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Multisizer Bibliographic References Library

PN 8321681 Rev B
Bibliographic References
Table of Content
Acetyl Salicylic Acid ...............................................................................................................85
Aerosols ...............................................................................................................................89
Algae ...................................................................................................................................85
ASTM Approved Methods for the Coulter Principle ................................................................. 136
Brewery.............................................................................................................................. 122
Bubbles .............................................................................................................................. 125
Cement ................................................................................................................................23
Ceramics ..............................................................................................................................24
Chocolate .............................................................................................................................91
Chromatography ...................................................................................................................88
Clays ....................................................................................................................................25
Conductive Particles ............................................................................................................ 119
Contamination ......................................................................................................................26
Copper ............................................................................................................................... 123
Crystals ................................................................................................................................49
Dairy Products ......................................................................................................................29
Dissolution Rates ................................................................................................................ 126
Emulsions .............................................................................................................................50
Explosives ............................................................................................................................64
Flour .................................................................................................................................. 129
Food ....................................................................................................................................62
Forensic ............................................................................................................................. 131
Fuel .....................................................................................................................................63
Gold ................................................................................................................................... 128
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Growth Rates...................................................................................................................... 132
Hydraulic Fluids ....................................................................................................................64
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 13319 .............................................................................. 140
Iron Oxide .......................................................................................................................... 127
Leucocytes ......................................................................................................................... 128
Lipids ................................................................................................................................. 131
Liposomes ............................................................................................................................91
Lubricants ............................................................................................................................72
Lunar Soil .............................................................................................................................84
Metals ..................................................................................................................................72
Nickel................................................................................................................................. 124
Oils ......................................................................................................................................36
Parenterals ...........................................................................................................................42
Penicillin ...............................................................................................................................77
Pesticides .............................................................................................................................78
Photography .........................................................................................................................78
Pigments ..............................................................................................................................76
Plankton ...............................................................................................................................73
Porous Particles .................................................................................................................. 119
Powders ...............................................................................................................................80
Sea Water ............................................................................................................................73
Sea .................................................................................................................................... 129
Sewage ................................................................................................................................84
Sieves Compared to the Coulter Principle.............................................................................. 120
Silver.................................................................................................................................. 128
Snow.................................................................................................................................. 135
Soymilk .............................................................................................................................. 130
Spores................................................................................................................................ 134
Starch ..................................................................................................................................90
Steel ....................................................................................................................................83
Sugar ................................................................................................................................. 122
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Tablet Disintegration ........................................................................................................... 133
The Coulter Principle Compared to Other Methods ................................................................ 106
Tomato Juice ...................................................................................................................... 131
Toners................................................................................................................................ 125
Waters .................................................................................................................................43
Yeast ...................................................................................................................................46
About the Bibliographies
In the late 1940s, Wallace H. Coulter invented what is now known worldwide as the Coulter
Principle for counting and sizing small particles and cells. He and his brother, Joseph, dedicated
themselves and their company to the advancement of science, and particularly medical science.
They have always been very proud of the extent of the uses of, and the vast number of
applications of, their ideas and products. Since the very beginning, they kept a record of the
contributions made by their products to laboratory science for medicine, cytometry and industry.
No record can be complete, but this collection of published references is produced in their honor.
We hope that it serves to give you encouragement and enlightenment in your work. For more
references visit our website at:
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Test Dust Preparation and Evaluation, Todd W.F., Hagan J.E. and Spaite P.W., Div. Air
Pollution, U.S. Public Health Serv., Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engrg. Center, Cincinnati, Ohio,
Presented at American Industrial Hygiene Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 6th-10th 1963,
Particle Size Distribution of Settled Dust, Fairweather J.H., San Bernardino County Air
Pollution Control District, San Bernardino, Calif., Presented at the 57th Annl.Mtg.of the Air
Pollution Control Association, Houston, Texas, June 21st-25th 1963, Paper No.64-77, 11pp.
Distribution of Particulate Matter in a Firn Core from Eights Station, Antarctica, Taylor L.D.
and Gliozzi J., Inst. Polar Studies, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio, Publ.by American
Geophysical Union, in Antarctic Snow and Ice Studies, Antarctic Research Series, Volume 2,
267-277, 1964.
The Stratigraphic Distribution of Particulate Matter in the Firn at Byrd Station, Antarctica,
Marshall E.W., Dept. Geol., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Antarctic Research,
Geophysical Monograph 7, (American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.), 185-196, 1962.
The Determination of the Size and Number of Fat Globules in Dairy Products Using the
Coulter Counter, Cornell D.G. and Pallansch M.J., U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.,
Presented at 148th Mtg.Am.Chem.Soc., August 30th 1964.(Abstract only).
Personnel Protection. Airplane Crash Fire-fighting, Peterson H.B., Natl. Res. Lab., Report of
N.R.L.Progress 6274, NRL Problem No.C08-15, 1966, p.8.
Evaluation of the Dust Cloud Generated by Helicopter Rotor Blade Downwash, Rodgers
S.J., MSA Research Corp., Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference on Environmental Effects
on Aircraft and Propulsion Systems, November 1967, paper 67-ENV-1, 8pp.
Air Classification of Kansas Hard Red Winter Wheat Flours, Stringfellow A.C. and Peplinski
A.J., Northern Reg. Res. Lab., Peoria, Ill., The Northwestern Miller, 271, 10-12, March 16th 1964.
Air Classification of Indiana, Ohio and Michigan Soft Wheat Flours, Peplinski A.J.,
Stringfellow A.C. and Griffin E.L. Jr., Northern Reg. Res. Lab., Peoria, Ill., The Northwestern
Miller, 10-12, July 20th 1964.
Measurement of Natural Particulate Fallout onto High Polar Ice Sheets. Part 1. Lab.
Techniques and First Results, Bader H., Hamilton W.L. and Brown P.L., U.S. Army Materiel
Command, Cold Regions Res. and Engrg. Lab., Hanover, New Hampshire, Research Report
139, November 1965, 16pp.
Analyzing Midget Impinger Dust Samples with an Electronic Counter, Anderson F.G., Tomb
T.F. and Jacobson M., U.S. Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa., Report of
Investigations 7105, 1968, 8pp.
Use of the Coulter Counter for Dust Control in Mines, , , Report of the Centre for Medical
Studies in Mines, Douai, France, June 12th 1967. (Translated into English by Ruckwood A.
Coulter Electronics Ltd.), 14pp.
Application of an Electronic Particle Counter in Analyzing Natural Populations of
Phytoplankton, Mulligan H.F. and Kingsbury J.M., Dept. Botany, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.,
Limnol.Oceanog., 13, No.3, 499-506, July 1968.
Dust Sampling', Dorman R.G., Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment, Porton Down,
Salisbury, Presented at the Filtration Soc.Mtg., Manchester, February 20th 1968.Published in
Filtration and Separation, 549-558, November/December 1968.
The Use of the Coulter Counter as an Aid to the Design of Gas Cleaning Plant for Iron and
Steelworks, Flux J.H. and Smithson D.J., British Steel Corp., Rotherham, Presented at the
Seventh British Coulter Counter Users' Conf., London, March 1969, 20pp.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Air Classification of Flour with the Bahco, Kent N.L., Flour Milling and Baking Res. Assocn.,
St. Albans, Presented at a mtg.of the S.A.C.Particle Size Analysis Group, Sheffield, March 5th
1969.Summary published in Proc.Soc.Analyt.Chem., 6, No.6, 97, June 1969.
Particle Size Distribution of Air Borne Particles and Air Pollution, Friedberg H.R., Crobaugh
Labs., Cleveland, Ohio, Presented at the American Inst.of Chem.Engrs.64th Natl.Mtg., New
Orleans, Louisiana, March 19th 1969, 23pp.
Fine-Grinding and Air Classification of Subaleurone Endosperm of High Protein Content,
Kent N.L. and Evers A.D., Flour Milling and Baking Res. Asscn., St.Albans, Herts., Cereal
Science Today (Amer.Ass.Cereal Chem.) 14, No.4, 142-149, April 1969.
Zur Abscheidecharakteristik von festen Teilchen im menschlichen Atemapparat, Drasche
H. and Reiter R., Inst. für Arbeitsmedizin, Univ. des Saarlandes, Germany, Staub-Reinh.Luft., 30,
No.7, 286-292, July 1970.
The Approach to Airborne Dust Measurement in British Coal Mines, Walton W.H., Med.
Service, Natl. Coal Board, London, Staub-Rh.Luft (English), 29, No.3, 32-38, March 1969.
Evaluation of the Penetration Characteristics of a Horizontal Plate Elutriator and of a
10mm Nylon Cyclone Elutriator, Tomb T.F. and Raymond L.D., U.S. Bureau of Mines,
Pittsburgh, Pa., Presented at American Industrial Hygiene Conf., Denver, Colorado, May 12th16th 1969, 18pp.
Proposta di un Metodo di Analisi delle Polveri Atmosferiche Mediante un Contatore
Elettronico di Particelle, Spiga G. and Cherchi P., Ist. di Medicina del Lavoro dell' Univ. di
Cagliari, La Medicina del Lavoro, 61, No.5, 273-282, 1970.(Translation available).
The Determination of the Size Distribution of Mine Dusts Using the Coulter Counter,
Rendall R.E.G. and van Sittert G.C.H., Pneumoconiosis Res. Unit of the South African Med. Res.
Council, Johannesburg, PRU Report 10/70, June 18th 1970, 10pp.
On the Deposition Characteristic of Solid Particles in the Human Respiratory Tract,
Drasche H. and Reiter R., Inst. für Arbeitsmedizin, Univ. des Saarlandes, Staub-Rh.Luft,
(English), 30, No.7, 12-20, July 1970.
Evaluation of Some Parameters Affecting the Collection and Analysis of Midget Impinger
Samples, Jacobson M., Terry S.L. and Ambrosia D.A., Bureau of Mines, U.S. Dept. of the
Interior, Pitsburgh, Pa., Amer.Ind.Hyg.Ass.J., 31, 442-445, July-August 1970.
Dust Collector Performance Evaluation by Midget Impinger and Coulter Counter, Dunson
J.B. Jr., E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, Presented at 63rd
Annl.Mtg.Amer.Inst.Chem.Engrs., Chicago, Ill., November 29th-December 3rd 1970, 39pp.
Suppression and Collection of Respirable Coal Dust Using Water and Steam, Tomb T.F.,
Cheng L. and Stein R.L., U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa., Presented at the Intl.Conf.on
Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis, New York City, September 13th-17th 1971, 26pp.
Counting and Sizing Particles in Liquid Suspension, , , Chapter 5-3 in, Particle Size Analysis
in Industrial Hygiene, eds. Silverman L., Billings C.E. and First M.W., Academic Press, New York,
1971, p.201-205.
Etude de l'Action Expérimentale de Polluants Atmosphériques sur le Poumon de la Souris
Balb/c, Isoard P., Marcotte F., Lemercier G. and Fontanges R., Div. de Microbiol., Centre de
Recherches du Service de Santée des Armées, Lyon, Pollution Atmosphérique, No.53, 43-55,
January-March 1972.
Experimental Investigation on the Collection of Airborne Coal Dust by Water Spray in a
Horizontal Duct, Tomb T.F., Emmerling J.E., Kellner R.H. and Cheng L., U.S. Bureau of Mines,
Pittsburgh, Penna., Presented at the American Industrial Hygiene Conf., San Francisco, Calif.,
May 14th-19th 1972, 11pp.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
The Effect of Pulsation Damping on Respirable Dust Collected by Coal Mine Dust Personal
Samplers, Lamonica J.A. and Treaftis H.N., U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Penna., Presented
at the American Industrial Hygiene Conf., San Francisco, Calif., May 14th-19th 1972.(Abstract
only).(See also No.472).
Comparison of Equivalent Spherical Volume and Aerodynamic Diameters for Irregular
Shaped Particles, Tomb T.F. and Corn M., U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Penna., Presented
at the American Industrial Hygiene Conf., San Francisco, Calif., May 14th-19th 1972, 24pp.
Experimental Investigation on the Collection of Airborne Coal Dust by Water Spray in a
Horizontal Duct, Tomb T.F., Emmetling J.E. and Kellner R.H., , Presented at the American
Industrial Hygiene Conf., San Francisco, Calif., May 14th-19th 1972.
The Effect of Pulsation Damping of Respirable Dust Collected by Coal Mine Dust Personal
Samplers, Lamonica J.A. and Treaftis H.N., United States Dep. of Interior, U.S.Bureau of Mines
Report of Investigations RI7636, 1972, 23pp.(See also No.442).
Relating Coulter Counts at One Size Level to the Air Permeametric Specific Surface Area
of the Product from a Wet Comminution Process, Harris J.E.C. and Scullion H.J., Materials
Quality Assurance Directorate, Royal Ordnance Factory, Bridgwater, Presented at the Coulter
Conf., London, April 10th-11th 1973, 4pp.
The Prediction of Overall Collection Efficiency of Air Pollution Control Devices from
Fractional Efficiency Curves, Sundberg R.E., Torit Corp., St. Paul, Minn., Presented at the 66th
Annl.Mtg.of the Air Pollution Control Assn., Chicago, June 23rd-28th 1973, 25pp.
Experimental Air Embolism: Measurement of Microbubbles using the Coulter Counter,
Grulke D.C., Marsh N.A. and Hills B.A., Dept. Physiol., Queen Elizabeth Coll., London,
Brit.J.exp.Path., 54, 684-691, 1973.
On the Use of the Coulter Counter to Measure the Microbubble Spectrum in Water and its
Effect on the Superheat of Water, Pyun J., , Abstract of Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Michigan, 1973.
Diss. Abstr., 2063 B - 2064 B, 1974.
Electronics can Increase Dairy Efficiency, Mitchell B., , Electron, 19, May 23rd 1974.
Comparative Measurements by Scattered Light and Coulter Counter Method for Cavitation
Nuclei Spectra, Keller A.P., Hammitt F.G. and Yilmaz E., Dept. Mech. Engrg., Univ. of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Prepared for the Natl.Sci.Found., January 1974.Presented at the ASME Polyphase
Flow Forum, May 1974, paper PB 228 123, 15pp.
The Prediction of Overall Collection Efficiency of Air Pollution Control Devices from
Fractional Efficiency Curves, Sundberg R.E., Torit Division, Donaldson Co., Inc., St. Paul,
Minnesota, J.Air Pollution Control Association, 24, No.8, 758-764, August 1974.
Environmental Particulates and High Explosives, Scullion H.J., Harris J.E.C. and McCormack
J., Materials Quality Assurance Directorate, Ministry of Defence, Puriton, Bridgwater, Somerset,
Proc.at a Colloquium 'Applications of Particle Size Analysis to Environmental Pollution', organised
by the Society for Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Society Particle Size Analysis Group, Univ.of
Nottingham, September 18th-19th 1974, p.30-35.
Particle Size Analysis of Chimney Emissons 'In Situ', Svarovsky L., School of Powder
Technol., Univ. of Bradford, Proc.Colloquium 'Applications of Particle Size Analysis to
Environmental Pollution', organised by the Society for Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Society
Particle Size Analysis Group, Univ.of Nottingham, September 18th-19th 1974, p.75-80.
The Influence of Lignin Sulphonate and Xylan on the Microflotation of Microcrystalline
Cellulose, Roberts K. and Barla P., Swedish Inst. for Surface Chem., Stockholm,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 49, No.1, 75-81, October 1974.
Nonwoven Fabrics as Air Filters: A Study of Critical Fiber Variables, Miller B., Lamb G.E.R.
and Costanza P., Textile Res. Inst., Princetown, N.J., T.A.P.P.I., 57, No.11, 102-104, November
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Trace Elements in Fly Ash - Dependence of Concentration on Particle Size, Davison R.L.,
Natusch D.F.S., Wallace J.R. and Evans C.A. Jr., School Chem. Scis., and Materials Res. Lab.,
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Environmental Science and Technology, 8, No.13, 1107-1113,
December 1974.
Tentative Method of Test for Concentration and Particle Size Distribution of Airborne
Particulates Collected in Liquid Media using an Electronic Counter, , , A.S.T.M. Standard,
Designation D 3365-74T, 1974, 8pp.
Ion Pair Partition Chromatography of Organic Ammonium Compounds, Eksborg S. and
Schill G., Dept. Analyt. Pharm. Chem., Univ. of Uppsala, Sweden, Analyt.Chem., 45, No.12,
2092-2100, October 1973.
Comparative Investigations of the Scattered Light Counting Method for the Registration of
Cavitation Nuclei and the Coulter Counter, Keller A., Yilmaz E. and Hammitt F.G., Dept. Mech.
Eng., Univ. of Michigan, Report No.UMICH 01357-36-T, January 1974, 58pp.
Comparative Measurements by Scattered Light and Coulter Counter Method for Cavitation
Nuclei Spectra, Keller A.P., Hammitt F.G. and Yilmaz E., Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. of Michigan,
Report UMICH 0135-7-23-I, January 1974, 13pp.Presented at ASME Polyphase Flow Forum,
May 1974.
Influences of Fiber Geometry on the Performance of Nonwoven Air Filters, Lamb G.E.R.,
Costanza P. and Miller B., Textile Res. Inst., Princeton, N.J., Textile Research J., 452-463, June
Dairymen in England and Wales receive Somatic Cell Counts Monthly, Booth J.M., Milk
Marketing Board, Worcester, Hoard's Dairyman, 1235-1236, November 10th 1975.
Aerosol Scrubbing by Foam, Kaldor T.G. and Phillips C.R., Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. of Toronto,
Ind.Eng.Chem., Process Des.Dev., 15, No.1, 199-206, January 1976.
Some Applications of Coulter Counters in the Dairy Industry, Faudot D., Coultronics S.A.,
France, Presented at the Coulter Milk Conf., Brussels, July 1973, 18pp.
Filtration of Air by Fibrous Filters, Stenhouse J.I.T., Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. of Technol.,
Loughborough, Leics., Filtration & Separation, 268-274, May/June 1975.
Particle Sizing of Dust Found in Cottonseed Oil Mills, Matlock S.W., Wiederhold L.R. Jr. and
Parnell C.B. Jr., Texas A & M Univ., College Station, and Soil Conservation Serv., USDA Pampa,
Texas, Presented at Amer.Soc.of Agric.Eng.Mtg., Chicago., December 15th-18th
1975.Trans.A.S.A.E., 19, No.5, 970-976, September-October 1976.
Social Rank and Physiological Traits of Dairy Cows as Influenced by Changing Group
Membership, Arave C.W. and Albright J.L., Dept. Animal Scis., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN,
J.Dairy Sci., 59, No.5, 974-981, 1976.
The Influence of Dietary Protein Intake on Milk Production and Blood Composition of HighYielding Dairy Cows, Treacher R.J., Little W., Collis K.A. and Stark A.J., Agric. Res. Council,
Inst. for Res. on Animal Diseases, Compton, Newbury, J.Dairy Res., 43, 357-369, 1976.
Performance Characteristics of the 10 mm Respirable Mass Sampler: Part II - Coal Dust
Studies, Caplan K.J., Doemeny L.J. and Sorenson S.D., Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis;
NIOSH, Cincinnati; and 3M Company, St. Paul, MN, Am.Ind.Hyg.Assoc.J., 38, No.4, 162-173,
April 1977.
Mud Design to Minimize Rock Impairment Due to Particle Invasion, Abrams A., SPE-AIME,
Shell Development Co., J.Petroleum Technol., 586-592, May 1977.
Particle Size Effects in the Determination of Respirable -Quartz by X-ray Diffraction,
Edmonds J.W., Henslee W.W. and Guerra R.E., Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan and Dow
Chemical Co., Freeport, Texas, Analyt.Chem., 49, No.14, 2196-2203, December 1977.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
The Relationship Between Herd Bulk Milk Composition and Cell Count in Commercial
Dairy Herds, Asby C.B., Gard R.P. and Watkins J.H., Llysfasi Coll. of Agric., Clwyd, and
Beecham Pharm. Res. Div., Tadworth, Surrey, J.Dairy Res., 44, 585-587, 1977.
The Effect of Intergroup Movement of Dairy Cows on Bulk Milk Somatic Cell Numbers, Kay
S.J., Collis K.A., Anderson J.C. and Grant A.J., ARC Inst. for Res. on Animal Diseases, Compton,
Newbury, and MAFF, ADAS, Bridget's Experim. Husbandry Farm, Winchester, Hants., J.Dairy
Res., 44, 589-593, 1977.
Characterization of the Volume Size Distribution of Respirable Coal-Mine Dust Samples by
Coulter Counter, Ogden T.L. and Rickmann A.M., Inst. of Occupational Med., Edinburgh,
Ann.Occup.Hyg., 20, 257-270, 1977.
Étude Morphologique et Physique de Dix Échantillons de Phosphate Bicalcique
Alimentaire, Rassel A., de Mets M., de Wispelaere W., Marcoen J.-M., Valange B. and van
Reusel A., Station de Chimie et de Physique Agricoles, C.R.A. Gembloux,
Bull.Rech.Agron.Gembloux, 12, No.1-2, 71-96, 1977.
Method Selection and Difficulties Associated with Field Sampling of Airborne Particulates,
Corn M. and Esmen N.A., Grad. Sch. Public Health, Univ. Pittsburgh, Presented at 29th
Pittsburgh Conf., Cleveland, 1978.American Laboratory, 13-26, July 1978; and also International
Laboratory, 9-22, September/October 1978.
Climatic Ice Core Records from the Tropical Quelccaya Ice Cap, Thompson L.G., Hastenrath
S. and Arnao B.M., Inst. Polar Studies, Ohio State Univ., Columbus; Dept. Meteorol., Univ. of
Wisconsin, Madison; and Inst. de Geol. y Mineria, Lima, Peru, Science, 203, 1240-1243, March
23rd 1979.
Entrapped Air as a Cause of Erroneous Milk Cell Counts (Coulter Counter), Dijkman A.J.,
Breunissen H., van der Laar J.M.J., Perriens J., Verberne H. and Jaartsveld F.H.J., Milk Hygiene
Res. Centre (MOC), Wageningen, Netherlands, and Animal Health Service, Boxtel, Netherlands,
Neth.Milk Dairy J., 33, 155-157, 1979.
Fine Milling - by the Impact of Opposed Material Streams - The Majac Air Impact Mill, de
Silva S.R., Donaldson Europe N.V., Leuven, Belgium, Presented at Powder Europa, Wiesbaden,
January 22nd-24th 1980, 43pp.
The Flammability of Coal Dust-Air Mixtures Lean Limits, Flame Temperatures, Ignition
Energies, and Particle Size Effects, Hertzberg M., Cashdollar K.L. and Opferman J.J., U.S.
Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.N.T.I.S.Report PB 299521, 1979, 70pp.
Tentative Test Method for Concentration and Particle Size Distribution of Particulate
Collected in the Alundum Thimble Using a Liquid Media Electronic Counter, , , American
National Standard ANSI/ASTM D 3563-76T, 1976, 9pp.
Application of Expanded PTFE Membrane Filter to In-Stack Particle Size Measurement,
Hao J. and Ruby M.G., Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, Presented at the 77th.Annl.Mtg.of
the Air Pollution Control Assoc., San Francisco, Calif., June 24th-29th 1984, 13pp.
Performance of Cyclones in the Off-Gas Path of a Pressurised Fluidised Bed Combustor,
Wheeldon J.M. and Burnard G.K., Grimethorpe PFBC Establishment, South Yorks., Filtration and
Separation, 178-187, May/June 1987.
Experimental Study of Dust Distribution Around Motor Vehicles in Motion, Jaroszczyk T.,
Corp. Res. Dept., Nelson Industries, Inc., Stoughton, Wisconsin, In, Particulate and Multiphase
Processes, Vol.2: Contamination Analysis and Control, eds.Ariman T.and Veziroglu T.N.,
Hemisphere, Washington, DC, 1987, p.417-426.
Inertial, Sedimentation, Image Analysis and Electrozone Measurements of Particle Size,
Clift R., Dept. Chem. and Process Engrg., Univ. of Surrey, Guildford, In, Particle Size Analysis
1988, ed.Lloyd P.J., John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 1988, p.3-17.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Longitudinal Particle Size Distributions in an Electrostatic Precipitator, Houlgreave J.A.,
Howe A.F. and Walters J.K., Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engrg., and Dept. Chem. Engrg.,
Univ. of Nottingham, Filtration and Separation, 277-279, July/August 1988.
Physical Characteristics of Ultrastable Lipid-Coated Microbubbles, D'Arrigo J.S. and Imae
T., CAV-CON, Inc., Farmington, Connecticut; and Dept. Chem., Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 149, No.2, 592-595, March 15th 1992.
Perikinetic and Orthokinetic Aggregation/Fragmentation of Hairy Colloids, Le Berre F.,
Chauveteau G. and Pefferkorn E., Inst. Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France, J.Coll.Interf.Sci.,
189, 312-321, 1997.
Les Contaminants Particulaires et les Médicaments, Azria M., Dept. Exper. Biol., Labs. Res.
Centre, Sandoz, France, R.Sci.Techn.Pharm., 2, No.6, 271-282, July-August 1973.
A Propos de Quelques Facteurs dont Dépend la Contamination Particulaire d'un Soluté
pour Perfusion, Bovis A., Reynier J.-P. and Paret A.-P., Fac. de Pharm., Marseille, LaboPharma - Problèmes et Techniques, No.265, 395-398, May 1977.
Etude de la Contribution des Bouchons en Caoutchouc à la Pollution Particulaire des
Solutions Parentérales de Grand Volume, Tchao T., Merceille J.-P. and Rumpler G., Stelmi
S.A., La Courneuve, R.Sci.Techn.Pharm., 6, No.5, 207-212 & 225-230, May-June 1977.
Etude Comparative de la Contamination Particulaire des Ampoules Auto-Cassables et des
Ampoules-Seringues, Bellavoir A. and Depraetere P., U.E.R. des Sciences Pharmaceutiques,
Caen, Labo-Pharma, No.283, 35-42, January 1979.
Precision and Accuracy of Analysis of Air-Filled Albumin Microspheres Using Coulter
Multisizer Mark II, Sontum P.C. and Christiansen C., Res. and Devt. Sect., Nycomed Imaging
AS, Oslo, Norway, J.Pharmac.& Biomed.Analysis, 12, No.10, 1233-1241, 1994.
Materials and Methods of Wort Production that Influence Beer Filtration, Leedham P.A.,
Savage D.J., Crab D. and Morgan G.T., Whitbread and Co. Ltd., Luton, Proceedings European
Brewery Confederation Conf., Nice, 1975, p.201-216.
Particle Size Analysis of Beer Solids using a Coulter Counter, Morris T.M., Brewing Res.
Foundn., Nuffield, Surrey, J.Inst.Brew., 90, 162-166, May-June 1984.
Agitation in Mashing, Bühler T.M., Matzner G. and McKechnie M.T., BRF Intnl., Nutfield,
Redhill, Surrey, European Brewery Convention, Proc.25th Congress, Brussels, 1995, p.293-300.
Liquid and Solid Separation - in Beer, Freeman G., Brewing Research Foundation
International, Brewers' Guardian, 27-31, December 1996.
The Electronic Particle Counter and its Potential as a Brewery Control Instrument, Kinsman
S., Coulter Electronics, Inc., Chicago, Ill., Brewers Digest, 54-56, July 1964.
Rapid Yeast Estimations, Macrae R.M., Brewing Industry Res. Found., Nutfield, Surrey,
Proc.European Brewery Convention, Brussels, 1963, Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 1964, p.510-512.
The Use of Electronic Counters for Determining the Number of Cells in Milk, Cullen G.A.,
Central Vet. Lab., Weybridge, Surrey, Veterinary Record, 77, No.29, 858, July 17th 1965.
Isolation and Electronic Counting of Leucocytes in Cows' Milk, Phipps L.W. and Newbould
F.H.S., Physics Dept., Natl. Inst. for Res. in Dairying, Shinfield, Berks., and Dept. Vet. Bacteriol.,
Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Veterinary Record, 77, No.46, 1377-8, November 13th 1965.
Bibliographic References
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Determination of Leucocyte Concentrations in Cow's Milk with a Coulter Counter, Phipps
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Cells in Milk, Cullen G.A., Central Vet. Lab., Weybridge, Vet.Bull., 36, No.6, 337-346, June 1966.
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Zur Beurteilung der Hygienischen Qualität der Anlieferungsmilch mit Hilfe neuer
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Determination of Numbers and Sizes of Algal Cells with an Electronic Particle Counter,
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Growth and Multiplication of Rhodotorula Glutinis as Determined by Viable and Total Cell
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Die Electronische Mikrokoloniezählung -ein Verfahren zur Beurteilung der Bakteriologischhygienischen Qualität der Rohmilch, Tolle A., Zeidler H. and Heeschen W., Inst. für
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Het Elektronisch Tellen van Cellen in Melk, Dijkman A.J., Melkhygiënisch Onderzoek Centrum
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Small Angle Scattering by Yeast Cells - A Comparison with Mie Predictions, Latimer P. and
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Verbesserte Präparationstechnik zur elektronischen Bestimmung des Zellgehaltes in
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Milchforschung, Kiel, Milchwissenshaft, 23, No.9, 564-568, September 1968.
Untersuchungen über somatische Zellen, saprophytöre Keime and antibiotisch wirksame
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Macromolecular Synthesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Different Growth Media, Wehr
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Minister Dr. Eisenmann baim Rindergesundheitsdienst in Kempten., , , DMZ-Sonderdruck,
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The Estimation of the Number of Cells in Farm Milk, Dijkman A.J., Schipper C.J., Booy C.J.
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Zum Problem der Erfassung von Mastitisbeständen durch quantitativzytologische
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Die Aussagekraft der elektronischen Zellzählung der Annahmemilch im Hinblick auf die
Mastitissituation eines Bestandes, Klein H. and Behnke H., Staatlichen VeterinärUntersuchungsamt und Veterinäramt des Landkreises, Detmold, Germany, Milchwissenschaft,
24, No.11, 663-667, November 1969.
Erfahrungen mit dem Eutergesundheitsdienst in Bayern, Kleinschroth E., Kempten,
Germany, Der Tierzüchter, Zeitschr.für Veredlungswirtsch., No.23, December 5th 1969, 4pp.
Die Konservierung von Milchproben zur bakteriologischen, zytologischen und
hemmstoffbiologischen Untersuchung, Heeschen W., Reichmuth J., Tolle A. and Zeidler H.,
Federal German Inst. for Milk Hygiene, Kiel, Milchwissenschaft, 24, No.12, 729-734, December
Oxidative Enzymes in Milk and their Value as Indicators of Sub-clinical Mastitis in the Cow,
Patterson D.S.P., Berrett S. and Cullen G.A., Central Vet. Lab., Weybridge, Surrey, Vet.Record,
85, No.25, 708-713, December 20th 1969.
Electronic Counting of Somatic Cells in Milk - A Recommended Procedure for Milk Sample
Preparation and Cell Counting with a Coulter Counter, , , Internal Publication, Milk Marketing
Board of England & Wales, National Inst. for Research in Dairying and Government of Northern
Ireland Ministry of Agriculture, 5 pp., May 1970.
Groversuch zur Erforschung entscheidender Kriterien der Rinderleukose HannoverBraunschweig 1962-1969, Lehmann F., Hannover, Deutsche Molkerei-Zeitung (KemptenAllgäu), 91, No.40, 1809-1813, October 1st 1970.
Use of the Coulter Counter, , Co-operative Agricultural Dairy of Ancenis France, Report,
October 1970. Translated by Ruckwood A. (Coulter Electronics Ltd.), 7pp.
Proceedings of Meeting on Mastitis and Automatic Equipment For Counting Cells in Milk, ,
Natl. Inst. for Agric. Res., Experim. Milk Station, 39 Poligny, France., October 1970. Translated by
Ruckwood A. (Coulter Electronics Ltd.), 5pp.
Sitzung des Wissenschaftlichen Beirates des Verbandes großstädtischer
Milchversorgungsbetriebe e.V. in Rothenburg o.d.T., , , Deutsche Molkerei-Zeitung (KemptenAllgäu), 91, No.45, 2077-2079, November 5th 1970. (Editorial)
Electronic Cell Counting Procedure, Bradshaw J.G. and Read R B. Jr., , In, 'Screening and
Confirmatory Tests for the Detection of Abnormal Milk' Published by Dept.of Health, Education,
and Welfare, F.D.A., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1970, p.41-44. 1970 Revision
Essais de l'appareil 'Compteur Coulter' Utilisé pour la Détermination du Nombre de
Cellules Totales des Laits de Troupeaux, Grappin R. and Jeunet R., I.N.R.A., Station
Expérimentale Laitière, Poligny, Le Lait, Revue Générale des Questions Laitières, LI, No.505-6,
273-293, May-June 1971.
A Method of Counting Cells In Milk using an Electronic Cell Counter, Cullen G.A., Ministry of
Agric., Central Vet. Lab., Weybridge, Veterinary Record, 80, No.5, 188-195, February 4th 1967.
Use of the Coulter Counter to Count Cells of Streptococcus Faecalis, Andrew M.H.E. and
Westwood N., City of Leicester Polytechnic, School of Pharm., Microbiol. Unit, Presented at the
Eighth Coulter Conf., Cardiff, March 25th-26th 1970, 13pp.(See also Ph.249).
Interêt des Ultrasons pour la Separation des Levures après Culture en Milieu Liquide
Application à Differentes Methodes de Comptage, Pompidou A., Prudhomme J. and Le Go R.,
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, France, C.E.A.Note N-1304, May 1970, 9pp.
Qualité Bactériologique du Lait et Numération Electronique des Cellules, Van Belleghem
M., Natl. Milk Lab., Gent, Belgium, Revue de l'Agriculture, No.10, 1453-1468, October 1970.
A Study of Methods for Estimating the Cell Content of Bulk Milk, Pearson J.K.L., Wright C.L.
and Greer D.O., Ministry of Agric., Vet. Res. Labs., Stormont, Belfast, J.Dairy Res., 37, 467-480,
Bibliographic References
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Über Einflüsse auf die Groenverteilung von Partikeln in Milch nach Labzusatz, Guthy K. and
Kiermeier F., Milchwiss. Inst., Techn. Univ. Munich, Z.Lebensmittel u.- Forsch., 145, 273-278,
Electronic Counting of Somatic Cells in Milk: A Recommended Procedure for Milk Sample
Preparation and Cell Counting with a Coulter Counter, , , Intl. Dairy Fed., Annual Bull., Part 2,
'A Monograph on Bovine Mastitis, Part 1', ed. Tolle H., published in Brussels, 1971, Appendix 1,
p.23-31. (In French, p.67-75)
Taelling af Somatiske Celler i Maelk. (Counting of Somatic Cells in Milk), Pedersen H., ,
Statens Forøgsmejeri-Hillerød, publication no.194, May 1972, 32pp.
Aptitude de quelques Appareils à Déterminer, par voie électronique, la Teneur en Cellules
Somatiques du Lait, Van Belleghem M. and Bouchez D., Natl. Milk Lab., Gent, Belgium, Revue
de l'Agriculture, 8, 1093-1103, August 1972.
Disintegration of Cells and Protein Recovery, Edebo L. and Magnusson K.-E., Dept. Med.
Microbiol., Linköping Univ., Sweden, Presented at 1st Symposium on Advances in Microbial
Engineering, Mariániské Lazne, Czechoslovakia, August 28th-September 1st 1972, 24pp.
Zur Methode de Mikrokoloniezählung in Rohmilch, Gerigk K., Inst. für Veterinärmedizin,
Bundesgesundheitsamt, R. -v.- Ostertag-Inst., Berlin, Deutsche Molkerie, 44, November 2nd
1972, 1pp.
Comparison of Four Methods for Enumerating Somatic Cells in Milk with an Electronic
Counter, Philpot W.N. and Pankey J.W. Jr., North Louisiana Hill Farm Exp. Station, Louisiana
State Univ., Homer, J. Milk Food Technol., 36, No.2, 94-100, February 1973
Quelques Applications des Compteurs Coulter dans le Domaine Laitier, Faudot D.,
Coultronics, France, Coulter Somatic Cell Conf., Brussels, July 23rd-24th 1973, 8pp.
A Monograph on Bovine Mastitis, Part II, Principles of Mastitis Control, , , International Dairy
Federation Annual Bulletin, Document No.76, (Brussels), 1973, 69pp
Cells in Milk, , , North of Scotland Coll. of Agric., Bulletin No.5, 1973, 10pp.
The Coulter Counter and its Applications, Lambin G., , Silicates Industriels, 39, No.2, 55-63,
Sovellutuksia Hiukkaslaskinten Käytöstä Maidon Ja Maitovalmisteiden
Laaduntarkkailussa, Kylä-Siurola A.-L., , Presented at the Finnish Food Engrg. Conf., Helsinki,
March 1974, 9pp.
Reproducibility of the Electronic Cell-Count Procedure for Counting Somatic Cells in Milk,
Pearson J.K.L., Greer D.O. and Stewart D.A., Vet. Res. Labs., and Ministry of Agric., Stormont,
Northern Ireland, J.Dairy Research, 41, No.2, 193-201, June 1974.
The Cell Count in Milk Using an Electronic Cell Counter, Luhtala A., Siirtola T. and Antila M., ,
Finsk Vetinärtidskrift, 75, 142-147, 1969. (In Finnish)
Cell Counting as a Management Aid, Smith G.M., Scottish Milk Marketing Board, Presented at
a West of Scotland Coll.of Agric.Conf., Ayr, March 28th 1972, 7pp.
Electronics can Increase Dairy Efficiency, Mitchell B., , Electron, 19, May 23rd 1974.
Automated Somatic Cell Counting of Milk, Wernery H., Inst. für Hygiene, Bundesanstalt für
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Speeds Microscope Counting - From Hours to Minutes, Sakamoto G.S. and De Laye G.,
Almaden Vineyards, Food Processing, 35, No.9, 24, September 1974.
Bibliographic References
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Electronic Counting of Somatic Cells in Farm Bulk Tank Milk, Newbould F.H.S., Dept. Vet.
Microbiol. and Immunol., Univ. of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, J.Milk and Food Technology, 37,
No.10, 504-509, October 1974.
Un Noveau Compteur Electronique de Particules. Application à la Fermentation en
Brasserie, Scriban R., Ecole Nationale Superieure des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires,
Douai, Bios, No.4, 209-211, 1974, 7pp.
A National Mastitis Awareness Scheme and the Role of Cell Counts, Booth J.M., Vet. Res.
Unit, Milk Marketing Board, Lower Wick, Worcester, Presented to the National Mastitis Council,
U.S.A., February 1975, 7pp.
The Value of Somatic Cell Counting in Monitoring Udder Health, Booth J.M., Vet. Res. Unit,
Milk Marketing Board, Lower Wick, Worcester, Presented to the National Mastitis Council, U.S.A.,
February 1975, 6pp.
Factors Affecting the Relationship between Electronic and Microscopic Cell Counts in
Bovine Milk, Belino E.D., Mitchell W.R. and Newbould F.H.S., Ontario Vet. Coll., Univ. of
Guelph, Ontario, Canada, J.Dairy Sci., 53, No.6, 719-726, 1970.
Do you use a Screening Test?, , , Hoard's Dairyman, October 10th 1971, 1pp
Number and Types of Somatic Cells in Normal and Mastitic Milk, , , Chapter 6 in, Bovine
Mastitis, Schalm O.W. et al., Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 94-127, 1971.
Effects of Time and Temperature as Determined by Viscometric Methods, Leonard R.D. and
Gurtle G., Monterey, Santa Clara; and Tulare County, Calif.Agric., 8-10, July 1975.
Dairymen in England and Wales receive Somatic Cell Counts Monthly, Booth J.M., Milk
Marketing Board, Worcester, Hoard's Dairyman, 1235-1236, November 10th 1975.
Conditions d'Utilisation des Méthodes Automatiques de Dénombrement des Cellules du
Lait: Etalonnage et Conservation des Echantillons de Lait, Grappin R. et Jeunet R., I.N.R.A.,
Station Expérimentale Laitière de Poligny, Le Lait, Revue Générale des Questions Laitières, LV,
No.549-550, 650-668, November/December 1975.
Determination of Somatic Cells In Milk (Technical Aspects of Counting), Heeschen W., Inst.
für Hygiene der Bundesanstalt für Milchforschung, Kiel, Germany, Proc.Seminar on Mastitis
Control, Reading Univ., April 7th-11th 1975, Intnl.Dairy Fed.Bulletin, Document 85, 1975, p.79-92.
Interpretation of Herd Bulk Milk Cell Counts, Westgarth D.R., Natl. Inst. for Res. in Dairying,
Shinfield, Reading, Proc.Seminar on Mastitis Control, Reading Univ., April 7th-11th 1975,
Intnl.Dairy Fed.Bulletin, Document 85, 1975, p.110-115.
Somatic Cell Counting in the Netherlands, Grootenhuis G., Centraal Diergeneeskundig Inst.,
Rotterdam, Netherlands, Proc.Seminar on Mastitis Control, Reading Univ., April 7th-11th 1975,
Intnl.Dairy Fed.Bulletin, Document 85, 1975, p.116-124.
Discussion Opening, Booth J.M., Vet. Res. Unit, Milk Marketing Board, Worcester,
Proc.Seminar on Mastitis Control, Reading Univ., April 7th-11th 1975, Intnl.Dairy Fed.Bulletin,
Document 85, 1975, p.125-129.
A Technique for Differential Somatic Cell Counts In Milk, Newbould F.H.S., Univ. of Guelph,
Ontario, Proc.Seminar on Mastitis Control., Reading Univ., April 7th-11th 1975, Intnl.Dairy
Fed.Bulletin, Document 85, 1975, p.135-141.
Somatic Cell Counting in Australia, Hoare R.J.T., Andrews R.J., Ballek J.C., Corbould A.,
Hehir A.F. and Richards R.J., Vet. Res. Station, Glenfield; Dept. of Primary Industries, Brisbane;
Dept. Agric., Melbourne; Dept. Agric., Launceston, South Tasmania; Dept. Agric., Adelaide; and
Dept. Agric. Sydney, Proc.Seminar on Mastitis Control, Reading Univ., April 7th-11th 1975,
Intnl.Dairy Fed.Bulletin, Document 85, 1975, p.142-144.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Evaluation of the Coulter Counter - Chemical Method, DMSCC and WMT Tests for Mastitis,
Thompson D.R., Packard V.S. and Ginn R.E., Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul; and Dairy Quality
Control Inst., St. Paul, Minnesota, Presented at the Natl.Mastitis Council Annl.Mtg., Louisville,
Kentucky, February 16th-18th 1976, 12pp.
Effect of Storage on the Electronic Cell Count of Milk, Sweetsur A.W.M. and Phillips J.D.,
Hannah Res. Inst., Ayr, J.Dairy Res., 43, 53-62, 1976.
Further Studies on Acid Phosphatase of Leucocyte Origin in Normal and Mastitic Bovine
Milks, Andrews A.T., Natl. Inst. for Res. in Dairying, Reading, J.Dairy Res., 43, 127-131, 1976.
Some Applications of Coulter Counters in the Dairy Industry, Faudot D., Coultronics S.A.,
France, Presented at the Coulter Milk Conf., Brussels, July 1973, 18pp.
Experience in Adaptation and Comparative Evaluation of the Coulter Counter and Direct
Microscopic Somatic Cell Count (DMSCC) Method for Determining Somatic Cell Counts in
Milk, Macaulay D.M., Ginn R.E. and Packard V.S., Dairy Lab. Agric. Service Complex, Univ. of
Manitoba Campus, Winnipeg, Canada; Dairy Q.C. Inst., Inc., St. Paul, MN; and Univ. of
Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, J.Milk Food Technol., 39, No.4, 250-252, April 1976.
Coulter Seminars in Peking, Lines R.W., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Luton, A review, April 1976,
Mastitis... the Continuing Problem, Downey B.R., Dept. of Animal Sci., M.J., 3-6, October
Electronic Somatic Cell Count - Chemical Method, DMSCC, and WMT Tests for Raw Milk,
Thompson D.R., Packard V.S. and Ginn R.E., Depts. Agr. Engrg. and Food Sci. and Nutrition,
Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul; and Dairy Q.C. Inst. Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, J.Milk Food Technol.,
39, No.12, 854-858, December 1976.
Social Rank and Physiological Traits of Dairy Cows as Influenced by Changing Group
Membership, Arave C.W. and Albright J.L., Dept. Animal Scis., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN,
J.Dairy Sci., 59, No.5, 974-981, 1976.
Variations in the Susceptibility of Lactating and Non-Lactating Bovine Udders to Infection
when Infused with Escherichia coli, Bramley A.J., Natl. Inst. for Res. in Dairying, Shinfield,
Reading, J.Dairy Res., 43, 205-211, 1976.
Enzymic Methods for Estimation of the Somatic Cell Count in Bovine Milk, Kitchen B.J.,
Otto Madsen Dairy Res. Lab., Brisbane, Australia, J.Dairy Res., 43, 251-258, 1976.
Reproducibility of Electronic Cell Counts in Milk; a Study of 5 Further Factors, Greer D.O.
and Pearson J.K.L., Dept. of Agric., Vet. Res. Labs., Stormont, Belfast, J.Dairy Res., 43, 371-379,
Processors Face Abnormal Milk Control Program, Packard V.S., Agricultural Extension Serv.,
Univ. of St.Paul, Minnesota, Dairy & Ice Cream Field, 159, No.12, 50,
Fractionation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Populations by Centrifugal Elutriation,
Gordon C.N. and Elliott S.G., Dept. Mol. Biol. and Biochem., Univ. of California, Irvine,
J.Bacteriol., 129, No.1, 97-100, January 1977.
Excretion of Organic Matter by Marine Phytoplankton; do Healthy Cells do it?, Sharp J.H.,
Inst. of Marine Resources, Univ. of California, San Diego, Limnol.Oceanog., 22, No.3, 381-399,
May 1977.
Collaborative Study of the Coulter Counter-Chemical Method for Counting Somatic Cells in
Raw Milk, Ginn R.E., Thompson D.R. and Packard V.S., Dairy Quality Control Inst., Inc., St.
Paul, Minnesota; and Depts. Agric. Engrg. and Food Sci. and Nutrition, Univ. of Minnesota, St.
Paul, Minnesota, J.Food Protection, 40, No.7, 456-458, July 1977.
Bibliographic References
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Milk Marketing Board, Worcester Veterinary Laboratory, , , Brochure, M.M.B. Public Relations
Div., Worcester, October 1977, 8pp.
Cell Volume to Aid Analysis and Technique of Somatic Cell Counts in Milk, Sheldrake R.F.,
Hoare R.J.T., Woodhouse V.E. and McGregor G.D., N.S.W. Dept. of Agriculture, Veterinary Res.
Station, Glenfield, Australia, J.Dairy Sci., 60, No.6, 882-888, 1977.
Electronic Help for Detecting Mastitis., , , Holstein-Friesian J., 139, 1977. (Editorial)
Progressive Changes in Individual Milk Protein Concentrations Associated with High
Somatic Cell Counts, Anderson M. and Andrews A.T., Natl. Inst. for Res. in Dairying, Reading,
J.Dairy Res., 44, 223-235, 1977.
The Role of Various Milk Fractions and the Importance of Somatic Cells in the Formation
of Germinant(s) for Bacillus cereus when Milk is Pasteurized, Davies F.L., Natl. Inst. for Res.
in Dairying, Reading, J.Dairy Res., 44, 555-568, 1977.
The Effect of Intergroup Movement of Dairy Cows on Bulk Milk Somatic Cell Numbers, Kay
S.J., Collis K.A., Anderson J.C. and Grant A.J., ARC Inst. for Res. on Animal Diseases, Compton,
Newbury, and MAFF, ADAS, Bridget's Experim. Husbandry Farm, Winchester, Hants., J.Dairy
Res., 44, 589-593, 1977.
Effect of Several Factors on Total and Differential Counting of Somatic Cells in Farm Bulk
Tank Milk, Newbould F.H.S., Dept. Vet. Microbiol. and Immunol., Univ. of Guelph, Ontario,
J.Food Protection, 41, No.2, 96-99, February 1978.
Work of the IDF Bovine Mastitis Group (Group A2), , International Dairy Federation, Brussels,
Mastitis Newsletter, No.2, March 1978, 3pp.
The Cell Count In Milk in Relation to Milk Yield, Meijering A., Jaartsveld F.H.J., Verstegen
M.W.A. and Tielen M.J.M., Agric. Univ., Wageningen, and Animal Health Service of NoordBrabant, Boxtel, Netherlands, J.Dairy Res., 45, 5-14, 1978.
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Characterization of Ground Calcined Alumina Powders Using the Coulter Counter, Emonet
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Floc Strength - Measurement by Particle Counting, Hannah S.A., Cohen J.M. and Robeck
G.G., Fed. Water Pollution Control Admin., Cincinnati Water Res. Lab., Cincinnati, Ohio,
Presented at the American Water Works Assocn.Annl.Mtg., Portland, Oregon, July 1965, 35pp.
Effect of Electrolyte Composition and pH on the Particle Size Distribution of
Microorganisms and Clay Minerals as Determined by the Electrical Sensing Zone Method,
Santoro T. and Stotzky G., Kitchawan Res. Lab. of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Ossining, N.Y.,
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 122, No.3, 664-669, December 1967.
Influence of Cations on Flocculation of Clay Minerals by Microbial Metabolites as
Determined by the Electrical Sensing Zone Particle Analyzer, Santoro T. and Stotzky G.,
Kitchawan Res. Lab., Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Ossining, N.Y., Soil Science Society of America
Proceedings, 31, No.6, 761-765, November-December 1967.
Application of the Electronic Particle Counter in Soil Microbiology, Santoro T. and Stotzky
G., Kitchawan Res. Lab., Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Ossining, N.Y., Am.Soc.Agron.Abstr.,
Division S-3, 1965, p.88.
Sorption and Flocculation of Clay Minerals by Microorganisms and their Metabolites,
Santoro T. and Stotzky G., Kitchawan Res. Lab. of Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Ossining, N.Y.,
Bacteriological Proceedings, 66th Annl.Mtg., paper RT26, 1966, p.142.
Influence of Clay Minerals on Microorganisms III. Effect of Particle Size, Cation Exchange
Capacity, and Surface Area on Bacteria, Stotzky G., Kitchawan Res. Lab. of Brooklyn Botanic
Garden, Ossining, N.Y., Canad.J.Microbiol., 12, 1235-1246, 1966.
Korngrössenbestimmung mit dem Coulter Counter, Hackenberg P., Inst. für Glas, Keramik
und Bindemittel, Berlin, Tonind-Ztg., 92, No.12, 482-487, December 1968.
Sorption between Microorganisms and Clay Minerals as determined by the Electric
Sensing Zone Particle Analyzer, Santoro T. and Stotzky G., Kitchawan Res. Lab. of Brooklyn
Botanic Garden, Ossining, N.Y., Canad.J.Microbiol., 14, 299-307, 1968.
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New Equipment Determines Mud Particle Size, Louden L.R. and Nance W., Dresser
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Clay Distributions in Recent Estuarine Sediments, Edzwald J.K. and O'Melia C.R., Dept. Env.
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Coagulation in Estuaries, Edzwald J.K., Upchurch J.B. and O'Melia C.R., Dept. Env. Scis. and
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A Shallow Plugging-Selective Re-Entry Technique for Profile Correction, Thomeer J.H. and
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Rapid Grain-Size Analyses of Clay and Silt Fraction by Sedigraph 5000 D: Comparison
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Evaluation of Process Parameters Involved in Chitosan Microsphere Preparation by the
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Laser Grain-Size Determination in Soil Genetic Studies. 1. Practical Problems, Buurman P.,
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Negative Thixotropy in Flocculated Clay Suspensions, Samyn J.C. and Jung W.Y., Product
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An Automatic Method for the Determination of the Degree of Contamination in Hydraulic
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Angeles, February 1st 1961, 11pp.
An Appreciation of the Coulter Electronic Particle Counter as a Suitable Method for
Assessing the Contamination Level of Hydraulic Oils, Coppola R.F., Bristol Aircraft Ltd.,
Filton, Internal Publication M6/R/RFC/17 July 5th 1960, 7pp.
Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Control, Schuler R.B., , Company Report by the Contamination
Control Committee, North American Aviation, Columbus, Ohio, 1962, 18pp.
Preliminary Research and Development Report on the Automatic Sizing and Counting of
Particulate Contamination in Hydraulic Fluid using a Multi-Channel Model 'C' Coulter
Counter, Van Loon J.K., Bendix-Pacific, North Hollywood, Calif., Presented at the S.A.E.A-6
Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, May 5th-10th 1963, 8pp.
Counting and Measuring of Contamination Particles in Hydraulic Oils Using an Electric
Sensing Zone Instrument, Kinsman S., Coulter Electronics, Inc., Chicago, Ill., Presented at the
Meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers, AGE-1 B Sub-committee on Hydraulic
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Liquid Automatic Particle Counters and Contamination Monitors, , , Aerospace Information
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The Mesh Obscuration Technique for the Measurement of Particulate Contamination in
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Development of a Portable Particle Contamination Counter for Use with Lubricating Fluids,
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Optimisation of the Mesh Obscuration Technique for the Measurement of Particulate
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The Mesh Obscuration Technique for Contamination Monitoring of Oils, Hunt T., Bristol,
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Detecting Trace Contamination using a Multiangle PCS Particle Sizer, Hildebrand H. and
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Keeping a Watchful Eye on Hydraulic Contamination (Editorial), Korane K.J., , Machine
Design (U.S.A.), 43-46, February 8th 1996.
Some Size Distributions of Particulate Contamination Found in Commercially Available
Intravenous Fluids, Groves M.J., Res. Dept., Boots Pure Drug Co. Ltd., Nottingham,
J.Pharm.Pharmac., 18, 161-167, March 1966.
An Insertable Orifice Tube for in situ Contamination Counts of Solutions in Opened
Ampoules and Vials Using the Coulter Counter, Lines R.W., Coulter Electronics Ltd.,
Dunstable, Beds., J.Pharm.Pharmac., 19, 701-702, October 1967.
Methods of Removal of Particulate Contamination from Injection Fluids, Marshall K., Univ.
of Bradford, Presented at the Sixth British Coulter Counter Users Conf., London, March 1968,
A Comparison of the Particulate Contamination of Saline Packed in Polyethylene and in
Polypropylene Containers, Groves M.J., Res. Dept., Boots Pure Drug Co. Ltd., Nottingham,
Presented at the Conf.on Modern Dispensing Forms of Pharmaceuticals, Stary Smokovec, High
Tatra, Slovakia, October 9th-11th 1988, 4pp.
Effect of Repeated Puncture on the Particulate Matter Contamination of Multidose Vials as
Assessed by the Industrial Model B Coulter Counter, Edirimanasinghe S.M., Lemberger A.P.
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501-508, 1968.
Particulate Contamination in Pharmaceutical Preparations for Injection, Dungan D.J.,
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Particulate Contamination of Parenteral Solutions, Hersey J.A., Pharm. Res. and Devt.,
Sandoz A.G., Basle, Presented at the Conf.'Uses of the Coulter Counter in the Pharmaceutical
Industry', Basle, November 13th 1969, 12pp.
Recent Investigations into the Particle Size Distribution of Intravenous Fluid
Contamination, Groves M.J., Pharm. Dept., Chelsea Coll., Univ. of London, Presented at
S.A.C.Particle Size Group Mtg., April 21st 1971.Proc.Soc.Analyt.Chem., 8, No.12, 271-275,
December 1971.
Progress Towards a Standard to Limit Particulate Contamination in Intravenous Fluids,
Groves M.J., Pharm. Dept., Chelsea Coll. of Sci. and Technol., Univ. London, Presented at British
Pharmaceutical Conf., September 1971.J.Pharm.Pharmac., 23, Suppl., 238S-239S, 1971.
Bibliographic References
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A Study of Some Aspects of Particulate Contamination of Intravenous Infusion Fluids and
a Possible Means of its Removal, Clapinski W.G., Welsh School of Pharm., Cardiff,
B.Pharm.Thesis, March 1971, 60pp.
Côntrole de la Contamination des Solutés Injectables par des Particules Etrangères, Van
Ooteghem M., K.U.L., Pharm. Inst., Leuven, J.Pharmacie de Belgique, 27, No.4, 493-504, JulyAugust 1972.
Particulate Contamination in Intravenous Fluids, Administration Sets and Cannulae,
Williams A. and Barnett M.I., Univ. Hosp. of Wales, and Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff,
Pharm.J., 190, 191 & 204, September 8th 1973.
The Investigation and Control of Particulate Contamination in the Manufacture of Small
Volume Multi-dose Parenteral Solutions, Parsons W.J., Parke-Davis Ltd, R.P.Scherer Award
Winning Paper, Presented to the Pharmaceutical Society of G.B., London, June 11th 1975, 28pp.
An Investigation of Two Methods of Evaluating Particulate Contamination in Parenteral
Solutions, Spragg K., Dept. Pharm., Victoria Univ. of Manchester, M.Sc.Thesis, 1966, p.72-75.
Closures Blamed for Particulate Contamination in Parenterals., , , Manuf. Chem. & Aerosol
News, 46, No.7, 31, July 1975. (Editorial.)
An Investigation of Two Methods of Evaluating Particulate Contamination in Parenteral
Solutions, Spragg K., Victoria Univ. of Manchester, M.Sc.Thesis, 1966, 77pp.
Particulate Contamination in Small-Volume, Multidose Parenteral Solutions, , , R.P. Scherer
Award; Pharm. J., 553-554, June 21st 1975.
Early Detection of Microbial Contamination in Sterile Solutions Using an Electronic
Counter, Rameshbabu T.R. and Arambulo A.S., Univ. of Illinois, Med. Center, Chicago, Ill.,
Bull.Parent.Drug Assoc., 30, No.2, 80-87, March-April 1976.
Particulate Contamination and Stability of Three Additives in 0.9% Sodium Chloride
Injection in Plastic and Glass Large-Volume Containers, Stokes T.F., Sumner E.D. and
Needham T.E., Eli Lilley Co., and School of Pharm., Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA,
Am.J.Hosp.Pharm., 32, 821-826, August 1975.
A Propos de Quelques Facteurs dont Dépend la Contamination Particulaire d'un Soluté
pour Perfusion, Bovis A., Reynier J.-P. and Paret A.-P., Fac. de Pharm., Marseille, LaboPharma - Problèmes et Techniques, No.265, 395-398, May 1977.
A Comparison of Instrumental Techniques for the Determination of Contamination in
Filtered Aqueous Solutions, Groves M.J. and Wana D., Pharm. Dept., Chelsea Coll., Univ.
London, Powder Technol., 18, 215-223, 1977.
Etude Comparative de la Contamination Particulaire des Ampoules Auto-Cassables et des
Ampoules-Seringues, Bellavoir A. and Depraetere P., U.E.R. des Sciences Pharmaceutiques,
Caen, Labo-Pharma, No.283, 35-42, January 1979.
Characterization of Particulate Contamination Released by Application of Parenteral
Solutions. I. Particulate Matter from Administration Sets, Illum L., Jensen V.G. and Moller N.,
Royal Danish School of Pharm., Copenhagen, Arch. Pharm. Chemi, Sci. Ed., 6, 93-108, 1978
Characterization of Particulate Contamination Released by Application of Parenteral
Solutions. II. Particulate Matter from Cannulae, Illum L., Jensen V.G. and Moller N., Royal
Danish School of Pharm., Copenhagen, Arch.Pharm.Chemi, Sci.Ed., 6, 169-178, 1978.
Influence of Blood Plasma on Size Distribution of Particulate Contamination in Parenteral
Solutions, Illum L., Jensen V.G. and Moller N., Royal Danish School of Pharm., Copenhagen,
Arch.Pharm.Chemi, Sci.Ed., 6, 179-183, 1978.
Particulate Contamination in Parenteral Solutions, Davies P.J., Daisley R.W. and Patel N.,
Dept. Pharm., Brighton Polytechnic, J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 31, Suppl., 59P, December 1979.
Bibliographic References
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Characterization of Particulate Contamination Released by Application of Parenteral
Solutions, Illum L., Jensen G.G. and Moller N., Royal Danish School of Pharm., Dept. Pharm.,
Copenhagen, Denmark, Pharm.Technol., 2nd.Int.Conf., Assoc.Pharm.Galenique Ind., 4, 209-218,
1980.(See also Ph.275 and Ph.276).
Particulate Contamination of Small Volume Parenterals, Wigley S.G., Welsh School of
Pharm., Cardiff, Internal Report, April 1984, 32pp.
Comparison of Light Blockage and Electrical Resistance Methods of Estimating
Particulate Contamination in Large Volume Parenterals, Haines-Nutt R.F., Regional Q.C.
Lab., Torbay, Presented at Ann.Mtg.Parenteral Soc., Harrogate, November 4th-6th
1985.Parent.Soc.Newsletter, 4, No.1, 3-4, February 1986.(Abstract only).
Evaluation of Official Instrumental Methods for the Determination of Particulate Matter
Contamination in Large Volume Parenteral Solutions, Montanari L., Pavanetto F., Conti B.,
Ponci R. and Grassi M., Dept. Pharm. Chem., and Inst. of Applied Health Scis., Univ. of Pavia,
Italy, J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 38, 785-790, 1986.
Some Considerations on Particulate Matter Contamination and Proper Material Selection
During the Development of Parenterals, Uotila J., Orion Pharmaceutica, Espoo, Finland,
Pharm.Ind., 49, No.9, 968-971, 1987.
Particle Size Analysis Using Coulter Counters, Wood W.M. and Lines R.W., Coulter
Electronics Ltd., Dunstable, J.Soc.Cosm.Chem., 17, 197-211, 1966.
Rheological Properties of Creams Upon Production Scale-Up, Fujiyama Y., Tahara S. and
Kumano Y., Shiseido Lab., Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan, J.Soc.Cosmet.Chem., 21, 625-637, August
19th 1970.
Testing the Stability of Cosmetics Emulsions, Quack J.M., Reng A.K. and Skrypzak W.,
Hoechst AG., Frankfurt, Main, Cosmetics & Toiletries, 91, 21-37, October 1976.
Methods Available for Studying Antimicrobial Interaction in Cosmetics, Coates D. and
Woodford R., School of Pharm., Portsmouth Polytechnic, Portsmouth, Hants., Cosmetics and
Perfumery, 88, 43-46, April 1973.
Dairy Products
The Determination of the Size and Number of Fat Globules in Dairy Products Using the
Coulter Counter, Cornell D.G. and Pallansch M.J., U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.,
Presented at 148th Mtg.Am.Chem.Soc., August 30th 1964.(Abstract only).
Electronics can Increase Dairy Efficiency, Mitchell B., , Electron, 19, May 23rd 1974.
Dairymen in England and Wales receive Somatic Cell Counts Monthly, Booth J.M., Milk
Marketing Board, Worcester, Hoard's Dairyman, 1235-1236, November 10th 1975.
Some Applications of Coulter Counters in the Dairy Industry, Faudot D., Coultronics S.A.,
France, Presented at the Coulter Milk Conf., Brussels, July 1973, 18pp.
Social Rank and Physiological Traits of Dairy Cows as Influenced by Changing Group
Membership, Arave C.W. and Albright J.L., Dept. Animal Scis., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN,
J.Dairy Sci., 59, No.5, 974-981, 1976.
The Influence of Dietary Protein Intake on Milk Production and Blood Composition of HighYielding Dairy Cows, Treacher R.J., Little W., Collis K.A. and Stark A.J., Agric. Res. Council,
Inst. for Res. on Animal Diseases, Compton, Newbury, J.Dairy Res., 43, 357-369, 1976.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
The Relationship Between Herd Bulk Milk Composition and Cell Count in Commercial
Dairy Herds, Asby C.B., Gard R.P. and Watkins J.H., Llysfasi Coll. of Agric., Clwyd, and
Beecham Pharm. Res. Div., Tadworth, Surrey, J.Dairy Res., 44, 585-587, 1977.
The Effect of Intergroup Movement of Dairy Cows on Bulk Milk Somatic Cell Numbers, Kay
S.J., Collis K.A., Anderson J.C. and Grant A.J., ARC Inst. for Res. on Animal Diseases, Compton,
Newbury, and MAFF, ADAS, Bridget's Experim. Husbandry Farm, Winchester, Hants., J.Dairy
Res., 44, 589-593, 1977.
The Application of the Coulter Electronic Particle Counter to Size Analysis of Pulverised
Coal and Fly-Ash, Batch B.A., Central Electricity Research Labs., Leatherhead, Laboratory Note
No.RD/L/N24/63, March 11th 1963, Internal Publication.See No.52.
Test Dust Preparation and Evaluation, Todd W.F., Hagan J.E. and Spaite P.W., Div. Air
Pollution, U.S. Public Health Serv., Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engrg. Center, Cincinnati, Ohio,
Presented at American Industrial Hygiene Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 6th-10th 1963,
Particle Size Distribution of Settled Dust, Fairweather J.H., San Bernardino County Air
Pollution Control District, San Bernardino, Calif., Presented at the 57th Annl.Mtg.of the Air
Pollution Control Association, Houston, Texas, June 21st-25th 1963, Paper No.64-77, 11pp.
Measuring the Retention of Filter Paper, Kime H.B., Eaton-Dikeman Co., Mount Holly Springs,
Pennsylvania, Presented at the Fourth Annual Coulter Counter Users' Conference, New York,
April 1964.Publ.in Filtration & Separation, July/August 1965, 3pp.
The Coulter Counter, Wickham R., Admiralty Engrg. Lab., Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific
Service, 19, No.3, 153-156, May 1964.
Particle Size Effects and Flame Propagation Rate Control in Laminar Coal Dust Flames,
Marshall W.F., Palmer H.B. and Seery D.J., Dept. Fuel Technol., Pennsylvania State Univ.; and
United Aircraft Corp., East Hartford, Conn., J.Inst.Fuel, 342-349, August 1964.
The Application of an Electronic Particle Counter to Size Analysis of Pulverised Coal and
Fly-Ash, Batch B.A., Central Electricity Res. Labs., Leatherhead, J.Inst.Fuel, 455-461, October
Distribution of Particulate Matter in a Firn Core from Eights Station, Antarctica, Taylor L.D.
and Gliozzi J., Inst. Polar Studies, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio, Publ.by American
Geophysical Union, in Antarctic Snow and Ice Studies, Antarctic Research Series, Volume 2,
267-277, 1964.
The Stratigraphic Distribution of Particulate Matter in the Firn at Byrd Station, Antarctica,
Marshall E.W., Dept. Geol., Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Antarctic Research,
Geophysical Monograph 7, (American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.), 185-196, 1962.
Properties of Metallic Zinc Pigments In Anticorrosive Primers, Lester G.R. and Proudley
P.M., Durham Raw Materials Ltd., Paint Manfr., 73-84, March 1964.
Consumer Demands in the Paint Industry, Crowl V.T., Paint Res. Station, Teddington, Middx.,
J.Soc.Dyers and Colourists, 81, No.12, 545-552, December 1965.
Zinc Dust and Flake Pigments, Atkinson G.D., Durham Chemicals, Birtley, Co. Durham,
J.O.C.C.A., 49, No.2, 137-149, February 1966.
Application of the Coulter Counter to Particle Size Distribution of Zinc Dust, Paul M.,
Durham Chemicals Ltd., Presented at the 4th British Coulter Counter Users Mtg., Bradford, April
1966, 8pp.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Evaluation of the Dust Cloud Generated by Helicopter Rotor Blade Downwash, Rodgers
S.J., MSA Research Corp., Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference on Environmental Effects
on Aircraft and Propulsion Systems, November 1967, paper 67-ENV-1, 8pp.
Methods of Measuring Slough Characteristics of Clean Packaging Materials, Gieseke J.A.,
Clark W.E., Pilcher J.M. and Lewis T.W., Battelle Mem. Inst., Columbus Labs., Ohio; and Natl.
Aeronautics and Space Admin., Huntsville, Alabama, Proc.American Association of
Contamination Control Annl.Mtg., Washington, D.C., May 15th-18th 1967, p.86-90.
Effect of Particle Size upon the Strength of Powders, Farley R. and Valentin F.H.H., Warren
Spring Lab., Stevenage, Herts., Powder Technology, 1, No.6, 344-354, April 1968.
Ultrapure Water for the Semiconductor and Microcircuit Industries, Simon G.P. and Calmon
C., Ionac Chemical Co., Birmingham, New Jersey, Solid State Technology, 11, No.2, 21-30,
February 1968.
Analyzing Midget Impinger Dust Samples with an Electronic Counter, Anderson F.G., Tomb
T.F. and Jacobson M., U.S. Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa., Report of
Investigations 7105, 1968, 8pp.
Size Analysis of Pulverised Coal and Fly Ash Using the Coulter Counter, Batch B.A., Central
Electricity Board Res. Labs., Leatherhead, Presented at the Third British Coulter Counter Users'
Mtg., Cardiff, March 1966, 10pp.
Use of the Coulter Counter for Dust Control in Mines, , , Report of the Centre for Medical
Studies in Mines, Douai, France, June 12th 1967. (Translated into English by Ruckwood A.
Coulter Electronics Ltd.), 14pp.
Particle Size of the Saharan Dust which Fell in Britain in July 1968, Pitty A.F., Dept. Geog.,
Univ. of Hull, Nature, 220, 364-365, October 26th 1968.
Dust Sampling', Dorman R.G., Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment, Porton Down,
Salisbury, Presented at the Filtration Soc.Mtg., Manchester, February 20th 1968.Published in
Filtration and Separation, 549-558, November/December 1968.
Simplified Dust Sampling Apparatus for Use in Iron- and Steelworks, Flux J.H., Smithson
D.J. and Smithson R.N., Res. and Dev. Dept., British Steel Corp., Rotherham, J.Iron & Steel Inst.,
1188-1193, December 1968.
Particle Size Distribution of Air Borne Particles and Air Pollution, Friedberg H.R., Crobaugh
Labs., Cleveland, Ohio, Presented at the American Inst.of Chem.Engrs.64th Natl.Mtg., New
Orleans, Louisiana, March 19th 1969, 23pp.
The Moon at Houston., , , Nature, 225, 321-327, January 24th 1970. (Editorial)
Lunar Soil: Size Distribution and Mineralogical Constituents, Duke M.B., Woo C.C., Bird
M.L., Sellers G.A. and Finkelman R.B., U.S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D.C., Science, 167, 648650, January 30th 1970.
The Hyberbolic Distribution of Particle Sizes, Bader H., Inst. of Marine and Atmospheric Sci.,
Univ. Miami, J.Geophys.Res., 75, No.15, 2822-2830, May 20th 1970.
The Approach to Airborne Dust Measurement in British Coal Mines, Walton W.H., Med.
Service, Natl. Coal Board, London, Staub-Rh.Luft (English), 29, No.3, 32-38, March 1969.
Evaluation of the Penetration Characteristics of a Horizontal Plate Elutriator and of a
10mm Nylon Cyclone Elutriator, Tomb T.F. and Raymond L.D., U.S. Bureau of Mines,
Pittsburgh, Pa., Presented at American Industrial Hygiene Conf., Denver, Colorado, May 12th16th 1969, 18pp.
The Determination of the Size Distribution of Mine Dusts Using the Coulter Counter,
Rendall R.E.G. and van Sittert G.C.H., Pneumoconiosis Res. Unit of the South African Med. Res.
Council, Johannesburg, PRU Report 10/70, June 18th 1970, 10pp.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Evaluation of Some Parameters Affecting the Collection and Analysis of Midget Impinger
Samples, Jacobson M., Terry S.L. and Ambrosia D.A., Bureau of Mines, U.S. Dept. of the
Interior, Pitsburgh, Pa., Amer.Ind.Hyg.Ass.J., 31, 442-445, July-August 1970.
The Status of Flour Particle Size in Relation to Industrial Use of Flour, Williams P.C., GRL,
Winnipeg, Presented at 55th Annl.Mtg., Amer.Ass.Cereal Chemists, Minneapolis, October 18th22nd 1970.(Abstract only).
Dust Collector Performance Evaluation by Midget Impinger and Coulter Counter, Dunson
J.B. Jr., E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, Presented at 63rd
Annl.Mtg.Amer.Inst.Chem.Engrs., Chicago, Ill., November 29th-December 3rd 1970, 39pp.
Suppression and Collection of Respirable Coal Dust Using Water and Steam, Tomb T.F.,
Cheng L. and Stein R.L., U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa., Presented at the Intl.Conf.on
Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis, New York City, September 13th-17th 1971, 26pp.
The Use of a Model A Industrial Coulter Counter in Quantitative Determinations of the
Phytoplankton of the River Thames, Evans J.H., Dept. Botany, Royal Holloway Coll., Univ.
London, Presented at S.A.C.Particle Size Group Mtg., April 21st 1971.Proc.Soc.Analyt.Chem., 8,
No.12, 260-264, December 1971.
Bestimmung der Korngrössenverteilung von Lungenstauben mit Elektronischem
Zählverfahren, Otto H. and Pesch H.-J., Path. Inst., Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, Frankfurter
Zeitschrift für Pathologie, 76, 1-11, 1966.
Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiet der Staub- und Silikosebekämpfung im
Steinkohlenbergbau, Baumann H., Klosterkötter W. and Robock K., Silikose - Forschungsinst.
der Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft, Berlin, Staub und Silikosebekämpfung, Silikosebericht
Nordrhein-Westfalen, 6, 33-39, 1967.
Deposition of Inhaled Particles in Human Lungs, Drasche H. and Reiter R., Univ. of
Saarbrucken, Germany, Presented at the Eighth Coulter Conf., Cardiff, March 25th-26th 1970,
Particle Size and Shape Distribution for Lunar Fines Sample 12057,72, Heywood H., Chem.
Eng. Dept., Univ. of Technol., Loughborough, Proc.2nd Lunar Science Conf., (M.I.T.Press), 3,
1989-2001, 1971.
Experimental Investigation on the Collection of Airborne Coal Dust by Water Spray in a
Horizontal Duct, Tomb T.F., Emmerling J.E., Kellner R.H. and Cheng L., U.S. Bureau of Mines,
Pittsburgh, Penna., Presented at the American Industrial Hygiene Conf., San Francisco, Calif.,
May 14th-19th 1972, 11pp.
The Effect of Pulsation Damping on Respirable Dust Collected by Coal Mine Dust Personal
Samplers, Lamonica J.A. and Treaftis H.N., U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Penna., Presented
at the American Industrial Hygiene Conf., San Francisco, Calif., May 14th-19th 1972.(Abstract
only).(See also No.472).
Comparison of Equivalent Spherical Volume and Aerodynamic Diameters for Irregular
Shaped Particles, Tomb T.F. and Corn M., U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Penna., Presented
at the American Industrial Hygiene Conf., San Francisco, Calif., May 14th-19th 1972, 24pp.
Experimental Investigation on the Collection of Airborne Coal Dust by Water Spray in a
Horizontal Duct, Tomb T.F., Emmetling J.E. and Kellner R.H., , Presented at the American
Industrial Hygiene Conf., San Francisco, Calif., May 14th-19th 1972.
'Alveolarization' of Tantalum Powder in Experimental Bronchography and the Clearance of
Inhaled Particles from the Lung, Friedman P.J. and Tisi G.M., Depts. Radiol., Pathol. and Med.,
Univ. of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Calif., Diagnostic Radiology, 104, 523-535, September
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
The Effect of Pulsation Damping of Respirable Dust Collected by Coal Mine Dust Personal
Samplers, Lamonica J.A. and Treaftis H.N., United States Dep. of Interior, U.S.Bureau of Mines
Report of Investigations RI7636, 1972, 23pp.(See also No.442).
Preliminary Report on an Investigation on Lunar Dust, Buxton R.E., Loughborough Univ.,
Loughborough Univ.Chem.Eng.J., 7, 44-46, 1972.
The Coulter Counter Model D Industrial, Lines R.W., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Presented at the
Coulter Conf., London, April 10th-11th 1973, 17pp.
A Technique for the Redispersion of Fine Powders, Sansone E.B., Dept. Occ. Health, Univ. of
Pittsburgh, Pa., Powder Technol., 7, 355-357, 1973.
Atmospherically Transported Volcanic Dust in South Pacific Deep Sea Sedimentary Cores
at Distances over 3000Km from the Eruptive Source, Huang T.C., Watkins N.D., Shaw D.M.
and Kennett J.P., Grad. Sch. Oceanogr., Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, Earth and Planetary
Sci.Letters, 20, 119-124, 1973.
The Use of the Model A Industrial Coulter Counter In Investigations of Freshwater
Phytoplankton, Evans J.H. and McGill S.M., Dept. Botany, Royal Holloway Coll., London,
Presented at the Sixth Coulter Conf., London, March 5th-7th 1968, 11pp.
The Use of the Model A Industrial Coulter Counter in Investigations of Freshwater
Phytoplankton, Evans J.H. and McGill S.M., Dept. Botany, Royal Holloway Coll., London,
Presented at the Sixth Coulter Counter Users' Conf., March 5th-7th 1968, 9pp.
Some Applications of Coulter Counters in the Dairy Industry, Faudot D., Coultronics S.A.,
France, Presented at the Coulter Milk Conf., Brussels, July 1973, 18pp.
Filtration of Air by Fibrous Filters, Stenhouse J.I.T., Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. of Technol.,
Loughborough, Leics., Filtration & Separation, 268-274, May/June 1975.
Particle Sizing of Dust Found in Cottonseed Oil Mills, Matlock S.W., Wiederhold L.R. Jr. and
Parnell C.B. Jr., Texas A & M Univ., College Station, and Soil Conservation Serv., USDA Pampa,
Texas, Presented at Amer.Soc.of Agric.Eng.Mtg., Chicago., December 15th-18th
1975.Trans.A.S.A.E., 19, No.5, 970-976, September-October 1976.
Performance Characteristics of the 10 mm Respirable Mass Sampler: Part II - Coal Dust
Studies, Caplan K.J., Doemeny L.J. and Sorenson S.D., Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis;
NIOSH, Cincinnati; and 3M Company, St. Paul, MN, Am.Ind.Hyg.Assoc.J., 38, No.4, 162-173,
April 1977.
Characterization of the Volume Size Distribution of Respirable Coal-Mine Dust Samples by
Coulter Counter, Ogden T.L. and Rickmann A.M., Inst. of Occupational Med., Edinburgh,
Ann.Occup.Hyg., 20, 257-270, 1977.
Mise au Point d'un Appareil Industriel de Mesure Automatique des Particules en
Suspension dans un Liquide: Application au Contrôle du Développement des Levures au
Cours de la Fermentation de la Bière, Moll M., Duteurtre B., Weber J.-C. and Delorme J.-J., ,
Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles, 95, 23-28, 1978.
Instrumentation for Filtration Tests., Kinsman S., Coulter Electronics, Inc., Hialeah, Fla,
A.I.Ch.E.Symposium Series, 73, No.171, 13-17, 1977.
The Particle Size Distribution in AC Fine Test Dust, Johnston P.R., The Carborundum Co.,
Lebananon, Ind., J.Testing and Evaluation, (A.S.T.M.), 6, No.2, 103-107, March 1978.
Some Recently Certified Particle Size Reference Materials, Wilson R., Div. Chem., Standards
Natl. Phys. Lab., Teddington, Middlesex, Preprints, Partec, Nuremberg September 24th-26th
1979, p.59-77.
The Effect of Cyclonic Precleaners on the Pressure Drop of Fabric Filters, Davis W.T. and
Kurzyske F.R., Dept. Civil Engrg., Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville, and Illinois Env. Protn. Agency,
Chicago, Filtration & Separation, 451-454, September/October 1979.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Particle Size Variation in the Solvent Refined Coal Process, Curtis C.W., Tarrer A.R. and
Guin J.A., Coal Conversion Lab., Chem. Engrg. Dept., Auburn Univ., Auburn, Alabama,
Ind.Eng.Chem.Process Des.Dev., 18, No.3, 377-385, 1979.
A Survey of Grain Dust Properties at Large Grain Terminals, Wade F.J., Hawk A.L. and
Watson C.A., Cargill Grain Research Lab., Minneapolis; and USDA, FGIS, Richards-Gebaur
AFB, Grandview, MO, Proc.Intnl.Symp.Grain Dust, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS., October
2nd-4th 1979, p.49-68.
Dust in Dental Laboratories. Part II: Measurement of Particle Size Distributions, Brune D.,
Beltesbrekke H. and Strand G., Scandinavian Inst. of Dental Materials, Oslo, and Central Inst. of
Ind. Res., Oslo, Norway, J.Prosthet.Dent., 41, No.1, 82-87, July 1980.
Pressure Development during Explosions in Clouds of Dusts from Grain, Feedstuffs and
other Natural Organic Materials, Eckhoff R.K., Dept. Sci. and Technol., Chr. Michelsen Inst.,
Bergen, Norway, Fire Res., 1, 71-85, 1977/78.
Preparation of Coal-Oil Suspensions in a Stirred Ball Mill, Sepulveda J.L. and Herbst J.A.,
Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, Proc.Intnl.Powder and Bulk Solids Handling and Processing
Conf., Rosemont, Ill., May 12th-14th 1981, p.10-20.
A Correlation Between the Results of Different Instruments Used to Determine the Particle
Size Distribution in AC Fine Test Dust, Johnston P.R. and Swanson R., Ametek, Inc.,
Sheboygan, WI; and Brunswick Corp., De Land, FL, Powder Technol., 32, 119-124, 1982.
The Flammability of Coal Dust-Air Mixtures Lean Limits, Flame Temperatures, Ignition
Energies, and Particle Size Effects, Hertzberg M., Cashdollar K.L. and Opferman J.J., U.S.
Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.N.T.I.S.Report PB 299521, 1979, 70pp.
Grading Grains in the Flour Milling and Baking Industries, Evers A.D., Flour Milling and
Baking Res. Ass., Chorleywood, Herts., Anal.Proc., 19, No.8, 393-394, August 1982.
Study of Mechanisms of Grain Dust Explosion as Affected by Particle Size and
Composition. I. Review of Literature, Lai F.S., Garrett D.W. and Fan L.T., U.S. Grain Marketing
Res. Lab., U.S. Dept. of Agric.; and Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KA, Powder Technol., 32,
193-202, 1982.
Determination of Particle Size Distribution of Agricultural Particulate with the Coulter
Counter, Norman B.M., Parnell C.B. Jr., and Avant R.V. Jr., Dept. Agric. Engrg., Texas A&M
Univ., College Station, and Texas Dept. Agric., Austin, Texas, Presented at Summer Mtg.of
ASAE and CSAE, Univ.Manitoba, Winnipeg, June 24th-27th 1979, 16pp.
Cotton Dust Particle Size Distribution in Oil Mills, Thibodeaux D.P., Southern Reg. Res.
Center, New Orleans, LA, J.Amer.Oil Chem.Assoc., 59, No.6, 466A-472A, June 1982.
Bepaling van de Deeltjesgrootte van Industriële Materialen, de Jaeger N., Agfa-Gevaert N.V.,
Mortsel, Belgium, Chemie Magazine (Belgium), No.7, 15-19, October 1983.
Application of Modern Aerosol Instrumentation for Industrial Particle Measurement, Liu
B.Y.H., Mech. Engrg. Dept., Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, Presented at 3rd Eur.Symp.on
Part.Charact., PARTEC, Nürnberg, May 9th-11th 1984, 12pp.
Particle Size Analysis of Coal-Water-Mixture (CWM) Using Coulter Counter, Laapas H.R.,
Helsinki Univ. of Technol., Dept. Mining and Metallurgy, Espoo, Finland, Presented at Fine
Particle Soc.15th Annual Mtg., Orlando, Fla., July 30th-August 1st 1984.(Abstract only).
An Overview of Solid-Liquid Separation in Coal Liquefaction Processes, Leu W.F. and Tiller
F.M., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Univ. Houston, Texas, Powder Technol., 40, 65-80, 1984.
An Analysis of Fabric Dust Filtration. I: Model Observations of Dust Cake Formation,
Rothwell E., Dept. Chem. Engrg. and Fuel Technol., Univ. Sheffield, Filtration & Separation, 318324, September/October 1985.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Comparison of Environmental Particulate Matter Derived from Stationary Sources, Fisher
G.L., McNeill K.L., Prentice B.A., Democko C.J., McFarland A.R. and Finch G.L., Battelle
Columbus Labs., Columbus, Ohio; Texas A & M Univ., College Station, Texas; and Donner Lab.,
Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Particulate Science and Technology, 2, 75-88, 1984.
Use of the Coulter Counter in Coal Research and Comparisons with Other Techniques,
James R.G. and Welford G., Natl. Coal Board, Coal Res. Establishment, Stoke Orchard,
Cheltenham, Presented at the Royal Soc.Chem.Particle Size Analysis Group Mtg.'The Electrical
Sensing Zone Method of Particle Size Analysis', Luton, March 19th 1986.Publ.Anal.Proc., 24, 38,
February 1987.
Estimation of the Equivalent Hydrodynamic Diameter of Fine Particles from Equivalent
Projected Area and Volume Diameters, Ghadiri M., Seville J.P.K., Raper J.A. and Clift R., Univ.
of Surrey, Dept. Chem. and Process Engrg., Guildford, Surrey; and Univ. of Newcastle, Dept.
Chem. Engrg., Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, Presented at Partec, Nuremberg, April
16th-18th 1986, preprints p.203-220.
Comparison of Particle Size Distribution Data Obtained with Cascade Impaction Samplers
and from Coulter Counter Analysis of Total Dust Samples, Treaftis H.N., Kacsmar P.,
Suppers K. and Tomb T.F., Mine Safety and Health Admin., Pittsburgh Health Technol. Center,
Dust Div., Pittsburgh, Am.Ind.Hyg.Assoc.J., 47, No.2, 87-93, February 1986.
Performance Evaluation of Industrial Filter Cartridges, Ostreicher E.A., Cuno Inc., Meriden,
Conn., In, Fluid Filtration: Liquid, Volume II, ASTM STP 975, eds.Johnston P.R.and Schroeder
H.G., Amer.Soc.for Testing and Mtls., Philadelphia, 1986; p.117-143.
Mechanisms of Ultrasonic Agglomeration for Dewatering Colloid Suspensions, Muralidhara
H.S., Beard R.B. and Senapati N., Battelle, Columbus Div., Filtration and Separation, 409-413,
November/December 1987.
Experimental Study of Dust Distribution Around Motor Vehicles in Motion, Jaroszczyk T.,
Corp. Res. Dept., Nelson Industries, Inc., Stoughton, Wisconsin, In, Particulate and Multiphase
Processes, Vol.2: Contamination Analysis and Control, eds.Ariman T.and Veziroglu T.N.,
Hemisphere, Washington, DC, 1987, p.417-426.
Correlation between Electrophoretic Mass Transport and Bulk Properties of Concentrated
Coal Suspensions, Casassa E.Z. and Toor E.W., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Carnegie Mellon Univ.,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Energy and Fuels, 2, 157-163, 1988.
University Unit Serves Industry, Jones F., Wolfson Organic Powders Res. Unit, Dept. Colour
Chemistry and Dyeing, Univ. of Leeds, Lab.News, 12-13, March 28th 1988.
The Applications and Significance of Particle Size Measurement in the Food Industry,
Hayes G., Manchester Polytechnic, Presented at Coulter Sci.Symp.'Particle Technology',
September 26th-27th 1989, Natl.Motorcycle Museum, Solihull, 1pp.(Abstract only).
Applications of the Coulter Threshold Technique in Industry, Biology and Medicine, de
Jaeger N.C., Gilleir J. and de Jaeger A., Agfa Gevaert, and Univ. Ghent, Belgium, Proc.Coulter
Sci.Symp.'Particle Technology', Stratford-upon-Avon, June 13th-14th 1988, publ.Coulter
Electronics Ltd., 1990, p.53-58.
Evaluating Grain Dust Explosion Parameters Using a New Testing System, Lesikar B.J. and
Parnell C.B. Jr., Agric. Engrg. Dept., Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, Proc.14th
Annl.Powder & Bulk Solids Conf., Rosemont, Ill., May 15th-18th 1989, p.63-79.
Effects of Dust Properties on Gas Cleaning using Rigid Ceramic Filters, Koch D., Cheung
W., Seville J.P.K. and Clift R., Dept. Chem. & Process Engrg., Univ. Surrey, Guildford, Filtration &
Separation, 337-341, July/August 1992.
New Test Method for Evaluation of Water Cartridge Filters, Jourdan M.- F., Peuchot C. and
Hunt T., Inst. de la Filtration et des Techniques Séparatives (IFTS), Foulayronnes, France,
Filtration & Separation, 427-433, July/August 1994.
Bibliographic References
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Road Vehicles - Test Dust for Filter Evaluation - Part 1 : Arizona Test Dust, , , International
Standard, ISO 12103-1, 1997, 12pp.
An Investigation into the Filtration of Biological Materials: Why is it Such a Problem?, , ,
Filtration and Separation, 507-512, July/August 1998
Effect of Repeated Puncture on the Particulate Matter Contamination of Multidose Vials as
Assessed by the Industrial Model B Coulter Counter, Edirimanasinghe S.M., Lemberger A.P.
and Perrin J.H., School of Pharm., Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica, 5,
501-508, 1968.
The Pharmacist in Industry, Pearson J.T. and Pitkethly W.N., School of Pharm., Sunderland
Polytechnic, Co. Durham, Chemistry in Britain, 360-362, August 1969.
Applications of Particle Size Analysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Orr N.A. and Spence
J., Wellcome Foundation Ltd., Dartford, Kent, Analyst, 102, 446-472, June 1977.
Implications of Particle Contamination Standards for Small-Volume Injections for the
Pharmaceutical Industry, Spence J., Pharm. Development Labs., Wellcome Foundation Ltd.,
Dartford, Kent, Anal.Proc., 18, No.12, 522-525, December 1981.
An Appreciation of the Coulter Electronic Particle Counter as a Suitable Method for
Assessing the Contamination Level of Hydraulic Oils, Coppola R.F., Bristol Aircraft Ltd.,
Filton, Internal Publication M6/R/RFC/17 July 5th 1960, 7pp.
Aggregation in Oil-in-Water Emulsions. Effects of Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate
Concentration, Higuchi W.I., Okada R. and Lemberger A.P., School of Pharm., Univ. of
Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., Presented at the 108th Convention of the American Pharm.Assoc.,
Chicago, March 1961.J.Pharm.Sci., 51, No.7, 683-687, July 1962.
Counting and Measuring of Contamination Particles in Hydraulic Oils Using an Electric
Sensing Zone Instrument, Kinsman S., Coulter Electronics, Inc., Chicago, Ill., Presented at the
Meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers, AGE-1 B Sub-committee on Hydraulic
Pneumatic Military Support Equipment, Seattle, Wash., September 19th-20th 1963, 4pp.
Emulsification of Linseed Oil: Effects of Oil Viscosity, Temperature, Time of Agitation, and
Age on Particle-Size Distribution, Princen L.H., Kwolek W.F. and Stolp J.A., Northern Reg.
Res. Lab., Peoria, Ill., Presented at 151st Natl.Mtg.of American Chem.Soc., Pittsburgh, Pa.,
March 22nd-31st 1966, 3pp.Published as No.166.
Lubricating Oil Filter Performance Evaluation, Richards M., Admiralty Engrg. Lab., Presented
at the 3rd British Coulter Counter Users Mtg., Cardiff, March 1966, 5pp.
Emulsification of Linseed Oil. I. Effects of Oil Viscosity, Temperature, Time of Agitation,
and Age of Emulsions of Particle Size Distribution, Princen L.H., Stolp J.A. and Kwolek W.F.,
Northern Reg. Res. Lab., U.S.D.A., Peoria, Ill., J.Paint Technol., 39, No.507, 182-187, April
1967.(See also No.101).
Emulsification of Linseed Oil. II. Fitting the Truncated Log Normal Distribution with
Coincidence Corrections to Coulter Counter Data, Kwolek W.F., Princen L.H. and Greenspun
R.L., Northern Reg. Res. Lab., U.S.D.A., Peoria, Ill., J.Paint.Technol., 39, No.507, 188-190, April
Effect of Preparation Parameters on the Initial Size Distribution Function in Oil-in-Water
Emulsions, Becher P., Chem. Res. Dept., Atlas Chemical Industries, Inc., Wilmington, Del.,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 24, 91-96, July 1967.
The Effect of Fuel Oil Contaminants on Engine Operation, Brown J.F.C., British Ship Res.
Assocn., Presented at the Sixth British Coulter Counter Users' Conf., London, March 1968, 17pp.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Estimating Globule-Size Distribution of Oil-in-Water Emulsions by Spectroturbidimetry,
Walstra P., Univ. of Agric., Wageningen, Netherlands, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 27, No.3, 493-500, July
Pollution Control in the Steam Circuits of Heat-Engine Plant (Power Station); Use of the
Coulter Counter, Ropars J., Chem. Dept., French Electricity Board, 1968.(In French).Translated
into English by Ruckwood A.(Coulter Electronics Ltd.), 15pp.
Generating, Sizing and Counting Oil Droplets, Loriston-Clarke A.G. and Thew M.T., Dept.
Mech. Eng., Univ. Southampton, Presented at the Seventh British Coulter Counter Users' Conf.,
London, March 1969, 20pp.
Oil Filter Evaluation for the Royal Navy, Galpin M., Admiralty Engrg. Lab. West Drayton,
Middx., Presented at the Seventh British Coulter Counter Users' Conf., London, March 1969, 8pp.
Estimating Globule-Size Distribution of Oil-in-Water Emulsions by Coulter Counter, Walstra
P. and Oortwijn H., Univ. of Agric., Wageningen, Netherlands, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 29, No.3, 424431, March 1969.
Application of the Electronic Particle Counter in Soil Microbiology, Santoro T. and Stotzky
G., Kitchawan Res. Lab., Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Ossining, N.Y., Am.Soc.Agron.Abstr.,
Division S-3, 1965, p.88.
Lunar Soil: Size Distribution and Mineralogical Constituents, Duke M.B., Woo C.C., Bird
M.L., Sellers G.A. and Finkelman R.B., U.S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D.C., Science, 167, 648650, January 30th 1970.
Correlation of Emulsion Particle Size and Aluminum Tandem Hot Mill Rolling Performance,
Penny F.R., Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp., Ravenswood, W. Va., Presented at 25th ASLE
Annl.Mtg., Chicago, May 4th-8th 1970.J.Amer.Soc.Lubrication Engineers, 87-90, March 1971.
Misure Granulometriche Sul Terreno, Sapetti C., Stazione Chimico-Agraria Sperimentale e Ist.
di Chimica Agraria Dell'Univ., Torino, Annali Sper.Agr., 17, (n.s.), 583-615, 1965.
Applied Research at Bedford College, Cole M.M., , Geographical Magazine, XLI, No.1, 50-53,
October 1968.
Use of the Coulter Counter (Model B) for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils, Walker P.H. and
Hutka J., Div. Soils, CSIRO, Glen Osmond, S. Australia, Divisions of Soils Technical Paper No.1,
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia, 1971, 33pp.
Particle Size Analysis of Oil Samples with a Coulter Counter, Schmitz J.E., Carborundum
Co., Lebanon, Indiana, Presented at an A.I.Ch.E.Mtg., Minneapolis, August 30th 1972,
13pp.Published in Filtration and Separation, 426-428, July-August 1973.
Stability of Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsion, Chen E.C., Dept. of Environment, Ottawa, Ontario,
Presented at the 47th Natl.Coll.Symp.(Amer.Chem.Soc.), Carleton Univ., Ottawa, June 18th-20th
1973, 19pp.
Stability of Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsions, Chen E.C., Inland Waters Directorate, Environment
Canada, Ottawa, J.Canadian Petroleum Technology, 38-41, January-March 1974.
Water Quality in the North Sea and Injection Water Standards from North Sea Oil Fields, St.
John D.H., Bakels R.A., Barkman J.H. and Mckenzie D., Shell U.K. Exploration and Production
Ltd., and Nalfloc Ltd., Presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers of A.I.M.E.Mtg.,
Amsterdam, Paper No.SPE4840, May 29th-30th 1974, 18pp.
Determination of Particle Size Distribution of Oil-In-Water Emulsions by Electronic
Counting, Lien T.R. and Phillips C.R., Dept. Chem. Eng. and Appl. Chem., Univ. of Toronto,
Canada, Environmental Science and Technology, 8, No.6, 558-561, June 1974.
Filtration Prescreening Procedures, Butts T.J. and Hungerford W.B., Exxon Chemical Co.,
Linden, N.J., Presented at A.I.Ch.E.Mtg.Salt Lake City, Utah, August 20th 1974, 21pp.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Coarse-Grind Cement in Oil-Well Cementing, Clark C.R., Steel J.H. and Gidley J.L., Humble
Oil and Refining Co., Presented at 46th Ann.Mtg.Soc.Petroleum Engineers of AIME, New
Orleans, October 3rd-6th 1971.Published in Oil & Gas J., 50-53, January 24th 1972.
The Influence of Freezing-Thawing on the Stability of Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsions, Chen
E.C., Inland Waters Directorate, Dept. Environment, Ottawa, J.Canad.Petroleum Technol., 38-41,
April-June 1975.
Electronic Particle Sizing: the Coulter Counter, Shackley M.L., Univ. of Oxford, Chapter 12, in
Archaelogical Sediments, - A Survey of Analytical Methods, Butterworths, London, 1975, p.142146.
Particle Sizing of Dust Found in Cottonseed Oil Mills, Matlock S.W., Wiederhold L.R. Jr. and
Parnell C.B. Jr., Texas A & M Univ., College Station, and Soil Conservation Serv., USDA Pampa,
Texas, Presented at Amer.Soc.of Agric.Eng.Mtg., Chicago., December 15th-18th
1975.Trans.A.S.A.E., 19, No.5, 970-976, September-October 1976.
Freezing of Oil-Water and Oil-Saline Emulsions, Truong L. and Phillips C.R., Dept. Chem.
Eng. and Appl. Chem., Univ. of Toronto, Canada, Envir.Sci.Technol., 10, No.5, 482-484, May
Photomicrographs Can Help Assess Efficiency of Oil-Removal Operation, Churchill R.J. and
Burkhardt C.W., Tretolite Div., Petrolite Corp., St. Louis, Oil & Gas J., 76-80, June 14th 1976.
The Particle Size Analysis of Soils and its Use in Forensic Science - the Determination of
Particle Size Distributions within the Silt and Sand Fractions, Dudley R.J., Home Office
Central Res. Establishment, Reading, Berks., J.Forens.Sci.Soc., 16, 219-229, 1976.
The Use of Particle Size Analysis of Soils in Forensic Science, Dudley R.J., Home Office
Central Res. Establishment, Reading, Berkshire, Presented at 3rd Chem.Soc.P.S.A.Conf.,
Univ.Salford, September 12th-15th 1977.In, 'Particle Size Analysis', ed.Groves M.J., Heyden,
1978, p.356-366.
Preparative-Scale Size Fractionation of Soils and Sediments and an Application to Studies
of Plutonium Geochemistry, Muller R.N. and Tisue G.T., Argonne Natl. Lab., Argonne, Illinois,
Soil Science, 124, No.4, 191-198, October 1977.
The Stability of Oil-in-Water Emulsions Containing Paraffinic Oils and Alkyl Sulphates,
Hallworth G.W. and Carless J.E., Allen and Hanbury's Research Ltd., Ware, Herts., and Chelsea
Coll., Univ. London, Chapter 18, in Theory and Practice of Emulsion Technol., ed.Smith A.L.,
Academic Press, London, 1976, p.305-324.
The Comparison of Distributional Shapes with Particular Reference to a Problem in
Forensic Science, Dudley R.J. and Smalldon K.W., Home Office Central Res. Establishment,
Aldermaston, Reading, Intnl.Statistical Review, 46, 53-63, 1978.
A Comparison of Electronic and Pipet Methods for Mechanical Analysis of Soils,
Pennington K.L. and Lewis G.C., Univ. Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, Soil Science, 128, No.5, 280-284,
November 1979.
Statistical Assessment of Similarity of Particle Size Distributions - A Simple but Effective
Method, Dudley R.J., Home Office Central Res. Estab., Aldermaston, Reading, Berks, Presented
at Conf.'Particle Size Analysis and Quality Control for Pharmaceuticals', Sunderland, May 21st
1980.(Abstract only).
Characterization of Oil-in-Water Emulsions: An Evaluation of the Coulter Counter
Technique, Hamza H.A. and Andersen N.E., Dept. Energy, Mines and Resources, Western Res.
Lab., Edmonton, Alberta, Proc.Intnl.Symp.Fine Particles Processing, Las Vegas, Nevada,
February 24th-28th 1980.Publ.as Chapter 21 in, Fine Particles Processing, Vol.1,
ed.Somasundaran P., Amer.Inst.Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Eng., Inc., New York, 1980,
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Preparation of Coal-Oil Suspensions in a Stirred Ball Mill, Sepulveda J.L. and Herbst J.A.,
Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, Proc.Intnl.Powder and Bulk Solids Handling and Processing
Conf., Rosemont, Ill., May 12th-14th 1981, p.10-20.
Cotton Dust Particle Size Distribution in Oil Mills, Thibodeaux D.P., Southern Reg. Res.
Center, New Orleans, LA, J.Amer.Oil Chem.Assoc., 59, No.6, 466A-472A, June 1982.
Preservation in Specialised Areas. A. Cutting Oil Emulsions, Hill E.C., Univ. Coll., Cardiff,
Chapter 12 in, Principles and Practice of Disinfection, Preservation and Sterilisation, eds.Russell
A.D., Hugo W.B.and Ayliffe G.A.J., Blackwell Sci.Publns., Oxford 1982, p.343-351.
Chemical and Biological Characterization of Emissions from Coal-and Oil-Fired Power
Plants, Ahlberg M., Berghem L., Nordberg G., Persson S.-Å., Rudling L. and Steen B., Natl.
Defence Res. Inst., Umeå; Dept. Environmental Hygiene, Umeå Univ.; and Inst. for Water and Air
Res., Stockholm and Gothenburg, Sweden, Environmental Health Perspectives, 47, 85-102,
Identification of Loess by Particle Size Distribution using the Coulter Counter TAII, Lewis
G.C., Fosberg M.A., Falen A.L. and Miller B.J., Univ. Idaho, Moscow, Idaho and Louisiana State
Univ., Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Soil Sci., 137, No.3, 172-176, March 1984.
Characterization of Coarse Particles from an Oil-Fired Power Plant Collected for Use in
Biological Tests, Ahlberg M.S. and Fängmark I., Natl. Defence Res. Inst., NBC Dept., Umeå,
Sweden, J.Aerosol Sci., 15, No.3, 329, 1984.(Abstract only).
Correlation of Simple Laser Scattering Techniques for the Characterization of Oil-Water
Emulsions, Iranloye T.A., Faculty Pharm., Univ. of Ife, Nigeria, Intnl.Lab., 68, 70 and 71,
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Effect of Couette Flow on Stability of Oil-in-Water Emulsions, van Boekel M.A.J.S. and
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Physicopharmaceutical Characteristics of an Oil-in-Water Emulsion-Type Ointment
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Particle Size Analysis of Microcapsules, Morris N.J. and Warburton B., School of Pharm.,
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Transfer Phenomena Across the Oil Phase in Water-Oil-Water Multiple Emulsions
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Phase Distribution Studies on an Oil-Water Emulsion Based on a Eutectic Mixture of
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The Particle Size of an Homogenized Oil and Water Emulsion, Sherwood J.D., I.C.I.
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The Effect of Surfactant HLB on the Self-Emulsifying Efficiency of Non-Ionic SurfactantVegetable Oil Mixtures, Wakerly M.G., Pouton C.W., Meakin B.J. and Morton F.S., School of
Pharm. and Pharmacol., Univ. of Bath; and R.P. Scherer Ltd., Swindon, J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 38,
(Suppl.), 2P, December 1986.
Formation of Liquid Crystals in Sunflower Oil in Water Emulsions, Pilpel N. and Rabbani
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Formation of Water/Oil/Water Multiple Emulsions with Solid Oil Phase, Magdassi S. and
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Polysaccharide-Coated Oil Droplets in Oil-in-Water Emulsions as Targetable Carriers for
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The Coulter Counter and Its Use in Determining the Concentration of Natural Populations
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Producing Ultra-Pure Water, Peruffo J.D., I.B.M. Inc., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Ind.Water Eng., 1217, April 1966.
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On the Occurrence and Formation of Small Particles in Sea Water, Sheldon R.W., Evelyn
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The Effects of Initial Surfactant Concentration and Emulsification Time upon the Particle
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Ultrapure Water for the Semiconductor and Microcircuit Industries, Simon G.P. and Calmon
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Pollution Control in the Steam Circuits of Heat-Engine Plant (Power Station); Use of the
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Estimating Globule-Size Distribution of Oil-in-Water Emulsions by Coulter Counter, Walstra
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Suppression and Collection of Respirable Coal Dust Using Water and Steam, Tomb T.F.,
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An Investigation of the Coulter Counter in 'Biomass' Determination of Natural Freshwater
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The Effectiveness of Coagulating Chemicals in the Clarification of Deinking and Paper Mill
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Toxicity of Copper to Thalassiosira Pseudonana in Unenriched Inshore Seawater, Erickson
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Experimental Investigation on the Collection of Airborne Coal Dust by Water Spray in a
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Experimental Investigation on the Collection of Airborne Coal Dust by Water Spray in a
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A Study of the Distribution and Activity of Microorganisms in Ocean Water, Hobbie J.E.,
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Water-Affected Fraction of Natural 1.5-9 Diameter Aerosol Particles, Rosinski J. and
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Adsorption of Polyvinyl Alcohol on the Paraffin-Water Interface, Lankveld J.M.G. and
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Stability of Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsion, Chen E.C., Dept. of Environment, Ottawa, Ontario,
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The Production of Particles in the Surface Waters of the Ocean with Particular Reference
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On the Use of the Coulter Counter to Measure the Microbubble Spectrum in Water and its
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Direct Measurement of Particle Concentration in Natural Waters with a Model T Coulter
Counter, Sheldon R.W., Fisheries Res. Board of Canada, Technical Report No.379, 1973, 12pp.
Stability of Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsions, Chen E.C., Inland Waters Directorate, Environment
Canada, Ottawa, J.Canadian Petroleum Technology, 38-41, January-March 1974.
Stability of Hydrocarbon-in-Water Emulsions During Centrifugation. Influence of Dispersed
Phase Composition, Rehfeld S.J., Div. Hem., Univ. of California, San Francisco,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 46, No.3, 448-459, March 1974.
Water Quality in the North Sea and Injection Water Standards from North Sea Oil Fields, St.
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Amsterdam, Paper No.SPE4840, May 29th-30th 1974, 18pp.
Determination of Particle Size Distribution of Oil-In-Water Emulsions by Electronic
Counting, Lien T.R. and Phillips C.R., Dept. Chem. Eng. and Appl. Chem., Univ. of Toronto,
Canada, Environmental Science and Technology, 8, No.6, 558-561, June 1974.
Size-Refractive Index Distribution of Clear Coastal Water Particulates from Light
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and Atmospheric Scis., Coral Gables, Florida, Applied Optics, 13, No.12, 2874-2881, December
The Use of the Model A Industrial Coulter Counter In Investigations of Freshwater
Phytoplankton, Evans J.H. and McGill S.M., Dept. Botany, Royal Holloway Coll., London,
Presented at the Sixth Coulter Conf., London, March 5th-7th 1968, 11pp.
The Formation of Particles In Freshwater Leachates of Dead Leaves, Lush D.L. and Hynes
H.B.N., Dept. Biol., Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario, Limnol.Oceanog., 18, No.6, 968-977, November
A Biological Measurement of the Copper Complexation Capacity of Seawater, Davy E.W.,
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The Influence of Freezing-Thawing on the Stability of Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsions, Chen
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Influence of Colloidal Particles on Dewatering of Activated Sludge with Polyelectrolyte,
Roberts K. and Olsson O., Swedish Inst. for Surface Chemistry, Stockholm, Env.Sci.Technol., 9,
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Dispersion of Sewage Sludge Discharged from Vessels to New York Bight Waters,
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The Effect of Flocculants on Reclaim Water Quality for Flotation, Vreugde M.J.A. and Poling
G.W., Dept. Min. Eng., Univ. of British Columbia Vancouver, CIM Bull., 54-59, December 1975.
The Use of the Model A Industrial Coulter Counter in Investigations of Freshwater
Phytoplankton, Evans J.H. and McGill S.M., Dept. Botany, Royal Holloway Coll., London,
Presented at the Sixth Coulter Counter Users' Conf., March 5th-7th 1968, 9pp.
The Biology of Estuaries and Coastal Waters, Perkins E.J., Dept. Biol., Univ. Strathclyde,
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Freezing of Oil-Water and Oil-Saline Emulsions, Truong L. and Phillips C.R., Dept. Chem.
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Increased Transport of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Vema Channel During the Last Ice
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Incomplete Extraction of Rapidly Settling Particles from Water Samplers, Gardner W.D.,
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New Ultrasonic Wastewater Treatment., , , Mechanical Engineering, 99, No.11, 60, November
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Alteraciones del Color de los Vinos Tintos y Blancos, Cortes I.M., Spanish Natl. Wine Res.
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The Use of a Coulter Counter to Study the Alcoholic Fermentation in Enological
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The Electronic Particle Counter and its Potential as a Brewery Control Instrument, Kinsman
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Utilisation d'un Compteur Électronique de Particules pour l'étude de la Croissance de
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The Use of the Coulter Counter for the Counting and Sizing of Dextrose Crystals in Invert
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Aggregation in Oil-in-Water Emulsions. Effects of Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate
Concentration, Higuchi W.I., Okada R. and Lemberger A.P., School of Pharm., Univ. of
Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., Presented at the 108th Convention of the American Pharm.Assoc.,
Chicago, March 1961.J.Pharm.Sci., 51, No.7, 683-687, July 1962.
Kinetics of Rapid Aggregation in Suspensions. Comparison of Experiments with the
Smoluchowski Theory, Higuchi W.I., Okada R., Stelter G.A. and Lemberger A.P., Univ. of
Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., Presented at the 109th Convention of the American Pharmaceutical
Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1962.J.Pharm.Sci., 52, No.1, 49-54, January 1963.
Particle Size Counter: Aids Emulsion and Suspension Development at Hoffmann-La
Roche, Bonem F.L., , Food Processing, April 1962, 2pp. (Editorial).
The Preparation and Size Distribution of Some Monodisperse Emulsions, Wachtel R.E. and
La Mer V.K., Dept. Chem., Colombia Univ., N.Y., J.Coll.Sci., 17, No.6, 531-564, August 1962.
Measuring Particle Sizes. Editorial Article on the National Cash Register Co., , ,
Measurement and Control, 2, No.4, 142-147, April 1963.
The Coulter Counter - A Tool in Formulation Research, Van Valkenburg W., Van Horn R. and
Rosenfield C., Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan, Down to Earth (Dow Chemical Publication),
21, No.3, 10-11, Winter 1965.
Emulsification of Linseed Oil: Effects of Oil Viscosity, Temperature, Time of Agitation, and
Age on Particle-Size Distribution, Princen L.H., Kwolek W.F. and Stolp J.A., Northern Reg.
Res. Lab., Peoria, Ill., Presented at 151st Natl.Mtg.of American Chem.Soc., Pittsburgh, Pa.,
March 22nd-31st 1966, 3pp.Published as No.166.
Emulsification of Linseed Oil. I. Effects of Oil Viscosity, Temperature, Time of Agitation,
and Age of Emulsions of Particle Size Distribution, Princen L.H., Stolp J.A. and Kwolek W.F.,
Northern Reg. Res. Lab., U.S.D.A., Peoria, Ill., J.Paint Technol., 39, No.507, 182-187, April
1967.(See also No.101).
Emulsification of Linseed Oil. II. Fitting the Truncated Log Normal Distribution with
Coincidence Corrections to Coulter Counter Data, Kwolek W.F., Princen L.H. and Greenspun
R.L., Northern Reg. Res. Lab., U.S.D.A., Peoria, Ill., J.Paint.Technol., 39, No.507, 188-190, April
Distribution of Drop Sizes Produced in Turbulent Liquid-Liquid Dispersion, Sprow F.B.,
Esso Res. and Engrg. Co., Baytown, Texas, Chem.Eng.Sci., 22, 435-442, April 1967.
Effect of Preparation Parameters on the Initial Size Distribution Function in Oil-in-Water
Emulsions, Becher P., Chem. Res. Dept., Atlas Chemical Industries, Inc., Wilmington, Del.,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 24, 91-96, July 1967.
The Effects of Initial Surfactant Concentration and Emulsification Time upon the Particle
Size and Distribution of Benzene-in-Water Emulsions, Rehfeld S.J., Shell Development Co.,
Emeryville, Calif., J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 24, 358-365, September 1967.
Drop Size Distributions in Strongly Coalescing Agitated Liquid-Liquid Systems, Sprow
F.B., Esso Res. and Engrg. Co., Baytown, Texas, A. I. Ch. E. Journal, 13, No.5, 995-998,
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Estimating Globule-Size Distribution of Oil-in-Water Emulsions by Spectroturbidimetry,
Walstra P., Univ. of Agric., Wageningen, Netherlands, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 27, No.3, 493-500, July
Improved Stability and Film Properties of Emulsion Coatings through Reversed
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Generating, Sizing and Counting Oil Droplets, Loriston-Clarke A.G. and Thew M.T., Dept.
Mech. Eng., Univ. Southampton, Presented at the Seventh British Coulter Counter Users' Conf.,
London, March 1969, 20pp.
Estimating Globule-Size Distribution of Oil-in-Water Emulsions by Coulter Counter, Walstra
P. and Oortwijn H., Univ. of Agric., Wageningen, Netherlands, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 29, No.3, 424431, March 1969.
Correlation of Emulsion Particle Size and Aluminum Tandem Hot Mill Rolling Performance,
Penny F.R., Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp., Ravenswood, W. Va., Presented at 25th ASLE
Annl.Mtg., Chicago, May 4th-8th 1970.J.Amer.Soc.Lubrication Engineers, 87-90, March 1971.
Dosage de Substances non Miscibles par Chromatographie en Phase Gazeuse:
Hydrocarbures dans l'Eau, Goma G. and Durand G., Lab. de Génie Biochim., Inst. Natl. des
Scis. Appliquées, Toulouse, Water Research, 5, 545-552, 1971.
Experiments in Coalescence by Flow through Fibrous Mats, Spielman L.A. and Goren S.L.,
Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. of California, Berkeley, Calif., Ind.Eng.Chem.Fundam., 11, No.1, 73-83,
Adsorption of Polyvinyl Alcohol on the Paraffin-Water Interface, Lankveld J.M.G. and
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Stability of Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsion, Chen E.C., Dept. of Environment, Ottawa, Ontario,
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1973, 19pp.
Fettügelchen-Groenverteilung in homogenisierter Milch und anderen Öl-in-WasserEmulsionen, Kurzhals H.-A. and Reuter H., Milk Inst., Kiel, Chemie-Ing.-Techn., 45, No.8, 491497, August 1973.
Stability of Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsions, Chen E.C., Inland Waters Directorate, Environment
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Stability of Hydrocarbon-in-Water Emulsions During Centrifugation. Influence of Dispersed
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J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 46, No.3, 448-459, March 1974.
Determination of Particle Size Distribution of Oil-In-Water Emulsions by Electronic
Counting, Lien T.R. and Phillips C.R., Dept. Chem. Eng. and Appl. Chem., Univ. of Toronto,
Canada, Environmental Science and Technology, 8, No.6, 558-561, June 1974.
Granular Packed Bed Coalescer: The Influence of Packing Wettability on Coalescence,
Madia J.R., Fruch S.M., Miller C. and Beerhower A., UCLA, Los Angeles; Exxon Res. and Engrg.
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The Influence of Freezing-Thawing on the Stability of Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsions, Chen
E.C., Inland Waters Directorate, Dept. Environment, Ottawa, J.Canad.Petroleum Technol., 38-41,
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Determination ot Particle Size Distribution in a Modified Hop Extract Emulsion by
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Rheological Properties of Creams Upon Production Scale-Up, Fujiyama Y., Tahara S. and
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Photomicrographs Can Help Assess Efficiency of Oil-Removal Operation, Churchill R.J. and
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A Review of Methodology for Emulsification Properties of Plant Proteins, Puski G., Food
Res. Lab., Central Soya, Chicago, Ill., Cereal Chemistry, 53, No.3, 650-655, September/October
Granular Packed Bed Coalescer: Influence of Packing Wettability on Coalescence, Madia
J.R., Fruh S.M., Miller C.A. and Beerbower A., Dept. Energy & Kinetics, Univ. Calif., Los Angeles;
Exxon Res. & Engrg. Co., Government Res. Lab., Linden, N.J.; and Carnegie-Mellon Univ.,
Pittsburgh, Pa., Envir.Sci.Technol., 10, No.10, 1044-1046, October 1976.
Testing the Stability of Cosmetics Emulsions, Quack J.M., Reng A.K. and Skrypzak W.,
Hoechst AG., Frankfurt, Main, Cosmetics & Toiletries, 91, 21-37, October 1976.
Focus on Roofing Asphalt, Warford M., Tremco Res. Center, RSI, 68-70, November 1976.
Einflu der Kavitation als Zerkleinerungsmechanismus bei der Hochdruckhomogenisation
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Experimentelle Bestimmung des Zerkleinerungsmechanismus Turbulenz bei der
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No.12, 337-341, December 1976.
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Emulsions Stabilized by Non-Ionic Surface-Active Agents: Effect of Electrolyte, Becher P.,
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The Stability of Oil-in-Water Emulsions Containing Paraffinic Oils and Alkyl Sulphates,
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Coll., Univ. London, Chapter 18, in Theory and Practice of Emulsion Technol., ed.Smith A.L.,
Academic Press, London, 1976, p.305-324.
Colloid Chemical Studies on Bitumen-in-Water Emulsions Part I. Absorption of Water in
the Bitumen Droplets and Other Factors affecting Emulsion Viscosity, Tausk R.J.M. and
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Colloid Chemical Studies on Bitumen-in-Water Emulsions Part III. Comparison of Particle
Size Analysis Techniques and Determination of Emulsifier Adsorption at the
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Characterization of Oil-in-Water Emulsions: An Evaluation of the Coulter Counter
Technique, Hamza H.A. and Andersen N.E., Dept. Energy, Mines and Resources, Western Res.
Lab., Edmonton, Alberta, Proc.Intnl.Symp.Fine Particles Processing, Las Vegas, Nevada,
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Fat Droplet Size Analysis: The Application of Spectroturbidimetry, Shaw A.T. and Darling
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Stability and Flocculation of Oil Droplets in Dilute Emulsions, Mima H. and Kitamori N.,
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The Use of the Coulter Counter for the Particle Size Analysis of Some Emulsion Systems,
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The Influence of Emulsifier Concentration on the Rheological Properties of an Oil-in-Water
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Particle Size Analysis of Emulsion Systems, Groves M.J. and Freshwater D.C., Res. Dept.,
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The Effect of Prolonged Ultrasonic Irradiation on Emulsion Systems Stabilised with
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Hydrophobic Bonding in Soap-Stabilised Emulsions, Davis S.S., Pharm. Dept., Univ. of
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Consideration of the Spielman-Honig Theory in the Quantitative Analysis of Coalescence
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Stabilization of Oil-In-Water Emulsions by Alkyl Sulphates: The Influence of the Nature of
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Temperature Studies with Nonaqueous Emulsions, Reichmann K.W. and Petersen R.V., Coll.
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Enhancing Effect of Calcium Ions of Transport of Cholesterol from Aqueous Sodium
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The Particle Size Analysis of Multiple Emulsions, Davis S.S., Purewal T.S. and Burbage A.S.,
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The Particle Size Analysis of Multiple Emulsions (Water-in-Oil-in-Water), Davis S.S. and
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Electron Micrography of Water-in-Oil-in-Water Emulsions, Davis S.S. and Burbage A.S.,
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Formulation and Evaluation of Ethiodized Oil Emulsion for Intravenous Hepatography,
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Les Emulsions: VII: Application du Compteur Coulter à l'Analyse Granulométrique des
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Ostwald Ripening in Emulsion Systems. The Effect of an Added Third Component, Davis
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Evaluation of Emulsifier Blending, Shinoda K., Yoneyama T. and Tsutsumi H., Dept. Chem.,
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Stability of Intravenous Fat Emulsions, Williams K., Walker G., Peisach A.R. and Phillips P.J.,
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A Comparative Study of Emulsions Prepared by Ultrasound and by a Conventional
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Stability of Intravenous Fat Emulsions, Black C.D. and Popovich N.G., West Lafayette, Ind.,
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A Study of Intravenous Emulsion Compatibility: Effects of Dextrose, Amino Acids, and
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The Function of Phospholipids of Soybean Lecithin in Emulsions, Rydhag L. and Wilton I.,
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A Study on Intravenous Hyperalimination (II): Evaluation of Emulsion Stability for Fat
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Stability of a Fat Emulsion Based Intravenous Feeding Mixture, Burnham W.R., Hansrani
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Hosp., Nottingham; and Dept. Pharm., Univ. Nottingham, Int.J.Pharmaceutics, 13, 9-22, 1983.
Study of Intravenous Hyperalimentation: Effect of Selected Amino Acids on the Stability of
Intravenous Fat Emulsions, Takamura A., Ishii F., Noro S., Tanifuji M. and Nakajima S., Meiji
Coll. of Pharm., Tokyo, and Daigo Nutritive Chemicals Ltd., Osaka, Japan, J.Pharm.Sci., 73,
No.1, 91-94, January 1984.
Physicopharmaceutical Characteristics of an Oil-in-Water Emulsion-Type Ointment
Containing Diclofenac Sodium, Takamura A., Ishii F., Noro S. and Koishi M., Meiji Coll.
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Stability Studies on Total Parenteral Nutrition Mixtures Containing Fat Emulsions, Cripps
A.L., School of Pharm., Portsmouth Polytechnic, Brit.J.Pharmaceutical Practice, 6, No.6, 187195, June 1984.
Effect of Electrolytes in the Presence of Some Trace Elements on the Stability of All-inOne Emulsion Mixtures for Total Parenteral Nutrition, Iliano L., Delanghe M., van Den
Baviere H. and Lauwers A., Lab. Algemene Biochem. en Fys. Farmacie; Centrale Apotheek,
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Gent, Belgium, J.Clin.and Hosp.Pharm., 9, 87-93, 1984.
Particle Size Stability of Intralipid and Mixed Total Parenteral Nutrition Mixtures, Whateley
T.L., Steele G., Urwin J. and Small G.A., Dept. Pharm., Univ. Strathclyde, Glasgow, and Dept.
Pharm., Glasgow Royal Inf., J.Clin.and Hosp.Pharm., 9, 113-126, 1984.
Transfer Phenomena Across the Oil Phase in Water-Oil-Water Multiple Emulsions
Evaluated by Coulter Counter. 1. Effect of Emulsifier 1 on Water Permeability, Garti N.,
Magdassi S. and Whitehill D., Casali Inst. of Appl. Chem., Sch. of Appl. Sci. and Technol., The
Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem, Israel, and Sch. of Pharm., Robert Gordon's Inst. of Technol.,
Schoolhill, Aberdeen, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 104, No.2, 587-591, April 1985.
Administration of Fat Emulsions with Nutritional Mixtures from the 3L Delivery System in
T.P.N, Grimble G.K., Rees R.G., Patil D.H., Keohane P.P., Attrill H.A., Frost P.G., Cribb A.R. and
Silk D.B.A., Depts. Gastroenterol. and Nutrition, Pharm. and Chem. Pathol., Central Middx.
Hosp., London, J.Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, May-June 1985, 25pp.
Measurement of Lipase Activity by a Differential pH Technique, Ceriotti F., Bonini P.A.,
Murone M., Barenghi L., Luzzana M., Mosca A., Ripamonti M. and Rossi-Bernadi L., Lab. di
Analisi, H.S. Raffaele, Ist. di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Milan; and Dipt. di Sci. e
Technol. Biomed., Univ. Milan, Clin.Chem., 31, No.2, 257-260, 1985.
The Particle Size of Emulsions, Groves M.J., Scarlett B. and Freshwater D.C., Res. Dept.,
Boots Pure Drug Co. Ltd., Nottingham; and Chem. Engrg. Dept., Loughborough Univ. Technol.,
Proc.S.A.C.Conf.Particle Size Analysis, Loughborough, September 1966, publ.Soc.Anal.Chem.,
London, 1967, p.281-7.
Phase Distribution Studies on an Oil-Water Emulsion Based on a Eutectic Mixture of
Lidocaine and Prilocaine as the Dispersed Phase, Nyqvist-Mayer A.A., Brodin A.F. and Frank
S.G., Pharm. R & D, Astra Läkemedel AB, Södertälje, Sweden; and Div. of Pharmaceutics and
Pharm. Chem., Coll. of Pharm., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio, J.Pharm.Sci., 74, No.11,
1192-1195, November 1985.
The Particle Size of an Homogenized Oil and Water Emulsion, Sherwood J.D., I.C.I.
Pharmaceuticals Div., Presented at the Royal Soc.of Chem.Particle Size Analysis Group Mtg.on
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the Electrical Sensing Zone Method for Particle Size Analysis, Luton, March 19th 1986, 7pp.(See
also Ph.377).
Effects of pH, Temperature, Concentration, and Time on Particle Counts in LipidContaining Total Parenteral Nutrition Admixtures, Bettner F.S. and Stennett D.J., Pharmacy
Services, Veterans Admin. Med. Center, Portland; and Coll. of Pharm., Oregon State Univ.,
Corvallis, Oregon, J.Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 10, No.4, 375-380, 1986.
Analysis of Intravenous Fat Emulsions by Coulter Counter Analysis: Parts 1 and 2,
Sherwood J.D., I.C.I. Pharmaceuticals Div., Based on the presentation to the Royal
Soc.Chem.Particle Size Analysis Group Mtg.on the Electrical Sensing Zone Method of Particle
Size Analysis, Luton, March 19th 1986, (see Ph.366), 16pp.(To be published 1987).
Effects of the Inclusion of a Model Drug on the Performance of Self Emulsifying
Formulations, Pouton C.W., School of Pharm. and Pharmacol., Univ. of Bath,
J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 37, (Suppl.), 1P, December 1985.
Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems: Assessment of the Efficiency of Emulsification,
Pouton C.W., Dept. Pharm., Chelsea Coll., Univ. of London, Intnl.J.Pharm., 27, 335-348, 1985.
The Effect of Surfactant HLB on the Self-Emulsifying Efficiency of Non-Ionic SurfactantVegetable Oil Mixtures, Wakerly M.G., Pouton C.W., Meakin B.J. and Morton F.S., School of
Pharm. and Pharmacol., Univ. of Bath; and R.P. Scherer Ltd., Swindon, J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 38,
(Suppl.), 2P, December 1986.
Analysis of Intravenous Fat Emulsions by Coulter Counter Analysis, Sherwood J.D., Pharm.
Dept., ICI Plc., Pharm. Divn., Mereside, Macclesfield, Analyt.Proc., 24, 277-281, September
Formation of Liquid Crystals in Sunflower Oil in Water Emulsions, Pilpel N. and Rabbani
M.E., Chelsea Dept. Pharm., King's Coll. (KOC), Univ of London, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 119, No.2,
550-558, October 1987.
Formation of Water/Oil/Water Multiple Emulsions with Solid Oil Phase, Magdassi S. and
Garti N., Casali Inst. of Appl. Chem., The Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 120, No.2,
537-539, December 1987.
Self-Emulsifying Systems for Oral Delivery of Drugs, Pouton C.W., Wakerly M.G. and Meakin
B.J., School of Pharm. and Pharmacol., Univ. of Bath,
Proceed.Intern.Symp.Control.Rel.Bioact.Mater., (Controlled Release Society, Inc.), 14, 113-114,
Administration of Fat Emulsions with Nutritional Mixtures from the 3-Liter Delivery System
in Total Parenteral Nutrition, Grimble G.K., Rees R.G., Patil D.H., Keohane P.P., Attrill H.A.,
Frost P.G., Cribb A.R. and Silk D.B.A., Depts. Gastroenterol. and Nutrition, Pharm. and Chem.
Pathol., Central Middx. Hosp., London, J.Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 9, No.4, 456-460,
Stabilization of Dodecylbenzene in Water Emulsions with Nonionic Emulsifiers, Pilpel N.,
Pithayanukul P. and Ojo-Osagie A.C., Chelsea Dept. of Pharm., King's Coll., Univ. London,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 127, No.2, 336-345, February 1989.
Rheology of Foams and Highly Concentrated Emulsions IV. An Experimental Study of the
Shear Viscosity and Yield Stress of Concentrated Emulsions, Princen H.M. and Kiss A.D.,
General Foods Corp., Tech. Center, Tarrytown, New York; and Exxon Res. and Engrg. Co., Corp.
Res. Lab., Annandale, New Jersey, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 128, No.1, 176-187, March 1st 1989.
Oil-in-Water Emulsion Investigation in the System Oil/Brij 35/Phenoxy, 2-Ethanol/Sea
Water: Comparison of Partitioning and Droplet Size Data, Treiner C., Laurent A., Fessi H. and
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Formation of Fine Three-Phase Emulsions by the Liquid Crystal Emulsification Method
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Ostwald Ripening in Emulsions. 2. Ostwald Ripening in Hydrocarbon Emulsions:
Experimental Verification of Equation for Absolute Rates, Kabalnov A.S., Makarov K.N.,
Pertzov A.V. and Shchukin E.D., Inst. Organoelement Compounds, Moscow; and Moscow State
Univ., Chem. Dept., Moscow, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 138, No.1, 98-104, August 1990.
Ultrasonic Investigation of the Particle Size Dependence of Crystallization in nHexadecane-in-Water Emulsions, Dickinson E., McClements D.J. and Povey M.J.W., Dept.
Food Sci., Univ. Leeds, West Yorkshire, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 142, No.1, 103-110, March 1st 1991.
Polysaccharide-Coated Oil Droplets in Oil-in-Water Emulsions as Targetable Carriers for
Lipophilic Drugs, Iwamoto K., Kato T., Kawahara M., Koyama N., Watanabe S., Miyake Y. and
Sunamoto J., Dept. Pharm. Res., Tsukuba Res. Labs., Eisai Co. Ltd., Tsukuba, Ibaragi, Japan;
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The Use of Particle Size Analysis Methods to Assess the Stability of Intravenous Lipid
Emulsions in 'All-In-One' Admixtures, Cosslett A. and Barnett M.I., Welsh School Pharm.,
Univ. of Wales Coll. of Cardiff, Presented at Conf.'Particles Today', Royal Soc.Chem.Particle
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O/W Emulsions as Carriers for Micronised Drug Particles, Steffens K.J., Lich A. and
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Computational Prediction of the Stability of Lipid Emulsions in Total Nutrient Admixtures,
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Coulter Counter Based Coalescence Assay for the Determination of Emulsion Stability
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The Sand Filtration of Algae Suspensions, Borchardt J.A. and O'Melia C.R., Univ. Michigan,
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Filtration of Particles from Suspension by the American Oyster Crassostrea Virginica,
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Influence of Relative Humidity on Filtration Resistance and Efficiency, Durham J.F. and
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Instrumentation for Filtration Tests, Kinsman S., Coulter Electronics Inc., Hialeah, Florida,
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Filtration Prescreening Procedures, Butts T.J. and Hungerford W.B., Exxon Chemical Co.,
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Submicron Filtration, Johnston P.R., Carborundum Co., Lebanon, Indiana,
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Filtration of Air by Fibrous Filters, Stenhouse J.I.T., Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. of Technol.,
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Materials and Methods of Wort Production that Influence Beer Filtration, Leedham P.A.,
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Anti-Fouling Techniques in Cross-Flow Microfiltration, Milisic V. and Bersillon J.L., Inst.
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Problems with Filter Aid in Filtration Equipment, De Rijke J.M., Van Tilburg J.P.J., Scarlett B.,
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Application of Expanded PTFE Membrane Filter to In-Stack Particle Size Measurement,
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A Comparison of Filtration Performance using Particle Counting and Pore Sizing
Techniques, Harfield J.G., Wenman R.A. and Batchu H., Scientific Instrument Application
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Facility, Coulter Electronics Ltd., Luton, Presented at 1st A.G.M.and Intnl.Techn.Conf., Filtration
Soc.Americas, Ocean City, MD, March 21st-24th 1988, 11pp.
Cross-Flow Membrane Filtration of Sea Water, Abdel-Ghani M.S., Jones R.E. and Wilson
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Scis., Marine Sci. Labs., Univ. Coll. of North Wales, Gwynedd; and Fairey Filtration Div.,
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Double Direct Filtration for High Turbidity Removal, Boller M. and Munz C., Swiss Fed. Inst.
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Rapid Gravity Filtration - Towards a Deeper Understanding, Mackie R.I., Dept. Civil Engrg.,
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A Comparison of Filtration Performance using Particle Counting and Pore Sizing
Techniques, Batchu H., Harfield J.G. and Wenman R.A., Coulter Electronics, Inc., Hialeah, FL;
and Coulter Electronics Ltd., Luton, Fluid/Particle Separation J., 2, No.1, 5-10, March 1989.
A Systems Approach to Filtration of Completion Fluids, Johnson T.W., 3M Company, St.
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Bekipor Sintered Metal Fiber Media for Fluid Filtration, , , Report FF 301, publ. N.V. Bekaert
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Removing Giardia Cysts From Low Turbidity Waters by Rapid Rate Filtration, Al-Ani M.Y.,
Hendricks D.W., Logsdon G.S. and Hibler C.P., Sci. Res. Council, Jadirayh Baghdad, Iraq;
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Microfiltration of Biomass and Biofluids: Effects of Membrane Morphology and Operating
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Multilayered Sheets: The Media of the Future for Automotive Filtration Applications?',
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Particle Behavior in Deep-Bed Filtration : Part 1 - Ripening and Breakthrough, Moran D.C.,
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Univ. Texas, Austin, TX, J.AWWA, 69-81, December 1993.
The use of Pore Size Distribution to Determine Filtration Efficiency, Sexton J., Filters for
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Evaluation of Filtration Tests with Gradual Pressure Increase and Sedimentation, Oja M.
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Laminated Media for Liquid Filtration, J.C. Binzer, Hatzfeld/Elder, Germany, Paper 17/97E,
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An Investigation into the Filtration of Biological Materials: Why is it Such a Problem?, , ,
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Fundamentals and Optimization of Crushing Processes in Food Production, Niediek E.A.,
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Effects of Size and Concentration of Food Particles on the Feeding Behavior of the Marine
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Grazing Rates and Food Selection in Diaptomus oregonensis (Copepoda) from Marion
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The Separation of Micro-organisms from Foods, Wood J.M., British Food Manufacturing Ind.
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A Method for Determining Food Selection by Zooplankton, Lampert W., Limnol. Inst., Univ.
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Feeding, Growth, and Food Conversion of the Marine Planktonic Copepod Calanus
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Feeding Behavior of Calanus pacificus in Mixtures of Food Particles, Frost B.W., Dept.
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The Egg Production of a Marine Planktonic Copepod in Relation to its Food Supply:
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Size Fractionation of Phytoplankton as an Estimate of Food Available to Herbivores, Runge
J.A. and Ohman M.D., Sch. of Oceanogr., Univ. Washington, Seattle, Limnol.Oceanogr., 27,
No.3, 570-576, 1982.
Characterization of Feeding Activity Patterns in the Planktonic Copepod Centropages
typicus Kroyer under Various Food Conditions, Cowles T.J. and Strickler J.R., Woods Hole
Oceanogr. Inst., Woods Hole, Mass., and Australian Inst. of Marine Sci., Transville, Queensland,
Limnol.Oceanogr., 28, No.1, 106-115, 1983.
Population Dynamics of Food-limited Rotifiers in Two-stage Chemostat Culture, Boraas
M.E., Center for Great Lakes Studies, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee,
Limnol.Oceanogr., 28, No.3, 546-563, 1983.
The Effect of Food Quality on Feeding and Respiration by Daphnia and Diaptomus,
Richman S. and Dodson S.I., Dept. Biol., Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wisconsin, and Dept. Zool.,
Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Limnol.Oceanogr., 28, No.5, 948-956, 1983.
An Experimental Investigation of a Flagellate-Ciliate-Copepod Food Chain with Some
Observations Relevant to the Linear Biomass Hypothesis, Sheldon R.W., Nival P. and
Rassoulzadegan F., Dept. Fisheries and Oceans, Marine Ecology Lab., Bedford Inst. Oceanogr.,
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; and Station Zool., Villefranche sur Mer, France, Limnol.Oceanogr., 31,
No.1, 184-188, 1986.
Nutritional Ecology of the Ascidian Pyura stolonifera: Influence of Body Size, Food
Quantity and Quality of Filter-Feeding, Respiration, Assimilation Efficiency and Energy
Balance, Klumpp D.W., Zool. Dept., Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa, Marine Ecology-Progress
Series, 19, 269-284, October 10th 1984.
The Applications and Significance of Particle Size Measurement in the Food Industry,
Hayes G., Manchester Polytechnic, Presented at Coulter Sci.Symp.'Particle Technology',
September 26th-27th 1989, Natl.Motorcycle Museum, Solihull, 1pp.(Abstract only).
Pabulary Particles - Food for Body and Mind, Evers A.D., Flour Milling and Baking Res.
Assoc., Chorleywood, Presented at Coulter Sci.Symp.'Particle Technology', September 26th-27th
1989, Natl.Motorcycle Museum, Solihull, 1pp.(Abstract only).
Effects of Temperature and Food Abundance on Grazing and Short-Term Weight Change
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Use of Effluent Water from Fish-Ponds as a Food Source for the Pacific Oyster,
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Experimental Records of the Effects of Food Patchiness and Predation on Egg Production
of Acartia tonsa, Saiz E., Tiselius P., Jonsson P.R., Verity P. and Paffenhöfer G.-A., Skidaway
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The Effect of Fuel Oil Contaminants on Engine Operation, Brown J.F.C., British Ship Res.
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Size Analyses of Ash from Pulverised Fuel-Fired Power Stations, Conolly H.N., Central
Electricity Generating Board, Hams Hall, Presented at the Third British Coulter Counter Users'
Conf., Cardiff, March 1966, 8pp.
Comparative Particle Size Profiles of some Materials of Interest in Atomic Energy Fuel
Fabrication Processes, Smith G. and Ferret D.J., U.K.A.E.A., Winfrith, Dorset,
Proc.S.A.C.Conf.'Particle Size Analysis'.Loughborough, September 14th-16th 1966, publ.Society
for Analytical Chemistry, 1967, p.344-353.
Fast, Accurate Counts of Minute Particles, Kulwiec R.A. and Friedberg H.R., Assistant Editor;
and Crobaugh Labs., Cleveland, Ohio, Chemical Processing, 82-85, October 1965.
Determination of Particle Size Distribution in Uncured Propellant by Use of the Coulter
Counter, Christensen W.N., Thiokol Chemical Corp., Brigham City, Utah, Internal Publication
No.766-12016, ?1966, 21pp.
Particulates in an Explosives Laboratory, Scullion H.J. and Harris J.E.C., Quality Assurance
Directorate (Materials), Ministry of Defence, Royal Arsenal (East), Woolwich,
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Relating Coulter Counts at One Size Level to the Air Permeametric Specific Surface Area
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Quality Assurance Directorate, Royal Ordnance Factory, Bridgwater, Presented at the Coulter
Conf., London, April 10th-11th 1973, 4pp.
Ancillary Techniques in Particle Characterisation, Scullion H.J. and Harris J.E.C., Ministry of
Defence, Bridgwater, Proc.Soc.Analyt.Chem., 10, No.8, 108-114, May 1973.
Effect of Particle-Size Distribution on the Thermal Decomposition of - Lead Azide,
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Penna., J.Phys.Chem., 77, No.7, 870-875, 1973.
Environmental Particulates and High Explosives, Scullion H.J., Harris J.E.C. and McCormack
J., Materials Quality Assurance Directorate, Ministry of Defence, Puriton, Bridgwater, Somerset,
Proc.at a Colloquium 'Applications of Particle Size Analysis to Environmental Pollution', organised
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The Role of Particle Characterisation in the Quality Control of Explosives, Harris J.E.C.,
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Hydraulic Fluids
An Automatic Method for the Determination of the Degree of Contamination in Hydraulic
Fluids, Michaelson P.D., Boeing Airplane Company, Seattle, Wash., Presented at The
Symposium on Fluid Filtration and Contamination Behaviour and Control, at California Univ., Los
Angeles, February 1st 1961, 11pp.
An Appreciation of the Coulter Electronic Particle Counter as a Suitable Method for
Assessing the Contamination Level of Hydraulic Oils, Coppola R.F., Bristol Aircraft Ltd.,
Filton, Internal Publication M6/R/RFC/17 July 5th 1960, 7pp.
Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Control, Schuler R.B., , Company Report by the Contamination
Control Committee, North American Aviation, Columbus, Ohio, 1962, 18pp.
Preliminary Research and Development Report on the Automatic Sizing and Counting of
Particulate Contamination in Hydraulic Fluid using a Multi-Channel Model 'C' Coulter
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Counter, Van Loon J.K., Bendix-Pacific, North Hollywood, Calif., Presented at the S.A.E.A-6
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Automatic Particle Counters for Hydraulic Fluids, Part I, Calibration, Walker D.R., Douglas
Aircraft Co., Inc., Santa Monica, Calif., Presented at the S.A.E.A-6 Meeting, Miami Beach,
Florida, May 5th-10th 1963, 39pp.
Solute Transport Rates in Emulsion Systems, Higuchi W.I., Coll. Pharm., Univ. of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Mich., Presented at the Scientific Section of the American Pharmaceutical
Association, Miami Beach, Florida, May 16th 1963.(Abstract only).
Particle Size Analysis Obtained with an Electrical Sensing-Zone Analyser, Samartzopoulos
C.G., Coulter Electronics Ltd., St. Albans, Laboratory Practice, 39-42, January 1964.
The Coulter Counter, Wickham R., Admiralty Engrg. Lab., Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific
Service, 19, No.3, 153-156, May 1964.
Techniques for the Study of Contaminant Particulate in Fluids, Boxall E.S., Thermal Control
Co. Ltd., Hove, Presented at the Coulter Counter Users' Conference, Harpenden, Herts, May 6th7th 1965.Published in Filtration and Separation, 200-201 & 230, May/June 1966.
Counting and Measuring of Contamination Particles in Hydraulic Oils Using an Electric
Sensing Zone Instrument, Kinsman S., Coulter Electronics, Inc., Chicago, Ill., Presented at the
Meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers, AGE-1 B Sub-committee on Hydraulic
Pneumatic Military Support Equipment, Seattle, Wash., September 19th-20th 1963, 4pp.
Size Analysis of Particulate Contaminant, Boxall E.S., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Presented at
the 3rd British Coulter Counter Users Mtg., Cardiff, March 1966, 7pp.
Liquid Automatic Particle Counters and Contamination Monitors, , , Aerospace Information
Report AIR 898, Soc. of Automotive Engrs., Inc., January 31st 1968, 2pp.
Particle Size Analysis of Oil Samples with a Coulter Counter, Schmitz J.E., Carborundum
Co., Lebanon, Indiana, Presented at an A.I.Ch.E.Mtg., Minneapolis, August 30th 1972,
13pp.Published in Filtration and Separation, 426-428, July-August 1973.
Kinetics of Rapid Aggregation in Suspensions. Comparison of Experiments with the
Smoluchowski Theory, Higuchi W.I., Okada R., Stelter G.A. and Lemberger A.P., Univ. of
Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., Presented at the 109th Convention of the American Pharmaceutical
Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1962.J.Pharm.Sci., 52, No.1, 49-54, January 1963.
The Preparation and Size Distribution of Some Monodisperse Emulsions, Wachtel R.E. and
La Mer V.K., Dept. Chem., Colombia Univ., N.Y., J.Coll.Sci., 17, No.6, 531-564, August 1962.
The Coagulation of Hydrosols by Brownian Motion and Laminar Shear Flow, Swift D.L. and
Friedlander S.K., Dept. Chem. Engrg., John Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Maryland, J.Colloid
Science, 19, No.7, 621-647, September 1964.
Comparison of Size Distributions from the Coulter Counter and from Electron Microscopy,
Cooper W.D. and Parfitt G.D., Chemistry Dept., Univ. Nottingham, Presented at the A.C.S.Mtg.,
Pittsburgh, March 1966, 2pp.
The Coulter Counter - A Tool in Formulation Research, Van Valkenburg W., Van Horn R. and
Rosenfield C., Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan, Down to Earth (Dow Chemical Publication),
21, No.3, 10-11, Winter 1965.
Calibration of Coulter Counters for Particles ~1µ in Diameter, Mercer W.B., U.S. Army Biol.
Center, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Myld., Rev.Sci.Instr., 37, No.11, 1515-1520, November 1966.
Extinction Efficiencies of Large Latex Spheres, Seiber B.A. and Latimer P., Dept. Phys.,
Auburn Univ., Auburn, Alab., J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 23, 509-512, 1967.
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Particle Size Distribution in Rubber Latex, Wales M., Shell Development Co., Emeryville,
Calif., J.Phys.Chem., 66, 1768-1772, March 12th 1962.
Colloid Stability in Aqueous and Non-aqueous Media, Parfitt G.D., Univ. Nottingham,
Discussions of the Faraday Soc., No.42, 142, 1966.
Polymer Flocculation Kinetics of Dilute Colloidal Suspensions, Birkner F.B. and Morgan J.J.,
W.M. Keck Lab. Env. Health Engrg., California Inst. of Technol., Pasadena, Calif., Presented at
the Annl.Conf., Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 8th 1967.Journal of the American Water Works
Association, 60, No.2, 175-191, February 1968.
Polymer Flocculation Kinetics of Colloidal Suspensions., Keck W.M., Lab. Env. Health
Engrg., California Inst. of Technol., Resumé of Research, 4, No.2, September 1967, 2pp.
Improving Resolution in Coulter Counting by Hydrodynamic Focusing, Spielman L. and
Goren S.L., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Univ. of California, Berkeley, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 26, 175-182,
Comparison of Particle Size Distributions of 'Monodisperse' Particles from 0.8 to 3.5µ in
Diameter Using a Coulter Counter and Electron Microscopy, Cooper W.D. and Parfitt G.D.,
Dept. Chem., Univ. Nottingham, Kolloid-Zeitschrift und Zeitschrift für Polymere, 223, No.2, 160166, 1968.
Measurement of the Mean Size and Concentration of Particles in a Suspension Using the
Coulter Counter Model 'B' with the Model 'M' Volume Converter, Watkins D.L.,
Monmouthshire Tech. Coll., Crosskeys, Wales, Presented at the Seventh British Coulter Counter
Users' Conf., London, March 1969, 9pp.
Standard Calibration Materials for the Coulter Counter, Harfield J.G. and Wood W.M., Coulter
Electronics Ltd., Dunstable, Proc.S.A.C.Particle Size Analysis Conference, Bradford Univ.,
September 9th-11th 1970, p.293-300.
A Reliability Study on the Surface Area Analysis of Polymeric Materials by Dynamic BET
Method, Behringer A.J. and Ackerman R.C., Org. Mtls. Technol. Lab., Xerox Corp., Rochester,
N.Y., Proc.S.A.C.Particle Size Analysis Conference, Bradford Univ., September 9th-11th 1970,
Routine Particulate Characterization of Polymeric Materials Paper II. A Performance
Reliability Study on the Model 'C' Coulter Counter, Alliet D.F. and Behringer A.J., Org. Mtls.
Technol. Lab., Xerox Corp., Rochester N.J., Proc.S.A.C.Particle Size Analysis Conference,
Bradford Univ., September 9th-11th 1970, p.353-365.
The Correlation of Electron Microscope Results with those of the Coulter Counter and
Surface Area in the Charactarisation of Polymeric Materials, Behringer A.J., Alliet D.F. and
Ackerman R.C., Org. Mtls. Technol. Lab., Xerox Corporation, Rochester, N.J.,
Proc.S.A.C.Particle Size Analysis Conference, Bradford Univ., September 9th-11th 1970, p.366380.
A Light Scattering Photometer Using Photographic Film, Brunsting A. and Mullaney P.F.,
Biomed. Res. Group, Los Alamos Sci. Lab., Univ. of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico,
Rev.Sci.Instr., 43, No.10, 1514-1519, October 1972.
The Use of Coulter Calibration Latices, Harfield J.G., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Presented at the
Coulter Conf., London, April 10th-11th 1973, 15pp.
Filtration of Aqueous Latex Suspensions Through Beds of Glass Spheres, Fitzpatrick J.A.
and Spielman L.A., Div. Engrg. and Appl. Phys., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 43, No.2, 350-369, May 1973.
A. Comparison of Some Methods of Sizing Particles of a Latex for Calibrating a Coulter
Counter, Phipps L.W., Natl. Inst. for Res. in Dairying, Reading, Presented at the Sixth Coulter
Conf., London, March 5th-7th 1968, 6pp.
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Production of Uniform Microspheres, Fulwyler M.J., Perrings J.D. and Cram L.S., Los Alamos
Sci. Lab., Univ. of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico, Rev.Sci.Instr., 44, No.2, 204-206,
February 1973.
Coagulation In Turbulent Flow: Theory and Experiment, Delichatsios M.A. and Probstein
R.F., Dept. Mech. Eng., Massachusetts Inst. and Technol., Cambridge, Mass., J.Coll.Interf.Sci.,
51, No.3, 394-405, June 1975.
Short Contribution, Lines R.W., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Presented at the First European
Particle Size Analysis Conf., Nuremburg, September 17th-19th 1975, 9pp.
A Study of Available Particle Size Standards for Calibrating Electrical Sensing Zone
Methods, Alliet D.F., Xerox Corp., Rochester, New York, Powder Technol., 13, 3-7, 1976.
A Simple Method for Determination of the Average Particle Size of Coarse Suspensions
from Measurements of Apparent Specific Turbidity, Bagchi P. and Vold R.D., Dept. Chem.,
Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, J.Coll.Interf.Sci, 53, No.2, 194-201, November 1975.
The Measurement of Polymer Latex Particle Size with the Coulter® Nano-Sizer™, Lines
R.W. and Miller B.V., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Harpenden, Powder Technol., 24, 91-96, 1979.
Experimental Verification of Particle Size Determination by the New Coulter® NanoSizer™, Lines R.W. and Miller B.V., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Harpenden, Presented at Powder
Europa, Wiesbaden, January 22nd-24th 1980, 38pp.(See 1117).
Latex Particle Size Analysis by the Coulter Nano-Sizer™: Response to Synthetic Mixtures
of Sizes, Outsize Particle and Comparison with Other Methods, Daniels C.A. and Etter A.A.,
BF Goodrich Chemical Group, Avon Lake,Ohio, Powder Technol., 34, 113-119, 1983.
The Use of Electronically Counted Microspheres in Absolute Diatom Analysis, Battarbee
R.W. and Kneen M.J., Univ. Coll. London, Limnol.Oceanogr., 27, No.1, 184-188, 1982.
Particle Size and Size Distribution of Poly (butyl 2-cyanoacrylate) Nanoparticles - II.
Influence of Stabilizers, Douglas S.J., Illum L. and Davis S.S., Dept. Pharm., Univ. Nottingham,
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Practical Aspects of Hydrodynamic Chromatography for Latex Particle Size
Measurements, Rudin A. and Frick C.D., Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in
Chemistry, Univ. Waterloo, Ontario, Presented at Conf.Polymer Latex II, The Plastics and Rubber
Inst., London, May 21st-22nd 1985, paper 12, 8pp.
Optical Probe Study of a Nonentangling Macromolecule Solution -Bovine Serum
Albumin:Water, Ullmann K., Ullmann G.S. and Phillies G.D.J., Dept. Chem., Univ. Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 105, No.2, 315-324, June 1985.
Sedimentation and Light Scattering Studies of Copolymer Latexes, Ford J.R., Morfesis A.A.
and Rowell R.L., Dept. Chem., Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 105, No.2, 516520, June 1985.
Improved Multichannel Size Distribution Analysis, Harfield J.G., Knight P., Podgorney H. and
Wharton T., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Luton, Presented at Conf.PSA 85, Bradford Univ.,
September 16th-19th 1985, 12pp.Publ.in Particle Size Analysis 1985, ed.Lloyd P.J., J.Wiley &
Sons, Chichester, 1987, p.463-476.
The Effects of Artefact Peaks on the Calibration of Electrical Sensing Zone (Coulter
Counter) Instruments with Reference Latices, Elkington D.A. and Wilson R., Div. of Mech. and
Optical Metrol., Natl. Physical Lab., Teddington, Middx., Presented at Conf.PSA 85, Bradford
Univ., September 16th-19th 1985, preprints p.259-309.Publ.in Particle Size Analysis 1985,
ed.Lloyd P.J., J.Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1987, p.509-528.
The Stability In Aqueous Suspension of Latex Particles Intended for Use as Particle
Standards, Wilkinson M.C., Hearn J., Karpowicz F.H. and Chainey M., Chem. Defence Est.,
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Porton Down, Salisbury, and Dept. Physical Scis., Trent Poly., Nottingham, Presented at
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Size Analysis 1985, ed.Lloyd P.J., J.Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1987, p.181-196.
Monitoring the Amount of Coagulum and Number of Oversized Particles in a Latex, de
Jaeger N. and Gilleir J., Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Central Res., Colloid Dept., Mortsel, Belgium,
Presented at Conf.PSA 85, Bradford Univ., September 16th-19th 1985, 14pp.Publ.in Particle Size
Analysis 1985, ed.Lloyd P.J., J.Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1987, p.529-543.
Electrosteric Stability of Expandable Layer Latexes, Morfesis A.A., Univ. of Massachusetts,
Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science,
Chemistry, September 1983, 56pp.
Thermodynamics of Swelling of Polymer Latex Particles by a Water-Soluble Solvent: II.
Experimental Results on Cellulose Acetate Latices, Bindschaedler C., Gurny R., Doekler E.
and Peppas N.A., Dept. Pharm., Sch. of Pharm., Univ. Geneva; and Sch. of Chem. Engrg.,
Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Indiana, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 108, No.1, 83-94, November 1985.
The Storage and Handling of Polymer Latices Used as Particle Standards, Wilkinson M.,
Hearn J., Karpowicz F. and Chainey M., Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down,
Salisbury, Wilts.; Dept. Phys. Scis., Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham; and Emulsion Polymers Inst.,
Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa., Part.Charact., 3, 56-62, 1986.
A Comparison of Latex Particle Reference Standards, Bradshaw A. and Harfield J.G., Coulter
Electronics Ltd., Luton, Presented at Pittsburgh Conf., Atlantic City, March 9th-13th
1987.(Abstract only).
The Stability of Latex Particles in Aqueous Suspensions, Wilkinson M.C., Hearn J.,
Karpowicz F.H. and Chainey M., Chem. Def. Establishment, Porton Down, and Dept. Phys. Scis.,
Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham, Presented at 17th Annl.Mtg.Fine Particle Society, San Francisco,
July 1986.Particulate Science and Technology, No.5, 65-82, 1987.
Adsorption of Non-ionic Surfactants on Latices and Silica in Combination with Stability
Studies, Van Den Boomgaard Th., Tadros Th. F. and Lyklema J., Lab. for Phys. and Coll.
Chem., Agricultural Univ., Wageningen, and ICI Plant Protection Div., Bracknell, J.Coll.Interf.Sci.,
116, No.1, 8-16, March 1987.
The Assessment of a New Range of Large Monosized Polystyrene Spheres and their
Potential as Calibration Material for Particle Size Analysis Equipment, Blackford D.B., Health
and Safety Exec., Res. and Lab. Sci. Div., Sheffield, Aerosol Sci.and Technol., 6, No.1, 85-89,
Interactions between Polystyrene Latex Spheres and a Semiflexible Polymer,
Hydroxypropylcellulose, Russo P.S., Mustafa M., Cao T. and Stephens L.K., Macromolecular
Studies Group, Dept. Chem., Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, Louisiana, J.Coll.Interf.Sci.,
122, No.1, 120-137, March 1988.
High Resolution Particle Size Analysis over an Extended Size Range using a Multichannel
COULTER COUNTER® Instrument with a Focussed Flow Aperture System, Harfield J.G. and
Cowan M.P., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Luton, In, Particle Size Analysis 1988, ed.Lloyd P.J., John
Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 1988, p.151-158.
Dispersion Polymerization of Styrene in Polar Solvents II. Visualization of Surface Layers
of Steric Stabilizer on Dispersion-Polymerized and Precipitated Polystyrene Latex
Particles by Transmission Electron Microscopy, Paine A.J., Deslandes Y., Gerroir P. and
Henrissat B., Xerox Res. Centre, Ontario, Canada, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 138, No.1, 170-181, August
Aggregation/Fragmentation Processes in Unstable Latex Suspensions, Pefferkorn E. and
Stoll S., Inst. Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 138, No.1, 261-272, August
Bibliographic References
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Preparation and Properties of Uniform Coated Colloidal Particles. V. Yttrium Basic
Carbonate on Polystyrene Latex, Kawahashi N. and Matijevic E., Dept. Chem., Clarkson Univ.,
Potsdam, New York, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 138, No.2, 534-542, September 1990.
Fractal Dimensions of Latex Aggregates: Correlation between Hydrodynamic Radius and
Cluster Size, Stoll S., Elaissari A. and Pefferkorn E., Inst. Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 140, No.1, 98-104, November 1990.
Polyelectrolyte Induced Aggregation of Latex Particles: Influence of the Structural
Relaxation of Adsorbed Macromolecules on the Colloid Aggregation Mode, Elaissari A. and
Pefferkorn E., Inst. Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 141, No.2, 522-533,
February 1991.
Dynamics of Latex Aggregation. Modes of Cluster Growth, Pefferkorn E. and Varoqui R.,
Inst. Charles Sadron (CRM-EAHP), Strasbourg, France, J.Chem.Phys., 91, 5679-5686, 1989.
Characterization of the Aqueous Phase and the Water-Polymer Interface in Latex
Suspensions by Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Cansell F., Grabielle-Madelmont C. and
Ollivon M., Equipe Physicochimie des Systèmes Polyphasés, URA 1218 CNRS, Thiais, France,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 144, No.1, 1-17, June 1991.
Submicron Particle Sizing Using the Coulter LS 130, Meadhra R.O., Kramer H.J.M. and van
Drunen M.A., Lab. for Process Equipt., Delft Univ. of Technol., Holland, Presented at 5th
European Symposium Particle Characterization, PARTEC, March 24th-26th 1992, Nürnberg,
Germany.Preprints p.133-143.
Solvophoresis of Latex, Kosmulski M. and Matijevic E., Lab. of Adsorption and Phys. Chem. of
Surfaces, Polish Academy of Sci., Lublin, Poland; and Dept. Chem., Clarkson Univ., Potsdam,
New York, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 150, No.1, 291-294, April 1992.
Modes of Spontaneous and Provoked Cluster Fragmentation, Stoll S. and Pefferkorn E., Inst.
Charles Sadron (CRM-EAHP), Strasbourg, France, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 152, No.1, 247-256, August
Particle Concentration Effects on the Electrophoretic Mobility of Latex Particles, Dunstan
D.E., Rosen L.A. and Saville D.A., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Princeton Univ., New Jersey,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 153, No.2, 581-583, October 15th 1992.
Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) Latices Prepared with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, McPhee W.,
Tam K.C. and Pelton R., McMaster Centre for Pulp and Paper Res., Dept. Chem. Engrg.,
McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Canada, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 156, 24-30, 1993.
Kinetics and Modes of Destabilization of Antibody-Coated Polystyrene Latices in the
Presence of Antigen: Reactivity of the System IgG-IgM, Stoll S., Lanet V. and Pefferkorn E.,
Inst. Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France; and U.M. 103, CNRS-Biomerieux, Ecole Normale
Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 157, 302-311, 1993.
Bubble Formation in Water at Smooth Hydrophobic Surfaces, Ryan W.L. and Hemmingsen
E.A., Physiol. Res. Lab., Scripps Inst. of Oceanogr., Univ. of California at San Diego, CA,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 157, 312-317, 1993.
Preparation of Large Monodisperse Polystyrene Particles by a One Step Surfactant-Free
Emulsion Polymerization, Tuin G., Peters A.C.I.A., Van Diemen A.J.G. and Stein H.N., Lab.
Coll. Chem. and Thermodyn., Eindhoven Univ. of Technol., Eindhoven, Netherlands,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 158, 508-510, 1993.
Reference Methods and Materials for Counting by Instruments using Aperture Impedance
Pulse Counting (Coulter Principle), Harfield J.G., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Luton, Presented at
Reference Methods in Blood Cell Counting Seminar, held at MNR-Klinik, Klinikum der
Univ.Düsseldorf, November 20th 1993, 13pp.(Published as 1618).
Strategies for Improving Electrophoresis Data from the Coulter DELSA, Pelton R., Miller P.,
McPhee W. and Rajaram S., McMaster Center for Pulp and Paper Res., Dept. Chem. Eng.,
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McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ont., Canada, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem.and
Engrg.Aspects, 80, 181-189, 1993.
Kinetics and Isotherm of Block Copolymer Adsorption on Latex Particles. Part 1, Xu R.,
D'Unger G., Winnik M.A., Martinho J.M.G. and d'Oliveira J.M.R., Sci. Instruments, Coulter Corp.,
Hialeah, Fla.; Dept. of Chem. and Erindale College, Univ. Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and Centro
de Quimica-Fisica Molecular, Inst. Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal, Langmuir, 10, 2977-2984,
Effect of Laser Beam Dimensions on Electrophoretic Mobility Measurements, Finsy R., Xu
R. and Deriemaeker L., Vrije Univ. Brussel, Theoretische Fysische Scheikunde, Brussel, Belgium;
and Sci. Instruments, Coulter Corp., Hialeah, FL, Part.Part.Syst.Charact., 11, 375-378, 1994.
A Method for Dispersion and Particle Size Analysis of Superparamagnetic Beads, Cowley
J., Logiudice P. and Hildebrand H., Coulter Corp., Hialeah, FL., J.of NiH Research, 7, 58,
February 1995.
Tailoring Particle Size and Stability in Latex Emulsions, Chellappa C., Witco Corp.,
Greenwich, Conn., Modern Paint and Coatings, December 1995, 4pp.
Electrophoretic Mobility and Dielectric Response Measurements on Electrokinetically Ideal
Polystyrene Latex Particles, Gittings M.R. and Saville D.A., Dept. Chem. Eng., Princeton Univ.,
Princeton, New Jersey, Langmuir, 11, 798-800, 1995.
An Electrophoretic Investigation of the Relaxation Term in Electrokinetic Theory, Russell
A.S., Scales P.J., Mangelsdorf C.S. and Underwood S.M., Advanced Mineral Products Res.
Centre, Sch. of Chem. and Dept. of Math., Univ. of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia, Langmuir, 11,
1112-1115, 1995.
Adsorption of Rhodamine 6G onto Polystyrene Latex Particles with Sulfate Groups at the
Surface, Charreyre M.-T., Zhang P., Winnik M. A., Pichot C. and Graillat C., Dept. of Chem. and
Erindale Coll., Univ. of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Unité‚ Mixte CNRS-BioMérieux, ENSL, Lyon,
France; and Lab. des Matériaux Organiques, CNRS, Vernaison, France, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 170,
374-382, 1995.
Mucin Interactions with Functionalized Polystyrene Latexes, Durrer C., Irache J.M., Duchene
D. and Ponchel G., Centre d'Etudes Pharm., URA CNRS 1218, Univ. Paris-Sud, ChâtenayMalabry, France, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 170, 555-561, 1995.
Heterocoagulation of Sensitized Latexes in the Presence of HCG Protein: The Pregnancy
Test, Ouali L., Pefferkorn E., Elaissari A., Pichot C. and Mandrand B., Inst. Charles Sadron,
Strasbourg, France; and U.M. 103, CNRS-Biomerieux, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon,
France, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 171, 276-282, 1995.
The Influence of the Type of Flow on the Orthokinetic Coagulation Rate, Krutzer L.L.M., van
Diemen A.J.G. and Stein H.N., Lab. of Colloid Chem., Dept. Chem. Eng., Eindhoven Univ. of
Technol., Eindhoven, The Netherlands, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 171, 429-438, 1995.
Dielectric Response Measurements on Concentrated Colloidal Dispersions, Barchini R. and
Saville D.A., Dept. Chem. Eng., Princeton Univ., Princeton, New Jersey, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 173,
86-91, 1995.
Adsorption of Polyampholytes on Polystyrene Latex: Effect on Colloid Stability, Neyret S.,
Ouali L., Candau F. and Pefferkorn E., Inst. Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 176, 86-94, 1995.
Electrophoretic Mobility Study of Dodecyltrimethylammonium Bromide in Aqueous
Solution and Adsorption on Micropheres, Xu R. and Smart G., Scientific Instruments, Coulter
Corporation, Miami, Florida, To be published in Langmuir, 12, 1996, 9pp.
Control of Surfactant Level in Starve Fed Emulsion Polymerization. 4. Mathematical Model
and Experimental Test, Wang Z., Paine A.J. and Rudin A., Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland,
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Ohio; Xerox Res. Centre of Canada, Mississauga, Ontario; and Dept. Chem., Univ. of Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 177, 602-612, 1996.
Electrophoretic Properties of Monodisperse Polystyrene Particles, Tuin G., Senders J.H.J.E.
and Stein H.N., Lab. Colloid Chem. and Thermodynamics, Dept. Chem. Eng., Eindhoven Univ. of
Technol., Eindhoven, The Netherlands, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 179, 522-531, 1996.
Role of Polymer Flexibility in the Stabilization of Colloidal Particles by Model Anionic
Polyelectrolytes, Walker H.W. and Grant S.B., Dept. Civil and Environmental Eng., Univ. of
California, Irvine, California, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 179, 552-560, 1996.
Adsorption of Bovine Serum Albumin onto Polystyrene Latex Particles Bearing
Saccharidic Moieties, Revilla J., Elaissari A., Carriere P. and Pichot C., Unité‚ Mixte CNRSBioMérieux, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 180, 405-412,
Butyl Acrylate/Vinyl Acetate Copolymer Latex Synthesis Using Ultrasound as an Initiator,
Cooper G., Grieser F. and Biggs S., The Advanced Mineral Products Res. Centre, Sch. of Chem.,
Univ. of Melbourne; and Univ. of Newcastle, N.S.W., Australia, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 184, 52-63,
Optimization of Long-Term Stability of Magnetic Fluids from Magnetite and Synthetic
Polyelectrolytes, Mendenhall G.D., Geng Y. and Hwang J., Dept. Chem. and Inst. of Materials
Processing, Michigan Technol. Univ., Houghton, Michigan, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 184, 519-526, 1996.
Dielectric Spectroscopy of High-Solids, Styrene-Butadiene Latex Dispersions, Chonde Y.
and Shabrang M., Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 186, 248-253, 1997.
Perikinetic and Orthokinetic Aggregation/Fragmentation of Hairy Colloids, Le Berre F.,
Chauveteau G. and Pefferkorn E., Inst. Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France, J.Coll.Interf.Sci.,
189, 312-321, 1997.
Measurement of Colloidal Stability in Solutions of Simple, Nonadsorbing Polyelectrolytes,
Sharma A., Tan S.N. and Walz J.Y., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Tulane Univ. New Orleans, Louisiana,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 190, 392-407, 1997.
Effect of Nonadsorbing Polyelectrolytes on Colloidal Interactions in Aqueous Mixtures,
Sharma A., Tan S.N. and Walz J.Y., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Tulane Univ. New Orleans, Louisiana,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 191, 236-246, 1997.
Sizing up the Composition, Cooper J., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Luton, Materials World, 6, No.1,
5-8, January 1998.
High Resolution Particle Size Measurement by Coulter Principle, Harfield J., Coulter
Electronics Ltd., Luton, Presented at PARTEC 98, Nuremburg, March 10th-12th 1998, 9pp.
Some Studies of Flocculation Phenomena in Pharmaceutical Suspensions, Matthews B.A.
and Rhodes C.T., Physical Pharmacy Dept., Coll. of Technol., Portsmouth, Hampshire,
J.Pharm.Sci., 57, No.4, 569-573, April 1968.
Use of the Coulter Counter and a Digital Computer for the Evaluation of Stability Ratios in
Flocculating Monodisperse Systems, Matthews B.A. and Rhodes C.T., Physical Pharmacy
Dept., Coll. of Technol., Portsmouth, Hampshire, J.Pharm.Sci., 57, No.4, 557-563, April 1968.
Microbiological Quality Control of Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Preparations, Parker M.S.
and Barnes M., Dept. Pharm., Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Soap, Perfumery and Cosmetics,
December 1967, 4pp.
The Use of the Coulter Counter for Investigating the Coagulation Kinetics of Mixed
Monodisperse Particulate Systems, Matthews B.A. and Rhodes C.T., Phys. Pharm. Dept.,
Portsmouth Coll. of Technol., Presented at the Sixth British Coulter Conf., London, March
1968.Published in J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 28, No.1, 71-81, September 1968.
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Coagulation and Flocculation in Suspensions of Griseofulvin and Polystyrene Latex,
Matthews B.A. and Rhodes C.T., Phys. Pharm. Dept., Portsmouth Coll. of Technol.,
J.Pharm.Pharmac., 20, Suppl.204S-212S, 1968.
Some Observations on the Use of the Coulter Counter Model B in Coagulation Studies,
Matthews B.A. and Rhodes C.T., Phys. Pharm. Dept., Portsmouth Coll. of Technol., Presented at
the Seventh British Coulter Counter Users' Conf., London, March 1969.Published in
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 32, No.2, 339-348, February 1970.
Studies of the Coagulation Kinetics of Mixed Suspensions, Matthews B.A. and Rhodes C.T.,
Phys. Pharm. Dept., Portsmouth Coll. of Technol., J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 32, No.2, 332-338, February
Aggregation Mechanisms in Pharmaceutical Suspensions, Matthews B.A. and Rhodes C.T.,
J.R. Geigy A.G., Basle, Switzerland, and Fac. Pharm. Scis., Univ. of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada, J.Pharm.Sci., 59, No.9, 1360-1362, September 1970.
The Biologic Effects of Polystyrene Latex Particles Administered Intravenously to Rats - A
Collaborative Study, Gesler R.M., Garvin P.J., Klamer B., Robinson R.U., Thompson C.R.,
Gibson W.R., Wheeler F.C. and Carlson R.G., Travenol Labs., Morton Grove, Ill.; Abbott Labs.,
North Chicago, Ill.; Cutter Labs., Berkeley, Calif.; Eli Lilley and Co., Indianapolis; and The Upjohn
Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., Bull.P.D.A., 27, No.3, 101-113, May-June 1973.
Precision and Accuracy of Analysis of Air-Filled Albumin Microspheres Using Coulter
Multisizer Mark II, Sontum P.C. and Christiansen C., Res. and Devt. Sect., Nycomed Imaging
AS, Oslo, Norway, J.Pharmac.& Biomed.Analysis, 12, No.10, 1233-1241, 1994.
Polytetrafluoroethylene and Fluorinated Ethylene-Propylene Grease Lubricants, Christian
J.B. and Arkles B., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and Liquid Nitrogen Processing Corp.,
Malvern, Penna., Presented at the 28th ASLE Annl.Mtg., Chicago Illinois, April 30th-May 3rd
1973.Published in Lubrication Engineering (J.Amer.Soc.Lub.Engrs.), 136-143, March 1974.
Effects of Heavy Metals on Protozoan Growth Rates, Gray J.S., Wellcome Marine Lab., Univ.
of Leeds, Robin Hood's Bay, Whitby, Yorkshire, Proc.at a Colloquium 'Applications of Particle
Size Analysis to Environmental Pollution', organised by the Society for Analytical Chemistry,
Chemical Society Particle Size Analysis Group, Univ.of Nottingham, September 18th-19th 1974,
Growth Rates of Sediment-living Marine Protozoan as a Toxicity Indicator for Heavy
Metals, Gray J.S. and Ventilla R.J., Wellcome Marine Lab., Univ. of Leeds, Yorks., Ambio, 2,
No.4, 118-122, 1973.
Sulfide Precipitation of Heavy Metals: Particle Morphology Characterization, Peters R.W.
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Solids Conf./Exhib., O'Hare Expo Center, Rosemont, III, May 7th-9th 1985, p.76-86.
The Effect of Tartrate, A Weak Complexing Agent, on the Removal of Heavy Metals by
Sulfide and Hydroxide Precipitation, Peters R.W. and Ku Y., Environmental Engrg. Dept., Sch.
of Civil Engrg., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Indiana, Particulate Sci.Technol., 6, 421-439, 1988.
The Zeta Potential of Iron and Chromium Hydroxide Oxides during Adsorption and
Coprecipitation of Aqueous Heavy Metals, Crawford R.J., Harding I.H. and Mainwaring D.E.,
School of Chem. Scis., Univ. Technol., Hawthorn, Australia; and Dept. Appl. Chem., Royal
Melbourne Inst. Technol., Melbourne, Australia, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 181, 561-570, 1996.
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Comments on "The Zeta Potential of Iron and Chromium Hydrous Oxides during
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On the Occurrence and Formation of Small Particles in Sea Water, Sheldon R.W., Evelyn
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A Short Review of Some Automated Techniques for the Detection and Characterization of
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Cross-Flow Membrane Filtration of Sea Water, Abdel-Ghani M.S., Jones R.E. and Wilson
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Oil-in-Water Emulsion Investigation in the System Oil/Brij 35/Phenoxy, 2-Ethanol/Sea
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An Automated Technique for Determining the Growth Rate of Chain-Forming
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The Coulter Counter and Its Use in Determining the Concentration of Natural Populations
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A.G.M.of the British Phycological Soc., 3rd-4th January 1967.(Abstract only).
The Determination of Phytoplankton Concentrations in a New Reservoir by the Coulter
Counter and Other Techniques, McGill S. and Evans J.H., Royal Holloway Coll., London,
Presented at the 15th A.G.M.of the British Phycological Society, 3rd-4th January 1967.(Abstract
Relationship between Carbon Content, Cell Volume, and Area in Phytoplankton, Mullin
M.M., Sloan P.R. and Eppley R.W., Inst. Marine Res., Univ. of California, San Diego, La Jolla,
Limnol.Oceanog., 11, 307-311, 1966.
Some Observations on the Dependence of Zooplankton Grazing on the Cell Size and
Concentration of Phytoplankton Blooms, Parsons T.R., LeBrasseur R.J. and Fulton J.D.,
Fisheries Res. Board of Canada, Nanaimo, B.C., J.Oceanographical Society of Japan, 23, No.1,
10-17, February 1967.
Application of an Electronic Particle Counter in Analyzing Natural Populations of
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Limnol.Oceanog., 13, No.3, 499-506, July 1968.
The Use of a Model A Industrial Coulter Counter in Quantitative Determinations of the
Phytoplankton of the River Thames, Evans J.H., Dept. Botany, Royal Holloway Coll., Univ.
London, Presented at S.A.C.Particle Size Group Mtg., April 21st 1971.Proc.Soc.Analyt.Chem., 8,
No.12, 260-264, December 1971.
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Die Bedeutung der genauen quantitätiven Erfassung des Planktons in der Limnologie und
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A Method for Determining Food Selection by Zooplankton, Lampert W., Limnol. Inst., Univ.
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Excretion of Organic Matter by Marine Phytoplankton; do Healthy Cells do it?, Sharp J.H.,
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Feeding Behavior of Calanus pacificus in Mixtures of Food Particles, Frost B.W., Dept.
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Nutrition of the Giant Clam Tridacna gigas (L). I. Contribution of Filter Feeding and
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Particle Sizing by Photon Correlation Spectroacopy. Part IV: Resolution of Bimodals and
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The Adsorption of Poly(vinyl alcohol) to Biodegradable Microparticles Studied by X-Ray
Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Shakesheff K.M., Evora C., Soriano I. and Langer R.,
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538-547, 1997.
Combining Particle Size Spectra from a Mesocosm Experiment Measured Using
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Logan B.E., Alldredge A.L. and Dam H.G., Dept. Oceanogr., Texas A&M Univ., TX; Envir. Engrg.
Program, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; Marine Scis. Inst., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA;
and Dept. Marine Scis., Univ. of Connecticut, Groton, CT, Topical Studies in Oceanography,
(Deep-Sea Research II), 42, No.1, 139-157, 1995.
Comparison of Volume (Weight) Distributions of Suspension Concentrates Determined
with the Coulter Counter and with the Centrifugal Disc Photosedimentometer,
Kanellopoulos A.G. and Wood R.J., Agro Production, Sandoz Ltd., Pratteln, Switzerland, Powder
Technol., 19, 283-285, 1978.
Particle Size of Colloidal Radiopharmaceutical Liver Scanning Agents by Photon
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Univ. Strathclyde, Glasgow, J.Pharm.Pharmac., 32 (Suppl.), 88P, 1980.
Liposomes Containing Fluorinated Steroids : An Analysis Based on Photon Correlation
and Fluorine-19 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Devoisselle J.-M., Vion-Dury J.,
Confort-Gouny S., Coustaut D. and Cozzone P.J., Lab. Biol. Cell., U.E.R. des Sci. Pharm.,
Montpellier; and Centre de Resonance Magn., Biol. et Med., URA CNRS 1186, Fac. de Med.,
Marseille, France, J.Pharm.Sci., 81, No.3, 249-254, March 1992.
Characterization of Ground Calcined Alumina Powders Using the Coulter Counter, Emonet
A.L.D., Res. Labs., British Aluminium Co. Ltd., Gerrards Cross, Bucks., Presented at the 3rd
British Coulter Counter Users Mtg., Cardiff, March 1966, 11pp.
Problems in Size Analysis of Mineral Powders, Jowett A., Univ. of Leeds, Presented at the 4th
British Coulter Counter Users Mtg., Bradford, April 1966, 8pp.
Rapid Particle-Size Analysis of Metal Powders with an Electronic Device, Ullrich W.J., Alcan
Metal Powders, Inc., Elizabeth, New Jersey, Modern Developments in Powder Metallurgy.Volume
1: Fundamentals and Methods, Plenum Press, 1966, 125-143.Also presented at the 1965
International Powder Metallurgy Conf., N.Y., June 14th-17th 1965.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Size Analysis of Metal Powders, Chaffin E.P., Murex Ltd., Rainham, Essex, Presented at the
5th British Coulter Counter Users Mtg., London, March 16th-17th 1967, 11pp.
Effect of Particle Size upon the Strength of Powders, Farley R. and Valentin F.H.H., Warren
Spring Lab., Stevenage, Herts., Powder Technology, 1, No.6, 344-354, April 1968.
A Critical Review of the Methods Available for Testing the Flow Properties of Powders,
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Dept.of Trade and Industry Report LR 153 (MH), April 1971, 17pp.
Dispersion Techniques for Ground Powders, Bowers A.C., A.C. Delco Ltd., Presented at the
Eighth Coulter Conf., Cardiff, March 25th-26th 1970, 4pp.
Particle Size Classification of Plastic Powders, Schaller R.E. and Lapple C.E., Donaldson Co.,
Inc., Minneapolis; and Stanford Res. Inst., Menlo Park, Calif., J.Paint Technol., 44, No.571, 8692, August 1972.
Sampling of Powders for the Coulter Counter®, Lines. R.W., Coulter Electronics Ltd.,
Presented at the Society of Analytical Chemistry Conf., Salford, September 13th-14th 1972,
High Purity Reactive Alumina Powders: II, Particle Size and Agglomeration Study, Johnson
D.W. Jr., Nitti D.J. and Berrin L., Bell Labs., Murray Hill, N.J., and Allentown, Pa., Ceramic
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The Mixing of Cohesive Powders., Orr N.A. and Shotton E., School of Pharm., Univ. of London,
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Sampling of Powders for Particle Size Analysis, Lines R.W., Coulter Electronics Ltd.,
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A Technique for the Redispersion of Fine Powders, Sansone E.B., Dept. Occ. Health, Univ. of
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Testing Polymeric Powders and Powder Coatings, , Amer. Soc. for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, ASTM Designation D 3451-75, 1975, 21pp.
Particle Segregation in Fine Powders by Tapping as Simulation of Jostling during
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Test Methods for Plastics Powders, Chambers R.H., Macpherson Powders Ltd., Polymers,
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The Use of Coulter Counter for Size Analysis of Cement Powders in Sub Sieve Range,
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Espoo, Finland, Presented at Powder Europa, Wiesbaden, January 22nd-24th 1980, 16pp.
Methods of Testing Powders, Simmons A.W., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Harpenden, Surfacing
J., 11, No.2, 9-12, 1980.
The Use of Coulter Counter for Size Analysis of Cement Powders in Sub-Sieve Range,
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Engrg., Metallimiehenkuja 2, Espoo, Finland, TIZ-Fachberichte Rohstoff-Engineering, 104,
No.7/80, 440-446, 1980.
Deposition Efficiency of Powders in the Electrostatic Powder Coating Process, Cross J.A.,
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Possibilities and Limitations of using the Electrical Impulse Method of Granulometric
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Size Analysis and Specific Surface Measurement of Finely Distributed Magnetite Powders:
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A Method to Estimate the Sphericity of Mineral Powders, Laapas H.R., Helsinki Univ. of
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Standard Practices for Testing Polymeric Powders and Powder Coatings, , , American
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Characterization of Rapidly Solidified and Mechanically Alloyed Al-Fe-Ce Powders,
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Measurement of Particle Size of Ultrafine (Submicrometre) WC Powders, Roebuck B. and
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Processing and Characterization of Zr02 and Y-Doped Zr02 Powders, Fegley B. Jr., White P.
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Study of the Particle Size Distribution of Fire Extinguishing Powders from Polydisperse
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Comparison of the Size Distribution of Boron Powders as Measured by Malvern
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Zur Problematik der Messung von Kornverteilungen feiner Wachspulver, Braun R. and
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Rheological and Fluidization Behaviour of Powders of Different Particle Size Distribution,
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Application of Precision Transparent Sieves to the Determination of Low Number
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Stability and Microelectrophoretic Measurements of Noble Metal Colloids and Ceramic
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The Effect of Vibration on the Fluidization Behaviour of some Cohesive Powders, Marring
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Solid Solutions, Faers D., Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings, Fazeley, Tamworth, Staffs, Business
West Midlands, 17-23, January 1996.
Dispersion of Fine Powders in Liquids, Groves M.J., Boots Pure Drug Ltd., Nottingham,
Lab.Practice, 14, 1282-1288, November 1965.
The Effects of Particle Size, Shape and Moisture Content on the Tensile Properties of
Procaine Penicillin Powders, Walton C.A. and Pilpel N., Pharm. Unit, Glaxo Labs. Ltd.,
Greenford, and Dept. Pharm., Chelsea Coll. of Sci., Univ. of London, J.Pharm.Pharmac., 24,
Suppl., 10P-16P, 1972.
The Effect of Particle Size and Shape on the Flow and Failure Properties of Procaine
Penicillin Powders, Pilpel N. and Walton C.A., Dept. Pharm., Chelsea Coll., Univ. of London,
and Pharmacy Unit, Glaxo Labs. Ltd., Greenford, J.Pharm.Pharmac., 26, Suppl., 1P-10P, 1974.
Mixing of Pharmaceutical Solids. IV. Effects of Concentration and Material Properties on
Multicomponent Mixing of Cohesive Powders, Chowhan Z.T., Chi L.-H. and Yang I.-C.,
Syntex Research, Inst. of Pharmaceutical Scis., Palo Alto, CA, Powder Technol., 29, 251-256,
Particle Size and Surface Area Distributions of Pharmaceutical Powders by
Microcomputerized Mercury Porosimetry, Carli F. and Motta A., Phys. Pharm. Lab., Pharm.
Res. and Devt., Farmitalia Carlo Erba, Milan, Italy, J.Pharm.Sci., 73, No.2, 197-203, February
Surface Analysis of Griseofulvin Powders by Krypton Adsorption: Evaluation of Specific
Surface Area, BET Constant C and Polanyi Adsorption Potential, Chow K.Y. and Grant
D.J.W., Fac. Pharm., Univ. of Toronto, Powder Technol., 56, 209-223, 1988.
Dissolution Studies of Pharmaceutical Powders Using the Coulter Multisizer II - Influence
of Particle Size, Simões S., Sousa A. and Figueiredo M., Lab. de Galénica e Tecnol. Farmac.,
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Coimbra, Presented at the Int.Symp.Solid Oral Dosage Forms, Stockholm, February
1994.(Abstract only).
Dissolution Rate Studies of Pharmaceutical Multisized Powders -a Practical Approach
Using the Coulter Method, Simões S., Sousa A. and Figueiredo M., Lab. de Galénica e Tecnol.
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Modeling Dissolution of Sparingly Soluble Multisized Powders, Pereira de Almeida L.,
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Inclusion Counting of Steel Residues as Means of Assessing the Hot Working
Performance of Steel, Wojcik W.M., Raybeck R.M. and Paliwoda E.J., Jones and Laughlin Steel
Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa., Journal of Metals, 36-40, December 1967.
Determination of Particle Size Distribution of Isolated Non-metallic Inclusions in Steel,
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the 18th Conf.of Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, 1967, 9pp.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Simplified Dust Sampling Apparatus for Use in Iron- and Steelworks, Flux J.H., Smithson
D.J. and Smithson R.N., Res. and Dev. Dept., British Steel Corp., Rotherham, J.Iron & Steel Inst.,
1188-1193, December 1968.
The Use of the Coulter Counter as an Aid to the Design of Gas Cleaning Plant for Iron and
Steelworks, Flux J.H. and Smithson D.J., British Steel Corp., Rotherham, Presented at the
Seventh British Coulter Counter Users' Conf., London, March 1969, 20pp.
Measurement of Size Frequency Distribution of Non-Metallic Inclusions, Miyashita Y. and
Nishikawa K., Tetsu To Hagane, 53, 400-402, 1967. (In Japanese)
Recent Progress in the Chemical Extraction of Non-Metallic Inclusions in Steel Techniques and Applications, Smerko R.G. and Flinchbaugh D.A., Homer Res. Labs.,
Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bethlehem, Pa., J.Metals, 43-51, July 1968.
Determining Size Distribution of Oxides in Plain Carbon Steels by Halogen-in-OrganicSolvent Extraction and Coulter Counter Measurement, Flinchbaugh D.A., Homer Res. Labs.,
Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bethlehem, Pa., Analyt.Chem., 41, No.14, 2017-2023, December 1969.
Expanded Capability of the Coulter Counter with a New Aperture Apparatus, Flinchbaugh
D.A., Homer Res. Labs., Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bethlehem, Pa., Anal.Chem., 43, No.2, 172-177,
February 1971.
Use of Modified Coulter Counter for Determining Size Distribution of Macroinclusions
Extracted from Plain Carbon Steels, Flinchbaugh D.A., Homer Res. Labs., Bethlehem Steel
Corp., Bethlehem, Pa., Anal.Chem., 43, No.2, 178-182, February 1971.
Dependence of Filtration Properties on Stainless Steel Medium Structure, Li T., Fluid
Dynamics Business Group, Memtec America Corp., DeLand, FL, Filtration & Separation, 34,
No.3, 265-273, April 1997.
Influence of Colloidal Particles on Dewatering of Activated Sludge with Polyelectrolyte,
Roberts K. and Olsson O., Swedish Inst. for Surface Chemistry, Stockholm, Env.Sci.Technol., 9,
No.10, 945-948, October 1975.
Dispersion of Sewage Sludge Discharged from Vessels to New York Bight Waters,
Callaway R.J., Teeter A.M., Browne D.W. and Ditsworth G.R., EPA, Corvallis Environmental Res.
Lab., Corvallis, Oregon, Abstracts, Special Symp.'The Middle Atlantic Continental Shelf and New
York Bight', Amer.Mus.Nat.History, New York City, November 3rd-5th 1975, p.10-11.
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Lunar Soil
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Lunar Soil: Size Distribution and Mineralogical Constituents, Duke M.B., Woo C.C., Bird
M.L., Sellers G.A. and Finkelman R.B., U.S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D.C., Science, 167, 648650, January 30th 1970.
Particle Size and Shape Distribution for Lunar Fines Sample 12057,72, Heywood H., Chem.
Eng. Dept., Univ. of Technol., Loughborough, Proc.2nd Lunar Science Conf., (M.I.T.Press), 3,
1989-2001, 1971.
Preliminary Report on an Investigation on Lunar Dust, Buxton R.E., Loughborough Univ.,
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Bibliographic References
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Acetyl Salicylic Acid
The Analysis by Coulter Counter of Some Ball-Milled Pharmaceutical Materials, Harania
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Über den Einfluss des Tabletierens auf die Teilchengrosse von Azetylsalizyl - säure, van
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The Sand Filtration of Algae Suspensions, Borchardt J.A. and O'Melia C.R., Univ. Michigan,
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and Canelli E., N.Y. State Dept. Health, Albany, Limnol.Oceanog., 15, No.6, 962-967, November
Filtration, Ingestion and Egestion of Different-Sized Algae by Daphnia Magna Straus,
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International, 34, No.11, May 1974.
The Selenastrum Capricornutum Printz Algal Assay Bottle Test: Experimental Design,
Application and Data Interpretation Protocol, Miller W.E., Greene J.C. and Shiroyama T.,
Corvallis Environmental Res. Lab., Corvallis, Oregon, To be published, July 1978.
An Evaluation of Methods for Measuring Algal Growth, Shoaf W.T. and Lium B.W., Doraville,
Ga., J.Res.U.S.Geol.Survey, 4, No.4, 497-504, July-August 1976.
Effect of the Algal Length/Aperture Length Ratio on Coulter Analyses of Lake Seston,
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Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 38, No.8, 912-916, 1981.
Limitations of Electronic Particle Counting in Reference to Algal Assays, Rehnberg B.G.,
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Ga., J.Water Poll.Control Ass., 54, No.2, 181-186, February 1982.
The Interlaboratory Precision Test. An Eight Laboratory Evaluation of the Provisional Algal
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The 'Selenastrum capricornutum' Printz Algal Assay Bottle Test: Experimental Design,
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Modes of Cell Capture in Calanoid Copepods, Price H.J., Paffenhöffer G.-A. and Strickler J.R.,
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Queensland, Limnol.Oceanogr., 28, No.1, 116-123, 1983.
Population Dynamics of Food-limited Rotifiers in Two-stage Chemostat Culture, Boraas
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Capture of Small Cells by the Copepod Eucalanus elongatus, Price H.J. and Paffenhöfer G.A., Skidaway Inst. of Oceanogr., Savannah, Georgia, Limnol.Oceanogr., 31, No.1, 189-194,
Rapid Analytical Technique for the Assessment of Cell Metabolic Activity in Marine
Microalgae, Dorsey J., Yentsch C.M., Mayo S. and McKenna C., Bigelow Lab. for Ocean Sci.,
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Nutritional Value of Spray-Dried Tetraselmis suecica for Juvenile Bivalves, Laing I. and
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Effect of Dried Algae Diets on Conditioning and Fecundity of Manila Clam, Tapes
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Aquaculture and Fisheries Mgt., 25, 157-166, 1994.
Particle Size Analysis Using Coulter Counters, Wood W.M. and Lines R.W., Coulter
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Die Electronische Mikrokoloniezählung -ein Verfahren zur Beurteilung der Bakteriologischhygienischen Qualität der Rohmilch, Tolle A., Zeidler H. and Heeschen W., Inst. für
Milchhygiene der Bundesanstalt für Milchforschung in Kiel, Presented at a meeting of the
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Influence of Clay Minerals on Microorganisms III. Effect of Particle Size, Cation Exchange
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Bacteria in Intertidal Sediments: Factors Related to their Distribution, Dale N.G., Biol. Dept.,
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Computer Image Analysis and Electronical Microcolony Counting for the Determination of
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The Separation of Micro-organisms from Foods, Wood J.M., British Food Manufacturing Ind.
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Die Anwendung der Elektronischen Mikrokoloniezählung (EMZ) zur Qualitätskontrolle von
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Some Applications of Coulter Counters in the Dairy Industry, Faudot D., Coultronics S.A.,
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Phototrophic Sulfur Bacteria in Two Spanish Lakes: Vertical Distribution and Limiting
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An Automated Technique for Determining the Growth Rate of Chain-Forming
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The Coulter Counter, Hanson L.G., Dept. Oceanography, Univ. Washington, Presented at the
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Propagation and Oceanography, Hiller A.J., Mathes R.H. and Ricalzone L.C., , Report of
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Method of Estimating Algal Production Rates at Sea, Cushing D.H. and Nicholson H.F.,
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On some Applications of the Coulter Counter to Marine Research, Sheldon R.W. and
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Determination of Numbers and Sizes of Algal Cells with an Electronic Particle Counter,
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The Sand Filtration of Algae Suspensions, Borchardt J.A. and O'Melia C.R., Univ. Michigan,
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Evaluation of an Automatic Technique for Counting Unicellular Organisms, El-Sayed S.Z.
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The Coulter Counter and Its Use in Determining the Concentration of Natural Populations
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A.G.M.of the British Phycological Soc., 3rd-4th January 1967.(Abstract only).
The Determination of Phytoplankton Concentrations in a New Reservoir by the Coulter
Counter and Other Techniques, McGill S. and Evans J.H., Royal Holloway Coll., London,
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Growth and Multiplication of Rhodotorula Glutinis as Determined by Viable and Total Cell
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Relationship between Carbon Content, Cell Volume, and Area in Phytoplankton, Mullin
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The Use of the Electronic Counter for the Determination of Marine Primary Productivity,
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Coulter Counter Users Mtg., London, March 16th-17th 1967, 12pp.
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A Practical Manual on the Use of the Coulter Counter in Marine Science, Sheldon R.W. and
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Continuous Synchronous Culture of Photosynthetic Micro-Organisms, Howell J.A.,
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On the Occurrence and Formation of Small Particles in Sea Water, Sheldon R.W., Evelyn
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No.3, 367-375, July 1967.
The Seasonal and Vertical Distribution of Suspended Particulate Matter in an Area of the
Northeast Pacific Ocean, Hobson L.A., Dept. Oceanography, Univ. Washington, Seattle,
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Sedimentation in the Estuary of the River Crouch, Essex, England, Sheldon R.W., Fisheries
Lab., Burnham on Crouch, Essex, Limnol.Oceanog., 13, No.1, 72-81, January 1968.
Counting and Sizing of Unicellular Marine Organisms, Hastings J.W., Sweeney B.M. and
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Some Observations on the Dependence of Zooplankton Grazing on the Cell Size and
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Analysis of Particle Size Distribution in Concentrations at Various Ocean Depths,
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Application of an Electronic Particle Counter in Analyzing Natural Populations of
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Limnol.Oceanog., 13, No.3, 499-506, July 1968.
Vitamin B12 and Marine Ecology: IV. The Kinetics of Uptake, Growth and Inhibition in
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Automatic High Speed Particle Size Analysis in Oceangraphy, Lines R.W., Coulter
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Retention of Marine Particles by Screens and Filters, Sheldon R.W. and Sutcliffe W.H. Jr.,
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May 1969.
A Fast-Flow Sealed Disk Filter System for Marine Aquaria, Strand J.A., Cummins J.T. and
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Circadian Rhythm of Cell Division in Euglena: Effects of a Random Illumination Regimen,
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Realization of Synchronous Axenic and Dense Chlorella Cultures, Dalmon J. and Gilet R.,
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The Feeding of Calanus Helgolandicus on Synchronously Growing Populations of the
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A Universal Grade Scale for Particulate Materials, Sheldon R.W., Fisheries Res. Board of
Canada, Bedford Inst., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Proc.Geol.Soc.Lond., No.1659, 293-295,
December 30th 1969.
Light-Scattering Vectors of Some Marine Particles, Pak H., Beardsley G.F. Jr., Heath G.R.
and Curl H., Dept. Oceanog., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, Limnol.Oceanog., 15, No.5, 683-687,
September 1970.
Filtration of Particles from Suspension by the American Oyster Crassostrea Virginica,
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Phosphorus-33 Autoradiography Used to Measure Uptake by Individual Algae, Fuhs G.W.
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Hierarchical Analysis of Variance of Shelf Sediment Texture, Kelly J.C. and McManus D.A.,
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December 1970.
Etude de la Granulometrie des Particules Marines Mesures Effectuées avec un Compteur
Coulter, Brun-Cottan J.C., Lab. d'Oceanographie Physique de la Faculté des Sciences de Paris,
Cahiers Oceanographiques, XXIII, No.2, 193-205, 1971.
The Use of a Model A Industrial Coulter Counter in Quantitative Determinations of the
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London, Presented at S.A.C.Particle Size Group Mtg., April 21st 1971.Proc.Soc.Analyt.Chem., 8,
No.12, 260-264, December 1971.
Variations of Cellular Volume of Tetrahymena on Transfer to Non-isotonic Aqueous
Electrolyte, Morrison G.A. and Tomkins A.L., Edward Davies Chem. Labs., Univ. Coll. of Wales,
Aberystwyth, Presented at the Eighth Coulter Conf., Cardiff, March 25th-26th 1970,
21pp.Published as No.638.
The Feeding of Bivalves, Walne P.R., Shellfish Culture Unit, Ministry of Agr., Fisheries and
Food, Conway, Presented at the Eighth Coulter Conference, Cardiff, March 25th-26th 1970, 7pp.
Particles in the Eastern Pacific Ocean: Their Distribution and Effect upon Optical
Parameters, Carder K.L., Oregon State Univ., Thesis for Ph.D., June 1970, 139pp.
Effect of Nitrilotriacetic Acid on the Growth and Metabolism of Estuarine Phytoplankton,
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R.I., Journal Water Pollution Control, 42, No.8, Part 2, R.329-335, August 1970.
An Investigation of the Coulter Counter in 'Biomass' Determination of Natural Freshwater
Phytoplankton Populations, Evans J.H. and McGill S.M., Botany Dept., Royal Holloway Coll.,
Univ. of London, Hydrobiologia, 35, Issue 3-4, 401-419, September 25th 1970.
Die Bedeutung der genauen quantitätiven Erfassung des Planktons in der Limnologie und
der Meeresforchung, Utermöhl H., , Natur und Museum, 101, No.7, 311-317, July 1st 1971.
Particle Size Distributions in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific, Carder K.L., Beardsley G.F. Jr.
and Pak H., Dept. Oceanogr., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, J.Geophys.Res., 76, No.21, 50705077, July 20th 1971.
Toxicity of Copper to Thalassiosira Pseudonana in Unenriched Inshore Seawater, Erickson
S.J., Natl. Marine Water Quality Lab., West Kingston, R.I., Journal of Phycology, 8, No.4, 318323, 1972.
The Size Distribution of Particles in the Ocean, Sheldon R.W., Prakash A. and Sutcliffe W.H.
Jr., Fisheries Res. Board of Canada, Marine Ecology Lab., Bedford Inst., Dartmouth, Nova
Scotia, Limnol.Oceanog., 17, No.3, 327-340, May 1972.
Bibliographic References
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Size Separation of Marine Seston by Membrane and Glass-Fiber Filters, Sheldon R.W.,
Bedford Inst., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Limnol.Oceanog., 17, No.3, 494-498, May 1972.
A Study of the Distribution and Activity of Microorganisms in Ocean Water, Hobbie J.E.,
Holm-Hansen O., Packard T.T., Pomeroy L.R., Sheldon R.W., Thomas J.P. and Wiebe W.J.,
North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh; Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., La Jolla, Calif.; Univ. Washington,
Seattle; Univ. Georgia, Athens; and Bedford Inst., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Limnol.Oceanog., 17,
No.4, 544-555, July 1972.
Effects of Size and Concentration of Food Particles on the Feeding Behavior of the Marine
Planktonic Copepod Calanus pacificus, Frost B.W., Dept. Oceanogr., Univ. of Seattle,
Washington, Limnol.Oceanog., 17, No.6, 805-815, November 1972.
A Theoretical Model of Light Scattering by Sargasso Sea Particulates, Gordon H.R. and
Brown O.B., Rosensteil School of Marine and Atm. Sci. and Opt. Phys. Lab., Univ. of Miami,
Coral Gables, Florida, Limnol.Oceanog., 17, No.6, 826-832, November 1972.
A Technique for the Estimation of Indices of Refraction of Marine Phytoplankters, Carder
K.L., Tomlinson R.D. and Beardsley G.F.Jr., Sch. Oceanogr., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis,
Limnol.Oceanog., 17, No.6, 833-838, November 1972.
Synergistic Effects of Mixed Chemicals and the Potential for a Universal Bioassay
Technique for Rapid Monitoring of Toxic Waste, Gray J.S., Wellcome Marine Res. Lab., Univ.
of Leeds, Presented at the Coulter Conf., London, April 10th-11th 1973, 6pp.
Distribution du Seston dans la Region d'Affleurement du N.W. de l'Afrique en Mars 1973,
Margalef R., Inst. de Investigaciones Pesqueras, Barcelona, Presented at the 2nd Conf.'Analyse
de l'Ecosystème des Upwelling', Marseilles, May 28th-30th 1973, 27pp.
Influence of Humic Substances on the Growth of Marine Phytoplankton Diatoms, Prakash
A., Rashid M.A., Jensen A. and Subba Rao D.V., Fisheries Res. Board of Canada, Bedford Inst.
Oceanog., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; and Norwegian Inst. of Seaweed Res., Trondheim,
Limnol.Oceanog., 18, No.4, 516-524, July 1973.
Grazing of Pseudocalanus minutus on Naturally Occurring Particulate Matter, Poulet S.A.,
Fisheries Res. Board of Canada, Bedford Inst. of Oceanogr., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia,
Limnol.Oceanog., 18, No.4, 564-573, July 1973.
The Production of Particles in the Surface Waters of the Ocean with Particular Reference
to the Sargasso Sea, Sheldon R.W., Sutcliffe W.H.Jr. and Prakash A., Fisheries Res. Board of
Canada, Bedford Inst. of Oceanogr., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Limnol.Oceanog., 18, No.5, 719733, September 1973.
Flocculation of Suspended Sediment in the Sea, Kranck K., Bedford Inst. of Oceanog.,
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Nature, 246, 348-350, December 7th 1973.
Direct Measurement of Particle Concentration in Natural Waters with a Model T Coulter
Counter, Sheldon R.W., Fisheries Res. Board of Canada, Technical Report No.379, 1973, 12pp.
Biological Oceanographic Processes, Parsons T.R. and Takahashi M., Inst. Oceangr., Univ. of
British Columbia, Pergamon Press, 1973, p.8-9.
Nutrition Holozoïque chez Colpidium campylum. II. Etude Experimentale d l'Influence de la
Concentration des Bacteries sur le Volume des Cilies et la Dynamique des Populations:
Consequences Physiologiques et Ecologiques, Daniel D., Lab. d'Hydrobiol., Inst. Pasteur,
Lille, Internal Report, 1973, 19pp.
Grazing Rates and Food Selection in Diaptomus oregonensis (Copepoda) from Marion
Lake, British Columbia, McQueen D.J., Inst. of Animal Resource Ecol., Univ. of British
Columbia, Vancouver, J.Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 27, No.1, 13-20, 1970.
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Computer Programs for Processing Data of Suspended Material Collected by the Coulter
Counter, Porteous D. and Poulet S.A., Fisheries Res. Board of Canada, F.R.B.Technical Report,
No.403, 1973, 126pp.
Water Quality in the North Sea and Injection Water Standards from North Sea Oil Fields, St.
John D.H., Bakels R.A., Barkman J.H. and Mckenzie D., Shell U.K. Exploration and Production
Ltd., and Nalfloc Ltd., Presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers of A.I.M.E.Mtg.,
Amsterdam, Paper No.SPE4840, May 29th-30th 1974, 18pp.
Filtration, Ingestion and Egestion of Different-Sized Algae by Daphnia Magna Straus,
Christensen S.W., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn., Abstract of Thesis, Dissertation Abstracts
International, 34, No.11, May 1974.
Relation of Light Penetration to Particle Distribution in Vertically Mixed Lacustrine
Environments, Haffner G.D. and Evans J.H., Dept.Botany, Royal Holloway Coll., Univ. of
London, Virginia Water, Br.Phycol.J., 9, 261-267, September 11th 1974.
Effects of Heavy Metals on Protozoan Growth Rates, Gray J.S., Wellcome Marine Lab., Univ.
of Leeds, Robin Hood's Bay, Whitby, Yorkshire, Proc.at a Colloquium 'Applications of Particle
Size Analysis to Environmental Pollution', organised by the Society for Analytical Chemistry,
Chemical Society Particle Size Analysis Group, Univ.of Nottingham, September 18th-19th 1974,
The Determination of the Index of Refraction Distribution of Oceanic Particulates, Zaneveld
J.R.V., Roach D.M. and Pak H., School of Oceanogr., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis,
J.Geophysical Research, 79, No.27, 4091-4095, September 20th 1974.
A Method for Determining Food Selection by Zooplankton, Lampert W., Limnol. Inst., Univ.
Freiberg, W.Germany, Limnol.Oceanog., 19, No.6, 995-998, November 1974.
Size-Refractive Index Distribution of Clear Coastal Water Particulates from Light
Scattering, Brown O.B. and Gordon H.R., Opt. Phys. Lab., Univ. of Miami; and School of Marine
and Atmospheric Scis., Coral Gables, Florida, Applied Optics, 13, No.12, 2874-2881, December
Electronic Particle Counting Applied to Phytoplankton Studies in Three Southern Finnish
Lakes, Ilmavirta V., Dept. Botany, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland, Ann.Bot.Fennici, 11, 105-111, 1974.
Diel Periodicity in the Phytoplankton Community of the Oligotrophic Lake Pääjärvi,
Southern Finland. 1. Phytoplanktonic Primary Production and Related Factors, Ilmavirta V.,
Dept. Botany, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland, Ann.Bot.Fennici, 11, 136-177, 1974.
Notes on the Effect of the Filtration Process on Measurements of Phytoplankton Primary
Production in Lake Pääjärvi, Southern Finland, Ilmavirta V., Dept. Botany, Univ. of Helsinki,
Finland, Ann.Bot.Fennici, 11, 250-252, 1974.
Use of the Coulter Counter in Experiments with some Estuarine Phytoflagellates, Teasdale
J.R.T. and Boney A.D., Dept. Botany, Univ. Coll. of Wales, Aberystwyth, Presented at the Sixth
Coulter Conf., London, March 5th-7th 1968, 7pp.
The Use of the Model A Industrial Coulter Counter In Investigations of Freshwater
Phytoplankton, Evans J.H. and McGill S.M., Dept. Botany, Royal Holloway Coll., London,
Presented at the Sixth Coulter Conf., London, March 5th-7th 1968, 11pp.
Light Scattering and Suspended Matter In Nepheloid Layers, Plank W.S., Pak H. and
Zaneveld J.R.V., Dept. Oceanogr., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, J.Geophys.Res., 77, No.9,
1689-1694, March 20th 1972.
Optical and Hydrographic Observations of the Cromwell Current Between 9200'W and the
Galapagos Islands, Zaneveld J.R.V., Pak H. and Plank W.S., Sch. Oceanogr., Oregon State
Univ., Corvallis, J.Geophys.Res., 78, No.15, 2708-2714, May 20th 1973.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Distribution of Suspended Matter In the Panama Basin, Plank W.S., Zaneveld J.R.V. and Pak
H., Sch. Oceanogr., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, J.Geophys.Res., 78, No.30, 7113-7121,
October 20th 1973.
The Cromwell Current on the East Side of the Galapagos Islands, Pak H. and Zaneveld
J.R.V., Sch. Oceanogr., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, J.Geophys.Res., 78, No.33, 7845-7859,
November 20th 1973.
Determination of Mean Cell Size of Tetrahymena in Growing Cultures, Morrison G.A. and
Tomkins A.L., Edward Davies Chem. Labs., Univ. Coll. Wales, Aberystwyth, J.Gen.Microbiol., 77,
383-392, 1972.(See also No.405).
Multichannel Forward Scattering Meter for Oceanography, McCluney W.R., NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., Applied Optics, 13, No.3, 548-555, March 1974.
Optically Effective Area of Particle Ensembles in the Sea, Owen R.W. Jr., Natl. Marine
Fisheries Service, La Jolla, California, Limnol.Oceanog., 19, No.4, 584-590, July 1974.
A Threshold Feeding Behavior in Calanus pacificus, Frost B.W., Dept. Oceanogr., Univ. of
Washington, Seattle, Limnol.Oceanog., 20, No.2, 263-266, March 1975.
Particle Size Distributions in a Region of Coastal Upwelling Analyzed by Characteristic
Vectors, Kitchen J.C., Menzies D., Pak H. and Zaneveld J.R.V., Sch. Oceanogr., Oregon State
Univ., Corvallis, Limnol.Oceanog., 20, No.5, 775-783, September 1975.
Clay Distributions in Recent Estuarine Sediments, Edzwald J.K. and O'Melia C.R., Dept. Env.
Scis. and Engrg., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Clays and Clay Minerals, 23, No.1, 39-44,
A Direct Method for Accurate Volume Measurements of Tetrahymena with a Coulter
Counter, Skriver L. and Nilsson J.R., Inst. Gen. Zool., Copenhagen, Denmark, J.Protozool., 22,
Abstract 55, 1975.
The Use of the Model A Industrial Coulter Counter in Investigations of Freshwater
Phytoplankton, Evans J.H. and McGill S.M., Dept. Botany, Royal Holloway Coll., London,
Presented at the Sixth Coulter Counter Users' Conf., March 5th-7th 1968, 9pp.
The Feeding Behaviour of Daphnia magna, Studied with the Coulter Counter, Kersting K.
and Holterman W., Netherlands, Verh.Intnl.Verein.Limnol., 18, 1434-1440, December 1973.
Field Criteria for Survival of Anchovy Larvae: the Relation Between Inshore Chlorophyll
Maximum Layers and Successful First Feeding, Lasker R., Natl. Marine Fisheries Serv., La
Jolla, California, Fishery Bulletin, 73, No.3, 453-462, 1975.
Particle Retention Efficiencies of an Herbivorous Copepod, Acartia clausi (Adult and
Copepodite Stages): Effects on Grazing, Nival P. and Nival S., Station Zool., Villefranche-surMer, France, Limnol.Oceanog., 21, No.1, 24-38, January 1976.
Feeding, Growth, and Food Conversion of the Marine Planktonic Copepod Calanus
helgolandicus, Paffenhöfer G.-A., Inst. Mar. Res., Univ. of California, San Diego,
Limnol.Oceanog., 21, No.1, 39-50, January 1976.
Particle-Size Modification by Two Size Classes of the Estuarine Copepod Acartia clausi,
O'Connors H.B., Small L.F. and Donaghay P.L., Sch. Oceanogr., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis,
Limnol.Oceanog., 21, No.2, 300-309, March 1976.
The Feeding Rates of the Pelagic Tunicate Pegea confederata and Two Other Salps,
Harbison G.R. and Gilmer R.W., Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, Mass.,
Limnol.Oceanog., 21, No.4, 517-528, July 1976.
Increased Transport of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Vema Channel During the Last Ice
Age, Ledbetter M.T. and Johnson D.A., Grad. Sch. Oceanogr., Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston;
and Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., Woods Hole, Mass., Science, 194, 837-839, November 19th
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Diel Feeding and Respiration Rhythms in Zooplankton, Duval W.S. and Geen G.H., Dept.
Biol. Scis., Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, British Columbia, Limnol.Oceanog., 21, No.6, 823-829,
November 1976.
Temperature Responses of a Coccolithophorid, Cricosphaera carterae, Measured in a
Simple and Inexpensive Thermal-Gradient Device, Blankley W.F. and Lewin R.A., Dept. Bot.,
Duke Univ., N.C.; and Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., Univ. Calif., San Diego, Limnol.Oceanog., 21,
No.3, 457-462, 1976.
Synchronization of the Marine Dinoflagellate Amphidinium Carteri in Dense Cultures,
Galleron C., Lab. de Biol. Cellulaire Végétale, Univ. Paris, J.Phycol., 12, No.1, 69-73, 1976.
The Use of the Coulter Counter for Measuring the Feeding Rates of Daphnie Magna,
Kersting K. and Leeuw v.d.W., Lab. of Animal Physiol., Univ. of Amsterdam, Hydrobiologia, 49,
No.3, 233-237, 1976.
Growth Rates of Sediment-living Marine Protozoan as a Toxicity Indicator for Heavy
Metals, Gray J.S. and Ventilla R.J., Wellcome Marine Lab., Univ. of Leeds, Yorks., Ambio, 2,
No.4, 118-122, 1973.
Contribution a l'Etude de la Granulométrie at de la Cinétique des Particules Marines, Brun
Cottan J.C., Lab. Phys. et Chim. Marines, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, J.Rech.Océanogr.,
1, No.4, 41-45, 1976.
Seston Superficial de la Zona de Afloramiento del NW de Africa, Flos J., Dept. Ecol., Univ.
de Barcelona, Oecologia aquatica, 2, 27-39, 1976.
The Diurnal Vertical Migration of Motile Phytoplankton through Temperature Gradients,
Kamykowski D. and Zentara S.-J., Univ. of Texas Marine Sci. Inst., Port Aransas, Mar. Sci. Lab.,
Port Aransas, Limnol.Oceanog., 22, No.1, 148-151, January 1977.
Excretion of Organic Matter by Marine Phytoplankton; do Healthy Cells do it?, Sharp J.H.,
Inst. of Marine Resources, Univ. of California, San Diego, Limnol.Oceanog., 22, No.3, 381-399,
May 1977.
Feeding Behavior of Calanus pacificus in Mixtures of Food Particles, Frost B.W., Dept.
Oceanogr., Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Limnol.Oceanog., 22, No.3, 472-491, May 1977.
Incomplete Extraction of Rapidly Settling Particles from Water Samplers, Gardner W.D.,
Massachusetts Inst. of Technol., Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst., Woods Hole, Mass.,
Limnol.Oceanog., 22, No.4, 764-768, July 1977.
Comparison of Techniques for the Measurement of Zooplankton Filtration Rates, Hargis
J.R., Friday Harbor Labs., Washington, Limnol.Oceanog., 22, No.5, 942-945, September 1977.
Chemical Composition and Productivity of Scenedesmus abundans in Nitrogen Limited
Chemostat Cultures, Giddings J.M., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, New York, Limnol.Oceanog., 22,
No.5, 911-918, September 1977.
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The Production Ecology of Sephanodiscus astraea (Ehrenb.) Grun, Haffner G.D., Ontario
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Conditions Estivales dans la Divergence de Méditerranée Nord-Occidentale, 1.
Caractéristiques Physiques et Chimiques du Seston, Brun-Cottan J.-Cl., Copin-Montégut C.
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Feeding of Pseudocalanus minutus on Living and Non-Living Particles, Poulet S.A., Inst.
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Grazing of Marine Copepod Developmental Stages on Naturally Occurring Particles, Poulet
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Chemosensory Grazing by Marine Calanoid Copepods (Arthropoda: Crustacea), Poulet
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Growth Limitation of a Coastal Diatom by Low Zinc Ion Activity, Anderson M.A., Morel
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Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Transfer from Microparticulates to Marine Phytoplankton and
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Comparison between Five Coexisting Species of Marine Copepods Feeding on Naturally
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Carnivorous Feeding by a Small Marine Copepod, Lampitt R.S., Marine Lab., Aberdeen,
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Pelagic Ecosystem Structure: Heterotrophic Compartments of the Plankton and their
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Utilisation d'un Analyseur de Particules en Ecologie Marine Experimentale. Application a
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The Selenastrum Capricornutum Printz Algal Assay Bottle Test: Experimental Design,
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Further Comparisons of Grain Size Distributions Determined by Electronic Particle
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Wind-Induced Current Flow in the Upper Hudson Shelf Valley, Nelsen T.A., Gadd P.E. and
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Silicic Acid Incorporation in Marine Diatoms on Light:Dark Cycles: Use as an Assay for
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Cenozoic Sedimentation in the Central North Pacific, Corliss B.H. and Hollister C.D., Woods
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A Method to Determine Specific Gravity of Suspended Particles using an Electronic
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Cadmium Incorporation by the Marine Copepod Pseudodiaptomus coronatus, Sick L.V. and
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Calculations of Particle Retention Efficiency, Nival P. and Nival S., Station Zoolog.,
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Cadmium Incorporation by the Marine Copepod Pseudodiaptomus coronatus, Sick L.V. and
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Reflectance Spectroscopy of Marine Phytoplankton. Part 1. Optical Properties as Related
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Measurement of Phytoplankton Growth by Particle Counting, Sheldon R.W., Marine Ecol.
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Practical Curve Fitting, Silvert W., Marine Ecol. Lab., Bedford Inst. of Oceanogr., Dartmouth,
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Distribution and Particle Size of Suspended Matter in the Southern Bight of the North Sea
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Size-selective Predation, Light Transmission, and Oxygen Stratification: Evidence from the
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Effects of Hunger and Season on the Feeding Behavior of Calanus pacificus, Runge J.A.,
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More Complications in the Chlorophyll-Secchi Disk Relationship, Carlson R.E., Dept. Biol.
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Ingestion Rate Decrease as the Stimulus for Sexuality in Populations of Moina macrocopa,
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The Egg Production of a Marine Planktonic Copepod in Relation to its Food Supply:
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Detection of Prey by Calanus pacificus: Implications of the First Antennae, Landry M.R.,
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Natural Feeding Rates of Centropages typicus Females in the New York Bight, Dagg M.J.
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Filmed Observations of Filter Feeding in the Marine Planktonic Copepod Acartia clausii,
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Fact and Artifact in Copepod Feeding Experiments, Harbison G.R. and McAlister V.L., Woods
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Containment Effects in Copepod Grazing Experiments: A Plea to End the Black Box
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Grazing Rate of the Tintinnid Stenosemella ventricosa (Clap. & Lachm.) Jörg. on the
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The Effect of Environmental Factors on Phytoplankton Growth: Temperature and the
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Particulate Size Spectra, Behavior, and Origin of Nepheloid Layers over the Nova Scotian
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A Nitrogen Budget of the Ribbed Mussel, Geukensia demissa, and its Significance in
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The Use of Electronically Counted Microspheres in Absolute Diatom Analysis, Battarbee
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Size Fractionation of Phytoplankton as an Estimate of Food Available to Herbivores, Runge
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Reversal of Cadmium Toxicity in a Diatom: An Interaction between Cadmium Activity and
Iron, Foster P.L. and Morel F.M.M., Ralph M. Parsons Lab., Mass. Inst. Technol., Cambridge,
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Photosynthesis Response by Phytoplankton to Sunlight Variability, Marra J. and
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Modes of Cell Capture in Calanoid Copepods, Price H.J., Paffenhöffer G.-A. and Strickler J.R.,
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Population Dynamics of Food-limited Rotifiers in Two-stage Chemostat Culture, Boraas
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The Effect of Food Quality on Feeding and Respiration by Daphnia and Diaptomus,
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Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Limnol.Oceanogr., 28, No.5, 948-956, 1983.
Seasonal Patterns of Seston Characteristics in Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, Relative to
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Utilization of Detritus by the Copepod, Acartia tonsa, Roman M.R., Univ. of Maryland, Center
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Regulation of Cellular Manganese and Manganese Transport Rates in the Unicellular Alga
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Phototrophic Sulfur Bacteria in Two Spanish Lakes: Vertical Distribution and Limiting
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Diel Cycle of Metabolism of Phototrophic Purple Sulfur Bacteria in Lake Cisó (Spain), van
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A Short Review of Some Automated Techniques for the Detection and Characterization of
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Dissolved Hydrocarbon Metabolism: The Concentration-Dependent Kinetics of Toluene
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An Experimental Investigation of a Flagellate-Ciliate-Copepod Food Chain with Some
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Rassoulzadegan F., Dept. Fisheries and Oceans, Marine Ecology Lab., Bedford Inst. Oceanogr.,
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No.1, 184-188, 1986.
Capture of Small Cells by the Copepod Eucalanus elongatus, Price H.J. and Paffenhöfer G.A., Skidaway Inst. of Oceanogr., Savannah, Georgia, Limnol.Oceanogr., 31, No.1, 189-194,
Dynamics of Gut Pigment in the Copepod Temora longicornis and the Determination of In
Situ Grazing Rates, Wang R. and Conover R.J., Inst. Oceanol., Chinese Academy of Scis.,
Qingdao, Shandong, People's Republic of China; and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Marine
Ecology Lab., Bedford Inst. of Oceanogr., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Limnol.Oceanogr., 31, No.4,
867-877, 1986.
Response of the Marine Diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii to Iron Stress, Harrison G.I. and
Morel F.M.M., Ralph M. Parsons Lab., Massachusettes Inst. of Technol., Cambridge,
Limnol.Oceanogr., 31, No.5, 989-997, 1986.
Predator-Prey Interactions of Nanozooplankton and Bacteria in an Oligotrophic Marine
Environment, Rassoulzadegan F. and Sheldon R.W., Station Zool., Villefranche sur Mer,
France; and Dept. Fisheries and Oceans, Marine Ecology Lab., Bedford Inst. of Oceanogr.,
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Limnol.Oceanogr., 31, No.5, 1010-1021, 1986.
Nutritional Ecology of the Ascidian Pyura stolonifera: Influence of Body Size, Food
Quantity and Quality of Filter-Feeding, Respiration, Assimilation Efficiency and Energy
Balance, Klumpp D.W., Zool. Dept., Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa, Marine Ecology-Progress
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Measurement of Diameters of Estuarine Bacteria and Particulates in Natural Water
Samples by Use of a Submicron Particle Analyzer, Paul J.H. and Jeffrey W.H., Dept. Marine
Sci., Univ. of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Fla., Current Microbiology, 10, 7-12, 1984.
Nonsphericity of Suspended Marine Particles and its Influence on Light Scattering, Jonasz
M., Dept. Oceanogr., Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Limnol.Oceanogr., 32, No.5, 10591065, 1987.
Volumetric Estimates of Phytoplankton Production in Newly Upwelled Waters of the
Southern Benguela Current, Olivieri E.T. and Hutchings L., Sea Fisheries Res. Inst., Rogge
Bay, Cape Town, South Africa, Limnol.Oceanogr., 32, No.5, 1099-1111, 1987.
Energy Sources for Recruitment of the Subantarctic Copepod Neocalanus tonsus, Ohman
M.D., Portobello Marine Lab., Portobello, New Zealand, and New Zealand Oceanogr. Inst., Div.
Marine and Freshwater Sci., D.S.I.R., Kilbirnie, Wellington, Limnol.Oceanogr., 32, No.6, 13171330, 1987.
A Method for Measuring Plankton Production by Particle Counting, Sheldon R.W. and
Rassoulzadegan F., Marine Ecol. Lab., Bedford Inst. of Oceanogr., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, and
Station Zool., Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, Marine Microbial Food Webs, 2, No.1, 29-44, 1987.
Cross-Flow Membrane Filtration of Sea Water, Abdel-Ghani M.S., Jones R.E. and Wilson
F.G., Dept. Mineral Resources, Royal School of Mines, Imperial Coll., London; School of Ocean
Scis., Marine Sci. Labs., Univ. Coll. of North Wales, Gwynedd; and Fairey Filtration Div.,
Fareham, Filtration and Separation, 105-109, March/April 1988.
Particle Transport in Lakes: Models and Measurements, Weilenmann U., O'Melia C.R. and
Stumm W., Eidgenössische Anstalt für Wasserversorgung, Abwassenreinigung und
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Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Maryland, Limnol.Oceanogr., 34, No.1, 1-18, January 1989.
Energy Budgets of Latitudinally Separated Scottolana canadensis (Copepoda:
Harpacticoida), Lonsdale D.J. and Levinton J.S., Ecol. and Evolution Dept., State Univ. of New
York at Stony Brook, New York, Limnol.Oceanogr., 34, No.2, 324-331, February 1989.
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Use of Particle Size Analysis in Marine Biology, Robins D.B., Plymouth Marine Lab.,
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Natl.Motorcycle Museum, Solihull, 1pp.(Abstract only).
Separation and Concentration of Phytoplankton Populations using Centrifugal Elutriation,
Pomponi S.A. and Cucci T.L., Univ. Maryland, Horn Point Labs., Cambridge, Maryland; and
Bigelow Lab. for Ocean Sci., McKown Point, West Boothbay Harbor, Maine, Cytometry, 10, 580586, 1989.
Rapid Analytical Technique for the Assessment of Cell Metabolic Activity in Marine
Microalgae, Dorsey J., Yentsch C.M., Mayo S. and McKenna C., Bigelow Lab. for Ocean Sci.,
West Boothbay Harbor, Maine; Chem. Dept., Bowdoin Coll., Brunswick, Maine; and Univ. of
Southern Maine, Portland, Maine, Cytometry, 10, 622-628, 1989.
Photobiology of Natural Populations of Zooxanthellae from the Sea Anemone Aiptasia
pallida: Assessment of the Host's Role in Protection Against Ultraviolet Radiation, Lesser
M.P., Dept. Zool., Univ. of Maine, Orono, Maine, Cytometry, 10, 653-658, 1989.
An Experimentally Determined Carbon:Volume Ratio for Marine 'Oligotrichous' Ciliates
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Oceanogr. Inst., Woods Hole, MA, Limnol.Oceanogr., 34, No.6, 1097-1103, 1989.
Predictions of Surficial Sediment Composition in the Littoral Zone of Lakes, Petticrew E.L.
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Biol., McGill Univ., Montreal, Quebec, Limnol.Oceanogr., 36, No.2, 384-392, 1991.
Diel Vertical Migration and Nocturnal Uptake of Nutrients by Chattonella antiqua under
Stable Stratification, Watanabe M., Kohata K. and Kimura T., Lab. of Marine Envir., Natl. Inst.
Envir. Studies, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, Limnol.Oceanogr., 36, No.3, 593-602, 1991.
Absorption, Fluorescence, and Quantum Yield for Growth in Nitrogen-Limited Dunaliella
tertiolecta, Sosik H.M. and Mitchell B.G., Marine Res. Div., Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., La Jolla,
CA, Limnol.Oceanogr., 36, No.5, 910-921, 1991.
Growth Kinetics of the Omnivorous Oligotrich Ciliate Strombidium sp, Ohman M.D. and
Snyder R.A., Scripps Inst. Oceanogr., La Jolla, CA, Limnol.Oceanogr., 36, No.5, 922-935, 1991.
Contribution of Zooplankton Grazing to the Decline of a Ceratium Bloom, Nielsen T.G.,
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The Coulter Principle Compared to Other Methods
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An Automatic Method for the Determination of the Degree of Contamination in Hydraulic
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Number and Size Distribution of Particles in Cellulosic Solutions, Parks L.R. and Jurbergs
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An Appreciation of the Coulter Electronic Particle Counter as a Suitable Method for
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Correlations Between Sieve Analyses, Surface Areas, and Shape Factors of Ceramic and
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Particle Size Measurements Using the Resistance Change Principle, Kinsman S. and Coulter
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An Investigation of Particle Size Distributions, Grimes G.R., Climax Molybdenum Co.,
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Kinetics of Rapid Aggregation in Suspensions. Comparison of Experiments with the
Smoluchowski Theory, Higuchi W.I., Okada R., Stelter G.A. and Lemberger A.P., Univ. of
Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., Presented at the 109th Convention of the American Pharmaceutical
Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1962.J.Pharm.Sci., 52, No.1, 49-54, January 1963.
Use of the Coulter Counter for Particle Size Analysis of Cement and Related Material,
Brown O.E., Marquette Cement Manuf. Co., Chicago, Ill., Presented at the A.I.M.E.Mtg., February
1960.Cement, Lime and Gravel, 99-104, April 1962.
Particle Size Counter: Aids Emulsion and Suspension Development at Hoffmann-La
Roche, Bonem F.L., , Food Processing, April 1962, 2pp. (Editorial).
Comparison of Flour Particle Size Distributions Measured by Electrolytic Resistivity and
Microscopy, Wilson J.T. and Sipes C.R., Ohio Agric. Experim. Station, Wooster, Ohio,
Presented at the American Association of Cereal Chemists Mtg., St.Louis, Missouri, May 1962.
Application of an Electronic Counter to Determine Fiber Fineness Distribution in Wool
Top, O'Connell R.A. and Martsch R.J., Western Reg. Res. Lab., U.S. Dept. Agric., Albany, Calif.,
Presented at A.S.T.M.Committee D-13 Sub.A-3, October 17th 1961.Textile Res.J., 32, No.7, 581587, July 1962.
Fracture of Brittle Solids III. Experimental Results on the Distribution of Fragment Size in
Single Fracture, Gilvarry J.J. and Bergstrom B.H., Res. Div. Allis-Chalmers Manuf. Co.,
Milwaukee, Wisc., J.Appl.Phys., 33, No.11, 3211-3213, November 1962.
Electronic Particle Size Analysis in the Subsieve Size Range, Treffner W.S. and Robertson
D.W., General Refractories Co., Baltimore, Maryland, Radex Rundschau, No.2, 55-69, 1962.
Denier Distribution of Textile Fibers Obtained with an Electrical Sensing Zone Particle
Analyzer (Coulter Counter®), Bloch M.G. and Gusack J.A., Res. Dept., The Dow Chemical Co.,
Williamsburg, Va., Textile Res.J., 33, No.3, 224-233, March 1963.
The Application of the Coulter Electronic Particle Counter to Size Analysis of Pulverised
Coal and Fly-Ash, Batch B.A., Central Electricity Research Labs., Leatherhead, Laboratory Note
No.RD/L/N24/63, March 11th 1963, Internal Publication.See No.52.
Quelques Applications de l'Instrumentation dans les Recherches sur les Peintures;
Mesures des Dimensions des Particules Compteur Coulter, Valentine L., Paint Res. Station,
Teddington, Peintures, Pigments, Vernis, 39, No.4, 211-221, April 1963.
Test Dust Preparation and Evaluation, Todd W.F., Hagan J.E. and Spaite P.W., Div. Air
Pollution, U.S. Public Health Serv., Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engrg. Center, Cincinnati, Ohio,
Presented at American Industrial Hygiene Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 6th-10th 1963,
Particle Size Distribution of Settled Dust, Fairweather J.H., San Bernardino County Air
Pollution Control District, San Bernardino, Calif., Presented at the 57th Annl.Mtg.of the Air
Pollution Control Association, Houston, Texas, June 21st-25th 1963, Paper No.64-77, 11pp.
The Use of the Coulter Counter for Particle Size Analysis of Pigments and Extenders,
Crowl V.T. and Kieran L.G., Res. Assoc. of the British Paint, Colour and Varnish Manufacturers,
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Paint Res. Station, Teddington, Middlesex, Research Memorandum No.327, 13, No.21, August
1963, 12pp.
Limitations of Paint Testing, Valentine L., Paint Res. Station, Teddington, Middlesex,
J.O.C.C.A., 46, No.9, 674-718, September 1963.
Gamma-Irradiation of Kaolinite, Corbett W.J., Burson J.H. and Young R.A., Georgia Inst. of
Technol., Atlanta, Ga., Final Report, Project No.A-446-5 for the U.S.Atomic Energy Commission
Div.of Isotopes Development.Printed by the Offices of Tech. Services, Dept.of Commerce,
Washington D.C., August 15th 1961.Reprinted in Clays and Minerals,10, 344-355, 1961.
The Application of an Electronic Particle Counter to Size Analysis of Pulverised Coal and
Fly-Ash, Batch B.A., Central Electricity Res. Labs., Leatherhead, J.Inst.Fuel, 455-461, October
Particle Counts in Cellulose Acetate Solutions, Pickering T.P. and Wilson A.F., Res. Dept.,
Canadian Chem. Co., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Svensk Papperstidning, 67, No.6, 232-237,
March 31st 1964.
Comparison of Size Distributions from the Coulter Counter and from Electron Microscopy,
Cooper W.D. and Parfitt G.D., Chemistry Dept., Univ. Nottingham, Presented at the A.C.S.Mtg.,
Pittsburgh, March 1966, 2pp.
Measurement of Particle Size and Distribution. (Comparison of Measurement Methods with
Specific Application to Milk Solids and Powdered Milk), Kinsman S., Coulter Electronics, Inc.,
Chicago, Ill., Presented at the 10th Dairy Engrg.Conf., Michigan State Univ., Lansing, Michigan,
February 27th-28th 1962, 8pp.
Quality Control of Particle Size with the Coulter Counter, Collins E.A., B.F. Goodrich
Chemical Co., Avon Lake, Ohio, Presented at the 3rd American Coulter Counter Users'
Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 17th-18th 1963, 9pp.
Use of an Electronic Counter to Study the Size Distribution of Dispersed Grease Thickener
Particles, Criddle D.W., California Res. Corp., Richmond, Calif., Presented at Natl.Lubric.Grease
Inst., Chicago, Ill., October 25th-28th 1964, 14pp.
Rapid Yeast Estimations, Macrae R.M., Brewing Industry Res. Found., Nutfield, Surrey,
Proc.European Brewery Convention, Brussels, 1963, Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 1964, p.510-512.
The Use of Electronic Counters for Determining the Number of Cells in Milk, Cullen G.A.,
Central Vet. Lab., Weybridge, Surrey, Veterinary Record, 77, No.29, 858, July 17th 1965.
Le Compteur Coulter. Etude Pratique de son Utilisation, Bril J., Compagnie Péchiney, L.R.M.,
Grenoble, Bulletin de la Société Française de Ceramique, 3-21, December 1965.
Problems in Size Analysis of Mineral Powders, Jowett A., Univ. of Leeds, Presented at the 4th
British Coulter Counter Users Mtg., Bradford, April 1966, 8pp.
The Use of the Coulter Counter in the Field of Paints and Printing Inks, Crowl V.T., Paint
Res. Station, Teddington, Presented at the 4th British Coulter Counter Users Mtg., Bradford, April
1966, 18pp.
Determination of Leucocyte Concentrations in Cow's Milk with a Coulter Counter, Phipps
L.W. and Newbould F.H.S., Natl. Inst. for Research in Dairying, Shinfield, Reading; and Ontario
Vet. Coll., Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, J.Dairy Res., 33, 51-64, 1966.
Studies on Particle Size Distribution Measurements of Barium Sulfate Aqueous
Suspension, Fujiwara H., Yashiki T., Toda J. and Kato M., , Takeda Kenkyusho Nempo (Annual
Reports Takeda Res. Labs.), 21, 54-60, October 1962. (In Japanese)
Electronic Counting of Somatic Cells in Milk, Read R.B. Jr., Reyes A.L., Bradshaw J.G. and
Peeler J.T., Milk and Food Res., Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engrg. Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, J.Dairy
Sci., 50, 669, 1967.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Particle-Size Measurement and Control, Bhrany U.N. and Brown J.H., U.S. Steel Corp.,
Monroeville, Pa., Trans.Soc.Mining Engineers, 226, 248-254, September 1962.
Rapid Particle-Size Analysis of Metal Powders with an Electronic Device, Ullrich W.J., Alcan
Metal Powders, Inc., Elizabeth, New Jersey, Modern Developments in Powder Metallurgy.Volume
1: Fundamentals and Methods, Plenum Press, 1966, 125-143.Also presented at the 1965
International Powder Metallurgy Conf., N.Y., June 14th-17th 1965.
Coulter Counter Particle Size and Specific Surface Area, Nash N.G., Ayerst Labs., Inc., Paper
Presented at the 4th American Coulter Counter Users Mtg., New York, April 1964, 3pp.
Deeltjesgrootte-Analyse met de Coulter Counter, Colon F.J., Centraal Technisch Inst., T.N.O.,
Holland, TNO-Nieuws, 19, 302-308, 1964.
Beitrag zur Bestimmung der Spezifischen Oberfläche von Glaspulvern und deren
Beziehung zu den aus der Korngrößenanalyse Ermittelten Statistischen Parametern, Zagar
L. and Krause G., Technischen Hochschule, Aachen, Glastechn.Ber., 39, No.4, 177-186, April
Vergleichende Untersuchung von Methoden zur Korngrößenbestimmung, Simecek J., Inst.
für Arbeitshygiene und Berufskrankheiten, Prague, Staub-Reinhalt.Luft, 26, No.9, 372-379, 1966;
and 27, No.6, 282-285, 1967.
Comparison of Some Different Methods for Measuring Particle Size Using Microscopically
Calibrated Glass Beads, Hunt C.M. and Woolf A.R., Inst. for Appl. Technol., Natl. Bureau of
Standards, Boulder, Colo., Presented at the Intnl.Conf.on Powder Technol., Chicago, Ill., May
20th-23rd 1968, 23pp.Published in Powder Technology, 3, 9-23, 1969.
Comparison of Particle Size Distributions of 'Monodisperse' Particles from 0.8 to 3.5µ in
Diameter Using a Coulter Counter and Electron Microscopy, Cooper W.D. and Parfitt G.D.,
Dept. Chem., Univ. Nottingham, Kolloid-Zeitschrift und Zeitschrift für Polymere, 223, No.2, 160166, 1968.
Practical Problems in Particle Size and Surface Area Measurements, Winer A.A. and Wright
I.F., Dept. Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, Ontario, J.Can.Ceram.Soc., 35, 68-75, 1966.
Wet Sieving with Precision Electroformed Sieves, Daeschner H.W., Shell Development Co.,
Emeryville, Calif., Presented at the ASTM/IITRI Intnl.Conf.on Powder Technology, Chicago, Ill.,
May 20th-23rd 1968.Powder Technology, 2, No.6, 349-355, 1968/69.
Small Angle Scattering by Yeast Cells - A Comparison with Mie Predictions, Latimer P. and
Tully B., Dept. Phys., Auburn Univ., Alabama, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 27, No.3, 475-478, July 1968.
Pollution Control in the Steam Circuits of Heat-Engine Plant (Power Station); Use of the
Coulter Counter, Ropars J., Chem. Dept., French Electricity Board, 1968.(In French).Translated
into English by Ruckwood A.(Coulter Electronics Ltd.), 15pp.
Air Classification of Flour with the Bahco, Kent N.L., Flour Milling and Baking Res. Assocn.,
St. Albans, Presented at a mtg.of the S.A.C.Particle Size Analysis Group, Sheffield, March 5th
1969.Summary published in Proc.Soc.Analyt.Chem., 6, No.6, 97, June 1969.
Standardization of MSA Particle Size Analysis Method for Ceramic Materials, Zwicker J.D.,
Aluminum Co. of Canada, Ltd. Arvida, Quebec, Presented at the Annl.Mtg.of the American
Ceramic Society, Washington, D.C., May 1969, 16pp.
Korngrössenbestimmung mit dem Coulter Counter, Hackenberg P., Inst. für Glas, Keramik
und Bindemittel, Berlin, Tonind-Ztg., 92, No.12, 482-487, December 1968.
Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung optimaler Verfahren für die Herstellung von
Schokolademassen, Niediek E.A., Univ. Karlsruhe, Doktor-Ing.Dissertation, 1968, p.67-105.
Use of the Coulter Counter and the Alpine Sieve for Particle Size Analysis of Cement,
Brown O.E., Bobrowski G.S. and Kovall G.E., Marquette Cement Manuf. Co., Chicago. Ill., ASTM
Special Tech.Publ.473, 82-97, 1968.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Comparison of Flour Particle Size Distributions Measured by Electrical Resistivity and
Microscopy, Wilson J.T. and Donelson D.H., Ohio Agric. R & D Center, Wooster, Ohio, Cereal
Chem., 47, No.2, 126-134, March 1970.
A Statistical Evaluation of Powder Characteristics Measured with Three Systems, Grandillo
A.D., Monsanto Research Corp., Mound Lab., Miamisburg, Ohio, Int.J.Powd.Met., 6, No.1, 3-14,
Comparison of Methods of Calculating Particle Size from Hindered Settling Results and its
Application to Inorganic Oxysalt Precipitates, Dollimore D. and McBride G.B., Chem. Dept.,
Univ. of Salford; and Stand Grammar School, Whitefield, Lancs., Analyst, 94, 760-767,
September 1969.
The Determination of the Size Distribution of Mine Dusts Using the Coulter Counter,
Rendall R.E.G. and van Sittert G.C.H., Pneumoconiosis Res. Unit of the South African Med. Res.
Council, Johannesburg, PRU Report 10/70, June 18th 1970, 10pp.
Comparison of Particle Size Determined with the Coulter Counter and by Optical
Microscopy, Schrag K.R. and Corn M., Graduate School of Public Health, Univ. of Pittsburgh,
Pa., Amer.Ind.Hyg.Ass.J., 31, 446-453, July-August 1970.
New Equipment Determines Mud Particle Size, Louden L.R. and Nance W., Dresser
Magcobar, Houston; and Brown & Root, NASA Lunar Receiving Laboratory, Petroleum Engineer,
42, No.10, 56-58, 1970.
Size Analysis of Irregular Shaped Particles in Sieving, Rosen H.N. and Hulbert H.M., Dept.
Chem. Engrg., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill., Ind.Eng.Chem.Fundam., 9, No.4, 658-661,
November 1970.
A Comparison of Particle Size Analyses by Various Coulter Counter Operators, Batch B.A.
and Dalmon J., Central Electricity Res. Labs., Leatherhead, Central Electricy Research
Labs.Laboratory Note RD/L/N/163/67, February 13th 1968, 22pp.
Particle Size Distribution of Lamp Phosphors - Comparison of Measurement Techniques,
King W.G. and Burrus H.L., Osram Res. Labs., Hirst Res. Centre, Wembley, GEC Journal of
Science and Technology, 39, No.2, 76-84, 1972.
Granulométrie par Compteur Coulter et Comparaison avec d'autres Méthodes, Baudet G.,
Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, Orléans, Bull.Soc.Franc.Ceram., No.95, 31-51,
April-June 1972.
Comparison of Equivalent Spherical Volume and Aerodynamic Diameters for Irregular
Shaped Particles, Tomb T.F. and Corn M., U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Penna., Presented
at the American Industrial Hygiene Conf., San Francisco, Calif., May 14th-19th 1972, 24pp.
Utilisation du Compteur Coulter pour le Côntrole Granulométrique de Poudres de Tantale,
Vanbelle J. and Crahay R., Univ. Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Silicates Industriels, 36,
No.7/8, 195-198, July-August 1972.
A Light Scattering Photometer Using Photographic Film, Brunsting A. and Mullaney P.F.,
Biomed. Res. Group, Los Alamos Sci. Lab., Univ. of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico,
Rev.Sci.Instr., 43, No.10, 1514-1519, October 1972.
High Purity Reactive Alumina Powders: II, Particle Size and Agglomeration Study, Johnson
D.W. Jr., Nitti D.J. and Berrin L., Bell Labs., Murray Hill, N.J., and Allentown, Pa., Ceramic
Bulletin, 51, No.12, 896-900, 1972.
Uncertainties in the Centrifugal Sedimentation Particle Size Analysis Method, Zwicker J.D.,
Aluminium Company of Canada Ltd., Arvida, Quebec, Powder Technol., 6, 133-138, 1972.
Comparison of Four Methods for Enumerating Somatic Cells in Milk with an Electronic
Counter, Philpot W.N. and Pankey J.W. Jr., North Louisiana Hill Farm Exp. Station, Louisiana
State Univ., Homer, J. Milk Food Technol., 36, No.2, 94-100, February 1973
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Relating Coulter Counts at One Size Level to the Air Permeametric Specific Surface Area
of the Product from a Wet Comminution Process, Harris J.E.C. and Scullion H.J., Materials
Quality Assurance Directorate, Royal Ordnance Factory, Bridgwater, Presented at the Coulter
Conf., London, April 10th-11th 1973, 4pp.
Measurement ot Surface Area Using the Micromeritics Knudsen Flow Permeameter, King
W.G. and O'Hare B.P., Osram (G.E.C.) Res. Labs., Hirst Res. Centre, Wembley, Presented at
the Coulter Conf., London, April 10th-11th 1973, 16pp.
The Effect of 'Electroviscosity' on Liquid Sedimentation Analysis, Pavlik R.E. and Sansone
E.B., Dept. Occ. Health, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pa., Powder Technol., 8, 159-164, 1973.
Lemon Juice Particulates: Comparison of Some Fresh Juices and a Commercial
Concentrate, Venolia W., Peak S. and Payne F., U.S. Dept. Agric., Pasadena, Calif., J.Agr.Food
Chem., 22, No.1, 133-137, 1974.(See also no.468).
The Coulter Counter and its Applications, Lambin G., , Silicates Industriels, 39, No.2, 55-63,
Etude de Ia Finesse des Poudres, Faudot D., Coultronics, France, Imformations Chimie,
No.136, October 1974, 14pp.
Crystal Size Measurement: Comparison of the Techniques of Sieving and Coulter Counter,
Mullin J.W. and Ang H.-M., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Univ. Coll., London, Powder Technology, 10,
153-156, 1974.
Einige Probleme der Feinstkornbestimmung, Ocepek D. and Eberl E., Inst. za Oplemenitenje,
Ljubljana, Jugoslavia, Presented at the Conf.'Physikalische Eigenschaften von Körnungen und
deren Metechnische Erfassung', Freiberg, D.D.R., 1972.Freiberger Foschungshefte, A 531, 1975,
V.E.B.Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig, 1975, p.19-31.
A. Comparison of Some Methods of Sizing Particles of a Latex for Calibrating a Coulter
Counter, Phipps L.W., Natl. Inst. for Res. in Dairying, Reading, Presented at the Sixth Coulter
Conf., London, March 5th-7th 1968, 6pp.
Coarse-Grind Cement in Oil-Well Cementing, Clark C.R., Steel J.H. and Gidley J.L., Humble
Oil and Refining Co., Presented at 46th Ann.Mtg.Soc.Petroleum Engineers of AIME, New
Orleans, October 3rd-6th 1971.Published in Oil & Gas J., 50-53, January 24th 1972.
Characterization of an ASTM Round-Robin Tungsten Powder, German R.M., Metallurgy and
Electroplating Div., Sandia Laboratories, A Report to ASTM Subctee.B-09.03.Sandia Report
SAND 74-8021, November 1974.
Zur Genauigkeit der Partikelgröenmessung durch geübte und durch ungeübte Bearbeiter,
Koglin B., Alex W. and Jödicke H., Univ. Karlsruhe, Preprints, First European Symp.Particle Size
Measurement, Nuremberg, September 17th-19th 1975, p.377-392.
Liquid Sedimentation Analysis: Media Conductivity and Particle Size Effects, Sansone E.B.
and Civic T.M., Grad. Sch. of Public Health, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pa., Powder Technol., 12, 11-18,
Einege Probleme der Feinstkornbestimmung, Ocepek D. and Eberl E., Ljubljana, Freiberger
Forschrift, No.531, 19-31, 1975.
Experience in Adaptation and Comparative Evaluation of the Coulter Counter and Direct
Microscopic Somatic Cell Count (DMSCC) Method for Determining Somatic Cell Counts in
Milk, Macaulay D.M., Ginn R.E. and Packard V.S., Dairy Lab. Agric. Service Complex, Univ. of
Manitoba Campus, Winnipeg, Canada; Dairy Q.C. Inst., Inc., St. Paul, MN; and Univ. of
Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, J.Milk Food Technol., 39, No.4, 250-252, April 1976.
The Effect of Nickel and Palladium Additions on the Activated Sintering of Tungsten,
German R.M. and Ham V., Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif., Internat.J.Powder Metall.and Powder
Technol., 12, No.2, 115-125, April 1976.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Investigation of the Application of a Television Microdensitometer in Pharmaceutical and
Cosmetic Technology, Muller B.W., Inst. Pharm. Technol., Philipps Univ., Marburg/Lahn,
Cosmetics and Toiletries, 91, 44-56, June 1976.
Electronic Somatic Cell Count - Chemical Method, DMSCC, and WMT Tests for Raw Milk,
Thompson D.R., Packard V.S. and Ginn R.E., Depts. Agr. Engrg. and Food Sci. and Nutrition,
Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul; and Dairy Q.C. Inst. Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, J.Milk Food Technol.,
39, No.12, 854-858, December 1976.
Particle Segregation in Fine Powders by Tapping as Simulation of Jostling during
Transportation, Parsons D.S., Physical Test Lab., GTE Sylvania, Towanda, Pa., Powder
Technol., 13, 269-277, 1976.
A Comparison of Electronic Particle Counting and Pipette Techniques in Routine Mud
Analysis, Shideler G.L., U.S. Geol. Survey, Corpus Christi, Texas, U.S.Geol.Survey Open-File
Report 76-269, 1976, 22pp.J.Sed.Petrol., 46, No.4, 1017-1025, December 1976.
Particle Size Analysis Techniques for Suspension Concentrates, Kanellopoulos A.G. and
Wood R.J., Agrochem. Dept., Sandoz Ltd., Pratteln, Switzerland, Pestic.Sci., 7, 75-85, 1976.
A Comparison in Sizing of Products by Sieving and by Coulter Counter in Copper Ore
Processing, Laapas H. and Heiskanen K., Helsinki Univ. of Technol., Finland, Presented at 3rd
Chem.Soc.P.S.A.Conf., Univ.Salford, September 12th-15th 1977.In, 'Particle Size Analysis',
ed.Groves M.J., Heyden, 1978, p.218-226.
Comparison of the Errors due to Sampling and to Analysis by Coulter Counter, Lloyd P.J.,
Buxton R.E. and Stenhouse J.I.T., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Univ. of Technol., Loughborough,
Presented at 3rd Chem.Soc.P.S.A.Conf., Univ.Salford, September 12th-15th 1977.In, 'Particle
Size Analysis', ed.Groves M.J., Heyden, 1978, p.367-377.
Comparison of Techniques for the Measurement of Zooplankton Filtration Rates, Hargis
J.R., Friday Harbor Labs., Washington, Limnol.Oceanog., 22, No.5, 942-945, September 1977.
Comparison of Tetrahymena pyriformis W and Rat Bioassays for the Determination of
Protein Quality, Evancho G.M., Hurt H.D., Devlin P.A., Landers R.E. and Ashton D.H., Campbell
Inst. for Food Res., Camben, N.J., J.Food Sci., 42, No.2, 444-448, 1977.
Comparison between Five Coexisting Species of Marine Copepods Feeding on Naturally
Occurring Particulate Matter, Poulet S.A., INRS-Océanologie, Rimouski, Quebec,
Limnol.Oceanogr., 23, No.6, 1126-1143, 1978.
Partikelgröenanalysen <10µm Memethoden und Schwierigkeiten, Polke R. and Rieger R.,
BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen/Rh., Chem.-Ing.Tech., 50, No.3, 149-154, 1978.
Further Comparisons of Grain Size Distributions Determined by Electronic Particle
Counting and Pipette Techniques, Behrens E.W., Marine Sci. Inst., Univ. of Texas at Austin,
Galveston, Texas, J.Sed.Petrol., 48, No.4, 1213-1218, December 1978.
The Comparison of Distributional Shapes with Particular Reference to a Problem in
Forensic Science, Dudley R.J. and Smalldon K.W., Home Office Central Res. Establishment,
Aldermaston, Reading, Intnl.Statistical Review, 46, 53-63, 1978.
A Comparison of the Automated with the Semi-Automatic Coulter Counter Method and the
Direct Microscopic Somatic Cell Count (DMSCC) on Raw Milk Samples, Ginn R.E., Packard
V.S. and Thompson D.R., Dairy Quality Control Inst., Inc., and Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.,
Scientific J.Series, Minnesota Agric.Experiment Station, St.Paul, MN, 1979.Published in J.Food
Protection, 42, No.7, 567-568, July 1979.
Some Recently Certified Particle Size Reference Materials, Wilson R., Div. Chem., Standards
Natl. Phys. Lab., Teddington, Middlesex, Preprints, Partec, Nuremberg September 24th-26th
1979, p.59-77.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
A Comparison of Electronic and Pipet Methods for Mechanical Analysis of Soils,
Pennington K.L. and Lewis G.C., Univ. Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, Soil Science, 128, No.5, 280-284,
November 1979.
Effects of 22-m Screens of Size-Frequency Distributions of Suspended Particles and
Biomass Estimates of Phytoplankton Size Fractions, Malone T.C., Chervin M.B. and
Boardman D.C., Marine Biol. Dept., Lamont-Deheny Geol. Observatory of Columbus Univ.,
Palisades, New York, Limnol.Oceanogr., 24, No.5, 956-960, 1979.
Fact and Artifact in Copepod Feeding Experiments, Harbison G.R. and McAlister V.L., Woods
Hole Oceanogr. Inst., Woods Hole, Mass., Limnol.Oceanogr., 25, No.6, 971-981, November
Colloid Chemical Studies on Bitumen-in-Water Emulsions Part III. Comparison of Particle
Size Analysis Techniques and Determination of Emulsifier Adsorption at the
Bitumen/Water Interface, Tausk R.J.M., Stassen W.J.M. and Wilson P.N., Koninklijke/ShellLab., Amsterdam (Shell Research B.V.), Netherlands, Colloids and Surfaces, 2, 89-99, 1981.
Comparison of the Three Calibration Techniques for Coulter Counters, Pham M.L., Lab. de
Physico-Chimie Biol., Univ. Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Powder Technol., 28, 217-220,
Characterization of Oil-in-Water Emulsions: An Evaluation of the Coulter Counter
Technique, Hamza H.A. and Andersen N.E., Dept. Energy, Mines and Resources, Western Res.
Lab., Edmonton, Alberta, Proc.Intnl.Symp.Fine Particles Processing, Las Vegas, Nevada,
February 24th-28th 1980.Publ.as Chapter 21 in, Fine Particles Processing, Vol.1,
ed.Somasundaran P., Amer.Inst.Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Eng., Inc., New York, 1980,
Fat Droplet Size Analysis: The Application of Spectroturbidimetry, Shaw A.T. and Darling
D.F., Unilever Res. Lab., Colworth House, Sharnbrook, Beds., Presented at P.S.A.'81,
Loughborough Univ., September 21st-24th 1981, preprints p.102-118.Publ.Particle Size Analysis
1981, Wiley Heyden, Chichester, 1982, p.355-371.
Size Analysis and Specific Surface Measurement of Finely Distributed Magnetite Powders:
A Comparison of Methods, Laapas H., Lukkarinen T. and Suvio J., Helsinki Univ. of Techn.,
Dept. of Mining and Metallurgy, Espoo, Finland, Presented at P.S.A.'81, Loughborough Univ.,
September 21st-24th 1981, preprints p.239-253.Publ.Particle Size Analysis 1981, Wiley Heyden,
Chichester, 1982, p.61-76.
A Correlation Between the Results of Different Instruments Used to Determine the Particle
Size Distribution in AC Fine Test Dust, Johnston P.R. and Swanson R., Ametek, Inc.,
Sheboygan, WI; and Brunswick Corp., De Land, FL, Powder Technol., 32, 119-124, 1982.
Latex Particle Size Analysis by the Coulter Nano-Sizer™: Response to Synthetic Mixtures
of Sizes, Outsize Particle and Comparison with Other Methods, Daniels C.A. and Etter A.A.,
BF Goodrich Chemical Group, Avon Lake,Ohio, Powder Technol., 34, 113-119, 1983.
Standard Practice for Comparing Particle Size in the Use of Alternative Types of Particle
Counters, , , ASTM Designation F 660-83, 1983, 1989 ASTM Yearbook, p.746-749. (Reapproved, 1988).
Application of Modern Aerosol Instrumentation for Industrial Particle Measurement, Liu
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Comparison of Particle Size Distribution Data Obtained with Cascade Impaction Samplers
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A Comparison of Filtration Performance using Particle Counting and Pore Sizing
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Influence of Porosity on the Electrical Sensing Zone and Laser Diffraction Sizing of Silicas.
A Collaborative Study, Michoel A., de Jaeger N., Sneyers R., de Wispelaare W., Geladé‚ E.,
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Catholic Univ., Leuven, Belgium; Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Belgium; Analis N.V., Gent, Belgium; DSM
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Evaluation of Official Instrumental Methods for the Determination of Particulate Matter
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Sizing of a Vesicle Drug Formulation by Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering and Comparison
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A Performance Comparison of Microencapsulation Techniques, Smith K., Coulter
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Effect of Liposome Encapsulation on Antigen Presentation in Vitro : Comparison of
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Ampicillin-Loaded Liposomes and Nanoparticles: Comparison of Drug Loading, Drug
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Precision and Accuracy of Analysis of Air-Filled Albumin Microspheres Using Coulter
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Conductive Particles
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Porous Particles
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Annl.Mtg., Orlando, Fla., July 30th-August 1st 1984, 8pp.
The Sizing of Porous Silica Particles using an Electrical Sensing Zone Instrument, de
Jaeger N.C and Janes A., Central Res. Colloid Dept. 3179, Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Mortsel, Belgium,
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Symposium, Miami Beach, Fla., April 22nd-26th 1985.Publ.in Particulate and Multiphase
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Image Analysis as a Tool for Calibration of Electrical Sensing Zone Instruments in the Size
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Image Analysis as a Tool for Calibration of Electrical Sensing Zone Instruments in the Size
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Sieves Compared to the Coulter Principle
Correlations Between Sieve Analyses, Surface Areas, and Shape Factors of Ceramic and
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An Investigation of Particle Size Distributions, Grimes G.R., Climax Molybdenum Co.,
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Use of the Coulter Counter for Particle Size Analysis of Cement and Related Material,
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Fracture of Brittle Solids III. Experimental Results on the Distribution of Fragment Size in
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Electronic Particle Size Analysis in the Subsieve Size Range, Treffner W.S. and Robertson
D.W., General Refractories Co., Baltimore, Maryland, Radex Rundschau, No.2, 55-69, 1962.
The Application of the Coulter Electronic Particle Counter to Size Analysis of Pulverised
Coal and Fly-Ash, Batch B.A., Central Electricity Research Labs., Leatherhead, Laboratory Note
No.RD/L/N24/63, March 11th 1963, Internal Publication.See No.52.
The Application of an Electronic Particle Counter to Size Analysis of Pulverised Coal and
Fly-Ash, Batch B.A., Central Electricity Res. Labs., Leatherhead, J.Inst.Fuel, 455-461, October
Particle Counts in Cellulose Acetate Solutions, Pickering T.P. and Wilson A.F., Res. Dept.,
Canadian Chem. Co., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Svensk Papperstidning, 67, No.6, 232-237,
March 31st 1964.
Particle-Size Measurement and Control, Bhrany U.N. and Brown J.H., U.S. Steel Corp.,
Monroeville, Pa., Trans.Soc.Mining Engineers, 226, 248-254, September 1962.
Rapid Particle-Size Analysis of Metal Powders with an Electronic Device, Ullrich W.J., Alcan
Metal Powders, Inc., Elizabeth, New Jersey, Modern Developments in Powder Metallurgy.Volume
1: Fundamentals and Methods, Plenum Press, 1966, 125-143.Also presented at the 1965
International Powder Metallurgy Conf., N.Y., June 14th-17th 1965.
Practical Problems in Particle Size and Surface Area Measurements, Winer A.A. and Wright
I.F., Dept. Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, Ontario, J.Can.Ceram.Soc., 35, 68-75, 1966.
Wet Sieving with Precision Electroformed Sieves, Daeschner H.W., Shell Development Co.,
Emeryville, Calif., Presented at the ASTM/IITRI Intnl.Conf.on Powder Technology, Chicago, Ill.,
May 20th-23rd 1968.Powder Technology, 2, No.6, 349-355, 1968/69.
Use of the Coulter Counter and the Alpine Sieve for Particle Size Analysis of Cement,
Brown O.E., Bobrowski G.S. and Kovall G.E., Marquette Cement Manuf. Co., Chicago. Ill., ASTM
Special Tech.Publ.473, 82-97, 1968.
The Determination of the Size Distribution of Mine Dusts Using the Coulter Counter,
Rendall R.E.G. and van Sittert G.C.H., Pneumoconiosis Res. Unit of the South African Med. Res.
Council, Johannesburg, PRU Report 10/70, June 18th 1970, 10pp.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Size Analysis of Irregular Shaped Particles in Sieving, Rosen H.N. and Hulbert H.M., Dept.
Chem. Engrg., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill., Ind.Eng.Chem.Fundam., 9, No.4, 658-661,
November 1970.
Relating Coulter Counts at One Size Level to the Air Permeametric Specific Surface Area
of the Product from a Wet Comminution Process, Harris J.E.C. and Scullion H.J., Materials
Quality Assurance Directorate, Royal Ordnance Factory, Bridgwater, Presented at the Coulter
Conf., London, April 10th-11th 1973, 4pp.
Measurement ot Surface Area Using the Micromeritics Knudsen Flow Permeameter, King
W.G. and O'Hare B.P., Osram (G.E.C.) Res. Labs., Hirst Res. Centre, Wembley, Presented at
the Coulter Conf., London, April 10th-11th 1973, 16pp.
Crystal Size Measurement: Comparison of the Techniques of Sieving and Coulter Counter,
Mullin J.W. and Ang H.-M., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Univ. Coll., London, Powder Technology, 10,
153-156, 1974.
Coarse-Grind Cement in Oil-Well Cementing, Clark C.R., Steel J.H. and Gidley J.L., Humble
Oil and Refining Co., Presented at 46th Ann.Mtg.Soc.Petroleum Engineers of AIME, New
Orleans, October 3rd-6th 1971.Published in Oil & Gas J., 50-53, January 24th 1972.
The Effect of Nickel and Palladium Additions on the Activated Sintering of Tungsten,
German R.M. and Ham V., Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif., Internat.J.Powder Metall.and Powder
Technol., 12, No.2, 115-125, April 1976.
A Comparison in Sizing of Products by Sieving and by Coulter Counter in Copper Ore
Processing, Laapas H. and Heiskanen K., Helsinki Univ. of Technol., Finland, Presented at 3rd
Chem.Soc.P.S.A.Conf., Univ.Salford, September 12th-15th 1977.In, 'Particle Size Analysis',
ed.Groves M.J., Heyden, 1978, p.218-226.
Size Analysis and Specific Surface Measurement of Finely Distributed Magnetite Powders:
A Comparison of Methods, Laapas H., Lukkarinen T. and Suvio J., Helsinki Univ. of Techn.,
Dept. of Mining and Metallurgy, Espoo, Finland, Presented at P.S.A.'81, Loughborough Univ.,
September 21st-24th 1981, preprints p.239-253.Publ.Particle Size Analysis 1981, Wiley Heyden,
Chichester, 1982, p.61-76.
Measurement of Particle Size of Ultrafine (Submicrometre) WC Powders, Roebuck B. and
Almond E.A., Natl. Phys. Lab., Teddington, Middx., Presented at the PM Group Conf.,
Eastbourne, October 21st-23rd 1985.Publ.in Powder Metallurgy, 29, No.2, 119-124, 1986.
Size Analysis with the Coulter Counter: Comparison with Sedimentation and Surface Area,
Lines R.W., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Luton, Presented at the Royal Soc.Chem.Particle
Characterisation Group Meeting '21st Anniversary', London, February 16th 1987; 20pp.
Size Analysis with the Coulter Counter: Comparison with Sedimentation and Surface Area,
Lines R.W., Coulter Electronics Ltd., Luton, Analyt.Proc., 24, 272-276, September 1987.
Application of Precision Transparent Sieves to the Determination of Low Number
Concentrations of Oversize Particles in Powders, Allen T., Part. Sci. and Technol. Center,
(PARSAT), E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, DE, Part.Part.Syst.Charact., 9, 252258, 1992.
Sieve Calibration using Tacky Dots, Allen T., Particle Sci. and Technol. Group (PARSAT), E.I.
DuPont de Nemours and Company, Newark, DE, Powder Technol., 79, 61-68, 1994.
Argon Porosimetry of Selected Molecular Sieves: Experiments and Examination of the
Adapted Horvath-Kawazoe Model, Saito A. and Foley H.C., Center for Catalytic Sci. and
Technol., Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE, Microporous Materials, 3, 531-542,
Comparison of Sieves, Surface Area and Coulter Counter, Nathan I. and Barnett M.I., Welsh
School of Pharm., Cardiff, Presented at the Coulter Conf., London, April 10th-11th 1973, 11pp.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
An Electronic Counter for Size Analysis of Confectionery Products, McDonald D.J., Coulter
Electronics, Inc., Presented at the Annl.Mtg.of the Pennsylvania Manufacturing Confectioners
Assoc., Lancaster, Pennsylvania, April 28th-30th 1965, 9pp.
How Measurement is used in Making Sugar Confectionery, Bamford H.F., John Mackintosh &
Sons, Norwich, Instrument Review, 314-317, August 1966.
The Use of the Coulter Counter for the Counting and Sizing of Dextrose Crystals in Invert
Sugar Syrups, Davies A.M.C., Res. Dept., J.& J. Colman Ltd. Norwich, Presented at the Sixth
British Coulter Counter Users' Conf., London, March 5th-7th 1968, 9pp.Published as 'Method for
the Counting and Sizing of Dextrose Crystals in Invert Sugar Syrups' in Laboratory Practice, 18,
No.7, 738-742, 1969.
Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung optimaler Verfahren für die Herstellung von
Schokolademassen, Niediek E.A., Univ. Karlsruhe, Doktor-Ing.Dissertation, 1968, p.67-105.
Bestimmung der Korngrössenverteilung von feinem Zucker, Neidiek E.A., Inst. für
Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik, Univ. Karlsruhe, Zeit.Zuckerind., 19, No.9, 495-506, September
Fundamentals and Optimization of Crushing Processes in Food Production, Niediek E.A.,
Univ. of Karlsruhe, Proc.3rd Intnl.Congress of Food Science and Technol., Washington, D.C.,
August 9th-14th 1970, p.474-483.
Coulter Counter-Partikkelilaskija Elintarviketeollisuudessa, Hyvönen P., Coulter Electronics
Ltd., Presented at the Finnish Food Engrg.Conf., Helsinki, March 1974, 30pp.,
Application of Particle-Size Measuring Devices in Sugar Manufacturing, Lawhead C.L. and
Sisler G.H., Manuf. Res. and Devt., Great Western Sugar Co., Loveland, Co., Presented at the
1978 ASSBT Mtg., San Diego, Calif., February 28th-March 2nd 1978, 10pp.
Energy Savings in the Crystallisation Station, van der Poel P.W., Heere H.P.M., Bleyenberg
C.C., de Schutter M.A.M., de Visser N.H.M. and van Heeschvelde P.M.T., CSM Suiker B.V.,
Presented at 17th General Assembly C.I.T.S., Copenhagen, 1983, 24pp.
The Electronic Particle Counter and its Potential as a Brewery Control Instrument, Kinsman
S., Coulter Electronics, Inc., Chicago, Ill., Brewers Digest, 54-56, July 1964.
Rapid Yeast Estimations, Macrae R.M., Brewing Industry Res. Found., Nutfield, Surrey,
Proc.European Brewery Convention, Brussels, 1963, Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 1964, p.510-512.
Coulter Counter-Partikkelilaskija Elintarviketeollisuudessa, Hyvönen P., Coulter Electronics
Ltd., Presented at the Finnish Food Engrg.Conf., Helsinki, March 1974, 30pp.,
Un Noveau Compteur Electronique de Particules. Application à la Fermentation en
Brasserie, Scriban R., Ecole Nationale Superieure des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires,
Douai, Bios, No.4, 209-211, 1974, 7pp.
Materials and Methods of Wort Production that Influence Beer Filtration, Leedham P.A.,
Savage D.J., Crab D. and Morgan G.T., Whitbread and Co. Ltd., Luton, Proceedings European
Brewery Confederation Conf., Nice, 1975, p.201-216.
Centrifugal Separation, Isolation and Characteristics of Brewery Spent Grains and Press
Liquor, Stiles S.R. and Hebert H.S. Jr., Westinair Associates Inc., Morristown, N.J., MBAA
Technical Quarterly, 14, No.1, 21-34, 1977.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Mise au Point d'un Appareil Industriel de Mesure Automatique des Particules en
Suspension dans un Liquide: Application au Contrôle du Développement des Levures au
Cours de la Fermentation de la Bière, Moll M., Duteurtre B., Weber J.-C. and Delorme J.-J., ,
Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles, 95, 23-28, 1978.
Clarification of Liquids Using Filter Aids. Part III. Cake Resistance in Surface Filtration,
Heertjes P.M. and Zuideveld P.L., Lab. Chem. Eng., Univ. Technol., Delft, Powder Technol., 19,
45-64, 1978.
Particle Size Analysis of Beer Solids using a Coulter Counter, Morris T.M., Brewing Res.
Foundn., Nuffield, Surrey, J.Inst.Brew., 90, 162-166, May-June 1984.
Institute of Brewing Analysis Committee: Measurement of Yeast Concentration, Rainbow
C., , J.Inst.Brew., 74, 427-429, 1968. (for the Analysis Committee).
Yeast Counting by Microscopy or by Electronic Particle Counting, Siebert K.J. and Wisk
T.J., Stroh Brewery Co., Detroit, Michigan, A.S.B.C.Journal (Amer.Soc.Brewing Chemists), 42,
71-79, 1984.
Agitation in Mashing, Bühler T.M., Matzner G. and McKechnie M.T., BRF Intnl., Nutfield,
Redhill, Surrey, European Brewery Convention, Proc.25th Congress, Brussels, 1995, p.293-300.
Liquid and Solid Separation - in Beer, Freeman G., Brewing Research Foundation
International, Brewers' Guardian, 27-31, December 1996.
Characterization of Particles in Breweries, Freeman G., BRF International, Nutfield, Redhill, In,
Report of the Meeting 'Applied Particle Characterisation', held at the University of Luton, 4th
December 1996, Lines R.W.Part.Part.Syst.Charact., 14, 148-151, 1997.
Rapid Particle-Size Analysis of Metal Powders with an Electronic Device, Ullrich W.J., Alcan
Metal Powders, Inc., Elizabeth, New Jersey, Modern Developments in Powder Metallurgy.Volume
1: Fundamentals and Methods, Plenum Press, 1966, 125-143.Also presented at the 1965
International Powder Metallurgy Conf., N.Y., June 14th-17th 1965.
Alternative Methods of Calculating Particle Size from Hindered Settling Measurements,
Dollimore D. and Mc Bride G.B., Chem. Dept., Univ. Salford, and Stand Grammar School, Lancs.,
J.appl.Chem., 18, 136-140, May 1968.
Comparison of Methods of Calculating Particle Size from Hindered Settling Results and its
Application to Inorganic Oxysalt Precipitates, Dollimore D. and McBride G.B., Chem. Dept.,
Univ. of Salford; and Stand Grammar School, Whitefield, Lancs., Analyst, 94, 760-767,
September 1969.
Toxicity of Copper to Thalassiosira Pseudonana in Unenriched Inshore Seawater, Erickson
S.J., Natl. Marine Water Quality Lab., West Kingston, R.I., Journal of Phycology, 8, No.4, 318323, 1972.
A Biological Measurement of the Copper Complexation Capacity of Seawater, Davy E.W.,
Morgan M.J. and Erickson S.J., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, West Kingston, Rhode
Island, Limnol.Oceanog., 18, No.6, 993-997, November 1973.
A Comparison in Sizing of Products by Sieving and by Coulter Counter in Copper Ore
Processing, Laapas H. and Heiskanen K., Helsinki Univ. of Technol., Finland, Presented at 3rd
Chem.Soc.P.S.A.Conf., Univ.Salford, September 12th-15th 1977.In, 'Particle Size Analysis',
ed.Groves M.J., Heyden, 1978, p.218-226.
The Effect of Complexing Agents on the Precipitation and Removal of Copper and Nickel
from Solution, Ku Y. and Peters W., Environmental Engrg. Dept., Sch. of Civil Engrg., Purdue
Univ., West Lafayette, Indiana, Particulate Sci.Technol., 6, 441-466, 1988.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Preparation and Characterization of Uniform Particles of Pure and Coated Metallic Copper,
Hsu W.P., Yu R. and Matijevic E., Dept. Chem., Clarkson Univ., Potsdam, New York, Powder
Technol., 63, 265-275, 1990.
Coating of Uniform Inorganic Particles with Polymers. II. Polyaniline on Copper Oxide,
Huang C.-L., Partch R.E. and Matijevic E., Center for Advanced Materials Processing, Clarkson
Univ., Potsdam, New York, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 170, 275-283, 1995.
Preparation and Growth Mechanism of Uniform Colloidal Copper Oxide by the Controlled
Double-Jet Precipitation, Lee S.-H., Her Y.-S. and Matijevic E., Center for Adv. Materials
Processing, Clarkson Univ., Potsdam, New York, J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 186, 193-202, 1997.
Growth Retardation of Calcium Oxalate by Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin, Desjardins A. and
Tawashi R., Fac. Pharm., Univ. Montreal, Eur.Urol., 4, 294-297, 1978.
The Prediction of Overall Collection Efficiency of Air Pollution Control Devices from
Fractional Efficiency Curves, Sundberg R.E., Torit Corp., St. Paul, Minn., Presented at the 66th
Annl.Mtg.of the Air Pollution Control Assn., Chicago, June 23rd-28th 1973, 25pp.
Effect of Ultrasonics on Crystal Agglomerates: Test for the Degree of Agglomeration,
Mullin J.W. and Ang H.-M., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Univ. Coll. Hosp., London, Chemistry and
Industry, 622-623, August 3rd 1974.
Effect of Age of Reactant Solutions on the Precipitation of Nickel Ammonium Sulfate
Hexahydrate, Ang H.-M. and Mullin J.W., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Univ. Coll., London,
Analyt.Chem., 46, No.11, 1583-1584, September 1974.
Crystal Size Measurement: Comparison of the Techniques of Sieving and Coulter Counter,
Mullin J.W. and Ang H.-M., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Univ. Coll., London, Powder Technology, 10,
153-156, 1974.
Precipitation of Nickel Ammonium Sulphate from Aqueous Solution, Ang H.M., Univ. Coll.,
London, Ph.D.Thesis, May 1973, 260pp.
The Effect of Nickel and Palladium Additions on the Activated Sintering of Tungsten,
German R.M. and Ham V., Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif., Internat.J.Powder Metall.and Powder
Technol., 12, No.2, 115-125, April 1976.
Dust in Dental Laboratories. Part II: Measurement of Particle Size Distributions, Brune D.,
Beltesbrekke H. and Strand G., Scandinavian Inst. of Dental Materials, Oslo, and Central Inst. of
Ind. Res., Oslo, Norway, J.Prosthet.Dent., 41, No.1, 82-87, July 1980.
Crystallization and Agglomeration Kinetics of Nickel Ammonium Sulphate in an MSMPR
Crystallizer, Tavare N.S., Shah M.B. and Garside J., Dept. Chem. Engrg., Univ. Manchester Inst.
of Sci. and Technol., Powder Technol., 44, 13-18, 1985.
Comparison of Nickel Powder Grain-Size Analysis by Coulter Counter and Electron
Microscopy, Padalko V.M., Novichkova V. Ya., Kaishev V.A. and Gaidar A.I., All Union Current
Sources Res. and Devt. Inst., Moscow, Ind.Lab.(Zavodskaya Lab.), 50, No.10, 985-987, 1984.
The Effect of Complexing Agents on the Precipitation and Removal of Copper and Nickel
from Solution, Ku Y. and Peters W., Environmental Engrg. Dept., Sch. of Civil Engrg., Purdue
Univ., West Lafayette, Indiana, Particulate Sci.Technol., 6, 441-466, 1988.
Variation of the Dispersion of Active Phases in Commercial Nickel-Molybdenum/ -Alumina
Hydrotreating Catalysts during Oxidative Regeneration, Madeley R.A. and Wanke S.E., Dept.
Chem. Engrg., Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Applied Catalysis, 39, 295-314, 1988.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Precision of the Model C Coulter Counter, Walser H., Xerox Corp., Webster, New York,
Presented at the Coulter Counter Users' Conf., Chicago, January 23rd 1968, 15pp.
Particle Size Analysis of Multicomponent Toner Systems, Alliet D.F., Tietjen T.A. and Wood
D.H., Xerox Corp., Rochester, New York, Presented at 3rd Chem.Soc., P.S.A.Conf., Univ.Salford,
September 12th-15th 1977.In, 'Particle Size Analysis', ed.Groves M.J., Heyden, 1978, p.31-43.
Xerography and Particle Measurements, Behringer A.J., Xerox Corp.,
Proc.Part.Technol.Res.Needs Workshop, Philadelphia, 1975.U.S.N.T.I.S.REP.PB-267837, p.4752.
Standard Test Method for Particle Size Measurement of Dry Toners, , , ANSI/ASTM F 57778, 1978, 6pp.
Particle Size Effects in Electrophotographic Toners - A Review, Haxell J.P.N., Coates
Brothers (Reprographics) Ltd., Norton Hill, Midsomer Norton, Bath, Anal.Proc., 19, No.8, 390392, August 1982.
Particle Sizes of Two Component Toners, Haxell J.P.N., Res. Lab., Coates Electrographics
Ltd., Norton Hill, Midsomer Norton, Bath, Presented at the Royal Soc.Chem.Particle Size
Analysis Group Mtg.'The Electrical Sensing Zone Method of Particle Size Analysis', Luton, March
19th 1986.Publ.Anal.Proc., 24, 38-40, February 1987.
Error Estimates in the Sampling from Particle Size Distributions, Paine A.J., Xerox Res.
Centre of Canada, Mississauga, Ontario, Part.Part.Syst.Charact., 10, 26-32, 1993.
Copiers for the European Market, Drake M., Ricoh UK Products Ltd., Industry & European
Market, 161-163, October 1997.
Experimental Air Embolism: Measurement of Microbubbles using the Coulter Counter,
Grulke D.C., Marsh N.A. and Hills B.A., Dept. Physiol., Queen Elizabeth Coll., London,
Brit.J.exp.Path., 54, 684-691, 1973.
On the Use of the Coulter Counter to Measure the Microbubble Spectrum in Water and its
Effect on the Superheat of Water, Pyun J., , Abstract of Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Michigan, 1973.
Diss. Abstr., 2063 B - 2064 B, 1974.
Comparative Measurements by Scattered Light and Coulter Counter Method for Cavitation
Nuclei Spectra, Keller A.P., Hammitt F.G. and Yilmaz E., Dept. Mech. Engrg., Univ. of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Prepared for the Natl.Sci.Found., January 1974.Presented at the ASME Polyphase
Flow Forum, May 1974, paper PB 228 123, 15pp.
The Influence of Lignin Sulphonate and Xylan on the Microflotation of Microcrystalline
Cellulose, Roberts K. and Barla P., Swedish Inst. for Surface Chem., Stockholm,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 49, No.1, 75-81, October 1974.
Comparative Investigations of the Scattered Light Counting Method for the Registration of
Cavitation Nuclei and the Coulter Counter, Keller A., Yilmaz E. and Hammitt F.G., Dept. Mech.
Eng., Univ. of Michigan, Report No.UMICH 01357-36-T, January 1974, 58pp.
Comparative Measurements by Scattered Light and Coulter Counter Method for Cavitation
Nuclei Spectra, Keller A.P., Hammitt F.G. and Yilmaz E., Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. of Michigan,
Report UMICH 0135-7-23-I, January 1974, 13pp.Presented at ASME Polyphase Flow Forum,
May 1974.
Physical Characteristics of Ultrastable Lipid-Coated Microbubbles, D'Arrigo J.S. and Imae
T., CAV-CON, Inc., Farmington, Connecticut; and Dept. Chem., Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan,
J.Coll.Interf.Sci., 149, No.2, 592-595, March 15th 1992.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Dissolution Rates
Growth and Dissolution of Potash Alum Crystals in the Subsieve Size Range, Garside J.
and Jancic S.J., Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. Coll., London, A.I.Ch.E.Journal, 22, No.5, 887-894,
September 1976.
Growth and Dissolution Rate Studies of Cholesterol Particles in Aqueous Media, Saad H.Y.
and Higuchi W.I., Coll. of Pharm., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Presented at the 1964
American Pharmaceutical Association Annl.Mtg., New York, August 3rd-6th 1964.(Abstract only).
A Method for Determining the Solution Rate of Fine Particles, Edmundson I.C. and Lees
K.A., Glaxo Laboratories Ltd., Greenford, J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 17, 193-201, 1965.
Cholesterol Particle Growth and Dissolution Rates. II . Retardation Effects of Cholate, Saad
H.Y. and Higuchi W.I., Coll. of Pharm., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, J.Pharm.Sci., 54, No.9,
1303-1307, September 1965.
Dissolution and Crystal Growth in Aqueous Suspensions of Cortisone Acetate, Carless
J.E., Moustafa M.A. and Rapson H.D.C., Dept. Pharm., Chelsea Coll. of Sci. and Technol., Univ.
of London, J.Pharm.Pharmac., 20, 630-638, 1968.
The Coulter Counter in Pharmaceutical Research and Development (Dissolution Rate
Studies), Hersey J.A., Pharm. Res. and Devt. Dept., Sandoz A.G., Basle, Presented at the
Conf.'Uses of the Coulter Counter in the Pharmaceutical Industry', Basle, November 13th 1969,
Inhibited Dissolution of Drug Crystals by a Certified Water Soluble Dye. II, Piccolo J. and
Tawashi R., Fac. of Pharm., Univ. of Montreal, Quebec, Presented at the 117th American
Pharmaceutical Assn.Mtg., Washington, D.C., April 12th-17th 1970.(Abstract only).
The Application of a Model T Coulter Counter to Dissolution Rate Studies, Marshall K. and
Meakin B.C., Postgrad. School of Studies in Pharm., Univ. of Bradford, J.Pharm.Pharmac., 24,
Suppl., 151P-152P, 1972.
Some Aspects of Dissolution Rate Determination using a Model 'T' Coulter Counter,
Marshall K. and Meakin B.C., Univ. of Bradford, Presented at the Coulter Conf., London, April
10th-11th 1973, 17pp.
Inhibited Dissolution of Drug Crystals by Certified Water-Soluble Dyes II, Piccolo J. and
Tawashi R., Fac. of Pharm., Univ. of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, J.Pharm.Sci., 60, No.1, 59-63,
January 1971.
Inhibited Dissolution of Drug Crystals by Certified Water-Soluble Dyes III, Piccolo J. and
Tawashi R., Fac. Pharm., Univ. of Montreal, Quebec, J.Pharm.Sci., 60, No.12, 1818-1824,
December 1971.
Dissolution and Growth of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate. 1. Effect of Magnesium and pH,
Desmars J.F. and Tawashi R., Fac. of Pharm., Univ. of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Biochemica
et Biophysica Acta, 313, 256-267, 1973.
Determination of Dissolution Rates of Particulate Solids by Size Analysis using an
Electrical Sensing Zone Technique, Carman-Meakin B., Postgrad. School of Studies in Pharm.,
Univ. of Bradford, Thesis Presented for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, October 1974,
Particle Size obtained on Disintegration of Phenylbutazone Tablets and its Relation to
Dissolution Rate, Gillan J.M.N. and Hunter B.M., Queen Elizabeth Hosp., Edgbaston,
Birmingham, and I.C.I. Pharmaceuticals Div., Alderley Park, Cheshire, J.Pharm.Pharmac., 26,
Suppl., 76P-77P, 1974.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Suspending Agent Effects on Steroid Suspension Dissolution Profiles, Howard S.A.,
Mauger J., Hsieh J.W. and Amin K., School of Pharm., West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV,
J.Pharm.Sci., 68, No.12, 1475-1479, December 1979.
Solid Dispersions of Drugs in Polyoxyethylene 40 Stearate: Dissolution Rates and
Physico-chemical Interactions, Kaur R., Grant D.J.W. and Eaves T., Dept. of Pharm., Univ. of
Nottingham, and Hoechst U.K. Ltd., Milton Keynes, J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 31, Suppl., 48P,
December 1979.
Dissolution Rate Measurements of Low Soluble Compounds using the COULTER
COUNTER TAII, Mazur J., Nyström C. and Brunzell A., Natl. Board of Health and Welfare, Dept.
Drugs, Galenical Section, Uppsala, and Dept. Galenical Pharm., Univ. of Uppsala, Sweden,
Presented at Farm.Årskongress, (Pharmaceutical Year Congress), Stockholm, October 12th-13th
1981.(Abstract only).
Particle Size Analysis as a Predictor of Dissolution Rate/Bioavailability, Rubinstein M.H.,
School of Pharm., Liverpool Polytechnic, Liverpool, Anal.Proc., 18, No.12, 512-514, December
Dissolution Rate Measurements of Sparingly Soluble Compounds with the Coulter Counter
Model TAII, Nyström C., Mazur J., Barnett M.I. and Glazer M., Dept. Galenical Pharm., Biomed.
Center, Univ. Uppsala; Pharmacia AB, Uppsala, Sweden; and Welsh Sch. Pharm., Cardiff,
J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 37, 217-221, 1985.
Ultra-long-duration Local Anesthesia Produced by Injection of Lecithin-coated
Methoxyflurane Microdroplets, Haynes D.H. and Kirkpatrick A.F., Univ. Miami Med. Sch.,
Miami, and Dept. Anesth., Univ. of Illinois Coll. Med., Chicago, Anesthesiology, 63, No.5, 490499, November 1985.
Coulter Counter Measurements of Solubility and Dissolution Rate of Sparingly Soluble
Compounds using Micellular Solutions, Nyström C. and Bisrat M., Dept. Galenical Pharm.,
Biomed. Center, Univ. of Uppsala, Sweden, J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 38, 420-425, 1986.
Dissolution of Glibenclamide: The Role of Particle Size, Kaali R.N., Rye R.M., Wiseman D.
and York P., Postgrad. School of Studies in Pharm., Univ. of Bradford, J.Pharm.Pharmacol., 39,
(Suppl.), 44P, December 1987.
Solubility Characterization of Practically Insoluble Drugs Using the Coulter Counter
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Iron Oxide
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Tomato Juice
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Tablet Disintegration
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Etude de la Cinétique de Désintégration des Comprimés à l'Aide d'un Compteur de
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eds.Stanley-Wood N.G.and Lines R.W., Royal Soc.Chemistry, Cambridge, 1992, p.384-393.
Determination of Spore Concentration with an Electronic Particle Counter, Stockmarr J., ,
Geological Survey of Denmark, Yearbook, 1972, p.87-89.
The Increase in Size of Mould Spores During Germination, Barnes M. and Parker M.S., Dept.
Pharm., Univ. of Strathclyde, Trans.Br.Mycol.Soc., 49, No.3, 487-494, 1966.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Sizing Bacillus megaterium Spore Populations as a Basis for Studying their Viability,
Hibbert H.R. and Tallentire A., Dept. Pharm., Univ. of Manchester, Presented at the British
Pharmaceutical Conf., Manchester, September 5th-9th 1966, 3pp.
Electrical Sensing Zone Particle Analyzer for Measuring Germination of Fungal Spores in
the Presence of Other Particles, Santoro T., Stotzky G. and Rem L.T., Kitchawan Res. Lab.,
Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Ossining, New York, Applied Microbiology, 15, No.4, 935-939, July
Use of the Coulter Counter to Measure the Swelling of Bacterial Spores during
Germination and Outgrowth, Parker M.S. and Barnes M., Dept. Pharm., Univ. of Strathclyde,
Glasgow, J.Appl.Bact., 30, No.2, 299-303, 1967.
Microbiological Quality Control of Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Preparations, Parker M.S.
and Barnes M., Dept. Pharm., Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Soap, Perfumery and Cosmetics,
December 1967, 4pp.
Automatic Sizing of Mould Spores, Barnes M. and Parker M.S., Dept. Pharm., Univ. of
Strathclyde, Glasgow, Trans.Br.Mycol.Soc., 51, No.1, 33-39, 1968.
Phenonip - A Broad Spectrum Preservative, Parker M.S., McCafferty M. and MacBride S.,
Dept. Pharm. Technol., Univ. of Strathclyde, Soap, Perfumery and Cosmetics, September 1968,
The Inhibition of the Development of the Spores of a Spoilage Mould by Chemical
Preservatives, McCafferty M. and Parker M.S., Dept. Pharm. Technol., Univ. of Strathclyde,
Glasgow, J.Pharm.Pharmac., 22, 679-683, 1970.
Influence of Temperature, Media and Preservative on Spore Swelling of Aspergillus niger
and Trichoderma viride, McRobbie D.I., Parker M.S., Smith J.E. and Anderson J.G., Dept.
Pharm. Technol., Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Trans.Br.Mycol.Soc., 59, No.1, 115-122, 1972.
The Influence of EDTA and PEA upon the Fungistatic Action of Aminacrine Hydrochloride,
Sheikh M.A. and Parker M.S., Dept. of Pharm. Technol., Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
J.Pharm.Pharmac., 24, Suppl., 158P, 1972.
A Quantitative Evaluation of the Antifungal Properties of Glutaraldehyde, Gorman S.P. and
Scott E.M., Dept. Pharm., The Queen's Univ. of Belfast, J.Appl.Bacteriol., 43, 83-89, 1977.
Solid Water-Insoluble Particles in Hailstones and their Geophysical Significance, Rosinski
J., Natl. Center for Atmospheric Res., Boulder, Colorado, J.Appl.Meteorol., 5, No.4, 481-492,
August 1966.
Insoluble Particles in Hail and Rain, Rosinski J., Natl. Center for Atmospheric Res., Boulder,
Colorado, J.App.Meteorol., 6, No.6, 1066-1074, December 1967.
Removal of Aerosol Particles and Fractional Separation of HDO-H2O During Snowstorms,
Rosinski J., Langer G. and Bleck R., Natl. Center for Atmospheric Res., Boulder, Colorado,
J.Atm.Sci., 26, No.2, 289-301, March 1969.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
ASTM Approved Methods for the Coulter Principle
(Electric Sensing Zone)
Test Method C690-86 (1997) Standard Test Method for
Particle Size Distribution of Alumina or Quartz by Electric
Sensing Zone Technique
All rights reserved.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method, one of several found valuable for the measurement of particle size, covers
the determination of the particle size distribution of alumina or quartz powders (0.6 to 56.0 µm)
using electric sensing zone particle size analyzers. These instruments use an electric current path
of small dimensions which is modulated by individual particle passage through an aperture, and
produces individual pulses of amplitude proportional to the particle volume.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with
its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
(Reprinted, with permission, from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, copyright American Society for
Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete
standard may be purchased from ASTM, phone: 610-832-9585, fax: 610-832-9555, e-mail:
service@astm.org, website: www.astm.org )
Test Method E1772-95 Standard Test Method for Particle
Size Distribution of Chromatography Media by Electric
Sensing Zone Technique
All rights reserved.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method is valuable for the measurement of particle size and covers determination of
the particle size distribution of chromatography media in the overall size range of approximately
1 to 450 µm using the electric sensing zone (ESZ) apparatus. This instrument uses an electric
current path of small dimensions that is modulated by individual particle passage through an
aperture and produces individual pulses of amplitude proportional to the particle volume (1).
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with
its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use
(Reprinted, with permission, from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, copyright American Society for
Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete
standard may be purchased from ASTM, phone: 610-832-9585, fax: 610-832-9555, e-mail:
service@astm.org, website: www.astm.org )
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
Test Method F751-83 (1997) Standard Test Method for
Measuring Particle Size of Wide-Size Range Dry Toners
All rights reserved.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers a dual-aperture particle size analysis using an electronic sensing
zone apparatus. Dry inks, toners, etc., are covered. Particles as small as 1.0-µm diameter and as
large as 80µm diameter in a single powder system can be analyzed.
1.2 This test method is for particulate systems having a size range greater than 20 to 1,
therefore requiring two apertures. For applications where particle size difference is between 1.4
µm and 80 µm and having a 20 to 1 or less size range, the simpler procedure found in Test
Method F577 should be used.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with
its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
(Reprinted, with permission, from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, copyright American Society for
Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete
standard may be purchased from ASTM, phone: 610-832-9585, fax: 610-832-9555, e-mail:
service@astm.org, website: www.astm.org )
Test Method F577-83 (1997) Standard Test Method for
Particle Size Measurement of Dry Toners
All rights reserved.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers a single aperture particle size analysis using an electronic sensing
zone apparatus. Dry inks, toners, etc., are covered. Particles as small as 1.4 µm and as large as
80 µm can be analyzed.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with
its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
(Reprinted, with permission, from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, copyright American Society for
Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete
standard may be purchased from ASTM, phone: 610-832-9585, fax: 610-832-9555, e-mail:
service@astm.org, website: www.astm.org )
Test Method D4438-85 (1997) Standard Test Method for
Particle Size Distribution of Catalytic Material by Electronic
All rights reserved.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers the determination of particle size distribution of catalyst and catalyst
carrier particles using an electroconductive sensing method and is one of several valuable
methods for the measurement of particle size.
1.2 The range of particle sizes investigated was 20 to 150 µm equivalent spherical diameter. The
technique is capable of measuring particles above and below this range. The instrument used for
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
this method is an electric current path of small dimensions that is modulated by individual particle
passage through an aperture, and produces individual pulses of amplitude proportional to the
particle volume.
1.3 This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard
does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of whoever uses this standard to consult and establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
(Reprinted, with permission, from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, copyright American Society for
Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete
standard may be purchased from ASTM, phone: 610-832-9585, fax: 610-832-9555, e-mail:
service@astm.org, website: www.astm.org )
Practice D3451-92 Standard Practices for Testing Polymeric
Powders and Powder Coatings
All rights reserved.
1. Scope
1.1 These practices cover the selection and use of procedures for testing polymeric powders and
powder coatings. The test methods included are listed in Table 1. Where more than one test
method is listed for the same characteristic, no attempt is made to indicate superiority of one
method over another. Selection of the methods to be followed must be governed by experience
and the requirements in each individual case, together with agreement between the purchaser
and the seller.
1.2 These practices describe the testing of polymeric powders as applied by electrostatic spray,
fluidized bed, or any other applicable method.
1.3 These practices apply to proper and safe packaging, shipping and receiving, and storage and
handling during use and application of polymeric powders.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with
its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
(Reprinted, with permission, from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, copyright American Society for
Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete
standard may be purchased from ASTM, phone: 610-832-9585, fax: 610-832-9555, e-mail:
service@astm.org, website: www.astm.org )
Practice F660-83 (1993) Standard Practice for Comparing
Particle Size in the Use of Alternative Types of Particle
All rights reserved.
1. Scope
1.1 This practice provides a procedure for comparing the sizes of nonspherical particles in a test
sample determined with different types of automatic particle counters, which operate on different
measuring principles.
1.2 A scale factor is obtained by which, in the examination of a given powder, the size scale of
one instrument may be multiplied to agree with the size scale of another.
1.3 The practice considers rigid particles, free of fibers, of the kind used in studies of filtration,
such as: commercially available test standards of quartz or alumina, or fly ash, or some
powdered chemical reagent, such as iron oxide or calcium sulfate.
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
1.4 Three kinds of automatic particle counters are considered:
1.4.1 Image analyzers, which view stationary particles under the microscope and, in this practice,
measure the longest end-to-end distance of an individual particle.
1.4.2 Optical counters, which measure the area of a shadow cast by a particle as it passes by a
window; and
1.4.3 Electrical resistance counters, which measure the volume of a particle as it passes through
an orifice in an electrically conductive liquid.
1.5 This practice also considers the use of instruments that provide sedimentation analyses,
which is to say provide measures of the particle mass distribution as a function of Stokes
diameter. The practice provides a way to convert mass distribution into number distribution so
that the meaning of Stokes diameter can be related to the diameter measured by the instruments
in 1.4.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with
its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
(Reprinted, with permission, from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, copyright American Society for
Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete
standard may be purchased from ASTM, phone: 610-832-9585, fax: 610-832-9555, e-mail:
service@astm.org, website: www.astm.org )
Test Method F662-86 (1992)e1 Standard Test Method for
Measurement of Particle Count and Size Distribution in Batch
Samples for Filter Evaluation Using an Electrical Resistance
Particle Counter
All rights reserved.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers the determination of particle concentration and size distribution of
influent and effluent challenge test materials for filter media using a suitable suspending liquid.
Challenge materials may be standard dusts or user materials. Particle size range is approximately
from 0.5 to 200 µm.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with
its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
(Reprinted, with permission, from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, copyright American Society for
Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete
standard may be purchased from ASTM, phone: 610-832-9585, fax: 610-832-9555, e-mail:
service@astm.org, website: www.astm.org )
Specification C757-90 (1996) Standard Specification for
Nuclear-Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powder, Sinterable
All rights reserved.
1. Scope
1.1 This specification covers nuclear grade plutonium dioxide, sinterable powder obtained by the
oxalate precipitation route, calcined above 500°C, or any other equivalent process acceptable to
the purchaser. Included is plutonium dioxide of various isotopic compositions as normally
Bibliographic References
PN 8321681 Rev B
prepared by in-reactor neutron irradiation of natural- or slightly enriched uranium or by in-reactor
neutron irradiation of recycled plutonium mixed with uranium.
1.2 There is no discussion of or provision for preventing criticality incidents, nor are health and
safety requirements, the avoidance of hazards, or shipping precautions and controls discussed.
Observance of this specification does not relieve the user of the obligation to be aware of and
conform to all Federal, state, and local regulations on processing, shipping, or using source or
special nuclear materials. Examples of U.S. Government documents are N7.2 Radiation Protection
in Nuclear Reactor Fuel Fabrication Plants , Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10 Nuclear Safety
Guide, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report TID-7016 , and "Handbook of Nuclear Safety", H.
K. Clark, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report, DP-532 .
1.3 The PuO2 shall be produced by the processor employing a qualified process and in
accordance with a quality assurance program approved by the user.
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address of the safety problems associated with its use. It is
the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices
and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
(Reprinted, with permission, from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, copyright American Society for
Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete
standard may be purchased from ASTM, phone: 610-832-9585, fax: 610-832-9555, e-mail:
service@astm.org, website: www.astm.org )
Determination of particle size distributions —
Electrical sensing zone method
Reference number ISO 13319:2000(E)
First edition 2000-04-01
Bibliographic References