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Hero's Journey Narrative Assessment Worksheet

A Journey's End Assessment
Step 1: Type the final draft of your hero's journey narrative in the space provided. Remember, your
narrative should include:
 at least 500 words
 a hero protagonist that embodies at least three traits of an epic hero
 a hero's journey plot that contains at least four phases of the hero's journey
 an established point of view that is consistent throughout
 the use of narrative techniques to enhance the characters, conflict, and setting
 a universal theme that is developed throughout the narrative and revealed in the resolution
 proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Type your final draft here:
Final Draft
Step 2: Answer each of the following reflection questions in at least 2-3 complete sentences.
How does your protagonist embody at least three characteristics of the epic hero
archetype? Explain each.
Which four parts of the hero's journey archetype are found within your narrative?
Explain each.
What is the universal theme of your narrative? Explain how you developed this theme.
Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2023 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a
trademark of Florida Virtual School.
A Journey's End Rubric
On Target
Hero's Journey 20-16 points
 The narrative clearly
(20 points)
exhibits the hero's
journey archetype by
incorporating at least 4
of the 12 characteristics
of a hero's journey.
Epic Hero
(15 points)
15-12 points
(15 points)
15-12 points
Almost There
15-12 points
Needs Improvement
11-0 points
 The narrative mostly
 The narrative
exhibits the hero's
unsuccessfully exhibits
journey archetype by
the hero's journey
incorporating 2-3 of the
archetype. Only 1 or
12 characteristics of a
none of the 12
hero's journey.
characteristics of a
hero's journey are
11-9 points
8-0 points
 The narrative mostly
 The narrative
 The narrative clearly
exhibits the epic hero
unsuccessfully exhibits
exhibits the epic hero
archetype by
the epic hero
archetype by
incorporating 2 traits of
archetype. Only 1 or
incorporating at least 3
an epic hero.
none of the traits of an
traits of an epic hero.
epic hero are present.
11-9 points
8-0 points
 The narrative clearly
 The narrative mostly
 The narrative
follows a standard plot
follows a standard plot
unsuccessfully follows a
structure, with the
structure, but
standard plot structure.
exposition, rising
traditional elements of
Elements of the
action, climax, falling
the exposition, rising
exposition, rising
action, and resolution
action, climax, falling
action, climax, falling
each achieving their
action, and resolution
action, and resolution
may be
may be missing.
Point of View
(15 points)
15-12 points
11-9 points
8-0 points
 The narrative clearly
establishes and
maintains a consistent
point of view that
strengthens the story.
 The narrative mostly
establishes a point of
view, but it may be
inconsistent from one
section to the next.
 The narrative
establishes a point of
view, which weakens
the story.
11-9 points
8-0 points
 The narrative mostly
develops a universal
theme throughout the
 The narrative
unsuccessfully develops
a universal theme,
and/or it is not revealed
Universal Theme 15-12 points
(15 points)
 The narrative clearly
develops a universal
theme throughout the
Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2023 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a
trademark of Florida Virtual School.
narrative and reveals it
in the resolution.
(15 points)
(15 points)
narrative and reveals it
in the resolution.
in the narrative's
15-12 points
11-9 points
 Each reflection
question was clearly
reflected on and
thoroughly explained.
 Reflection questions  Reflection questions
were mostly
were vaguely
reflected on and
reflected on or
somewhat explained. missing.
11-9 points
8-0 points
15-12 points
 There are virtually no  There are a few
spelling, punctuation,
spelling, punctuation,
or grammatical errors. or grammatical errors.
8-0 points
 There are several
spelling, punctuation,
and grammatical
Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2023 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a
trademark of Florida Virtual School.