PAPER A RICHFIELD GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (PTY) LTD HIGHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING FACULTY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION SYSTEMS 511 (THEORY) 1ST SEMESTER NATIONAL FINAL EXAMINATION DURATION: 80 MINUTES MARKS: 70 DATE: EXAMINER: MODERATOR: This paper consists of 5 questions and 7 pages including this page. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1) Ensure that you are writing the correct examination paper, and that there are no missing pages. 2) You are obliged to enter your student details on the answer booklet. The answer booklets provided are the property of the Richfield Graduate Institute Of Technology and all extra booklets must be handed to the invigilator before you leave the examination room. 3) If you are found copying or if there are any documents / study material in your possession, or writing on parts of your body, tissue, pencil case, desk etc., your answer booklet will be taken away from you and endorsed accordingly. Appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken against you for violating the code of conduct of Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology Examinations Board. Therefore, if any of these materials are in your possession you are requested to hand these over to the invigilator before the official commencement of this paper. 4) The question paper consists of 3 sections. a. Sections A and B are compulsory. b. Section C comprises of 2 questions, you are required to answer any 1 question. NUMBERS SUGGESTED TIME REQUIRED TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION PAPER QUESTIONS MARKS TIME IN MINUTES SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS COMPULSORY 1 2 3 4 Initiated By Authorised By Issuing Office Document Question One 30 25 SECTION B: SHORT QUESTIONS COMPULSORY Question Two 20 SECTION C: ANSWER ANY ONE QUESTIONS Question Three 20 Question Four 20 TOTAL 70 Academic Director Group Chief Executive Officer Head Office – Main Campus IS_511_(T) Dr Muni Kooblal Mr J Ramnundlall CONTROLLED COPY Page 1 of 7 Document No Revision No Revision Date Issue Date 25 30 30 80 Exams/01/2017 01/2015 02/10/2017 02/10/2017 SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (30 MARKS) QUESTION ONE (THIS SECTION IS COMPULSORY) (30 MARKS) Four alternatives are provided for each of the following questions. Choose the correct alternative for each of the questions/statements. Write down the question number in your answer book and the alphabet corresponding to your choice next to the question number. 1.1 What does the acronym 'RAM' stand for? random access memory A. read access memory B. read arithmetic memory C. random arithmetic memory D. (1) 1.2 A teletypewriter terminal is an example of input devices A. output devices B. input/output devices C. storage devices D. (1) 1.3 Devices that accept data from outside a computer and transfer them into the CPU are called input devices A. digital devices B. analogue devices C. truth table peripherals D. (1) 1.4 Central Processing Unit (CPU) consists of control unit A. arithmetic and logic unit B. main store C. all of above D. (1) 1.5 Devices that are used to receive data from central processing units are classified as output/input devices A. digital devices B. signaled devices C. output devices D. (1) 1.6 A place where large amounts of data are stored outside central processing unit is called backing store A. peripherals B. control unit C. (1) Initiated By Authorised By Issuing Office Document Academic Director Group Chief Executive Officer Head Office – Main Campus IS_511_(T) Dr Muni Kooblal Mr J Ramnundlall CONTROLLED COPY Page 2 of 7 Document No Revision No Revision Date Issue Date Exams/01/2017 01/2015 02/10/2017 02/10/2017 D. AL unit 1.7 Devices that are under control of a computer and are directly connected to it are said to be off-line devices A. on-line devices B. IN gate device C. IF gate device D. (1) 1.8 If any instruction consists of an arithmetic operation, data is transferred to quantitative unit A. qualitative unit B. arithmetic and logical unit C. central processing unit D. (1) 1.9 Devices such as mercury thermometer and kitchen scales are classified as digital devices A. analogue devices B. programmed devices C. signal led devices D. (1) 1.10 A 'main store' of central processing unit is also called A. main memory B. temporary memory C. immediate access store D. both a and c (1) 1.11 Hard discs, fixed head discs, floppy discs and optical discs all are types of direct access storage A. serial access storage B. volatile access storage C. non-impact access storage D. (1) 1.12 A unit used to store contents as backup of data for later disc failure is called as tape streamers A. disc streamers B. direct streamers C. serial streamers D. (1) Initiated By Authorised By Issuing Office Document Academic Director Group Chief Executive Officer Head Office – Main Campus IS_511_(T) Dr Muni Kooblal Mr J Ramnundlall CONTROLLED COPY Page 3 of 7 Document No Revision No Revision Date Issue Date Exams/01/2017 01/2015 02/10/2017 02/10/2017 1.13 Type of memory which is used to read data but not to write on it is classified as random only memory A. read access memory B. read only memory C. random access memory D. (1) 1.14 The main store of computer memory includes the working store A. data seek store B. transfer delay time C. impact store D. (1) 1.15 Example of direct access is magnetic disc A. floppy disc B. program tape C. plain disc D. (1) 1.16 Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU? Control Unit and Registers A. Registers and Main Memory B. Control unit and ALU C. ALU and bus D. (1) 1.17 The two basic types of record access methods are: Sequential and random A. Sequential and indexed B. Direct and immediate C. Online and real time D. (1) 1.18 A disadvantage of the laser printer is It is quieter than an impact printer A. It is very slow B. The output is of a lower quality C. None of the above D. (1) 1.19 Different components in the motherboard of a PC unit are linked together by sets of parallel electrical conducting lines. What are these lines called? Conductors A. Initiated By Authorised By Issuing Office Document Academic Director Group Chief Executive Officer Head Office – Main Campus IS_511_(T) Dr Muni Kooblal Mr J Ramnundlall CONTROLLED COPY Page 4 of 7 Document No Revision No Revision Date Issue Date Exams/01/2017 01/2015 02/10/2017 02/10/2017 (1) B. C. D. Buses Connectors Consecutives 1.20 The language that the computer can understand and execute is called Machine language A. Application software B. System program C. All of the above D. (1) 1.21 Which of the following is used as a primary storage device? Magnetic drum A. PROM B. Floppy disk C. All of these D. (1) 1.22 Which of the following memories needs refresh? Sram A. Dram B. Rom C. All of above D. (1) 1.23 Which of the following devices can be used to directly input printed text? OCR A. OMR B. MICR C. All of above D. (1) 1.24 The output quality of a printer is measured by Dot per cm A. Dots per inch B. Dots printed per unit time C. All of above D. (1) 1.25 In analog computer Input is first converted to digital form A. Input is never converted to digital form B. Output is displayed in digital form C. All of the above D. (1) Initiated By Authorised By Issuing Office Document Academic Director Group Chief Executive Officer Head Office – Main Campus IS_511_(T) Dr Muni Kooblal Mr J Ramnundlall CONTROLLED COPY Page 5 of 7 Document No Revision No Revision Date Issue Date Exams/01/2017 01/2015 02/10/2017 02/10/2017 1.26 Who designed the first electronics computer – ENIAC/ Von Neumann A. Joseph m Jacquard B. J. P. Eckert and j. W. Mauchly C. All of above D. (1) 1.27 Which of the following items are examples of storage devices? Floppy / hard disks A. CD-ROMs B. Tape devices C. All of the above D. (1) 1.28 The Width of a processor’s data path is measured in bits. Which of the following are common data paths? 8 bits A. 12 bits B. 16 bits C. 32 bits D. 1.29 Identify the type of memory for information that does not change on your computer? Ram A. Rom B. Eram C. Raw / ram D. 1.30 What type of memory is not directly addressable by the CPU and requires special software called EMS (expanded memory specification)? Extended A. Expanded B. Base C. Conventional D. SECTION B (COMPULSORY) (1) (1) (1) (20 MARKS) QUESTION TWO 2.1 Explain how the components of a computer operate. Initiated By Authorised By Issuing Office Document Academic Director Group Chief Executive Officer Head Office – Main Campus IS_511_(T) Dr Muni Kooblal Mr J Ramnundlall CONTROLLED COPY Page 6 of 7 (8) Document No Revision No Revision Date Issue Date Exams/01/2017 01/2015 02/10/2017 02/10/2017 2.2 2.3 Output is whereby the user is able to view the processed data that is now information. Explain the FOUR (4) types of output Name and explain the functions of TWO (2) types of printers (8) (4) SECTION C (ANSWER ANY ONE QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION) (20 MARKS) QUESTION THREE (20 MARKS) 3.1 Operating Systems Operating systems is a set of programs that coordinates all the activities among computer or mobile device hardware. It provides a means for users to communicate with the computer or mobile device and other software. Mention three examples of operating systems. 3.1.1 Discuss in detail the purpose of communications networks. 3.1.2 Identify the five categories of technology users and explain each one them. 3.1.3 QUESTION FOUR 4.1 4.2 4.3 (3) (7) (10) (20 MARKS) Cloud storage The owner of the motorcycle repair shop where you work as a part-time office manager is seeking alternatives to using a network server to store and back up files. She asks you to investigate the feasibility of using cloud storage rather than purchasing additional storage like external hard drives, CDs or Floppy discs for the company. List at least two advantages and two disadvantages of using cloud storage. Use 4.1.1 of examples will enhance your answer. You are buying a personal computer to use for your studies. What operating system features are important to you? Using examples, differentiate between any four operating systems that you know. Which one would you choose and why? What is an open source software? Explain the benefits and drawbacks for a business that uses open-source software. TOTAL MARKS: 70 Initiated By Authorised By Issuing Office Document Academic Director Group Chief Executive Officer Head Office – Main Campus IS_511_(T) Dr Muni Kooblal Mr J Ramnundlall CONTROLLED COPY Page 7 of 7 Document No Revision No Revision Date Issue Date Exams/01/2017 01/2015 02/10/2017 02/10/2017 (4) (10) (6)