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Mastering Software Testing at Naresh IT

Mastering Software
Online Training Guide
Phoľo by Pexels
01 Introduction to Software Testing
02 Types of Software Testing
03 Manual Testing Techniques
04 Automated Testing Tools
05 Writing Effective Test Cases
06 Performance Testing Fundamentals
07 Security Testing Essentials
08 Test Management Best Practices
09 Agile Testing and Methodologies
10 Career Path in Software Testing
Introduction to Software
Testing Basics
Define software testing and its significance in the
development lifecycle for consistent, quality
software delivery
Explain different types of testing such as unit,
integration, system, and acceptance testing.
Discuss the relevance of software testing in today's
fast-paced development environments.
Discuss the relevance of software testing in today's
fast-paced development environments.
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Types of Software Testing
Testing Types
Overview of various software testing types including manual
and automated testing practices
Detail the phases involved in each type of testing from
planning to execution and reporting.
Highlight key differences and when to use each type of
testing in the software development lifecycle.
Discuss industry tools and environments for effective software
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Manual Testing Techniques
Manual Testing
Explain the step-by-step process of
manual testing from requirement analysis
to test case design.
Discuss the importance of writing effective test cases
and test scripts.
Highlight common challenges faced during manual
testing and ways to overcome them.
Showcase real-world scenarios where manual testing is
crucial for success.
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Automated Testing Tools
Automation Tools
Introduce popular automated testing tools like
Selenium, QTP, and JUnit.
Discuss the benefits of automated testing
over manual testing, including efficiency and
Explain how to set up and configure an automated testing
environment. Provide examples of test automation
frameworks and best practices.
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Writing Effective Test Cases
Test Cases
Detail the components of a well-structured test case
Discuss best practices for writing clear and concise test cases.
Highlight the importance of traceability and coverage in test
case design.
Provide examples of good and bad test cases for better
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Performance Testing
Performance Testing
Define performance testing and its role in
assessing system responsiveness and stability.
Explain different types of performance testing
like load, stress, and endurance testing.
Discuss tools used for performance testing like JMeter and
Highlight key metrics and how to analyze performance test
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Security Testing Essentials
Security Testing
Define security testing and its importance in
protecting software from vulnerabilities.
Discuss different types of security testing like
penetration testing and vulnerability scanning.
Explain how to conduct security testing and report findings.
Highlight common security testing tools and techniques used in
the industry
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Test Management Best
Test Management
Introduce the concept of test management and its
significance in the software testing lifecycle.
Discuss key responsibilities of a test manager,
including planning, execution, and reporting.
Highlight best practices for effective test management and
Showcase tools and techniques used for test management
like TestRail and JIRA.
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Agile Testing and
Agile Testing
Define Agile testing and its alignment with Agile software
development methodologies.
• Discuss the principles and practices of Agile testing,
including continuous integration and testing.
• Explain the roles and responsibilities of testers in an Agile
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• Highlight tools and techniques used in Agile testing
environments like Scrum and Kanban.
Career Path in Software
Testing Career
Explore various career opportunities available in the field
of software testing.
Discuss the skills and qualifications needed to excel in a
software testing career.
Highlight the importance of certification and continuous
learning for career advancement.
Provide resources and tips for landing a job in software
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