Pasrty co. (All figures in $'000). Excess depreciation: 30000/30= 1000.(charged to operating expenses). Research costs to be charged in cost of sales:2500, less from operating expnses: 2500. Ratios Gross profit margin Adjustments (7950-2500) 5450 (5450Operating profit margin 4725+2500+1000) 4225 (33600-30000+1000) Roce 4600 Workings 5450/16300*100 Adjusted ratios 33.4% 4225/16300*100 25.9% 4225/(4600+5200)*100 43.1% Performance: > First of all if we look at the gp margin of dough co which is 33.4% after applying the cook co's policies , it is reduced from 48.8% because all the amortisation expenditures of research and development, which were previously charged to operating expenses are now charged to cost of sales. now if we compare both of the company's ratio with same accouting policies we see that dough is still making a slight more gross profit than the cook co', even though it is said that the cook co operates from a low cost productioin facilities, on the other hand if we see that dough is a whole saler and it sells directly to the chains of coffe shops but the costs of sales of dough might be low due to the reason that dough co has adopeted the revaluationin model and had been charging the depreciation expense to operating profit. >Then the operating profit of dough is still greater (25.9%) than cook's op using the same accounting policy which indicates that dough co is performing better than cook. Previously the op of dough was 19.8% which was lower than cook's that was due to the reason that previuosly dough was charging all it's depreciation and ammortization expense to operating expenses but now according to cook's accounting policy dough charges all these expenses to cost of sales which has increased dough's op. In short if we compare both of the companies ratios under the same accounting policy, dough is still performing better than cook. The one thing that can be noted is the high salaries taken by dough's management compared to cook's salaries which could be to show higher profits in cook. >The ROCE which is the primary measure of profitibilty the roce of Dough co increased surpassingly to 43.1% from 8.3% after applying the same policy as cook's. the 2 facts if we look at, one is the pbit which we discuss prevouisly the slight increase in it , the other and the main reason which we should consider that without the revaluation the equity compenent went down and it impaccts inversly on the roce, as previously the dough was using revaluation model and he revalued his property by $30m which vaused a massive increase in the equity and a massive decrease in roce if dough uses the cost model he will have a good roce but on the other hand if we note that dough has a high valued proeperty and using cost model will understate it's property.and the other reason behinf the low equity of dough could be that ot's having very low retained earnings in comparision with cook co. Difficulties: Withoiut knowing the correct value of cook's asset it is much difficult to asses weather which company will be more costly to purchase. and the other reason of difficulty could be that on the basis of a single year financial statements it is difficult to judge wether cook's director are taking low salaries in order to overstate the profit or the dough's directors are taking high salaries by own made policies in the company. Conclusion: Overall we can say that the both companies are profitable but having the different