BBS L8 Marketing Year 1 April 2024 Market Research Sample Questions 1. Outline how one may organise a focus group interview, outline the characteristics of an effective focus group moderator. 2. Write a note on Secondary sources of information available to Businesses in Ireland today. 3. Compare and contrast with examples the 6 attitude rating scales available to a market researcher 4. Discuss with examples the 2 attitude scaling techniques available to a market researcher 5. Outline the steps involved in developing a market research proposal and the main elements of a market research proposal. 6. Explain the following Sampling terms - Population - Estimate -Sample - Parameter - Accuracy - Response error - Sampling Error - Non-response error 7. Outline the main steps in the Sampling procedure 8. Discuss 3 probability and 3 Non-Probability sampling methods with examples 9. Explain the concepts of validity and reliability and how one would assess both validity and reliability in a measurement instrument. 10. Outline the 4 types of measurement scales that may be used in a Marketing research project, illustrate your discussion with examples. 11. While there are no definite principles for constructing a questionnaire there are a number of rules of thumb. Elaborate on this statement. 12.Some people are of the view that questionnaire design is more of an art than a science. Discuss with reference to the following question content , question type question wording , question sequence pretesting the questionaire 13. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mail, telephone and personal surveys 14. You have been asked to develop a manual entitled “Guidelines for questionnaire design”, outline the main topics and points within each topic which you would include in the manual. 15. In survey research there are 3 categories of error that may undermine the results of the survey. Describe the 3 sources of error and also explain how these sources of error may be minimised when conducting survey research. 16. Outline the various projective techniques available to a market researcher with the use of examples 17. Write a note on Focus Group Interviewing Questionnaire Design Measurement Scales Non response error Attitude Scaling Techniques Surveys, Mail, Telephone and Personal Attitude Rating Scales Marketing Information System Non Probability and Probability Sampling Methods Secondary Sources of Information Validity and Reliability in Market research Sources of error in survey research Projective Techniques / Panels 18. Explain the following market research terms Omnibus surveys, Word association, Thematic apperception tests Mystery shopping, cartoon tests, sentence / story completion Marie Keane 22/04/2024