RUBRICS FOR MEAL PLAN 10 7 4 1 EXCEPTIONAL EFFECTIVE MEDIOCRE NEEDS IMPROVEMENT Described well some of the nutritional contents in each meal. Described some of the nutritional contents in each meal. No nutritional contents described in each meal. CRITERIA NUTRITIONAL CONTENT Accurately described all the nutritional contents in each meal. Created an extremely wellbalanced menu plan. Demonstrates excellent knowledge of nutrient analysis. Created a good well-balanced menu plan. Created a somewhat well-balanced menu plan. Demonstrates basic knowledge of how to develop a nutrient analysis. Demonstrates little knowledge/ability to develop a nutrient analysis. Able to find appropriate sources of information. Able to find some sources of information. Difficulty finding appropriate sources of information. APPROPRIATE DIET Accurately considered the nutritional needs based on the case. This diet was fairly appropriate but could use some improvements. Considered the nutritional needs based on the case but some meals were not that appropriate. DELIVERY Ideas and information are delivered in a very spontaneous, clear, organized and concise manner. NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS CREATIVITY Able to create an attractive, welldesigned menu and presentation during the live reporting. Excellent use of graphics and images. Well organized content Attractive and welldesigned format WRITTEN OUTPUT COLLABORATION Clear and easily understood message Strong visual appeal Excellent coordination Ideas and information are delivered in a slightly spontaneous, clear, organized and concise manner. Able to create a well-designed menu and presentation during the live reporting. Good use of graphics and images. Content is organized Format is adequate Message is sufficiently understood Acceptable eye appeal Good coordination between group Ideas and information are delivered clearly but not spontaneously. Able to create a simple menu and presentation during the live reporting with a few graphics and images used. Did not create a well-balanced menu plan. Demonstrates no appearance of knowledge to develop a nutrient analysis. Not able to find appropriate sources of information. Did not consider the nutritional needs based on the case and may cause harm. Ideas and information are delivered in a vague and unclear manner. The PowerPoint presentation and menu created weren’t designed well. No graphics and images were used. Content lacks organization Format is difficult to follow and poorly organized Message not clearly understood Poorly visual appearance Coordination between group members is Unorganized content Message difficult to understand Did not use any images or visuals Poor collaboration and SCORE RUBRICS FOR MEAL PLAN ABILITY TO ANSWER QUESTIONS between group members, excellent flow during transitions. Excellent, in-depth questions were asked by the professor, and excellent answers supported by facts were provided by the members. members, smooth transition between group members present but somehow lacking, good transition between group members disorganized transitions between presenter The professor asked questions requiring factual answers, and all members provided correct indepth answers. The professor asked questions requiring factual answers, and correct answers were provided by several members. Only 1-2 members provided answers. TOTAL