ERNESTINE WIEDENBACH ERNESTINE WIEDENBACH ABOUT EDUCATION CAREER - She was born in August 18, 1900 in Hamburg, Germany - Move to New York in 1902 - She died on March 8, 1998 - B.A. from Wellesley College in 1922 - R.N. from Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in 1925 -M.A. from Teachers College, Columbia University in 1934 -Certificate in nursemidwifery from the Maternity Center Association School for Nurse-Midwives in New York in 1946.. - She joined the Yale faculty in 1952 as an instructor in maternity nursing. - Assistant professor of obstetric nursing in 1954 and an associate professor in 1956. - She wrote FamilyCentered Maternity Nursing in 1958 and Communication: Key to Effective Nursing (128p) in 1982. THE HELPING ART OF CLINICAL NURSING Ernestine Wiedenbach developed the conceptual model of nursing called the Helping Art of Clinical Nursing, which was influenced by the works of Ida Orlando. In her model of nursing, she explains that nursing is the practice of identification of a patient’s need for help. The goal of nursing consists primarily of identifying a patient’s need for help. The need for help is defined as “any measure desired by the patient that has the potential to restore or extend the ability to cope with various life situations that affect health and wellness.” Wiedenbach’s theory identifies the patient as “any individual who is receiving help of some kind, be it care, instruction or advice from a member of the health profession or from a worker in the field of health.” FOUR MAIN ELEMENTS IN CLINICAL NURSING PHILOSOPHY • The nurse’s philosophy is his or her attitude and belief about life, and how that affects reality for him or her. • The three essential components Wiedenbach associated with a nursing philosophy are: - Reverence for life - Respect for the dignity, worth, autonomy, and individuality of each human being - Resolution to act on personally and professionally held beliefs. PRACTICE PURPOSE • The nurse’s purpose is that which the nurse wants to accomplish through her actions. It encompasses all of the activities directed toward the overall good of the patient. • The practice of nursing consists of the observable nursing actions affected by beliefs and feelings about meeting the patient’s need for help. The art • The Art of nursing includes - understanding patients needs and concerns - developing goals and actions intended to enhance patients ability - directing the activities related to the medical plan to improve the patients condition. • The nurses also focuses on prevention of complications related to reoccurrence or development of new concerns 2 TYPES OF JUDGMENT IN DEALING WITH PATIENTS Clinical judgment - represents the nurse’s likeliness to make sound decisions, which are based on differentiating fact from assumption and relating them to cause and effect. Sound Judgement - is the result of disciplined functioning of mind and emotions, and improves with expanded knowledge and increased clarity of professional purpose. WIEDENBACH’S PRESCRIPTIVE THEORY IS BASED ON THREE FACTORS: The central purpose which the practitioner recognizes as essential to the particular discipline. The prescription for the fulfillment of the central purpose. The realities in the immediate situation that influence the central purpose. THANK YOU!