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Position Paper

American Agri Women
June 17, 2024
American Agri-Women would like to express the desire for the NEW $1.4 trillion “Farm, Food, and
National Security Act of 2024” known as The Farm Bill to be approved and signed into effect as soon
as possible. The 2018 Farm Bill has previously had one extension in November 2023, with a strong
possibility that another extension likely to happen before the September deadline. With one-fifth of the
nation’s economy being represented through Agriculture, and one-third of the nation’s employer, the
2024 farm bill is approximately 1% of the discretionary budget, along with being one year overdue.
Farmers, Ranchers, those in Forestry and Natural resources need this bill passed to protect not only
their lively hoods, but to protect the people of the Nation. Passing The Farm Bill will provide clear
vision, informed and equip USDA staff and consistent funding while giving certainty to farmers,
consumers, foodbanks, and researchers.
AAW supports the initial version of the 2024 Farm Bill, which includes changes to several areas
important to production agriculture.
o Livestock and Animal welfare
o Ag Business
o Increase reference prices across the board with the smallest to barley, oats, and
corn and the largest in rice.
 Legumes: 19%
 Peanuts: 17.8
 Cotton: 14.4%
 Wheat: 15.5%
 Soybeans: 18.5%
o Base Acres
 If planted acres are more than base acres, the excess acres will now qualify
to be increased to reflect what is planted.
 Non-covered commodities, such as potatoes or onions can be up to 15% of
total farm acres
 Agriculture Risk Coverage Program
o Forestry and Natural resources.
 About 13 of the land area in the US is forestland and about 60% is that of
private land.
 Farm Bill authorized programs that support
 Urban and Community Foresty
 The Good Neighbor Authority
 The Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program
 The Landscape Scale Restoration Program.
 The Wood Innovation Grant Program and the Community Wood Program
 Education,
American Agri Women
o Rural development and Broadband
[Conclude with a summary of your arguments and a statement to emphasize the position of
the paper.]
[If necessary, include a list of sources you used to make your arguments.]