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Adobe AD0-E454 Certification: Exam Details, Syllabus and Questions

Adobe AD0-E454
Certification: Exam Details,
Syllabus and Questions
Adobe AD0-E454 Exam Guide
Get complete detail on AD0-E454 exam guide to crack Adobe Audience
Manager Architect Master. You can collect all information on AD0-E454
tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm
your knowledge on Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master and get ready to
crack AD0-E454 certification. Explore all information on AD0-E454 exam with
number of questions, passing percentage and time duration to complete test.
Introduction to AD0-E454 Adobe Certified
Audience Manager Architect Master Exam
The Adobe AD0-E454 Exam is challenging and thorough preparation is essential for
success. This exam study guide is designed to help you prepare for the Audience
Manager Architect Master certification exam. It contains a detailed list of the topics
covered on the Professional exam, as well as a detailed list of preparation resources.
This study guide for the Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master will help guide you
through the study process for your certification.
AD0-E454 Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master Exam
Exam Name: Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master
Exam Code: AD0-E454
Exam Price: $225 (USD)
Duration: 100 mins
Number of Questions: 50
Passing Score: 29/50
Schedule Exam: Adobe, Pearson VUE
AD0-E454: Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master
● Sample Questions: Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master Sample
● Recommended Practice: Adobe AD0-E454 Certification Practice Exam
Exam Syllabus: AD0-E454 Adobe Certified Audience Manager
Architect Master
Implementation analysis
Solution design and
Segmentation and
Privacy and data
- Determine how to guide and support
implementation of AAM as a stand-alone
product or as part of a cloud solution
- Analyze outbound destination options and
recommend an AAM implementation approach
- Determine a data onboarding strategy for a
business use case
- Identify features such as visitor profile viewer,
tags, RBAC, and so on, to align with business
- Determine how to design and test pixels
required to create segments and traits
- Determine AAM capabilities based on
customer use case for audience and activation
- Apply procedural concepts to utilize audience
identity solutions to complement design
- Identify attribute and behavioral data and map
it to specific business use cases
- Apply procedural concepts to design folder
taxonomy and naming convention
- Apply procedural concepts to create
destinations in Audience Manager
- Identify signals to create Rule-Based,
Onboarded, and Algorithmic Traits
- Apply procedural concepts to create segments
using frequency/recency
- Determine how to create segments using
profile merge rules
- Apply procedural concepts to create an
algorithmic or predictive model
- Determine segmentation logic based on use
- Recommend Audience Manager capabilities
as it relates to governance, privacy, and
AD0-E454: Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master
- Identify customer data policies that are in line
with government regulations
- Determine how to configure reports in AAM to
Performance and reporting gather signal, traits, and segment performance 18%
per business requirements
Adobe AD0-E454 Certification Sample Questions and
To make you familiar with Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master (AD0-E454)
certification exam structure, we have prepared this sample question set. We suggest
you to try our Sample Questions for Audience Manager Architect Master AD0-E454
Certification to test your understanding of Adobe AD0-E454 process with real Adobe
certification exam environment.
AD0-E454 Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master Sample
Questions:01. In the context of GDPR, what is an essential practice for Audience Manager?
(Choose Two)
a) Random data collection
b) Right to data portability
c) Right to be forgotten
d) Permanent data storage
02. Which report in AAM would you configure to assess the effectiveness of a
new trait created for a marketing campaign?
a) A report showing the trait's performance over time
b) A report detailing the trait creator’s qualifications
c) A report focusing on the trait's color scheme
d) A report comparing the trait to unrelated business metrics
03. The naming convention in AAM should be ________ to ensure it supports
effective data retrieval.
a) inconsistent
b) complex
c) simple
AD0-E454: Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master
d) encrypted
04. To complement design architecture, which type of audience identity solution
is essential?
a) Device-based tracking
b) Identity graphs
c) Random visitor IDs
d) Non-specific user data
05. Why is it important for Audience Manager to have robust data governance
a) To decrease the overall security of the system
b) To ensure data is handled according to global standards
c) To ensure all data is accessible by external partners
d) To avoid any form of data analysis
06. How does applying customer data policies in line with government
regulations impact an organization’s use of Audience Manager?
a) It restricts the organization to use only basic features.
b) It increases the risk of data breaches.
c) It ensures compliance and enhances trust.
d) It decreases the utility of the data.
07. What are the considerations for creating an algorithmic or predictive model in
Audience Manager?
(Choose Three)
a) The accuracy of the data sources
b) The specific algorithms to be used
c) The time period for data collection
d) The color preferences for model visualization
e) The potential impact of the model on business outcomes
08. When creating destinations in Audience Manager, which of the following
should be avoided?
(Choose Two)
a) Tailoring the destination to specific platform requirements
b) Ensuring compliance with data export regulations
c) Selecting destinations irrelevant to the data type
d) Using secure data transmission methods
AD0-E454: Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master
09. Which Adobe Audience Manager feature allows you to analyze the overlap
between segments?
a) Segment Comparison Tool
b) TraitStation
c) SegmentBuilder
d) Overlap Analysis
10. Mapping ________ data to specific business use cases can significantly
increase campaign relevance and effectiveness.
a) outdated
b) behavioral
c) hypothetical
d) excessive
Answers:Answer 01:- b, c
Answer 02:- a
Answer 03:- c
Answer 04:- b
Answer 05:- b
Answer 06:- c
Answer 07:- a, b ,e
Answer 08:- a, d
Answer 09:- d
Answer 10:- b
AD0-E454: Adobe Audience Manager Architect Master
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