N c-3 POWER MOSFET FAILURE REVISITED* David L. Blackburn Semiconductor Electronics Division National Bureau of Standards Gaithersburg, MD 20899 exceeded some critical value, called the critical current. The failure signature (a rapid collapse of the blocking voltage capability) is identical to that for second breakdown in bipolar transistors, and therefore this failure mode is also called second breakdown in power MOSFETs. It was shown at that time that the failure of the ‘pre-1985’ devices was not related to the energy dissipated by the device during turn-off. In fact, the ‘pre1985’ devices would either fail immediately upon beginning to avalanche (and thus dissipate no energy during avalanche) or would safely turn off without failure through the entire time of avalanche breakdown. ABSTRACT The failure of power MOSFETs during avalanche breakdown is discussed. A theory is presented that relates the failure to the temperature rise of the chip during the avalanche breakdown and to a critical current for failure. It is shown that the energy that can be safely dissipated during avalanche breakdown decreases as the starting current increases or as the case temperature increases. Thus, if power MOSFETs are to be rated for their energy dissipation capability during avalanche breakdown, both the starting current and temperature must be specified as it is these two parameters that determine the failure limits and not the energy. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the applicability of the previously reported results to present-day power MOSFETs and to discuss how the failure of these devices is related to the current and energy dissipated during avalanche breakdown. A simplified theory for the thermal and electrical behavior of power MOSFETs during avalanche breakdown is presented. Experimental results of the failure of power MOSFETs as a function of energy dissipated during avalanche breakdown, current, and temperature are given. Also, some manufacturers data appearing on data sheets are used to help substantiate the results. INTRODUCTION Over the past several years, the capability of power MOSFETs to dissipate energy safely during avalanche breakdown has increased tremendously [l-31. Prior to about 1985, power MOSFETs essentially had no capability to dissipate energy during avalanche breakdown. Today, there are power MOSFETs which have ratings for single event energy dissipation during avalanche of from a few millijoules to nearly 1000 mJ, and of course, the actual capabilities exceed that. The reason for the expanded capability of power MOSFETs is primarily related to improved design of the power MOSFET cell structure. Processing and design innovations have permitted a reduction of the intrinsic resistance of the pbody (for an n-channel device) below the n-type source and have made the resistance more uniform from cell to cell. This permits an increase in the current which can flow in the p-body without activating the intrinsic bipolar transistor. BACKGROUND The rating of power transistors on the basis of their capability to dissipate energy during avalanche breakdown is not new. Bipolar power transistors have had an avalanche energy rating for many years [5]. The energy dissipation capability during avalanche breakdown for bipolar transistors has been given the symbol E , / * , to denote a ‘second breakdown energy’. A difficulty with this concept is that the relationship between the capability of most modern bipolar transistors to dissipate energy during avalanche breakdown and their failure due to second breakdown is very weak. It is accepted that the majority of bipolar transistor failures during turn-off result from second breakdown initiated by avalanche injection [6-91. The phenomenon of avalanche injection depends strongly upon current density and voltage (electric field) Research reported in 1985 [4] attributed the failure of power MOSFETs during turn-off to activation of the intrinsic bipolar transistor when the avalanche current * Contribution of the National Bureau of Standards; not subject to copyright. PESC ’88 RECORD (APRIL 1988) 68 1 CH 2523-9/88/0000-0681 $1.00 0 1988 IEEE but only weakly upon device temperature (and therefore energy dissipation). It has been demonstrated that the energy dissipated by a bipolar transistor during turn-off has very little or no effect upon its second breakdown capability [9]. As already mentioned, early research on the failure of power MOSFETs also showed their failure during turnoff to be independent of the energy dissipated during avalanche breakdown [4]. It was shown that the failure occurred at a critical value of avalanche current, that the critical current decreased with increasing temperature, and that if a device began to avalanche, it would either fail immediately or safely turn-off i.e., it would not fail during avalanche breakdown. 800 Approximate - Chip 1 7 E 8 6oo 500 > 400 z 300 Y 2 200 I \ \ . 100 0 _L I 20 40 STEADY STATE CURRENT RATING (AI Figure 1. Manufacturers’ rated avalanche breakdown energy capability versus rated current for five different chip sizes. It is important to note that most ‘pre-1985’ devices could not safely avalanche at any significant current level. Few if any devices of that time could safely avalanche at room temperature at a current as large as the the maximum steady-state, rated current level, 10. The critical avalanche current for failure of these early devices was very low so the capability of the devices to dissipate energy during avalanche (E = + L I Z )was essentially nonexistent. If the drain voltage were clamped at or below the rated drain voltage (which is always below the avalanche breakdown voltage), the device would typically turn off safely for all rated currents. failure occurred at a given temperature. The maximum power dissipatedin avalanchebreakdown ( I D XVBR,where ID is the maximum drain current and VBRis the avalanche breakdown voltage) is nearly constant for a given chip area. This is because the rated avalanche breakdown voltage, v B R ) D S , is nearly proportional to the reciprocal of the rated current, which occurs because the onstate power dissipation rating is kept constant (I‘dc = I& x RDS(OTZ) where R ~ s ( ma) V;42 [lo]) for a given chip area. Whereas the early power MOSFETs were observed never to fail during avalanche breakdown, many present day devices can fail after beginning to avalanche safely. Also, many present day devices can safely avalanche at currents considerably larger than I D . Because these devices can dissipate considerable energy during avalanche and thus may become quite hot, the question arises as to whether present day power MOSFETs fail by some mechanism that differs from that of the earlier devices. Figure 1 shows the energy rating (at I D )versus current rating for a number of devices from one manufacturer. Five different chip sizes are included. As can be seen, for a given chip size, as the rated current increases, the rated energy capability during avalanche breakdown decreases. This strongly suggests that the devices do not fail at a constant temperature, but that as the current increases, the temperature at which failure occurs decreases (as suggested by the decreasing energy rating with increasing current rating for each chip size). It is emphasized that the data in Figure 1 are derived from manufacturers’ ratings and are not the actual failure limits of the devices. It is assumed that the trends shown by the rating data agree with those shown by the actual failure data. Because energy dissipation is associated with temperature rise it is possible that devices fail during avalanche because they reach some critical failure temperature. A possible mechanism may be that some portion of the device reaches a high enough temperature for the silicon to become intrinsic or to cause some irreversible damage to the silicon or silicon-metal system. If this were the case, the temperature at which the devices fail should be independent of current or other device parameters. It will be shown later that if the chip area and maximum power are kept constant, the peak temperature rise, ATM,during avalanche breakdown can be related to the total energy dissipated, E , by: AT, No. Area lmm21 -- 700 THEORY A schematic of an n-channel power MOSFET is shown in figure 2a. The gate voltage and drain current and voltage waveforms for switching the device with an inductive load at the drain are shown in figure 2b. The portions of the waveforms of interest here are those during turnoff, after the gate voltage has gone below the threshold voltage and the drain current begins to decrease and the drain voltage to increase. Before the gate voltage falls below the threshold voltage, the drain current is conducted through the MOSFET channel. As the gate voltage is decreased, the channel is removed and the current is trans- oc @. In other words, if the chip size were kept constant (thus also keeping the maximum power nearly constant), one would expect the avalanche energy capability or rating to be independent of current capability or rating if the 682 Source metal -, roXid>Silicon gate ody the drain. Providing that the power MOSFET does not fail during the avalanche breakdown time, the total energy stored in the inductor before turn-off was initiated is dissipated in the MOSFET. This energy is given by: 1 E = - x L x It 2 HIGH RESISTIVITY DRAIN REGION n- DRAIN CONTACT REGION (n + ) a 1 I where E is the energy and 10 is the current immediately prior to the beginning of turn-off (the on-state or starting current). During the time that the current is linearly decreasing with time, the temperature of the power MOSFET chip will change. This is due to the energy that is being dissipated within the chip. The instantaneous power being dissipated, P ( t ) ,is given by: P ( t ) = i ( t ) X U' = i ( t )x VBR where i(t), the current, is decreasing linearly with time as : VBR qt) = io - x t. L VBR- VdS 0 - The total energy dissipated from the beginning of to any time t during avalanche breakdown is given by: n I l+&--- - ' I 1 1 I I Avalanche breakdown d e rt E= b Figure 2. a) Schematic of an n-channel power MOSFET. b) Gate voltage, V,, drain current, I d , and drain voltage, V,., waveformsfor switching an inductive load at the drain of the MOSFET. ferred from the channel to the drain-source diode. During the time that the drain-source voltage is rising, the drainsource diode current is composed of displacement current from the formation of a depletion region at the junction required to support the rising voltage. As the depletion region expands, the magnitude of the electric field in the depletion region increases. Eventually, the field becomes large enough to cause significant avalanche generation of carriers to occur, at which time the voltage ceases to rise and becomes constant. This is the beginning of sustaining and the drain-source diode current (and consequently all of the MOSFET current) is avalanche current sustained by the carriers generated within the depletion region. Pdt = IL(1; - i2). 2 To calculate the rise in temperature, it will be assumed that the heat flow can be described in one dimension. This is equivalent to assuming that the power is dissipated uniformly over the entire top surface and that the chip is infinitely thick (or is thick enough so that the thermal energy does not reach the bottom of the chip during the time of interest). It has been demonstrated that for the first 2 0 0 p or so of heating or cooling, onedimensional theory is valid [ll]. For the one-dimensional system, the temperature rise after some time t for a eonstant power PO is given by: In the following development of the temperature rise of the chip during avalanche breakdown, it is assumed for simplicity that both the drain supply voltage, V o o , and the energy supplied by the drain voltage supply during avalanche are small enough to be ignored. Also, the resistance of the inductor at the drain terminal is assumed to be negligible. Once avalanche has begun, the current, i, begins to decrease linearly with a time rate of decrease given by: -d i= - VBR TIME, t where VBRis the avalanche breakdown voltage (assumed to be constant here) and L is the circuit inductance at Figure 3. Approximation of power versus time during avalanche breakdown using a staircase function. dt L 683 where: 2 K = A@ 3) where A(cmZ)is the area of power generation, and p ( is the density, k( *) is the thermal conductivity, and is the thermal capacity of silicon. As described c( *) 9 deg c previously, the power, P , is not constant but is decreasing linearly with time as the current is decreasing. Because of the linearity of the thermal equations, the nonconstant power can be accounted for by using the principle of superposition [12]. Doing this, the power versus time relation is approximated by a staircase function as demonstrated in figure 3. The temperature rise can then be approximated as : m AT(t) A P o K h - 6 P n K a \ 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.9 1.0 tlt, Figure 4. Theoretical temperature rise (normalized to the maximum temperature rise) versus time in avalanche breaJcdown (normalized to total avalanche time). (2) n=l where: AT, = -P Po = Io x VBR 3 o K f i . (7) A plot of the normalized temperature rise versus the normalized time is shown in figure 4. It was previously shown experimentally that the critical avalanche current at which failure occurs for power MOSFETs is temperature dependent [4]. Failure is thought to occur when the lateral current in the base of the intrinsic bipolar transistor becomes great enough to activate the bipolar transistor. An expression for the critical current as a function of the voltage ‘required to turn on the emitterbase diode’ and of the ‘intrinsic base resistance’ is: and, Equation 2 can be written: m (3) n=l If the limit as m approaches infinity of the summation in equation 3 is taken, the equation may be written: The intrinsic base resistance increases with temperature and one would expect that the voltage required to activate the emitter-base diode to decrease with temperature. Thus the critical current decreases with increasing temperature. The temperature rise after a time t is then: Because VBE is not well defined and Ri is not a lumped resistance but is distributed in some manner, it is difficult to write an analytic, temperature-dependent expression for Icr,t in terms of known quantities. For illustration, though, if one assumes: (5) This last expression for the temperature rise can be normalized and written as: [g] 2.5 R = R(To) and where: LIO and thus: tf = VBR VBE(T) = E, is the time at which i = 0 and ATM is the maximum temperature rise, which always occurs at t = and is given by: 2, and finally that: 684 + [VBE(TO)- E g ] T-To 25 50 I I I 75 100 125 4 150 175 200 TEMPERATURE 1°C) Figure 5. Theoretical variation of critical current for fdlure with temperature. then the variation of Icer;twith T would be as shown in figure 5 . The experimental data previously reported (figure 11 of reference 4) show Icr;tversus T for several devices. with T as large Some of the devices have a variation of as shown in figure 5 here, and others have a considerably smaller decrease with temperature. The plot in figure 5 might be considered to be an upper limit of the magnitude of the decrease in Icr;twith temperature. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A variety of power MOSFETs from several manufacturers were measured. Some of the devices were rated by the manufacturer for avalanche energy capability and others were not. All of the devices though demonstrated the capability to dissipate significant energy during avalanche breakdown for currents greater than their rated 10. A test system that has been described previously was used for the measurements [13]. The devices were switched on and off with an inductive load at the drain with the drain voltage unclamped; that is, the devices were allowed to avalanche freely and all of the energy stored in the inductor was dissipated in the MOSFET during avalanche. Typically, measurements were initiated by setting the inductance and case temperature to fixed values and applying a small, single pulse of drain current to the device. The initial current was kept small enough such that the device would safely avalanche. The current was then increased by a small amount and another single pulse was applied to the device. This procedure was continued until the device experienced second breakdown during the avalanche breakdown. An oscillogram of the drain current and voltage waveforms for a safe turn-off is shown in figure 6a and the waveforms at failure for the same device (for a slightly larger value of current) are shown in figure 6b. In the following, the energy discussed is the energy dissipated during avalanche for the safe turn-off at a starting current (IO)slightly less than the starting current for which the device experienced second breakdown. That is, the energy is the maximum energy the device can safely dissipate during avalanche breakdown with the given inductor and case Figure 6. a) Drain voltage and drain current waveforms for a device during "sde" avalanche breakdown. b) Waveforms for the same device but for a slightlylarger current. Second breakdown has occurred at the point the waveforms seem to disappear. temperature. Two currents can be distinguished in the breakdown event, one being the current at which the device begins to avalanche (lo)and that at which the device fails ( i ~ ) . As will be discussed later, because the current is increased only a small amount each time, when failure occurs, it is almost always true that iF x ; l o . A schematic of the circuit used to test the devices is shown in figure 7. This circuit has been discussed in detail previously [13]. It had been found previously that the circuit can nondestructively test bipolar transistors under nearly all realistic operating conditions [9,13] and MOSFETs under conditions for which the devices do not avalanche [4]. Nondestructive is defined to mean that no observable changes in the drain-source leakage current (measured at approximately 95% of VBR)occur after the device experiences second breakdown. The circuit was not successful in nondestructively testing all of the devices studied in this work. Approximately 50% of the devices tested experienced no degradation after second breakdown and the other 50% were either degraded or failed totally after one second breakdown event. The reason for the higher failure/degradation rate is probably that the devices undergo a significant rise in temperature during avalanche 685 Io.lpoo"~ I CLAMP SUPPLY (,,, I I p" , - 7.5 - 7.0 SHUNT PROTECTION 0.1 0.2 GATEDRIVE 0.3 0.4 - 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 INDVCTANCE (mHl 1.0 1.1 1.2 I I 30 - Figure 7. Schematic of circuit used to test devices. breakdown, and although they are not degraded prior to second breakdown (see next paragraph), the localized temperature, at a small area of the device, rises much higher after the occurrence of second breakdown. The devices are apparently degraded at the higher temperature. Perhaps the devices could be tested without degradationif all of the current could be removed from the device more rapidly after the onset of second breakdown. The circuit used here removes the current in less than 30m. If avalanche does not occur, the starting temperature at the onset of second breakdown is lower, and the current can be removed from the device before its temperature becomes high enough to degrade the device. Because devices were often degraded after experiencing second breakdown, measurements were made to determine if degradation to the device might have occurred prior to second breakdown; that is, to see if the temperature rise during the 'safe' turn-off shown in figure 6a degraded the device. Degradation was defined as above. It was found that no degradation occurred (that is, the drain-source leakage current did not change) unless second breakdown actually occurred. The devices were found not to degrade during safe avalanche. 28 - - 26 --2> 2242 g 20 Y 18 16 : 5 14 - 5 12- 7.0 6.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 AVALANCHE CURRENT ( A ) Figure 8. a) Maximum energy that can be safely dissipated during avalanche breakdown and the maximum current that is being turned off, Io, versus inductance for two devices. b) A re-plot of the data as energy versus maximum current. - 1 70 60 - -I 12 7 E 50 - & 40 - w 30 - The measured energy dissipated during turn-off immediately prior to failure versus the magnitude of the inductance at the drain is plotted in figure 8 for two generic IRF 510 devices. These are typical results for the devices measured in that, as the magnitude of the inductance is decreased, the energy that can be safely dissipated prior to failure is also decreased. Also plotted in figure 8 is the maximum current (IO)versus inductor size for the same devices (the energy dissipated is f L I i ) . Again these are typical results in that the maximum current increases as the inductor size decreases. The data from figure 8a are replotted in figure 8b as maximum current, IO,versus energy. From figure 8b, it can be seen that as Io is increased, the energy that can be safely dissipated during avalanche is decreased. A plot of the energy dissipated immediately prior to 8 5 20 - 2 10 - 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TEMPERATURE ('Cl 100 110 120 130 Figure 9. Maximum energy that can be safely dissipated during avalanche breakdown and the maximum current that is being turned off versus case temperature. failure versus case temperature for a given inductor size is shown in figure 9 for two other generic IRF 510 devices. As above, the results are typical in that the energy is observed to decrease as the case temperature increases. The maximum current versus case temperature for the devices is also shown. Again, these are typical data. ‘ 1 DISCUSSION Safe turn-off Failure The approach of the power MOSFET to failure as proposed here can be explained with the aid of figure 10 which is a composite of plots similar to those in figures 4 and 5 . In figure 10 are plotted the actual device current, the temperature, and the critical current for failure versus time during avalanche breakdown. The curves are plotted for two slightly different values of starting current, IO.The value of the critical current decreases as the temperature increases and then increases as the temperature begins to decrease during the avalanche breakdown. For the lower value of Io, the critical current is always greater than the actual device current and the device will turn off safely. For the slightlylarger value of starting current, the critical current equals the actual current near to the time that i = ;lo. The device will fail at this point. This also demonstrates why it is usually found that devices fail when i x fro. It is at this point that the temperature is the highest and the critical current therefore the smallest. Of course, if 10 is increased even more, failure would occur for i > :Io and i approaches lo as lo is increased even further. -\ TIME Figure 10. Theoretical plot of the actual current, critical current for failure, and temperature rise during avalanche breakdown for two slightly different starting currents, lo. For the solid line case, the device turns off sdely. For the dashed line, the device will fail when the critical current equals the actual device current. Manufacturers typically rate the avalanche energy capability of their devices for a current equal to the steadystate maximum allowed current, ID. To vary the energy dissipation during avalanche at a given current, the magnitude of the inductance must be varied. In this work, though, for a given test, the magnitude of the inductance was kept constant and the current slowly increased. It has been found that devices that are rated for avalanche energy capability will usually avalanche safely at currents in excess of the rated steady-state current. The results shown in figure 8 indicate that if the current being turned off (IO) is in excess of the rated steady-state current, the avalanche energy capability must be de-rated below that allowed at ID. If the current is less than ID, more energy can be dissipated. The above can be explained from the analysis of the temperature rise during avalanche breakdown and figure 11. Figure 11 shows the current and temperature rise for two different inductance values, L and fL.It is assumed that the device fails for inductance L at a starting current Io(L) (and therefore fails at i fIo(L)). If the inductance is decreased to ;L, then the device will not fail for starting current & ( L )because the temperature will always be less at each current than for inductance L. Thus, the device will not fail until the starting current is increased to a current greater than Io(L).In figure 11, the starting current is increased to IO(f L). The energy dissipated for the smaller inductance and higher current though is less than for inductance L. From equation 7, it can easily be shown that: ATM a (8) TIME Figure 11. Theoretical plot of current and temperature for two different inductances. For inductance L and starting current Io(L), (solid lines) the device fails at current fIo(L). For inductance equal to $, the device does not fail for starting current equal to IO (dashed lines). The starting current must be increased to Io( $) (dotted lines) for failure to occur for inductance t. creased, PO is larger for the smaller inductance. Thus from equation 8, the energy dissipated safely during avalanche breakdown must be less for the smaller inductance compared to that for the larger inductance. The avalanche breakdown energy dissipation capability of a device is not a constant but depends upon the magnitude of the current that is being turned off. Both the critical current and the energy that can be dissipated safely during avalanche decrease as the case temperature increases, as shown in figure 9. Some manufacturers’ data sheets have curves of the avalanche energy rating versus case temperature. An example of such a curve is versus T. The linear shown in figure 12 plotted as relationship between and T suggests that the curves Because the device fails at a higher current for the smaller inductance, the temperature rise at failure(ATM) must be less for the smaller inductance (critical current decreases with temperature). Because the maximum current is in- a 687 REFERENCES 1. M. Glogolja, “Ruggedness Test Claims Demand Another Careful Look,” Powertechnics Magazine, pp 2328, July 1986. 2. P. J . Carlson, “The Unclamped Inductive Switching Test - A Closer Look at Power MOSFET Ruggedness,” PowertechnicsMagazine, pp 32-33, August 1986. 3. K. Gauen, “Specifying Power MOSFET Avalanche Stress Capability,’’ Powertechnics Magazine, pp 3438, January, 1987. CASE TEMPERATURE P C ) Figure 12. Plot of square root of manufacturers’ rated avalanche breakdown energy dissipation capability versus case temperature. The linear relationship suggests that the device is rated to fail or to be limited by a constant chip temperature - 150 deg C in this case. 4. D. L. Blackburn, “Turn-off Failure of Power MOSFETs”, PESC ’85 Record, Proc. 1985 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, pp 429-435, June 1985. (Also reprinted in IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. PE-2, No. 2, pp 136-142, April, 1987.) for the data sheet are drawn for conditions where the chip reaches a constant temperature independent of the case temperature. This can be seen by applying equation (8) where Po is constant (because the manufacturers’ ratings are for the constant steady-state current rating). Similar results would be obtained for the device failing at either a constant temperature or at a critical current which depends upon temperature. This is because the manufacturers’ curves are generated for a constant starting current, (Ib= Io),and thus failure would also occur at a constant current ( i N~310)and a constant temperature (TM), independent of case temperature. 5. JEDEC Suggested Standard No. 10, Low Frequency Power Transistors, January 1976. (Available from the Electronic Industries Association, 2001 Eye Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20006.) 6. P. L. Hower and V. G. K. Reddi, “Avalanche Injection and Second Breakdown in Transistors,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-17,pp 320-335, April 1970. 7. S. Krishna and P. L. Hower, “Second Breakdown of Transistors During Inductive Turn-off,” Proc. IEEE 61, pp 393-394, March 1973. CONCLUSIONS Many state-of-the-art power MOSFETs can have substantial capability to dissipate energy during avalanche breakdown. Although ratings are presently based only upon avalanche at the steady-state current rating, 10,the energy that power MOSFETs can dissipate during avalanche breakdown depends upon the starting current. The energy dissipation capability decreases as the current increases. The energy that can be safely dissipated during avalanche also decreases with increasing case temperature. According to the theory presented, power MOSFETs fail at a critical current that decreases as the chip temperature increases. If power MOSFETs are to be rated for their avalanche breakdown energy capability, the rating must include the starting current and the case temperature conditions, as it is these two parameters that actually determine the failure limits and not the energy. A more realistic avalanche rating approach would be to eliminate energy as a variable and replace it with limits on the starting current, case temperature, and drain inductance, all variables over which the circuit designer has some control. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author thanks Dr. A. R. Hefner, Jr., for his contributions to this manuscript and Ms. J. Walters for her assistance in preparing the manuscript for publication. 688 8. B. A. Beatty, S. Krishna, and M. A. Adler, “Second Breakdown in Power Transistors Due to Avalanche Injection,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-23, pp 851-857, August 1976. 9. D. L. Blackburn and D. W. Berning, “An Experimental Study of Reverse-Bias Second Breakdown,” 1980 IEDM Tech. Digest, 1980 IEEE Int. Electron Devices Meeting, pp 297-301, December 1980. 10. B. J. Baliga, Modern Power Devices, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1987, p 295. 11. D. L. Blackburn and F. F. Oettinger, “Transient Thermal Response Measurements of Power Transistors,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. Contr. Instrum., IECI22, pp 134-141, May 1975. 12. F. W. Gutzwiller and T. P. Sylvan, “Power Semiconductor Ratings Under Transient and Intermittent Loads,” AIEE Transactions, Part I, Communications and Electronics, pp 699-706, January 1961. 13. D. W. Berning, “Semiconductor Measurement Technology: A Reverse-Bias Transistor Safe Operating Area Tester,’’ NBS Special Publication 400-54, April 1979.