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Omicron vs Delta COVID Variants

OMICRON was found November 2021
DELTA was found May 2021
The difference
in the
symptoms of
Omicron and
 Delta and Omicron both are mutant variants of
the original strain of the COVID-19, which
originated in China in 2019. Delta was first
identified in India in 2020 and later it led to the
second wave of the coronavirus in the country
claiming millions of lives, while cases of
omicron variant were first reported from South
Africa. The symptoms of both variants are
different from each other. Experts reveal that
fatigue, joint pain, cold and headaches are four
common signs of omicron that are different
from that of the Delta variant. Apart from
these, loss of smell and taste, which were
common signs of Delta, were hardly seen in the
case of the Omicron.
Omicron might
not lead to
 Last week, an AIIMS doctor suggested that
Omicron might not lead to breathlessness
like Delta or another previous variant of the
COVID-19 because possibly the new variant
multiplies in the throat instead of the
respiratory system. He said that due to this,
the impact of omicron infection is likely to
be minimal on the lungs. It means that,
unlike Delta infection in which a large
group of the population was hospitalized
and suffered from pneumonia, the same
might not happen in the case of the new
The effect of
immunity and
vaccine on
 Experts believe that the Omicron
variant can surpass the immunity
provided by natural infection and
vaccinations. The risk of
breakthrough infection is higher
in both cases. But till now
nothing can be said without
utmost surety. Omicron is a new
variant and research is needed in
the area to know more about this
new variant. Vaccine
manufacturing giants are testing
their respective drugs to evaluate
their effectiveness on the new
How to stay
 In the wake of the rising cases of
coronavirus, it is best to take all
necessary precautions to stay
healthy and fit. Wearing a mask,
maintaining proper hygiene and
getting the vaccine is the best way
to protect yourself from getting