list of abbreviations), Appendix E3 (literature search strategy), and Appendix E4 (patient and provider recommendations). Scope of the Guideline This guideline addresses the role of RT in the treatment of adult patients with primary, operable, localized STS of the extremity and trunk (KQs 1-4) and the complexities related to RT for RPS (KQ5) (see Table 2 in the full-text guideline for KQs and outcomes of interest). The guideline discusses indications for RT, and provides dose, technique, and treatment planning recommendations. Outside the scope of this guideline are many other important topics that may be subjects of other guidelines, including initial evaluation and imaging; biopsy Practical Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 techniques for pathologic confirmation; detailed surgical resection considerations and reconstructive options; treatment of subsites other than extremity, trunk, and retroperitoneum; treatment of unresectable, recurrent, or metastatic disease; use of brachytherapy for STS; and the role of systemic therapy (primarily used to decrease the risk of metastases). Additionally, the integration of (neo) adjuvant chemotherapy with surgery and RT to enhance local control of STS or facilitate limb or organ sparing resection is beyond the scope of this guideline. Sarcomas arising in the setting of genetic predisposition syndromes are not specifically addressed. Histopathologic subtypes that were included and excluded are listed in Appendix E3 in the full-text guideline. KQs and Recommendations KQ1: Indications for RT (Table 2) See evidence tables in Supplementary Materials for the data supporting the recommendations for KQ1. What are the roles and indications for RT in the treatment of extremity and superficial truncal adult STS? The determination of what constitutes an increased risk of local recurrence is complex and considers clinical, pathologic, and surgical factors. These factors include surgical margins, grade, tumor size, anatomic location, and histopathologic subtype. Resection margin status is the major and most consistent factor predictive of local recurrence.24,25 The consequences of a recurrence, effect on functional outcome, and other potential morbidity of future surgical salvage options are also considered when Table 2 RT for adult soft tissue sarcoma 343 determining the role for RT. The addition of RT to surgery for STS reduces the risk of local recurrence compared with surgery alone.25,26 Selected patients at low risk for local recurrence may be managed with surgery alone when wide margins are obtainable.21,27-29 KQ2: Preoperative versus postoperative RT (Table 3) See evidence tables in Supplementary Materials for the data supporting the recommendations for KQ2. What are the appropriate considerations used in determining preoperative versus postoperative RT in the treatment of extremity and superficial truncal adult STS? The optimal sequencing of local therapies for an individual patient should be determined by multidisciplinary evaluation before initiation of treatment. Preoperative and postoperative RT result in similar local control in combination with surgery yet differ in their risks for acute versus late morbidity.17,34,35 In the majority of cases, preoperative RT is preferred over postoperative RT. The rationale for this recommendation is further discussed in the full-text guideline. After attempted oncologic resection alone, final pathologic examination may reveal unanticipated adverse features (including inadequate margins, invasion through fascia, higher grade disease, and infiltrative or discontinuous spread) that increase risk for local recurrence.19,22,32,36 In such cases, postoperative RT is recommended for local control, particularly where further resection is not feasible.11,13,16,25 Figure 1 and Figure 2 are treatment algorithms based on the recommendations from KQ1 and KQ2. Roles and indications for RT in the treatment of extremity and superficial truncal adult STS KQ1 Recommendations Strength of Quality of Recommendation Evidence (refs) 1. For patients with localized STS, expert pathology and radiology review and multidisciplinary evaluation is recommended before treatment initiation. Strong 2. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS for whom oncologic resection is planned, RT is recommended for those at increased risk for local recurrence. Implementation remarks: Assessment of risk for local recurrence is complex and incorporates multiple factors. Potential morbidity of future surgical salvage options may also be considered when determining the role of RT. Strong 3. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS for whom oncologic resection is planned and a close or microscopically positive margin is anticipated, RT is recommended. Strong 4. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS for whom oncologic resection is planned, RT is not recommended for those at low risk for local recurrence. Strong 5. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS who have had an unplanned excision, oncologic resection is recommended, when feasible. Strong Abbreviations: KQ = key question; RT = radiation therapy; STS = soft tissue sarcoma. Low 17 High 11-16 Moderate 15,19,20 Moderate 19,21,22 Low 23 344 Table 3 K.E. Salerno et al Practical Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 Sequence of RT and surgery for extremity and superficial truncal adult STS KQ2 Recommendations 1. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS, the sequencing of surgery and RT should be determined based on multidisciplinary evaluation of patient and tumor characteristics. Preoperative RT 2. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS, where surgery and RT are indicated, preoperative RT is recommended over postoperative RT. Postoperative RT 3. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS treated with initial oncologic resection (without preoperative RT) found to have unanticipated adverse pathologic features, postoperative RT is recommended. 4. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS, where surgery and RT are indicated, initial oncologic resection followed by postoperative RT is conditionally recommended in specific clinical circumstances (eg, uncontrolled pain or bleeding, fungating tumors), or when the risk of wound healing complications outweighs that of late toxicity. Following an unplanned excision 5. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS following an unplanned excision where oncologic resection is planned and RT is indicated, preoperative RT is recommended over postoperative RT. 6. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS following an unplanned excision when oncologic resection is not feasible, postoperative RT is recommended. Strength of Recommendation Quality of Evidence (refs) Strong Moderate 17,30 Strong Moderate 17,18,31 Strong Moderate 13,15,32 Conditional Expert Opinion Strong Moderate 17,18,33 Strong Moderate 11,13 Abbreviations: KQ = key question; RT = radiation therapy; STS = soft tissue sarcoma. Table 4 Dose-fractionation regimens and target volumes for EBRT in extremity and superficial truncal adult STS KQ3 Recommendations Radiation Dose and Fractionation 1. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS receiving preoperative RT, 5000 cGy in 25 once daily fractions is recommended. 2. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS receiving postoperative RT, 5000 cGy in 25 once daily fractions or 5040 cGy in 28 once daily fractions to CTV1 and additional dose to a reduced volume CTV2 is recommended (see Table 5 for target volume definitions). Implementation remark: Additional dose to CTV2 of 1000-1600 cGy is used for negative margins and 1600 cGy for microscopic positive margins. Targets and OARs 3. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS receiving preoperative RT, an anatomically constrained CTV is recommended (Table 5). Strength of Quality of Recommendation Evidence (refs) Strong Moderate 16,17,30,37,38 Strong Moderate 11,17,26,39-44 Strong Moderate 17,30,37,38 4. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS receiving postoperative RT, an initial dose to an anatomically constrained CTV1 and additional dose to a reduced volume CTV2 is recommended (Table 5). Strong 5. For patients receiving either preoperative or postoperative RT for primary, localized extremity and truncal STS, volumetric contouring of the OARs and use of appropriate dose constraints are recommended. Strong 6. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS, elective nodal RT is not recommended. Strong Moderate 17,39,45,46 Moderate 30,31,37,38,45,47,48 Moderate 17,30,37-39,45,46 Abbreviations: CTV = clinical target volume; EBRT = external beam radiation therapy; KQ = key question; OARs = organs at risk; RT = radiation therapy; STS = soft tissue sarcoma. Practical Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 KQ3: Dose-fractionation regimens and target volumes for EBRT (Table 4) See evidence tables in Supplementary Materials for the data supporting the recommendations for KQ3. What are the appropriate dose-fractionation regimens and target volumes for EBRT in the treatment of extremity and superficial truncal adult STS? The appropriate dose-fractionation and target volume definition differs between preoperative and postoperative RT.16,30,38 Alternative dose-fractionation regimens exist and remain under active investigation. Further discussion on the role for postoperative boost and details regarding target definition, areas at risk, and dose constraints for organs at risk are provided in the full-text guideline. KQ4: Appropriate RT simulation, planning, and delivery techniques (Table 6) See evidence tables in Supplementary Materials for the data supporting the recommendations for KQ4. What are the appropriate simulation, planning, and delivery techniques for EBRT in the treatment of extremity and superficial truncal adult STS? Discussion regarding the importance of immobilization for set-up reproducibility, use of bolus, and rationales for recommendations in support of intensity modulated RT, including volumetric-modulated arc therapy, and image guidance are provided in the full-text guideline. KQ5: Role for RT, dose-fractionation regimens, and treatment planning for RPS (Table 7) See evidence tables in Supplementary Materials for the data supporting the recommendations for KQ5. What is the role for RT in the treatment of RPS and what are the preferred dose regimens and treatment planning considerations if RT is used? Multidisciplinary evaluation should be conducted before initiation of any treatment for patients with primary, localized RPS.6 Due to the rarity and heterogeneity of RPS, there is a paucity of prospective data to inform the role of RT in a multimodality treatment approach.73 The recently published preoperative radiotherapy plus surgery versus surgery alone for patients with primary retroperitoneal sarcoma (EORTC 62092: STRASS) trial did not show a statistically significant abdominal recurrence-free survival benefit for the addition of RT to surgical resection.56 Post RT for adult soft tissue sarcoma 345 Table 5 Target delineation guidelines for extremity and superficial truncal STS target volumes30,37,45,49 Target Delineation Guidance Preop RT extremity or truncal CTV CTV = GTV + 1.5 cm radial and 3-4 cm longitudinal anatomically constrained expansion with inclusion of peritumoral edema and biopsy tract (when feasible) CTV = GTV + 3-4 cm circumferential margins Preop RT with expansion of 0.5-1 cm into underlying subcutaneous non-involved muscle with inclusion of tumor CTV peritumoral edema and biopsy tract (when feasible) Postop RT CTV1 = tumor bed (defined by clips/preop extremity or MRI) + 1.5 cm radial and 3-4 cm truncal CTV1 longitudinal anatomically constrained expansion + the operative field, surgical scar, and drain sites (when feasible) CTV2 = tumor bed (defined by clips/preop Postop RT MRI) + 1.5 cm radial and 2 cm extremity or longitudinal expansion truncal CTV2 CTV1 = tumor bed (defined by clips/preop Postop MRI) + 3-4 cm circumferential margins subcutaneous with expansion of 0.5-1 cm into tumor CTV1 uninvolved muscle + the operative field, scar, and drain sites (when feasible) CTV2 = tumor bed (defined by clips/preop Postop MRI) + 1.5-2 cm circumferential margins subcutaneous and 0.5 cm into uninvolved muscle tumor CTV2 Extremity or truncal PTV expansion PTV expansion of 0.5 cm may be used with daily image guidance, however, >1.0 cm may be needed without daily image guidance. For preop RT, dose coverage to the PTV can be trimmed 3-5 mm from skin to reduce wound healing complications if achievable without unacceptable compromise of CTV coverage and if surgeon plans to resect overlying skin and subcutaneous tissue38 Abbreviations: CTV = clinical target volume; GTV = gross tumor volume; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; preop = preoperative; postop = postoperative; PTV = planning target volume; RT = radiation therapy; STS = soft tissue sarcoma. Longitudinal refers to the direction parallel to muscle fibers and radial is perpendicular to the muscle fibers. Subcutaneous refers to tumors not involving the the fascia. hoc exploratory analyses were conducted to evaluate whether specific histopathologic subtypes of RPS were more or less likely to benefit from preoperative RT. Although these data argue that the routine use of RT in addition to surgery is not warranted, there may be select patients for whom RT might provide an overall disease outcome benefit in addition to surgery. Multiple factors are considered in determining whether RT may be beneficial 346 Table 6 K.E. Salerno et al Practical Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 RT simulation, planning, and delivery techniques for EBRT of extremity and superficial truncal adult STS KQ4 Recommendations Strength of Quality of Recommendation Evidence (refs) 1. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS, use of custom immobilization for RT delivery is recommended for reproducibility of accurate patient positioning. Strong 2. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS receiving preoperative RT, routine use of bolus is not recommended. Strong 3. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS receiving postoperative RT, routine use of bolus is not recommended unless the clinical target includes subcutaneous tissue or skin. Strong 4. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS, IMRT, including VMAT, is recommended to minimize dose to OARs and reduce toxicity. Implementation remark: 3-D CRT may be preferred in certain clinical scenarios to better spare OARs or reduce integral dose. Strong 5. For patients with primary, localized extremity and truncal STS, daily IGRT with at least weekly volumetric image guidance is recommended. Strong Moderate 47,50,51 Low 30,37 Expert Opinion Moderate 17,30,46,52-55 Moderate 30,37,47,48,51 Abbreviations: 3-D CRT = 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy; IGRT = image guided radiation therapy; IMRT = intensity modulated radiation therapy; KQ = key question; OARs = organs at risk; RT = radiation therapy; STS = soft tissue sarcoma; VMAT = volumetric modulated arc therapy. Table 7 Role for RT, dose-fractionation regimens, and treatment planning for RPS KQ5 Recommendations Strength of Quality of Recommendation Evidence (refs) 1. Due to the rarity and heterogeneity of RPS, expert pathology and radiology review as well as multidisciplinary evaluation is recommended before treatment initiation. Strong 2. Routine use of RT in addition to oncologic resection for patients with primary localized RPS is conditionally not recommended. Implementation remark: Selective use of RT may be considered for patients at high risk of local recurrence. Conditional 3. If RT is planned in addition to oncologic resection in patients with primary, localized RPS, preoperative RT is recommended. Strong 4. If preoperative RT is planned for patients with primary, localized RPS, 5000 cGy in 25 once daily fractions or 5040 cGy in 28 once daily fractions is recommended. Strong 5. If preoperative RT is planned for patients with primary, localized RPS, 4-D CT and delineation of an iGTV to account for internal motion are recommended for tumors above the iliac brim. Strong 6. If preoperative RT is planned for patients with primary, localized RPS, an anatomically constrained CTV or ITV, volumetric contouring of OARs, and use of appropriate dose constraints are recommended for treatment planning (Table 8). Implementation remark: Before RT planning, discuss with the surgeon whether ipsilateral kidney and/or partial liver resection is planned as this will affect OAR constraints. Strong 7. If preoperative RT is planned for patients with primary, localized RPS, IMRT, including VMAT, is recommended to minimize dose to OARs with the aim of reducing toxicity. Implementation remark: 3-D CRT may be used instead of IMRT in certain clinical scenarios if it achieves similar or better sparing of OARs or reduced integral dose. 8. If preoperative RT is planned for patients with primary, localized RPS, daily IGRT with at least weekly volumetric image guidance is recommended. Strong 9. Routine use of postoperative RT for patients with primary, localized RPS is not recommended. Implementation remark: Selective use of postoperative RT may be considered in highly select patients including those with high risk of local recurrence where salvage surgery would not be feasible, and the target volume is well defined and can be treated safely. Low 56 Moderate 15,56-62 Moderate 15,56,57,59,61,63 Moderate 56,61,64 Moderate 65,66 Moderate 56,64,65,67-70 Moderate 70,71 Strong Moderate 66,68 Strong Moderate 61,72 Abbreviations: 3-D CRT = 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy; 4-D CT = 4-dimensional computed tomography; CTV = clinical target volume; IGRT = image guided radiation therapy; iGTV = internal gross tumor volume; IMRT = intensity modulated radiation therapy; ITV = internal tumor volume; KQ = key question; OARs = organs at risk; RT = radiation therapy; RPS = retroperitoneal sarcoma; VMAT = volumetric modulated arc therapy. Practical Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 RT for adult soft tissue sarcoma 347 Figure 1 Initial local management. *Multidisciplinary evaluation includes input from radiation, surgical, orthopedic, and medical oncology, sarcoma pathology, and musculoskeletal radiology. This algorithm addresses the use of surgery and radiation for local management; recommendations for systemic therapy are beyond the scope of this guideline. yAssessment of risk for local recurrence is complex and incorporates multiple factors. These factors include surgical margins, grade, tumor size, anatomic location, and histopathologic subtype and are further discussed in the full-text guideline. zAdverse pathologic features that increase risk for local recurrence include inadequate margins, invasion through fascia, higher grade disease, and infiltrative or discontinuous spread and are detailed in the full-text guideline. Abbreviations: LR = local recurrence; postop = postoperative; preop = preoperative; RT = radiation therapy; STS = soft tissue sarcoma. 348 K.E. Salerno et al Practical Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 Figure 2 Local management after unplanned excision. *Multidisciplinary evaluation includes input from radiation, surgical, orthopedic, and medical oncology, sarcoma pathology, and musculoskeletal radiology. This algorithm addresses the use of surgery and radiation for local management; recommendations for systemic therapy are beyond the scope of this guideline. y Assessment of risk for local recurrence is complex and incorporates multiple factors. These factors include surgical margins, grade, tumor size, anatomic location, and histopathologic subtype and are further discussed in the full-text guideline. Abbreviations: LR = local recurrence; postop = postoperative; RT = radiation therapy; STS = soft tissue sarcoma. Practical Radiation Oncology: September−October 2021 Table 8 RPS Target volume definitions for preoperative RT for Volume Definitions GTV Gross tumor as determined by CT imaging iGTV Contour GTV incorporating internal motion (for tumors above the iliac brim)* CTV/ITV Symmetric 1.5 cm expansion on iGTV with the following edits at interfaces: Retroperitoneal compartment, bone, liver, kidneyy: 0 mm Bowel and air cavity: 5 mm Under skin surface: 3-5 mm according to institutional preference If tumor extends to inguinal canal, expand 3 cm inferiorly PTV CTV + 5 mm (if daily IGRT with at least weekly volumetric imaging will be performed) CTV + 9-12 mm (if no IGRT with volumetric imaging will be performed) Abbreviations: CT = computed tomography; CTV = clinical target volume; IGRT = image guided radiation therapy; iGTV = internal gross tumor volume; ITV = internal target volume; PTV = planning target volume; RT = radiation therapy; RPS = retroperitoneal sarcoma. * Owing to the movement of intra-abdominal contents with respiration, motion management techniques are recommended during treatment planning for tumors above the iliac brim. y If kidney will be resected, no need to edit at kidney interface. Adapted from Baldini et al.74 for RPS (eg, margin status, histopathology, age, performance status, surgical considerations, or when local failure would be particularly morbid). In these cases, when RT is planned, preoperative RT is preferred to postoperative RT. Further details regarding target definition, dose constraints for organs at risk, and treatment planning considerations are provided in the full-text guideline. Conclusions/Future Directions Although surgical resection with wide margins remains the mainstay of local management for primary, localized STS, RT plays an important role in achieving optimal oncologic outcomes with respect to tumor control as well as function preservation for many patients. With respect to treatment sequencing, tumor control outcomes are similar for preoperative versus postoperative irradiation. What differs between the 2 sequencing approaches are the side effects. Although preoperative RT increases risk of a nontrivial wound complication after surgery, this is a treatment toxicity that is temporary and remediable. Postoperative irradiation confers a higher risk of permanent, function-limiting side effects due to present, data-supported use of higher dose and larger irradiated volumes. Therefore, the preferred approach to sequencing for combined modality local therapy in most cases is preoperative RT followed by surgery. RT for adult soft tissue sarcoma 349 These guidelines reflect the evidence supporting advanced treatment planning, on-treatment image guidance, and appropriate target volume reduction compared with historical field margins. The RT dosing recommendations reflect decades of evidence using conventionally fractionated regimens and corresponding favorable local control outcomes. However, future investigations may address whether changes to radiation dosing are feasible with resultant improvements in patient outcomes or improvements in quality of life. The published randomized evidence does not support the routine use of RT in addition to surgery for management of sarcomas arising in the retroperitoneum. For selected cases of RPS, RT may confer additional improvement in cancer control. For both RPS and extremity or truncal STS presentations, multidisciplinary evaluation and discussion are critical to determining optimal management for patients. Acknowledgments We are grateful to Yimin Geng, MSLIS, MS, the UT— MD Anderson Cancer Center research medical librarian, for her assistance with creating the search strategy for this guideline. The task force also thanks Michael Stolten, MD (lead resident); Cristina Decesaris, MD; Olsi Gjyshi, MD; Rebecca Levin-Epstein, MD; Todd Pezzi, MD; Richell Van Dams, MD; and Sara Zakem, MD for literature review assistance. 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