LECTURE : Measure of Dispersion MEASURE OF DISPERSION Range • It is the difference between the highest and lowest values in a set of data. • It is an imperfect measure because it is affected by any usual large or small values Variance • It is measure that deals with the spread of values 2 ∑(π − αΊ) ππππππππ (α2 ) = π Where π = value of each data set N = No. of items αΊ = Mean Mean Deviation • It is a simple method of measuring dispersion but not commonly used because it is unstable Mean Deviation MD = ∑/X−αΊ/ N • But for grouped distribution ∑π/π − αΊ/ Mean Deviation (MD) = ∑π Where π = mid − value of each group /π − αΊ/ = +ve values of π − αΊ N = No. of items αΊ = Meππ Standard Deviation • It determine the extent to which each value is far from the mean - If the values are close to the mean, then the standard deviation (SD) is small - But where many of the values are far from the mean, then the SD will be large - While if all values are equal, the SD will be zero. • The relationship is that SD is the square root of the variance SD (α) = √α2 SD (α) = ∑(π−αΊ)2 π Alternative Formula for Standard Deviation For listed values of X SD (α) = ∑(π−αΊ)2 π It can also be written in this format For grouped data SD (α) = ∑(π)2 − (αΊ)² π When using Assumed Mean Where X is the mid-value SD (α) = ∑ππ² − ((∑ππ)2 /∑π ∑π Where X is the mid-value SD (α) = ∑π(π)2 − (αΊ)² ∑π Work Example 1 Question The marks of 50 students in an examination is distributed as follows Mark Interval 5-9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 No. of students 4 9 16 12 6 3 Find the (i) mean, (ii) mean deviation, (iii) variance, (iv) standard deviation Solution X F Xm FXm 5–9 4 7 28 10 – 14 9 12 108 15 – 19 16 17 272 20 -24 12 22 264 25 – 29 6 27 162 30 - 34 3 32 96 50 930 (i) Mean (αΊ) = = ∑FXm ∑π 930 50 = 18.6 X F Xm FXm X-αΊ (X - αΊ)² F(X - αΊ)² /X - αΊ/ F/X - αΊ/ 5–9 4 7 28 -11.6 134.56 538.24 11.6 46.4 10 – 14 9 12 108 -6.6 43.56 392.04 6.6 59.4 15 – 19 16 17 272 -1.6 2.56 40.96 1.6 25.6 20 -24 12 22 264 3.4 11.56 138.72 3.4 40.8 25 – 29 6 27 162 8.4 70.56 423.36 8.4 50.4 30 - 34 3 32 96 13.4 179.56 538.68 13.4 40.2 50 930 ∑π/π − αΊ/ ii Mean Deviation (MD) = ∑π 262.8 = 50 = 5.256 2071.56 262.8 ∑πΉ(π − αΊ)2 iii Variance (α ) = ∑π (iv) Standard Deviation (α) = √α2 = √41.43 = 6.436 2 = 2071.56 = 41.43 50 Standard Deviation: Using Alternative Formula Assumed mean (XA ) = 17 X F Xm d = Xm - XA Fd Fd² 5–9 4 7 -10 -40 400 10 – 14 9 12 -5 -45 225 15 – 19 16 17 0 0 0 20 -24 12 22 5 60 300 25 – 29 6 27 10 60 600 30 - 34 3 32 15 45 675 80 2200 50 Assumed Mean Method (i) Mean (αΊ) = XA + ∑Fd ∑π Standard Deviation (α) = ∑ππ² − ((∑ππ)2 /∑π ∑π 80 = 17 + 50 = 18.6 = 2200 − ((80)2 /50 = 50 6.435 Standard Deviation: Using Alternative Formula For grouped data X F Xm FXm Xm² FXm² 5–9 4 7 28 49 196 10 – 14 9 12 108 144 1296 15 – 19 16 17 272 289 4624 20 -24 12 22 264 484 5808 25 – 29 6 27 162 729 4374 30 - 34 3 32 96 1024 3072 50 Standard Deviation (α) = = 930 19370 ∑π(Xm )2 − (αΊ)² ∑π 19370 − (18.6)² = 50 6.435 (i) Mean (αΊ) = ∑FXm ∑π 930 = 50 = 18.6 Assignments 1. The age group of people vaccinated is distributed as follows Age Group 30 - 39 40 - 49 50- 59 60 - 69 70 - 79 80 - 89 No. of people 8 17 20 11 7 1 Using all methods taught, find the (i) mean, (ii) mean deviation, (iii) variance, (iv) standard deviation 2. Amount of money deposited by customers in a day is given as follows. (i) Find the mode, median and mean (ii) Given an assumed mean of 275.5 compute the mean and standard deviation X F X F 1– 50 5 251-300 40 51– 100 11 301–350 26 101– 150 18 351–400 25 151-200 22 401-450 15 201– 250 • Submission Date Scan & submit latest 5th Aug 2021 @ 2pm 29 451-500 7