MAKE EPIC MONEY ANKUR WARIKOO Scan this QR code to download your own MS Excel eep 30% forcalculator. the things you love budget code to download MS Excel budget have to flip this ratio on every ep it the same, 50:30:20? your needs don’t increase nally to your income. income jumps from ₹20,000 to in 4 years. Does that mean you’ll start eating triple the amount of u used to? Or hop on to 3 autos 1 to reach the same destination? ur needs don’t just shoot up from 1 o ₹30,000. s to buy nearly 50–70% of your on a down payment. Scan this QR code to view the projections in an Excel sheet. . Do the maths. code to view the an Excel sheet. e wrong. I’m not uy a house. it when you’re young. oung: ffers a higher standard of living r budget are very low in India (2–3%). hly rent is kinder on your wallet. be able to buy the posh apartment efinitely rent it! 2 Scan this QR code to see how it works in MS Excel. code to see how it xcel. in hand? Pay off the money? s: ou’re paying: 0%, then consider pre-paying, se the loan is expensive. %, consider investing the extra y in mutual funds. You can ially earn a better return over a of time. he loan is: more than 75% lapsed, do not ay. Because in this case, you are g more of the principal amount he interest. 3 less than 75% lapsed, consider Scan this QR code to test each method in MS Excel. ich one to pick? code to test each Excel. o pay off your ur loan duration sk for more time, your monthly uce. cash to pay the principal of young nterest is still high. expensive loans nterest loans first, then focus on . ditch that hefty 40–50% credit for a personal loan at 13–16%. sh your credit card debt.4 Then, Create a monthly budget sheet. Scan this QR code for an easy budgeting tool in MS Excel. ! ate a monthly dget sheet. an this QR e for an easy dgeting tool in MS el. e it to track how much you nd, save and invest. rt with at least 20% savings. your income grows, ramp it up 50%. y off your loans faster. y one extra EMI every year. rease your EMI every year, , by 10%. s reduces a 25-year loan to t 10 years! 5 RESULT: RESULT: And then build the saving mindset. → Your target should be to save AT LEAST 20% of your salary. Remember the 50:30:20 budget rule? 50% of your salary on your needs (essential spends). 30% of your salary on your wants (desires, because, hey, you have a life!). 20% of your salary on your savings (and thus investments—for your short-, medium- and long-term goals). BUT PEOPLE TELL ME I SHOULD SAVE! | 85 6 over this in detail in the chapter What IScan Really Want Is to Grow My this QR code to download an MS Excel Budget Calculator that auto-generates this, based on the goals you set. code to download Budget Calculator erates this, based ou set. 7 Scan is thesimpler code below for a you’d simple way to find your s exercise than ‘magic number’ using an Excel sheet. nk. an the code below a simple way find your ‘magic mber’ using an cel sheet. eck: Are you saving at least % of your salary? ot, what are the steps you can e to increase your savings? _______________________________ t that money out of your vings account and invest! ving is meaningless without esting wisely. 8 In 3 years, you earn ₹6620! In 10 years, you’ll have ₹51,875. That’s over double your investment. Graph: In 45 years, you’ll have ₹14.6 lakh. Without doing anything. You didn’t put in any more money. The growth rate remained the same. BUT you earned interest on your interest. BUT WHAT I REALLY WANT IS TO GROW MY MONEY | 133 Make Epic Money.indd 133 12/13/2023 12:54:44 PM 9 matches it and voila—into the EPF it goes. - For companies with >20 employees, this a choice. EPF is of mandatory. Here’s a isn’t simplified version an EPF calculation. Here’s a simplified version of an EPF calculation: BUT WHAT I REALLY WANT IS TO GROW MY MONEY | 145 Make Epic Money.indd 145 12/13/2023 12:54:44 PM 10 Your 20s Your 20s Income Emergency fund Health insurance Life insurance Max wants Below ₹3 lakh 3 months Between ₹3–9 lakh 6 months Above ₹9 lakh 12 months For parents For yourself + parents In your 30s 20x of Or income salary >₹9 lakh 20% 25% For yourself + parents 25x of salary 30% Fixed-return 25% assets Equity 75% investments NIFTY 50 MF 40% 30% 25% Mid-cap MF 30% 40% 40% Small-cap MF 30% 30% 35% Gold/real No estate/others Credit cards No Loans No 20% 15% 75% 80% 5% 5% FD-backed FD-backed Only for education or a car Only for education or a car AND MANAGE MY MONEY WELL | 231 11 Your 30s Your 30s Income Below ₹3 lakh 6 months Between ₹3–9 lakh 9 months For yourself + spouse + kids For your parents 15x of salary For yourself For yourself + spouse + + spouse + kids kids For your For your parents parents 20x of salary 25x of salary 15% 20% 30% Fixed-return 30% assets Equity 70% investments NIFTY 50 MF 25% 20% 75% 75% 70% 60% 50% Mid-cap MF 25% 30% 35% Small-cap MF 5% 10% 15% Emergency fund Health insurance Life insurance Max wants Gold/real No estate/others Credit cards No Loans No 232 | MAKE EPIc MonEY 12 Above ₹9 lakh 12 months No 5% FD-backed credit card No FD-backed credit card ONLY for home or a car Your 40s Your 40s Income Emergency fund Health insurance Life insurance Max wants Below ₹3 lakh 9 months Between ₹3–9 lakh 9 months Above ₹9 lakh 12 months For yourself For yourself For yourself + spouse + + spouse + For your parents kids kids For your For your parents parents 15x of salary 20x of salary 25x of salary 10% 15% 25% Fixed-return 50% assets Equity 50% investments NIFTY 50 MF Mid-cap MF Small-cap MF Gold/real No estate/others Credit cards No 40% 30% 60% 70% Loans 80% 20% 0% No 75% 25% 0% 70% 30% 0% No No No FD-backed credit card ONLY for a home No AND MANAGE MY MONEY WELL | 233 13 Make Epic Money.indd 233 12/13/2023 12:54:47 PM This is what I would do: I’d play the long-term game, to manage (not eliminate) higher risk. The Possibilities Image copyright BCCL Here’s an example: I KnoW I’LL MAKE MIStAKES | 239 Make Epic Money.indd 239 12/13/2023 12:54:47 PM 14 es of adulting success. f your financial well-being. Scan this code for a complete guide to tax planning for g money, so you’re salaried peeps. paying taxes. our work. e for a complete ax planning for s. e for tax tips for ins tax the profit you make when you sell et (stocks, mutual funds, ETFs) for s purchase price. tax kicks in only when you sell. ught stock for ₹500. Its value is MonEY 15 e for a complete Scan this code for tax tips for freelancers. ax planning for s. e for tax tips for ins tax the profit you make when you sell et (stocks, mutual funds, ETFs) for s purchase price. tax kicks in only when you sell. ught stock for ₹500. Its value is MonEY 16 12/13/2023 12:54:47 PM Watching 3 reels on personal finance (or even making them) does not make us experts. If we think we knowEffect everything about money, we The Dunning–Kruger most likely do not. It’s never the experts who say, ‘I know everything.’ It’s always the uninformed who are the most confident. 292 | MAKE EPIc MonEY Make Epic Money.indd 292 12/13/2023 12:54:48 PM 17