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*Speed.** Lesson 1
Speed is extremely important in business - everything must be done fast, but it
can't be done shit.
- Keep the quality.
- Speed is super important for the business.
If an airplane is flying, even If its engines fail, it will continue to fly,
because it has forward momentum, and a business is the same.
Always produce content and go forward as quickly as possible while maintaining
Being slow is detrimental
The longer it takes you make less money. People are lazy! Nothing can be slow
- Do a sales job, it will keep you great
- Cobra tate's business (advertising agency for TV) was alive, because he had
speed. Didn't have money, went into a spiral of getting new deals (paying for old
deals with new money) as long as they kept the speed, they were NEVER out of
business. Turned over £1M pounds, however later went down
- The business would have lasted, but he learned a valuable lesson. He took a month
holiday for kickboxing, and blew up in his face. Court cases, etc. Lost office,
etc.. Couldn't sleep. If he didn't take a holiday, and kept it running, he would've
made him a millionair 20 years old! If you move fast, you cannot fail. Name of the
television was T2 Speed wins, get the money in, we have to close the deal!
EVERYBODY IS SLOW but things must happen quickly, its extremely important.
MONEY IN Lesson 2
A business is nothing else, but money in.
CASH is first.
Tate says to people:
- *how would you start a company?*
- I would get a trademark, stock, etc...
As a business your primary concern is making money, and when people think of how to
start a business, they only think of things on how to SPEND money. "Ohh i need to
start a make up brand, logo etc. Website..." SPEND SPEND SPEND SPEND! Where is the
As a hustler, you always have to get money in...
So, in order to start a business (instead of making trademarks and all this
bullshit), make a website, do ads, and just say to the customers when orders come
in "Sorry, this is in high demand, here is your product, we will give you another
for free!"
Now you have 3 or 4 weeks to find some make up AND you have money in the bank *and
you didn't spend yours!*
First think, how people will pay you. And convince them.
If you start a makeup company you minimum 200K (stock, office, staff, tax,
accountants, ads etc)
If you start a business make a website, put pictures on there, pretend you got
shit, you can get money in (you can start it for 5K) thats a 195K difference.
Because you work with speed, you will find a way to fulfil orders. One, you can
test your plan, and two, you are not in the hole.
With the price difference, now you can start 40 companies, one of them will work!
-- What about this what about that, if you are going to compete against boeing and
launch an airplane company, you are going to need money... Obviously, but Im
talking about Hustlers... Biggest mistake you can make is spend so much money on a
company start companies as cheap as possible, by prioritizing MONEY IN.
You can start any business, it is hard to fuck up.
For example: Record labels
costs: find artists (commision broke boys %) to try to sell records 50/50
make: sell records (test distribution channels, apple/spotify etc)
If broke boy's songs dont do well, tell him to make more and put them out there
(Speed!) all based on commision still. SPEED Give more. The more they give and the
more you put out, you will start to make money. Free business you can do from your
STAFF Lesson 4
Family and friends are actually the best staff you can have.
"Dont mix friends with business" - thats a lie. The reason people say this is
because they are dickheads and can't get along with anyone
Use people. Use kids who have time. Free workers everywhere...
FLIP Money, be a middleman..
Use a kid, give him 50$ and 50$ when done, (you sell website for 150$ and 150$ when
done) BOOM you got 100. Bam bam, done!
Lesson 5
simon cowell, [07/05/2022 00:02]
For example, if you buy a super car and two people use it, thats only half price.
That way you still have a super car.
The reason someone is good at business is because they command respect.
Professional fighter, andrew tate. He has physical big body excersise, if you are a
person who is viewed as strong, people trust you and respect you.
If you want to have a business and respect, go gym. Disciplined, hard work.
It works so much better if you say to someone "you will get 2x back" as a
physically strong man rather than a fat piece of shit "ooohhh it''lll workkkk" like
what do you know
GO TO THE GYM AND COMMAND A PHYSICLAL PRESENCE, your words have more weight.
Easiest is: Sell to people who already bought (for times that you need cash or need
cash flow) - dont get new customers, first thing is there anything i have that i
can resell to people (easiest money you will make) pull the ace to generate money
from thin air.
DONT GET LEGAL BEFORE BECOMING RICH Lesson 8 you can fix your legal bullshit when
you already made money. VAT, Tax man, accountant, and haven't made money yet.
Before you fuck around with a tax form, accountant or registering companies -- All
that shit is on the later base, when you have money coming in! (WASTE OF TIME)
Legal shit is cost - Website domain a name and you thats all you need
Use what you got. Make a list of everything you have. Physical strength? Car?
How can all of these make you money? Remember, costs, coming in... You can't do
strip club, as thats a lot of costs before you could get money coming in. Too much
How can I get money in? From the hot girls without spending money out.
Why do men spend on girls? How can you do it without the club? The internet! Its
cheap. Discovered websites... The same day, was making money.. I DIDNT SPEND ANY
MONEY, but i was making new money because i refused myself to spend
Use what you have. People, things, make a long ass list. And you start thinking of
business ideas... Okay, this is how much it would cost, but how can I get the money
coming in without all the costs? And if you really sat down, you can start a
business with a little money. Does work? bam youre rich.
Speed speed more more. It is really really simple. USE WHAT YOU GOT. Uber is