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Malaysia's Position on Global South Industrial Development

Country Name: Malaysia
Name of Committee: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Name of Topic: Accelerating the Modern Industrial Development of the Global South
Delegate ID: 32110291106
As all nations strive to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the world has been
divided into a Global North and a Global South. Since its independence, being part of the Global
South, Malaysia has been working continuously to transition from a developing country into a
developed one. As such, Malaysia has successfully been able to diversify its initially agricultural
economy and transform into a hub for manufacturing and services, becoming a leading exporter
of electronic products.i Thus, Malaysia has undertaken several actions towards accelerating the
modern industrial development both nationally and internationally, especially in the Global South.
On a national scale, Malaysia acknowledges the importance of industrialization in its
“Twelfth Malaysia Plan” (2021-2025). In this plan, Malaysia aims to promote future talent,
strengthen public services, accelerate technology adoption, innovation, and enhance
infrastructure.ii Malaysia has also established a Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution,
“C4IR” in 2021, the first of its kind in Southeast Asia, to accelerate the innovation and adoption
of technology for a sustainable growth.iii In addition, Malaysia has recognized the importance of
policy-making, by enhancing sales and service taxes in 2022 for better trade and commerce.iv
On an international scale, the National Institute of Public Administration has launched
several programs which promote South-South cooperation until this day. These programs include
the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program which emphasizes on the quality of human capitalv
and the Third County Training Program, which for instance contributed to trade growth in African
countries in 2018.vi Malaysia has also recognized the importance of trade liberalization by
establishing fourteen free trade areas with nations including Japan, Australia, and most recently,
Hong Kong in 2019.vii Finally, Malaysia took part in the High-Level Political Forum on
Sustainable Development in 2022 to affirm its commitment towards a more sustainable future.viii
Therefore, Malaysia believes in the importance of industrialization in the modern world
we live in today. Hence, Malaysia introduces the establishment of the “The Office of Legislative
Development-OLD” subordinate to the UNIDO which evaluates member states’ laws governing
their economic activity and recommends amendments. This office will also work with the World
Trade Organization to promote trade liberalization by recommending tariffs to member states
through an analysis of what each member state owns and needs. Malaysia also sheds light upon
the importance of education and sharing technical developments between nations. Thus, Malaysia
recommends the implementation of its international actions on a wider scale with the support of
the UNESCO, to share its expertise with the Global South and strengthen South-South cooperation.
Malaysia also suggests using competition as a motive for collaboration, by hosting a “Competition
to Achieve the Fourth Industrial Development” overseen by the WTO, every two years where
professionals from every nation present new and innovative technology, and the winner gets the
chance to globalize this development with funds allocated by the World Bank. In addition,
Malaysia brings to light the importance of North-South relations through good governance, and
addresses the International Labor Organization to ensure accountability against monopolies and
exploitation. Finally, Malaysia stresses upon the implementation of “Resolution 70/293 adopted
by the UN General Assembly concerning the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa”ix,
not only in Africa, but in the Global South as a whole, to emphasize on the role that Public-Private
Partnerships play in improving infrastructure, hand in hand with global financial institutions.
“Overview.” World Bank, www.worldbank.org/en/country/malaysia/overview.
Penerbitan Intan, publication.intan.my/AgendaNasional/Executive_Summary_RMK12/indexh5.html#page=12.
Natrah. “Malaysia Sets up Southeast Asia's First Centre for 4th Industrial Revolution to
Accelerate Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery.” Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia, 25 May
2022, www.mof.gov.my/portal/en/news/press-release/malaysia-sets-up-southeast-asia-sfirst-centre-for-4th-industrial-revolution-to-accelerate-post-pandemic-economic-recovery.
MySST. “Tekan Sini!” MySST, mysst.customs.gov.my/.
“COMS.” MTCP, mtcp.kln.gov.my/.
“Home.” MATRADE, www.matrade.gov.my/en/about-matrade/media/press-releases/4450matrade-ministry-of-foreign-affairs-malaysia-japan-international-cooperation-agencyorganise-trade-training-programme-for-the-african-countries.
“Malaysia - Trade Agreementsmalaysia - Trade Agreements.” Malaysia - Trade Agreements |
Privacy Shield, www.privacyshield.gov/article?id=Malaysia-Trade-Agreements.
Malaysia Reaffirmed Its Commitment towards a More Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive
Development at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
2022 - Press Releases - Portal, www.kln.gov.my/web/guest/-/malaysia-reaffirmed-itscommitment-towards-a-more-sustainable-resilient-and-inclusive-development-at-theunited-nations-high-level-political-forum-on-.
“IDDA3 - Introduction.” UNIDO, www.unido.org/IDDA3.