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Study Schedule Guide: Effective Time Management

Guidelines for Creating a Study Schedule
Doing well on an exam involves preparation, which means developing a schedule so that
you can study material over time rather than the night before an exam. How can students
put all those effective strategies together to develop a coherent study plan? Make a study
Creating a Study Schedule
Your study schedule should not just be about studying! Plan
a schedule of balanced activities. Build in time to take a break,
eat, sleep, socialize, and work on other course materials. Giving
yourself planned breaks will make your study time more
effective, and you will learn best if your basic needs (healthy
food, sleep, exercise) are met. (Can you believe that Cornell’s
learning experts are telling you to stop studying for a bit? Well,
we are. Do it!)
The LSC webpage and Canvas module (must be a Cornell student) have ideas for
creating schedules and thinking about how you spend your time.
Turn off and remove distractions so that you can focus- it might seem like you can
multi-task, but that’s a myth! Don’t get sucked into social media etc. that may feel urgent
but really isn’t. There are tons of apps that help you use social media on your own terms,
just search “apps that block social media” and find one you like. (You could also try
Review material as soon as after lecture as possible. One hour spent soon after class
will do as much as several hours a few days later! Take good notes (maybe try Cornell
Notes!) and review them while they are still fresh in your mind. At a minimum try
summarizing your notes right after lecture. If your grandma called and asked you what the
class you just went to was about, could you tell her? Start assignments while your
memory of the assignment is still accurate.
Find and use “hidden time” for studying. It’s easy to waste scattered 1-2 hour free
periods between classes. Use those little blocks to summarize and start HW from your
previous class or prepare for your next class. If you can think of your school day like a
“work day” and get your work done during the day, you will be able to actually relax in the
evening (instead of worrying about all of the work that you didn’t get done during the day).
Switch it up. Don’t work on one course for more than an hour or two at a time. Our ability
to concentrate decreases rapidly after about 90 minutes, so switching up the courses you
are studying helps keep up your efficiency. It may feel counter-intuitive to study for an
class when you have an exam in a different class. But switching up your studying means
you’ll learn your exam material better PLUS you won’t fall so far behind in your other
Plan and take real actual breaks. Get up, jump around, get a snack, watch a cute
penguin video. Taking short planned breaks can help you study more during the times are
you are actually studying (vs. goofing off while you’re supposed to be studying and then
feeling too guilty to take a real break).
If you are having trouble getting started: try the Pomodoro Technique1: Pick a task to
work on and then focus on that task for 25 minutes without distractions; then take a 5
minute break to stretch, doodle, check email, etc. Then start another block of 25-minutes
of focused work, followed by a 5-minute break.
It’s easier to keep up than to catch up! Develop a regular weekly time to review the
work in each of your courses and stay up to date. This review should be cumulative,
covering briefly all the work done thus far in this semester.
Double your time estimates. Most people tend to underestimate how
much time a particular activity/assignment will take. A good rule of thumb
is to estimate how much time you realistically think something will take and
then double it!
Next up: The Five Day Study Plan! Click on the Button below to develop
your plan.
Cirrilo, Francesco. (2018). The Pomodoro Technique: The Acclaimed Time-Management
System That Has Transformed How We Work. Currency, NY, NY.