3-minute Mobility Routine 3-MINUTE MOBILITY ROUTINE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 3-MINUTE MOBILITY ROUTINE 4 THE WALL CLOCK 5 CAT COW 6 THE SHIN BOX 8 SHORTCUT YOUR TRANSFORMATION 7 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS 11 DISCLAIMER 12 @JEREMYETHIER 2 3-MINUTE MOBILITY ROUTINE INTRODUCTION This mobility routine is designed to mobilize the key areas where most people, due to our sedentary lifestyles, have become tight and immobile. There are 3 main exercises we’ll use to do so. Each exercise should take you about 1 minute to do. Within that minute for each exercise, try to do as many quality reps as you can. But take it slow, focus on your form, and feel the various muscles being stretched. Exercise Reps & duration The Wall Clock 30 seconds on each side Cat Cow 30 seconds up & down; 30 seconds side to side The Shin Box 30 seconds on each side You can complete this routine as a circuit. For the best results, try to do at least one circuit of these 3 exercises at least once per day. It can be done in the morning, during the day as a break, at night before bed, or multiple times throughout the day. Choose whatever time you’ll be most consistent with and stick to it! Implement this daily and you’ll feel better, your lifts will improve, and you’ll likely soon notice an unlocking of tight and sleepy muscles that you may have never even known existed. @JEREMYETHIER 3 3-minute Mobility Routine 3-MINUTE MOBILITY ROUTINE THE WALL CLOCK TARGET AREA(S): SHOULDERS, UPPER BACK MUSCLES STEP 1: Stand sideways with your fingertips touching the wall and your thumb pointing down. Engage your core and, without arching your back, slowly draw your palm in a big semi-circle forward and up the wall. Let your shoulder blade move forward and then up as you do so. STEP 1 STEP 2: Complete the circle by moving your arm back and down the wall, letting your shoulder blade move back and down as your arm travels behind you. Reverse the circle to get back to the starting position and spend about 30 seconds on each side. MOBILITY TIPS: The closer you get to the wall, the harder it will be. You might feel a stretch in your chest on the way up and some of your shoulder and upper back muscles working. Aim for a stretch that feels like a 4, maybe 5, out of 10. STEP 1 STEP 2 @JEREMYETHIER 5 3-MINUTE MOBILITY ROUTINE CAT COW TARGET AREA(S): BACK, NECK FIRST HALF STEP 1: Start on your hands and knees, with your hands directly under the outer edges of your shoulders. Spin your elbows towards your thighs to engage your lats. Inhale as you gently lift your tailbone towards the ceiling and reach your chest forward, through your biceps, to stretch your abs. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you lift your chin and head up. STEP 2: STEP 1 STEP 2 Exhale, and imagine there was a rope pulling your mid-back up towards the ceiling and rounding your spine. As you do this, push the floor away to open up your shoulder blades. Then, use your neck muscles to tuck your chin by looking towards your knees. Repeat this motion for about 30 seconds. SECOND HALF STEP 1: STEP 1 Come back to a neutral position and turn and look towards your left foot to stretch the muscles on the right side of your lower back and rib cage. Then return to the center. Repeat on the right side. Do this for 30 seconds. MOBILITY TIPS: A good way to manage tempo is to match it with your breath - inhale to return to neutral, and exhale as you look towards your foot. @JEREMYETHIER STEP 1 6 3-MINUTE MOBILITY ROUTINE SHORTCUT YOUR TRANSFORMATION Looking for more science-driven workouts to add to your routine? Access more science-based workouts and nutrition plan to lose fat and build muscle in the most effective way possible. That’s exactly what my #BuiltWithScience programs are designed to do. We show you step by step with our software how much your specific body should be eating to see the best results, and then pair this with an optimized workout plan designed for you to pack on lean muscle as fast as possible (and without the fat!). It’s how thousands of our members like Noel are seeing amazing results and breaking through plateaus in such a short amount of time. To join the family and get started today, click the button below to discover which of our programs would be best suited for you and where your body is currently at. CLICK HERE TO JOIN TODAY! @JEREMYETHIER 7 3-MINUTE MOBILITY ROUTINE THE SHIN BOX TARGET AREA(S): HIPS LEVEL 1 STEP 1: STEP 1 STEP 1 Sit on the floor and bend one leg in front of your body at around a 90° angle and then do the same with the back one. Use your hands as support if needed. Then, sit up and tall and try to position your shoulders square to the front of your shin. STEP 2: STEP 2 Keep your spine tall and exhale as you reach your chest forward, hingeing over your front leg until you feel a deep stretch on the outside of your front leg’s hip or glute area. Try not to round your spine; focus on bending at the hip. Inhale, as you come back to the starting position and exhale, as you get into your next rep. Complete 30 seconds on this side and then repeat on the other side. STEP 2 @JEREMYETHIER 8 3-MINUTE MOBILITY ROUTINE LEVEL 2 STEP 1: STEP 1 Maintain that same 90 degree leg position, but this time, as you lean forward, push your front shin down into the ground and lift your hips up to get your torso upright. You should feel some of your glute muscles working and you should feel the hip flexors and groin muscles of your back leg stretching once you get to the top. Then, reverse this by lowering as slowly as you can, while leaning forward. Aim to do 30 seconds on each side. STEP 1 STEP 1 @JEREMYETHIER 9 3-MINUTE MOBILITY ROUTINE LEVEL 3 STEP 1: STEP 1 You’ll repeat what we did in Level 2 but instead of sticking to just one side at a time, for a deeper stretch in your groin and hip flexors, you can “windshield wiper” your knees directly over to the other side on the way down, and repeat this motion back and forth. To help you stay upright, reach your arms out in front of you and engage your core during the transition. You can use your hands for support here if you need it. Aim to complete this for 30 seconds total. STEP 1 Engage core @JEREMYETHIER Extend your arms in front for balance 10 3-MINUTE MOBILITY ROUTINE ADDITIONAL COMMENTS I HOPE THIS PDF IS USEFUL FOR YOU! I put in a lot of effort into providing this routine for you free of charge. All I ask in return is that you show your support for my work and connecting with me on my social media platforms where I share more informative content on a regular basis: WEBSITE BUILTWITHSCIENCE.COM INSTAGRAM @JEREMYETHIER YOUTUBE YOUTUBE.COM/JEREMYETHIER TIKTOK TIKTOK.COM/@JEREMYETHIER FACEBOOK @JEREMYETHIERFIT ENJOY! @JEREMYETHIER 11 3-MINUTE MOBILITY ROUTINE DISCLAIMER The content provided in this PDF is for informational and educational purposes only. Jeremy Ethier is not a medical doctor, psychologist, therapist, nutritionist, or registered dietitian. The contents of this document should not be construed as medical, psychological, dietary, nutritional, or healthcare advice of any kind. The contents of this document are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health conditions, nor are they intended to replace a physician, dietitian, nutritionist, or other qualified healthcare professional’s advice. You should always consult your physician, dietitian, or other qualified healthcare professional on any matters regarding your health, engagement in physical activity, and/or diet before starting any fitness program or meal plan to determine if it is suitable for your needs. This is especially important if you (or your family members) have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease, if you have ever experienced chest pain while exercising, or if you have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity. You should also consult your physician, dietitian, or other qualified healthcare professional before starting any fitness program, meal plan, or dietary regimen if you smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity or diet. Do not start or continue any fitness program, meal plan, or dietary regimen if your physician, dietitian, or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, shortness of breath or any other form of discomfort at any time while exercising or while following any meal plan/dietary regimen, you should stop immediately. If you are in Canada and think you are having a medical or health emergency, call your health care provider, or 911, immediately. @JEREMYETHIER Please note the following: • any and all exercise that you do as a result of what you read in this PDF shall be performed solely at your own risk; • any and all meal plans that you follow or adhere to as a result of what you read in this PDF shall be used solely at your own risk; and • any and all foods or beverages that you consume as a result of what you read in this PDF shall be consumed solely at your own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without the express written, dated, and signed permission from the author (Jeremy Ethier). All copyrights are reserved. Built With Science™ may not be copied or used for any purpose without express written consent. 12 3-minute Mobility Routine