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English Test: Vocabulary, Sentences, Reading Comprehension

Componente: Inglês
Curso: ________
Turma: ___________
Professor: Gleice
Data: ______/______/2024
Mobilizar conhecimentos sobre as linguagens artísticas para dar significado e (re)construir
produções autorais individuais e coletivas, exercendo protagonismo de maneira crítica e criativa,
com respeito à diversidade de saberes, identidades e culturas.
- Dominar Lingugens: Conditional
- Leitura e compreensão de textos
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1. She __________ at the complicated instructions, trying to understand how to assemble the furniture.
a) stammered
b) willfully
c) stared
d) thread
2. The __________ of wildfires is a major concern for residents living near forested areas.
a) rise
b) speed
c) hazard
d) puppet
3. The government __________ has announced new regulations to address environmental issues.
a) ski lifts
b) B. policy makers
c) C. peers
d) D. researchers
4. Despite the __________ temperatures outside, she wrapped herself in a blanket to keep warm.
a) A. warm
b) B. speed
c) C. rise
d) D. sort
5. The hiker found himself __________ on the mountain after losing his way during a snowstorm.
a) A. stranded
b) B. thunderstruck
c) C. threaded
d) D. raised
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
6. She __________ at the beautiful sunset, amazed by its vibrant colors.
a) gazed
b) wrapped
c) held
d) sorted
7. The __________ of online shopping has significantly increased during the pandemic.
a) rise
b) hazard
c) puppet
d) environment
8. He __________ his way through the dense forest, determined to reach the campsite before dark.
a) stammered
b) speed
c) threaded
d) shriveled away
9. The unexpected delay in the project __________ our plans for launching the new product.
a) raises
b) both
c) thus
d) delayed
10. The researchers hope to __________ more about the effects of climate change on marine life.
a) willfully
b) find out
c) increasingly
d) wrapped
The alpine regions have been experiencing remarkably warm temperatures throughout recent years, posing serious
concerns for both the environment and local economies. Policy makers are now focused on addressing these issues, as
the warming climate has begun to endanger the stability of the region.
Rockfalls have become a frequent hazard, and ski resorts face an increase in challenges. During a recent meeting, a
resort manager stammered while discussing the future of the industry, noting that ski lifts are becoming increasingly
difficult to operate safely. Many skiers have found themselves stranded on the slopes, staring thunderstruck at the
rapidly disappearing snow.
As temperatures rise, the snow begins to shrivel away, impacting not only the skiing season but also the natural
environment. The need for a retreat to higher altitudes is evident, but such a move is not without difficulties. The
demanding nature of these changes requires quick and decisive action from all involved.
The speed at which these changes are occurring is daunting. Ski resorts are being forced to adapt their infrastructure,
including threading new paths for ski lifts and creating artificial snow. These changes seem almost randomly imposed
by the shifting climate, leading to a wider range of adaptive strategies.
In this new reality, both staff and visitors face challenging conditions. The industry must be quick to respond to the
unpredictable weather patterns. For instance, skiers now need to be prepared for a wider range of snow conditions and
terrain shapes, rather than relying on predictable, well-groomed slopes.
The mental and physical workout required to navigate these changes can be exhausting. However, it is also a way to
strengthen resilience. The brain must adapt to the new conditions, making split-second decisions and remaining vigilant.
In this way, the challenges can be seen as a sort of blessing in disguise, pushing individuals and communities to become
more adaptable and innovative.
Researchers are keen to find out how these changes will affect long-term mental and physical health. The adaptive
strategies developed now could serve as a blueprint for other regions facing similar issues. There is a sense that what
initially appears to be a handicap may actually be an opportunity for growth and improvement.
Policy makers are thus working to create sustainable solutions. They are aware that delayed actions will only worsen the
situation. By addressing the issues now, they hope to prevent further deterioration and ensure a viable future for alpine
regions. The goal is to create policies that strengthen the local economies and preserve the natural beauty of these areas.
As the community gazes into the future, there is hope that the proactive measures being taken will help mitigate the
impacts of climate change. The collaboration between peers in the industry, environmentalists, and policy makers is
crucial. By working together, they aim to transform these challenges into opportunities, ensuring that the alpine regions
can continue to thrive despite the changing climate.
Questão 11: Compreensão de Texto Qual dos seguintes desafios é mencionado no texto como consequência do
aquecimento global nas regiões alpinas?
a) Aumento da produção de neve artificial.
b) Expansão das áreas de esqui para altitudes mais baixas.
c) Frequência aumentada de deslizamentos de rochas.
d) Redução do número de visitantes nas estações de esqui.
Questão 12: Inferência De acordo com o texto, quais são as duas principais ações que as estações de esqui estão
tomando para se adaptar às mudanças climáticas?
a) Diminuir os preços dos passes de esqui e aumentar a publicidade.
b) Criar neve artificial e redesenhar os caminhos dos teleféricos.
c) Ampliar as pistas de esqui e oferecer novos pacotes turísticos.
d) Reduzir a quantidade de teleféricos e promover o turismo de verão.
Questão 13: Análise Crítica Por que as mudanças climáticas nas regiões alpinas são descritas como uma "bênção
disfarçada" no texto?
a) Porque estão levando ao fechamento das estações de esqui, permitindo a recuperação ambiental.
b) Porque os desafios impostos estão incentivando inovação e resiliência.
c) Porque os turistas preferem visitar as regiões alpinas no verão.
d) Porque as mudanças climáticas aumentaram a popularidade dos esportes de inverno.
Questão 14: Impacto Socioambiental Segundo o texto, qual é a importância das ações rápidas e decisivas mencionadas?
a) Garantir a segurança imediata dos turistas nas estações de esqui.
b) Prolongar a temporada de esqui por mais alguns meses.
c) Evitar a deterioração futura das regiões alpinas e assegurar um futuro viável.
d) Aumentar os lucros das estações de esqui a curto prazo.
Questão 15: Colaboração e Soluções Qual é o papel da colaboração entre diferentes grupos, conforme descrito no texto?
a) Reduzir os custos operacionais das estações de esqui.
b) Desenvolver estratégias para prolongar a temporada de esqui.
c) Transformar os desafios climáticos em oportunidades, garantindo a prosperidade das regiões alpinas.
d) Promover o turismo de inverno em outras regiões do mundo.
Good Luck!