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Taking Money From Suckers Strategy: Trading Guide

Step by Step guide on how you can
make money by going against the
retail traders.
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I am not a licensed broker, and I do not have a degree in finance or statistics.
All of my information in this book comes from my experience.
I, Somesh, use these strategies to give myself a day trading edge.
I am not responsible for any risk you take trading options or long-term investing using my
strategies. I highly encourage non-experienced traders to NOT participate in options trading
until they have educated themselves.
All examples in this book are screenshots from my phone/computer and are 100% authentic.
I do NOT give any business or anyone permission to sell my booklet or distribute it.
Limit of Liability/ Disclaimer of Warranty: While the author has used their best efforts in
preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties concerning the accuracy or
completeness of the contents of this book and expressly disclaim any implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended
by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained
herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where
appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other
commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other
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A little about me first
Hi. My name is Somesh.
Thanks for reading my Step-by-Step guide on how you can make money
by going against the retail traders. I help traders, ambitious people and
anyone who isn’t getting the results they’d like from trading.
I started trading almost 6 years ago from my little bedroom and failed
miserably. I didn’t have a single profitable month for first 14 months. My
family thought I was a nut job for even trying. “Stop dreaming” they said.
“Get a normal job” they pleaded. But I refused to give up. I tried taking
courses and reading books and listening to podcasts and 1 on 1
mentoring, but nothing worked. I just lost money. Then I discovered few
patterns in the stock market that were always in front of me. I didn’t
believe the secret to being a profitable trader could be so straightforward
and simple. But fast forward to today, and I’ve made over $6.8 Million
Dollars from trading & investing.
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It’s my mission in life to HELP PEOPLE MAKE MONEY. I want no one to go
through the pain that I went through to become successful. So, every day,
I help traders, ambitious people and anyone who aren’t scaling as fast as
they’d like so we can get their trading and skillset and income to next
In this booklet you are going to learn
A strategy that can literally help you in removing money from other trader’s
hands and put in your trading account. By now you should know that trading is
a zero-sum game, which means in order for you to make money someone has
to lose the money.
Armed with this intel you are going to be able to make some serious cash in
the stock market and over time this will become one of your best trading
setups of all time. You will be able to take the trades with full confidence and a
large percentage of those trades will not only just work but also will grow your
trading account.
And the best part of this strategy is that it clearly defines your risk, so you can
size according to how comfortable you feel for the day. Typically, from my
experience, your risk to reward on this setup will be at least 3 or 4 to 1, which
mean every $1 in risk has the potential to make $3 or $4 for you.
How I discovered this strategy
When I first started, I was a broke immigrant kid (18 year old), trying to learn
how to day trade but had no luck. I used to see other traders posting their
profits on Instagram or other platforms and I always wished that there was a
magic trick that I could use in the stock market to make money. I used to say to
myself looking in the sky (trying to talk to God) I am a good guy, I work hard,
and God should help me a little, I don’t know why he wouldn’t look after me.
I know it’s funny.
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And so, in many-many years of studying psychology, trading and all this
different stuff there was one strategy that I learned on my journey that stood
head and shoulders above the rest. It’s a strategy I taught to my private clients,
a strategy that I use all the time that just worked better. It worked on $SPY. It
worked on $AAPL. It worked on $AMZN. It just freaking worked.
The way I learned this strategy was once I was out with bunch of my buddies
and they all work for prop firms and banks and some how we started talking
about retail traders. Mind me not, there was only one retail trader among all of
them which was me. So, they started talking about how they trap all the retail
traders and then make move against them. They all laughed while I was
literally looking at their faces like the odd one out.
That was me that night just the odd one out. I am sitting there and thinking to
myself that I have to learn what this strategy is right freaking now.
Then eventually he told me and now I have taught this to hundreds of traders
like you and it worked so well for all of us that now we call it Taking Money
Away From Suckers Strategy.
If you struggle with finding what to trade
or even if you can find what to trade but you see your trades not working or
you are losing money one day and next day you are making some back and
have no consistency
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Then this is going to be one of the most important strategy you will ever learn
in your life.
The traders who do not know how to take money away from suckers strategy
will continue to get caught in traps set by people who know how to take
money away from suckers strategy possibly for rest of their trading careers.
The traders who know how to take money away from suckers strategy will
spend less time in front of their charts/screens, will know what they should
trade and when they should trade. They will get richer because their hit rate
with this strategy will be so much higher.
So, here’s what the strategy is
you open your charting platform for the day at 9 AM EST. The first thing you
see is if we have any gap ups or gap downs on the day.
If we have a Gap up, you buy puts the moment it breaks the premarket high
and fails.
If we have a Gap down, you buy calls the moment it breaks the premarket lows
and reclaims.
Let’s break this down.
Try to understand the Psychology here.
What happens when we Gap Up? A lot of retail traders are thinking to go long
on the stock and one of the strategies they all use is Buying calls at the break of
premarket high.
Now I want you to think about it, people who got in shares when market was
about to close yesterday and,
Today after we have gapped up, what are they going to do? They are going to
take profits.
Right? Right.
So, when do you think is the perfect time for them to start selling? When
there is some buying happening because sellers need buyers to sell to.
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Where do retail traders buy? They buy as soon as the premarket high breaks.
Where do smart money sells? They sell to the suckers or the moment the
premarket high breaks.
Where is retail trader’s stop loss? A new low of the day
What happens when someone’s stop loss gets triggered? More selling
pressure as in order to close a long position you have to sell your position
which creates a synthetic supply and price rushes lower.
Which results in a big move down.
But as soon as the premarket high failed you entered puts. Basically, you took
a move against the retail traders and now you are profiting from their losses.
What happens when we Gap down? A lot of retail traders are thinking to go
short on the stock and one of the strategies they all use is Buying puts at the
break of premarket lows.
Now I want you to think about it, people who shorted shares when market was
about to close yesterday and,
Today after we have gapped down, what are they going to do? They are going
to take profits.
Right? Right.
So, when do you think is the perfect time for them to start closing their
position? When there is some selling happening. Because they have to buy
back their shares now.
Where do retail traders short? They short as soon as the premarket low
Where do smart money buys? They buy and dump their position on to the
suckers or the moment the premarket low breaks.
Where is retail trader’s stop loss? A new high of the day
What happens when someone’s stop loss gets triggered? More buying
pressure as in order to close a short position you have to buy back your
position which creates a synthetic demand and price pushes higher.
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Which results in a big move high.
But as soon as the premarket low failed you entered calls.
Basically, you took a move against the retail traders and now you are profiting
from their losses.
Now let me show some examples and a
step by step guide on using this.
How to Enter puts on a Gap up Day
Step 1: We want to make sure we have a gap up on a 5 min chart. When I say
gap, I mean from where the after-hour market closed to where the pre-market
open, there should be a gap.
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Step 2: The last 5-minute pre-market candle should be making a new-highs* in
the pre-market.
(*This step is not mandatory, but we want to see a green candle as last 5minute candle for the premarket)
Just by having this, the win rate of this strategy goes up significantly.
Step 3: Now you have marked the pre-market high, don’t go short as soon as it
breaks, rather wait for the market to break above and then let the bids and ask
fall below the pre-market level and that is where it will trigger your entry, with
a stop loss as a new high of the day.
You take profit where you feel comfortable. In this example the risk was $0.40
whereas the reward was over $4. That means for every $1 risk you take; you
could have made $10.
Imagine risking $100 and making $1000. 😊
How to enter calls on a Gap Down day
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Step 1: We want to make sure we have a gap down on a 5 min chart. When I
say gap, I mean from where the after-hour market closed to where the premarket open, there should be a gap.
Step 2: The last 5-minute pre-market candle should be making a new-lows* in
the pre-market.
(*This step is not mandatory, but we want to see a red candle as last 5-minute
candle for the premarket)
Just by having this, the win rate of this strategy goes up significantly.
Step 3: Now you have marked the pre-market low, don’t go long as soon as it
breaks, rather wait for the market to break down and then let the bids and ask
to get above the pre-market level and that is where it will trigger your entry,
with a stop loss as a new low of the day.
You take profit where you feel comfortable.
Let me show you a few examples
1. SPY on Oct 18, 2022 – worked beautifully
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2. SPY on Oct 17, 2022 – never triggered our entry for puts as it never failed at
the premarket highs. This is where we will use other strategies so we can profit
from that move higher.
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3. AMZN on Nov 15. 2022 – Worked so great.
I think this strategy is good regardless how much money you have in your
trading account.
If you learn how to use this strategy properly, you will think of me every time
you will drive your Lambo. :D
This is the screenshot from my journalling platform show casing what this
strategy has done for me.
Stats till June 2023
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Enough about me, here is Aldo who struggled with trading until he started
using this strategy.
Here is Chetan who is just in love with this…
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Here are some other students flexing their PnL’s in the chat :D
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If you liked the how to take money away from suckers’
strategy and you want to learn more of my strategies and
frameworks that I use every single day, go to my Instagram
@kaycapitals and send me a message with the keyword
“MENTOR” in order to get backdoor access to something
brand-new I am working on from months but you have to
promise me to keep it a secret.
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