2023 ZAG AVIATION THEORY MIX CPL/ME/IR SKILL TESTS ZAG 1 Contents Airspace (POLAND) 4 TRA (Temporary Reserved Area) 4 TSA (Temporary Segregated Area) 4 D (Danger Area) 4 P (Prohibited Area) 4 R (Restricted Area) 4 TFR (TSA or TRA Feeding Route) 4 CBA (Cross-Border Area) 4 VFR 5 CAVOK 5 VFR Minimums 5 Special VFR 5 Weather Difference Between TEMPO & BECMG TEMPO BECMG 6 6 6 6 METAR 6 Expire / Issue Times (UTC) 6 MISC Definitions Speeds: Altitudes FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) Contingency Fuel NADP1 NADP2 Complex Motor Powered Aircraft Minimum Fuel & Mayday Fuel ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 Constant Speed Prop Advantages (NOT P206T) 8 Vs and Vmca depend on altitude? 8 P2006T 10 Autopilot Limitations (S-TEC Fifty Five X (55)) 10 Carb Heat 11 Pitot Heat 11 Power to Start Engine: 11 Alternate Static Source: 11 Airbox P206T: 11 Critical Engine: 11 ZAG 2 UPRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training) ZAG 12 3 PBN 12 How SBAS Works (Satellite Based Augmentation System) 15 How ABAS Works (Aircraft Based Augmentation System) 16 AAIM (Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) Unintentional Flight Into Icing Conditions: 16 16 16 Satellite acquisition signal bars on GARMIN: 17 A-RNP (Advanced RNP under dev) 17 IR Procedures 18 Definitions 19 LNAV (Lateral Navigation) LPV (Localiser Performance with Vertical Guidance) LNAV + V (Lateral Navigation with Garmin advisory vertical guidance) LVTO (Low Visibility Take Off) LVP (Low Visibility Procedures) RVR (Runway Visual Range) Lighting Others 1 dot Deviation on CDI TA / RA Procedures Minima 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 22 22 31 23 Assumed Engine Failure Height AEFH 24 Take Off Minima Requirement to reduce take-off minima to 400m Landing Minima For single pilot CAT I min RVR Multi-Pilot Circling Minima 24 24 25 25 25 25 CMV (Converted Meteorological Visibility) 25 Approach Procedures 26 Types of Approaches 3D Operations 2D Operations (CDFA) Missed Approach Point (MAPt) Straight-in approach Approach Should be Discontinued: IFR Cruising Altitudes Non-RVSM RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minima) Planning Minima 27 27 28 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 ERA (En-Route Alternate) 32 TALT (Take-Off Alternate) 32 Aviation Law 33 ICAO Annex 2 → SERA (Standard European Rules of the Air) 33 ICAO Annex 6 → Air Operations 33 Acceptable Means of Compliance 36 ZAG 4 Alternate Means of Compliance 36 Interception 36 ZAG 5 Airspace Classification (SERA) 37 Emergencies / Emergency Flows 39 Trim Runaway 39 Total Electrical Failure 39 Landing Gear Failure 40 Instruments 44 Altimeter 44 Rules of Thumb 44 ZAG 6 AVIATION THEORY MIX Airspace (POLAND) TRA (Temporary Reserved Area) ➔ Used by another aviation authority and through which other traffic may be allowed to transit (Under a clearance) TSA (Temporary Segregated Area) ➔ For exclusive use by another aviation authority and which other traffic will not be allowed to transit D (Danger Area) ➔ Flights are prohibited when these zones are active, otherwise possible to enter P (Prohibited Area) ➔ Flights prohibited from surface to certain height, prohibited is prohibited to enter R (Restricted Area) ➔ Airspace where traffic must be restricted for safety, security or others like noise abatement over the urban residential areas ,national parks, etc… Restricted with specific restrictions / conditions. TFR (TSA or TRA Feeding Route) ➔ Routes to allow a flight to access a TRA or TSA and passage between zones. Other Flights are prohibited CBA (Cross-Border Area) ➔ Established to allow military training and other operational flights on both sides of the border. MRT (Military Route) ➔ Low level route of military aviation where active military could fly at supersonic speeds ADIZ ( Air Defence Identification Zone) ➔ Established along the Ukrainian, Belarussian and Russian border. ZAG 7 VFR CAVOK ➔ Ceiling and Vis OK ➔ Visibility 10KM + ➔ No TCU, CB, No clouds below 5000 ft or MSA and no thunderstorms within 5 NM of aerodrome ➔ No Significant weather VFR Minimums ➔ At or Above FL100 / 10000 ft: o VIS: 8 KM o Dist from clouds: 1500m Horizontal o Dist from clouds: 1000 ft Vertical ➔ Between 3000 ft and FL100 / 10000 ft: o VIS 5 KM o Dist from clouds: 1500m horizontal o Dist from clouds: 1000 ft vertical ➔ Below 3000 ft or 1000 ft AGL (Whichever higher) (B, C, D, E) o VIS 5KM o Dist from clouds: 1500m horizontal o Dist from clouds: 1000 ft vertical ➔ Below 3000 ft AMSL or 1000 ft AGL (Whichever higher) (F, G) o VIS 5KM o Clear of Clouds and in Sight of surface Special VFR ➔ Within Control Zone ➔ Clear of Cloud and in sight of surface ➔ Vis not less than 1500 m ➔ Ceiling no less 600 ft ➔ During day only ➔ Speed of 140 KIAS or less ➔ Offered by controller or requested. ZAG 8 Weather Difference Between TEMPO & BECMG TEMPO ➔ Temporary change of 1 or + factors ➔ Lasts between 30 min to 1 Hour ➔ Sum of duration ÷ 2 = time of TEMPO o Ex: 3 Hours ÷ 2 = 1h 30m BECMG ➔ Indicates permanent change on schedule time ➔ With or W/O hours ➔ All limitations must be met 1 hour before and 1 hour after the planned arrival (does not exceed 4 Hours) Weather Info ➔ Aerodrome with TAF → Check TAF, METAR, TRENDs ➔ Aerodrome Without TAF → Check GAMET, METAR, METEO.PL ➔ Check GAMET, SIG WX, AIRMET, SIGMET, weather forecast, satellite imagery, radar maps for each flight METAR ➔ If weather in METAR changes a lot, SPECI is issued: o TEMPO increase of 2°C or More; o Wind direction change 60° or more; o Wind speed changes 10 Kts or more; o Visibility reaches 800m; 1500m; 3000m; 5000m in some airports o RVR reaches 150; 300m; 600m; 800m o Cloud base reaches 100ft; 200ft; 500ft; 1000ft o Sig Weather change (Freezing Precip, Moderate or Heavy precipitation, dust or sand storm, thunderstorm, squall, tornado, etc…) Expire / Issue Times (UTC) ➔ GAMET: 0300; 0900; 1500; 2100 (6H) ➔ METAR: Every 30 min or 1 Hour ➔ TAF: 0530 Z; 1130; 1730; 2330 (6H long) ➔ Significant: 0200; 0800; 1400; 2000 (6H) ZAG 9 MISC Definitions Speeds: KCAS → IAS taking into account errors related to instrument itself and its installation. KIAS → airspeed shown on the airspeed indicator KTAS → is IAS corrected for altitude and temperature Altitudes: Pressure Altitude → Indicated altitude when altimeter is set to standard 1013 Density Altitude → Pressure altitude corrected for temperature Transition Altitude → When pressure is set to 1013 hPa during climb Transition Layer → Airspace between transition altitude and transition level Transition Level → When pressure is set to local QNH during decent. It is the lowest Flight Level (FL) available for use above the transition altitude FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) ➔ Digital computer that controls all aspects of engine performance ➔ For both piston and jet engines Contingency Fuel ➔ 5% of planned trip fuel, or in case of in-flight replanning, 5% of trip fuel remaining for the flight ➔ Not less than 3% of the planed trip fuel provided an en-route (ERA) aerodrome is available ➔ Fuel sufficient to fly 20 min based upon trip fuel consumption, provided that operator uses valid data for fuel calc. ➔ Amount of fuel based on established method ➔ Amount to fly for 5 minutes at holding speed, at 1500 ft, above the destination aerodrome in standard conditions. NADP1 ➔ Used where there are noise sensitive areas close to the airfield ➔ Aircraft must climb to 800 ft then reduce thrust. Maintain flaps in T/O config and continue climb to 3000 ft, then retract flaps, and accelerate to cruise speed. NADP2 ➔ Used to reduce noise in an area further away from the airfield ➔ Aircraft to climb to 800 ft, flaps and slats retract and continue climb to 3000 ft then smoothly ZAG 10 accelerate to en-route climb speed. ZAG 11 Complex Motor Powered Aircraft ➔ Weighs more than 5700 kg or; ➔ Certified maximum passenger seating of more than 19 pax or; ➔ Requires a crew of two pilots or; ➔ Equipped with a turbojet engine or more than on turboprop Minimum Fuel & Mayday Fuel Minimum Fuel → Declaring minimum fuel will inform ATC that the pilot has committed to an aerodrome such that any change in existing clearance will result in landing with less than final reserve fuel. This is not an emergency situation, however an emergency situation may result if there is further delay. Mayday Fuel → This is a situation created when landing with less than final reserve fuel and is defined as an emergency situation ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast) ➔ Allows aircraft to determine their exact location using GPS. That info is broadcast to other aircraft nearby and to ADS-B ground stations which relay info to ATC ➔ Provides “Radar-Like” surveillance ➔ Continually broadcasts aircraft position to other aircraft and ground stations ➔ Low cost, high accuracy, simple ground stations Constant Speed Prop Advantages (NOT P2006T) ➔ Rotates at a constant speed by changing blade pitch ➔ Used to obtain suitable pitch setting for each flight situation and power. Fine pitch used for TO because of low speed; Course pitch used for cruise – high speeds ➔ Efficiency at higher speed range ➔ Improved fuel efficiency ➔ Decreases pilot workload ➔ High MP with low RPM reduces engine wear Vs and Vmca depend on altitude? ➔ Vs is not affected as it is an indicated airspeed and therefore not affected by changes in temperature and pressure ➔ Vmca is defined as the minimum speed, whilst in the air, that directional control can be maintained with one engine inoperative (critical engine on two engine aerolanes), operating engine(s) at takeoff power and a maximum of 5 degrees of bank towards the good engine(s). ➔Vmca is affected by altitude due to lower air density at higher altitudes, producing a smaller yawing moment during OEI. Therefore less rudder input is needed to counteract this moment. Fuel Policy (OM PART C-02-03) Fuel Required TAXI ➔ TRIP ➔ Reserve a. Contingency b. Alt ZAG 12 c. Final d. Additional ➔ Extra (by commander) ZAG 13 Taxi Fuel ➔ Not less than expected time prior T/O. Local conditions of departure aerodrome & APU consumption should be considered Trip Fuel ➔ Fuel for T/O & Climb to initial cruise level/alt ➔ Fuel from TOC to TOD. Including step climb / descent ➔ Fuel from TOD to approach point. Approach procedure should be taken into account. ➔ Fuel for approach & landing at destination. Contingency ➔ 5% of planned trip fuel ➔ 5 min at holding speed @ 1500 ft, above dest Alternate ➔ Fuel for missed app from DA/H MDA/H at destination to missed approach alt ➔ Fuel for climb from missed approach alt to cruise (taking into account expected departure routing) ➔ Fuel for cruise (TOC to TOD) ➔ Fuel for TOD to initial app point (taking into account expected arrival procedure) ➔ Fuel for app & Landing Where 2 destination alternates are required, be sure you have sufficient fuel to proceed to the aerodrome that requires the greater amount of fuel Final Reserve Fuel: ➔ Reciprocating Engines = 45 min, 60 min for solo ➔ Turbine Engines = 30 min at hold speed at 1500 ft above aerodrome elevation Minimum Additional: ➔ Permit the aeroplane to descend as necessary and proceed to an adequate alternate aerodrome in the event of engine failure or loss of pressurisation, whichever requires the greater amount of fuel based on the assumption that such a failure occurs at the most critical point along the route, and a. Hold for 15 mins @ 1500 ft above aerodrome elevation b. make an approach and landing, except that additional fuel is only required if the minimum amount of fuel calculated in accordance with c)2) to c)5) is not sufficient for such an event; and ➔ Hold for 15 min @ 1500 ft above aerodrome elevation Extra Fuel ➔ Discretion of PIC (Block fuel – min req fuel) ZAG 14 P2006T SPECS ➔ Lengh 8.7m, Wingspan 11.4 m ➔ Autopilot → S-TEC Fifty-Five (55) X ➔ Avionic System → G1000 Nxi ➔ Max operating Altitude → 14,000 Ft MSL ➔ Ambient Temp Range → -25°C to +50°C ➔ Use an External Power source for engine starting at temp below –15°C ➔ Pitot LEFT is HEATED not the Right one Maximum takeoff weight / landing weight 1180 kg Maximum zero wing fuel weigh 1145 kg Forward limit 0.221 m (16.5% MAC) / Aft limit 0.415 m (31% MAC) aft of datum (Vertical plane tangent to the wing leading edge) for all weights The aircraft is certified in normal category in accordance with EASA CS-23 regulation. Non aerobatic operations include: • • • • • • • Any manoeuvre pertaining to “normal” flight • Stalls (except whip stalls) • Lazy eights • Turns in which the angle of bank is not more than 60° • Chandelle stall with one engine inoperative is forbidden. Limit load factor could be exceeded by moving flight controls to maxi- mum deflection at a speed above VA=VO (118 KIAS aneuver load factors limits are as follows: Positive Negative + 3.8 g - 1.78 g Maneuver load factors limits with flaps extended are as follows: Positive +2 g Negative 0 g UNINTENTIONAL FLIGHT INTO ICING CONDITIONS Carburettor heat BOTH ON Pitot heat ON ZAG 15 Fly as soon as practical toward a zone clear of visible moisture, precipitation and with higher temperature, changing altitude and/or direction. Control surfaces Move continuously to avoid locking Propellers rpm INCREASE to prevent ice build-up on the blades In event of ice build-up in correspondence of wing leading edges, stall speed increases. Ice build-up on wing, tail fin or flight control surfaces unexpected sudden roll and/or pitch tendencies can be experienced and may lead to unusual attitude and loss of aircraft control. Do not use Autopilot when icing formation is suspected or detected. Fuel ➔ Tanks – 97 Lts each usable capacity ➔ Total usable fuel → 194 Lts ➔ Overall capacity → 200 Lts (6 unusable) ➔ Mogas / Avgas 100LL ➔ Fuel Pressure → Min 2.2 Psi / Max 5.8 Psi - Normal = 4 Psi Oil ➔ Max 3 Lts ➔ Min 2.5 Lts ➔ API classification “SG” or higher ➔ Consumption → 0.06 Lts or higher ➔ Oil Pressure → Min 0.8 BAR / Max 7 BAR - High PRESS with low OAT Engine ➔ Bombardier Rotax GmbH 912 53 ➔ 4 Cylinders horizontally opposed 1352 cc ➔ Liquid cooled cylinder heads / ram-air cooled cylinders ➔ Starting: Min temp - 25°C / Max temp 50°C ➔ cooling tank 1410 cm3 ➔ With Chokes a drop of 200 RPM Temperatures ➔ Max CHT 135°C (temp from most rearward cylinder head) ➔ Max CT 120°C (temp coolant as it exits cylinder head) ➔ Min/Max Oil 50°C / 130°C (90°C-110°C Normal range) In event of cold starting operation, it is permitted a maximum oil pressure of 7 bar for a short period. Flight in expected and/or known icing conditions is forbidden. ZAG 16 Electrical - Battery ➔ ESB - Engine Start Battery for Startup Power 12 V to 14 V ➔ Master and XBusses feed the different equipment ➔ The Avionic Battery gives at least 30 min ➔ Normal Landing Gear extension requires MASTER switch ON with a efficient battery and takes around 20 seconds. ➔ Generator is rated at DC 14,2-14,8 V ➔5 BUSES : Battery bus / L- RH Generator bus / L-RH Avionic bus ➔ EMERG BATT Switch put the 2 Batteries in parallel The Rotax engine built-in generators, one for each engine, feed two bus bars. The distribution system operates as a single bus with power being supplied by the battery and both generators but it is possible to separate the left busses from the right busses when required by means of the Cross Bus switches. Primary DC power is provided by two engine-driven generators which, during normal operations, operate in parallel. Secondary DC power is provided by a battery The following loads are connected to the battery bus: Avionics allow, through a relay, for cutting off the power supply to the pertinent avionic bus. ZAG 17 X buses allow, through a relay, for realizing the parallel connection be- tween the pertinent generator bus and the battery bus. Ignitions ➔ Max drop 130 RPM ➔ Max difference between ignitions 50 RPM ➔ Max 1000 RPM until Oil Temp >50 Deg Propeller Governors ➔ Drop to 1200 RPM – Max Drop 1150 (Diff = 450 RPM) ➔ The purging cycle should be repeated 3 times, making sure that the governor closely and firmly controls the rpm. ➔ Hydraulic controlled (oil pressure to reduce the pitch) Power increase = FIRST Prop THEN Map ➢ Power reduction = FIRST Map THEN Prop GEAR systems Landing gear: electro-hydraulic type two modes: normal and emergency ➔ EMERG GEAR System: Nitrogen Bottle accumulator at 20 Bar minimum Normal operation provides gear extension and retraction by means of hydraulic jacks. Gears extension is helped by gravity also. Emergency operation only provides landing gear extension by means of a hydraulic accumulator which discharges pressurized oil in the above mentioned jacks. BRAKES systems ZAG 18 Brakes can be operated from both pilot’s and co-pilot’s pedals: a single vented oil reservoir feeds the pilot side master cylinders which are connected, via hoses, with the co-pilot’s side ones ZAG 19 Carb Heat ➔ When carb heat is on it will increase temperature to about +55°C and it will cause RPM drop of about 100 RPM ➔ Below +10°C ➔ Visible moisture (Clouds, mist, haze, fog) or precipitation ➔ Visibility less than 5 km ➔ Low Power Setting (18 InCH) winter ops Pitot Heat ➔ +5°C ➔ Visible moisture (clouds, mist, haze, fog) or precipitation ➔ 2 min on Ground Power to Start Engine: ➔ Built in generator situated on the LEFT engine dedicated for engine start (totally independent from main electrical system) ➔ ESB Voltmeter shows voltage for engine start battery ➔ ESB Light ON → Engine start battery not being charged Alternate Static Source: ➔ In case of static source failure for the pitot-static system, we can use alternate static port. Airbox P206T: ➔ Located on the hot part of the engine made of aluminum with two draining points ➔ To reduce the likelihood of carburetor icing ➔ Increases temp of combustion air by about 20°C in the airbox (CH OFF) Critical Engine: ➔ Left Engine has shorter arm than right engine. This will cause a higher yaw moment during a failure. Propeller Cranking ➔ Allows the oil to drain back into the sump ➔ First flight of the day or with cold engine ➔ Also allows to check the propeller compression a. Make sure that there is sufficient compression before continuation. Auto Pilot ZAG 20 ➔ FD gives commands for PITCH and ROLL • • • HDG – maintains a given heading (shown by the HDG bug) NAV – maintains a given track from a CDI (normal sensing mode) REV – maintains a given track from a CDI (reverse sensing mode) ➔ To turn on the autopilot, at least one lateral mode needs to be ON. ➔ To activate the vertical modes, at least one lateral mode needs to be ON ➔ To change the source for the HIS, Press ‘CDI’ button ➔ blue button on the left-hand side yoke is called CWS – Control Wheel Steering. It disconnects the autopilot modes while CWS button is being pressed ➔ ➔ Engaged modes are shown in green and armed modes are shown in white colors on the FMA ➔ When the source is the FMS to provide steering to the autopilot, the HSI needle is ‘MAGENTA’. In case of (LPV, or LNAV+V) the ‘GP’ diamond is also magenta: ➔ When conventional sources provide steering to the autopilot, the HSI needle is ‘GREEN’. In case of (ILS) LOC+GS steering, the ‘GS’ diamond is also green: ➔ To arm NAV mode, keeping pressing ‘HDG’ and press ‘NAV’. Airplane will follow on active (engaged) HDG mode until capturing the NAV track. ➔ When NAV mode changes from white to green on the FMA, HDG mode disappears. ➔ To arm ALT mode, keeping pressing ‘VS’ and press ‘ALT’. Airplane will maintain a given ROC, or ROD until capturing a preselected altitude. When ALT mode changes from white to green on the FMA, VS mode disappears. ➔ Autopilot Limitations (S-TEC Fifty Five X (55)) ➔ Max speed – 135 knots ➔ Min speed- 85 knots ➔ Cruise / descend → 1000 ft ➔ Climb / NPA → 400 ft ➔ ILS CAT I PA → 200 ft ➔ Max Flaps T/O ➔ Must be off with OEI ➔ Disconnected for take-off and landing Autopilot hardover or failure to hold the selected heading In case of Autopilot hardover or failure to hold the selected heading, apply follow- ing procedure: Accomplish items 1 and 2 simultaneously: 1. Airplane control wheel 2. AP DISC/TRIM INTR switch ZAG 21 3. AP MASTER SWITCH 4. AP Circuit Breaker GRASP FIRMLY and OVERPOWER if necessary to regain aircraft control PRESS OFF PULL Speed ZAG 22 ZAG 23 UPRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training) U → UNLOAD P → POWER R → ROLL / RUDDER (s) T → Stick 1. Autopilot / Auto-throttle OFF • NOSE HIGH → UPR (Unload, Power, Roll) (UP) • NOSE LOW → URP (Unload, Roll, Power) • Stall → URP (Unload, Roll/ Rudder, Power) • Spin → PRsT (Power, Rudder, Stick) ZAG 24 IFR PBN To Use PBN we need ➔ 2 GNSS receivers operating for SBAS and GPS ➔ Accuracy (low position errors) a. Accuracy is determined by errors the aircraft can make along the planned route. 3 kinds of errors: ▪ PDE (Path Definition Error) – Aircraft can’t find desired path (database error / point missing) ▪ FTE (Flight Technical Error) – Aircraft can’t execute defined path (failure of autopilot) ▪ NSE (Navigation System Error) – Aircraft can’t find actual position (ILS Failure) b. The Sum of these failures is called TSE (Total System Errors), ZAG 25 ▪ Imagine we want to fly RNP • 95% of the time, you can be offset from your route by max 1 NM, therefore; • If TSE > 1 NM, you can’t use RNP 1 ➔ Continuity (redundancy of systems) ➔ Integrity (ability to alert in case of fail) ➔ Availability (How long system is used) G1000 / G950 PBN Operational Eligibility ➔ B-RNAV (RNAV 5) ➔ RNAV 1/P-RNAV (RNP-1) - (EnRoute and Terminal NAV) ➔ RNP APCH LNAV (does not include APV BARO-VNAV) (RNP-03) ➔ LPV with SBAS (NPA) (GBAS (PA)) provided that G950/G1000 is receiving usable navigation information from at least one GPS receiver PBN Flight Planning – abbreviated procedures ➔ Prepare and check all required PBN charts – validity ➔ At destination confirm approach published as “RNAV (GNSS) Approach” / “RNP APCH” ➔ Identify alternate approach facility at the destination or/and alternate aerodrome ➔ Check weather suitability ➔ Perform RAIM prediction – AUGUR ➔ Check NOTAMS (including SBAS NOTAMS) & NANUs ➔ Other Equipment - Check NOTAMS for availability of other Navaids. ➔ Check required aircraft’s equipment availability Pre-departure procedures ➔ Check aeronautical database validity - No more than 28 Day expiry ➔ Check receiver software version current (1st Page MFD) ➔ Check LRU – (Line Replacement Unit) and Database (AUX / SYSTEM STATUS) ➔ System Settings Parameters: (AUX / SYSTEM SETUP) ➔ Set CDI scaling to ‘auto’; ➔ Set COM spacing to 8,33kHz; ➔ Select MFD to show on top: [GS], [ETE]. [TRK], [XTK]; G E T X ➔ Verify that nav angle is set to MAG values, Departure procedures (AUX / GPS STATUS) ➔ Make a RAIM prediction at PRES POS (ETOT + 20 min.) on MFD and check SBAS On. ➔ Load SID (if applicable) and enter Flight Plan Route ➔ Check waypoints on Active Flight Plan page vs. the charts ➔ Zoom out the map view to confirm proper routing ➔ Identify FLY-OVER Wpts, Speed and Altitude Restrictions on the SID chart ➔ Verify that the HSI flag is showing FMS DPRT Magenta. ZAG 26 Arrival procedures 30 NM inbound destination aerodrome ➔ Confirm revised ETA within RAIM Prediction Window, check RAIM ➔ Coordinate type of arrival and approach with ATC ZAG 27 ➔ Load STAR, TRANSITION and final approach procedure ➔ Verify waypoint sequence ➔ Check reasonableness of the tracks and distances of the approach legs ➔ Accuracy of the inbound course and length of FAS ➔ Identify fly-by and fly-over waypoints ➔ Check presentation of procedure on map display ➔ Check/Set HSI/CDI navigation source to GPS ➔ Check display mode (FPL DTK) & CDI Scaling (“TERM” = 1NM) ➔ Complete approach brief including minima and MAP Approaching the IAF ➔ Obtain Approach Clearance ➔ Conduct Approach Checklist on Base LEG or 3 Nq before IAF ➔ Set, or confirm that HSI/CDI is switched to next track and turn aircraft when advised by system ➔ Descend in accordance with procedure (if applicable) At the IF ➔ Confirm that HSI/CDI is switched to final or next approach track and turn aircraft when advised by system ➔ Descend in accordance with procedure (if applicable) Approaching the FAF ➔ Complete configuration flow ➔ Check correct HSI flag as applicable to approach type and call i.e. ‘LPV magenta’ ➔ Check CDI Scaling correctly adjusted to final approach setting ➔ Check system alerts and flags clear ➔ Cross-check final track on approach chart ➔ Review minima (DA / DDA / MDA and RVR / visibility) ➔ Review MAP Final descent ➔ Monitor lateral deviation on HSI / CDI ➔ For APV Monitor vertical (glidepath) deviation on display ➔ For LNAV and LNAV+V monitor CDFA descent profile using altimeter against vertical profile on chart Missed approach procedures ➔ Go-around in accordance with normal aircraft procedures ➔ If RNAV information is lost or a loss of integrity (or RAIM) message or warning is visible: a. Re-set HSI/CDI navigation source to VOR/LOC b. Continue with published MAP or as directed by ATC c. Inform ATC that PBN navigation has been lost or; ➔ If RNAV information is still available: a. Ensure display has not entered a suspend mode at the MAPt. If necessary, unsuspend receiver to enable correct MAP in the display b. Continue with PBN MAP or as directed by ATC c. Monitor any terrestrial navaids available during the MAP phase ZAG 28 RNAV (Area Navigation) ➔ Method of navigation which permits aircraft operations on any desired flight path within the coverage of ground or space based navigation aids or within the limits of capability of selfcontained aids, or a combination of these (Definition in SERA) ➔ Method of IFR navigation that allows aircraft to choose any course within a network of navigation beacons. ➔ Conserve flight distance, reduce congestion, allows flights into airports without beacons ➔ Navigation that permits aircraft operation on any desired course ➔ Seen as a replacement for all ground-based conventional navigation aids RNP (Required Navigation Performance) ➔ Before RNP ATC had to block large amounts of airspace ➔ More precise and allows curved paths ➔ Must include RAIM (monitoring and alerting capability) ➔ Must meet accuracy of at least 95% of the flight time. SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System) ➔ Ground based sensors along with space based satellites. Knows in the US as WAAS and in Europe as EGNOS ➔ GPS receivers combined with SBAS correction signals and GPS satellite data produce highly accurate position data ➔ SBAS covers an entire continent How SBAS Works (Satellite Based Augmentation System) ➔ Is a wide area differential GNSS signal augmentation system which uses geostationary satellites, able to cover vast areas, to broadcast primary GNSS data which has been provided with ranging, integrity and correction info by a network of SBAS ground stations ➔ The primary purpose of SBAS is to provide integrity assurance, but the system also increases accuracy and reduces position errors to less than 1 meter. GBAS (Ground Based Augmentation System) ➔ GPS receiver antennas send info to GBAS facility ➔ Uses GPS reference facility in the vicinity of the airport. (only covers small area such as an airport (25 km radius)) ➔ Provides enhances GPS position that precision approaches demand ➔ Required for approach and landing GLS (GNSS Landing System) ➔ Apprach using (GNSS/GBAS) information to provide guidance laterally and vertically ➔ CAT I precision approach ➔ Replacement of ILS (Simpler, cheaper). GBAS ground station can serve all runways instead of several antennas that ILS requires ZAG 29 How ABAS Works (Aircraft Based Augmentation System) ➔ System on board the aircraft that monitors integrity of GPS using INS/IRS, RAIM, AAIM AAIM (Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring ➔ “All The aircraft” Processes info ➔ Uses GNSS (GPS) + on board sensors (IRS etc..) ➔ Measures the Fault Detection (FD) and Fault Detection Exclusion (FDE) RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) ➔ Without RAIM you will not have accuracy of GPS position ➔ “Receiver” processes info → Monitors satellites ➔ Only uses signal provided by GPS receivers (NON SBAS) to determine the integrity of navigation. Integrity informs the pilot if navigational guidance can or cannot be provided ➔ Why do we check RAIM Prediction a. In case of losing SBAS signal (glide path), we would still have a lateral guidance (check GPS is available to be able to shoot the approach) ➔ Do we need RAIM to fly a STAR or SID? a. Yes we do. RAIM will provide accuracy for our transition. If RAIM is not available we can use navaids or ask for radar vectors. ➔ Do we need RAIM for RNP approaches? a. Yes we do. In the case that SBAS is lost, we can degrade our approach to LNAV using RAIM. Unintentional Flight Into Icing Conditions: ➔ Carb heat – both ON ➔ Pitot heat – ON ➔ Fly towards zone clear of visible moisture, precipitation and with higher temperature, change altitude and direction ➔ Control surfaces – move continuously to avoid locking ZAG 30 ➔ Propeller RPM – Increase to prevent ice build up on the blade LOW TEMPERATURE CORRECTION The effect of the temperatures lower than ISA is addressed by ICAO/EASA provisions, specific requirements being articulated for the ATS authorities, aircraft operators, flight crew and ATC to ensure that the required safe clearance above terrain and obstacles exists at all times. It must be emphasized that all corrections are necessary to ensure that the minimum obstacle clearance is not compromised. Pressure altimeters are calibrated to ISA conditions. Any deviation from ISA will result in error proportional to ISA deviation and to the height of the aircraft above the aerodrome pressure datum. “High to Low — Look Out Below!” Most of us remember memorizing. If we fly from high pressure to low pressure, and don’t correct our altimeter, the aircraft will be lower than what is shown on the altimeter. The same is true for temperature. When flying from high temperature to low temperature the True Altitude (actual height above seal level) will become lower than the Indicated Altitude. Any time we fly when temperatures are colder than standard, we are actually lower than we think! ZAG 31 Note: ➔ Ice on the wing will increase stall speed ➔ Autopilot shall not be used in icing conditions. ➔ At high altitude – descend to higher temp ➔ At low alt – land ASAP Known icing conditions: ➔ Carb icing a. Fixed pitch prop - > drop in RPM b. Constant speed prop -> drop in MAP Satellite acquisition signal bars on GARMIN: ➔ No Bar → Receiver looking for satellite ➔ Hollow Bar → Receiver has found satellite and collecting data ➔ Light Blue Bar → receiver collected necessary data and signal can be used ➔ Green Bar → Satellite is being used for GPS solution ➔ Checkered Bat → Receiver has excluded the satellite (FDE) ➔ “D” Indication → Denotes the satellite is being used as part of differential computations Function of OBS (Omni Bearing Selector) ➔ Turns a way point on the GPS into a “VOR” ➔ This function’s purpose is to fly a non-published hold A-RNP (Advanced RNP under dev) ➔ Will be used in enroute and terminal airspace including approach, missed approach and departure phases of flights ➔ Lateral Navigation (closer route spacing; reduction of holding areas; enable curved approaches) ➔ Longitudinal Navigation (metering of traffic from en-route to terminal airspace) ZAG 32 ➔ Vertical Navigation (Effective use of CDO Continuous Descent Ops and CCO Continues Climb Ops – environmental mitigation) ZAG 33 Instru App Procedures 5 Segments Arrival → Initial → Intermediate → Final → Missed Approach Arrival Segment ➔ Starts during enroute phase and finishes over the IAF. Permits transition from the enroute phase to the approach phase Initial Approach Segment ➔ Begins at IAF and ends at the IF. Acft has left enroute structure and is manoeuvring to enter intermediate approach segment. Intermediate Approach Segment ➔ Segment during which acft speed and config should be adjusted to prep acft for final approach. For this reason, descent grad is kept as shallow as possible Final Approach Segment ➔ Alignment and descent for landing. ➔ Optimum length for locating the FAF is 5 NM. It should not normally be greater than 10 NM. ➔ Unless otherwise noted on the instrument approach chart, the nominal missed approach climb grad is 2.5 % Missed Approach Segment ➔ Initial a. Begins at the MAPt and ends at the start of climb (SOC). No turns specified in this phase ➔ Intermediate a. Track may be changed to a max of 15 degrees from that of the initial missed approach phase. During this phase it is assumed that the aircraft begins track corrections ➔ Final a. Begins at point 50 m (164 ft) obstacle clearance is first obtained and can be maintained. It extends to the point where a new approach, holding or return to en-route flight is initiated. Turns may be prescribed in this phase. ZAG 34 4 Points / Fix Initial Approach Fix (IAF) → Intermediate Fix (IF) → Final Approach Fix (FAF) → Missed Approach Point (MAPt) Definitions LNAV (Lateral Navigation) ➔ Is a Non-Precision or 2D Approach with lateral guidance only aided by GNSS and an Aircraft Based Augmentation System (ABAS). Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) is a form of ABAS. Lateral guidance is linear, with accuracy within +/- 0.3 NM parallel to either side of the final approach track. LPV (Localiser Performance with Vertical Guidance) ➔ Is an approach procedure with Vertical Guidance. The lateral and vertical guidance is provided by GPS and SBAS. Lateral and Vertical guidance are angular with increasing sensitivity as the aircraft progresses down the final approach track. Similar to ILS indication LNAV + V (Lateral Navigation with Garmin advisory vertical guidance) ➔ Non-precision or 2D Approach with lateral guidance. LNAV minima shall be used, do not mistake with LNAV/VNAV. The approach technique shall be exactly the same like LNAV (CDFA), the altitude check points shall be used at certain distances from the MAPt. Vertical Guidance is only there to help maintain a CDFA Profile. ZAG 35 RUNWAY LVTO (Low Visibility Take Off) ➔ Take Off with an RVR lower than 400 m but not less than 75 m ➔ Following Provisions should apply a. LVTO with RVR below 400 m b. LVTO with RVR below 150 m but not less than 125 m ▪ HI runway centre Lights Spaced: 15 m / HI edge lights spaced 60 m c. A 90 m visual segment at the start of take-off run d. RVR value achieved for all relevant RVR reporting points e. LVTO with an RVR below 125 m but not less than 75 m f. Runway protection equivalent to CAT III g. Aircraft equipped with Lateral Guidance System LVP (Low Visibility Procedures) ➔ Supports LVO ( Low Visibility Operations) ➔ Conduct LVO when approved by the authority a. LVTO operations b. Lower Than Standard CAT I Operation c. Standard CAT II Operation d. Standard CAT III Operations e. Approach with EVS (enhanced vision system), reduce RVR by 1/3 of the published RVR RVR (Runway Visual Range) ➔ Represents the range at which the runway high intensity lights can be seen in the direction of landing ➔ ATC informs pilots ➔ Measured at touchdown point, midpoint and endpoint of the runway ➔ Used as a visibility minimum Lighting ZAG 36 FALS → Full Approach Lighting system (CAT I – 720m) IALS → Intermediate Approach Lighting System (719 – 420 m) BALS → Basic Approach Lighting System (419 – 210 m) NALS → No Approach Lighting System (< 210m) or no lights HIALS → High Intensity Approach Lighting System MIALS → Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System ZAG 37 ZAG 38 Others Established → When pilot is on horizontal profile only – mainly 2D Fully Established → When pilot on horizontal and vertical profile – Plainly PA On Final → You are on final leg so you passed FAP/FAF 1 dot Deviation on CDI ➔ VOR – Full scale deflection is 10° ➔ ILS – Full scale deflection is 2.5° ➔ G1000 HIS Full scale deflection: a. DEP1: 0.3 NM b. TERMINAL: 1 NM c. ENR: 2 NM d. APP: 1 NM decreasing to: e. FINAL: 0.3 NM Times EOBT (Estimated Off Block Time) ➔ Estimated time aircraft will commence movement ➔ We can activate a flight plan in IFR 15 min before EOBT and it must be delayed if taxi is not commenced 15 min after EOBT CTOT (Calculated Take Off Time) ➔ Time provided by Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) taking into account ATC flow situation ➔ Also known as ATFM (Air Traffic Flow Management) slot ➔ CTOT has a tolerance of -5/+10 minutes TOBT (Target Off Block Time) ➔ Is the time that operator/handling agent estimates that the aircraft will be ready to start up, doors closed, bridge removed, push back vehicle present. Push back immediately after clearance from TWR TSAT (Target Start up Approval Time) ➔ Takes into account TOBT and CTOT IFR Minimum Altitudes ➔ Level not below the minimum flight altitude established by the state whose territory is over flown. ➔ When no minimum flight altitude can be established a. Over high terrain and mountainous areas, 2000 ft above highest obstacles within 8 km b. Elsewhere than specified above, at least 1000 ft above the highest obstacle located within 8 km MEA (Minimum Enroute Altitude) ➔ Lowest published altitude between 2 radio aids for obstacle clearance + signal coverage Grid Mora (Grid Minimum Off-Route Altitude) ➔ Provides terrain and man-made structure clearance within the section outlined by latitude and ZAG 39 longitude lines ZAG 40 MCA (Minimum Sector Altitude) ➔ Lowest altitude that will provide a clearance of 1000 ft above all objects in a 25 NM radius centred on a radio navigation aid Racetrack ➔ Same layout as holding but used to reduce altitude ➔ Course reversal procedure ➔ Is part of the approach procedure ➔ Time depends on the approach Procedure Turn ➔ Used to reverse a course when no suitable fix permits a direct entry into an instrument approach procedure 1 min ➔ 2 Types of Procedural turns: a. 45°/180° turns c. 80°/260° turns CDFA (Continuous Descent Final Approach) ➔ Technique to fly a final approach segment of non-precision instrument approach ➔ Continuous descent, without level off ➔ From altitude / height at or above the FAF (final approach fix) to a point approx. 15m (50ft) above landing runway threshold or when the flare begins. ➔ Used for all non-precision approaches (except approval of competent authority) APV (Approach with Vertical Guidance) ➔ Ex: RNAV (GNSS); RNP-APCH; RNP-AR ➔ Designed to provide vertical guidance to DA but is considered a non-precision approach ➔ 2 types (APV BARO; APV-SBAS) ➔ APV BARO: a. Approach with barometric vertical guidance flown to LNAV/VNAV DA/H b. Flown by modern aircraft with VNAV function using barometric inputs ➔ APC SBAS: a. Approach with geometric vertical and lateral guidance flown to the LPV (localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance) DA/H b. Is Supported by SBAS such as WAAS in US and EGNOS in Europe to provide lateral and vertical guidance. c. Lateral guidance is equivalent to an ILS localizer; vertical guidance provided against geometrical path in space instead of barometric altitude ➔ Instrument approach procedure (IAP) - Series of predetermined maneuvers by reference to flight instruments with specified protection from obstacles from the initial approach fix or, where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be completed and thereafter, if a landing is not completed, to a position at which holding or en-route obstacle clearance criteria apply. IAPs are classified as follows: ZAG 41 1. Non-Precision Approach (NPA) procedure, which means an IAP designed for 2D instrument approach operations Type A; 2. Approach procedure with vertical guidance (APV) means a performance-based navigation (PBN) IAP designed for 3D instrument approach operations Type A; 3. Precision approach (PA) procedure means an IAP based on navigation systems designed for 3D instrument approach operations Type A or B Difference Between LNAV/VNAV & LPV Approach LPV - ZAG Designed to be very similar to ILS approach with increased sensitivity glideslope Lower DA than LNAV/VNAV As low as 200ft Meets criteria for CAT precision approach (but it’s a non-precision) Built on SBAS (needs SBAS receiver + SBAS coverage) LNAV/VNAV - Flown on barometric altimeter only and is subject to temp errors Less reliable and higher DA 42 Difference Between FAP and FAF FAF (Final Approach Fix) - Non-precision Start of the final approach segment by final approach distance or locator marker Should be crossed at or above specified height before final descent is initiated FAP (Final Approach Point) - Precision approach Start of the final approach segment by final approach distance or locator marker Should be crossed at or above specified height before final descent is initiated Decision Altitude / Height (DA/H) ➔ For precision approach or; ➔ For non-precision approach flown with CDFA descent profile and call DDA Minimum Descent Altitude / Height (MDA/H) ➔ Used for non-precision approaches ➔ Altitude using local QNH ➔ Heights above ground or with the local QFE off barometric altimeter Minima AEFH Assumed Engine Failure Height OM C-01-18 Point on the all-engine take-off flight path where visual reference for the purpose of avoiding obstacles is expected to be lost ➔ VFR = 200ft AGL. ➔ IFR flights AEFH depends on IFR operations (SOP VOL. 1) ➔ Flight Path begins at 50 Ft at End of TOD Required ➔ Finish at 1500 Ft above Surface ➔ Bank angle LESS than 15deg = Spacing 300m VMC or 600m IMC ➔ Bank angle MORE than 15deg = Spacing 600m VMC or 900m IMC ➔ OEI Climb Gradient = Twin Climb Gd * 0.77 ➔ If no info in AFM assumed OEI at 200Ft or 300Ft ➔ Finish at 1500 Ft above Surface ZAG 43 Take Off Minima EX: If RVR is less than 1000m we have to assumed at 200FT Crit. Eng. Failure Occurrence Or: if an obstacle is at 300Ft and RVR is below 1000Ft we can’t T/O MEP Assumed Engine Failure Height AEFH RVR / VIS (m) Ceiling (Ft) 200 500 200 300 1000 300 2---5---2 3---10---3 SEP Same as SVFR 1500 600 Requirement to reduce take-off minima to 400m ZAG Facilities RVR/VIS (m) Day only : none 500 m Day:at least runway edge lights or runway centreline markings Night: MUST have runway end lights and either: runway edge lights or; centreline lights 400 m 44 Landing Minima(1) For single pilot CAT I min RVR ➔ 800 m SPO (Single Pilot Operation) ➔ 600 m (Coupled with ILS and Autopilot) ➔ 550 m (TDZ + CL Lights) + Autopilot or HUDLS Multi-Pilot ➔ An RVR less than 750 m may be used under these conditions a. CAT I ops to runways with FALS and TDZ and CL and decision height of 200 ft or; b. CAT I ops to runways with FALS but without TDZ or CL when coupled with autopilot or flight director flow approach to a decision height not less than 200ft or; c. CAT I ops to runways with FALS but without TDZ or CL when using an approved HUDLS or equivalent approved system d. APV to runways with FALS and TDZ and CL when using an approved HUSLS, but not below RVR 600m ➔ Otherwise the RVR is limited to 750 m or above (limited column). ALS out means approach light system is out Circling Minima MDA (Ft) VIS (m) A 400 1500 B 500 1600 C 600 2400 D 700 3600 CMV (Converted Meteorological Visibility) Lights Elements RVR/CMV = Reported Meteo Visibility X DAY NIGHT High Intensity Approach and runway lights 1.5 2.0 Any other type of lights 1.0 1.5 No lights 1.0 NOT APPLICABLE ➔ Value equivalent to an RVR derived from reported meteorological visibility. ➔ CMV is used when no RVR is available (If RVR available, use it!) ➔ Should not be used a. For planning purposes b. For calculating Take-off Minima c. When RVR minima less than 800m ZAG 45 Approach Procedures Straight-in approach final approach track and the runway center line is 30° or less. Circling approach final approach track alignment outside criteria for a straight-in approach. The final approach track aligned to pass over some portion of the usable landing surface of the aerodrome. ➔ Verify time at which you set propeller FULL FWD! Make a call “ TIME (Minutes) “ ex “Time 27” – not to cross 5 min in max RPM ➔ If after passing 1000ft above aerodrome , the reported RVR/VIS falls below the minimums, the approach may be continued to DA/H or MDA/H. The approach may continue below the DA/H or MDA/H and landing may be completed provided that the visual reference adequate for the type of approach and intended runway is established and maintained ➔ When RVR not available, values may be used derived from CMV Visual Reference for Precision Approach / Non-Precision Approach ➔ A pilot may not continue an approach below CAT I DA/H (MDA/H) unless at least ONE of the following visual references for the intended runway is visible and identifiable to the pilot: a. Elements of the approach light system b. Threshold (markings, lights) c. Visual glide slope indicator d. Touchdown Zone (Markings, lights) e. Runway Edge Lights f. Other visual references accepted by the authority (NPA) Lowest Possible DH and RVR for precision approaches Approach Type CAT I CAT II CAT III A CAT III B CAT III C DH (ft) RVR (m) 200 100 100 <100 NIL 550(1) 300 200 75 NIL Note 3 consecutive lights + 1 lateral element 3 consecutive lights + fail passive autopilot 1 CL Light + fail operational autopilot Lowest Possible DH for non-precision approach ZAG Type DH (ft) Localiser VOR/DME RNAV/LNAV VOR NDB/DME NDB SRA (1/2 NM) SRA (1 NM) SRA (2NM or More) 250 250 300 300 300 350 250 300 350 46 Types of Approaches Precision Approach (PA) Non-Precision Approach (NPA) Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV) 1. ILS, 2. GLS, 3. PAR (Precision App Radar) 1. RNAV (LNAV; LNAV+V; LNAV/VNAV; LPV) 2. Localizer Performance 3. VOR 4. NDB 5. Localizer 6. ASP (Approach Surveillance Radar) 7. LDA (localizer type directional Approach) 8. SDF (Simplified Directional Facility) 1. LPV & LNAV / VNAV 2. Must have WAAS 3. More Precise than RNAV LPV / LP LNAV / VNAV LNAV SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS) GPS + BARO RAIM (Basic GPS) 3D Operations ZAG 47 The 7 Stabilized 3D Approach Criteria Lateral Path Vertical Path Vertical Speed Bank Approach Speed Gear + Flaps set Throttle +/- ½ Scale CDI +/- ½ Scale GS ≤ 1000ft/min if not briefed accordingly ≤ 15° +5kt, -5kt – all engines, calm conditions +10kt, -5kt – one engine inop +10kt, -10kt – turbulent conditions As briefed Not idle NOTE: When OEI the above is configuration is delayed by 1 dot and Flaps REMAIN at T/O Altimeter checkpoint (GS check) – is a point marked by OM, or specific distance on DME (usually close to 4NM final). Tolerance during ALT CHECK is ±75ft. LANDING checklist is to be done immediately after ALT CHECK. If no ALT CHECK in the approach it should be done at 1000ft above elevation. LANDING checklist is a confirmation that flaps and gear are in the correct position. The aircraft should be already in landing configuration. Changing aircraft configuration once you are established after passing FAP can destabilize the approach. Such actions should be avoided. Verify time at which you set propellers to full FWD. Make a call “TIME (MINUTES)”, ie. “TIME 37”. You shall remember this time, not to cross permissible 5min. on max. RPM. Approaching Decision Altitude (3D APP) ➔ 50 Ft above DA/H callout “Approaching Minimums “ ➔ At DA/H if the following conditions occur: Callout “Runway in Sight -Decision Continue” / Otherwise: “Decision – Go Around” a. Have permanent contact with runway or runway lights; b. Landing config; c. Fully Stabilized; d. You are sure of a safe landing from current Position 2D Operations (CDFA) DDA → Derived Decision Altitude (Published DA/MDA + 30 Ft to compensate in case of go around. ➔ Applies to all NPA ➔ Does not apply to APVs MDA → Minimum Descent Altitude (published) ZAG 48 PI → Pilot Increment MOC → Minimum Obstacle Clearance OCH → Obstacle Clearance Height ZAG 49 Configuration ➔ Should take place after stabilizing on inbound track, 1.5 NM (or 30 sec) before FAF ➔ “Speed below 122” → Flaps T/O → Flaps T/O Checked ➔ “Speed Below 122” → Gear Downs → Gear Down 3 Green After FAF ➔ Timer ON (when distance from threshold is not available) ➔ “Speed Below 93” → Flaps Full → Flaps Full checked ➔ Adjust MP to establish published and briefed ROD (20 to 22 IN) ➔ Monitor present position and verify “Above / Below Profile” or “On Profile” ➔ Call for final checklist (memory items) at: a. 1000 ft above elevation; b. If 1000 ft elevation is lower than MDA, then 500 ft above minimums Approaching Decision Altitude (2D) ➔ 50 Ft above DDA/H callout “Approaching Minimums “ ➔ At DDA/H if the following conditions occur: Callout “Runway in Sight -Decision Continue” / Otherwise: “Decision – Go Around” a. Have permanent contact with runway or runway lights; b. Landing config; c. Fully Stabilized; d. You are sure of a safe landing from current condition 2D IAP Vertical Profile ZAG 50 ➔ Control of airspeed and rate of descent is particularly important ➔ Should cross the FAF already configured and at the correct speed ➔ The published VDA may be incorporated in a navigation database via the flight directors to be regarded as advisory only. ➔ During RNP APCH (LNAV) Garmin advise by (LNAV+V). with magenta glide path slope only to help you to fly CDFA approach. ➔ DA on Jeppesen charts but still the “old” MDA with no margin for height loss during initiation of go around. Thus, higher DA must be briefed and used, so called DDA – Derived Decision Altitude ➔ The DDA applies to all NPAs. Not for APVs like LNAV/VNAV, LPV, RNP AR APCH ➔ Those approaches already incorporate the possible height loss in case of a go around. On many airliners this altitude increment is 50ft, however due to much smaller size and less momentum of Tecnam P2006T, Bartolini Air establishes this increment ➔ Add margin + 30ft. ZAG 51 The 7 Stabilized 2D Approach Criteria Lateral Path Vertical Path Bank Approach Speed Gear + Flaps set Throttle +/- ½ Scale CDI, or 5° for RMI +/- 75ft vertical deviation at checkpoints ≤ 15° +5kt, -5kt – all engines, calm conditions +10kt, -5kt – one engine inop +10kt, -10kt – turbulent conditions As briefed Not idle NOTE: When OEI the above is configuration is delayed by 1NM and Flaps stay at T/O Circle to Land Approach (after obtaining visual contact) ➔ Stop descent at MDA/H ➔ Make 45 degrees turn (left or right, as directed) ➔ Start timer ➔ After 30 seconds go back to previous heading (parallel to rwy or DOWNWIND) ➔ After joining downwind – “Speed Below 122 – Gear Down – 3 Green” ➔ Report “Downwind” position ➔ Receive new go around procedure ➔ Abeam runway threshold start timer ➔ Start turn to base and then to final leg, after passing runway threshold calculate the time to fly before making the turn (TIME= MDH/30 in feet) ➔ When on final “Speed below 93 – Flaps full” ➔ Landing Checklist Missed Approach Point (MAPt) ➔ Point after which a turn can be made to ensure the plane stays in the safe area ➔ NPA: typically crossed at the MDA ➔ PA: reached when aircraft reaches DH Straight-in approach ➔ When aircraft is within 30 degrees either side of the runway centerline ZAG 52 Approach Should be Discontinued: ➔ Receiver fails to engage the correct approach; ➔ In case of loss of Integrity (LOI) monitoring; ➔ HIS/CDI exceeds half scale deflection; ➔ If a RAIM warning is activated ➔ IF RAIM function is not available and enunciated before passing the FAF IFR Cruising Altitudes Non-RVSM ➔ Separation of 2000 ft ➔ Ex: FL370 – FL390 – FL410 RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minima) ➔ Separation of 1000 ft ➔ Ex: FL380 – FL390 – FL400 ➔ Increase airspace capacity ➔ More fuel-efficiency ➔ Requires certification and operator approval ZAG 53 Planning Minima Planning Minima Destination alternate, isolated aerodrome, fuel ERA and ERA aerodrome CAT II and III CAT I RVR CAT I NPA RVR/VIS Ceiling at or above MDH NPA NPA RVR/VIS +1000m Ceiling at or above MDH+200ft Circling Circling ERA (En-Route Alternate) ➔ Reduce contingency from 5% to 3% (ERA must be located within a circle radius of 20% total flight plan distance) ➔ Circle centred at a distance from destination aerodrome of 25% of the total flight plan distance or 20% + 50 NM whichever greater ➔ ETOPS ERA select to allow aircraft in case engine failure at worst point along the route, to be within a certain distance to an adequate alternate (120 min at OEI cruise speed) TALT (Take-Off Alternate) ➔ When not possible to use departure aerodrome as alternate (due to MET / Performance / Engine Failure / Emergency) ➔ Select a take-off alternate aerodrome no more than 1 hour flying time at OEI cruise speed in still air conditions ➔ TALT should be filled in field 18 as “ TALT/… ” ➔ 3 or more engines → 2 h OEI cruise speed according to AFM in still air conditions. Isolated Aerodrome ➔ Is one for which the alternate and final reserve fuel is required to the nearest adequate destination alternate aerodrome is more than: a. Aircraft with reciprocating engines, fuel to fly for 45 min + 15% of flying time to be spent at cruising for 2 hours, whichever is less b. For aircraft with turbine engines, fuel to fly for 2 hours at normal cruise above the destination aerodrome, including final reserve fuel Destination Alternate No Alternate ➔ Isolated aerodrome or; ➔ Duration of flight does not exceed 6 hours and; ➔ 2 separate runways at destination and; ➔ Weather reports indicate that 1 hour before and 1 hour after ETA the ceiling will be at least 2000ft or circling height + 500 ft and vis at least 5km. ➔ If none of the above, 1 Destination Alternate needs to be selected ZAG 54 2 Alternates ➔ Weather report shows that within 1 hour before to 1 hour after EA the conditions will be below aerodrome minima ➔ No meteo info is available at destination airport Aviation Law ICAO Annex 2 → SERA (Standard European Rules of the Air) ICAO Annex 6 → Air Operations ➔ PART-ARO – Authority Requirements for Air Operations – establishes requirements for the admin and management systems to be fulfilled by the agency and member states of the implementation and enforcement of IR-OPS ➔ PART-ORO – Organisation Requirements for Air Operations – establishes requirements to be followed by an air operator conducting commercial air transport operations. ➔ PART-CAT – Commercial Air Transport Operations - contains general requirements for commercial air transport operations, including operating procedures, aircraft performance, mass and balance, instruments and equipment requirements etc… ➔ PART-SPA – Specific Approvals - contains requirements for specific approvals, such as PerformanceBased Navigation, Minimum Navigation Performance (MNPS), Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM), Low Visibility Operations (LVO), Extended Range Twin Engine Operations (ETOPS), Transport of Dangerous Goods(DG), and certain specified helicopter operations. ➔ PART-NCC – Authority Requirements for Air Operations (Non-Commercial) Complex Aircraft Operations ➔ PART-NCO – Authority Requirements for Air Operations (Non-Commercial) Non-Complex Aircraft Operations ➔ PART-SPO – Specific Operations – Special Missions, like flying with sky-divers, aerial photos, firefighting flight etc… ICAO ANNEX 10 VOL II – Lost Comm Procedure If in visual meteorological conditions, the aircraft shall: a) continue to fly in visual meteorological conditions; land at the nearest suitable aerodrome; and report its arrival by the most expeditious means to the appropriate air traffic services unit; b) b) if considered advisable, complete an IFR flight in accordance with If in instrument meteorological conditions or when the pilot of an IFR flight considers it inadvisable to complete the flight in accordance with a), the aircraft shall: a) unless otherwise prescribed on the basis of regional air navigation agreement, in airspace where radar is not used in the provision of air traffic control, maintain the last assigned speed and level, or minimum flight altitude if higher, for a period of 20 minutes following the aircraft's failure to report its position over a compulsory reporting point and thereafter adjust level and speed in accordance with the filed flight plan; ZAG 55 b) in airspace where radar is used in the provision of air traffic control, maintain the last assigned speed and level, or minimum flight altitude if higher, for a period of 7 minutes following: 1. the time the last assigned level or minimum flight altitude is reached; or 2. the time the transponder is set to Code 7600; or 3. the aircraft's failure to report its position over a compulsory reporting point; whichever is later, and thereafter adjust level and speed in accordance with the filed flight plan; c) when being radar vectored or having been directed by ATC to proceed offset using area navigation (RNAV) without a specified limit, rejoin the current flight plan route no later than the next significant point, taking into consideration the applicable minimum flight altitude; d) proceed according to the current flight plan route to the appropriate designated navigation aid or fix serving the destination aerodrome and, when required to ensure compliance with e) below, hold over this aid or fix until commencement of descent; e) commence descent from the navigation aid or fix specified in d) at, or as close as possible to, the expected approach time last received and acknowledged; or, if no expected approach time has been received and acknowledged, at, or as close as possible to, the estimated time of arrival resulting from the current flight plan; f) complete a normal instrument approach procedure as specified for the designated navigation aid or fix; and g) land, if possible, within 30 minutes after the estimated time of arrival specified in e) or the last acknowledged expected approach time, whichever is later. Lost Comm Procedure EPLL (LODZ) Radio Communication Failure Procedure for IFR Flights General Procedure During Flights Other Than SIDs OR STARs And For Aircraft Not Approved For Star RNP1 Ops ➔ Set transponder to 7600 and continue to the LOZ DVOR/DME at the FL last assigned by ATC. Overhead LOZ, descend to 3000 ft, then execute a VOR RWY 25 app and land or fly northern (RIGHT) circle to RWY 07 (depending on wind direction and other circumstances) Radio Comm Failure Proc For Flights On SIDs ➔ Set transponder to 7600. Continue according to the assigned and confirmed SID. After 3 mins, climb to FPL FL Radio Comm Failure Proc for Flights On STARs (AIRCRAFT APP FOR RNAV 1 OPS) a) If a STAR was assigned and flight crew acknowledge it, set transponder 7600, continue in accordance with FPL and follow assigned STAR, then execute an (VOR or RNAV GNSS) approach and land. The descent shall be performed after 2 minutes from setting 7600, in accordance with the vertical restrictions specified on the STAR charts. b) If no STAR was assigned, set transponder 7600 and continue to the LOZ DVOR/DME at the last assigned FL. Overhead LOZ, descend 3000 ft, then execute VOR RWY 25 approach and land, or fly northern (RIGHT) to RWY 07 (depending on wind dir and other circumstances) NOTE: In all cases, particular attention shall be kept due to VFR flights that may hold at the VFR points: YANKEE to the north and SIERRA to the south of the aerodrome. Visual Circling is allowed only on the northern side of the aerodrome. Radio Comm Failure in VFR Flights ➔ If radio comm fails before reaching LODZ CTR/TMA, entry is forbidden . ZAG 56 ➔ If radio comm fails in flight after obtaining clearance for entry into the LODZ CTR/TMA, the crew shall a. When arriving and approaching from the NORTHERN side of the aerodrome: ▪ Make an approach to reach YANKEE point and await visual signals given from the aerodrome control tower of Lodz aerodrome; ▪ Show all aircraft nav, warning and landing lights during arrival and holding; ▪ After receiving a green visual continuous signal execute the shortest possible approach and land on the most suitable runway depending on weather conditions; ▪ After receiving a red visual signal hold over YANKEE point until receiving a continuous green visual signal and then execute the shortest possible approach and land on the most suitable runway depending on weather conditions; ▪ If no signals have been received from the aerodrome control tower, hold over YANKEE point for 10 minutes and then execute the shortest possible approach and land on the most suitable runway depending on weather conditions; ▪ After landing vacate the runway immediately into the available taxiway and wait for the FOLLOW ME car. b. When arriving and approaching from the southern side of the aerodrome; ▪ Make an approach to reach SIERRA point and await visual signals given from the aerodrome control tower of Lodz aerodrome; ▪ Show all aircraft nav, warning and landing lights during arrival and holding; ▪ After receiving a green visual continuous signal execute the shortest possible approach and land on the most suitable runway depending on weather conditions; ▪ After receiving a red visual signal hold over SIERRA point until receiving a continuous green visual signal and then execute the shortest possible approach and land on the most suitable runway depending on weather conditions; ▪ If no signals have been received from the aerodrome control tower, hold over SIERRA point for 10 minutes and then execute the shortest possible approach and land on the most suitable runway depending on weather conditions; ▪ After landing vacate the runway immediately into the available taxiway and wait for the FOLLOW ME car. c. If possible hold over YANKEE/SIERRA point at 1500 ft AMSL, paying attention to flights in the traffic circuit. ➔ These rules also apply to gliders and other non-powered aircraft, if possible. ZAG 57 PROCEDURES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES: AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS ICAO DOC. 8168, Vol. I Acceptable Means of Compliance ➔ Original way of complying with regulations Alternate Means of Compliance ➔ Alternative way to comply with regulations Interception ➔ Follow instructions by intercepting aircraft ➔ Notify if possible, appropriate Air Traffic Services ➔ Attempt to establish radio communications with intercepting aircraft, by making a call on emergency frequency 121.500 Mhz or 243 Mhz ➔ With SSR transponder, select mode A, code 7700 ➔ If equipped with ADS-B or ADS-C select emergency functionality ZAG 58 Airspace Classification (SERA) CLASS A B TYPE OF FLIGHT SEPARATION SERVICE SPEED RADIO IFR ALL ACFT Air Traffic Control Service Not Applicable Continuous two-way YES VFR IFR VFR NOT ALLOWED ATCS ATCS N/A N/A Two-way Two-way YES YES ATCS N/A Two-way YES 250 KIAS below 10000ft AMSL Two-way YES Two-way YES Two-way YES Two-way YES NO NO Two-way NO NO NO Two-way NO NO NO IFR C D E F G All Acft All Acft IFR Fr VFR IFR Fr IFR 1. ATCS from IFR 2. VFR/IFR traffic info ATCS, traffic info VFR IFR/VFR and VFR/VFR traffic info ATCS, traffic info VFR VFR VFR Fr IFR IFR IFR Fr IFR VFR NIL IFR IFR Fr IFR VFR NIL Traffic info as practical 250 KIAS below 10000 IFR IFR Fr IFR (as Practical) Air traffic advisory service; flight info VFR NIL Flight Info Service IFR NIL FIS 250 KIAS below 10000 250 KIAS below 10000 250 KIAS below 10000 VFR NIL FIS 250 KIAS below 10000 250 KIAS below 10000 250 KIAS below 10000 250 KIAS below 10000 ATC CLRNC PART-FCL Multi Engine Piston LAND: ➔ Type should be dedicated to aircraft that require a type rating ➔ Sub part H – class and type ratings. Type and class are in the same category. ➔ An applicant for a class or type rating should pass a skill test within 6 months after commencement of course and after another 6 months to apply for the rating. ➔ Type and class ratings are valid for only 1 year a. If it is expired you need to ▪ Undergo training again ▪ Pass a proficiency check ➔ Training: a. 7 hours theory b. 2.5 hours of dual aircraft instruction under normal conditions c. 3.5 hours of dual aircraft instruction under emergency conditions ➔ Revalidation – still valid and want to revalidate it a. Within 3 months immediately preceding the expiry date of rating b. 10 route sectors or; ZAG 59 c. 1 route sector with an examiner ZAG 60 SUBPART D – COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENCE – CPL ➔ Applicant shall be a min of 18 years of age Privileges and conditions ➔ Exercise all privileges of the holder of an LAPL and a PPL; ➔ Act as PIC or co-pilot of any acft engaged in ops other than commercial air transport; ➔ Act as PIC in commercial air transport of any single-pilot acft subject to restrictions in FCL.060 and in this subpart; ➔ Act as co-pilot in commercial air transport subject to the restrictions specified in FCL.060 ➔ An applicant for a CPL shall demonstrate a level of knowledge to the privileges granted in the following subjects: Air Law; AGK -Airframe/Systems/Powerplant; AGK-Instrumentation; M&B; Perf; FP&M; HP; MET; GNAV; RNAV; OPS; POF; VFR Comms SUBPART F – AIRLINE TRANSPORT PILOTS LICENSE – ATPL ➔ At least 21 years of age. ➔ Applicants for an ATPL (A) shall have completed a minimum of 1500 hours of flight time in aeroplanes, including at least: a. 500 hours in multi-pilot ops on aeroplanes b. . ▪ 500 hours as PIC under supervision; or ▪ 250 hours as PIC; or ▪ 250 hours, including 70 hours as PIC, and the remaining as PIC under supervision c. 200 hours of cross-country flight time of which at least 100 hours shall be as PIC or as PIC under supervision; d. 75 hours of instrument time of which not more than 30 hours may be instrument ground time; and e. 100 hours of night flight as PIC or co-pilot ➔ Of the 1500 hours of flight time, up to 100 hours of flight time may have been completed in an FFS or FNPT. Of these 100 hours, only a max of 25 hours may be completed in an FNPT ➔ Applicants for an ATPL (A) shall pass a skill test to demonstrate the ability to perform, as PIC of a multi-pilot aeroplane under IFR, the relevant procedures and manoeuvres. The skill test shall be taken in the aeroplane or an adequately qualified FFS representing the same type a. The ATPL skill test may serve at the same time as a skill test for the issue of the license and a proficiency check for the revalidation of the type rating for the aircraft used in the test and may be combined with the skill test for the issue of a MP type rating. SUBPART G – INSTRUMENT RATING – IR Privileges ➔ To fly aircraft under IFR, including PBN ops, with a min DH of no less than 200 ft (60 m) ➔ In case of multi-engine IR, these privileges may be extended to DH lower than 200 ft (60 m) when applicant has undergone specific training at an ATO and has passed section 6 of the skill test to this part in the multi-pilot aircraft. Prerequisites and Crediting ➔ Hold a. At least PPL in appropriate acft cat, and; ▪ Privileges to fly at night if IR privileges will be used at night; or ▪ An ATPL in another category of acft; or ZAG 61 b. A CPL, in the appropriate acft cat; ➔ Have completed at least 50 hours of cross-country flight time as PIC in aeroplanes, TMGs, helicopters or airships, of which 10 or shall be in the relevant aircraft cat. Theoretical knowledge and Flight Instruction ➔ Course. Applicants for an IR shall have received a course of theoretical knowledge and flight instruction at an ATO. The course shall be a. An integrated training course which includes training for the IR, b. A modular course ➔ Examination. Applicants shall demonstrate a level of theoretical knowledge appropriate to the privileges in the following subjects: Air Law; AGK -INST; FP&M; HP: MET; RNAV; IFR COMMS Skill Test ➔ Applicants for an IR shall pass a skill test to demonstrate the ability to perform the relevant procedures and manoeuvres with a degree of competency appropriate to the privileges granted ➔ For a multi-engine IR, the skill test shall be taken in a multi-engine acft. For a single-engine IR, the test shall be taken in a single-engine acft. A multi-engine centreline thrust aeroplanes shall be considered a single-engine aeroplane for the purpose of this para. Validity, Revalidation and Renewal ➔ Validity. An IR shall be valid for 1 year. ➔ Revalidation. a. An IR shall be revalidated within 3 months immediately preceding the expiry of the rating b. Applicants who fail to pass relevant section of an IR prof check before the expiry date of the IR shall not exercise the IR privileges until they have passed the prof check. c. When combined with revalidation of a class or type rating, shall pass a proficiency check. ➔ Renewal. If an IR expired, in order to renew their privileges applicants shall: a. Go through refresher training at an ATO to reach the level of proficiency needed to pass instrument element of the skill test; and b. Complete a proficiency check in the relevant acft cat. ➔ If the IR has not been revalidated or renewed within the preceeding 7 years, the holder will be required to pass again the IR theoretical knowledge examination and skill test Emergencies / Failures / Flows Failures Trim Runaway 1. AP Disconnect (press and Hold) 2. Trim Disconnect 3. Use trim wheel (check circuit breaker) Total Electrical Failure 1. Master and Fields OFF, then; 2. Master and Fields ON to attempt reset 3. If failure persists → EMERG BATT switch ON ZAG 62 Landing Gear Failure Note: Hydro-accumulator system, check 20 BAR minimum during pre-flight 1. First Valve on RHS turn 90° COUNTER-clockwise and wait 20s 2. Turn second valve LHS 180° COUNTER-clockwise to discharge and lock landing gear in place 3. LG extension takes about 20 seconds AHRS vs ADC failures – what’s missing? AHRS Failure ➔ Attitude indicator, HDG, HSI reverts to CDI (reverse sensing) ➔ Recommended to use autopilot ➔ Modes available: HDG, NAV, APR, REV - BEHAVE like a wing level (use CWS) ADC (Air Data Computer) Failure ➔ Airspeed, Altitude, Vertical Speed, Traffic Advisory (misinformation), wind ➔ Autopilot modes available: ALT / VS ➔ Autopilot modes not available: ALT + VS Emergency Flows Engine Failure Takeoff (CONTINUE) 1. ALL LEVERS -------------------------- FULL FWD 2. Heading ------------------------------- Keep Control 3. Attitude ------------------------------- Reduce, ASPD > 62 KIAS 4. Gear UP 5. Flaps T/O // REMAIN 6. INOP ENG ----------------------------- IDENTIFY, VERIFY, FEATHER 7. CLIMB Vx 8. @ 400' AGL --------------------------- ACCEL Vyse 9. @ Vyse FLAPS UP At Safe Alt 10. INOP ENG ---------------------------- Confirm & SECURE 11. OPER ENG FUEL PUMP -------------Check ON 12. OPER ENG ---------------------------- Check ENG Instruments 13. OPER ENG FUEL SEL-----------------Check correct feeding Engine Failure During Climb 1. Autopilot OFF 2. Heading --------------------------------- KEEP CONTROL 3. ATTITUDE ------------------------------- REDUCE, ASPD > 62 KIAS 4. ALL LEVERS ----------------------------- FULL FWD 5. Gear & Flaps --------------------------- UP 6. INOP ENG ------------------------------- IDENTIFY, VERIFY, FEATHER 7. OPER ENG ELEC FUEL PUMP-------- Check ON 8. INOP ENG ------------------------------- Confirm & SECURE ZAG 63 One Engine INOP Go Around 1. OPER ENG LEVERS ------------------- FULL FWD 2. Flaps T/O 3. POS RATE ------------------------------ GEAR UP - CLIMB Vx 4. @ 400' AGL ---------------------------- ACCEL Vyse 5. @ Vyse FLAPS UP 6. CLIMB Vyse +5 Engine Securing 1. Throttle Lever ------------------------ IDLE 2. Prop Lever ---------------------------- FEATHER 3. Fuel Selector ------------------------- OFF 4. Elec Fuel Pump ---------------------- OFF 5. Ignition (INOP ENG) ---------------- BOTH OFF 6. Oper. ENG RMP --------------------- BELOW YELLOW Engine Fire Takeoff (ABORT) 1. Throttle Lever --------------------------BOTH IDLE 2. Rudder KEEP CONTROL 3. Brakes AS REQ. ACFT Under Control 4. Fuel Selectors -------------------------- BOTH OFF 5. Ignitions ALL OFF 6. ELEC FUEL PUMPS -------------------- BOTH OFF 7. Cab Heat & Defrost -------------------OFF 8. MASTER OFF 9. Park Brake ------------------------------ ENGAGED 10. Aircraft Evacuation ------------------CARRY OUT Engine Fire Takeoff (CONTINUE) 1. ALL LEVERS ------------------------------ FULL FWD 2. Heading ---------------------------------- KEEP CONTROL 3. Attitude ---------------------------------- REDUCE, ASPD > 62 KIAS 4. FIRE AFFECTED ENG Prop Lever ---- FEATHER 5. Landing Gear ---------------------------- UP 6. Flaps --------------------------------------- T/O // REMAIN 7. CLIMB Vx 8. @ 400' AGL ------------------------------ ACCEL Vyse 9. @ Vyse FLAPS UP At Safe Alt 10. Cabin Heat & Defrost ------------------BOTH OFF 11. FIRE AFFECTED ENG Fuel Selec ------ Confirm & OFF 12. FIRE AFFECTED ENG Ignitions ------- Confirm & BOTH OFF ZAG 64 13. FIRE AFFECTED ENG FUEL PUMP -- Confirm & OFF ZAG 65 14. FIRE AFFECTED ENG FIELD -----------OFF 15. LAND ASAP Engine Fire In Flight 1. Cabin Heat & Defrost ----------------- BOTH OFF 3. FIRE AFFECTED ENG Fuel Selec ----- Confirm & OFF 4. FIRE AFFECTED ENG Ignitions ------- Confirm & BOTH OFF 5. FIRE AFFECTED ENG Throttle ------- FULL FWD 6. FIRE AFFECTED ENG Prop ----------- FEATHER 7. FIRE AFFECTED ENG FUEL PUMP -- Confirm & OFF 8. Heading ---------------------------------- KEEP CONTROL 9. Attitude ---------------------------------- REDUCE, ASPD > 62 KIAS 10. FIRE AFFECTED ENG FIELD --------- OFF 11. Cabin Vent ----------------------------- OPEN 12. LAND ASAP Electrical Smoke In Cabin During Flight 1. Cabin Ventilation ---------------------- OPEN 2. Emergency Light ----------------------- ON 3. STBY Attitude indicator switch ------ ON 4. GAIN VMC COND ---------------------- ASAP In Case of Cockpit Fire 5. Fire Extinguisher ----------------------- use towards base of flames Electrical Smoke In Cabin On The Ground 1. Master Switch -------------------------- OFF 2. Cabin Heat & Defrost ----------------- OFF 3. Throttle BOTH IDLE 4. Ignitions ALL OFF 5. Fuel Selector --------------------------- BOTH OFF 6. Parking Break -------------------------- ENGAGED 7. Aircraft Evacuation ------------------- CARRY OUT Normal Flows Takeoff Flow After Line-up & Takeoff Clearance 1. "RWY IDENTIFIED" (HSI & COMPASS) 2. Write down T/O Time, CALL OUT - "TIME (MINUTES)" 3. Set T/O PWR, ENG instruments Green, CALL OUT - "T/O POWER SET AND CHECKED" 4. Release brake, CALL OUT "BRAKES RELEASED" 5. @ 40 Knots, crosscheck ASI & STBY ASI, CALL OUT "40 KNOTS CROSS-CHECK" ZAG 66 6. @ VR = 65 Knots, CALL OUT "VR, ROTATE", raise nose 5 to degrees ZAG 67 7. Positive value on VSI and climb indicated on altimeter, CALL "POSITIVE RATE" 8. Brake the wheels 9. When rwy insufficient, CALL "INSUFFICIENT RWY" 10. Raise gear and CALL "GEAR UP" 11. CONFIRM gear is in up position and CALL "GEAR UP CHECKED" After Takeoff Flow @ AEFH 1. REDUCE MP ---------------------------- to 27 inHG 2. REDUCE RPM -------------------------- to 2250 (BELOW YELLOW) 3. LH & RH Fuel Pumps ----------------- OFF 4. Landing & Taxi Lights---------------- OFF 5. Flaps UP 6. Call - "FLAPS UP" 7. Apply Back Pressure & Climb -------- Vy +10 8. Confirm Flaps up & Call------------- "FLAPS UP CHECKED" 9. 1000 FT AGL --------------------------- AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST Before Landing Flow Abeam RWY Threshold 1. "SPEED BELOW 122 ----------------- FLAPS T/O - FLAPS T/O CHECKED" 2. "SPEED BELOW 122 ---------------- GEAR DOWN" 3. Fuel Pumps ON 4. Landing & Taxi Lights--------------- ON 5. Carb Heat ----------------------------- AS DESIRED 6. "GEAR DOWN------------------------ 3 GREEN" Landing Flow VFR On Base Leg 1. Power --------------------------------- REDUCE APPROX 18 MP 2. Descent START 3. Airspeed 85 KTS On Final Leg 1. Speed < 93 KTS ----------------------- FLAPS FULL 2. LANDING CHECKLIST Go Around Flow 1. ALL LEVERS ---------------------------- FORWARD 2. Flaps ------------------------------------ T/O & CALL "FLAPS T/O" 3. Call -------------------------------------- "POSITIVE RATE", Speed > 62 KIAS 4. LDG Gear ----------------------------- UP, Call "GEAR UP" 5. Flaps ------------------------------------ UP, Call "FLAPS UP" 6. VERIFY ---------------------------------- GEAR & FLAPS UP ZAG 68 Instruments Altimeter ➔ Contains a set of wafer thin discs (aneroids / baffles) that expand or contract depending on pressure ➔ When climbing, there is less static pressure making the discs expand and during descend the opposite happens. More static pressure making the discs contract Pitot Static System Airspeed Indication ➔ Receives input from pitot tube and static port ➔ Pitot tube measures RAM pressure (incr speed = incr pressure) ➔ Air goes to a diaphragm and will expand with greater speeds ➔ Static port will send static pressure to the diaphragm to have the correct airspeed reading Rules of Thumb 1 in 60 Rule If a pilot has travelled for 60 miles then 1 mile off track error is equivalent to 1 degree holding error 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑋 60 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑛 = 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 (𝐷𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠) 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑋 60 = 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 (𝐷𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠) 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑇𝑜 𝐺𝑜 ZAG 69 Holding Rules of Thumb 2/3 rule – wind corrections ➔ Correct heading by 2/3*2 of your x-wind ➔ Component HDG +- 2/3*2 x-wind component ➔ Ex: X-wind of 18 knots from the left then 2/3*18 = 12, 12*2 = 24. If outbound course is 058° then heading to fly needs to be 034° Timing Corrections ➔ Outbound Time + Headwind component OR ➔ Outbound Time – Tailwind component ➔ Ex: If on an outbound track of 058 you have a direct headwind of 20 knots then 20 seconds should be added to the 1 minute outbound, bringing your outbound leg to 1 min 20 seconds ZAG 70 Altimeter Correction ➔ From High to low lookout below ➔ 1mb = 30 feeet Level off Procedures Useful to calculate when to start levelling off aeroplane following a descent or climb ➔ For vertical speeds below 1000 ft/min = a. Ex: 500 fpm climb to 10000 = 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 500 𝐹𝑃𝑀 10 10 = 50 𝐹𝑡. We must start levelling off 50 feet below our target alt, in this case at 9950 ft 2 𝑋 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 ➔ For vertical speeds above 1000 ft/min = a. Ex: if climbing at 2500 fpm to 40000 ft = 10 2 𝑋 2500 𝐹𝑃𝑀 = 500 𝐹𝑡. We must start levelling off at 10 500 feet below our targe alt, in this case at 39500 feet Cruise Level Calc Useful to calculate ideal cruise level for a certain route. To calculate how high you climb and still maintain efficiency. ➔ Cruise FL = Trip Distance (NM) a. Only useful for levels below optimum alt for acft. b. Ex: trip dist of 60 NM climb FL 60 Vert speed to join altitude To apply small altitude adjustments ➔ Vertical Speed = 2 X CHNG in feet a. Ex: to correct from 6250 to 6000 = 2 X 250 = 500 Ft. descent with 500 fpm To Find TAS from IAS ➔ Add 2% to your IAS per 1000 ft ALT OR; ➔ Divide IAS by 100 and add twice that per 1000 ft alt 110 a. Ex: 110 KIAS, 100 = 1.1 𝑋 2 = 2.2 𝑃𝑒𝑟 1000 𝐹𝑡. For Every 1000 ft add 2 knots to your IAS. TOD Calc In order to calculate how far away from a point to start a descent with a 3 degree descent angle, use the following formula: ➔ 𝑇𝑂𝐷 (𝑁𝑀) = 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝐿 3 a. Ex: if you are descending from FL100 to FL030, calculate the change in FL, in this Case 070, 70 and divide this by 3, R/D To Follow a certain glide % 3 ZAG 71 = 23, Therefore you must start your descent 23 NM before the point. To calculate rate of descent needed to follow a certain glide % use this formula: ➔ 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑐 = 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑋 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 % ZAG 72 a. Ex: If you want to descend with a 5% slope and your GS is 150 kts – 150*5=750. If you descend at 750 fpm, you will follow a 5% slope. To Calculate descent % from a descent angle ➔ % = 10 𝑋 𝐷𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠 6 a. Ex: To follow a 3 degree ILS glide slope, how much descent % do you need? Applying the formula, 10*3=30/6 = 5% Rate One Turns ➔ 15% of TAS a. Ex: TAS 120, to maintain a rate one turn we must bank 18 degrees OR 𝑇𝐴𝑆 b. Divide the TAS by 10 and then add 7, +7 10 c. Ex: 120/10 = 12 + 7 = 19 degrees ➔ Turn Diameter of rate 1 turn 𝑇𝐴𝑆 a. 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 (𝑁𝑀) = 100 Base Turn Timing In order to calc the outbound time of a base turn when not provided by the chart ➔ 𝑀𝐷𝐻 (𝐹𝑇) 30 ➔ Ex: MDH for CIRCLE-TO-LAND VOR RWY 25 is 813 Ft. 813 30 = 27.1. Therefore your timing before base should be around 27 seconds. DESTINATION ALTERNATE AERODROME Page 963 of 2314 1. For each IFR flight, the operator should select and specify in the operational and ATS flight plans at least one destination alternate aerodrome. 2. (b) For each IFR flight, the operator should select and specify in the operational and ATS flight plans two destination alternate aerodromes when for the selected destination aerodrome, the safety margins for meteorological conditions of AMC5 CAT.OP.MPA.182, and the planning minima of AMC6 CAT.OP.MPA.182 cannot be met, or when no meteorological information is available. 3. (c) The operator may operate with no destination alternate aerodrome when the destination aerodrome is an isolated aerodrome or when the following two conditions are met: 1. (1) the duration of the planned flight from take-off to landing does not exceed 6 hours or, in the event of in-flight re-planning, in accordance with point CAT.OP.MPA.181(d), the remaining flying time to destination does not exceed 4 hours; and 2. (2) two separate runways are usable at the destination aerodrome and the appropriate weather reports and/or weather forecasts indicate that for the period from 1 hour before to 1 hour after the expected time of arrival, the ceiling is at least 2 000 ft (600 m) or the circling height 500 ft (150 m), whichever is greater, and ground visibility is at least 5 km. ZAG 73 BASIC FUEL SCHEMES WITH VARIATIONS — ISOLATED AERODROME — POINT OF NO RETURN (a) Unless destination alternate fuel is carried, the operator should use a destination aerodrome as an isolated aerodrome if the alternate fuel plus the FRF that is required to reach the nearest adequate destination alternate aerodrome is more than: (1) for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines, the amount of fuel required to fly either for 45 minutes plus 15 % of the flying time planned for cruising, including FRF or for 2 hours, whichever is less; (2) for turbine-engined aeroplanes, the amount of fuel required to fly for 2 hours with normal cruise consumption above the destination aerodrome, including the FRF. (b) If the operator’s fuel planning policy includes an isolated aerodrome, a PNR should be determined by a computerised flight-planning system and specified in the operational flight plan. The required usable fuel for pre-flight calculation should be as indicated in points (b)(1) or (b)(2), whichever is greater: 1. (1) the sum of: 1. (i) taxi fuel; 2. (ii) trip fuel from the departure aerodrome to the isolated aerodrome via the PNR; 3. (iii) contingency fuel that is calculated in accordance with the operator’s current fuel scheme; 4. (iv) additional fuel, if required, but not less than: 1. (A) for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines, the fuel to fly either for 45 minutes plus 15 % of the flight time planned for cruising or for 2 hours, whichever is less; or 2. (B) for turbine-engined aeroplanes, the fuel to fly for 2 hours with normal cruise consumption above the destination aerodrome, including the FRF; 5. (v) extra fuel if there are anticipated delays or specific operational constraints; and 6. (vi) discretionary fuel, if required by the commander; or 2. (2) the sum of: 1. (i) taxi fuel; 2. (ii) trip fuel from the departure aerodrome to the fuel ERA PNR aerodrome via the PNR; 3. (iii) contingency fuel that is calculated in accordance with the operator’s current fuel scheme; 4. (iv) additional fuel, if required, but not less than: 1. (A) for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines, fuel to fly for 45 minutes; or 2. (B) for turbine-engined aeroplanes, fuel to fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1 500 ft (450 m) above the fuel ERA aerodrome elevation in standard conditions, which should not be less than the FRF; 5. (v) extra fuel if there are anticipated delays or specific operational constraints; and 6. (vi) discretionary fuel, if required by the commander. ZAG 74 NCC.OP.105 Specification of isolated aerodromes – aeroplanes For the selection of alternate aerodromes and the fuel/energy planning and in-flight re-planning policy, the operator shall not consider an aerodrome as an isolated aerodrome unless the flying time to the nearest weather-permissible destination alternate aerodrome is more than: 3. (a) for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines, 60 minutes; or 4. (b) for turbine-engined aeroplanes, 90 minutes. NCC.OP.151 Destination alternate aerodromes – aeroplanes For IFR flights, the pilot-in-command shall specify at least one weather-permissible destination alternate aerodrome in the flight plan, unless: (a) the available current meteorological information indicates that, for the period from 1 hour before until 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, or from the actual time of departure to 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, whichever is the shorter period, the approach and landing may be made under visual meteorological conditions (VMC); or (b) the place of intended landing is designated as an isolated aerodrome and: 1. (1) an instrument approach procedure is prescribed for the aerodrome of intended landing; and 2. (2) available current meteorological information indicates that the following meteorological conditions will exist from 2 hours before to 2 hours after the estimated time of arrival: 1. (i) a cloud base of at least 300 m (1 000 ft) above the minimum associated with the instrument approach procedure; and 2. (ii) visibility of at least 5,5 km or of 4 km more than the minimum associated with the procedure. SPO.OP.105 Specification of isolated aerodromes – aeroplanes For the selection of alternate aerodromes and the fuel/energy planning and in-flight re-planning policy, the operator shall not consider an aerodrome as an isolated aerodrome unless the flying time to the nearest weather-permissible destination alternate aerodrome is more than: 1. (a) for aeroplanes with reciprocating engines, 60 minutes; or 2. (b) for turbine-engined aeroplanes, 90 minutes. ‘MINIMUM FUEL DECLARATION 4. (d) The ‘MINIMUM FUEL’ declaration informs the ATC that all planned aerodrome options have been reduced to a specific aerodrome of intended landing. It also informs the ATC that any change to the existing clearance may result in landing with less than the planned FRF. This is not an emergency situation but an indication that an emergency situation is possible, should any additional delay occur. ZAG 75 ZAG 76