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Adobe AD0-E502 Certification Exam: How to Pass on Your First Try

Adobe AD0-E502 Certification
Exam: How to Pass on Your First
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Adobe AD0-E502 Exam Detail
Exam Code
Full Exam Name
Adobe Advertising DSP Business Practitioner Professional
Number of Questions 69
Practice Exams
Adobe AD0-E502 Certification Practice Exam
Passing Score
Time Limit
138 mins
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How to Prepare for AD0-E502 Exam?
• Perform enough practice with Adobe system with related Adobe
AD0-E502 certification subjects
• Identify the key configuration, workflow and data flow
• Understand the all Syllabus Topics of Exam.
• Identify your weak areas from practice test and do more practice with
• Repeat practice exams and try to score 100% on www.edusum.com
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Adobe AD0-E502
Exam Questions
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Q 1) Given a scenario where a campaign's performance is faltering
midway, what are effective procedural concepts to troubleshoot and revive
the campaign?
(Choose Two)
a) Doubling the existing budget without further analysis
b) Analyzing performance data to identify underperforming areas
c) Revising ad creatives and testing new messaging
d) Sticking to the original plan to maintain consistency
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b) Analyzing performance data to identify underperforming
c) Revising ad creatives and testing new messaging
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b) Analyzing performance data to identify underperforming
c) Revising ad creatives and testing new messaging
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Q 2) Given a scenario where a digital campaign's CTR has
significantly decreased over the past week, what should be your initial
recommendation to potentially improve performance?
a) Increase the campaign budget
b) Modify the targeting criteria
c) Enhance the creative design
d) Ignore the drop as it is temporary
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b) Modify the targeting criteria
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Q 3) What are the key considerations when applying procedural
concepts to optimize a campaign?
(Choose Three)
a) Adjusting targeting based on performance analytics
b) Maintaining a consistent bid strategy regardless of results
c) Testing different ad formats
d) Revisiting the campaign objectives for alignment with business goals
e) Ignoring external market trends
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a) Adjusting targeting based on performance analytics
c) Testing different ad formats
d) Revisiting the campaign objectives for alignment with business
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Q 4) Which of the following are essential for ensuring a campaign is
running correctly?
(Select two)
a) Regular monitoring of campaign metrics
b) Frequent changes to creative designs
c) Ensuring alignment with business objectives
d) Ignoring audience feedback
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a) Regular monitoring of campaign metrics
c) Ensuring alignment with business objectives
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Q 5) Which factors should be considered to optimize a campaign
(Select two)
a) Audience engagement metrics
b) Time of the day
c) Personal preferences
d) Competitor campaign themes
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a) Audience engagement
b) Time of the day
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