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Verb Tenses Worksheet - Elementary English Grammar

Tenses of
Let pupil’s play “ Charades”.
As you have learned, a verb is a part of
speech that is used to convey action,
occurrence, or state of being. It comes in
three tenses. First, you will learn the
present tense of verbs.
The present tense shows the action
happening at the present time. The
present tense is formed by using is, am, or
the base form of the verb, and -s or -es is
added to the base form of the verb when
the subject of the sentence is singular but
not when the subject is plural.
Please read about verb tenses from base
form to present tense.
Read the following sentences.
1. We dance every day.
2. She dances every day.
3. I watch my friend playing basketball.
4. She catches fish with her new fishing
hook and net.
5. They study their lesson in the library.
Compose sentences using the given
verbs in the present tense. Write your
answer in your notebook.
Directions: Read the paragraph. Fill in each
blank with the correct present tense form of
the verb in the parentheses.
Planets in our Solar System
The solar system (is, are) composed of
eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Other heavenly bodies, along with
asteroids, comets and meteors (revolve,
revolves) around some of the planets.
Planets (is, are) similar in some ways. They
all (revolve, revolves) around the sun as
they (rotate, rotates) on their axis and they
get their light and energy from the sun.
What is verb?
Why is it important to follow the
rules in constructing sentence?
Write the correct verb tense on the space
provided for.
Example: She (want) a new car.
Answer: She wants a new car.
1. John (take) a bath every day.
2. Helen generally (review) her lessons in
the morning.
3. She (brush) her teeth three times a
4. The weather today (be) cool.
5. She (belong) to the first group
What is a present
tense of the verb?
Select the correct simple present tense of verb
inside the parenthesis to complete the
1. My brother (watches, watch) TV every day.
2. The class (starts, start) at 8 o’clock in the
3. Stones in the mountain (is, are) hard.
4. It (is, are) very hot outside.
5. My friends (arrives, arrive) early
Directions: Choose the correct sentence that
will describe the picture. Encircle the letter
of the correct answer.
A. Margaux waters the
plants everyday.
B. Margaux waters the
plant yesterday.
C. Margaux is waters
the plant tomorrow.
A. Joshua dribble the ball.
B. Joshua dribbles the ball.
C. Joshua dribbles and shoots the ball.
A. He answered the assignments.
B. He are answering the assignments.
C. He answers the assignment.
A. Mother carries the basket with fruits and
B. Mothers carries the basket with fruits and
C. Mother and Aling Pater carries the basket with
fruits and vegetables.
A. Her washes the dishes.
B. She washes the dishes.
C. They wash the dishes.
Read and analyze the sentences. Take note
of the verb. If the sentence is correct, write
C if not write the correct sentence.
1. The children wears their mask and face
shield outside the house.
Read and analyze the sentences. Take note
of the verb. If the sentence is correct, write
C if not write the correct sentence.
1. The children wears their mask and face
shield outside the house.
Answer: The children wear their mask
and face shield outside the house
2. The child wears his mask and face shield
outside the house.
2. The child wears his mask and face shield
outside the house.
Answer: C
Complete the sentences about the people
in the pictures. Use the simple present
tense of these verbs: dance, go, play, read,
1. They to work by car.
2. Tom apple everyday.
3. She often a book.
4. The boy sometimes when he is alone.
5. The player football on Satudays.
Play "Days Rope Jump"
You'll need a length of rope, long enough to
lay along the length of your classroom. Lay
the rope on the floor and stand facing the
rope, so it is horizontal to you. Get all the
students to stand on the rope, facing you.
Now demonstrate: jump one step back and
shout "yesterday". Jump one step forward onto
the rope and shout "today". Then jump one step
forward, in front of the rope and shout
"tomorrow". Then get everyone jumping,
backwards and forwards as everybody shouts
together "yesterday – today – tomorrow – today
– yesterday – today – tomorrow – today – etc.".
Keep going, getting faster and faster until it gets
too quick to keep up.
Next, you are going to do the same thing,
but the teacher is going to say the days
randomly. Everyone has to listen carefully
and jump into the correct position according
to the day the teacher shouts:
yesterday = behind the rope
today = on the rope
tomorrow = in front of the rope
As you do this, try and trick people by
saying the same day twice and go at
different speeds. As students make
mistakes they have to sit out of the game
until there is only one left, who is the
winner. It’s a really fun game and you can
play this a few times.
Past tense is used to show an action that
happened in the past. Usually, the past
tense is formed by adding -d or –ed to the
base form of the verb. “Was and were” are
the past tenses of the verbs “is and are”
Read the following sentences with the past
form of the verbs.
1. I danced with him yesterday.
• The verb in the sentence is danced.
• Add -d to the verb if it ends with a vowel.
• danced shows an action that happened in
the past.
2. I played badminton.
• The verb in the sentence is played.
• Add –ed if the verb ends with a consonant.
• played shows action that happened in the
3. Last summer, my mother visited the Taal
volcano in Batangas.
• The verb in the sentence is visited.
• The base form of the word visited is visit.
• visited indicates an action that happened in
the past.
4. The children climbed the mango tree
• The verb in the sentence is climbed.
• Add -ed to the verb if it ends with a
• climbed indicates an action that happened
in the past.
Complete the sentences by supplying the appropriate verb in
its correct tense. Choose your answer from the choices
inside the box and write your them in your notebook.
I 1.______ towards
the bus station at
7:00 am in the
morning yesterday.
When I 2._______ at the clock, I said “ Oh, I
am getting late for the morning class
session and my teacher is going to punish
me for this”. It 3. _____not the first time for
me to come late to class. I hurriedly 4.
_______my teeth and put on my clothes
immediately and 5.____ for the bus.
Directions: Choose the correct answer.
1. _________English for two years.
A. I have been studying B. I make studying
C. I have studying
D. I was study
2. His car ____from outside his office.
A. has stolen
B. was stole
C. was stolen
D. is steal
3. I_____people who are not polite.
A. am hating
B. hating
C. hate q
D. hated
4. Tomorrow, _______to the dentist.
A. I am going
B. I going
B. C. I is go
D. I will to go
5. She ______ it last week.
A. buying
B. bought
C. is buying
D. has bought
When to be used –d and –ed
in the word?
DIRECTIONS: Read the following sentences.
Rewrite each sentence by changing their tense
as directed.
1. He did his work with diligence. (Future
2. I will not allow this to happen. (Simple
3. He is riding a horse. (Future progressive)
4. He had never lived alone. (Present
5. Margaret sweeps the floor before the
guests arrived. (Past Perfect)
When to be use the past tense
of the verb?
Draw a simple timeline on the board.
First, ask students what day it is today and write that
day in the middle of the timeline. Next, review the past
tense and write some past tense words (yesterday, last
week, last year, etc) on the left side of the timeline.
Then ask students what day it is tomorrow and write
that day on the right side of the timeline. Elicit some
more times in the future (next week, next Tuesday,
next year, etc.) and write them on the timeline, too.
Using this simple timeline, you can
demonstrate when the future is relative to
now and can explain to students that in this
lesson, they will learn how to talk about
events that will happen in the future.
The future tense is formed by using shall or
will plus the base form of the verb.
• (Subject+ will/shall+ base form of the verb).
Future tense shows an action that will
happen at some future time.
You will use will/shall when an action is
promised/ arranged/planned and will take
place in the future. Regardless of the
subject, whether it is in singular or plural
form, the modals will/shall will be followed by
the base form of the verb.
Note: The traditional rule is that shall is used
with first person pronoun ( i.e. I and We )
while Will is used with the second person
and third person forms ( i.e. You, He, She, It,
They ) to form the future tense.
Read the sentences below.
Read the sentences below.
Read the sentences below.
Read the sentences below.
Choose the correct word in the box to complete
the sentences in the paragraph. Copy and write
your answers in your notebook.
This coming
summer vacation,
my classmates and
I ____1_______ to
the province to
have an escapade.
We ____2______slingshots, ropes, and
neighborhood to go with us. I know my
friends ____4_____me set up some of the
things we ____5____ for that time. Each
one is very excited for that time to come.
DIRECTIONS: Underline the verb or verb
phrases in each sentence and write the
correct tense of the verb on the blank.
1. She wakes up early in the morning daily.
2. He admired the painting in the library.
3. He has planting eggplant in his vegetable
garden _______________
4. The earth revolves around the sun.
5. Father works overseas in 2015.
Compose five (5) sentences about the
picture using the following tenses of verb.
Write your answers in your notebook.
1. (lifts) _________________________________
2. (hold) _________________________________
3. (walked) ___________________________________
4. (talked) ___________________________________
5. (shall wait) ___________________________________
DIRECTIONS: Encircle the verb or verb
phrases in each sentence. Change the
correct tense of the verb and write it on the
1. The teacher has explaining the use of the
verb. _______________
2. The little boy feeds the fishes in the pond
this morning. ______________
3. I was play basketball the whole evening.
4. He will finished his homework tomorrow.
5. She wrote a letter today.
Compose sentences using the given
phrases with the tense of the verbs asked.
Write your answers in your notebook.
1. announce a meeting with the parents
(present) ________________
2. fly to the east
(past) _______________
3. exhibit the pupil’s works
(past) _________________
4. comb my hair
(future) ______________
5. tell a story
(future) _____________