CURRICULUM OVERVIEW 2021/2022 (Term 1) Grade: 10 Subject: Add. Mathematics Date Week 01 – 03/09/21 Week 1 06 – 10/09/21 13 - 17/09/21 20 - 24/09/21 Week 2 Teacher: Ms Azura Lokman Topics / LO Baseline test for all the subjects (during the normal sessions) – Teachers to prepare the baseline papers and to be conducted via the school portal. Results to be uploaded into Alma. CHAPTER 1: FUNCTIONS (Part 1) Introduction: types of function Inverse function Week 3 CHAPTER 1: FUNCTIONS (Part 2) Week 4 CHAPTER 2: QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS (Part 1) Composition of functions The modulus functions Maximum and minimum values The quadratic formula 1st PTM 25/09/2021 Week 5 CHAPTER 2: QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS (Part 2) Week 6 CHAPTER 3: EQUATIONS, INEQUALITIES AND GRAPHS (Part 1) Week 7 CHAPTER 3: EQUATIONS, INEQUALITIES AND GRAPHS (Part 2) Week 8 CHAPTER 3: EQUATIONS, INEQUALITIES AND GRAPHS (Part 3) 18 - 22/10/21 Week 9 CHAPTER 4: INDICES AND SURDS (Part 1) 25- 29/10/21 Week 10 CHAPTER 4: INDICES AND SURDS (Part 2) 1-2/11/2021 27/09 1/10/21 04 - 08/10/21 11 - 15/10/21 The intersection of a line and a curve Using quadratic equations to solve problems Modulus functions and graphs Solving modulus equations Solving modulus inequalities Using substitution to solve quadratic equations Using graphs to solve cubic inequalities Indices Surds 03-5/11/2021 08-12/11/2021 15-19/11/2021 22-26/11/2021 29/1103/12/2021 Week 10 Mid of Term 1 Break Week 11 CHAPTER 5: FACTORS OF POLYNOMIALS (Part 1) Week 12 CHAPTER 5: FACTORS OF POLYNOMIALS (Part 2) Week 13 CHAPTER 6: SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS (Part 1) Week 14 CHAPTER 6: SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS (Part 2) Multiplication and division of polynomials Solving cubic equations Finding factors and the factor theorem The remainder theorem Solving linear simultaneous equations Solving non-linear simultaneous equations 06-10/12/2021 Week 15 Revision Week 13-17/12/2021 Week 16 End of Term 1 Assessment 20-22/12/2021 Week 17 Subjects’ teachers to prepare educational activities during this period (After Exams) 23-24/12/2021 Week 17 Preparations for the Report cards and PTM 2731/12/2022 Week 18 End of Term 1 Break PTM (Term1) 08/01/2022