Radio Spectrum and Technical Standards Advisory Committee SSAC Paper 7/2018 for information A Brief Overview of IEC 62368-1 Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment – Part 1: Safety requirements Office of the Communications Authority 29 August 2018 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Founded in 1906 world’s leading organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies over 20 000 experts from industry, commerce, government, test and research labs, academia and consumer groups participate in IEC standardization work All IEC standards are reviewed once every 5 years 2 Why IEC 62368-1 is needed Existing safety standards could not keep up with technology convergence IEC 62368-1 : safety standards for IT equipment, office appliances, consumer electronics, telecommunications equipment as well as combination of each IEC 62368-1 caters for safety of IoT devices 3 Global Equivalence Other Countries Equivalent Standard Canada CSA 62368-1 South Korea KN 62368-1 Australia /New Zealand AS/NZS 62368-1 Japan J62368-1 4 Scope of IEC 62368-1 (Partial List) Consumer electronics amplifiers, game stations, musical instrument, etc. Data processing and computer network equipment PCs, laptops, LCD display, servers, routers, Ethernet switches, etc. Office appliances Shredders, cutting machines, copying machines, electronic type-writers, etc. Telecommunications equipment Network infrastructure, telephone systems, answering machines, modem, fixed and mobile phones, etc. 5 IEC 62368-1 At a Glance (1) This international standard is a product safety standard that classifies energy sources, prescribes safeguards against those energy sources, and provides guidance on the application of, and requirements for, those safeguards. The prescribed safeguards are intended to reduce the likelihood of pain, injury and, in the case of fire, property damage. Identify energy sources Classify those energy sources Identify needed safeguards Qualify safeguard effectiveness 6 IEC 62368-1 At a Glance (2) Covers audio/video and ICT equipment New safety approach that covers the scope of the two legacy standards Audio, video and electronic apparatus IT equipment Adopted in HKCA 2001 for regulating the lithium-ion battery safety of subscriber terminal equipment, and transmission of excessive electrical voltage from fixed line subscriber terminal equipment 7 Energy Sources and Safeguards in IEC 62368-1 8 Energy Sources that may cause injury Electrical Energy Thermal Energy Radiated Energy Kinetic Energy Chemical Energy 9 Safeguards (1) Different safeguard for each kind of persons Ordinary person Users of the equipment, persons who may have access to the equipment or who may be in the vicinity of the equipment Instructed person Person instructed and trained or supervised by a skilled person Skilled person Person who has training and/or experience in the equipment technology. Expected to identify energy sources that may cause pain or injury and take precautions to avoid contact 10 Safeguard (2) Classify the energy sources for the equipment Electrical Energy Source Effect on Body Effect on Combustible materials Class 1 (ES1) Not painful, but may be detectable Ignition not likely Class 2 (ES2) Painful, but no injury Ignition possible, but limited growth and spread of fire Class 3 (ES3) Injury Ignition likely, rapid growth and spread of fire Safeguard Electrical energy sources capable of causing pain or injury to a body part; or electricity-caused fire 11 Safeguards (3) Limits of Electrical Energy Sources 12 Safeguards (4) Model for electrically-cause pain or injury Cause Protection by safeguards 13 Safeguards (5) Model for electrically-caused fire Cause Supplementary safeguard Basic safeguard 14 Safeguards (6) The manufacturer should declare energy class (ES1, ES2, ES3) and user class Safeguards shall be applied according to the declared class 15 Transition from IEC 60950-1 to IEC 62368-1 16 New Safety Approach of IEC 62368-1 IEC 60950-1 Prescriptive Approach Follow a set of design rules Adhere to known solutions for hazard avoidance Technology dependent IEC 62368-1 Hazard-Based Approach Identify hazards during product development Focus on preventing hazards, rather than following solutions More performance options for manufacturers to demonstrate compliance Technology independent 17 Contents of IEC 60950-1 (Prescriptive Approach) 18 Contents of IEC 62368-1 (Hazard-based) 19 Changes related to telecom equipment Telecommunications network and cable distribution system – replaced by external circuit, an electrical circuit (wired and wireless) external to the equipment and not the mains Telecommunication network voltages (TNVs) – replaced by different class of electrical energy sources (ES1, ES2, ES3) Requirement on battery safety includes coin /button cell batteries, i.e. covers safety of IoT and wearable devices 20 Date of Withdrawal of IEC 60950-1 Jan 2010 Publication of IEC 62368-1 first edition, not adopted worldwide 8 April 2016 EU announced withdrawal date of EN 60950-1 as 20 June 2019 Feb 2014 20 Dec 2020 Q3 2018 Publication of IEC 62368-1 3rd edition 15 June 2018 EU re-adjusted the Publication of IEC 62368-1 2nd edition, withdrawal date of EN gaining worldwide 60950-1 as 20 Dec 2020 acceptance Global withdrawal of IEC 60950-1, IEC 62368-1 3rd edition in force 20 June 2019 Original withdrawal date of IEC 60950-1 21 Why needs 6 years transition? Expect a long lead time to learn and adapt to the new safety approach 22 Transitional provisions in 2nd Edition Ease transition and implementation 23 Way Forward 24 OFCA Action Plan Time Work planned/done Oct 2017 Alerted certification bodies (CBs) of IEC 60950-1 to be superseded by IEC 62368-1 on 20.06.2019 Permitted CBs to assess compliance to HKCA 2001 by IEC 60950-1 or IEC 62368-1 July 2018 Alerted CBs global date of withdrawal of IEC 60950-1 as 20.12.2020 Advised CBs to continue the dual-standard approach till 20.12.2020 Informed CBs HK 2001 revision in end Q4 2020 Aug 2018 Brief the Spectrum and Technical Standards Advisory Committee on IEC 62368-1 development and the transition Dec 2020 Revise HKCA 2001 and other HKCA 20xx specifications that adopt IEC 60950-1 Amend certification scheme documents that mandate competence in safety evaluation 25 Implications to Testing Agencies and CBs Avoid last-minute rush, call for actions by testing laboratories and CBs now Acquire training and knowledge of evaluating compliance to IEC 62368-1 Obtain accreditation to demonstrate technical competence in IEC 62368-1 safety testing and certification 26 Thank You